Vidal Arzoni - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Vidal Arzoni medverkat / deltagit i?

Vidal Arzoni, skådespelare.

Vi listar 1 film, tv-serie som personen har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.





Born into a family of artists, Vidal Arzoni played his first role in Elsa Amiel's feature film Pearl at the age of 7, alongside Peter Mullan, Julia Föry, Arieh Worthalter and Agata Buzek. He then played the role of Arthur in Julien Rambaldi's social comedy The Nannies (Les Femmes du square), alongside Eye Haïdara, Ahmed Sylla and Léa Drucker. In Gianluca Jodice's historical drama The Flood (Le Déluge), which opened the Locarno Festival 2024, Vidal Arzoni plays Le Dauphin Louis-Charles de France (Louis XVII), the son of Louis XVI (Guillaume Canet) and Marie-Antoinette (Mélanie Laurent). On television, he plays a recurring role in Pierre Monnard's Winter Palace series (co-produced by Netflix). He also appears in the series Helvetica by Romain Graf, which won the Best Foreign French-Language Fiction Award at the 2019 La Rochelle Fiction Festival, and La Vie devant by Klaudia Reynicke and Kristina Wagenbauer. He has also appeared in a number of short and medium-length films, including the lead role in 7 Fois, by Christine Wiederkehr, which won the Best International Short Film Award at the Dublin International Film Festival (DIFF) 2024. Vidal Arzoni received his first acting award at the Rhode Island International Film Festival (USA) in 2021 for his role in the film Stories Keep me Awake at Night (Nuits sans sommeil) by Jérémy van der Haegen. - Né dans une famille d’artistes, Vidal Arzoni incarne son premier rôle dans le long-métrage Pearl d’Elsa Amiel à l’âge de 7 ans en compagnie, notamment, de Peter Mullan, Julia Föry, Arieh Worthalter et Agata Buzek. Il incarne ensuite le rôle d’Arthur dans la comédie sociale Les Femmes du square de Julien Rambaldi en compagnie, notamment, d’Eye Haïdara, Ahmed Sylla et Léa Drucker. Dans Le Déluge, drame historique de Gianluca Jodice et film d’ouverture du Festival de Locarno 2024, Vidal Arzoni incarne Le Dauphin Louis-Charles de France (Louis XVII), fils de Louis XVI (Guillaume Canet) et de Marie-Antoinette (Mélanie Laurent). À la télévision, il joue un rôle récurrent dans la...