
Gotham, serie 2014 - Streama med Netflix

Streama serien Gotham (2014-). Den nyblivna poliskommissarien Jim Gordon försöker navigera i Gotham Citys korrupta värld. Med Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue och David Mazouz. Streama med Netflix.

James Gordons har precis blivit befordrad till kriminalinspektör i Gotham City och är redo att bevisa vad han går för. Han bestämmer sig för att få rättsida på korruptionen i staden och det blir en ensam kamp där han ställs mot sina kollegor och den undre världen, som gansterbossen Fish Mooney.



Gotham trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Gotham säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Den nya kriminalassistenten James Gordon och hans erfarne partner Harvey Bullock utreder mordet på 12-årige Bruce Waynes miljardärföräldrar.

Gotham säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Selina Kyle

Gordon och Bullock undersöker en barnhandelsliga som utnyttjar gatubarn, däribland Selina. Pingvinen är på väg tillbaka till Gotham.

Gotham säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Balloonman

Poliserna Gordon och Bullock spårar upp en person som dödar korrupta Gothambor genom att fästa dem i väderballonger.

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Avsnitt 4 Arkham

När en omstridd omröstning i kommunfullmäktige om framtiden för Arkham närmar sig är politiker på båda sidor i fara.

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Avsnitt 5 Viper

Gordon och Bullock söker efter källan till en ny drog som först orsakar eufori och sedan döden. Cobblepot arbetar sig djupare in i Maronis inre krets.

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Avsnitt 6 Spirit of the Goat

Bullock måste möta sina traumatiska minnen när en mördare tar sikte på förstfödda barn i Gothams elit. Fallet är nästan identiskt med ett han jobbade med i det förflutna.

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Avsnitt 7 Penguin's Umbrella

Pingvinen avslöjar en ny del av sin manipulativa strategi och tvingar Gordon att ta itu med konsekvenserna av sitt beslut att skona Pingvinens liv.

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Avsnitt 8 The Mask

När en Gothambo hittas misshandlad till döds fascineras Gordon och Bullock av motivet. Bruce återvänder till skolan och har svårt att få vänner.

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Avsnitt 9 Harvey Dent

I ett försök att klara upp fallet med Wayne-morden uppmuntras Gordon av en ung Harvey Dent att samarbeta med borgmästare James. Pingvinen kontaktar Mooneys hemliga vapen.

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Avsnitt 10 Lovecraft

Selina leder en ny vän på en farlig resa genom Gotham för att kringgå mördarna som är efter henne. Gordon förflyttas efter ett felsteg.

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Avsnitt 11 Rogues' Gallery

Gordons uppdrag på Arkhams mentalsjukhus får en tuff start när en vakt mördas och undersökningen leder honom till dr Leslie Thompkins.

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Avsnitt 12 What the Little Bird Told Him

I ett försök att få tillbaka sitt jobb försöker Gordon fånga Jack Gruber, ett sinnesrubbat elgeni som flyr Arkhams mentalsjukhus.

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Avsnitt 13 Welcome Back, Jim Gordon

När ett nyckelvittne till ett mord dör under ett förhör misstänker Gordon ett insiderjobb och söker information från en gammal vän.

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Avsnitt 14 The Fearsome Dr. Crane

Fish avslöjar en av Oswald Cobblepots hemligheter, vilket leder till ett lojalitetstest från Maroni. Gordon och Bullock jagar en mördare som letar efter offer med fobier.

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Avsnitt 15 The Scarecrow

Gordon och Bullock försöker stoppa en biologilärare som skördar körtlar från sina mordoffer. Mooney fortsätter med sina planer för att vinna makt.

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Avsnitt 16 The Blind Fortune Teller

Gordon tar med dr Leslie Thompkins till cirkusen, men cirkusen attackeras. Falcone anlitar Butch Gilzean för att hjälpa Pingvinen med nattklubben.

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Avsnitt 17 Red Hood

Efter flera bankrån undersöker Gordon och Bullock rödluvegänget. Selina Kyle fortsätter att närma sig Barbara.

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Avsnitt 18 Everyone Has a Cobblepot

Medan Gordon söker information om den senaste tidens kontroverser med polischefen Loeb ifrågasätts Fishs förhållande till fångarna.

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Avsnitt 19 Beasts of Prey

Gordon och Bullock utreder ett gammalt fall där en seriemördare riktat sig mot unga kvinnor i Gotham City. Fish planerar sin flykt från Dollmaker.

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Avsnitt 20 Under the Knife

Gordon och Bullock fortsätter undersöka Ogre, som gör ett drag mot någon som står nära Gordon. Bruce och Selina exponerar ett korrupt Wayne Enterprises.

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Avsnitt 21 The Anvil or the Hammer

Ogre bryter ner Barbaras känslor när Gordon och Bullock gör stora ansträngningar för att spåra upp honom. Pingvinen leder en massaker som är början på ett episkt krig.

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Avsnitt 22 All Happy Families Are Alike

När Gotham Citys gängkrig når en kokpunkt tar sig Fish Mooney an Maroni och Pingvinen i ett försök att återta staden.

Säsong 2

Gotham säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Damned If You Do

Medan Bruce får veta mer om sin fars hemligheter inleder Gordon ett motvilligt samarbete med Oswald Cobblepot.

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Avsnitt 2 Knock, Knock

Gordon leder jakten på de förrymda Arkham fångarna som fortfarande är på fri fot, medan Alfred inte skyr några medel för att skydda Bruce.

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Avsnitt 3 The Last Laugh

Alfred övertalar Bruce att närvara på en välgörenhetsgala för ett barnsjukhus, men kvällen får ett dramatiskt slut.

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Avsnitt 4 Strike Force

En tragedi leder till förnyad beslutsamhet att bekämpa ondska och en befordran för Gordon. Theo Galavan presenterar sin plan för Gothams framtid.

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Avsnitt 5 Scarification

Kriminaliteten i Gotham eskalerar när Penguin och Galavan slår sig samman med en mordbrännarfamilj. En gammal släktfejd blossar upp mellan familjerna Galavan och Wayne.

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Avsnitt 6 By Fire

Medan en kluven Bridgit överväger sina alternativ fortsätter Penguin och Galavan sin maktkamp.

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Avsnitt 7 Mommy's Little Monster

En hämndlysten Penguin är fast besluten att befria sin mor från fångenskapen, och när Silver och Selina träffas för första gången kommer de ihop sig om Bruce.

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Avsnitt 8 Tonight's the Night

När Barbara vaknar efter en skrämmande mardröm ger den maktgirige Galavan Bruce ett erbjudande som är svårt att motstå.

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Avsnitt 9 A Bitter Pill to Swallow

Lee uttrycker sin oro över Gordons mörka sida. Edward tar hand om den skadade Penguin – och ber honom om råd.

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Avsnitt 10 The Son of Gotham

Selina och Bruce återupptar sitt samarbete. Under tiden börjar Gordon återigen sin kamp för att sätta Galavan bakom lås och bom, där han hör hemma.

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Avsnitt 11 Worse Than a Crime

När Bruce kidnappas ber Gordon en oväntad kumpan om hjälp att stoppa Galavans hämndplaner för familjen Wayne.

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Avsnitt 12 Mr. Freeze

Gordon förbereder sig inför ett viktigt vittnesmål. Samtidigt har Gotham fått en ny iskall brottsling, som fryser ihjäl sina offer.

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Avsnitt 13 A Dead Man Feels No Cold

Alfred berättar ny information om mannen som dödade Bruces föräldrar. Polisen förbereder flytten av en ny fånge till Arkhams mentalsjukhus.

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Avsnitt 14 This Ball of Mud and Meanness

Penguin fortsätter att jobba med Hugo Strange, som är övertygad om att han kan bota hans aggressivitet. Bruce svär på nytt att hitta sina föräldrars mördare.

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Avsnitt 15 Mad Grey Dawn

Medan Gordon och Bullock utreder ett rån mot ett museum träffar Penguin några gamla kumpaner, och Bruce testar nya kunskaper.

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Avsnitt 16 Prisoners

Gordon får en smak av livet i fängelset, och Bullock har något hemskt att berätta. Samtidigt försöker Penguin hantera familjeproblem.

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Avsnitt 17 Into the Woods

Gordon försöker desperat att rentvå sitt namn, och Penguin får reda på den överraskande sanningen om faderns död.

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Avsnitt 18 Pinewood

Barbara kontaktar Gordon för att försöka reparera relationen. Bruce och Alfred inleder sökandet efter en av Thomas Waynes gamla affärspartner.

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Avsnitt 19 Azrael

Medan Gordon frågar ut professor Strange om hans arbete på Pinewood Farms förbereder en ny farlig skurk en attack mot staden.

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Avsnitt 20 Unleashed

Azraels löfte att döda Gordon gör att Penguin lockas ut ur sitt gömsle, men det dröjer inte länge förrän Bruce blir den nya måltavlan.

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Avsnitt 21 A Legion of Horribles

Med hjälp från Gordon, Lucius och Alfred ger sig Bruce iväg för att rädda Selina, men först måste de hitta professor Stranges hemliga labb.

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Avsnitt 22 Transference

Gordon genomgår en drogpåverkad omvandling djupt inne i professor Stranges labb, samtidigt som Gotham ställs in för ett nytt hot.

Säsong 3

Gotham säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Mad City: Better to Reign in Hell...

Gordon works in a monster-ridden Gotham as a bounty hunter and seeks to find answers about the Indian Hill escapees, and why their powers appear to be killing them. Meanwhile, Bruce’s doppelganger roams the streets, and Barbara and Tabitha open a new nightclub called The Sirens.

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Avsnitt 2 Mad City: Burn the Witch

Fish Mooney takes matters into her own hands to locate Hugo Strange, forcing Gordon to reluctantly team up with journalist Valerie Vale to find her. Penguin rises in popularity after criticizing the work of the GCPD and Bruce's investigation of the Court of Owls is compromised. Meanwhile, Ivy Pepper is reintroduced into Gotham city.

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Avsnitt 3 Mad City: Look Into My Eyes

Hypnotist Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter arrives in Gotham to search for his sister, Alice, and hires Gordon to help find her. Meanwhile, Penguin decides to run for mayor and Bruce's doppelganger begins to channel him, causing some confusion around town.

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Avsnitt 4 Mad City: New Day Rising

Penguin gains power as he narrows in on the nomination for Mayor of Gotham. Meanwhile, Gordon turns Alice into the GCPD for the bounty. Also, Bruce and Alfred race to find Bruce’s doppelganger after learning he’s assumed Bruce’s identity.

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Avsnitt 5 Mad City: Anything for You

Crime in Gotham is at an all-time high, as Penguin struggles to uphold his promises to the city. Meanwhile, Butch goes down a dark path with the infamous Red Hood Gang and Bruce begins to investigate Ivy's whereabouts.

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Avsnitt 6 Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit

Mad Hatter sets his eyes on his next victims, forcing Jim Gordon to make some tough decisions. Meanwhile, Penguin and Nygma's relationship evolves, and a familiar face comes back into Nygma's life.

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Avsnitt 7 Mad City: Red Queen

After coming in contact with a substance by the hand of Mad Hatter, Jim Gordon gets led on a psychedelic trip and must confront his past, present and future. Meanwhile, Penguin struggles with Nygma’s new relationship.

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Avsnitt 8 Mad City: Blood Rush

The effects of a recent incident begin to cause Barnes to go mad; Nygma is over his head in his relationship with Isabella; Carmine Falcone throws an engagement party for Lee and Mario.

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Avsnitt 9 Mad City: The Executioner

Gordon and Bullock sift through evidence from the murder at Lee and Mario's engagement party; Ivy discloses her identity to Selina and Bruce.

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Avsnitt 10 Mad City: Time Bomb

On the eve of their rehearsal dinner, a threat to Mario and Lee is exposed, and Falcone looks to Jim for help. Meanwhile, Nygma seeks revenge and Bruce learns more about The Court of Owls.

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Avsnitt 11 Mad City: Beware the Green-Eyed Monster

As the virus begins to spread in Gotham, the laboratory that is developing a cure is compromised. Mario and Gordon face off before the wedding, Selina meets an unexpected face and Barbara comes to Nygma with information about Isabella.

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Avsnitt 12 Mad City: Ghosts

Falcone places a hit on Gordon after learning that he shot Mario. Gordon and Bullock discover a follower of Jerome, who plans to bring him back to life. Meanwhile, Penguin spirals out of control before the biggest television interview of his Mayoral career, and Bruce and Selina deal with Selina's mom's return to Gotham.

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Avsnitt 13 Mad City: Smile Like You Mean It

On the run from Gordon and Bullock, Dwight tries to revive Jerome, in turn, activates his acolytes around Gotham City. Meanwhile, Selina's mom's intentions in Gotham are revealed, and the power play between Penguin and Nygma escalates as Barbara's plans are set in place.

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Avsnitt 14 Mad City: The Gentle Art of Making Enemies

With Jerome on the loose with one target in mind, Bruce and Alfred's safety is compromised. Meanwhile, Gordon's uncle Frank pays him a visit, and Nygma and Penguin are forced to confront their issues face-to-face, with possible deadly consequences.

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Avsnitt 15 Heroes Rise: How the Riddler Got His Name

Nygma convinces himself that he doesn't need Penguin to succeed and begins to introduce himself to Gotham as "The Riddler." Bullock and Lucius Fox get caught up in Nygma's mind games, while Gordon learns troubling news about his father's death. Meanwhile, the Court of the Owls reveals its next move.

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Avsnitt 16 Heroes Rise: These Delicate and Dark Obsessions

The Court of Owls devises a new plan regarding the future of Gotham, as Gordon uncovers information about his father and uncle's past, connecting him back to the organization. Meanwhile, Bruce wakes up in the temple and learns of the Shaman's wish for him.

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Avsnitt 17 Heroes Rise: The Primal Riddle

Some of Gotham's most unhinged villains band together, while The Riddler continues his conquest of the city. Gordon is on a search for answers and all roads keep leading him back to the Court of Owls. Meanwhile, as Alfred begins to notice a change in Bruce, Bruce 2 confides in Selina.

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Avsnitt 18 Heroes Rise: Light the Wick

Gordon tracks down the weapon the Court of Owls intend to use for the destruction of Gotham; Kathryn and Temple Shaman tell Bruce about their next move; Ivy offers Selina help.

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Avsnitt 19 Heroes Rise: All Will Be Judged

Temple Shaman takes Bruce to the next phase of his training; Gordon and Bullock discover a crystal owl that carries the biggest secrets of Gotham's underworld; Nygma and Penguin must work together to get out of a tricky situation.

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Avsnitt 20 Heroes Rise: Pretty Hate Machine

Gordon races against the clock to save the city from the Alice Tetch Virus, when Lee Thompkins intercepts with a plan of her own. Also, Alfred sees a big change in Bruce Wayne after his work with The Shaman. Meanwhile, some of Gotham's most deranged villains band together.

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Avsnitt 21 Heroes Rise: Destiny Calling

With the deadly virus spreading throughout the city, the search for the antidote continues, as Fish Mooney, The Riddler and Penguin reveal plans of their own. Bruce meets Ra's al Ghul and completes his last task in order to fulfill his destiny, but realizes he can't let go of his past. Meanwhile, Gordon tries to win back Lee, and past alliances within Gotham City are broken, while new alliances are formed.

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Avsnitt 22 Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul

With the deadly virus spreading throughout the city, the search for the antidote continues, as Fish Mooney, The Riddler and Penguin reveal plans of their own. Bruce meets Ra's al Ghul and completes his last task in order to fulfill his destiny, but realizes he can't let go of his past. Meanwhile, Gordon tries to win back Lee, and past alliances within Gotham City are broken, while new alliances are formed.

Säsong 4

Gotham säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina

Gordon fears Jonathan Crane is still alive and back in Gotham, when The Scarecrow's signature MO is used in a series of robberies. Meanwhile, Penguin's "licensing" of crime in the city backfires during the grand opening of his new Iceberg Lounge. Also, in the aftermath of his encounter with Ra's Al Ghul, Bruce begins his vigilante watch.

Gotham säsong 4 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper

Under pressure to prove that the GCPD is still powerful, Gordon attempts to bring in Jonathan Crane. However, Gordon puts himself in a dangerous situation at Arkham when he is forced to fight off lunatics and the demon within himself. Meanwhile, with Barbara's unexpected return, Selina and Tabitha must consider risks that come with joining her in the weapon business.

Gotham säsong 4 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 A Dark Knight: They Who Hide Behind Masks

Gordon takes matters into his own hands when he travels to Miami in attempts to persuade Carmine Falcone for his help in the fight against Penguin. There, he meets Carmine's daughter, Sofia, who unexpectedly follows Gordon back to Gotham. The battle for Penguin's prized weaponry continues during auction night at the Iceberg Lounge and Bruce's presence puts him on Penguin's radar.

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Avsnitt 4 A Dark Knight: The Demon's Head

Bruce Wayne puts the lives of Gotham Natural History Museum historian Niles Winthrop and his grandson, Alex, in danger in an attempt to uncover the meaning behind his prized knife from the auction. Meanwhile, Ra's Al Ghul proves he'll take deadly measures to achieve what he wants. Also, with Sofia Falcone in town, she is on a mission to win back Gotham from Penguin.

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Avsnitt 5 A Dark Knight: The Blade's Path

Nygma comes face-to-face with Butch Gilzean, but he is not who he used to be. In an attempt to regain power and identity, Nygma decides to put his former partner's skills to the test. Meanwhile, Sofia Falcone takes action to protect her own life by appealing to Penguin's vulnerable side. With the power of the dagger in his possession, Bruce surprises those around him with his bold actions.

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Avsnitt 6 A Dark Knight: Hog Day Afternoon

Gordon and Bullock are hot on a serial killer who has been assassinating cops and dressing his victims in the severed heads of pigs as his signature mark. Meanwhile, Sofia tries to win over Penguin, and Thompkins, Nygma and Grundy find themselves an unlikely home at Cherry's place.

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Avsnitt 7 A Dark Knight: A Day in the Narrows

With Professor Pyg striking fear throughout Gotham, Gordon and Bullock head into the Narrows to look for clues. Bruce Wayne meets a former friend, Grace, who convinces him to come along for a night out with some old classmates. Meanwhile, Sofia's relationships with Penguin and Gordon continue to evolve.

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Avsnitt 8 A Dark Knight: Stop Hitting Yourself

Grundy and Nygma become main attractions at Cherry's Place in The Narrows. Penguin wants revenge when he hears Nygma is mocking him on stage and enlists The Sirens for help. Meanwhile, Gordon is offered the position of GCPD Captain, putting him at odds with Bullock.

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Avsnitt 9 A Dark Knight: Let Them Eat Pie

Professor Pyg continues to torment Gotham city, involving Jim Gordon whenever possible. Sofia and Penguin get ready for a fundraiser for the orphanage, and things don't go as planned when Professor Pyg shows up as the chef. Meanwhile, Bruce's partying gets in the way of his relationship with Alfred.

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Avsnitt 10 A Dark Knight: Things That Go Boom

Gordon tries to broker a deal with Penguin that involves Sofia. Meanwhile, Alfred tries to pull Bruce out of his teenage-angst and downward spiral, as Lee Thompkins gains more control over the Narrows.

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Avsnitt 11 A Dark Knight: Queen Takes Knight

Things get complicated for Gordon, Sophia and Penguin when Carmine Falcone comes to town. Alfred tries to get through to Bruce once and for all, while Nygma struggles to gain control over The Riddler persona and Tabitha attempts to make Grundy remember his past.

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Avsnitt 12 A Dark Knight: Pieces of a Broken Mirror

Gordon is called to the scene after The Toy Maker is hired to assassinate one of Gotham's doctors. Lee Thompkins begins to try to rebuild the Narrows, with Nygma as her partner. Meanwhile, Alfred's new life in the Narrows becomes quite complicated. Ivy reveals her new persona to Selina, with some sinister plans in mind.

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Avsnitt 13 A Dark Knight: A Beautiful Darkness

Ivy tracks a secret project on which Wayne Enterprises is working and begins to target anyone that can give her information. Meanwhile, Jerome becomes obsessed with Penguin in Arkham. Also, Gordon begins to second guess his deal with Sofia and an unsettling dream sequence shakes up Bruce.

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Avsnitt 14 A Dark Knight: Reunion

Ivy picks her next target, leading Gordon and Lucius back to an old friend, as Selina tries to take matters into her own hands. Sofia wants full control of Gotham and turns to Lee about the state of the Narrows. Meanwhile, Bruce tries to make amends with Alfred, and Nygma visits Arkham.

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Avsnitt 15 A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause

Bullock and Gordon try to track down someone who is key in Sofia's control over Gotham. Meanwhile, Penguin, Lee and Nygma enlist an unlikely ally as they seek revenge, and Selina asks Bruce for a favor to help rid her of her guilt over Ivy.

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Avsnitt 16 A Dark Knight: One of My Three Soups

Arkham's "finest" give Gordon and Bullock a run for their money, as they hatch a plan to escape the asylum. Meanwhile, Bruce devises his own strategy to thwart their plans. Also, Barbara gets an offer she can't refuse.

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Avsnitt 17 A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting

Gordon and Bullock try to stay one step ahead as Jerome zeros in on his next target. Meanwhile, Nygma hosts a riddle game show in the Narrows and faces his toughest challenger in Lee Thompkins, and Penguin goes to see Butch with a proposal.

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Avsnitt 18 A Dark Knight: That's Entertainment

The Arkham inmates are still running freely in Gotham and they're only getting more difficult to catch. Gordon develops a plan, but reluctantly has to turn to Bruce for help. Meanwhile, Barbara finds out just how far her new friends are willing to go for her.

Gotham säsong 4 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 A Dark Knight: To Our Deaths and Beyond

Gordon and Bullock try to figure out who the clever thief is behind the robberies of various bank branches in Gotham. Meanwhile, Barbara is put in danger, forcing Tabitha to recruit help.

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Avsnitt 20 A Dark Knight: That Old Corpse

Chaos erupts at the GCPD, sending Gordon on a wild goose chase for the culprit behind the mass takeover. Meanwhile, a friend of Bruce's becomes paranoid, resulting in rash and destructive behavior.

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Avsnitt 21 A Dark Knight: One Bad Day

As Gotham falls into complete anarchy, a team of unlikely heroes step up to save it. Bullock takes the lead at the GCPD and Bruce's psychological limits are tested as those close to him are put in danger.

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Avsnitt 22 A Dark Knight: No Man's Land

Jeremiah warns a skeptical Gordon of more destruction coming Gotham's way, and Gordon is forced to make a potentially devastating decision. Meanwhile, Barbara rallies together a team to secure her position, as alliances in the underworld shift and prove no one can be trusted. Then, Bruce is forced to come to terms with the future.

Säsong 5

Gotham säsong 5 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Legend of Dark Knight: Year Zero

No Man's Land Day 87-391—Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne face the chaos Gotham City has become. Their mission to keep the city safe becomes more complicated as the villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories. Selina Kyle grapples with how to deal with her uncertain future.

Gotham säsong 5 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Legend of Dark Knight: Trespassers

Gordon and Bullock investigate a location where several kids have been kidnapped. Barbara proves to be an unlikely ally to Gordon. Bruce looks into an alleged witch with healing powers for Selina. Nygma deals with demons of his own.

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Avsnitt 3 Legend of Dark Knight: Penguin, Our Hero

With the creation of Haven as a safe place for refugees, Gordon hopes to stop the gang fighting in Gotham. Selina is determined to find Jeremiah and she convinces Bruce to help her. Penguin goes to Haven to reclaim his staff.

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Avsnitt 4 Legend of Dark Knight: Ruin

Gordon and Penguin are forced to work together and alliances are shaken when Lucius, Nygma and Barbara all have different ideas of the culprit behind recent events at Haven. Selina continues her quest for revenge against Jeremiah.

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Avsnitt 5 Legend of Dark Knight: Pena Dura

A military task force, led by Eduardo Dorrance is called in to provide relief to Gotham. Meanwhile, Nygma looks for answers from Penguin, who leads him back to Hugo Strange. Then, Bruce is concerned about Selina's recent behavior.

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Avsnitt 6 Legend of Dark Knight: 13 Stitches

Gordon assembles an unlikely team to protect Gotham from Eduardo Dorrance and his Delta Force. Just as Lee Thompkins resurfaces, Barbara reveals shocking news that will change Gordon's life forever. Meanwhile, Selina and Penguin team up to outsmart fellow villain Magpie.

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Avsnitt 7 Legend of Dark Knight: Ace Chemicals

Gordon races to uncover the criminal element threatening to end talks of Gotham's reunification with the mainland. A very much alive Jeremiah returns and organizes a twisted recreation of the murder of Bruce's parents with the help of Jervis Tetch aka Mad Hatter.

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Avsnitt 8 Legend of Dark Knight: Nothing's Shocking

Bullock's past comes back to haunt him when he and Gordon investigate two murders at Sirens. Meanwhile, Bruce and Alfred explore the tunnels beneath the city, and Penguin and Nygma's plans to escape are thwarted by the least likely of suspects.

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Avsnitt 9 Legend of Dark Knight: The Trial of Jim Gordon

After Gordon is shot in an attempt to establish a cease-fire, he hallucinates a trial for his life that could have deadly real consequences. Meanwhile, Ivy returns and puts her spell on Bruce, leaving Selina to defend herself. Lee has a life-changing moment as Barbara and Penguin consider their next moves.

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Avsnitt 10 Legend of Dark Knight: I Am Bane

On the precipice of Gotham's reunification, Gordon and Bruce find themselves face-to-face with a newly transformed Eduardo, and discover the real mastermind behind the city's current chaos. Meanwhile, a pregnant Barbara turns to Lee for help.

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Avsnitt 11 Legend of Dark Knight: They Did What?

As Bane enacts his final plan for Gotham's destruction, Gordon rallies his former enemies to save the city. Meanwhile, Nyssa al Ghul kidnaps Barbara's newborn daughter, with ambitions to raise her as her own. Then, Bruce's decision to leave Gotham points him to his destiny, while devastating Selina.

Gotham säsong 5 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Legend of Dark Knight: The Beginning...

The series flash-forwards 10 years into the future, as Bruce is set to return to Gotham for the opening of the new Wayne Tower. A series of crimes leads Gordon to believe Penguin and The Riddler are up to their old tricks. However, when Bullock is framed for a murder, Gordon begins to piece together an even more sinister plot targeting the city, and a new figure emerges from the shadows to be the hero Gotham desperately needs.


Release 2014-09-22


Serien Gotham med skådespelare Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue och David Mazouz streamas på Netflix. Se även .