As the grand ending to a project week about anti-bullying, Hjørdis is putting on a play, but a surprise guest forces her to compromise her vision.
Denna spinoff till serien Rita handlar om läraren Hjørdis, som planerar att sätta upp en skolpjäs om mobbing med en grupp socialt missanpassade elever i rollerna.
As the grand ending to a project week about anti-bullying, Hjørdis is putting on a play, but a surprise guest forces her to compromise her vision.
As the theater troupe struggles to get the play into shape, Hjørdis devises a plan that demands that the pupils prepare to put themselves on the line.
Hjørdis wants Kristoffer to portray a princess, but Gert and Kristoffer's big brother objects; a three-way drama creates problems within the group.
As the theater troupe falls apart, Hjørdis fears their play will fail; when Kristoffer's dad pressures him to leave the group, a daring plan is born.
Release 2015-05-18