Denis O'Hare - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Denis O'Hare medverkat / deltagit i?

Denis O'Hare, skådespelare, 63 år, född 1962-01-17 i Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Vi listar 34 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2022Infinite StormDave
2021SwallowErwin William
2021-The NeversDr. Edmund Hague
2020The Postcard KillingsSimon Haysmith
2019The Day Shall ComeAndy
2019Late NightBrad
2019The GoldfinchLucius Reeve
2018LizzieJohn Morse
2018Private LifeDr. Dordick
2018The Parting Glass
2016Army of OneAgent Doss
2015Dallas Buyers ClubDr. Sevard
2014The JudgeDoc Morris
2014The PyramidHolden
2014The Normal HeartHiram Keebler
2011The EagleLotorius
2011-American Horror StoryDr. Andrew Hill
2011J. EdgarAlbert Osborne
2010Edge of DarknessMoore
2009DuplicityDuke Monahan
2009The ProposalMr. Gilbertson
2008Baby MamaDr. Manheim
2008MilkJohn Briggs
2008ChangelingDr. Jonathan Steele
2007AwakeFinancial News Analyst
2007Charlie Wilson's WarHarold Holt
2007Michael ClaytonMr. Greer
2006Half NelsonJimbo
2005Angel RodriguezHenry
2005Once Upon a MattressPrince Dauntless
2005DerailedJerry the Lawyer
2004Garden StateAlbert
200321 GramsDr. Rothberg



Denis O'Hare (born January 17, 1962) is an American stage and screen actor, best known for his roles in the plays Take Me Out and Sweet Charity, for his portrayal of vampire Russell Edgington on the series True Blood and his different roles on American Horror Story, and for his supporting roles in such films as Milk, Changeling, and Dallas Buyers Club.