Geoff Meed - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Geoff Meed medverkat / deltagit i?

Geoff Meed, skådespelare, 59 år, född 1965-12-31 i Houston, Texas, USA.

Vi listar 8 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2011Fast & Furious 5Macroy
2010UnthinkableYoung Sergent
2009Miss MarchFireman Rick
2008The Day the Earth Stood StillField Commander Communications Officer
2007Resident Evil: ExtinctionPock Mark
2006Little Miss SunshineBiker Dad
2000BrotherRossi's Bodyguard
1997Leprechaun 4: Lost in SpaceKowalski



Geoffrey "Geoff" Meed is an American actor, screenwriter and martial artist. Meed was born in Houston, Texas. Little is known of his early years, but he was very athletic - he played dodgeball (appearing on a game show on the subject), practiced martial arts (even being trained under Jim Brassard and being inducted in two halls of fame), and powerlifting while at Texas University (holding a record there). Meed's acting career officially began in 1989. He has been severely injured on set twice, requiring numerous surgeries to fix some of his injuries.