Dennis Watlington, regissör

Vilka filmer och serier har Dennis Watlington regisserat / medverkat i?

Dennis Watlington, writing, 73 år, född 1952-01-01 i Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA.

Vi listar 1 film, tv-serie som personen har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


1978The Deer HunterCab Driver



Emmy award-winning actor, writer and producer introduces his new book 'Chasing America' ! Dennis Watlington’s Chasing America is a rollercoaster ride through promise and poverty, affirmative action and addiction – a powerful story that captures a life and an era that is seminally American. Born in Harlem in 1952, Dennis Watlington has been walking a tightrope his entire life. At the age of 14, after bouncing in and out of various schools, Dennis got addicted to heroin.