Brian Haley - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Brian Haley medverkat / deltagit i?

Brian Haley, skådespelare, 62 år, född 1963-02-12 i Seattle, Washington, USA.

Vi listar 10 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2021Clint Eastwood a Cinematic LegacySig själv
2014Draft DayNFL Commissioner (okrediterad)
2011The Adjustment BureauPolice Officer Maes
2009Linje 1 2 3 kapadPolice Captain Hill (MTA)
2008Gran TorinoMitch Kowalski
2006The DepartedDetective #2 Tailing Queenan
2001Pearl HarborTraining Captain
1997That Darn CatMarvin
1994Baby på viftVeeko



Brian Haley (born February 12, 1963) is an American actor and stand-up comedian. His stand-up act is characterized by playing his all-American looks against manic outbursts and absurd situations. As an actor he may be best known for his roles as Veeko the incompetent kidnapper in the John Hughes film Baby's Day Out, the over the top football father Mike Hammersmith (aka Spike's dad) in Little Giants, or Clint Eastwood's son "Mitch" in the movie Gran Torino.