Andrzej Munk, regissör

Vilka filmer och serier har Andrzej Munk regisserat / medverkat i?

Andrzej Munk, regissör, född 1921-10-16 i Kraków, małopolskie, Polska, dog 1961-09-20 (blev 39 år).

Vi listar 1 film, tv-serie som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2015Bad Luck



Andrzej Munk (16 October 1921 – 20 September 1961) was a Polish film director, screen writer and documentalist. He was one of the most influential artists of the post-Stalinist period in the People's Republic of Poland. His feature films Man on the Tracks (Człowiek na torze, 1956), Eroica (Heroism, 1958), Bad Luck (Zezowate szczęście, 1960), and Passenger (Pasażerka 1963), are considered classics of the Polish Film School developed in mid-1950s. He died as a result of a car crash in Kompina in a head-on collision with a truck.