Holly Hobbie

Holly Hobbie, serie 2018 - Streama med Disney+

Streama serien Holly Hobbie (2018-). 13-åriga Holly Hobbie försöker att göra världen till en bättre plats. Med Ruby Jay, Saara Chaudry och Kamaia Fairburn. Streama med Disney+.

Den 13-åriga Holly Hobbie vill bli singer-songwriter och är inte rädd för att kämpa för det hon tror på. Hon vill rädda hela världen men är glad att kunna börja i sin hemstad Collinsville.



Holly Hobbie trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Holly Hobbie säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Show Starter

After finding out that her grandma's café might have to close for good, Holly attempts to save the beloved family business by hosting an Open Mic.

Holly Hobbie säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Churlish Cheerleader

Holly is jealous when she discovers that Amy and Piper are trying out for cheerleading together, so she tries to sabotage their developing friendship.

Holly Hobbie säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Savvy Sleuth

Mayor Flaherty blames the Open Mic Night for the destruction of Farmer Dodge’s giant cucumber, prompting Holly and her friends to search for the real culprit.

Holly Hobbie säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 The Pickle Princess

Worried that Piper might beat her in the Pickle Pageant, Holly must decide between following other people's advice on how to win or being true to herself.

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Avsnitt 5 The Chicken Cooper

As punishment for lying about who destroyed the cucumber, Holly and Robbie are forced to spend their day building a chicken coop for Farmer Dodge.

Holly Hobbie säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 The Rabble Rouser

After discovering that the pickle factory’s faulty filtration system is contaminating the nearby creek, Holly defies her mother to expose the truth.

Holly Hobbie säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 The Birthday Basher

Holly and Piper both plan birthday parties on the same day, and when Piper refuses to change the date of her party, Holly attempts to upstage her.

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Avsnitt 8 The Freckled Fugitive

Upset about disappointing her mom and possibly losing her best friend after the birthday party incident, Holly runs away to Chicago with Tyler.

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Avsnitt 9 The Mad Muralist

Holly tries to make Amy jealous by bringing Tyler to help paint a mural for the town’s Bicentennial.

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Avsnitt 10 The Crushing Criminal

After discovering that Piper and her mom are behind on their rent and will have to move away, Holly goes to extreme measures to help her new friend.

Säsong 2

Holly Hobbie säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 A Whole New Holly

When her audition for the town musical doesn't go the way she planned, Holly is determined to get a callback and prove that she's meant for the lead part.

Holly Hobbie säsong 2 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Thwarted Thespian

Holly struggles during rehearsals for the town musical and skips studying for a huge math test to keep her lead part.

Holly Hobbie säsong 2 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Salty Songstress

Fighting against the rumor mill, Holly writes a song to set her story straight, but the song attracts unwanted attention from an online troll.

Holly Hobbie säsong 2 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 The Cranky Camper

Mom forces the family to go on a camping trip without any electronic devices in order to spend quality time together – much to the chagrin of Robbie, Holly, Heather…and even Dad.

Holly Hobbie säsong 2 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 The Puzzled Peacemaker

Holly’s excited to perform her new song at The Calico Cafe, but she discovers that Lyla and her cheerleaders are organizing a boycott against Open Mic.

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Avsnitt 6 The Night-Crawling Newbie

Holly convinces Amy and Piper to attend a music showcase hosted by Oscar at a Sheffield dance club.

Holly Hobbie säsong 2 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 The Perplexed Pioneer

When Piper’s Mom shares the news that they’ll be moving to New Mexico, Piper searches for belonging while on a school trip to Pioneer Village.

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Avsnitt 8 The Dauntless Daughter

After Holly and Amy experience unfair double standards, they gather Piper and the girls in their class for a protest to make their voices heard.

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Avsnitt 9 The Hesitant Heroine

While giving a tour of Collinsville, Holly catches the director of the town musical bullying Savannah and decides that it’s time to speak up.

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Avsnitt 10 The Selfless Starlet

While choosing an outfit from a clothing brand sponsor for the Gwen Taylor show, Holly finds a troubling note and seeks justice.

Säsong 3

Holly Hobbie säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Jam Jam

When her parents get into a car accident, Holly decides to throw an open mic fundraiser to help out with Dad's medical bills.

Holly Hobbie säsong 3 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Shortsighted Scholar

Holly struggles with balancing school and her personal life as her relationship with Oscar grows.

Holly Hobbie säsong 3 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Posing Performer

Holly considers the impact she has on her fans when creating a new social media persona.

Holly Hobbie säsong 3 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 The Grandpa Grenade

When Grandpa comes back into her life, Holly struggles with hiding the secret from Grandma.

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Avsnitt 5 The Bumbling Bossgirl

Holly's leadership skills are drawn into question when Oscar takes over her music video shoot.

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Avsnitt 6 The Slimy Sensation

Holly's torn between promoting her brand, and helping her friends when a PR opportunity arises.

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Avsnitt 7 The Horrible Hero

Heather searches for an untold history of the founders of Collinsville.

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Avsnitt 8 The Fairweather Friend

Amy searches for a date to the school dance as Heather suspects Robbie is hiding a secret.

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Avsnitt 9 The Careening Counselor

Piper finds herself in over her head when tasked with completing a counselor-in-training tryout at camp.

Holly Hobbie säsong 3 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 The Difficult Decision

Holly struggles with choosing between her family and her career.

Säsong 4

Holly Hobbie säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Struggling Songwriter

Amy and Holly are nervous to separate for the first time this summer as Holly leaves for songwriting camp in Nashville. Holly is thrilled to learn that she’s partnered up with one of her songwriting heroes, Margo, to come up with songs for a famous singer. While Dad is busy discovering the divine beauty of Nasvhille BBQ, Holly encounters Destiny, a struggling singer songwriter, who inspires Holly to persevere through adversity. After Margo tells Holly her song ideas aren’t personal enough, Holly channels her insecurity into writing a new, original song that’s a smash hit! Worried about being a CIT without her best friend Holly, Amy is disappointed to discover her co-CIT will be Savannah - Amy’s polar opposite. Where Amy is prepared, cautious, and cerebral, Savannah is spontaneous, fun, and carefree. Amy eventually realizes she’s putting too much pressure on making Savannah act ‘her way’ and discovers that Savannah is an incredible CIT, and also a great friend!

Holly Hobbie säsong 4 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Song Circle Surprise

When the song Holly has been writing in Nasvhille gets rejected, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Determined to prove that her song is truly great, Holly performs it in front of a live crowd - it’s a smash hit! Holly is blindsided when an audience member reveals himself as the pop star who rejected Holly’s song: Justin Lewis - a famous actor. Later, Holly is shocked when she hears that Justin cancelled the songwriting camp. Defeated, Holly heads home but gets a call from Justin: he cancelled the camp because he’s moving to Collinsville to write his entire album with Holly! Robbie finds himself in over his head when orders for his jam come flooding in. Robbie decides to hire his best friend Warren to help out with the business, but quickly learns that Warren is not up for the task. Robbie eventually realizes that to be a great CEO he has to make some tough decisions and needs to start acting like a grown up… by asking Mom for help.

Holly Hobbie säsong 4 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Bestie Bonfire

Holly and Amy reunite after a summer apart. When Holly tells Amy about Justin Lewis coming to Collinsville, she enlists her help to organize a secret welcome bonfire for Justin. Although Holly swears Amy to secrecy, not before long, Amy spills the beans to Savannah, one of Justin’s biggest fans, (and the last person on earth who can keep things on the down low). Amy vouches for Savannah to Holly, getting Savannah invited to the bonfire, but when Justin superfans ambush the event, Amy accuses Savannah of sharing the secret. Robbie does some investigating to find out that the leak came from Justin himself, in the hopes of gaining publicity. Amy apologizes to Savannah for judging her, making amends by organizing a group hangout with her, Holly, and Justin. Heather worries she’s losing Levi as a friend when he starts taking up dance. Heather heads to Levi’s dance tryouts to pull him away when she discovers she’s a natural dancer!

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Avsnitt 4 The Aspiring Ally

While looking for inspiration for their next song in town, Holly and Justin have a strange interaction with Farmer Dodge. When Justin starts acting different, Holly brings up what happened with her family. Heather helps Holly realize that what she witnessed was Farmer Dodge racially profiling Justin. Dodge assumed Holly was in trouble just because Justin is Black. After hearing from Amy and Savannah that they too have experienced racism in Collinsville, Holly becomes determined to seek justice on Justin’s behalf. After confronting Farmer Dodge, Holly tries to convince Justin to join her in a protest and help write a song about what happened - but Justin wants nothing to do with it. Confused, Holly turns to Amy who helps Holly learn that what matters most is doing what Justin wants, not what Holly wants. Holly decides to respect Justin’s wishes, and on her own starts educating herself and her family on racial inequality.

Holly Hobbie säsong 4 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 The Reticent Rulemaker

As Holly and Justin work closer together to create a new album, Oscar begins to grow jealous. With his suspicions of Justin mounting, Oscar convinces Holly to let him sit in on all their songwriting sessions to make sure Justin doesn’t try anything. A heart-throb pop star and a jealous boyfriend in the same room? What could go wrong? Although Holly is initially reluctant, she lets Oscar come to a session - and it’s a total failure. Oscar interrupts the creative process, eventually accusing Justin of wanting to steal Holly away from him. Holly feels like this is all her fault until some guidance from Mom makes her realize that Oscar’s trust issues are his problems to fix, not Holly’s. Dad is disappointed when he discovers Heather’s new secret passion is dance. Heather is hurt by Dad's disapproval of her new hobby, thinking it’s ‘girly’. Mom teaches Dad how he’s bonded with Heather in the past not because she used to play baseball, but because he supported her.

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Avsnitt 6 The Anxious Achiever

With the SATs approaching, Amy isolates herself from her friends so she wont get sick. While studying at home, Amy is convinced that she has become ill, and immediately starts searching the web to diagnose herself. Despite Holly and her mother trying to quell Amy’s hypochondriac fears, Amy is confident something is wrong. After a doctor informs Amy she was suffering from anxiety, Amy rejects the diagnosis, after all, he’s only a trained medical professional! A sympathetic Justin opens up to Amy about his own struggles with mental health and shows her a form of meditation that helps manage anxiety. When a school graduation trip to an amusement park gets cancelled, Heather becomes intent on organizing her own rollercoaster excursion. Heather suspects Mark doesn’t want to join the trip because he’s afraid of going on rollercoasters.

Holly Hobbie säsong 4 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 The Collinsville Conspiracist

Holly discovers a gossip website that shares cryptic posts about Justin, including one that suggests he’s dating Holly! Holly’s convinced that the website is nonsense… but when she starts trying to disprove some of the theories, Holly questions if some of the rumours are actually true. When Holly’s suspicions send her searching for a hidden bunker in the middle of a forest, Holly realizes she’s gone too far. Rumours about Justin dating a Collinsville girl is one thing… but building an underground bunker to hide from Hollywood elites? That’s just too crazy to be true. Confident that the website is all lies, Holly decides to apologize to Justin, but before she can reach him she discovers one of the rumours about him is actually true - Justin is interested in a small town girl… Amy! Working nonstop on his new jam business, Robbie finds himself going to bed earlier than Grandpa. Worried he’s turning into an old man, Robbie buys a motorcycle to reclaim his youth.

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Avsnitt 8 The Defiant Dancer

Heather’s excitement for her first dance competition fades when she’s handed her costume - the outfit is extremely revealing and definitely not Heather’s style. Heather asks her dance teacher to change costumes but is shocked to find out that she has to wear the revealing clothes. Heather grows upset, baffled why the competition is concerned with what she wears. She’s ready to throw in the towel but some thoughtful advice from Mom emboldens Heather to take a stand. In the final hour - Heather convinces her dance troop to make their own costumes that they all feel comfortable in. Suspecting Amy and Justin are secretly dating, Holly tries to sniff out if they’re in a relationship. Holly decides to throw a sleepover, encouraging Amy to play truth or dare in order to coax the secret out of her. Holly realizes she may be taking things too far when she orchestrates an elaborate prank on Justin that includes a live chicken!

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Avsnitt 9 The Cowering Confidant

Justin plans an impromptu trip to take Holly and Amy to New Mexico. Holly gets an unexpected call from Justin’s manager who tells her that he hasn’t received any of the songs they’ve been working on. Concerned, Holly agrees to perform the songs, with Justin, for his manager the next day - the same day as the trip to New Mexico. Holly confronts Justin, telling him he has to cancel his trip. Although Justin reluctantly agrees, Holly is shocked when she finds out that behind her back, he left and took Amy with him to the airport! Holly performs the songs to the manager, solo, where she learns that Justin has done erratic things like this before. Amy’s excitement for their getaway fades when Justin becomes unhinged. Dad’s confidence in his cooking abilities is shaken when he discovers that Mom doesn’t like his BBQ. Dad begins to spiral, if Mom doesn’t love him for his BBQ, then who is he?

Holly Hobbie säsong 4 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 The Friendship Fiasco

Holly is shook after Justin leaves Collinsville to head home to focus on his mental health. Disappointed that her dreams of writing an album with him are gone, Holly focuses her attention on helping Amy get over her now ex-boyfriend. Holly is shocked to find out that Amy is avoiding her. When Holly confronts Amy, she learns that Amy is upset at her because if Holly didn’t push Justin so hard, he wouldn’t have left Collinsville. Holly reveals that she too is upset with Amy, explaining that if Amy never went with him to New Mexico, he’d still be here, working on their album. The two eventually reconcile, realizing that they can’t blame each other for Justin’s actions. Heather tries to ensure that her friend group with Levi and Claudia won’t be broken up by romance. Meanwhile, Robbie finds himself constantly interrupted when trying to propose to Lyla. Just when Robbie thinks he’s found the perfect moment, another Hobbie finds a way to mess things up!

Säsong 5

Holly Hobbie säsong 5 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Accidental Activist

Heather is dress coded for wearing a tank top and speaks up about the injustice on the internet. Lyla and Robbie argue over weighty real estate decisions, and Robbie makes a hasty purchase.

Holly Hobbie säsong 5 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Defensive Driver

Holly feels a new sense of independence when she gets her driver’s license, but learns that with more independence comes even more responsibility. Heather finds herself excluded when she joins the boy’s football team.

Holly Hobbie säsong 5 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Engrossed Essayist

Amy struggles to write her college essay. She decides to install wheelchair ramps around town for a better essay, but Holly and Savannah think the ramps are going overboard. Heather juggles dance and rugby and realizes that she can’t keep both.

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Avsnitt 4 The Vexed Volunteer

Shortly after her breakup with Oscar, Holly discovers that he’s deleted all of their pictures online. She’s forced to work with him at the pickle festival and suspects he’s already dating again. Heather worries she’s becoming a third wheel.

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Avsnitt 5 The Big City Belter

Holly gets an audition at NYU, but is blind sighted with a music theory test that she’s unprepared for. Robbie is faced with a decision between his own gain and treating his employees right.

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Avsnitt 6 The Vegan Veteran

Amy’s anxiety grows when she watches a documentary about climate change. She realizes that it goes too far when she protests a BBQ fundraiser organized by her friends. Heather gets hurt during rugby and learns to prioritize her health.

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Avsnitt 7 The Adamant Athlete

Heather discovers that her school gives 90% of its sports funding towards boys’ teams and decides to take a stand. Holly finds a gig for her band, but Amy and Savannah aren’t as enthusiastic.

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Avsnitt 8 The Disappointed Dreamer

Holly finds that teaching music at the Children’s Club is more difficult than she thought. Heather rushes to build the crib for the new baby so she could join her friends at the movies.

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Avsnitt 9 The Panicky Promgoer

Holly gets overwhelmed with post-grad plans and lets the stress interrupt her senior prom. Amy avoids going to prom to prepare for an important interview when she knows how much it means to Savannah.

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Avsnitt 10 A New Beginning

With the loss of her dream job, Holly searches for her calling that will satisfy her passions in life. She’s conflicted when it comes to songwriting and philanthropy. The Hobbie family prepares for the new baby.


Release 2018-11-16

Kanada USA

Serien Holly Hobbie med skådespelare Ruby Jay, Saara Chaudry och Kamaia Fairburn streamas på Disney+. Se även .