Barnmorskan i East End

Barnmorskan i East End, serie 2012 - se via Stream och Play

Streama serien Barnmorskan i East End (2012-). Följ den unga barnmorskan Jenny Lees liv och äventyr i Londons East End på 1950-talet. Med Vanessa Redgrave, Helen George och Jenny Agutter. Streama med SVT Play och TV4 Play+.

En gripande, intim och framför allt verklighetstrogen skildring av sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor i East London under 1950-talet baserad på den framlidna Jennifer Worths bästsäljande memoarer. Då East London på den tiden var ett område med extrem fattigdom drar sig inte serien för att ta upp svåra sociala, kulturella och ekonomiska frågor - berättat genom dessa inspirerande kvinnors ögon.



Barnmorskan i East End trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Våren 1957 anländer den nyutexaminerade barnmorskan Jenny Lee till Londons East End för att påbörja sin karriär. Efter att hon kommit över den första chocken över att hennes nya hem, Nonnatus House, är ett kloster snarare än ett privatsjukhus, blir hon snart fullt upptagen med sitt nya jobb. Att bo med nunnor och arbeta i ett område fullt av färgstarka karaktärer - som Conchita Warren med sina 25 graviditeter - är totalt olikt något Jenny varit med om tidigare. Genom henne upplever vi såväl sorgerna som glädjeämnena som följer med att vara barnmorska.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 1 avsnitt 2
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Jenny Lee kommer in i sin roll som barnmorska, samtidigt som nytillskottet Chummy gör sitt bästa för att bevisa sitt värde i verksamheten på Nonnatus House. Under tiden blir Jennys möte med unga Mary, gravid och på rymmen, en omskakande upplevelse.

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Jenny placeras på sjuksköterskerundan under ett par veckor, och under ett hembesök växer en vänskap fram med Joe, en gammal soldat. På mödravårdskliniken skriver Trixie och Cynthia in Winnie Lawson som ny patient. Winnie trodde att spädbarnsdagarna var förbi sedan länge, och verkar till synes plågad över att hon nu väntar barn igen i fyrtioårsåldern. Hennes makes glädje vet däremot inga gränser - dock får alla sig en överraskning vid barnets födsel.

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Stölden av ett spädbarn väcker bestörtning i hela grannskapet, och alla hjälper till i sökandet. Under tiden hjälper Cynthia de blivande föräldrarna David och Margaret, vars ljusa framtidsplaner hotas när Margaret drabbas av havandeskapsförgiftning.

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Avsnitt 5

Från att tidigare ha hjälpt nytt liv till världen, får Jenny nu erfarenhet av vård i livets slutskede. När städerskan Peggys bror, Frank, blir diagnostiserad med cancer, får nunnorna i uppgift att stå för omsorgen. Jenny lär nu känna syskonen på djupet och får lära sig mer om deras hårda bakgrund. Medan Jenny ser till Frank, får de övriga på Nonnatus House en utmaning när Freds senaste affärsprojekt visar sig bli mer fruktbart än någon trott.

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Syster Monica Joan hittas kringirrande vid hamnen, och hämtas tillbaka till Nonnatus House av polisen. Äventyret tar hårt på krafterna, och hon insjuknar i lunginflammation. När hon så småningom tillfrisknar hamnar hon i trubbel med rättvisan när hon anklagas för stöld. När fallet går vidare till domstol stiger oron i Nonnatus House, och man fruktar att den gamla nunnan ska hamna i fängelse.

Säsong 2

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Året är 1958 och syster Jenny Lee firas på sin födelsedag av hela Nonnatus House. Men plikten kallar åter och nästa dag får hon en ny patient som är fast i ett våldsamt och destruktivt äktenskap. Under tiden befinner sig Trixie och Evangelina i en högst ovanlig situation ombord på ett svenskt fraktfartyg där kaptenens dotter precis ska föda.

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Hela Poplar berörs djupt när familjen Kellys nyfödde son dör under oklara omständigheter. Cynthia, som närvarade vid barnets födsel, granskas nu av såväl polis som av kvarterets havande mödrar.

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Jenny lånas ut till ett underbemannat sjukhus i London, där hon hamnar i tjänstgöring under den osympatiske kirurgen Mr Tracey. Hemma i Poplar har barnmorskorna fått ett nytt tillskott till hushållet, Jane, som hjälper till under Jennys frånvaro. Nunnorna och barnmorskorna får för ovanlighetens skull bekanta sig med ett identiskt tvillingpar som till och med delar make - och nu är en av tvillingsystrarna gravid.

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Efter vändan på sjukhuset i London behöver Jenny mobilisera alla sina kunskaper när ett barn föds med en farlig missbildning.

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Hela det lilla samhället förenar sina krafter i förberedelserna inför den årliga sommarfesten.

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Trångboddheten har gjort att tuberkulosen kunnat härja fritt i Poplar. Men med systematisk röntgen i stor skala för att kunna ställa tidig diagnos, är doktor Turner fast besluten att sätta stopp för sjukdomens framfart. Jennys distriktsrunda leder henne till en familj som har drabbats särdeles hårt av tuberkulosen.

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I Cynthias distriktsrunda ingår att ge insulininjektioner till diabetikern John Lacy, en osympatisk översittare som gör livet svårt för sin fru, Annie. Men ett besök från Annies älskade son Bob, och moraliskt stöd från Cynthia, gör att Annie vågar ta steget och förändra sitt liv. Jenny å sin sida stöter på rasfördomar när hon hjälper den svarta blivande modern Monique.

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Chummy och Noakes möter nya utmaningar när de åter slår sig ner i Poplar. Fred strålar av lycka när hans gravida dotter, Dolly, och hennes lille son Anthony kommer för att bo hos honom. Jennys egen anledning till glädje kommer i form av potentielle kavaljeren Alec, en vän och kollega till Jimmy. Men världen omkring Poplar förändras i rask takt och gamla byggnader ska rivas för att ge plats åt nya höghus. Snart hotas även nunneklostret.

Säsong 3

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Det har blivit 1959, och nunnorna och barnmorskorna flyttar in i nya lokaler tillsammans med nytillskottet syster Winifred. Medan Jenny kämpar med att hjälpa den utmattade mamman Merle Vickers och hennes två mystiskt sjuka söner, så är det syster Monica Joan som slutligen har en ledtråd i jakten på en diagnos.

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Jenny blir befordrad istället för den mer erfarna Trixie, vilket skapar spänningar mellan de två. Efter att ha bevistat en föreläsning av en framstående läkare försöker Cynthia att introducera mer moderna metoder för avslappning och smärtlindring under förlossning, men stöter på patrull hos syster Evangelina.

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Syster Julienne ombeds hjälpa till med mödravården på ett kvinnofängelse, och hon ber Trixie att följa med. Helagh får en överraskning när en rutinkontroll avslöjar något riktigt allvarligt.

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Jenny blir misstänksam när hennes pojkvän Alec bjuder henne på en weekendresa till Brighton. Syster Winifred hjälper en äldre judisk kvinna som inte har lämnat sin lägenhet på tolv år.

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Jenny är bortrest och syster Julienne är sjuk - det blir Shelagh som får ta över driften av Nonnatus House. Hon tar hjälp av nya barnmorskan Patsy Mount.

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Patsy använder personliga erfarenheter när hon identifierar en patients mystiska sjukdom. Shelagh och Dr Turner bestämmer sig för att adoptera ett barn.

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Jenny återvänder till arbetet, men skickas till sjukhuset i London där hon hämmas av alltför strikta regler. Chummy får veta att hennes mamma är sjuk.

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Shelagh och Dr Turner blir godkända som adoptivföräldrar och får ta emot en liten flicka i sitt hem. Kollegorna samlas kring Chummy när hennes mammas tillstånd försämras.

Säsong 4

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A chance encounter with an impoverished child forces Trixie to see an unfamiliar darker side of life. As Nonnatus House welcomes a new resident, Nurse Barbara Gilbert, Tom Hereward has a surprise romantic gesture in store for Trixie.

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Barbara faces her most challenging case to date when she treats first-time mother Abigail Bissette and the birth does not go according to plan. As Sister Julienne struggles with the increasing financial pressure on Nonnatus House, a mystery benefactor comes to the rescue. Elsewhere Sister Evangelina is unimpressed by newly arrived nurse Phyllis Crane.

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The Nonnatus team rallies to support first-time parents Marie and Tony Amos when Tony is arrested for gross indecency with another male. Elsewhere, as Poplar is gripped by an outbreak of dysentery, Trixie undertakes her first official church duty since her engagement to Tom.

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The midwives face one of their busiest nights to date, whilst Sister Winifred concentrates her efforts on the prostitutes of Poplar. Elsewhere, cracks start to appear in Trixie and Tom Hereward's relationship.

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Sister Julienne's faith is challenged when a mother refuses medicine for her newborn baby. Dr Turner's involvement in the case forces him to face his own demons. Meanwhile, Barbara must work out a way to communicate with a pregnant Sylheti woman.

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Phyllis deals with a diabetic teenager who has fallen pregnant, Sister Mary Cynthia comes into contact with a group of Irish Travellers, and Patsy organizes a square dance to raise money for the Cubs' trip to Norfolk.

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A pair of school friends are unexpectedly reunited in the delivery room, and a mix up results in complications for both. Meanwhile, Barbara helps a couple in need of assistance, and Patsy's secret relationship with Delia pains them both.

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Trixie and Sister Mary Cynthia help a deaf-and-dumb woman, and Barbara has a baffling case. Meanwhile, Fred's daughter arrives from Birmingham and interferes with his and Violet's engagement, and Delia has a proposal for Patsy.

Säsong 5

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When a baby is born with severe deformities of the kind later identified as caused by the drug thalidomide, the midwives find it difficult to handle the situation, and the baby's father rejects her completely, to his wife's dismay. Trixie's new sideline as a keep fit instructor brings her into conflict with Sister Julienne, and she also becomes suspicious of the relationship between Barbara and Tom. Rather than return to Wales as her mother wishes, Delia moves into Nonnatus House.

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Barbara treats a pregnant woman whose dockworker husband is struggling to support her as opportunities for work dry up. She is forced into a difficult decision that leaves Barbara facing the biggest test of her career. Nurse Crane meets a kindred spirit when she learns to speak Spanish, and Sister Evangelina helps a woman with breastfeeding, leading to unforeseen consequences.

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Avsnitt 3

A outbreak of typhoid erupts, and suspicion over who the carrier could be threatens to break apart a closely knit family. Sister Winfred faces a personal dilemma when a local teacher is revealed to be pregnant by a married man. When the woman takes matters into her own hands, Sister Winifred is forced to consider the role her own prejudices may have played. Meanwhile, Barbara inadvertently agrees to go to dinner with Tom, but is wracked with worry about how Trixie will react.

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Sister Julienne is seconded to a maternity ward, and is impressed by how modern technology is being used to help the mothers - but is left with a moral dilemma after assisting on a traumatic birth. A young man from Poplar is delighted to be accepted into university, but his mother is less than happy. His dreams are jeopardised when his girlfriend gets pregnant, a development that puts pressure on the whole family.

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Turner and Shelagh are at the forefront of the advances in medical technology, and begin a campaign to ensure better respiratory health for their patients. However, Timothy fears their own lifestyle is not good for them and tries to encourage his parents to give up smoking. Violet injures her back and is forced to leave the shop in Fred's hands, a decision that strengthens their relationship but which proves to have other, unforeseen consequences. A new mother's past comes to light, with devastating repercussions for her family. Nurse Crane draws on her own experiences to help her.

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Poplar is rocked by a series of violent attacks on women, and a prostitute is too ashamed to report what she knows - but her actions lead to a dangerous man roaming the streets, with devastating consequences for the residents of Nonnatus House. A mother tries to keep her daughter's pregnancy a secret to avoid gossip, putting her life in danger. The Turners go on a long overdue holiday, but the weather ruins their plans.

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The introduction of the contraceptive pill is welcomed by Dr Turner, but some of his colleagues are less keen on the idea. Patsy tries to help a bargee who wants to give birth among her own community rather than in a maternity ward. Nurse Crane deals with an emergency during a storm, and a familiar face returns to Nonnatus House - but has been changed by her time away.

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Dr Turner is horrified to realise he may be partly to blame as the cause of the recent rise in birth deformities comes to light, and tries to prevent further cases. Sister Evangelina returns to work, but has clearly been affected badly by her stroke, and her health continues to deteriorate. A pregnant bride goes into labour during her wedding reception, while her mother is forced to come to terms with her grandchild being conceived out of wedlock.

Säsong 6

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The team reunite but all is not well when a change of management shakes up Nonnatus House.

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An explosion at the docks brings heartache to the people of Poplar, whilst Sister Ursula continues to ruffle feathers with her unpopular decisions.

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The winds of change are blowing through Poplar, as a new government paper calls for the eradication of small hospitals in favour of large general hospitals. Dr Turner and Shelagh are informed that an inspection of the maternity home will decide its fate.

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An expectant mother with financial struggles enters into a painful arrangement with her cousin. As Tom provides pastoral care, he reveals why this case touched him more than most.

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Nonnatus House welcomes a new recruit, Nurse Valerie Dyer. A vulnerable young man captures Fred and Violet's hearts, whilst the whereabouts of Sister Mary Cynthia is a concern.

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Valerie Dyer cares for a pregnant Somali woman and is shocked by aspects of this unfamiliar culture. The nuns and midwives try to provide the best care for Sister Mary Cynthia.

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Dr Turner helps the Mullucks cope with the stresses of caring for a disabled child as the terrible legacy of thalidomide becomes apparent and Nurse Crane faces an unexpected crisis.

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An unexpected turn of events leads to a wedding being hastily arranged. Shelagh finally goes into labour. The arrival of the pill leads to unforeseen consequences.

Säsong 7

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The winter continues, and the team at Nonnatus House welcome their newest midwife, Lucille Anderson. Nurse Crane and Dr Turner care for an elderly cancer patient facing eviction.

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Lucille faces racism and prejudice when a new mother falls ill. Sister Winifred is keen to have fathers be more involved in the care of their babies.

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A pregnant mother hears a devastating diagnosis. Fred and Violet organise a beauty contest. Trixie and Christopher's relationship feels the strain.

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Sister Julienne is drawn into the heart of a different culture when she is called upon to help a Pakistani family. Having come to terms with her own childlessness, Mumtaz Gani is heartbroken when her husband Saddiq brings home a second wife who is eight months pregnant. Sister Julienne must help Mumtaz come to terms with this new addition to her family.

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Lucille must win the trust of a mother who is terrified of giving birth. Nurse Crane and Dr Turner are anxious to find a possible smallpox sufferer.

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Barbara gets involved with a recently widowed pregnant woman, and Sister Monica Joan has her cataract surgery.

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Dr Turner gets involved with a troubled young man, and Lucille makes new friends. Meanwhile, Barbara lies ill in hospital.

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The team must rally to prepare for Sister Monica Joan's birthday. Meanwhile, the closing of a nearby maternity home brings an influx of expectant mothers to the Nonnatus midwives.

Säsong 8

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Nonnatus House welcomes two new nuns. Valerie deals with a shocking case that arrives unexpectedly, and the other midwives must handle a complicated multiple birth.

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Lucille helps elderly hoarder Clarice Millgrove who is struggling to keep her independence; Sister Hilda and the team work hard to help a Ghanaian family with an undiagnosed illness; Violet puts herself forward in the upcoming elections.

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Valerie helps a struggling mother accept her son's birth defect. The Turners oversee a measles vaccination trial at the clinic as the team prepare for the Whitsun bank holiday.

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The team tries to unite an estranged mother and daughter who are both pregnant. Trixie's friend is devastated to discover she is pregnant.

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Poplar welcomes a brand new cervical cancer-screening clinic to the Institute and Dr Turner, Shelagh and Trixie are pleased to be part of the exciting new venture.

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Mother Mildred returns and helps a docker family tackle end-stage pneumoconiosis. Lucille cares for an unmarried teenage mother who wants to keep her baby.

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Mother Mildred decides it’s time for Sister Frances to attend her first solo birth. Trixie consoles a patient who discovers she has gonorrhea.

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Sister Hilda digs deep to give her terminally-ill patient her final wish whilst the Turners must prepare to say goodbye to May. Fred and Reggie are keeping secrets from each other.

Säsong 9

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Dr Turner and Nurse Crane must deal with an alarming outbreak of diphtheria. Fred finds an abandoned baby in a dustbin, and the team must help locate its mother.

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Sister Julienne cares for a pregnant prostitute, while Dr Turner puzzles over a mysterious string of symptoms.

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Lucille is seconded to St Cuthbert's when a ward sister is off sick, but a lift malfunction sees her spend the evening with mother-to- be Connie instead of her planned rendezvous with Cyril.

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Sister Julienne volunteers to put up four trainee doctors at Nonnatus House while they undertake the practical aspect of their obstetrics diploma, hoping the exercise will remind the council how vital the home is to the community and help remove the threat of demolition.

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Sister Frances is at a loss when she cares for diabetic and recovering cancer patient Albert Calthorpe whose fiercely independent wife Grace refuses to accept further help, despite caring for her husband, her elderly mother and her pregnant daughter.

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At the Turners, Shelagh receives a phone call from the Hong Kong adoption agency, which has the alarming news that someone from May's past has arrived in the UK and wants to see the little girl.

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Trixie helps a blind mother, Marion, care for her new baby, but trouble starts when Marion’s sister calls Social Services to intervene.

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Sister Julienne decides it is time to take matters in hand when a letter arrives from the council saying that it will cut funding to Nonnatus House and no longer pay for the accommodation, and goes to see Violet at one of her open sessions as a local councillor.

Säsong 10

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Sister Julienne and Dr Turner clash over whether to provide a private care service, and a distressing birth raises fears of another Thalidomide case.

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Sister Frances finds herself in a tricky situation when a pregnant woman confides in her. Sister Julienne’s new venture hits a stumbling block.

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Sister Hilda and Dr Turner are involved with a young woman whose health presents a series of challenges. A complicated pregnancy leads the Nonnatus team on a path of discovery.

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It’s July 1966, and Britain is in the grip of World Cup fever. New pupil midwife Nancy makes quite an impact.

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With sister Hilda away on a refresher course, sister Julienne steps in to carry out home visits. The new pupil midwives are settling in well, and there is a sense of hope in the air.  While examining expectant mother Vera Sands during a routine visit, sister Julienne is concerned by her toddler daughter who is displaying troubling symptoms. Determined to find out what’s wrong, sister Julienne and doctor Turner are on the case.  Meanwhile, an overly protective mother struggles to cope with her daughter’s teenage pregnancy and is insistent on keeping it low key, much to the frustration of new pupil midwife Nancy Corrigan. 

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It’s September 1966, and at clinic Trixie is tasked with examining a desperate woman who is pregnant with her fifth child. Trixie learns that her patient’s personal life is far from stable, compelling her to speak out publicly. However, the results garner mixed reactions from Nonnatus House and the community. Dr Turner and Sister Frances are entrusted to help a mother-to-be who refuses medical care through her final weeks of pregnancy, and Nancy Corrigan reveals a secret about her background that could threaten her relationship with Sister Julienne and Nonnatus House.

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Nonnatus House struggles to come to terms with Nancy’s revelation. With Sister Julienne taking her annual leave at the Mother House, Sister Hilda relishes the chance to cover and impress with her leadership. While attending an expectant mother, Sister Frances and Trixie are appalled to learn that Poplar’s housing crisis is worsening, leaving the Nonnatus team vowing to fight for change. It’s a poignant time for the Turner family as Timothy readies to leave for medical school in Edinburgh and Cyril receives news from home, prompting him and Lucille to consider their own future. Meanwhile, a very special baby is born, who causes a rift in a close-knit family and leads many people to count their blessings.

Säsong 11

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Demolition work in Poplar uncovers a long-buried secret that leads to a testing and emotional case for the team. Sister Julienne takes on a sensitive delivery.

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At the monthly cytology clinic, Sister Frances comforts a young woman who is struggling with a life-changing diagnosis. Lucille supports a difficult mother.

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Shelagh organises a special celebration to mark 100 years since the Order first arrived in Poplar - although Sister Hilda feels that she should have been in charge of the festivities. Nancy tackles the plight of meths drinkers living rough in Poplar, and Nurse Crane treats a young singer who is torn between two very different futures.

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Sister Hilda and Dr Turner support a young father with a lung condition whose wife is planning a home birth, and discover he is also coping with the repercussions of a past trauma. Cyril looks for a job that will put his qualifications to good use, a first-time mother struggles to bond with her daughter, and Fred comes up with a way to keep the wards cool during a summer heatwave.

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Trixie has been assigned to a complicated case involving a crane driver who was injured in a workplace accident and is now paraplegic. Meanwhile, Nancy and Sister Frances give a talk on the facts of life at a primary school, and Lucille's attendance at a straightforward delivery takes a distressing turn. Shelagh decides to organise a jumble sale to raise money to fix some broken playground equipment in the park. When Sister Julienne finds a suspicious item, chaos ensue

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Sister Monica Joan seeks advice from a clairvoyant. Matthew is shocked to discover squatters in one of his warehouses, and Shelagh faces the most challenging delivery of her career.

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Nonnatus House suffers its biggest threat yet. But this time it’s not the bricks and mortar that are in danger, it’s the people.

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Nonnatus House faces its darkest day after a tragic incident in the heart of Poplar. As the community rallies together, the team must overcome personal anguish to help the injured.

Säsong 12

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April 1968. Racial tensions cast a shadow over Poplar, Nancy’s eyes are opened when she supports a dying woman, and Nonnatus House welcomes a new sister.

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Sister Julienne helps care for a first-time mother who is going through a challenging diagnosis. Lucille struggles with her own health, and Poplar celebrates the Whitsun Maypole.

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Sister Veronica is shaken when a mother reveals a terrible truth about her marriage, whilst Shelagh cares for a baby with a life-threatening condition and Nancy harbours a secret.

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Avsnitt 4

The maternity home is thrown into chaos by an outbreak of gastroenteritis, and Nurse Crane fights to save her career. Meanwhile, Cyril encourages Reggie to seek help.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 12 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

A pregnant mother with a chronic heart condition falls unwell, Nancy grows suspicious of a young father’s erratic behaviour, and Matthew prepares for a visit from his father.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 12 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

Trixie supports an underage mother through a difficult time, Monica Joan welcomes an unusual guest to Nonnatus House, and Sister Veronica spearheads a new council initiative.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 12 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Poplar’s housing crisis deepens, bringing a sad case to the attention of the team, whilst a worrying disease outbreak directly impacts the residents of Nonnatus House.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 12 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

Dr Turner experiences the biggest test of his career, while Trixie’s approaching nuptials cause stress levels to escalate. Sister Julienne hatches a plan to save Nonnatus House.

Säsong 13

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Sister Julienne cares for an expectant mother who has cerebral palsy. Nonnatus House kicks off its new midwifery training scheme with the arrival of four new pupil midwives.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

The team help a single mother whose flat is riddled with damp whilst Nancy and Dr Turner care for a Sylheti woman with an undiagnosed illness, and Matthew teaches Trixie how to drive.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

Nurse Crane helps a struggling first-time mother accept her baby’s birth defect, and Violet’s bid to be mayor is thrown into turmoil by unforeseen circumstances.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

Trixie makes a serious mistake at work, whilst the team work hard to help a Biafran family. Nancy delves into her family’s past as the world celebrates the moon landings.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

A fun day at the seaside proves traumatic for the Turners and puts May’s future with them in jeopardy. Nurse Crane helps a young couple cope with a rare cancer diagnosis.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

In his new role, Cyril faces his toughest challenge yet, whilst Matthew is summoned to a board meeting with his mother. Elsewhere, the pupil midwives prepare for their final exams.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Rosalind oversees the care of a teenage mum and uncovers a disturbing truth. Trixie and Matthew struggle with their change in fortune whilst Joyce receives an unexpected visitor.

Barnmorskan i East End säsong 13 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

Miss Higgins receives an unexpected visitor, and Sister Monica ruffles feathers. Poplar votes for its Mother of the Year.


Call the Midwife

Release 2012-01-15


Serien Barnmorskan i East End med skådespelare Vanessa Redgrave, Helen George och Jenny Agutter samt regisserad av David O'Neill streamas på TV4 Play+ och SVT Play (gratis). Se även .