Darcy Fehr - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Darcy Fehr medverkat / deltagit i?

Darcy Fehr, skådespelare, 50 år, född 1974-12-26 i Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada.

Vi listar 6 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2024Ordinary AngelsAlbert Evans
2022Bed RestJake
2019The Parts You LoseMitch
2018I still see youKirk's Father
2014Heaven Is for RealLee Watson
2011Faces in the CrowdBryce #7



Darcy Fehr has been acting professionally since 1997. He's studied at both the University of Manitoba and Ryerson University in Toronto. Among his most notable roles is the lead in Guy Maddin's, "My Winnipeg". Darcy now shares his unique acting experiences in The Acting Studio Winnipeg.