Amanza Smith - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Amanza Smith medverkat / deltagit i?

Amanza Smith, skådespelare, 48 år, född 1976-12-12 i Indiana, USA.

Vi listar 1 film, tv-serie som hon har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2019-Selling SunsetSig själv



After graduating from Indiana State University with a major in Interior Design, Amanza moved to Los Angeles where she began a successful career in modeling and entertainment, including a position as an NFL cheerleader for the Indianapolis Colts, features in many magazines, television commercials, and two seasons of the hit NBC game show Deal or No Deal. Since then, Amanza has returned to her first love, interior design. Amanza has decorated and staged homes for Hollywood’s elite, and most recently has joined The Oppenheim Group as the in-house interior design expert. Amanza’s knowledge for all-things design, along with her ability to openly and honestly communicate with clients has been a key to her success in the business.