Bluey och Bingo har en magisk xylofon som kan frysa pappa, men pappa tar över kontrollen och fryser Bluey i stället.
Den här roliga och träffsäkra skildringen av det moderna familjelivet hyllar hur fantasifull lek hjälper till att forma välmående barn. Den australiensiska blue heeler-valpen Bluey har en gränslös fantasi och älskar att göra vardagen till ett lekfullt äventyr. Hon och hennes lillasyster Bingo kastar sig ut och utforskar sin omvärld och genom leken överkommer de sina rädslor och får prova på olika vuxenroller. Det bästa de vet är att dra med sina föräldrar - framförallt sin pappa - i de olika lekarna. Mamma Chilli har börjat jobba igen och pappa Bandit tar hand om barnen samtidigt som han jobbar hemifrån. Och även om pappa tror att det är han som bestämmer, så är det tjejerna som styr och ställer när det kommer till lekarna - och i stort sett allt annat också!
Bluey och Bingo har en magisk xylofon som kan frysa pappa, men pappa tar över kontrollen och fryser Bluey i stället.
Sjuksköterskan Bingo röntgar pappa och upptäcker att han har en katt i magen.
Bluey, Bingo och mamma leker med en ballong, men det blir tävlingsinriktat när pappa går med i leken.
Bluey och Bingo får papparoboten att städa upp i lekrummet när de inte orkar.
Bluey och vännerna spelar Shadowlands under en picknick i parken, men Coco följer inte reglerna.
Bingo blir ledsen när pappa inte kommer och tittar på ett vandrande löv som hon hittat i trädgården.
Det är grilldags! Men Bingo får inte slappa förrän hon har gjort världens bästa sallad!
När Bluey inte får stanna uppe sent drömmer om hon att vara en nattlevande fladdermus istället.
Bluey, Bingo och deras kusiner får Pappa och Farbror Frans att leka häst.
Bluey och Bingo leker att de driver ett knasigt hotell och pappa är deras gäst.
Bluey har det kämpigt med att lära sig cykla men med inspiration från vännerne vägrar hon att ge upp
Det är Bingos tur att ha dockan Bob Bilby från dagis, och hon tänker ta väl hand om honom!
En lek i parken spårar ur när Bingo slutar leka. Nu måste Bluey vinna tillbaka henne.
Fem minuter känns som en evighet när pappa och barnen väntar på sin takeaway-beställning.
"Fjärilar" är en ny rolig lek, tills Bluey springer iväg med Judo och lämnar Bingo helt ensam.
När leken med pappa blir för vild lär sig Bingo att använda sitt stora skall.
Läraren Calypso håller barnen på gott humör med några visa ord och en sång… alla utom Pretzel.
Honeys besök hos doktor Bingo blir avbrutet av andra, mer spännande patienter.
Mamma och pappa gör en egen klomaskin på hemmaplan, men kan Bluey kamma hem storvinsten?
Men en femtiolapp från tandfén blir Bluey överväldigad av alla möjligheter på marknaden.
I parken leker familjen handdockor och går på ett storslaget äventyr.
Bluey och pappa saknar mamma, som ständigt är förberedd, när de går och simmar och glömmer allt!
Bluey och hennes vänner kan inte börja leka affär förrän de kommit överens om reglerna.
Bluey tappar tålamodet när Pappa stannar för att prata med vuxna hela tiden på väg till parken.
Med Bluey som taxichaufför har pappa ingen chans att hinna till flygplatsen i tid.
När mamma promenerar längs stranden, följer Bluey i hennes fotspår på egen hand.
Det är äventyr på det stora havet när Bluey och Bingo leker pirater i hängmattan.
Bingo och Bluey kommer inte överens om en enkel fråga: Kan tanter göra floss-dansen?
En tur till den närliggande bäcken öppnar Blueys ögon för hur underbart det är i naturen.
Bluey måste blidka osynliga, busiga älvor, som invaderat huset.
När de leker ”Jobb” är Bluey och Bingo nyanställda på pappas stuprörsfabrik.
Bluey skickar en video till Bingo på sjukhuset för att visa att alla blir sjuka ibland.
Pappa får inte gå till jobbet förrän han har lekt alla Bluey och Bingos lekar i studsmattan.
Under en biltur till tippen, upptäcker Bluey att pappa kastar hennes gamla teckningar.
Bingo orsakar kaos på Blueys zoo på baksidan, när hon smyger in i pappas gorillabur.
Mamma och Pappa går på äventyr med Bluey och Bingo som sina ryggsäckar!
Bluey och Chloe ger sig ut på ett uppdrag för att rädda sitt lekplatskungarike från den Giriga Drott
Bluey har kul när hon härmar pappa, men hennes lek tar en oväntad vändning.
Bluey och Bingos planer på att vara uppe sent spårar ur för att Muffin sovit för lite.
Calypso medlar i ett gräl mellan barnen när Rusty har avbrutit Blueys lek.
När Indy och Rusty leker Mamma, Pappa, Barn blir de oense om vem som ska gå och jobba.
Bluey måste hålla sig fokuserad och inte bli distraherad när hon leker kurragömma med familjen.
När Bluey campar i vildmarken får hon en ny vän som pratar ett främmande språk.
Bluey och Bingo måste samarbeta när de tävlar till toppen av MammaPappaBerget.
En snabbvisit till affären blir knepig för pappa, när Bluey bestämmer sig för att vara mamma.
När Bingos favoritleksak försvinner, måste tjejerna reda ut vad de har gjort under dagen.
Bluey behöver mammas råd när hennes lekstuga av soffkuddar har störiga grannar.
Bluey, Bingo och mamma har en het debatt med pappa om att han är en stor retsticka.
Blueys magiska sparris förvandlar hennes familj till vilda djur utan hyfs.
Bluey kämpar med att dressera sitt nya husdjur Bosse, en envis och bråkig emu.
Bluey saknar Mamma när hon åker iväg under kvällen med bara Pappa hemma.
Det är julafton hos Bluey – ett perfekt tillfälle att leka Veranda-tomten!
After Dad eats her last chip, Bingo is given three chances to put Mum and Dad in 'Dance Mode' as payback. But the others can't resist taking Bingo's turns for her.
On a trip to Hammerbarn, Bluey and Bingo create their own mini-homes side-by-side in the trolley. But Bluey quickly gets jealous of her neighbour Bingo.
Bluey and Mum are off to Chloe's party and Bingo isn't invited. But armed with a magic featherwand that makes things incredibly heavy, Bingo can now stop them leaving the house.
When Dad and Uncle Stripe play a game of squash, Bluey and Bingo are in control of their every move, and Bingo proves that big siblings don’t always beat little siblings.
During a game of hairdressers, Bluey discovers that big-headed customer Bert Handsome has nits! To help treat them, Bingo has to find her voice, while Bluey has to find her ears.
Dad and his mates hit the backyard, ready to rip up some tree stumps! But when Bluey and Bingo take over a stump as a nail salon, Dad finds he's got some negotiating to do.
When Bluey accidentally makes Bingo upset playing a game at dinner, she will do anything to make her happy again - even changing the rules of the game. But nothing seems to work.
Dad refuses to be late dropping off Bluey and Bingo at kindy and school, but the girls make Dad play so many games, they quickly derail his plan.
When Bluey has a playdate at Chloe's, Bingo must learn how to play by herself. But all the games she knows need more than one person! Luckily Dad has a problem that needs solving.
On Bingo and Bluey's Rug Island, a pack of felt pens can be anything - bananas, campfires, even a snake! But Dad will need to embrace his inner kid if he wants to make it his home.
Bluey and Bingo want everyone to play Charades, but Muffin and Socks are too young to understand the rules and Nanna must think quickly to keep the game on track.
Mum must get Bluey and Bingo out the door in time for a playdate, but they can't leave before they finish their game - waiting for a sticky rubber gecko to drop from the ceiling.
When Dad shows the kids how to use their old baby-harness, a new game is born: Dad Baby! But Dad is unprepared for the harsh realities of giving birth to a baby Bingo.
Bluey plays mum to a brood of bouncy balloons, including an irrepressible floater named Greenie. But she soon discovers that mothering is much harder than she imagined.
All aboard the Dad Train! Bingo goes from home to daycare to her job at the vet every morning, but there's trouble on the line as a mischievous Bluey throws everyone off schedule.
Jack's the new dog at school and the newest recruit in Rusty's army. Jack struggles with following instructions and always forgets his hat but Rusty will make a soldier of him yet.
Bingo and Bluey want Mum and Dad to smoochy kiss, so they set up a romantic evening for two at their fancy restaurant. Everything goes to plan until Chef Bingo's special arrives.
The Heelers take a long riverside walk but Bingo's legs are tired and she wants a piggyback. To distract her, Mum and Dad invent fun games and get her little legs moving again!
When Bingo drops Mum's breakfast-in-bed on the floor, she's convinced she's ruined her big day. But Bluey helps make amends by putting on a play of how Mum and Dad first met.
When Dad brings a pair of tenacious tickle crabs home from the beach, nowhere in the house is safe! His only hope of escaping their tickles is with help from his true love.
When Mum and Dad describe a made-up world where they can relax without the girls, Bluey and Bingo decide to burst into their fantasy and chase them down. How will Mum and Dad escape?
During a game of bus, passenger Mum is too scared to tell Bus Driver Dad that she secretly loves him, until she gets some help from the Grannies.
During a game of Queens, Bluey and Bingo find that playing the butler is much more fun. But someone must play the Queen, even if it means not being afraid of a bit of hard work.
While Mum and Dad struggle to build new flat-pack furniture, Bluey and Bingo transform the empty boxes into their own new world.
At school, Bluey and her friends turn a tree stump into a thrilling game of Helicopter. But as the pilot, Bluey has to learn to give up some control so they can all have fun.
Inside Bingo's dream, Bingo and Floppy have an intergalactic adventure, while the rest of her sleep-deprived family try to navigate Bingo's non-stop night-time bedhopping.
Grandad is supposed to be resting, but when Bluey and Bingo go to visit him, he makes a run for it with the kids and takes them on a madcap adventure into the bush.
Dad has rudely plonked himself on one end of the seesaw. So Bluey and Bingo round up the entire playground to help flip him off, but they still need to find one more friend.
It is Bluey's first trip to the cinema, but she's worried that the movie will be too scary. When Bingo starts running amok in the theatre, she must conquer her fear and help Dad out.
When Muffin is told that she is special by her Dad, she interprets it as an excuse to do anything she wants, which means playing Bluey and Bingo's game of Library her way.
Bluey and Mackenzie are excited to spend time with their two buddies Mia and Captain. When the older kids run off to play together without them, Calypso explains that growing up can be hard.
It's time for Bluey and Bingo to get out of the bath, but Dad has decided not to tell them what to do and gets roped into a game of Burger Shop.
Bluey is the ringmaster in a game of circus with her friends, but Hercules wants to play his motorcycle game instead. Luckily Bluey has a solution to keep everyone happy.
Mum, Dad and Bingo must complete both their classes to pass Swim School but pleasing strict Big Fish instructor Margaret (aka Bluey) is proving very difficult.
In the park Bluey meets a new playmate Winnie, but when Bluey wants to invite her and her dad home for breakfast, she learns that adults take a little bit longer to make friends.
When Mum and Dad have a disagreement, Bluey makes Dad write a love letter to Mum to make up. Now Bluey must find a way to play Ground's Lava with Bingo and deliver the letter to Mum without squabbling.
Bluey and Bingo are playing "The Quiet Game" and won't use words to tell Dad which toy to buy for Muffin. At his wits end, Dad recruits new store clerk Alfie to help interpret the girls miming.
Dad thinks the kids have too many toys and suggests a chuck out. To save their beloved Mr Monkeyjocks from getting the chop, Bluey and Bingo must prove he is special.
When Uncle Rad and Frisky accidentally turn up to babysit Bluey and Bingo on the same night, they have to work together to make Bluey feel better about babysitter putdowns.
Bingo is playing Bad Mood with Dad, standing on his feet as Dad stomps around the house, controlling everything Bingo does and causing chaos. But how will Bluey get her to snap out of it?
Chloe is exhilarated while playing "Octopus" at Bluey's house, and tries to replicate the experience at home with her own father. Chloe becomes disheartened when her father struggles to play the game with the same zest as Bluey's father. This leads Chloe's father to research the octopus, which helps the duo to improvise and reinvent the activity in their own way.
Bluey and Bingo help Dad take out the bins at night for rubbish collection, and watch with Mum as the garbage truck arrives the next morning. Over a consecutive few weeks, Bingo recounts how a new student at kindergarten has been calling her names. After initially being tolerant, Bingo eventually finds a way to become friends with her new classmate.
When Muffin won't stop sucking her thumb, Aunt Trixie puts her in a dog collar to help break the habit. Muffin is angered, while Bluey and Bingo are frustrated that their cousin can't play with them due to her restricted movement. The sisters think of games that Muffin will still be able to join in with while wearing her "cone of shame".
Dad sets out to prepare a famous duck-shaped cake for Bingo's birthday, which proves to be more difficult than he anticipated. Concurrently, he implores Bluey to clean up her toys, but she struggles to find the motivation to do so. When she sees her father become dispirited while baking, Bluey begins to understand the value of assisting others.
At her birthday party, Bingo attempts to perform a handstand, but feels overlooked when no one seems to notice her. Nana also feels out of place when she realises that no one has a job for her or requires her assistance. Ultimately, Bingo and Nana find each other and Nana watches Bingo as she accomplishes her handstand.
Mum helps Bluey and Bingo find ways to entertain themselves on a family road trip, while Dad tries to stay ahead of the grey nomad convoy or risk camping near the toilets.
Bluey and Bingo want a lick of each other's ice cream. But they are so focused on making sure each lick is fair, they don't notice their ice creams are melting.
Mum bans the girls from saying the word 'dunny' because it's not a word The Queen would use, but the kids try and trick her into saying it anyway.
Bluey, Snickers and Winton are on their way to ask Calypso for help with their problems, when they are ambushed by the Terriers and use their unique talents to get past.
Mum reminisces about Bluey and Judo as babies. Bluey learnt to roll over first, but Judo was the first to crawl, so then it became a race to see who was going to walk first!
The Heelers gather for a classic Aussie Christmas, Bluey gets a new teddy and introduces him to the whole family. But the family play too rough with him and now he wants to go home, until Frisky convinces him to stay.
Bingo is convinced the Easter Bunny has forgotten them like last year, until Bluey finds a series of clues that leads them on an Easter egg treasure hunt.
Bluey's Father's Day card has to be perfect but she can't decide what to draw! So Mum reminds her about all the fun times she's had with Dad and how he's not so perfect either.
Bluey is excited to get her own room. But when bed time comes, she misses Bingo more than she expected and must find a way to stay in touch with her sister.
Mum sets up a backyard obstacle course just for fun, but Dad wants to race! Now the kids are determined to win by any means necessary.
Bluey keeps breaking her promises! But after seeing how much Bingo trusts Mum's word, Bluey learns the power of promises and why it's important not to break them.
Bingo is helping Mum make an omelette for Dad's birthday breakfast, but cracking eggs is harder than it looks, and Dad is getting hungrier by the minute.
Dad pretends he was born yesterday. Bluey and Bingo have to guide him through his second day on Earth, especially when he discovers food is delicious and steals Lucky's Dad's pie.
When Dad complains about how dissimilar Bluey and Bingo are, Bluey hatches a plan to make them more alike and happily introduces Mini Bluey!
Bluey can't get to sleep, so Mum reads her one last story. But they are interrupted by Unicorse, the most annoying hand puppet in the world, whom Bluey tries to reform.
Bingo and Dad must brave a swooping magpie protecting its nest, when they go on a curry swap to Mackenzie's house through the park.
Bluey teaches Bingo how to use magic so she can make Mum play with her, but she forgets to explain the most important rule - never use magic for cheekiness!
Dad tries to teach Bluey how to play chess, but Mum thinks she is still too young. When Bingo joins in, the kids make up their own rules, but they still can't beat Dad.
Dad agrees to play Sheepdog with Bluey and Bingo to stop them from disturbing Mum who is taking a well-earned rest. But looking after a sheep is harder work than they expected.
Mum and Dad vow to only finish their boring housework when the kids stop acting silly, but that's never going to happen, so they end up trying the same approach themselves.
Lucky's Dad is outraged that modern Pass the Parcel has a present in every layer and changes the rules back to only having one prize in the middle, but Bingo is forever losing.
While waiting to be picked up from school, Jack plays at being a sailor trying to find his way back home to Australia. Meanwhile, Jack's Dad has got lost on route to collect him.
Bluey and Bingo want to play restaurants with Grandad, but it's a little different than he's used to... he's going to need an app to order the food!
Mum won't let Bingo have Pavlova, so the kids find a way by playing a cheeky game of Cafe in the kitchen. But Dad the chef sets up a competing shop that only serves edamame beans.
When a heavy summer rain thunders over the Heeler home, Bluey is determined to dam the water in the front yard, while Mum tries to stop her constantly tracking mud into the house.
Bluey and Bingo are making mud pizzas and delivering them to the grownups, but their pedal car's wheel keeps falling off!
With only five minutes to play 'Driving', Bluey and Mum race against the clock to buy milk for a grumpy guest and have to escape an angry shopkeeper.
Tired of being told what to do, Bluey and Bingo enlist their giant invisible friend to show Mum and Dad who's boss. Now they can do anything they want, until Mum and Dad rebel.
Bluey promises her customer Bingo 'the best tour ever' in a game of Whale Watching, but they need Mum and Dad to join in and they are too tired to play after a late night.
When Dad's accused of 'fluffing' in Bluey's face as he climbed out of bed, he's put on trial with Mum as the judge and Bluey and Bingo as witnesses. But what was Bluey doing there?
Bluey and Bingo love to videochat with Muffin and Socks so they can all draw pictures together. When Muffin won't give Socks a turn, the kids discover what happens when you hog.
Dad agrees to take Bluey and Bingo to the shops to buy an ice-cream if they can get him into the car. Only problem is... he's just entered 'Ragdoll' mode!
Dad tells Bluey and Bingo a real-life fairy tale about growing up in a wild place called the 80s, about a boy who was cursed when he was mean to his little brother.
At the end of a long day, Bluey and her family are out of sync and out of sorts, so Mum gets everyone to play musical statues.
Indy thinks she's no good because her model horse looks like a cow, but Calypso encourages her not to give up.
Bluey and Bingo teach Unicorse good manners so he can ask Mum on a date, but things go sideways when Unicorse eats a tick.
Bingo finds a toy turtle at the playground and wants to take him home, but Dad says it's not the done thing.
When Mum's sister Brandy comes over for a visit, she brings the kids onesies as a present, which has an unexpected effect on Bingo!
Bluey and Bingo hide under the house and spy on two mysterious tradies working in the backyard.
Muffin is playing Grouchy Granny on an old mobility scooter at a garage sale, but a real granny wants to buy it!
Mackenzie, Jack and Rusty are playing as astronauts on a mission to Mars. But Mackenzie keeps going missing and no one knows why!
Bluey and Bingo want Dad all to themselves until they discover he has some gross habits.
Judo wants to play in the dirt with Bluey and Bingo, but she's not supposed to get dirty!
The Heelers and Lucky's family get together to watch the big game!
Bluey and Bingo build a very special cubby for their stuffed toy Kimjim.
Bingo pretends to be Bluey’s new employee in the middle of Dad’s backyard workout!
Bluey and Bingo would rather explore their hotel room instead of relaxing on the beach.
On the beach, Bingo and Dad get creative when they find a stick shaped like a bird’s head.
Bluey wants to know why Dad’s always bossing her around!
Bluey asks Dad to help her draw a dragon for her story.
Coco wants to play Wild Girls with Indy, but Chloe wants her to play another game.
At the chemist, Bluey, Bingo and their friends have fun playing with the CCTV screens.
Bingo and Lila are excited to play on their new waterslide.
During a friendly game of neighbourhood cricket, the dads struggle to bowl Rusty out.
Dad is pretending to be an estate agent selling the Grannies’ house to Mum. But Janet and Rita don’t want to move out!
Bluey and Bingo want Dad to play two different games, so Dad tries to play both at the same time.
Bluey and Bingo want Dad to play two different games, so Dad tries to play both at the same time.
Release 2018-10-01