In the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara, archaeologist Dr. Ramadan Hussein and his team uncover a unique underground tomb complex. It hides the secrets of ancient Egypt’s first fully intact funeral home.
Ett team arkeologer, ledda av dr Ramadan Hussein upptäcker en intakt gravkammare under sanden. Fylld med skatter och saker världen aldrig skådat, har platsen potential att ändra allt vi vet om mumifieringar och avslöja hemligheter från faraoernas tid. Nu har teamet utforskat varje mysterium och ledtråd i den första egyptiska gravkapellet någonsin.
In the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara, archaeologist Dr. Ramadan Hussein and his team uncover a unique underground tomb complex. It hides the secrets of ancient Egypt’s first fully intact funeral home.
Archaeologists open the tomb’s largest stone sarcophagus for the first time since 600 B.C.
Deep inside the 2,600-year-old tomb lies a mystery: a sarcophagus with signs of being tampered with. It takes meticulous detective work to learn why.
Dr. Ramadan Hussein discovers the tombs of three priests with lavish mummies. One thing connects them all — the worship of a mysterious snake goddess.
Release 2020-05-12