Charlie Bewley - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Charlie Bewley medverkat / deltagit i?

Charlie Bewley, skådespelare, 44 år, född 1981-01-28 i London, England, Storbritannien.

Vi listar 8 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2017The ForeignerJoker
2017RenegadesStanton Baker
2012The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2Demetri Volturi
2011The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1Demetri Volturi
2011Like CrazySimon
2010The Twilight Saga: EclipseDemitri Volturi
2009The Twilight Saga: New MoonDemetri



Charles Martin M. "Charlie" Bewley[ (born January 25, 1981) is an English actor known for his role as the vampire Demetri in the film adaptations of The Twilight Saga: New Moon and Eclipse. He will also appear in the upcoming movies Ecstasy and Soldiers of Fortune. Bewley was raised on a farm in the middle of England. He was born the eldest of four children and was educated at Loughborough Grammar School and Oakham School. He is a keen sportsman and has ran several marathons benefiting variable charities. In 2010 he appeared on Lopez Tonight with his fellow costar Booboo Stewart.