Greta Gris

Greta Gris, serie 2016 - se via Stream och Play

Streama serien Greta Gris (2016-). Med John Sparkes, Lily Snowden-Fine och Morwenna Banks. Streama med Disney+, Netflix, TV4 Play+ och Viaplay.

Tecknad barnserie om Greta Gris, en gullig och uppnosig liten gris som bor tillsammans med sin yngre bror Georg, Mamma Gris och Pappa Gris. Greta gillar att lösa mysterier, klä ut sig, upptäcka nya platser och träffa nya vänner. Men det absolut bästa hon vet är att hoppa i leriga vattenpölar!



Greta Gris trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Lerpölar

Greta och Georg är ute och leker en av sina favoritlekar - hoppa i leriga pölar! När mamma och pappa gris är med så blir det verkligen lerigt.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Herr Dinosaur är borta

Herr Dinosaur, Georgs favoritleksak, kommer bort.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Bästa vänner

Gretas bästa vän, Lena Lamm, kommer över för att leka.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Papegojan Polly

Greta och Georg åker hem till Mormor och Morfar Gris och träffar deras nya papegoja, Polly.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Kurragömma

Greta och Georg leker kurragömma.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Gå på dagis

Georg ska med till Gretas dagis, men hon vill inte att han ska komma med dit.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Mamma jobbar

Mamma är upptagen med att arbeta på sin dator men hon tar en paus för att låta Greta och Georg spela "Happy Mrs. Chicken" på datorn, men de då kraschar den.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Kasta boll

Georg har svårt att fånga bollar så mamma föreslår att de leker ”Kasta boll” så att han ska bli bättre på att fånga bollar.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Pappa tappar bort sina glasögon

Pappa tappar bort sina glasögonen och han är helt hjälplös utan dem. Greta och Georg hjälper honom att leta efter dem.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Trädgårdsarbete

Greta och Georg hjälper morfar i trädgården. Greta och de andra planterar en jordgubbsplanta, men det tar lång tid för fröet att växa.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Hicka

Georg äter sin frukost för snabbt och får hicka. Greta försöker då bota hans hicka, på sitt speciella sätt.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Cykla utan stödhjul

Greta Gris och Georg ger sig ut och cyklar då det är en perfekt dag för att cykla. Pappa Gris, han beundrar sin prisbelönta pumpa.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Hemligheter

Greta får en låda av Mamma Gris i vilken hon kan ha sina hemligheter.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Flyga drake

Greta Gris är ute och flyger med sin drake.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Picknick

Greta Gris och hennes familj är på picknick.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Musikinstrument

Mamma och Pappa Gris hittar en gammal låda på vinden som är full av musikinstrument.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Grodor, maskar och fjärilar

Greta och Georg leker i Morfar Pigs trädgård. Greta låtsas att hon är en fjäril.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Klä ut sig

Greta och Georg klär ut sig i mammas och pappas kläder.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Nya skor

Greta blir ledsen när hon tappar bort sina skor.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Skolfesten

Greta och hennes familj går på skolfest. Greta och Georg får sina ansikten målade.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Mammas födelsedag

Mamma Gris firar sin födelsedag med sin familj. Greta, Georg och Pappa Gris ordnar mamma en underbar överraskning.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Tandfen

När Greta tappar en tand så berättar mamma att tandfeen kommer att ta tanden och lämna ett glänsande mynt på dess plats.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Den nya bilen

Greta och hennes familj är ute och åker med bilen när den plötslig går sönder.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 Skattjakten

Mormor och Morfar Gris fixar en skattjakt i trädgården för Greta och Georg.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Inte riktigt frisk

Greta mår inte bra och hon har röda fläckar över hela ansiktet. Dr Brun Björn kommer och tittar på hennes utslag.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 Snö

Greta och Georg är ute och leker i snön.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 Vindtornet

Greta och hennes familj åker till Vindtornet, och när de kommer dit ser de Mormor och Morfars Gris hus.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 Kusin Caroline

Gretas äldre kusin Caroline kommer på besök, och Greta är tvungen att leka efter någon annans regler som omväxling.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 Pannkakor

Mamma Gris gör pannkakor till alla. Georg och Greta slukar i sig pannkakorna högljutt. Pappa Gris tycker att han är lite expert på att flippa pannkakor. Men är han det?

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 30
Avsnitt 30 Barnvakt

Mamma och Pappa Gris går ut på kvällen och Mormor och Morfar Gris sitter barnvakt åt ivriga Greta och Georg.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Balettkurs

Greta är glad över sin allra första balettlektion och vill lära Mamma Gris, Pappa Gris och Georg hur man dansar.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32 Åskväder

Greta och Georg blir överraskade av ett åskväder när dom leker i trädgården.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 33
Avsnitt 33 Tvätta bilen

Pappa Gris ska ta familjen på en biltur, men bilen är väldigt smutsig. Mamma Gris tycker att dom ska tvätta bilen först. Greta och Georg hjälper till men det blir till ett verkligt kladdigt jobb.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 34
Avsnitt 34 Lunch

Greta Gris och familjen åker till Mormor och Morfar Gris på lunch. Morfar har plockat lite grönsaker som mormor gjort en sallad av.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 Kampa

Greta och familjen ska kampa men dom inser snabbt att tältet är alldeles för litet för dom.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Den sömniga prinsessan

Det är läggdags men Greta är inte sömnig, så Pappa Gris berättar en saga om en vacker prinsessa och en dinosaurie för Greta och Georg.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 37
Avsnitt 37 Trädkojan

Morfar Gris har en överraskning för Greta och Georg - en fin trädkoja i hans trädgård.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 38
Avsnitt 38 Maskeradparty

Greta och Georg har ett elegant maskeradparty där dom bjudit in alla deras vänner.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 39
Avsnitt 39 Museum

Greta och hennes familj besöker museet. Greta gillar Kungar och Drottningar-avdelningen, medan Georges favorit är dinosaurie-avdelningen.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 En varm och solig dag

Idag är en mycket varm och solig dag. Greta och Georg vill hoppa i leriga pölar men dom har torkat ut. Mamma Gris föreslår att de plaskar i plaskdammen istället.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 41
Avsnitt 41 Carolines dockteater

Greta och hennes familj besöker kusinen Caroline Gris som satt upp en dockteater.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 42
Avsnitt 42 Pappa tränar

Pappa Gris älskar att sitta och titta på tv men Greta Gris tycker att han behöver börja träna eftersom magen ser lite stor ut. Greta ger honom massor av övningar att göra så han är helt slut när dagen är över.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 43
Avsnitt 43 Städa

Greta och Georg får höra att dom måste städa deras rum för att det är så stökigt.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 44
Avsnitt 44 Lekparken

Greta och Georg går till lekparken, Gretas kompisar är också där.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 45
Avsnitt 45 Pappa spikar upp en tavla

Pappa Gris ska sätta upp en tavla på Greta och Georg på väggen.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 46
Avsnitt 46 På badstranden

Greta och hennes familj går till badstranden och där gör dom en massa kul saker.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 47
Avsnitt 47 Herr Spinkben

Georg upptäcker en spindel i handfatet i badrummet.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 48
Avsnitt 48 Morfar Gris båt

Greta och Georg åker på en tripp i Morfars Gris båt.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 49
Avsnitt 49 Handla mat

Greta och hennes familj går till affären för handla mat - och kanske godis.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 50
Avsnitt 50 Gretas födelsedag

Idag är det Gretas födelsedag och hon vaknar riktigt tidigt så hon inte ska missa något under dagen.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 51
Avsnitt 51 Pappas filmkamera

Pappa Gris skaffar sig en filmkamera, men han svårt att hantera den.

Greta Gris säsong 1 avsnitt 52
Avsnitt 52 Skolpjäsen

Greta och hennes vänner är med i en skolpjäs.

Säsong 2

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Bubblor

Georg blåser såpbubblor som Greta poppar.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Emilia Elefant

Det är en ny elev i Gretas klass som heter Emilia Elefant

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Pollys semester

Mormor och Morfars pippi kommer på besök men hon rymmer.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Teddys utflykt

Familjen Gris har picknick, och där möter dom även familjen Zebra. Greta han är även med sig sin nalle till picknicken.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Mysterier

Inspirerad av deras favorit-tv-program vill Greta och Georg också vara kända detektiver. Pappa gris ger dem ett mysterium att lösa.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Georgs kompis

Georg träffar Karin Kanins lillebror som är lika gammal som han.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Herr Fågelskrämma

Greta och Georg hjälper morfar att sätta upp en fågelskrämma för att skrämma bort fåglarna som äter upp alla frön.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 En blåsig höstdag

Idag är det blåsigt och kallt så familjen Gris har mössa på sig till parken.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Tidskapseln

Fröken Gasell visar Greta och hennes skolkamrater hur man gör en tidskapsel.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Hällkar

Greta och Georg är vid stranden med mormor och morfar Gris.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Återvinning

Mamma Gris lär Greta och Georg hur återvinning fungerar.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Båtdammen

Greta, hennes familj och hennes vänner är och leker med sina båtar vid båtdammen.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Trafikstockning

Greta och hennes familj är bjudna på lunch hos mormor och morfar. På vägen dit fastnar dom i en trafikstockning

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Läggdags

Det är strax dags att gå och lägga sig. Greta och Georg är ute och leker när dom ropas in för att bada.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Idrottsdag

Det är idrottsdag på Gretas dagis och dom ska göra massa olika grenar.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Synundersökning

Greta tycker att hon behöver glasögon så mamma tar henne till optikern.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Farfar Hunds verkstad

Pappa Gris får bensinstopp men Farfar Hunds verkstad ligger inte långt bort. Så ett samtal senare så är Farfar Hund på väg med hjälp.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Dimmig dag

Greta och hennes familj är på lekplatsen när det helt plötsligt blir dimmigt.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Loppmarknad

Gretas dagis har en loppmarknad.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Simning

Greta och hennes familj är vid simbassängen.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Småkryp

Greta och Georg leker i Morfar Gris trädgård och där hittar dom en liten snigel.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Pappa Gris kontor

Greta och Georg är på pappas kontor och där möter dom hans kollegor.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Piratön

Mormor och Morfar Gris tar Greta, Georg och alla deras vänner till Piratön.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 Georg blir förkyld

Georg blir förkyld efter han varit ute och lekt i regnet.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Ballongfärden

Greta och hennes familj är på skolfestivalen där det lottas ut en ballongfärd.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 Georgs födelsedag

Idag är det Georgs födelsedag och Mamma och Pappa Gris har ordnat en speciell dag för honom.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 Det lång gräset

Greta och Georgs boll försvinner i det långa gräset.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 Sonja Zebra, brevbärarens dotter

Sonja Zebra levererar ett väldigt speciellt brev till Greta och Georg.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 Målning

Greta, Georg och Pappa Gris är i trädgården och målar en tavla.

Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 30
Avsnitt 30
Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31
Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32
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Avsnitt 33
Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 34
Avsnitt 34
Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35
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Avsnitt 36
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Avsnitt 37
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Avsnitt 38
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Avsnitt 39
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Avsnitt 40
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Avsnitt 41
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Avsnitt 42
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Avsnitt 43
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Avsnitt 44
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Avsnitt 45
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Avsnitt 46
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Avsnitt 47
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Avsnitt 48
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Avsnitt 49
Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 50
Avsnitt 50
Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 51
Avsnitt 51
Greta Gris säsong 2 avsnitt 52
Avsnitt 52

Säsong 3

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Work and Play

When Peppa and Suzy learn that grown ups must work all day, they decide to play at working in a shop. But they quickly find it is very tiring!

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Rainbow

Peppa and her family spot a rainbow when they go for a drive.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Pedro's Cough

Pedro gets a cough at playschool and the other children soon catch it.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 The Library

Daddy Pig has a book from the library that he has kept for too long. The family go to the library to return it and find more books to read.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 The Camper Van

Peppa and her family go on holiday in a special van.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Camping Holiday

Peppa and her family are on holiday in their special camper van. They decide to go to Duck Land, a park where they can see the ducks in the river.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Compost

The cheeky piglet and her brother George discover how worms in Grandpa's compost heap transform vegetable peelings into fertiliser to help Granny's plants grow strong.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Richard Rabbit Comes to Play

Richard Rabbit comes to play with George, while Suzy Sheep plays with Peppa. They all end up jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Fun Run

Daddy Pig finds it hard work when he runs a race to raise money for the school roof. It is far easier to run when a wasp is chasing him.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Washing

Daddy Pig hangs his clean football shirt out to dry, but Peppa, George and Mummy splash it with mud.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Polly's Boat Trip

Peppa and George go on a boat trip with Grandpa Pig, but they must send Polly Parrot for help when their boat runs aground.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Delphine Donkey

Peppa teaches her French friend Delphine a song when she comes to stay.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 The Fire Engine

Peppa and George go to the fire station to see Miss Rabbit's fire engine.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Princess Peppa

Granny and Grandpa Pig come for a dinner party with Mummy and Daddy Pig. Peppa and George are too tired to go to bed, until they are told a story.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Teddy Playgroup

Peppa brings home a teddy from playgroup to look after, but she is worried that he will not have a very exciting time.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Danny's Pirate Party

It is Danny Dog's birthday, and with the help of Grandad Dog and Grandpa Pig the children take part in a pirate treasure hunt.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Mr Potato Comes To Town

All the people in Peppa's town are excited to meet Mr Potato when he comes to open a new sports centre.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 The Train Ride

Madame Gazelle takes Peppa and her friends on a train ride, where they must tick off what they see on their activity sheets.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Granny Pig's Chickens

Granny Pig shows Peppa and George her poultry. Elsewhere, something has been eating Grandpa Pig's lettuces.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Talent Day

It is Talent Day at Peppa's playgroup. Madame Gazelle wants everyone to show the class their special talent.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 A Trip To The Moon

Peppa's family go to the museum's moon exhibition with George's friend Edmond Elephant.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Grandpa At The Playground

Grandpa Pig takes Peppa and George to the playground, but does not understand the children's rules.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Goldie The Fish

Goldie the fish does not look happy and is not eating her food, so Peppa, George and Mummy Pig take her on a bus trip to visit Dr Hamster the vet.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 Funfair

Peppa and her family go to a funfair, but Mummy Pig is told she will not be able to win prizes in any of the competitions.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Numbers

Peppa and her friends learn how to count by playing games at Madame Gazelle's playschool.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 Digging Up The Road

Peppa and her family are trying to get to the playground, but Mr Bull's roadworks are in the way.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 Freddy Fox

Peppa and her friends are playing hide and seek, but it is Freddy Fox with his super smelling nose who is the best at playing that game.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 Whistling

Peppa tries to learn how to whistle after she realises that seemingly everyone but her can do it.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 Doctor Hamster's Tortoise

Doctor Hamster the vet comes to Peppa's playgroup to show the children her pets.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 30
Avsnitt 30 Sun, Sea and Snow

Peppa and her friends and family are looking forward to a trip to the seaside where they can make sandcastles, but when they arrive at the beach there is too much snow!

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Grandpa Pig's Computer

Mummy Pig gives her old PC to Granny and Grandpa Pig. Will the elderly hogs be able to use it?

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32 Hospital

Peppa and her playgroup friends go with Madame Gazelle to visit Pedro Pony, who is poorly in hospital.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 33
Avsnitt 33 Spring

Grandpa Pig organises a chocolate egg hunt for Peppa and her friends. Will the piglets track down the treats?

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Avsnitt 34 Miss Rabbit's Helicopter

Miss Rabbit takes Peppa and her family for a ride in her rescue helicopter.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 Baby Alexander

Baby Alexander is too young to talk, until Peppa teaches him his first word.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Grampy Rabbit's Lighthouse

Grandpa Pig takes Peppa, George and Danny Dog to visit Grampy Rabbit's lighthouse.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 37
Avsnitt 37 Miss Rabbit's Day Off

Miss Rabbit has hurt her ankle, so her sister and her friends offer to fill in for her at the ice cream stand, the supermarket - and everywhere else she works!

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 38
Avsnitt 38 The Secret Club

Suzy and Peppa start a secret club, but soon everyone wants to join!

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 39
Avsnitt 39 Grampy Rabbit's Boatyard

Grandpa Pig goes to Grampy Rabbit's Boatyard to have his boat fixed.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 Shake, Rattle and Bang

Madame Gazelle brings lots of musical instruments into playgroup for the children.

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Avsnitt 41 Champion Daddy Pig

Daddy Pig loses his title as champion puddle jumper.

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Avsnitt 42 Chatterbox

Peppa tries to prove to Suzy Sheep that she is not a chatterbox.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 43
Avsnitt 43 Mr Fox's Van

When Daddy Pig needs a new watch, Mr Fox finds three grandfather clocks in the back of his van. Mr Fox has everything in his van - even a chicken!

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 44
Avsnitt 44 Chloe's Big Friends

Peppa and George go to play with their cousin Chloe and her friends, but the older children don't want to play any childish games.

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Avsnitt 45 Gym Class

Madame Gazelle takes the children to Grampy Rabbit's gym class, where they learn how to be real explorers.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 46
Avsnitt 46 The Blackberry Bush

Peppa and her family collect apples and blackberries in Granny and Grandpa Pig's garden so that they can make a pie.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 47
Avsnitt 47 Pottery

Mrs Zebra teaches Peppa, George, Zoe, Zaza and Zuzu Zebra how to make a real tea set from clay.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 48
Avsnitt 48 Paper Aeroplanes

Some of Daddy Pig's important work papers have gone missing - because Mummy Pig, Peppa and George have accidentally made them into paper aeroplanes!

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 49
Avsnitt 49 Edmond Elephant's Birthday

Peppa and her friends go to help at Edmond Elephant's birthday party, but the little children are harder to look after than they expected.

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 50
Avsnitt 50 The Biggest Muddy Puddle in the World

Peppa and George wake up one morning to find that all the rain has made a flood, and their house is now a desert island!

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 51
Avsnitt 51 Santa's Grotto

Peppa and George pay a visit to Father Christmas. Peppa asks for a very special doll as a present, but will Santa be able to deliver it to her?

Greta Gris säsong 3 avsnitt 52
Avsnitt 52 Santa's Visit

Peppa and George wake up very early on Christmas morning - has Santa delivered the presents they want?

Säsong 4

Greta Gris säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Potato City

Peppa and her family visit a new theme park where there is lots of fun to be had with vegetables.

Greta Gris säsong 4 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The New House

Peppa and George are taken to visit the home that Mr Bull is building. Will they find out who their new neighbours are?

Greta Gris säsong 4 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Basketball

Daddy teaches the children how to play basketball, and it is not long before they are good enough to take on a team.

Greta Gris säsong 4 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Horsey Twinkle Toes

There is much excitement when Mr Zebra delivers a package from Aunt Dottie for Peppa and George.

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Avsnitt 5 Naughty Tortoise

Dr Hamster's pet tortoise Tiddles gets stuck up a tree - who is going to come to the rescue?

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Avsnitt 6 Mr Fox's Shop

Peppa and George visit Mr Fox's Shop to buy Granny and Grandpa an anniversary present, but what will they choose?

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Avsnitt 7 Shadows

Peppa and George realise that they have shadows and no matter what they do, they can't escape from them.

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Avsnitt 8 International Day

Peppa and all her friends at playgroup dress up as different countries from all over the world.

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Avsnitt 9 The Rainy Day Game

Daddy teaches Peppa and George a fun game to play while they wait inside for the rain to stop.

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Avsnitt 10 Mummy Rabbit's Bump

Everyone is excited when Mummy Rabbit arrives with a big tummy and they learn that there is a baby bunny inside.

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Avsnitt 11 Pedro the Cowboy

Pedro Pony pretends he is a proper cowboy, telling everyone stories in the camp he has set up in the garden.

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Avsnitt 12 Peppa and George's Garden

Grandpa Pig pops round with some seeds for Peppa and George. Daddy Pig helps out by being a scarecrow.

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Avsnitt 13 The Flying Vet

Doctor Hamster is rushed off her feet when nearly all the animals need her help on the same day.

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Avsnitt 14 Kylie Kangaroo

Peppa and George meet Kylie Kangaroo and her brother Joey. Peppa shows Kylie how to jump up and down in muddy puddles, but who can jump the highest?

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Avsnitt 15 Captain Daddy Dog

Mummy Dog and Danny are very excited! Captain Daddy Dog is home from the sea, and he's bearing gifts! What can they be?

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Avsnitt 16 Grampy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park

To celebrate Freddy Fox's birthday, the children go on a trip to a Dinosaur Park. With Grampy Rabbit as their leader, they follow dinosaur footprints to find Freddy's birthday treat.

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Avsnitt 17 Bedtime Story

Daddy Pig reads Peppa and George a bedtime story. Later George wakes up again, so Peppa has to make up another story.

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Avsnitt 18 Lost Keys

After a family trip to a mountain beauty spot, Daddy Pig loses the car keys down a drain.

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Avsnitt 19 George's New Dinosaur

When his favourite toy dinosaur breaks, George visits Mr Fox's Shop to find a new one.

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Avsnitt 20 Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue

Miss Rabbit's train has broken down, so Grandpa Pig lends her his little train, Gertrude.

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Avsnitt 21 The Pet Competition

Playgroup is having a pet competition and everyone has brought their pets. Dr Hamster is the judge, but it is so hard to choose the best pet…

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Avsnitt 22 Spider Web

Eek! There's a spider in the house! Mummy Pig tells Daddy Pig to get rid of it.

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Avsnitt 23 The Noisy Night

Peppa's family is staying at Cousin Chloe's house. It's been a long day and everyone is sleepy. But baby Alexander keeps everyone awake with his crying!

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Avsnitt 24 The Wishing Well

Granny Pig is really pleased with all the plastic gnomes and the wishing well she's got for the garden, but Grandpa Pig wishes they would all disappear!

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Avsnitt 25 Mr Potato's Christmas Show

Hoor-oink! It's Christmas, and Playgroup is going to the theatre to see a special performance. Some people have never been to a theatre before.

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Avsnitt 26 Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party

The children are sad because their favourite teacher, Madame Gazelle, is leaving Playgroup. But a leaving party will give her a good send-off.

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Avsnitt 27 The Queen

Miss Rabbit is to be given the Queen's Award for Industry, and Peppa and her friends are to accompany her to the palace to meet the Queen!

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Avsnitt 28 Desert Island

When a fishing trip goes wrong, leaving Grandpa Pig and Grampy Rabbit stranded on a desert island, Captain Daddy Dog is the only one able to save them.

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Avsnitt 29 Perfume

After smelling Granny Pig's perfume de lavender, Peppa experiments with the flowers in the garden to create her own special smell.

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Avsnitt 30 Children's Fete

The school roof has a leak again, so the children organise a fete to raise money for a new roof.

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Avsnitt 31 The Aquarium

Goldie the Goldfish is feeling a little lonely, so Peppa takes her to the aquarium.

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Avsnitt 32 George's Racing Car

It's a beautiful day, but Peppa, George and Grandpa Pig are sitting inside watching the motor racing on the television!

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Avsnitt 33 The Little Boat

Daddy Pig is left behind when everyone takes Grampy Rabbit's little boat to the riverside picnic spot. Will someone remember him and save him some cake?

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Avsnitt 34 The Sandpit

Peppa and her friends are busy building a desert island in a sandpit. They are all very proud of it, with its forest, lake, houses and shops.

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Avsnitt 35 Night Animals

It's night time at Grandpa and Granny Pig's house, and Peppa and George have stayed up late to help hunt for slugs and snails.

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Avsnitt 36 Flying on Holiday

The Pig family are going on holiday. Peppa and George pack their favourite toys and Granny and Grandpa are left to look after Goldie the Fish.

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Avsnitt 37 The Holiday House

Peppa and her family go to Italy, where Daddy Pig finds driving on the other side of the road difficult.

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Avsnitt 38 Holiday in the Sun

The piglet and her family spend their first day in their Italian holiday villa before visiting a nearby village, where they find plenty of things to buy.

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Avsnitt 39 End of the Holiday

The piglet and her family return from their holiday, while Suzy has missed her friend and is eager to see her again.

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Avsnitt 40 Mirrors

George enjoys seeing his reflection in the mirror so much that he and Peppa try to find other shiny things to see themselves in.

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Avsnitt 41 Pedro Is Late

The playgroup is going on an outing to the museum. Everyone is on the bus ready to go, except Pedro Pony. Where is he?

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Avsnitt 42 Garden Games

Peppa and Suzy are bored because they have nothing to do, so Daddy Pig finds them an old box of garden games to play with. But not all the games are easy for little George.

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Avsnitt 43 Going Boating

Everyone is down at the lake as it's a perfect day to go boating. Miss Rabbit has all sorts of boats for hire and Daddy Pig picks one with pedals. But when all the families have a race, he soon wishes he had picked something easier to sail.

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Avsnitt 44 Mr Bull In A China Shop

While enjoying a tea break, Mr Bull accidentally breaks his delicate teapot. He takes the pieces to Miss Rabbit in the hope that she can mend it.

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Avsnitt 45 Fruit

It's fruit day at the market and Miss Rabbit is making smoothies from people's favourite fruit. When she gives George a special 'dinosaur' juice to make him big and strong... Roar!

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Avsnitt 46 George's Balloon

George finds it difficult to keep hold of his big dinosaur balloon, and he is afraid that it will float away.

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Avsnitt 47 Peppa's Circus

When Grandpa Pig puts up a tent in his garden, Peppa and her friends put on a circus.

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Avsnitt 48 Fish Pond

Daddy Pig is looking forward to taking Peppa and George to visit a fish pond that he used to visit when he was a piglet. However, a few things have changed since then...

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Avsnitt 49 Snowy Mountain

Peppa and her friends are on Snowy Mountain learning how to ski. Their teacher, Madame Gazelle, is very good and was once a world champion.

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Avsnitt 50 Grampy Rabbit in Space

Peppa's playgroup are really enjoying Grampy Rabbit's talk about space rockets, until suddenly he loses his voice. Can Doctor Brown Bear get him speaking again?

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Avsnitt 51 The Olden Days

Mummy Pig shows Peppa and her friend Suzy Sheep some old photographs from when they were babies.

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Avsnitt 52 Pirate Treasure

Peppa and her friends are playing pirates. But when they put together a treasure chest and bury it in a marked spot, Pedro soon realises that he needs to follow the trail. He's lost something!

Säsong 5

Greta Gris säsong 5 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Playing Pretend

When Peppa's bike gets a flat tyre that needs mending, Peppa and her friends have fun riding their imaginary bikes and jumping in pretend muddy puddles!

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Avsnitt 2 The Castle

Mummy and Daddy Pig take Peppa and George to a castle to feast on medieval banquets, play King and Queen and even meet a dragon. It's George's favourite day ever!

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Avsnitt 3 Miss Rabbit's Taxi

Miss Rabbit takes Peppa and the family in her taxi to Granny and Grandpa Pig's house to drop off their shopping, but that's not the last trip of the day for her!

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Avsnitt 4 Scooters

Daddy Pig takes Peppa and George to school on their scooters. When he decides that it would be quicker to ride back, he discovers that riding scooters is great fun. Mummy Pig thinks that they are fun too and they both ride the scooters when it's time to pick up the children.

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Avsnitt 5 Pumpkin Competition

It's Halloween! Peppa has been helping Grandpa Pig carve his massive pumpkin. Now, with the help of Miss Rabbit, they have to work out how to get it to the pumpkin competition!

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Avsnitt 6 Gerald Giraffe

A new student, Gerald giraffe, joins the playgroup. They try a challenge of hide and seek.

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Avsnitt 7 Parachute Jump

The school roof is broken (again), so Mummy Pig is persuaded to do a parachute jump to raise money for the repairs.

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Avsnitt 8 Easter Bunny

Peppa and her friends are at Rebecca Rabbit's house for an Easter Egg hunt. But can they find the Easter Bunny hiding all of the chocolate eggs?

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Avsnitt 9 Simple Science

Daddy Pig and Mr Bull are digging up the playground, so Daddy Pig decides to teach the kids some simple science. The first experiment - how many children does it take to pick up Madame Gazelle?

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Avsnitt 10 School Project

It is school project time for Peppa and her friends, which means they have to build castles and bring them into playgroup! Mummy and Daddy Pig have lots of fun helping Peppa make hers, if only they could find the glitter...

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Avsnitt 11 Mummy Pig's Book

Mummy Pig's book is finished, and it's time to show it off to Peppa and her playgroup friends. Unfortunately, Peppa and George lose some of the book when they are playing, and Mummy Pig has to think quickly to fix it.

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Avsnitt 12 Grandpa Pig's Greenhouse

Peppa and George explore the greenhouse, and it is full of lovely tomatoes and basil. When it's time for dinner, Granny Pig takes all the ingredients they have grown and makes a tasty salad.

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Avsnitt 13 Molly Mole

There is a new girl at school, and she quickly makes best friends with Peppa and Rebecca Rabbit. Molly shows them how good she is at digging while taking them on a tour of her underground house.

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Avsnitt 14 Move to Music

Madame Gazelle gets Peppa and her playgroup friends to dance to all different styles of music.

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Avsnitt 15 London

Madame Gazelle takes the whole class to London for the day where they are given a tour by the Queen herself!

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Avsnitt 16 The Police

When the Police visit the school, officers Panda and Squirrel teach Peppa and her friends all about bicycle safety.

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Avsnitt 17 The Zoo

The youngsters visit the zoo where they are shown arond by zookeepers Mr Lion, Mrs Crocodile and Mr Giraffe.

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Avsnitt 18 Canal Boat

For Captain Daddy Dog's birthday, Mummy Dog surprises him with her present of a boat trip on a 'Canal Boat', which isn't quite what he was expecting.

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Avsnitt 19 Australia Part 1 - The Outback

Peppa, George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig embark on their first ever Australian holiday. They are visiting the Kangaroo family, who take them to explore the Outback on their first day.

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Avsnitt 20 Australia Part 2 - Surfing

The Kangaroos take Peppa and her family to the beach on their second day in Australia, where they try surfing for the first time.

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Avsnitt 21 Australia Part 3 - The Great Barrier Reef

Mrs Kangaroo takes everyone on an amazing adventure under the sea in her submarine to see the Great Barrier Reef!

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Avsnitt 22 Australia Part 4 - The Boomerang

Sadly, Peppa and her family's holiday in Australia is coming to an end, but they still have time to play with a boomerang and make friends with Mr Wallaby.

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Avsnitt 23 Nursery Rhymes

Madame Gazelle and the playgroup are sharing their favourite nursery thymes. From singing Little Bo Peep to marching along with The Grand Old Duke of York, everyone enjoys listening to each other's choice.

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Avsnitt 24 Masks

Madame Gazelle sets the children a creative task - making masks. There are carrot masks, robot masks, and even pretty butterfly masks... The only thing missing is lots and lots of glitter!

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Avsnitt 25 Digger World

Mummy and Daddy Pig take Peppa and George to Digger World. They have lots of fun building walls and knocking them over again, and even help Mr Bull when there's an obstacle in the road.

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Avsnitt 26 The Doll Hospital

Teddy needs mending and cleaning after rolling down hills and jumping in muddy puddles, so Peppa takes her to Miss Rabbit's Doll Hospital. But she soon realises that she likes Teddy just the way she is.

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Avsnitt 27 Wendy Wolf's Birthday

It's Wendy Wolf's birthday and she has invited Peppa and all her friends to her party! There are bubbles and balloons to play with - and Wendy even teaches them how to howl like a wolf!

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Avsnitt 28 George's Woolly Hat

Mummy Pig is determined that George's new hat doesn't get muddy when Peppa and George visit Grandpa and Granny Pig. Everyone tries to make sure that it stays clean - even if it means that they get messy instead!

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Avsnitt 29 Sailing Boat

Peppa and George go sailing with Grandpa Pig, but when he keeps getting stuck in the mud, they all decide to have a sleepover on the boat while they wait for the tide to come back in.

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Avsnitt 30 Soft Play

It's Richard Rabbit's birthday party and George is invited. That can only mean one thing - soft play! George and friends have great fun, swinging, bouncing and climbing, but it isn't quite as much fun for the grown-ups!

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Avsnitt 31 The Market

Peppa and family take a trip to the market to buy some apples, cheese and fish. However, they get more than they were expecting when they stop by Mr Fox's stall - he is selling some extra special items!

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Avsnitt 32 Father Christmas

Peppa and her friends put on a Christmas show for their parents.

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Avsnitt 33 Peppa Goes to Paris

Peppa and her family go on a holiday to France with Delphine Donkey and her family.

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Avsnitt 34 Grandpa Pig’s Pond

Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig to dig a brand new pond for his garden.

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Avsnitt 35 Once Upon A Time

Peppa and her family go on a walk through the forests where they meet all their favourite fairytale characters.

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Avsnitt 36 Police Station

George has lost Mr. Dinosaur. Maybe the police can help George find him.

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Avsnitt 37 When I Grow Up

It is time for playgroup. Today Peppa and her friends are deciding what they might like to be when they grow up.

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Avsnitt 38 The Ambulance

Dr. Brown Bear comes to visit the playgroup and teach all of the children what to do when there has been an accident.

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Avsnitt 39 Doctors

When Tiddles the Tortoise gets stuck in a tree, Pedro Pony has trouble trying to rescue him.

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Avsnitt 40 Super Potato

Mr. Potato has come to visit the playgroup and he brought along his superhero friend, Super Potato.

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Avsnitt 41 Grampy Rabbit's Hovercraft

Grampy Rabbit's home-built hovercraft causes a stir amongst the snooty members of Grandpa Pig's sailing club.

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Avsnitt 42 Playgroup Star

Peppa is sad to discover that Daddy Pig never got a reward star at Madame Gazelle's playgroup, not even for his drawing of a dragon, which he still has.

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Avsnitt 43 The Carnival

The carnival comes to town, and it's a chance to see all sorts of exciting things.

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Avsnitt 44 Mr. Bull's New Road

When Peppa takes Goldie the Fish for a visit to the vets, she is surprised when she finds that there's a new road to be built over the building.

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Avsnitt 45 Caves

Peppa and her family enjoy a day out at the caves, with Grampy Rabbit as their tour guide.

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Avsnitt 46 Grandpa's Toy Plane

Grandpa and Granny Pig share their toys and hobbies with Peppa and George. Granny has a special doll from childhood, but Grandpa builds toy planes.

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Avsnitt 47 George's New Clothes

George, Peppa and Mummy Pig head off to Miss Rabbit's clothes shop to get George some brand new clothes; after trying on lots of new exciting outfits, George finds an outfit that suits him just right.

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Avsnitt 48 Madame Gazelle's House

The Peppa family soon realizes that Madame Gazelle's house is being pushed over by a tall tree.

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Avsnitt 49 Long Train Journey

When Daddy Pig receives a letter saying that he must go away on business to test some very important concrete, Peppa, Mummy and George decide to go along too. They all enjoy the very long train journey, snoozing and singing to pass the time.

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Avsnitt 50 Suzy Goes Away

Mummy Sheep learns that she has got a new job, which means moving far away! Peppa and Suzy wonder how they can stay best friends? Peppa gives Suzy some presents to remember her by, before a surprising change for Mummy Sheep changes everything.

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Avsnitt 51 Tiny Land

Peppa has a day out with her family and Suzy Sheep, visiting Tiny Land. They see tiny dinosaurs, their favourite tiny landmarks and even a tiny Miss Rabbit doing even more jobs!

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Avsnitt 52 Stamps

Grandpa Pig shows Peppa and George his extensive stamp collection, which inspires them to send a postcard of their own! But when Grandpa gets a very special stamp in the post, he misplaces it. Where can it be?

Säsong 6

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Avsnitt 1 The Panda Twins
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Avsnitt 2 Chinese New Year
Greta Gris säsong 6 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Mandy Mouse

Peppa's Playgroup have a new friend to meet - Mandy Mouse. Mandy uses a wheelchair. The children have a lot of fun playing with Mandy as she is super sporty and loves to play games.

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Avsnitt 4 Recorders

The children have a music lesson with Madame Gazelle and all learn how to play the recorder. After lots of practising at home, the children put on a wonderful performance for all the parents to enjoy.

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Avsnitt 5 Miss Rabbit's Relaxation Class

Mummy Pig is persuaded by Miss Rabbit to come along to her relaxation class to help Mummy Pig relax but actual relaxing proves to be more challenging than expected.

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Avsnitt 6 Parking Ticket

When Daddy Pig gets a parking ticket whilst parked in the wrong place, Peppa and George learn that adults have rules too just like children and also get told off too.

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Avsnitt 7 Lots of Muddy Puddles

On a day out with her family, Peppa is encouraged to find words to describe the different kinds of puddles they find.

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Avsnitt 8 Fathers Day

The pre-school adventures of a cheeky and slightly bossy little pig called Peppa, who lives with her mummy and daddy and little brother George. Sometimes these adventures involve a few tears but they always end happily.

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Avsnitt 9 Funny Music

Daddy Pig has a new synthesiser. Peppa, George and Mummy Pig have fun finding and sampling sounds from around the house.

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Avsnitt 10 Buttercups, Daisies and Dandelions

Cousin Chloe, Peppa and George pick flowers making daisy-chains and transforming George into a fearsome dandy-lion.

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Avsnitt 11 The Marble Run

Peppa, George, Rebecca and Richard Rabbit have so much fun playing with the marble run. Though when Daddy Pig joins in, the marble run gets much bigger.

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Avsnitt 12 Grandpa Pig's Metal Detector

When George loses his wind-up robot's metal key, Grandpa Pig uses his metal detector to find it and finds a lot of other things on the way

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Avsnitt 13 World Book Day

It is World Book Day at playgroup but Peppa has so many favourite books she just cannot decide which to go as.

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Avsnitt 14 Children's Festival

The family head to the Children's Festival.

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Avsnitt 15 Muddy Festival

In her second day at the Children's Festival which its been muddy thanks to the rain Peppa learns about activities involving Mud.

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Avsnitt 16 Strawberries

Peppa and George go strawberry picking with Granny and Grandpa.

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Avsnitt 17 Grandpa Pig's birthday

It's Grandpa Pig's birthday and the family go out for a celebratory meal. Peppa has never been to a restaurant before.

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Avsnitt 18 The Petting Farm

Peppa and friends visit a Petting Farm where they enjoy feeding chickens and meeting cute and squeaky guinea pigs and they all learn it's important to wash your hands after handling the little animal

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Avsnitt 19 Pizza! Pizza!

It's almost lunchtime at Peppa Pig's house. Mummy suggest they all make pizza together, they have a lot of fun preparing and mixing up all the food to make their own pizzas - it's all so lovely and messy.

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Avsnitt 20 TV Land

Peppa and George go behind the scenes to find out how TV is made. Miss Rabbit shows them around the set of Super Potato.

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Avsnitt 21 Roman Day

Granny Pig, Peppa and George have fun dressing up as Romans, making a pebble mosaic of a Dinosaur and learn a little Latin too!

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Avsnitt 22 Bird Spotting

Peppa and George are birdwatching with Grandpa Pig looking for birds and ticking them off in Grandpa pigs book.

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Avsnitt 23 Super Potato Movie

Peppa and her friends visit the cinema for the first time to watch the Super Potato movie.

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Avsnitt 24 Bat and Ball

Madame Gazelle teaches the children how to play bat and ball, she teaches them so well that they beat her at the game and win!

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Avsnitt 25 Buried Treasure

Peppa, George, Molly Mole and Freddy Fox dig a huge tunnel and find a box of pirate treasure and the police seem to be missing their pirate treasure. Something mysterious is going on.

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Avsnitt 26 Christmas at the Hospital

When Peppa Pig has an accident and trips and hurts her arm on Christmas Day, the family have to go the hospital, where Santa pays a surprise visit

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Avsnitt 27 Valentine's Day

Peppa explores special moments of togetherness with friends who are special to us.

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Avsnitt 28 The Perfect Day

While Mummy Pig is enjoying a spa day out, Daddy, George and Peppa explore the rest of the shopping centre.

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Avsnitt 29 Breakfast Club

Peppa and his friends arrive at school early to have breakfast together. In the breakfast club, they learn about how food gives energy and talk about their favourite breakfasts.

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Avsnitt 30 The Botanical Gardens

Miss Rabbit shows Peppa's family around the Botanical Gardens.

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Avsnitt 31 Mr Potato's Fruit and Vegetable Quiz

Peppa and his friends are at school and have a special guest, Mr. Potatoes. Mr. Potatoes is there to give them a fruit and vegetable test.

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Avsnitt 32 Viking Day

Peppa and George join Grandma Piggy to play Viking. The Vikings enjoy Grandpa Piggy's boat until they realise they forgot about the picnic.

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Avsnitt 33 Made Up Musical Instruments

In the game group, Peppa and his friends make their own instruments from old wrappers.

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Avsnitt 34 In the Future

Peppa and Suzy are excited about the sleepover and sit up in bed talking about what they will do when they grow up.

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Avsnitt 35 Doctor Hamster's Big Present

Peppa and his family are taking Goldie the Fish to Dr Hamster for a checkup. Dr. Hamster recommends that he get more exercise, and Grandpa Rabbit builds something to help him.

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Avsnitt 36 Butterflies

Dr. Hamster goes to school to talk about butterflies. The children paint caterpillars, make butterfly wings and dance the butterfly's life cycle.

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Avsnitt 37 Grampy Rabbit's Jetpack

It's raining and Grandpa Rabbit built a rocket pack. As he shows it to Peppa and George, he ends up on top of a snowy mountain. Miss Hare goes to rescue him, but Grandpa Rabbit rescues them all.

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Avsnitt 38 Detective Potato

Peppa and George are watching Detective Potatoes on TV. When Piggy Dad loses his car in the parking lot, Detective Potatoes shows up and helps them.

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Avsnitt 39 Electric Car

Daddy Piggy arrives in a new electric car. The family goes for a ride and are surprised when the car talks and sings.

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Avsnitt 40 Stone Age Granny

Granny and her friends' historical re-enactment society are being cave people today. Peppa and George join in helping to catch Grandpa Pig who is dressed as a woolly mammoth.

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Avsnitt 41 Space Adventure!

Peppa and George are re-enacting the Apollo Moon Landing with the help of Granny Pig's historical re-enactment society. Grampy Rabbit has lent them his rocket, but no one has told him it's just pretend.

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Avsnitt 42 Fire Station Practice

Today is the fire station practice day. Mummy Pig joins with the other mummies to practise fighting fires.

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Avsnitt 43 Mr. Bull the Teacher

Madame Gazelle has to go to the dentist so she leaves the class with Mr. Bull. The children already know the subjects Mr. Bull suggests teaching, so he decides to show them how to fix a squeaky floorboard.

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Avsnitt 44 Looking for Things

Mummy Pig is baking an apple pie, so Daddy Pig suggests Peppa and George play a game of looking for things. Peppa and George have fun running around the house solving the clues.

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Avsnitt 45 Poems

Madame Gazelle introduces the children to poetry, explaining how sounds can be poems too. Together they make a poem about rain and perform it to the parents.

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Avsnitt 46 Please and Thank You

Granny and Grandpa talk to Peppa and George about manners. Madame Gazelle teaches all the children about how wonderful it is to say "please" and "thank you".

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Avsnitt 47 Ice Cream

Mr. Labrador has an ice cream van but runs out of ice cream. Granny Pig suggests Peppa and George make their own ice cream with the help of Mr. Labrador.

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Avsnitt 48 The Science Museum

Peppa and her friends from playgroup visit a science museum.

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Avsnitt 49 Jukebox

Peppa and George have fun dancing to music from a jukebox at Grandpa Pig's clubhouse.

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Avsnitt 50 Windmill

Peppa and her friends are at playgroup and Mr. Bull is building a wind turbine. Madame Gazelle tells the children all about wind power, while Mr. Bull and the workmen have a lovely cup of tea made from wind power.

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Avsnitt 51 Mandy Mouse's Birthday

Peppa and her friends go to Cheese World to celebrate Mandy Mouse's birthday.

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Avsnitt 52 The Sand Castle

Peppa and her family have fun building a sandcastle at the beach.

Säsong 7

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Avsnitt 1 America

Peppa and her family win a trip to America. Miss Rabbit flies them to New York, where they meet a new Miss Rabbit.

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Avsnitt 2 The Diner

Peppa and her family are driving in a large campervan across America. They stop at a diner and meet another Miss Rabbit.

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Avsnitt 3 Canyon Country

Peppa and her family drive across America, where they fly over the canyon, ride the rapids and discover a cave from 700AD.

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Avsnitt 4 Hollywood

Peppa and her family finally make it to Hollywood and arrive at the film set to meet Mr Potato and Hash Brown.

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Avsnitt 5 Motorbiking

Peppa and George are in for a treat when they embark on a camping trip to the seaside with Granny and Grandpa.

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Avsnitt 6 Sea Treasure

Peppa and George wake up in Granny and Grandpa’s motorbike tent by the sea. Peppa finds a message in a bottle with a telephone number on it – but who is it from?

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Avsnitt 7 Monkey Has a Cough

Mummy Pig shows Peppa how to pretend by teaching her how to wink. Zoe has come to visit with her toy monkey, so Peppa teaches her what she’s learnt.

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Avsnitt 8 Police Car

Police Officer Panda and Police Officer Squirrel have come to visit Peppa’s playgroup. They offer two lucky children the chance to spend the day with them.

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Avsnitt 9 Hop, Skip and Jump!

Peppa and her friends play some very active games in the garden and together they learn to hop, skip and jump.

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Avsnitt 10 Rescuing Miss Rabbit!

Miss Rabbit’s Rescue Service has saved many people from tricky situations, but what happens when Miss Rabbit needs rescuing herself?

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Avsnitt 11 Peppa's Diary

Peppa learns that Mummy Pig used to keep a diary when she was her age, so Peppa decides to give it a try.

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Avsnitt 12 Playing Golf

George and Peppa spend the day playing golf with Grandpa Pig, but they are much more interested in the colourful minigolf course next door.

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Avsnitt 13 Creepy Crawly Safari

The playgroup visits a nature reserve run by Mr Lion. The reserve specialises in tiny insects, bugs and butterflies, so Pedro brings along his pet stick insect Stephen.

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Avsnitt 14 Hoops

Peppa's playgroup learn how to use hula-hoops.

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Avsnitt 15 The Park

Peppa and her family visit the park.

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Avsnitt 16 The Lifeboat

Peppa and Danny Dog learn about saving people in the sea with Grampy Rabbit.

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Avsnitt 17 Lucky Hamper

Peppa's Playgroup help create a hamper of goods for a charity raffle.

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Avsnitt 18 Jelly

While Mummy Pig is working on the computer, Peppa, George and Daddy Pig make a jelly to surprise her for working hard.

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Avsnitt 19 Potty Training

Peppa, Suzy Sheep, Mummy and Daddy Pig teach George how to use his potty.

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Avsnitt 20 Trampolines

Peppa and her friends head to the trampoline park where Miss Rabbit teaches them how to bounce.

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Avsnitt 21 Health Check

Mummy Pig takes Peppa to the doctors for her yearly health check up.

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Avsnitt 22 Skateboarding

Everyone goes to the skate park with their bicycles, scooters and skateboards. While Peppa has fun playing around on Daddy's skateboard, she soon learns that he is a bit of an expert.

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Avsnitt 23 Mountain Climbing

Peppa and her friends learn about climbing from Grampy Rabbit at the climbing centre.

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Avsnitt 24 Police Boat

Peppa and her friends are mistaken for pirates while sailing on the river with Grandpa Pig.

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Avsnitt 25 The Tractor

At Mrs Badger's farm Peppa and her friends learn how useful tractors can be.

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Avsnitt 26 Christmas with Kylie Kangaroo

Peppa and her family visit Kylie Kangaroo for Christmas, and realise that Christmas is so much different in Australia!

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Avsnitt 27 Winter Games

Everybody is once again skiing on the mountains, but an unpredictable Mummy Pig once again showcases her skiing skills.

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Avsnitt 28 Undersea Party

Peppa celebrates Goldie's birthday by holding a undersea party - by turning the house into an underwater environment!

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Avsnitt 29 Talking

Lotte Llama joins playgroup, and teaches the others on how to speak German.

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Avsnitt 30 Woodland Club

Peppa and her friends visit Mr. Wolf's Woodland Club.

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Avsnitt 31 Danny's Pirate Bedroom

Peppa helps out with Danny Dog refurbishing his bedroom, and imagine a pirate adventure along the way.

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Avsnitt 32 Weather Station

Peppa's playgroup learn about the weather.

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Avsnitt 33 Guinea Pigs

Peppa looks after Madame Gazelle's guinea pigs Ginger and Brian while she goes on holiday, but prove to be more trouble for Mummy and Daddy Pig than they think.

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Avsnitt 34 Roller Disco

Peppa and friends visit the Roller Disco rink.

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Avsnitt 35 Grandpa's Rock Garden

Peppa and George help out Grandpa Pig create a rock garden.

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Avsnitt 36 Charity Shop

Peppa, George and Daddy Pig visit the charity shop to sell things they don't need, and things they may need!

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Avsnitt 37 The Owl

Peppa, George, Grandpa and Granny go owl-spotting.

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Avsnitt 38 The Apple Tree

The family visit the apple tree, and notice how it changes every season as they keep visiting it.

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Avsnitt 39 Bug Hotel

Peppa and George check out Grandpa's new Bug Hotel.

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Avsnitt 40 Parachute Games

The Playgroup play many games using a Parachute.

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Avsnitt 41 Flying Disks

The family visit Danny Dog at the park, who has a new flying disks.

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Avsnitt 42 Kidde Workout

Mr. Potato visits the playgroup to showcase an exercise class.

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Avsnitt 43 Little Cars

Peppa and her friends visit the Little Cars Play Center.

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Avsnitt 44 Grandpa Pig's Christmas Present

Grandpa Pig receives a drone (or to him, a Quad-Copter) for Christmas, but he soon loses it.

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Avsnitt 45 Canoe Trip

The family go canoeing.

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Avsnitt 46 The Holiday

The family go on holiday to a small house, that's actually quite small!

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Avsnitt 47 Dinosaur Party

Granny and Grandpa Pig hold a Dinosaur Party, with a few friends attending.

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Avsnitt 48 Superhero Party

It's Pedro Pony's Birthday, which turns out to be super when Miss Rabbit is trapped on a giant balloon!

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Avsnitt 49 A Day with Doctor Hamster

Peppa and Suzy spend the day with Doctor Hamster, and show how hard it can be to look after animals.

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Avsnitt 50 Swimming Lesson

Peppa and her friends go for a swimming lesson with Miss Rabbit. However, her own sister Mummy Rabbit can’t swim, so she is given a lesson as well.

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Avsnitt 51 The Clubhouse
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Avsnitt 52 Detective Club
Greta Gris säsong 7 avsnitt 53
Avsnitt 53 Clubhouse Shop
Greta Gris säsong 7 avsnitt 54
Avsnitt 54 Clubhouse Adventure


Peppa Pig

Release 2004-05-31


Serien Greta Gris med skådespelare John Sparkes, Lily Snowden-Fine och Morwenna Banks streamas på Disney+, Viaplay, TV4 Play+ och Netflix. Se även .