Jett är trött efter en sömnlös natt, men erbjuder sig ändå att leverera en skuggdocka till Mei i Peking.
Ett gladlynt jetflygplan och hans mekaniska kompisar försöker alltid lösa sina problem på ett fredligt sätt medan de levererar paket till barn över hela världen.
Jett är trött efter en sömnlös natt, men erbjuder sig ändå att leverera en skuggdocka till Mei i Peking.
Jett beger sig till Venedig med en mask som Luca ska ha på sig på en maskerad. Nu måste de bara dela ut inbjudningarna också.
Jett flyger till Himalaya för att leverera en drake till en pojke som heter Akas. När några busiga kattbjörnar snor åt sig draken tar Jett hjälp av sina kompisar.
När prinsessan Maribelles fem hundvalpar rymmer och hotar att sabotera den kungliga tebjudningen gör Jett och Meral sitt bästa för att fånga in dem.
Jett ska leverera en särskild hulakjol till Keilani på Hawaii, men en eldsprutande vulkan är i vägen. Bäst att ringa Jocke för att få hjälp!
Jett flyger till Sahara för att leverera en kälke till Ali. Sedan skär Jocke och Vivvi upp en gigantisk isbit, så att kälken ska gå att använda.
Jett reser till Mongoliet för att leverera självlysande stjärnor till Nambayar. När fåren rymmer får Jett hjälp av gamle Albert att leta rätt på dem.
Jett åker till Hollywood för att leverera en monstermask till en ung regissör – som vill att Jett ska spela rollen som monstret.
Jett åker till Brasilien med en fjäderprydd huvudbonad som Camila ska ha på sig på karnevalen. Senare får Camila hjälp av Meral med sina danssteg.
Skotske Callum vill ha säckpipor så att han kan spela för Loch Ness-odjuret. Men när säckpiporna ramlar ner i vattnet får Minna komma till undsättning!
Precis innan ett viktigt lopp levererar Jett ett par spektakulära löparskor till Lorna i Kenya. Bäst att se upp för gnuer!
Kanadensiske Drew har fått nya skridskor, men är för nervös för att spela med sitt hockeylag. Gamle Albert flyger in för att ge honom några tips.
Ryske Jurij längtar efter att få använda sin nya enhjuling på cirkusen. Men först måste de få loss familjens cirkuståg ur snön!
När de besöker en arkeologisk utgrävning i Egypten fastnar Jett och Akiiki på toppen av en pyramid, så de ber Vivvi komma till undsättning.
Jett flyger till Kongo för att leverera en trumma till Lulu, och Bello kommer till undsättning när Jett trasslar in sig i några klätterväxter.
Jett flyger till Japan för att leverera färgglatt papper till pojken Yuki, som är ledsen för att en av hans kompisar ska flytta.
Nederländske Willem använder sina nya penslar för att göra en väggmålning, men oroar sig för att en storm kan förstöra hans mästerverk innan färgen har torkat.
Norske Karl önskar sig en vikingahjälm. Jett flyger iväg för att leverera varorna, men misstas för en drake.
De vietnamesiska systrarna Sen och Kim får likadana peruker som sin favoritpopstjärna, och blir sedan bjudna på en väldigt speciell konsert.
Grönländske Anders använder sin nya kompass i en hundspannstävling. När han hamnar i trubbel på ett isberg flyger Vivvi in för att hjälpa till.
Jett flyger till Papua Nya Guinea för att leverera en polaroidkamera till Sam, som vill ta bilder av fåglar för att ge till sin lillasyster.
Parisbon Martine vill ha en maskin att dekorera tårtor med. Men stadstrafiken och en katastrof i köket gör att tårtan kanske inte kommer fram dit den ska.
Jett levererar en ficklampa till Brigita i Rumänien, men blir upptagen med att försöka rädda en katt och ringer Vivvi för att få hjälp.
Tvillingarna Tomás och Manuel vänder sig till Polly för att lösa sina födelsedagsbekymmer när deras piñatas försvinner i Mexiko.
Meral försöker göra Jetts jobb genom att flyga ett uppblåsbart badkar till Nayan i Thailand. Men det är svårare än det ser ut att leverera paket.
Jeff levererar en magnetisk vit tavla till Sydkorea så att Hye Mi och hennes familj kan hålla koll på alla sina aktiviteter.
Alex och Adriana från Monaco behöver nya däck till sitt stora lådbilsrace, men några nyckfulla ankor riskerar att leda in förarna på fel spår.
Tendai från Zimbabwe ser fram emot att få använda sin nya naturlåda när hennes scoutgrupp ger sig ut på skattjakt.
Efter att ha hjälpt sin vän Sven att göra ost försöker Jett hjälpa honom att sälja den på en schweizisk marknad. Men ingenting går planenligt.
Jett och Bello hjälper Ruby i en hjärnornas kamp mot en mikrofonknyckande känguru i Australien.
Jett levererar ett batteri till danske Noah, som använder det för att få igång sin lego-dinosaurie. Men dinosaurien rymmer och skapar kaos i staden.
Abrakadabra! Jett levererar en trollkarlshatt till österrikiske Moritz, som har fullt upp med en busig kanin.
Efter att ha levererat en kikare till Ella i Nya Zeeland hjälper Jett ett gäng vilsna pingviner att hitta hem.
Jett besöker Tjeckiens huvudstad Prag, där den mystiske pojken Marek visar sig vara svår att hitta.
När pojken Yun av misstag skickas ut i rymden bygger Jett och Jocke en raket för att hämta tillbaka honom till Kina.
Jett tar med en brandhjälm till Stefan i Tyskland, och lite senare sveper Vivvi in för att hjälpa till att släcka en farlig brand.
Jett tar med sig pilotutrustning till Pilar och hennes flygplansälskande kompisar i Peru. Senare tar Jumbo med sig barnen på deras första luftfärd.
Jett flyger till Bolivia för att leverera en gruvhjälm till Angelo. Senare använder de båda en gruvvagn för att leta efter Angelos försvunna hund.
Efter att Jett har levererat en cykel till Ruma i det regniga Bangladesh gör Jocke så att cykeln fungerar i vatten.
Jett och Polly hjälper sydafrikanske Dirk att ta reda på vem, eller vad, som har stulit leksaker från barnen i safaristugan.
Cassi bor på Brittiska Jungfruöarna och letar efter gömda skatter med sin nya sjörövarhatt.
Li-Li och Xiao Ming har svårt att komma överens när de använder sina nya danskläder, så Jocke och Meral lär paret att samarbeta.
Efter att ha tagit med en enorm vintermössa till finske Stig gör Jett stora snöbollar med sina nya vänner. Men snöbollarna börjar rulla iväg.
Ayesha från Maldiverna hoppas att hennes nya akvarieutsmyckning ska göra hennes fisk lite gladare.
Efter att Shanna och hennes familj går miste om chansen att uppträda ombord på ett skepp utanför Jamaica hjälper Minna till att bygga om en pråm till en scen.
Efter att ha levererat Bollywoodkläder till Meena och hennes vänner märker Jett att de nya kläderna kan behöva lite färg.
Jett levererar en teddybjörn till Cecily i London. När en vindpust blåser bort björnen hjälper Meral till att spåra upp den.
Jett och Polly besöker Spanien och hjälper Carlos att leva ut sin dröm som en gammaldags, prinsessräddande riddare.
I södra Frankrike erbjuder sig Jett att se efter djuren på Colettes bondgård så att hon kan gå på en sagolik maskeradbal.
Jett flyger till en grekisk ö för att leverera ett flätat rep till Katina, som vill se solnedgången från toppen av sin ö.
Turkiska Asya är besviken över att hennes nya magiska lampa inte har någon ande inuti. Som tur är har Jett en lösning på problemet.
Jett levererar dansskor till Trevor och hans teaterälskande kompisar i New York, precis innan de ska uppträda.
Jett delivers a package to little Shun Yip in Hong Kong. He has ordered a kung fu suit because he wants to be like his great kung fu role models one day. Since Jett is also interested in martial arts, Shun Yip agrees to give him lessons. On the way to the kung fu school, the two suddenly encounter an alien, which Shun Yip bravely confronts. However, the two do not realize that it is just a movie monster and try to take it out. In doing so, they unintentionally provide the film crew with such fantastic fight scenes that the director is ultimately convinced that she has a blockbuster in the can.
Jett has to deliver a package to little Dema in Bhutan, a country in the Himalayas. It is a first aid kit because she and her father look after the animals in a wildlife sanctuary. Since there was recently an avalanche, they immediately set out to look for animals in distress after Jett arrives and gets into trouble themselves.
Jett's mission today takes him to the Bahamas, more specifically to one of the Exuma Islands called Big Major Cay. It is known for having pigs that swim in the water. Jermaine, the boy who ordered the package, is kind enough to show them to him. But while Jermaine is feeding the pigs, a violent storm suddenly comes up and puts the cute animals in great danger. As always, the Super Wings are ready to rescue and are there in a flash.
Jett flies to Athens to deliver a package containing an inflatable muscle costume to little Nikos. Nikos is supposed to play Hercules in a play and believes he can only do it if he looks muscular enough. However, a small accident occurs during rehearsals. The costume inflates so much that Nikos has to take it off. Filled with so much air, it flies away uncontrollably and threatens not only to spoil the little boy's performance but also to cause great damage. Jett and his airplane friends naturally do everything they can to catch the broken muscle pack again.
Jett delivers a package of dance skirts to Julieta, who lives in Buenos Aires. Her mother teaches tango dancing, and Julieta is also a great dancer. But what she likes even more is playing soccer, which her mother doesn't know about. When she picks Julieta up from the stadium on the very day of an important match, she happens to see how well Julieta can handle the ball...
Jett flies to Alaska to bring little Yaari a package with a captain's hat and a telescope. She gets to be captain of a real cruise ship for the first time that day. After Jett and Yaari rescue two polar bear cubs and reunite them with their mother, they get into trouble themselves.
This time, Jett's mission takes him to the Swiss Alps. A girl named Lena has ordered a barrel for her St. Bernard Biggie, a prospective rescue dog. Lena's father, however, thinks that he is far too young for this. But shortly afterward, Biggie can prove that she has what it takes to be a rescue dog. The train that is supposed to take Jett, Lena, and Biggie to the mountain station suddenly derails.
Mayta from Peru wants to create a drawing on the ground in his father's field that is as big as the famous Nazca Lines. To keep an eye on this huge work, he has ordered a camera copter, which Jett will deliver to him. He has also built himself a digging tool, which the helpful Jett breaks through a moment of carelessness. He then calls Dizzie, Donnie, and Jerome for help.
Today Jett is flying to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, where he is delivering a package containing a new tool kit to the young architect Said. Said's great role model as an architect is his mother, who is currently working on an extraordinary project, the "Tower of the Big, Wide World". Of course, Jett is keen to see it. The building is almost finished when the crane carrying out the work makes a big mistake.
Jett delivers a package to Tae-Hun in South Korea. The boy has built a very powerful robot for the project day at his school. He hopes to win first prize. Unfortunately, his model fails during the presentation. This increases the chances for his friend Seo-Yoon, who has built a huge recycling robot. Unfortunately, the robot has problems recognizing garbage, because it grabs its control system, destroys it, and is out of control from then on. To stop it, Tae-Hun builds a large version of his robot with the help of the Super Wings.
Wang from Chengdu in China has ordered a panda costume. His father works at the local panda research facility and with this costume, he is finally allowed to feed the pandas with him. They discover that Min, one of the baby pandas, has escaped through a hole in the fence. The paw prints indicate that it ran into the middle of downtown Chengdu. A feverish search begins.
Ian from Dublin would like to be as tall as one of the heroes from the old Irish stories. So he gets a pair of stilts from Jett. But they don't work as Ian imagined. So Uncle Albert has to help out with his suitcase of memories. He finds a telephoto transformer in it that can make things bigger and smaller. However, due to a small accident, it is not Ian who is enlarged, but his little brother Anton, who is still a baby. To make matters worse, the telephoto transformer breaks. While Uncle Albert repairs it, the others must ensure that the giant baby doesn't cause any harm in its clumsiness...
Hilda from Norway has ordered a picnic basket for her school trip and invites Jett to come along. During the picnic, Jett scares Hilda with a troll mask. In shock, she drops the basket, which then moves as if by magic and disappears into a hole in the ground. Could there be trolls causing trouble here?
Justin from the Drumheller Badlands, Canada, has ordered an excavation kit. He asks Jett to look for dinosaur bones in the garden with him. And they find the bones of a real T-Rex! But since they are too big and heavy for the two of them, they call Donnie for help. He even manages to put the bones back together using metal hinges. After that, the dinosaur skeleton suddenly starts moving and running after Tommy, a tow truck!
Margot from the Dordogne is an enthusiastic cave painter. Jett brings her a paint box with prehistoric paints, which she naturally wants to try out straight away. As they look at one of the caves with her mother, Margot tells Jett that her greatest wish is to meet a real mammoth. But since they are extinct, the two of them have to take a trip into the past with the help of Uncle Albert.
Once in the past, Margot, Jett, and Uncle Albert meet the little caveman Urk, who shows them where the mammoths live. And indeed, Margot's greatest wish comes true: she meets a real mammoth, a baby mammoth. When Meow, Urk's "pet", sees the baby mammoth, it immediately wants to play with it. But the baby mammoth is very scared and gets a fright.
Halloween is just around the corner and the little boy Irving has ordered a package that Jett will deliver to him in Sleepy Hollow. Irving usually finds Halloween too scary, but this year he has ordered a skeleton costume to scare the children who want to scare him. His friends Abe and Katrina are already out trick-or-treating when he sets off with Jett.
Jett flies to Archie, who lives in London, to deliver detective equipment. Archie dreams of forming a detective team with his dog Basil. Jett helps him set up an agency. The first client is Archie's sister Maisie, who has lost her bath toy Allie the Alligator.
Little Julio from Cuba gets a new baseball bat from Jett. His greatest wish is to hit a home run. Julio and Jett immediately go to the baseball field to try out Julio's new bat. Jett asks Astra to film her so that Julio's first home run can be captured. But Astra must first blow up a dangerous meteorite threatening to approach the Earth.
Jules wants to bake the world's largest waffle to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his grandmother's waffle restaurant. With Todd's kind help, Jett delivers him a huge waffle iron. To mix so much batter, the city's old water tower is converted into a giant mixing vessel. Without waiting for instructions, Jett pours a whole bag of yeast into it. Was that a good idea?
Jett delivers a golden lasso to Susanna in Wyoming, USA. Susanna has been appointed sheriff by her uncle Wild Bill Bristles. Together with her pony Buttercup, she helps him with his duties at the old Wild West theme park Cowpoke Corral. Jett, who is promptly appointed deputy by Susanna, is of course ready to help her!
Jett is supposed to make an urgent delivery. The girl Tima from the Fiji Islands needs the package for a performance at the Hibiscus Festival. But Jett is swallowed by a giant whale on his way! Joy sends Mira and Ace to help him, who immediately sets out to save Jett. But then Mira is swallowed too!
Jett is on his way to Aaron, who lives in the capital Hamilton on the island of Bermuda, when he gets caught in a violent storm in the Bermuda Triangle and loses the package. When he comes to, however, he is not in Bermuda, but on Darrell Island. Since Jett is no longer able to fly due to the fall, little Chelsea offers to accompany him to her father's boat, which they can use to cross to Hamilton.
Still searching for Jett, Dizzy, Mira, and Ace get caught in a severe storm. But luckily Flip can guide them out of the storm. Meanwhile, Chelsea and her father build a glider out of branches and palm leaves for the flightless Jett so that he can fly back to the Bermuda Triangle and look for Aaron's package.
Jett delivers some joke items to a girl named Alessia in Liechtenstein. Alessia wants to take part in a competition to make Prince Simon laugh. But it seems harder than she thought. The Super Wings try to help, but Alessia still seems to fail the competition. But then she notices something crucial.
Jett delivers a tuxedo to a boy named Ludwig in Austria. Ludwig has a piano performance at the Salzburg Festival that same day. However, the director of the festival directs Ludwig to a piano that is far too big. He wants to try to master this task with the help of the Super Wings. During the rehearsal, however, Jerome accidentally destroys the keyboard. Does the performance have to be canceled?
Jett's delivery today is going to Catalina in Alqi Valley in Chile. She wants to visit her pen pal Ro from Mars and give her a small stuffed Andean fox. With the help of the Super Wings, Catalina and her father go on a big mission to Mars. When they get to the top, Catalina learns that her father just made up Ro. But Catalina soon comes across a rover that was left behind and begins a new pen pal friendship.
Jett flies to Sydney, Australia, and helps Nicole hang Christmas stockings and decorate her house before Santa Claus comes.
Jett brings a heavy-duty digging shovel to Singapore, where Rina is attempting to dig a hole all the way to Ecuador.
Emilia orders a knight costume for herself and special dragon wings for her pet lizard to help celebrate the Dragon Festival in Kraków, Poland.
After landing in Kuching, Malaysia, Jett delivers a scent brush to Noriah, who hopes to become a botanist and study fragrant flowers.
Next stop for Jett: Ludwigsburg, Germany, where he'll deliver plastic parts that Max can use to decorate his entry for the annual pumpkin festival.
In Indonesia, Flip and Jett try to convince two competitive twins to get along and play as a team in an upcoming badminton tournament.
The Super Wings help Ndapana, who lives in the hot country of Namibia, find a way to see snow for the first time.
Jett flies to Copenhagen, Denmark, to deliver Sofie a waterproof recorder -- something she hopes will help her meet mermaids.
In Dubrovnik, Croatia, Jett delivers exercise outfits for Ivan and his dog, Luna, who has a lot of energy to burn.
Jett helps Marta in Barcelona construct a big mosaicked birdhouse using recycled materials.
A visit to the Yanesen neighborhood in Tokyo provides Jett with a chance to learn all about the art of origami.
Ofa and her super wing friends make their own weather forecast, until a tornado arrives, and Ofa tries to warn everyone, but no one believes her. What will Jett, Donnie, Jerome, Poppa Wheels, and Ofa do?
Rana's parents are divorced, because Rana's mother lives in Antarctica, and Rana's father lives in South Korea, so Jett has to deliver a songpyeon to Rana's mother, but a snowstorm causes him to get stuck. What will Jett do?
Rana's parents are divorced, because Rana's mother lives in Antarctica, and Rana's father lives in South Korea, so Jett has to deliver a songpyeon to Rana's mother, but a snowstorm causes him to get stuck. What will Jett do?
Nadya and her super wing friends are able to dance ballet, but Nadya's father needs help getting back home. Can Nadya and her super wing friends save the day?
Peter works as a substitute shepherd, and Jett makes the sheep go over the cliff. How will Jett, Peter, and Hine get them back?
Jett visits Romania, where Iulia awaits a large mechanical key for her grandfather's theme park that's full of robotic dinosaurs.
Gabriel and her older sister Rosana and Jett are going to meet their friends, but after building a new bridge, and getting Gabriel's trompo back, it's getting late. How will Gabriel, Rosana, and their super wing friends make it on time?
Nita and her father and Jett have to get all the waterproof toys outta the river, but there are too many of them, What will Jett, Nita, and her father do?
Giuseppe wants a new bike, but a package is for his two younger sisters, who are twins. After that, Giuseppe makes Jett go too fast on the carriage. What will Jett and Giuseppe do?
Maryam and Ziz are getting ready for the camel fashion show, but Ziz trips into a wheelbarrow, and runs off. How will Jett and Maryam save the day?
It's Unathi's birthday, and Jett and Chase hope they will let Unathi's classmates be invited to the party, but the invitations to Unathi's birthday party get blown into the sea. What will Jett and Chase do?
Yi enters the race called the great wall of go, but the battery goes dead. What will Yi and his pit crew do?
Mehmet has a race of Children's Day, until there are four kids left, but the big rolling horse is driven outta the race by mistake. How will Jett save the day?
Callum and his super wing friends are playing curling, but the curling stone with Nessie's children go too far. How will Callum, Nessie, and their super wing friends get them back?
Jett and Dizzy deliver a package of harmless hair dyes and a grooming kit to a girl named Olenca in Cusco, Peru. Olenca wants to dye her pet alpacas with the pretty colours. However the animals don't like the process, panic and run away. The twisty turny, steep streets of Cusco turn out to be too difficult for the Super Wings to navigate and Jett calls World Aircraft for help.
Guangzhou Light Show: When a girl in Guangzhou, China brings her cat to a famous festival of lights in Huacheng Square, the cat takes off, chasing after at the light show's laser beams. Only a Supercharge is going to help return the cat to safety!
Jett and Donnie head for Montgomery, Alabama in America where they join a boy named Kevin and his Dad on Fathers' Day at a car factory to build a real car! But the wheels that Kevin and his Dad pick are a bad choice for their creation and the Super Wings need a Supercharge to save the car and the factory from total destruction.
When a girl named Cynthia in Yaounde, Cameroon, asks for a toy train for her baby chimp to ride on, things get dodgy fast. Kimba, the chimp, takes off into the jungle where more chimps join him and cause trouble for the pursuing Superwings. In the end, Kimba and the train are saved, and Kimba is adopted by his new monkey family.
Jett and Donnie travel to Norway to deliver Alice a dress that makes snowfall. This item of clothing must be his costume for an outdoor play, but it has snowed so much that the performance risks being canceled...
Jett and Paul head to Saint Gallen, Switzerland and deliver a gingerbread man costume that emits the smell of freshly baked gingerbread cookies.
Jett and Mira fly to San Cristobal, Ecuador to deliver super strong bubble solution. The package is for a boy who wants to blow super strong bubbles that will last and last. When the bubbles trap sea animals and float them away, Jett and Mira must use their Supercharged abilities to save them.
When a girl named Sylviya asks for a special watering can for her flowers, Jett and Dizzy head to Bulgaria. This leads to a encounter with bees and a new Super Wing named Bucky who takes them on a tour inside a beehive where trouble awaits!
Jett and Mira deliver a package to Gio in Boryeong, South Korea. Gio has ordered a special dirt suit to protect him from the mud at the annual mud festival. Unlike other children, he doesn't like getting dirty. That's why the suit has a unique function: it doesn't allow you to inflate for a moment at the push of a button, so any dirt is shaken off.
A young boy in Denmark orders egg capsules to hold three baby "block" dinosaurs he invented. He wants to present the eggs to their mothers in Blockosaurs Park so the babies will hatch and imprint on their mothers. But the eggs hatch early and imprint on Jett. The mother dinos chase after him to get their babies back, but only by remaining calm are the Super Wings able to find a solution.
Jett and Mira deliver a huge cake to Thailand that the boy Phra wants to give to his aunt Autra for her birthday. Since the cake unfortunately no longer fits in the packaging after unpacking, Phra and the Super Wings have to take the boat to get to their aunt. On the way there, Phra remembers that he forgot to mention when ordering that the cake should be decorated with fruit.
Jett flies to the Netherlands with Bucky to deliver a package containing a tiny dress to little Nina. The dress is for Nina's doll Annie, because the doll's dress and a few other items were stolen from the dollhouse. By chance, Jett, Bucky and Nina are able to catch the thief in the act and are surprised when it turns out to be a vole.
The Super Wings have to keep a cool head because they have delivered the girl Kalama a package with huge propeller hats that make a lot of wind. Kalama's friends are the huge Moai statues that stand on Easter Island off the coast of Chile and Kalama wants to use the hats to cool off in the hot weather. But the wind from the propellers lifts the Moai into the air and threatens to fly away.
Jett and Donnie deliver a giant football jersey to Scotland. The jersey is for Tractor Jack, Rooney's football friend and teammate on the Tractors team. The two have an important game against “Die Feldhelfer” coming up. But most of the time they have to make do with a place on the reserve bench. However, when Jackie, Jake, and James are injured during the game, she, Jett, and Donnie step in for their team.
Jett and Mira deliver a package to little Tyler, who lives in Hawaii. Tyler wants to take his turtle Sheldon back to the sea. He nursed Sheldon back to health after a plastic bag wrapped around his fin. But before Sheldon can swim back into the Pacific, Tyler wants to clear the ocean of trash with a marine trash vacuum. The Super Wings are happy to help!
PaperCon is coming up, a trade fair for cosplay and origami folding art. That's why Jett and Donnie deliver extra strong and enormously large origami paper to Japan to the four origami heroes Namiko, Masako, Yuki, and Haro. To cause a stir at PaperCon, they fold a life-size paper giant. But they didn't expect to have to compete with their paper giant against the evil Drac the Scissorman.
Jett and Donnie deliver four huge, high-tread tires to Gaspard and his dad in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. The two need the desert burrowers, as Gaspard calls them, to cross the desert on their trip around the world with their motorhome Enjo. But Enjo loses control and stirs up so much sand that the nomad Nambayar's flock of sheep runs away. Together they herd the escaped animals back.
Jett and Dizzy deliver a package to two old friends in the Himalayas in Nepal. Arkas and Remi have ordered extra-large construction paper and a painting kit to make a huge card for their father, who is currently on his way to climb Mount Everest and whom they want to wish good luck on the climb. But when the World Air Base's systems fail, the base hits Mount Everest and has to make an emergency landing and be evacuated.
The world air base has become wedged in a narrow mountain pass and is threatening to slide down into the valley. To save the village from destruction, the Super Wings attempt to pry the base out of the snow with a giant pole. Since their plan fails, Joy, Storm, and Roger decide to use the last remaining energy to make three Super Wings super strong with the Supercharge.
Ximena, a girl from Bogota, Colombia, asks the Super Wings to make a paint-spraying drone to enter a mural painting competition. When her jealous dog Pepito steals the drone controls, Ximena and the Super Wings must catch Pepito and secure the drone before it sprays all over the city.
Jett and Donnie travel to Germany to deliver Kirsten a wig with incredibly long hair. The girl lives in Hanau, where a big fairy tale festival in honor of the Brothers Grimm takes place every year.
Mia lives in Switzerland and orders a preprint of the third volume of her favorite author and adventure hero Dillon from Super Wings. But when she reads the book with Jett and Astra, she realizes that the last chapter is missing.
Pavel, a boy from Prague, Czech Republic, orders a special Super Wings watch, which Jett and Bucky deliver to him.
Jett and Paul deliver a package containing one hundred self-inflating balloons to Bandile in Cape Town, South Africa.
Kate, a girl from Bunbury in Australia, has ordered a waterproof scanner from Super Wings that can be used to read the health and emotions of sea creatures.
Alister from California in the USA ordered a Super Wings costume for Halloween. He wants to disguise himself as a Super Wing, which combines all the special abilities of the Super Wings.
Jett and Paul fly to Cairo to deliver a microphone and speaker to Ebony, which she needs for a museum tour with her friends.
Demis and Xuan are best friends and want the Super Wings to create a card game with Chinese and Greek mythical creatures that can fight each other as holograms. But when the game gets out of control, Jett and Astra have to get the situation under control again.
Ryan loves magic and orders a magic wand with supercharged energy from the Super Wings for his children's camp at the magic school.
Nika from Moscow, Russia, orders a stone-gazing box in which she can sort her stone collection. But her collection is still missing three stones, for which she has to fly into space with the Super Wings.
A father from Brazil orders a special adventurer vest for his son Avelino so that they can explore the Amazon rainforest together.
The Super Wings come to the aid of the girl Xiyuan so that her family can be together for the Chinese New Year.
The girl Akaja asks the Super Wings to come to Greenland and bring her molds that can be used to make multi-colored ice blocks.
Nuno lives in Porto, Portugal, and orders a large unbreakable bottle from Super Wings. Following a Portuguese tradition, he wants to build a model boat in a bottle
Suri lives with her father in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. Her father is a zookeeper and is responsible for the orangutans. Suri has ordered a swing from Super Wings for the orangutan baby Tan, but when the little monkey plays with the buttons on Jett's communicator, he accidentally triggers a supercharge that makes him grow into a giant orangutan.
Daniela lives in Mexico and orders cat treats in the form of marigold flowers from Super Wings. She wants to use them to attract her recently deceased cat Sanchez on the Day of the Dead because according to legend, deceased loved ones can follow the trail of flowers and thus pay a visit to the bereaved.
The girl Ruma orders a cricket game with moving figures from the Super Wings that can be played on the table.
Olivier lives in Toulouse, France, and orders a machine from the Super Wings that can make cotton candy from vegetables to exhibit at his school's "Fair of World Cultures."
A boy named Nuno in Porto, Portugal, orders a large, clear, unbreakable bottle. He wants to build a model boat in a bottle, a Portuguese tradition. JETT delivers a special child minder wrist link to YEOJUN, a young Korean boy, so he can look after his younger brother YEOWOON.
출동! 슈퍼윙스
Release 2014-09-01