Jim R. Coleman - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Jim R. Coleman medverkat / deltagit i?

Jim R. Coleman, skådespelare, 64 år, född 1961-02-09 i Dallas, Texas, USA.

Vi listar 9 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2017The Florida ProjectCabbie
2015Ant-ManPym Tech Gate Guard
2015Paper TownsDetective Otis Warren
2014Dolphin Tale 2Pat
2007American GangsterBailiff
2005Transporter 2Robot Tech
1999InstinctGuard #2



Jim R. Coleman was born on February 9 1961 in Dallas Texas, to James and Ira Coleman. After graduating high school Jim joined the US Army and served 3 years as a Medic. After being honorable discharged Jim moved to Florida where his professional acting career began. Having appeared in more than 50 national commercials he is best known for his role of Roger Parker in the hit Nickelodeon Show My Brother and Me. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Jim Coleman