Using the latest in DNA science, cold case detectives are determined to finally get justice for six-year-old Carol Ann Stephens in a 60-year-old murder case.
Vi följer kriminalpoliserna när de utreder olösta historiska mord, våldtäkter och sexualbrott - och sätter farliga brottslingar som trodde att de kom undan med sina brott bakom lås och bom.
Using the latest in DNA science, cold case detectives are determined to finally get justice for six-year-old Carol Ann Stephens in a 60-year-old murder case.
Using the latest in forensics, detectives interview a fresh witness who could identify the killer of a young Cardiff girl in a 60-year-old murder case.
Cold case detectives question a suspect in a 40-year-old rape case - investigating unsolved murders, rape and sex crimes, they’re determined to finally get justice.
Release 2023-03-09