Larry Charles, regissör

Vilka filmer och serier har Larry Charles regisserat / medverkat i?

Larry Charles, mest känd som regissör, 69 år, född 1956-02-20 i Brooklyn, New York, USA.

Vi listar 6 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2019-Larry Charles' Dangerous World of ComedySig själv
2016Army of OneInterviewer




Larry Charles (born February 20, 1956) is an American writer, director, and producer. He is best known as a staff writer for the American sitcom Seinfeld for its first 5 seasons, contributing some of the show's darkest and most absurd storylines. He has also directed the films Borat, Religulous, Brüno, and The Dictator.