Noah Hawley, regissör

Vilka filmer och serier har Noah Hawley regisserat / medverkat i?

Noah Hawley, mest känd som producent, 57 år, född 1967-10-05 i New York, New York, USA.

Vi listar 3 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.




2019Lucy in the Sky



Noah Hawley (born 1967) is an American screenwriter, director, producer, author, and singer. He is best known for creating and writing the FX series Fargo (2014–present) and Legion (2017–2019). He also worked on the series Bones (2005–2008), The Unusuals (2009), and My Generation (2010). Hawley wrote the film The Alibi (2006) and wrote and directed the film Lucy in the Sky (2019). He has also written six novels and is a singer, having contributed to the soundtracks of Fargo and Legion by singing covers of popular music produced by composer Jeff Russo. He will write and direct the upcoming FX series Alien: Earth, which is based on the film franchise and is expected to premiere in 2025.