Charles S. Dutton - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Charles S. Dutton medverkat / deltagit i?

Charles S. Dutton, mest känd som skådespelare, 74 år, född 1951-01-30 i Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Vi listar 20 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2024The Piano LessonBoy Willie
2015BessieWilliam 'Pa' Rainey
2014Scooby Doo! WrestlingMania-mysterietCookie
2012Bad AssPanther
2010LegionPercy Walker
2009FameMr. James Dowd
2008The ExpressWillie 'Pops' Davis
2004Secret WindowKen Karsch
2003GothikaDr. Douglas Grey
2002D-ToxDetective Hendricks
1999Stulen lyckaAlcee
1996JurynOzzie Walls
1995Nick of TimeHucy
1995SevenCop (okrediterad)
1992Alien 3Leonard Dillon
1988Crocodile Dundee IILeroy Brown
1985Cat's EyeDom
1951Cry, the Beloved CountryJohn Kumalo


2023-Against the Ropes



Charles Stanley Dutton (born January 30, 1951) is an American stage, film, and television actor and director. He is perhaps best known for starring in the television series Roc (1991–1994) and House MD (as the father of Eric Foreman).