Scott Glenn - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Scott Glenn medverkat / deltagit i?

Scott Glenn, skådespelare, 86 år, född 1939-01-26 i Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Vi listar 29 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2023The HillRed Murff
2017-Marvel's The DefendersStick
2017-The ChallengeRick
2015Into the Grizzly MazeSully
2014-The LeftoversKevin Garvey, Sr.
2012The Bourne LegacyEzra Kramer
2012The PaperboyW.W. Jansen
2011Sucker PunchThe Wise Man / The General / The Bus Driver
2010Berättelsen om SecretariatChris Chenery
2008W.Donald Rumsfeld
2007The Bourne UltimatumEzra Kramer
2007Freedom WritersSteve Gruwell
2001Apocalypse Now ReduxLieutenant Richard M. Colby
2001Training DayRoger
2000Vertical LimitMontgomery Wick
2000Virgin SuicidesFather Moody
1998FirestormWynt Perkins
1997Absolut maktBill Burton
1996I sanningens namnGartner
1995Tall TaleJ.P. Stiles
1992SpelarenScott Glenn
1991EldstormJohn 'Axe' Adcox
1991När Lammen TystnarJack Crawford
1990The Hunt for Red OctoberBart Mancuso
1987Man on FireCreasy
1986Le mômeDan Vaughn
1983Rätta virketAlan Shepard



Theodore Scott Glenn (born January 26, 1939) is an American actor. His roles have included Pfc Glenn Kelly in Nashville (1975), Wes Hightower in Urban Cowboy (1980), astronaut Alan Shepard in The Right Stuff (1983), Emmett in Silverado (1985), Captain Bart Mancuso in The Hunt for Red October (1990), Jack Crawford in The Silence of the Lambs (1991), John Adcox in Backdraft (1991), Montgomery Wick in Vertical Limit (2000), Roger in Training Day (2001), Ezra Kramer in The Bourne Ultimatum (2007), Kevin Garvey Sr. in The Leftovers (2014–2017), and as Stick in both Daredevil (2015–2016) and The Defenders (2017).