A man moves to Tokyo to live with his childhood friend and pursue his dream of becoming an actor, and he finds a mysterious plane ticket under a vending machine that kickstarts his acting career.
Satoru Matsudo blev omedelbart fascinerad av skådespeleriets värld efter att ha sett en teaterpjäs på gymnasiet. Han flyttar till Omotesando, där hans barndomsvän bor. Men Satoru kämpar sig igenom fattigdom och har problem med att ta sig in i showbranschen. En dag hittar han av en slump en flygbiljett under en varuautomat. Dess ägare var ingen mindre än Vd:n för en talangbyrå. Han blir chaufför för en populär skådespelerska, samtidigt som han jobbar natt i en DVD-butik. Genom många möten börjar Satoru Matsudos väg till att bli en populär skådespelare ta form. Sedan, en dag, får han ett samtal från USA efter att en film han spelade i släpptes där i hela landet. I hopp om att det är ett erbjudande från Hollywood får han istället höra talas om sin främmande äldre bror.
A man moves to Tokyo to live with his childhood friend and pursue his dream of becoming an actor, and he finds a mysterious plane ticket under a vending machine that kickstarts his acting career.
Satoru fall for his co-worker Tabata and decides to ask her out; Satoru gets a role as a soldier in a war movie.
When Satoru is tasked with chauffeuring popular actress Haruka Igawa, he struggles with the vast difference between her bubbly public persona and her true personality behind the camera.
Satoru looks back on the last three years in Tokyo and wonders where his career is going. As he waits for more acting opportunities, he tries to train a new employee at a video store.
Satoru and Yuri take a trip to his hometown to visit his sick grandmother. His father forces him to reconnect with his estranged older brother, and Satoru struggles to tell his family about his life in Tokyo.
Satoru becomes conflicted when he goes to propose to Yui after returning from a film shoot, he finds himself thinking about his co-star.
Satoru rushes to be by his brothers side in Michigan after an incident lands him in hospital. Takeshi refuses to return to Japan with Satoru.
Satoru is introduced to Adrienne who tells him all about Takeshi's time in America, he learns that when he arrived he lost all of his money and struggled to survive on the streets.
Satoru is interrupted by a visit from his father whilst learning his lines for Godzilla. He learns Kiku has disappeared after a fight.
A disguised Saturo uses a magic baseball to make a powerful pitch that Sean uses to hit a home run. Takeshi's friends help him get a passport so he can return to the United States.
Release 2022-06-26