Michael McElhatton - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Michael McElhatton medverkat / deltagit i?

Michael McElhatton, skådespelare, 62 år, född 1963-01-01 i Terenure, Dublin, Irland.

Vi listar 20 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2022-Dangerous LiaisonsJean de Merteuil
2021The Last DuelBernard Latour
2021Zack Snyder's Justice LeagueBlack Clad Alpha
2019-ChernobylProsecutor Andrei Stepashin
2019TogoJafet Lindeberg
2018Agatha and the Truth of MurderSir Arthur Conan Doyle
2017The Zookeeper’s WifeJerzyk
2017The ForeignerJim Kavanagh
2017King Arthur: Legend of the SwordJack's Eye
2017Justice LeagueBlack Clad Alpha
2016Belägringen av JadotvilleGeneral McEntee
2016Handsome DevilWalter Curly
2016The Autopsy of Jane DoeSheriff Sheldon
2016En isbjörn i New YorkLaurence (röst)
2015The HallowColm Donnelly
2012Shadow DancerLiam Hughes
2011Albert NobbsMr. Moore
2009Perrier's BountyIvan
2004Mickybo And MeMechanic



Michael McElhatton (born 12 September 1963) is an Irish actor and writer. He is best known for playing the role of Roose Bolton in the HBO series Game of Thrones. He joined the series as a guest star in the second season, and continued to play this role until the sixth season, promoted to a regular cast member from the fifth season onwards.