James Gaisford - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har James Gaisford medverkat / deltagit i?

James Gaisford, skådespelare, 30 år, född 1994-05-19 i Los Angeles, California, USA.

Vi listar 3 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2014Cloud 9Assistant
2014Christmas Under WrapsWyatt



James Gaisford is an American actor, Raised in the capital of the Indie film market (Sundance) His career began with guerrilla style film making. This influence opened varied and unique performances gravitating towards an unconventional style of acting. He is noted for starring in Mainstays YouTube fan film, "Hunger games second quarter quell" Where he plays a young Haymitch. James has had several other collaborations with Mainstay productions. James is also noted for his wide variety of physical skills. Having studied stunts, Horseback riding, bull whipping, martial arts, and extensive weapon training. Many of his projects include action sequences. A renaissance man, James is also musically inclined. A gifted singer he has appeared in multiple musicals. He speaks French, Paints, and plays the piano.