Elizabeth I pacified a divided nation, and foiled multiple plots against her. English culture flourished under her reign, and the seeds of Empire were sown.
De ansågs ha haft biroller i historien som dominerades av män, men vissa drottningar utövade osedvanlig makt. Vi får se hur de regerade på ett sätt som vida överträffade deras manliga motsvarigheter.
Elizabeth I pacified a divided nation, and foiled multiple plots against her. English culture flourished under her reign, and the seeds of Empire were sown.
Queen Anne, who took the throne in 1702. She was the last monarch of the Stuarts, and the first queen of Great Britain, uniting Scotland and England.
Victoria reigned in a time which saw huge change. The first queen to be amongst her public, she led the way for modern royals.
Hatshepsut, the female King, developed trade, oversaw pioneering architecture and brought wealth and artistry to Ancient Egypt.
Born 1122, Eleanor was the first and only woman to be both Queen of France and England becoming the most powerful woman in western Europe.
Boudica and her army razed Roman cities to the ground. Despite eventually being defeated, her image and legacy live on.
The Queens That Changed the World
Release 2023-08-05