Khleo Thomas - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Khleo Thomas medverkat / deltagit i?

Khleo Thomas, skådespelare, 36 år, född 1989-01-30 i Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

Vi listar 5 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2023Hurricane SeasonDavid Willis
2005Roll BounceMixed Mike
2004Going To The MatVincent "Fly" Shu
2004Walking TallPete Vaughn
2003HolesHector "Zero" Zeroni



An American actor, rapper, singer, and entertainer best known for his role as Zero in Holes and Mixed Mike in Roll Bounce. Khleo also starred in other films like Walking Tall starring Dwayne Johnson in 2004 and Remember the Daze starring Amber Heard in 2007. Khleo is currently working on a new album entitled "Just A Sample" where he is mentioned to collaborate with different individual artist including his close friend and musical companion, Bow Wow. The album does not have a declared release but Khleo recently stated on Twitter and on Ustream that "Lights Out" will be the album's first official single.