
Pokémon, serie 1997 - Streama med Netflix och Viaplay

Streama serien Pokémon (1997-). Med Rica Matsumoto och Ikue Otani. Streama med Netflix och Viaplay.

Följ med Ash Ketchum, tillsammans med sin partner Pikachu, när han reser genom många regioner, möter nya vänner och står inför nya utmaningar på hans strävan att bli en Pokémon-mästare.



Pokémon trailer
Pokémon trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Pokémon, jag väljer dig!

Ash Ketchum, en tio-åring från Pallet Town, är äntligen tillräckligt gammal för att få sin första Pokémon! Tyvärr försover han sig och den enda Pokémon som finns kvar i professor Oaks lab är en viljestark Pikachu!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Pokémon nödfall!

Ash rusar in till Viridianstaden med sin skadade Pikachu, där han träffar på Jessie, James och Meowth i Team Rocket, såväl som Misty som är arg för att Ash har förstört hennes cykel!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Ash fångar en Pokémon

Ash upptäcker och fångar sin första Pokémon! Även om han är förtjust, så tycker Misty att hans nya Kryp-typ Pokémon-vän är jätteläskig!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Samurajs utmaning

En svärm arga Beedrill attackerar Ash och Samuraj mitt i ett dödläge i striden mellan deras två Metapod! Ash flyr, och lämnar kvar sin Metapod som är arg på honom för att han övergav den.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Uppgörelsen i staden Pewter

Ash utmanar Pewterstaden Gym-ledaren, Brock, men inte ens Pikachu har någon chans mot Brocks Sten-typ Pokémon. Det är dags för Ash att träna hårt inför retur-matchen och den mystiske Flint hjälper honom!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Clefairy och Månstenen

En forskare leder Ash och och hans vänner djupt in i Månberget, för att finna en spännande Månsten, som sägs förstärka en Pokémons krafter!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Vattenkrig i Ceruleanstaden

Ash vill gå till Cerulean City och vinna Cascade Badge, men av någon anledning vill Misty inte följa med honom.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Vägen till Pokémonligan

Efter att han fått sin andra badge beger sig Ash triumferande mot Vermilionstaden. På vägen hör han talas om AJ, tränaren som snart vunnit 100 segrar på raken. Full av självförtroende utmanar Ash den skräckinjagande tränaren!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Pokémonskolan

Ash träffar några skolelever som mobbar sin skolkompis Joe. Joe menar att den här hårda behandlingen är nödvändig för att han ska kunna ta sin examen, Ash håller inte med.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Bulbasaur och hälsohemmet

Våra hjältar, som gått alldeles vilse, kommer fram till en by som inte finns på kartan. Den här lugna platsen bebos av Pokémon som har blivit skadade i strid eller som har blivit övergivna av sina Tränare.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 En övergiven Charmander

När våra hjältar skyndar vidare mot Vermilionstaden, möter de en skadad Charmander som sitter uppe på en sten i ett bergspass. De får senare veta varför den väntar där.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Squirtle-gänget

Efter ett avtal med Meowth lyckas en grupp Squirtle fånga Ash, Misty, Brock och en skadad Pikachu som behöver medicin.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Mysteriet vid Fyren

Sällskapet träffar på Bill, en Pokémon-forskare som väntar i sin fyr på att en helt unik Pokémon, som ingen människa någonsin sett förut. Kan det verkligen finnas en sådan Pokémon?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Den elektriska duellen

Angelägen om att vinna en Nål utmanar Ash Surge. Pikachu ger sig motvilligt in i striden, bara för att upptäcka att motståndaren är en Raichu, en grym Pokémon med enorm elektrisk kraft, och den utvecklade formen av Pikachu!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Slaget på St. Anne

Ash och hans vänner går ombord på kryssningsfartyget S.S Anne, med hjälp av biljetter som de fått av Jessie och James i förklädnad. Deras senaste idé är att lura ombord Tränare på en båt och sedan stjäla deras Pokémon!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Skeppsbrott

En kraftig storm tvingar alla utom Team Rocket och våra hjältar att överge det sjunkande skeppet S.S Anne. Ash, Brock och Misty tvingas gå samman med sina gamla fiender för att överleva den kinkiga situationen!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Pokémonland!

När våra hjältar mot alla odds överlevt förlisningen av S.S Anne, dras de in i ännu en farofylld situation, då de blir attackerade av en Pokémon som heter Gyarados!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Beauty and the Beach (Sändes inte)
Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Tentacool och Tentacruel

När en grupp Tentacool lägger sig i byggandet av ett hotell, erbjuder en kvinna en belöning till den som kan driva bort dem. Våra hjältar tvingas hur som helst ingripa, då Team Rockets sluga plan spektakulärt misslyckas!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Spöket vid Maiden's Peak

Våra hjältar anländer till en liten hamnstad, som är mitt uppe i firandet av en sommarfestival. För att vila sig från sin tuffa resa bestämmer sig Ash och hans vänner för att koppla av och njuta av festligheterna.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Hej då Butterfree

När sällskapet ser en flock Butterfree flyga över havet, bestämmer sig Ash för att låta sin egen Butterfree bli fri. Efter att ha blivit avvisad en gång, kan Ashs Butterfree vinna sin rosa älsklings hjärta?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Den övernaturliga Sabrina

Sällskapet kommer äntligen fram till Saffron City, där en ung flicka styr över Pokémon-gymmet, med hjälp av sina psykiska krafter. Om Ash besegrar gymledaren Sabrina kommer att han vinna sin fjärde gym-badge!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Terrortornet

Efter att ha blivit slagen av Sabrina, inser Ash att han måste skaffa en Spök-typ Pokémon för att klara Saffron Gym-ledarens suveräna Psykisk-typer. Han beger sig till Pokémon-tornet i Lavenderstaden där det sägs att de finns.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 Haunter mot Kadabra

Ash lämnar Pokémon-tornet med Haunter i släptåg, och beger sig tillbaka till Saffronstaden med ett enda mål i sikte; att vinna en Gym-Nål av den starka, Psykisk-typ Gym-ledaren Sabrina!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Primeape slår till

När Ash försöker fånga en vild Mankey, förlorar den fattningen och använder Trash mot hela gänget; och den stjäl till och med Ashs mössa! Kommer Ash att komma på något sätt att lugna den stridslystna Pokémon?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 En stinkande Pokémon

Efter att ha sagt något olämpligt om Gym-ledaren Erikas parfym i en affär, måste Ash anstränga sig till max för att ens få sätta en fot i Celadon-gymmet, och för att inte tala om att ens komma i fråga som utmanare!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 Pokémon och sömnvågorna

Konstapel Jenny avslöjar att en mystisk sömnvåg har härjat i området i flera dagar. Våra hjältar misstänker att det har samband med att så många barn försvunnit och varför alla Pokémon på Pokémon-center inte blir bättre!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 Pokémon-modet

På Brocks enträgna önskan stannar våra hjältar till på en plats som är välkänd bland Pokémon-uppfödare för sina Pokémon-skönhetssalonger!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 En slagfärdig Pokémon

Utanför Fuchsiastaden träffar våra hjältar på Hitmonchan, en Strids-typ Pokémon. Utan att tänka sig för försöker Ash strida mot den, men han och Pikachu blir fort slagna. Men vem är den otroliga Hitmonchans mystiske Tränare?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 30
Avsnitt 30 Den stinkande staden

När ett strömavbrott försänker Gringeystaden i mörker, går Ash och hans vänner för att undersöka ett närliggande kraftverk, där de hittar Magnemite och en massa Grimers. Ligger de bakom strömavbrottet i staden?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Digga Diglett

Ash, Brock och Misty är vilse långt inne bland bergen. När de kämpar sig fram längs en svårframkomlig stig som inte finns med på deras karta, hör de plötsligt en kraftig explosion!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32 Ninjaherrgården

När de är på väg mot nästa Gym-stridsutmaning, tror Ash och hans vänner att de gått vilse, då de kommer fram till ett stort hus som verkar vara en ninjas tillhåll. Kan detta vara Fuchsia-gymmet?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 33
Avsnitt 33 Dagens trubbel

Kommer Ash att kunna ta Laras plats och hantera hennes hårdföra Ponyta, och guida den så att den vinner det årliga loppet?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 34
Avsnitt 34 Djungelpojken Tommy

Våra hjältar följer med Konstapel Jenny in i skogen för att förfölja några tjuvjägare. Snart upptäcker de en pojke mitt bland ett gäng Kangashkan. Han heter Tommy, och ingen vet hemligheten om hans barndom..!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 The Legend of Dratini (Sändes inte)
Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Cykelgänget

Efter att de kommit fram till en väldigt lång bro som man bara kan ta sig över på med cykel, blir jobbet att leverera en medicin precis vad Ash och hans vänner behöver för att komma fram till Sunnytown!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 37
Avsnitt 37 Imitehuset

När våra hjältar plötsligt hamnar mitt i en häftig regnstorm, skyndar de sig att söka skydd. Då de dragit med sig en mycket motvillig Misty in i en stuga, får de genast intrycket av att inte vara ensamma!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 38
Avsnitt 38 Cyber Soldier Porygon (Sändes inte)
Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 39
Avsnitt 39 Pikachus farväl

Gänget upptäcker en stor grupp vilda Pikachu, och även om de först verkar skrämda av intrånget, öppnar de sig till slut för Ashs Pikachu. Hur ska Pikachu reagera när den ser andra Pikachu i frihet?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 Eeveebröderna

Ash och hans vänner hittar ett stort hus där det hålls ett flott garden party, och gästerna är Tränare med Pokémon som utvecklas genom att använda Utvecklingsstenar. Kan de hitta den till synes övergivna Eevees tränare här?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 41
Avsnitt 41 Vakna Snorlax!

Våra hungriga hjältar anländer till en liten by. I utbyte för ett mål mat går Ash, Misty och Brock med på att undersöka vad det är som får floden att torka ut, vilket förstör skörden i byn.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 42
Avsnitt 42 Uppgörelsen i Dark City

Vi träffar våra hjältar i utkanterna av Dark City, som verkar vara övergiven. Även mitt på dagen är det tomt på gatorna. Vad kan ha hänt som har ödelagt staden?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 43
Avsnitt 43 Trollkarlen Melvin

Ash jobbar hårt och fortsätter med sitt rigorösa träningsschema även under vårlovet; ända tills våra hjältar upptäcker att det finns ett turnerande tivoli i närheten! Ash, Misty och Brock kastar sig raskt in i nöjesvirvlarna!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 44
Avsnitt 44 Pokémon peppar Paras

Team Rocket förföljer fortfarande våra hjältar och står i beredskap att göra ett nytt försök att stjäla Pikachu; när katastrofen slår till! Det blir snart uppenbart att Meowth är sjuk.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 45
Avsnitt 45 Jigglypuffs sång

Misty lägger tillfälligt sina planer på att fånga Jigglypuff på is, och lovar att hitta en lösning på denna sjungande Pokémons situation!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 46
Avsnitt 46 Förhistoriska Pokémon

Enligt Ashs rival Gary har man funnit urgamla fossiler från utdöda Pokémon i närheten, vilket leder till stor fossil-iver i floddalen. Ash beslutar sig för att delta i utgrävningarna som ett sätt att försöka slå Gary!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 47
Avsnitt 47 Pokémon i fara

Ash sover fridfullt tills dess att han blir väckt av Brock och Misty som har skrämmande nyheter; det är något fel med Pikachus röst! Ash rusar oroligt iväg med Pikachu för att hitta till närmaste Pokémon-center!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 48
Avsnitt 48 Bröllop på gång

När våra hjältar vandrar fram över landsbygden, får de se en ”Försvunnen Person-affisch” med ett otvivelaktigt bekant ansikte på; det ser precis ut som James i Team Rocket! Är det verkligen han på affischen?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 49
Avsnitt 49 Pokémontjuven

Våra hjältar diskuterar ryktet om att en sällsynt, vild Farfetch’d har setts i närheten! Ash och Misty svär båda två på att de ska fånga den, och snart får de sin chans när den omtalade Pokémon dyker upp!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 50
Avsnitt 50 Vem vinner Togepi?

När de lämnar Pokémoncentret diskuterar våra hjältar kring vad som kommer att kläckas ur det Pokémon-ägg som Ash hittat. I närheten börjar Team Rocket kläcka en annan djärv plan som går ut på att lägga beslag på det!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 51
Avsnitt 51 Den mystiska trädgården

Under en strid mot en annan tränares Rhyhorn börjar blomlöken på Bulbasaurs rygg att glöda, vilket gör att Ash tar den till närmaste Pokémon-center. De upptäcker snart att Bulbasaur inte är sjuk; den håller på att utvecklas!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 52
Avsnitt 52 Prinsessfestivaltävlingen

Det är drottningen av prinsessan Festival och Misty och Jessie går alla ut för det. Efter timmar av shopping, de båda besluta att drottning prinsessan Festival slaget turnering för att vinna dockorna de båda eftertraktade när de var barn.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 53
Avsnitt 53 Meowth blir hjälte

Det är Barnens dag, och Ash och hans vänner hjälper några skolbarn att fira! Team Rocket förstör nöjet genom att sno ett barn istället för Pikachu. I det chockerande tumultet blir Meowth snäll.. eller blir han verkligen det?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 54
Avsnitt 54 Röstresurser

På vägen mot Cinnabar-ön följer våra hjältar med konstapel Jenny och polisstyrkans Growlithe när de ska utföra lite special-träning med förhoppning att förbättra Pikachus stridsskicklighet.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 55
Avsnitt 55 Att plåta en Pokémon

Under en kort lunchrast, träffar Ash och hans vänner Todd, en Pokémon-fotograf som har försökt ta den perfekta bilden på Pikachu.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 56
Avsnitt 56 Pokémonprovet

När han inser att han inte vunnit någon Gym-nål på länge, anmäler sig Ash till Pokémonligans inträdesprov, ett perfekt tillfälle att bevisa att han har vad som krävs för att bli Pokémon-mästare!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 57
Avsnitt 57 Uppfödningscentret

Ash och gänget vill besöka ett uppfödar-center som de sett en reklam för. Centret visar sig dock vara ett diaboliskt projekt under ledning av Team Rocket-medlemmarna Butch och Cassidy; Jessie och James gamla rivaler.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 58
Avsnitt 58 En gåtfull historia

Ash, Brock och Misty reser till Cinnabar-ön där Ash hoppas på att vinna Vulkannålen.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 59
Avsnitt 59 Vulkanutbrott

Ash har äntligen lyckats hitta Gymmet, hängande ovanför en flytande lavasjö! Bara en stark Eld-typ Pokémon kan hjälpa honom i striden om Volcano Badge, så Ash måste lita på sin bråkiga Charizard.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 60
Avsnitt 60 Sköldpaddsön

På vägen tillbaka till fastlandet , Ash knackar oavsiktligt in i en Blastoise, en linjal av en liten ö som inte kommer att vakna ur sin slummer. Squirtle dons sin gamla persona som chef för Squirtle Squad att lösa fallet. Det visar sig Jigglypuff har fastnat i en av Blastoises blasters.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 61
Avsnitt 61 Den magiska sjöjungfrun

Mistys Horsea är i desperat behov av träning, så gänget bestämmer sig för att ta den till hennes systers Gym i Cerulean City. Där får hon veta att hennes syster planerar att arrangera en spännande undervattensbalett.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 62
Avsnitt 62 Clefairys rymdskepp

I Viridian City, Ash och hans vänner är offer för flera stölder av några Clefairy. När vi undersökte med Mr Oswald, upptäcker de Clefairy bygger ett rymdskepp.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 63
Avsnitt 63 Slaget om jordnålen

Våra hjältar är på väg mot Viridian City, där Ash hoppas kunna ta Earth Badge. De kommer fram till Gymmet lagom för att se hur Ashs rival Gary blir besegrad av en okänd Pokémon; och Gary påstår att den är ond!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 64
Avsnitt 64 Vilken cirkus

På vägen tillbaka till Pallet Town möter våra hjältar en förrymd Mr. Mime. Ash klär ut sig till en annan Mr. Mime så att han ska kunna komma nära den. När Team Rocket sedan slår till, kommer de då att ta rätt Mr. Mime?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 65
Avsnitt 65 Jynx räddar julen

Ash, Misty, Brock och sina Pokémon måste leta rätt på en borttappad Jynx åt jultomten innan julafton med hjälp av en Lapras. Under tiden försöker Jessie hämnas på jultomten för att ha stulit hennes favoritdocka när hon var liten.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 66
Avsnitt 66 Snöstormen

Våra hjältar befinner sig vid ett vägskäl och bestämmer sig för att klättra upp för ett brant och farligt berg. Pikachu kommer vilse, och de måste arbeta tillsammans för att hitta den, hålla sig varma och överleva stormen.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 67
Avsnitt 67 Ash får sig en läxa

När Ash besöker professor Oak springer han på Gary, och de pratar om den kommande Pokémon Ligan. Professor Oak säger att de bör lära av varandra istället för att tävla, och det lagarbetet lönar sig när Team Rocket attackerar!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 68
Avsnitt 68 Arternas uppkomst

Ash åker med sin mamma på semester till Seafoam-ön. Medan han är där söker han upp den som programmerat Pokédex, för att lära sig mer om SlowPokés ovanliga utveckling. Det här mysteriet avslöjas genom Team Rockets klantighet!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 69
Avsnitt 69 Den stora vågen

Ash tappar balansen under ett surfingförsök, och räddas av Victor som berättar om Humungadunga, en jättevåg som sveper förbi vart tjugonde år. Kan Ash och Pikachu ge Victor det självförtroende han behöver för att möta vågen?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 70
Avsnitt 70 En falsk bladsten

Åter i Pallet Town träffar Ash och vännerna Florinda, som jobbar på stans dagis. Hennes Gloom utvecklas inte, så hon är rädd att den tränar för lite! När Team Rocket anfaller får alla se precis hur stark en Pokémon kan bli!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 71
Avsnitt 71 Pokémonrullen

En berömd regissör kommer till stan, och alla vill bli stjärnor! Eftersom han bara vill ha Pokémon i sin film kämpar Ash, Brock, Misty och Team Rocket hårt för att just deras Pokémon ska få spela mot Wigglytuff.

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 72
Avsnitt 72 Pokémonkärlek

Våra hjältar möter ett tränarpar som inte alls verkar komma överens, fastän deras Nidoran helt uppenbart är mycket förtjusta i varandra. Misty är fast besluten att lösa den här romantiska utmaningen!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 73
Avsnitt 73 Mäster Bruno

Det är bara några veckor tills tävlingarna i Pokémon-ligan när Ash, Brock och Misty beger sig upp på Hideaway-berget för att hitta Elit Fyra! De söker Pokémon-träningstips men finner istället ett fält med övervuxna Onix!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 74
Avsnitt 74 Pokémopolis hemlighet

Medan Ash och Brock tränar inför Pokémon-ligan upptäcker de ett gömt tempel med Pokémon-fossiler i. Misty minns en gömd stad där folk byggde tempel till Pokémons ära. Kan de ha snubblat över den urgamla staden Pokémopolis?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 75
Avsnitt 75 Jessie stjäl showen

Våra hjältar är på väg till Pokémon-ligan på Indigo Plateu när de möter en annan tränare som också ska dit. Tyvärr har alla hans Gym-badges blivit stulna så han kan inte tävla.. om han inte tar Ashs badges istället!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 76
Avsnitt 76 Pokémonelden

Pokémon-ligan håller på att ta sin början med den ceremoniella tändningen av facklan, vars flamma kommer från den legendariska Pokémon Moltres. Självklart försöker Team Rocket stjäla den!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 77
Avsnitt 77 Premiärmatchen

Det är Pokémon-ligans första dag, och när Ashs vänner får veta att att hans första strid ska äga rum på Vattenplanen är de fulla av goda råd!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 78
Avsnitt 78 Eld & is

När Pokémon-ligan fortsätter strider Ash på Sten-planen och återser även Team Rocket som satt upp ett falskt Pokémon-center för att kunna lura intet ont anande tränare!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 79
Avsnitt 79 Fjärde ronden

På gräsplanen står Ash inför sin hittills tuffaste motståndare i Pokémon-ligan! Är Ash och hans Bulbasaur redo att möta motståndaren och hennes kraftfulla Scyther?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 80
Avsnitt 80 En vän i nöden

När Ash träffar en likasinnad pojke som heter Richie under Pokémon-ligan blir de två pojkarna snabbt nära vänner; och det blir även deras två Pikachu!

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 81
Avsnitt 81 Stridskamrater

I Pokémon-ligans femte omgång blir Ash och Richie tvungna att möta varandra! Kommer deras vänskap att hålla under den här viktiga striden?

Pokémon säsong 1 avsnitt 82
Avsnitt 82 Vänner för livet

Ash, Misty och Brock hejar på Richie medan Pokémon-ligan går mot sitt slut, och sedan marscherar de in tillsammans under avslutningsceremonin. En upplevelse som Ash bär med sig under hela sin fortsatta resa som tränare!

Säsong 2

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Hjältens återkomst

Ash och hans vänner återvänder till Pallet Town för ett entusiastiskt välkomnande, men skickas genast på en ny resa! Professor Oak letar efter en Poké Ball med mystiskt utseende och han ber Ash, Brock och Misty att hitta den.

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Ett luftskepp kommer lastat

Våra hjältar förbereder den långa resan till Valencia-ön, där de ska hämta en mystisk Poké Ball åt professor Oak. Ash vinner en gratis Blimp-tur och då verkar deras färdsätt vara löst; men vem är det som flyger luftskeppet?

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Ett tropiskt paradis

Efter en kraschlandning på Valencia-ön, visas våra hjältar vägen till professor Ivys lab där den mystiska Poké Ballen är. Brock blir förtjust då han får veta att professor Ivy och hennes kolleger också är Pokémon-uppfödare!

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Lugn, lilla Lapras

På grund av Jigglypuffs sövande sång kommer luftskeppet, som är på hemväg med Ash och Misty, ur kurs och kraschar på en ö, där de träffar en ny vän som heter Tracey, medan de försöker rädda en Lapras.

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Simtävlingen

Ash, Misty och Tracey ger sig av för att utforska Orange-öarna, och Ash är fast besluten att kvalificera sig till Orange-ligan! Han inser snart att det är skillnad på att utmana Orange-teamet och en vanlig gymstrid.

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Pikachu revolterar

När Ash, Misty och Tracey kommer till Mandarin-ön, blir Pikachu och Togepi fientliga och går med en grupp arga Pokémon! När de bråkiga Pokémon är borta, berättar konstapel Jenny att dussintals Pokémon har anmälts försvunna.

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Kristall-Onix

Ash hittar ett meddelande i en flaska som leder våra hjältar in i nya äventyr på Sunburst-ön, och sökandet efter en mycket speciell Onix!

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Rosa ön

Våra hjältar befinner sig på Pinkan-ön, där det bor ett stort antal märkligt färgade Pokémon. Ash och Tracey är mycket fascinerade av dessa rosa Pokémon.. och det är även Team Rocket-trion!

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Kabutos hemlighet

Efter att ha följt med på en forskningsexpedition för att undersöka Kabuto-fossil, står Ash och vännerna plötsligt öga mot öga med en hel rad naturkatastrofer

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Avsnitt 10 Teaterbåten
Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Hej då, Psyduck

Ännu en Vatten-typ specialist utmanar Misty på en strid, och ger henne också tips; hon tror att Mistys Psyduck kan vara redo för att utvecklas!

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Joys Gyarados

Våra hjältar möter en mycket upptagen Syster Joy som måste resa intensivt mellan öarna för att ta hand om alla Pokémon i området! Kan de skydda henne från Team Rocket?

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Duell på navelön

Under Ashs andra utmaning av Orange Ligan måste han bestiga ett berg, bygga en bob, och vinna ett slädlopp! Har hans Pokémon vad som krävs för att hjälpa honom att klara alla dessa hinder?

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Grapefruktöarna

Våra hjältars utforskande tar dem till de sju Grapefruktöarna, där de får veta att öarnas berömda frukt har försvunnit! Ash, Misty och Tracey försöker fånga de som är ansvariga för försvinnandet.

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Spökskeppet

Några dykare har funnit en urgammal Orange Ligan-mästerskapstrofé, och våra hjältar går direkt till konstmuséet för att titta på den! Tyvärr hinner Team Rocket före dem..!

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Avsnitt 16 Gåvan

När Team Rocket kraschar på en ö, hamnar Meowth i fokus då lokalbefolkningen felaktigt tror att han är ”Överflödets Store Meowth”, ett mäktigt väsen som omtalas i en profetia. Vad kommer att hända när de får veta sanningen?

Pokémon säsong 2 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Tracey fångar en Pokémon
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Avsnitt 18 En ledig dag
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Avsnitt 19 Prima Pokémon
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Avsnitt 20 Pokémonkärlek
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Avsnitt 21 Cowboys och Pokémon
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Avsnitt 22 Det mystiska monstret
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Avsnitt 23 Misty får en beundrare
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Avsnitt 24 Bundsförvanter
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Avsnitt 25 Charizard är iskall
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Avsnitt 32
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Avsnitt 33
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Avsnitt 36

Säsong 3

Pokémon säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Don't Touch That 'dile

Ash begins his journey in Johto, a largely unexplored region said to be thickly populated with Pokémon entirely new to him and his friends.

Pokémon säsong 3 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Double Trouble Header

In a Pokémon battle, Ash soundly defeats an ambitious young Trainer, who runs away dejectedly.

Pokémon säsong 3 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 A Sappy Ending

Ash and friends discover a forest where invading Pinsir are causing heavy deforestation.

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Avsnitt 4 Roll On, Pokémon!

Ash and friends stumble into a small valley where Donphan are used to harvest precious stones.

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Avsnitt 5 Illusion Confusion!

Who would be foolish enough to brave a thick forest in the dead of night without a Hoothoot guide? Certainly not Ash Ketchum...

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Avsnitt 6 Flower Power

Our heroes must help prepare an insecure Bellossom dance troupe for their upcoming exhibition.

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Avsnitt 7 Spinarak Attack

Ash and friends reach a new town and hear of three mysterious robbers apparently mimicking the crimes of a legendary master thief.

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Avsnitt 8 Snubbull Snobbery

With pet food prepared by a French chef, rooms of WalkMaster exercise equipment and closets stocked with the latest in Pokémon fashion, life couldn't be much better for a Palm Hills Snubbull.

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Avsnitt 9 The Little Big Horn

Brock saves a lost and frightened Stantler fawn and carefully nurses it back to health before releasing it.

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Avsnitt 10 The Chikorita Rescue

Ash encounters a wild Chikorita and engages it in battle, thinking to add it to his team.

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Avsnitt 11 Once in a Blue Moon

Professor Oak's errand—to deliver the mysterious GS Ball to a Poké Ball expert—is interrupted when a Quagsire with a penchant for spherical objects steals the GS ball for use in a nocturnal ritual.

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Avsnitt 12 The Whistle Stop

When Team Rocket attacks Ash and his friends, a brave young Trainer and her flock of Ledyba come to the rescue.

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Avsnitt 13 Ignorance is Blissey

Team Rocket can't believe their luck when the Blissey employed in a Pokémon Center willingly gives them the cente's entire food supply.

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Avsnitt 14 A Bout with Sprout

Our heroes are recruited as guest instructors at a youth Pokémon Academy.

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Avsnitt 15 Fighting Flyer with Fire

With Pikachu's help, Ash is confident that winning the Zephyr badge will be a breeze.

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Avsnitt 16 For Crying Out Loud

Cute and cuddly is one thing, but a bawling Marill is too much even for Misty.

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Avsnitt 17 Tanks a Lot!

Team Rocket's most recent super vehicle, the Arbotank, is their ticket to world domination.

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Avsnitt 18 Charizard's Burning Ambitions

When Ash hears of the nearby Charicific Valley, he is sure a quick trip would be just the thing to reignite his Charizard's flagging spirits.

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Avsnitt 19 Grin to Win!

The annual Sunflora contest is only a day away and yet our hero's new friend and Sunflora Trainer is unable to convince her star Pokémon to compete.

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Avsnitt 20 Chikorita's Big Upset

A severe case of rivalry between Pikachu and Chikorita calls for therapy sessions with Nurse Joy.

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Avsnitt 21 Foul Weather Friends

Our heroes chance upon a Hoppip—the fluffy "Cottonweed" Pokémon that is able to drift for miles on a passing wind.

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Avsnitt 22 The Superhero Secret

When Ash and friends wander into town, they bring with them a challenge that threatens to be Gligarman's last—Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 23 Mild 'n Wooly

Team Rocket comes in sheep's clothing to relieve a kind Poké-shepherd of her Mareep flock.

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Avsnitt 24 Wired for Battle!

When the most promising trainee at a Pokémon dojo abandons battle altogether, it's up to Ash and friends to convince him that battling is more than just a matter of probability.

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Avsnitt 25 Good 'Quil Hunting

With Charizard gone and no fire Pokémon to call his own, Ash is overjoyed to come across a Cyndaquil in the wild.

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Avsnitt 26 A Shadow of a Drought

Ash carelessly makes enemies of the Slowpoke-worshipping residents of a town.

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Avsnitt 27 Going Apricorn!

Ash delivers the mysterious GS Ball to a renowned Pokémon expert, but Team Rocket wreaks trouble when they attempt to harvest the Apricorns essential to local Poké Ball production.

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Avsnitt 28 Gettin' the Bugs Out

When Ash reaches the Hive Gym, he has just the Pokémon to challenge the Gym Leader's Bug Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 29 A Farfetch'd Tale

An inexperienced young Trainer mistakenly scares off his own Farfetch'd.

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Avsnitt 30 Tricks of the Trade

At the Pokémon Swap Meet, our heroes befriend a young Pokémon trainer who's having difficulties finding a trading partner willing to accept his Wobbuffet. When Jessie inadvertently deposits her Poké Ball across from his in the exchanger, this young trainer gets more than he had bargained for.

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Avsnitt 31 The Fire-ing Squad!

Rocket attempts to steal all the water Pokémon from the annual Fire and Rescue Grand Prix.

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Avsnitt 32 No Big Woop!

Ash and friends enthusiastically volunteer to watch over a troubled trainer's school of Wooper.

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Avsnitt 33 Tunnel Vision

While Ash and friends deliberate on how to pass through a tunnel replete with Onix, two wandering Pokémon arrive on the scene together.

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Avsnitt 34 Hour of the Houndour

Investigating a string of mysterious thefts, our heroes discover a pack of Houndour, struggling to survive in the wild.

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Avsnitt 35 The Totodile Duel

Ash and Misty's friendly rivalry is tested when they both try to capture a Totodile at the same time. Unable to determine whose Poké Ball had captured the wild Pokémon, the two must battle it out to determine the Totodile's new master.

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Avsnitt 36 Hot Matches!

When Ash and friends hear of a virtually undefeatable trainer operating nearby, they seek her out.

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Avsnitt 37 Love, Totodile Style

Ash's Totodile falls head over tail for a passing Azumarill, but is still unsuccessful in having its feelings requited when Team Rocket kidnap the Pokémon before Totodile's eyes.

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Avsnitt 38 Fowl Play!

Ash has his sights set on a rare and brightly-colored Noctowl.

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Avsnitt 39 Forest Grumps

When an Ursaring attack leaves Team Rocket and our heroes in compromising positions, compromise they do, members of each team being paired with members of the other.

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Avsnitt 40 The Psychic Sidekicks!

Our heroes come to a town whose residents all raise Psychic Pokémon to repel the Ghost Pokémon that lurk nearby

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Avsnitt 41 The Fortune Hunters

A Pokémon Fortune Telling boom turns out to be a Team Rocket plot to steal Pokémon from local trainers.

Säsong 4

Pokémon säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 A Goldenrod Opportunity

Our heroes have finally reached the next stop on the road to Johto: Goldenrod City! Looking to challenge the city's Gym Leader, Ash finds out the gym is closed for the day. Knowing they must wait until tomorrow, the gang decides to shop around and enjoy the city when they run into a local trainer, Whitney. After a close-encounter with Team Rocket, our heroes realize Whitney is actually the Goldenrod City Gym Leader! Will Ash win his next Johto League badge?

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Avsnitt 2 A Dairy Tale Ending

Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle's Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pokémon. Ash realizes this is a great opportunity to study Miltank first-hand and hopes it will help him against Whitney's Miltank in their next battle. After learning about Miltank and coming out victorious in a battle against Team Rocket, Ash realizes the answer to overcoming Whitney's strongest Pokémon is good old-fashioned team-work.

Pokémon säsong 4 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Air Time

Before leaving Goldenrod City, the flamboyant producer of Poké Talk Radio insists Ash appear on Sunny Morningstar's show to talk about winning the Plane badge. After the interview, the gang saves the day by participating in a live radio drama with the Dugtrio Trio (Team Rocket in disguise!) Be sure to watch the twists and turns of the live performance as our heroes battle Team Rocket on the airwaves!

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Avsnitt 4 The Bug Stops Here

En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pokémon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita. In an effort to catch the best Bug Pokémon and win the contest, Casey pushes her Chikorita too hard and learns a lesson about the importance of putting her Pokémon's welfare ahead of winning. Watch as Casey's Chikorita evolves in order to help save Ash and Pikachu from Team Rocket's grasp!

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Avsnitt 5 Type Casting

Trying to reach Ecruteak City our heroes are stopped in their tracks, unable to cross a bridge-less river. As they walk the bank, they see an old fisherman and strike a bargain, a ferry-ride across the river in exchange for an elusive Sudowoodo! As they comb the nearby mountains in search of one of these unique Pokémon they run into two research scientists arguing over Sudowoodo's type. Join Ash and the gang as they encounter this truly versatile Pokémon and attempt to determine what type Sudowoodo really is!

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Avsnitt 6 Fossil Fools

Ash, Misty and Brock have reached the famous Ruins of Alph. Summoned there by a note from Professor Oak they join him and an old student of his, Foster in a facility for studying Pokémon fossils. Foster has made an amazing discovery, live prehistoric Water-type Pokémon thought to be extinct for thousands of years! Does their appearance have anything to do with the interrupted water flow from a nearby reservoir? Watch as our heroes find out what's fishy with the freshwater!

Pokémon säsong 4 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Carrying On

Just outside of Ecruteak City, our heroes see a flying Pidgey being attacked by a huge Fearow and decide to intervene. With Brock carrying the wounded Pidgey, the gang enters Ecruteak City in hopes of finding its trainer. Not only do our heroes find this Pidgey's home, they discover it is a member of the Carrier-Pidgey Express! Join Ash, Misty and Brock as they learn about caring for carrier-Pidgey and witness the dedication of a young boy and his grandfather to these very special Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 8 Hassle in the Castle

Caught in a sudden thunderstorm, our heroes quickly seek shelter from the elements at an ominous looking castle on a nearby cliff. Although this seemingly vacant fortress is a little on the spooky side, Ash, Misty and Brock would rather be jumpy than soggy. That is, until they hear moaning coming from a nearby corridor! Follow our heroes through the pitfalls and mazes of this (haunted?) house on the hill!

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Avsnitt 9 Two Hits and a Miss

On the way to Ecruteak, a renegade Tauros dashes past our heroes. Seeing an old man in Tauros's path, Ash and Bulbasaur battle the break-away beast. The old man is impressed with Ash's skill and asks him to come to his dojo. Ash quickly realizes the old man is looking for a new Shihan (master teacher) to take over, but the old man's granddaughter believes she will inherit the dojo, even though her method of training has more to do with fitness than fighting. Who will be selected as Shihan?

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Avsnitt 10 A Hot Water Battle

Arriving at a beautiful hot springs, Ash, Misty and Brock decide they and their Pokémon need to take a much needed break from their journey. As Ash and the Pokémon hit a beach ball around, Totodile, Chikorita and Cyndaquil play a little too rough. Totodile ends up blasting the ball deep into the nearby forest and when Ash sends these three Pokémon to retreive it, they run into a gang of antagonizing Aipom! In order to survive the escapades of retrieving the beach ball and the pitfalls of trying to make it back to Ash, these three must learn to work together. Watch as Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquil learn to appreciate the power of friendship.

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Avsnitt 11 Hook, Line, and Stinker

As our heroes take a break at a shady stream, Misty's Poliwhirl is attacked by a Poliwrath! Poliwrath's trainer pokes fun at Misty's Pokémon and won't stick around to battle when she challenges him to a match. As our heroes move on, they find out the annual Seaking catching competition is about to begin. Overhearing the trainer she encountered earlier is a shoe-in for the win, Misty and her Poliwhirl enter the competition determined to triumph over the testy trainer.

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Avsnitt 12 Beauty and the Breeder

Brock checks his e-mail at a local Pokémon Center and finds Suzy, the Pokémon breeder who gave Brock Vulpix, has contacted him regarding a Pokémon beauty contest. She is looking for a Pokémon to enter the contest with and Brock agrees to return her Vulpix. When they meet in the contest city of Bonitaville, Suzy suggests they enter the contest together. However, before the contest can commence, Team Rocket seize all the Pokémon! Will our heroes be able to track Team Rocket and return the bevy of Pokémon beauties?

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Avsnitt 13 A Better Pill to Swallow

Binging on too many burgers during lunch has given Ash a case of indigestion that stops him in his tracks. Unable to help their friend, Misty and Brock contemplate what to do until a miniature, seemingly magical, man shows up. He gives Ash two tablets and almost instantaneously cures Ash's aches! Curious about the cure, the gang head back to the small man's lab for a lesson in Pokémon medicine. Here they find out how this helpful fellow creates all kinds of useful potions with the aid of Shuckle and a speedy Pokémon named Spoopy!

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Avsnitt 14 Power Play!

When a blackout hits a town on the road to Ecruteak City, our heroes realize it puts the Pokémon in the local Pokécenter in jeopardy. Wanting to help nurse Joy and the ailing Pokémon, the gang takes on the task of finding out what went haywire at the power plant. Before they can help restore the power however, they have to overcome the latest Team Rocket invention: The Mecha-Robo-Wobbuffet! See how Ash and Pikachu team up with Gary and his Umbreon in order to overcome Team Rocket and restore power to the grateful town.

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Avsnitt 15 Mountain Time

Enjoying a beautiful day hiking through the mountains on the road to Ecruteak City, Ash and Pikachu chase after a Ledian that speeds by them. As they pursue it along the trail, they round a bend and get hit full-blast by a Gust from Pidgeotto! Meeting the Ledian and Pidgeotto's owners, the gang finds out they've run into the Mountain Patrol, in the midst of a training session. Find out what happens when mountain-patrolman, Benji and his courageous Ledian lead Ash, Misty and Brock on an important search-and-rescue mission!

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Avsnitt 16 Wobbu-Palooza

Breaking for lunch at a spot in the forest, our heroes notice a nearby Wobbuffet and begin to look around for it's cohorts, Team Rocket! Although there's no sign of Team Rocket, everywhere they look there are more Wobbuffet popping up. The gang follows them to Wobbuffet Village and finds out the village is about to have their annual Wobbuffet fair. Due to festival rules, our heroes aren't able to help when a gang of punks and their Pokémon try to ruin the fair. Team Rocket are the only one's in a position to help. Will they come to the town's aid because they have a Wobbuffet of their own?

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Avsnitt 17 Imitation Confrontation

Stopping off at a Pokécenter, the gang looks around for Nurse Joy. Suddenly she appears with Chansey, but makes the confusing statement Nurse Joy is seeing a patient. Brock nears the Joy-look-alike and reveals it isn't Nurse Joy and Chansey at all, but Duplica and her Ditto! Our heroes find out the real Nurse Joy is checking on Duplica's newest Pokémon, Mini-dit. Though there's nothing wrong with Mini-dit, it retains it's pint size, even when Transforming into large Pokémon. Be sure to watch for a teeny Arbok, an undersized Ursaring and a wee Wobbuffet. Although it may be small, this puny Pokémon can sure pack a wallop!

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Avsnitt 18 The Trouble with Snubbull

As our heroes take a brief rest near a river, Ash sees a Snubbull rush by on the opposite bank. This wasn't just any Snubbull either, this one was Madame Muchmoney's! Ash, Misty and Brock follow Pikachu as it picks up Snubbull's scent and leads them in the search for the wealthy woman's Pokémon. Our heroes are racing against time when Team Rocket sets a trap for Snubbull, hoping to get a cash reward from Madam Muchmoney. Don't miss Snubbull's reaction when it encounters Team Rocket... it's so exciting and new, it's evolutionary!

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Avsnitt 19 Ariados Amigos

Ash, Pikachu and Brock take a break by the lake while Misty heads deeper into the forest with Togepi. As Misty picks the local flora, Togepi wanders over to a very strange looking bush, it appears to have legs...spider legs! Summoned by Misty's shrieks, Ash and Brock discover an Ariados in the bush. Just then, a trainer from Fuschia City appears on the scene. She explains she's training with this Ariados to learn the special art of Pokémon Jujitsu. Accepting an invitation from the trainer, the gang joins her for a day at the Pokémon Jujitsu Academy. Find out what happens as Brock and Pineco blow the lid off a technical class, Ash is critiqued on battle techniques and Misty gets all wrapped up in Pokémon health, beauty and nutrition!

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Avsnitt 20 Wings 'N' Things

It's a sunny day on the road to Johto when our heroes encounter a Yanma... a troublemaker of a Yanma! When Yanma steals Ash's hat, the gang chase after it as it returns to its trainer, a young boy named Zachary. Although Ash gets his hat back, even Zachary can't control Yanma's antics. After Yanma breaks every window in town with its Sonic Boom attack, Zachary's father forces Zach to return Yanma to the wild. A moment too late, Zachary realizes he can't abandon his friend. Will Zachary be able to find Yanma and learn what it takes to become a true Pokémon trainer?

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Avsnitt 21 The Grass Route

En route to Ecruteak, Ash and company are caught by the sight of a Skiploom racing by. Following after it, they encounter its trainer, Ephram. He and his Skiploom are training for the upcoming annual Grass-Type tournament, a contest for Grass Pokémon only. Confident he can win any local tournament, Ash decides he and Bulbasaur will enter as well. Ephram and his Skiploom train hard as the tournament quickly approaches. However, Ash doesn't think it is necessary for someone of his Pokémon prowess to prepare. Find out who triumphs as young Ephram and Ash face off in the final round of the tournament!

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Avsnitt 22 The Apple Corp!

Catching a sweet scent on the breeze, Ash and Pikachu follow their noses to a nearby apple orchard. As Misty and Brock follow, they warn the trainer and his Pokémon against eating apples that don't belong to them. No sooner is this said than Pikachu is caught red-handed with couple of cores! Once Ash proves Pikachu's innocence to the orchard owner, he and Pikachu track down the real thieves, a band of hungry Pichu forced into the orchard due to low amounts of wild growing fruit. Find out how Ash and Pikachu teach them teamwork and help create a symbiotic relationship between the Pichu and the proprietor!

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Avsnitt 23 Houndoom's Special Delivery

When Team Rocket attacks our heroes as they travel through a mountain pass, Weezing's Smoke Screen attack separates Togepi and Misty. Togepi wanders away as Misty, Ash and Brock try to locate the pint-sized Pokémon. Finding Togepi scared and alone, a passing Houndoom becomes its temporary care-taker and brings Togepi home to its trainer. Will Misty ever be reunited with Togepi?

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Avsnitt 24 A Ghost of a Chance

Arriving in Ecruteak, Ash immediately heads to the Gym to challenge it's leader for his next Johto League badge. Our heroes soon realize this isn't a normal gym... it bursts into flames as soon as they enter! Trying to douse the flames with their water Pokémon, they find out the blaze is bogus. It's actually the Gastly, Haunter and Gengar instigating the illusion. Find out how these Ghost-Types end up helping our heroes when Togepi and Pikachu get lost among the ruins. Plus, don't miss the Gastly lesson they teach Team Rocket!

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Avsnitt 25 From Ghost to Ghost

Anxious to acquire the next Johto League badge, Ash challenges Ecruteak City's Gym Leader, Morty. However, Ash has seen Morty's Ghost-type Pokémon in action and is a little worried about battle strategies. In a discussion with Nurse Joy, Ash realizes his secret weapon against Morty's Pokémon is his Noctowl. Find out what special strategies Ash and his Noctowl employ in a head-to-head battle against the skilled Gym Leader and his fear-provoking Pokémon!

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Avsnitt 26 Trouble's Brewing

Enjoying a quick snack at a local cafe, Misty notices a poster featuring a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. As she tells Ash and Brock she's always wanted to attend one, a young Trainer named Sakura walks in. Misty asks Sakura about the poster and Sakura explains her three sisters run the theme park. As Sakura leads Ash, Misty and Brock on a tour of the theme park, she decides she would like to accompany our friends on their Johto Journey. Her sisters say she can go if our heroes can beat them in a Pokémon battle. Will Sakura get to fulfill her dream of becoming a Pokémon Master?

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Avsnitt 27 All That Glitters!

On their way to Olivine City, Brock and Misty break for lunch while Ash polishes his Johto League badges. As he shines each one, he sets them on the tree stump in front of him. Three Murkrow emerge from a nearby bush and perform a synchronized song and dance for our heroes. Delighted by the impromptu entertainment, the gang is shocked when the Murkrow grab Ash's badges and fly away. Will Ash be able to track down the Murkrow and reclaim his badges or will the Murkrow prove too adroit for Ash?

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Avsnitt 28 The Light Fantastic

On the dry and dusty road to Olivine City, our heroes notice beautiful lights shining in the sky ahead of them. Realizing they are coming from just above the dried up lake on Remoraid Mountain, they run to the Remoraidian Ruins. Although the surrounding area is utterly arid, our heroes take note of the plentiful plant-life. What could be causing this change in climate? Does it have something to do with the lights above the bone-dry basin?

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Avsnitt 29 UnBEARable

As our heroes pass through a dense forest, Brock explains that there are some pretty scary Pokémon hang out in this neck of the woods. Searching for a safer place to sleep than the forest floor, the gang find an abandoned shack and settle in for a good night's sleep. When Misty hears a noise outside, our heroes investigate and a Teddiursa slips into Misty's sleeping bag. Could this cute and cuddly Pokémon possibly be the forest fright Brock mentioned earlier?

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Avsnitt 30 Moving Pictures

On their way to Olivine City, our heroes run into their old friend and shutterbug, Todd! As Todd and our friends catch up, a frozen Sunkern falls from the sky. The gang take it to a nearby lodge and, with the help of the old woman who runs it, thaw poor Sunkern out. The old woman explains she and her husband go to a valley with hundreds of Sunflora (the evolution of Sunkern) every year on their anniversary and have their picture taken. Tragically, this being their 50th wedding anniversary, they won't be able to continue the tradition because all of the Sunflora have disappeared. Where have all the Sunflora gone?

Pokémon säsong 4 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Spring Fever

As Todd and our heroes take a lunch break on a rocky mountain top, a Swinub rushes at them from a nearby crevasse. Misty is startled and drops her lunch. As the Swinub quickly swipes it, two more appear followed by a pint-sized girl named Peggy. She explains her father uses the Swinub to sniff out hot springs for hotels wanting to build resorts. Unfortunately, the Swinub's sniffers haven't been up-to-snuff and they haven't honed in on a hot spring in months. When Team Rocket try to steal the Swinub, the ensuing battle is just what they need to warm up to the search for hot springs!

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Avsnitt 32 Freeze Frame

Still on the trail of the Legendary Pokémon Articuno, Ash and co. find Jigglypuff frozen in ice. After Ash sets the heat of Cyndaquil to melt Jigglypuff points to a mountain where it last saw Articuno. Will Todd finally get the photo of this legend? And will Ash and co. ever get to Olivine City?

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Avsnitt 33 The Stolen Stones!

On their way to Olivine City, our heroes pass through a dangerous looking canyon full of unstable boulders. When the rocks begin to give way in an avalanche-like fury, a few fiery Pokémon rush to the rescue. Once out of harm's way, Ash, Misty and Brock find they've been rescued by Ramona, her brother Kegan and their three Arcanine. Ramona explains she and her brother were passing through the canyon on their way to deliver a bag of Fire Stones to a town holding a Fire-type Pokémon contest. Intrigued by the agile Pokémon, Ash is interested in learning how to ride the Arcanine. Before he gets far, Team Rocket shows up and steals the bag of Fire Stones. Ramona, Kegan and the gang must split up with the Arcanine to find Team Rocket and reclaim the rocks. Ash and Kegan team up, but after falling into one of the nasty trio's traps, Kegan is unable to guide Arcanine. Ash must rapidly learn how to ride if they are to recover the Fire Stones and save the Pokémon competition.

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Avsnitt 34 The Dunsparce Deception

On the outskirts of a small town, our heroes run into a young boy named Bucky. He tells our friends of his woes in trying to capture a Dunsparce. It seems the Dunsparce are indeed sparse in this area, at least they are now. When Bucky was out of town visiting his grandpa, a swarm of them came through and every kid in town caught one. Although Bucky still tries to participate in the Dunsparce games by using his Caterpie, Caterpie just can't compete. While Ash and Co. make good on their promise to help Bucky find one of these snake-like Pokémon, Team Rocket pulls a scheme in town to rid the children of their Dunsparce. Will Team Rocket get away with the Poké-napping this time or will our heroes, joined by their new friend, Bucky, be able to triumph over Team Rocket and spare the Dunsparce?

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Avsnitt 35 The Wayward Wobbuffet

Still en route to Olivine City Ash and co. meet two scientists (who are really Team Rocket) and volunteer to be experiments for a Poke Pod. Little did they know the scientists were really Team Rocket. The pod was used to keep Pikachu in and it was indestructible. There was only one key to open it and Wobbuffet has it. After giving chase, Ash gets the Poke Pod back but no key. Can Ash and co find Wobbuffet before the air in the pod runs out?

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Avsnitt 36 Sick Daze

While Ash and co. were still following the path to Olivine City, Ash and co. stop to take a break. While everypone gets ready for breakfast, Brock comes down with a fever and Ash and Misty decide to let him rest for the day. Misty thought it would be a great idea to try everything Brock did for them over their past journeys. Can Ash and Misty handle it, Where is Team Rocket? Will Brock catch the girls of his dreams? And what are the 47 secret ingredients of Misty's Mystery Stew? (Better you don't know that last one.)

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Avsnitt 37 Ring Masters

As Ash and company pass through an intriguing little village, they notice a Feraligatr in the midst of a battle. Drawing closer, they see the Feraligatr defeat one opponent after another, but it never seems to tire! When the gang meets the Feraligatr's trainer, they find out that Pokémon battles in this town are of a different breed. Here they practice the art of Pokémon Sumo. Oversized Pokémon are taught to wrestle and are forbidden from using special attacks in Sumo matches. As luck would have it, the Sumo conference is being held the following day. True to his nature, Ash decides to enter the conference, certain he can win. He is surprised, however, to find out he must use a Pokémon that weighs at least 80 kilograms. For Ash, that means only one Pokémon... Snorlax! Although Snorlax makes the weigh-in, it doesn't seem to be interested in moving towards the ring, let alone battling. Watch the surprising turn of events as Ash cleverly uses Snorlax's guts to his advantage.

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Avsnitt 38 The Poké Spokesman

During their trek to Olivine City, Ash notices Pikachu seems tired for some reason. Just then a man named Simon, who can comunicate with Pokémon, offers his help. A short while later the local Officer Jenny claims that Simon is a fraud who has been scamming people. Is she right? And if not, who are the real culprits?

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Avsnitt 39 Control Freak!

As our heroes and their Pokémon enjoy another fine meal prepared by Brock, Golbat begins to act strangely and flies away. Brock, Ash and Misty chase after the Flying-type and end up at an archaeological dig. When they meet the intelligent and beautiful archeologist, Tierra she explains her ultra-sonic equipment had just been destroyed and perhaps its errant waves attracted Golbat. She also tells our heroes of an ancient golden mask and scepter, once belonging to a queen who had the power to control all Pokémon. She is now looking for a buried temple said to contain these two priceless artifacts and asks Brock if his Golbat will use it's Sonic attack to help her locate the exact placement of the temple. Overhearing our heroes, Team Rocket employs their latest mechanical menace, the Dig-a-Tron to beat the gang to the temple. When Jessie dons the mask and scepter she has the power to control all Pokémon, even Pikachu! What will become of the Pokémon under Jesse's rule?

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Avsnitt 40 The Art of Pokémon

While en route to Olivine City (Are we there yet?) Ash and co. stop at Whitestone. They notice three smeargle paining the town red, yellow and blue. Just as an angry mob was about to stop the Smeargle, their trainer appears and gives them a blank check and tells them to write any amount that'll cover the damages. Who is this man? And why does he think Smeargle art is so interesting?

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Avsnitt 41 The Heartbreak of Brock

At the end of a long day, our heroes search for a Pokémon Center in a small town near Olivine City. Unable to locate one they ask a local lady for directions. She explains the nearest Pokémon Center is ten miles away! Too exhausted to extend today's journey, the gang decides to set up camp in a local park. As he gets water from a nearby fountain, Brock notices a Nidorina approaching to take a drink. Running after Nidorina is her trainer, who trips and almost falls into the fountain. She is narrowly saved by Brock and immediately falls head over heals in love with him. Introducing herself as Temaku, she insists Brock and his friends stay with her at her father's house. How will Brock handle a large does of his own medicine from the smitten Temaku?

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Avsnitt 42 Current Events

Nearing Olivine City, our heroes notice a field full of windmills. Brock explains the windmills are used to generate electricity. Deciding the breezy windmill field is a nice place to take a break and get some fresh air, our heroes release their Pokémon from their Poké Balls and begin to set up a picnic. When Ash and Chikorita go looking for firewood, they stumble upon a concrete building with the front door wide open. Curious, the duo enter and are promptly locked in when a strong gust of wind shuts the heavy electric door. Hearing Ash's cries for help, Pikachu races towards the building, followed by Brock and Misty. While Brock contacts the electric company for help, Ash decides to descend the floors of the compound and locates the building's power source. He and Chikorita must battle their way through the scores of security systems in place... Electric-type Pokémon!

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Avsnitt 43 Turning Over a New Bayleef

Taking a rest from their exhausting expedition, our heroes settle down in a small field near a stream to enjoy a mid-day meal. Ash releases his Pokémon from their Poké Balls so they too can enjoy a well deserved break. Overly excited to see Ash, Bayleef runs towards him at full-tilt. Inadvertently, Bayleef uses Tackle Attack and knocks Ash for a loop. When Bayleef's uncontrollable affection becomes too much for Ash, he looses his temper and says something spiteful. Ash tells Bayleef to go away and stay away! When Ash can't find Bayleef after lunch, the gang goes on a search and rescue mission. With Pikachu following Bayleef's scent, the crew winds up at an old woman's house. She explains how she found Bayleef, hurt and weak near the river's bank. When Ash tries to re-claim his Pokémon, Bayleef simply ignores him. It is clear Bayleef would rather stay with the kind old woman and her Pokémon than continue the journey with Ash. Will Ash be able to win back Bayleef's trust and affection?

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Avsnitt 44 Doin' What Comes Natu-rally

When our heroes stumble upon a one-day street performance, they get to see all types of Pokémon with unique skills. Anxious to know the future, Misty volunteers to have her fortune read by Natu. A young boy named McKenzie and his Pokémon, Natu begin the reading but make several mistakes. Embarrassed, McKenzie runs away with Natu before Misty's future is revealed. The gang follows McKenzie and suggests he wear a mask during his performances to help boost his confidence. Misty explains if he wears the mask no one will know who he is. McKenzie's father likes the idea too, believing the mask will lend an exciting element to the performance. When McKenzie returns to the stage, will he and Natu be able to remember the routine and use Natu's Future Sight to tell patron's fortunes?

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Avsnitt 45 The Big Balloon Blow-Up

When our heroes happen upon an unusual formation in the middle of a grassy field, Brock believes it is a crop circle... placed there by aliens! Just then, something comes hurtling out of the sky towards them. A far away voice calls down an apology for almost hitting Ash with the object. Skyler, a boy training for a hot air balloon race, introduces himself to the gang and explains he was practicing for the upcoming event. Getting a marker as close to the center of the large, circular target by throwing it from the hot air balloon is one aspect of the competition. Intrigued by the hot-air balloon racing circuit, Ash quickly makes up his mind to enter as well. When Brock reminds him they don't have a chance of winning without a hot air balloon, Skyler's father says he has something to help them out. Pulling a balloon out of his shop, he begins to fill it up and to our heroes surprise, it's a Pikachu shaped hot air balloon!

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Avsnitt 46 The Screen Actor's Guilt

Strolling through downtown, our heroes notice a mob of girls chasing someone down. Suddenly, a man in a black cape and hat runs up to Ash and gives him a package to hold. He tells Ash to stay put because he'll be back for the package shortly. As the mob approaches, the mysterious man runs away with the girls in hot pursuit. Our heroes stand stunned by this interesting turn of events. As they do, the package in Ash's arms wiggles open to reveal a Smoochum! When our friends decide to try and track down Smoochum's trainer, they pass by a theater showing the opening to a brand new Brad Van Darn movie! Realizing this is the same person who gave Ash the Poké package, the gang decides to return Smoochum to Brad during his in-person appearance at a nearby theater. Believing Brad's Smoochum doesn't fit the macho image of the movie star, Brad's manager tells Ash to keep the Pokémon because Brad has no interest in Smoochum anymore. What will become of Smoochum now?

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Avsnitt 47 Right On, Rhydon!

Early in the morning Ash saw the freakiet thing ever: A Rhydon emerging from the water. After hearing this tale Misty thinks he's making it up, until they meet a girl named Pietra who is looking for a Rhydon who knows Surf. Team Rocket thinks this is unusual and decide to get the Rhydon as a gift for the boss. Can Ash and co. help Pietra get the Rhydon before Team Rocket does?

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Avsnitt 48 The Kecleon Caper

While heading to Olivine City Ash and co. notice a huge blimp fly by. When they got to the landing strip they saw the captain of the Blue May, a cruise in the sky, says that two Pokémon belonging to two lovely, rich and friendly ladies are ill. Brock is up to the task and saves the day by curing the pokemon of whatever's ailing them. What kind of Pokémon are these? Did they come from an entirely different region?

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Avsnitt 49 The Joy of Water Pokémon

While heading nearer to Olivine City, Ash and co. stop off at the nearest Pokémon Center where they meet a Nurse Joy who has a slight problem: She hates Water Pokémon, which upsets Misty. Why does she hate Water Pokémon, and how can she deal with it? Hypnosis might help.

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Avsnitt 50 Got Miltank?

With Olivine City drawing closer, Ash and co. end up in a desert and have to pass it to get there. They get ambushed by Team Rocket and when Cyndaquil's and Weezings Smokescreen attacks mix they explode. This causes Cyndaquil to be knocked unconscious and lost. Will Cyndaquil find Ash again? Where is Cyndaquil now? And will they all get to Olivine City?

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Avsnitt 51 Fight for the Light!

After a long and arduous journey, Ash and co. finally arrive at Olivine City where Ash hopes to get his next Gym Battle. He meets the local Gym Leader, a girl by the name of Jasmine. The Battle begins with her Onix against Ash's Totodile. Despite the type advantage Totodile's Water Gun has no effect on Onix and was defeated. Pikachu was next but just as the battle began, another girl stops and cancels the battle. This girl is the real Jasmine and she reveals the "Jasmine" that Ash was battling was Janina, her apprentice. Jasmine asked Janina to see her in her office. Jasmine has a stern talking to with Janina about what she did and as punishment Janina had to spend time away from the Gym. Jasmine then apologized for Janina's behavior and declined Ash's request for a Gym Battle. Why won't Jasmine battle? And is Janina no longer Jasmine's apprentice?

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Avsnitt 52 Machoke, Machoke Man!

After Jasmine passed on Ash's Gym Battle, He, Misty, Brock and their new friend Janina went to Cianwood City. There Janina picks up the medicine and is on her way back. Meanwhile Ash and co. see a man and his Machoke sparing and after the session he bursts into tears saying he is proud of Machoke. He then sees Ash and goes drill sergent on him, Misty and Brock and orders them to march. After getting to a building they notice the man lagging behind them. After some students greet him he introduces himself as Chuck, the leader of Cianwood Gym. After a hearty meal the time has finally come. Ash battles Chuck not only to burn off calories but also to win a Storm Badge. Will Ash win or get knocked out?

Säsong 5

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Around the Whirlpool

In a scuffle with Team Rocket, Ash and friends are thrown from the ship bearing them to the Whirl Islands. As powerful whirlpools draw them toward impending doom, a mysterious form under the sea shifts the powerful undertow, drawing them to safety. Shortly thereafter, a Corsola comes skipping over the sea's surface and guides the children back to a ship wherein awaits their old friend, Professor Elm. They ride the ship to a bustling harbor in the first of the Whirl Islands. There they learn of an upcoming competition in which Water Pokémon trainers will vie for the title of Whirl Island champion.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Fly Me to the Moon

Our heroes discover an island on which the Pidgey population—long protected by environmental regulation and free from predators—has grown to unusually stout proportions and virtually abandoned any desire for flight. There Ash and friends find one Pidgey, however, in which the desire to soar through the heavens burns more fiercely than even in Pidgey from beyond this island. Anxious to see this Pidgey achieve its dreams, the young trainers join with the Pidgey's trainer and follow the Pokémon in a jet-assisted hot air balloon, tracking its flight as the Pidgey climbs higher into the stratosphere than any Pokémon in history.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Takin' It on the Chinchou

On their way to the Whirl Cup competition, Ash and friends are fortunate enough to pass a small mountain village just as an annual Chinchou migration is about to occur. Long ago seismological forces had combined to lift the mountain out of the depths of the sea, bringing along with it the undersea nesting ground of these Chinchou. Guided by instinct, these sea Pokémon continue to lay eggs there even though the land is now above water. Ash and friends join a father and son appointed this year by the village to protect the Chinchou on their journey—and it's a good thing these Pokémon Trainers were along because it turns out Team Rocket has designs on the migrating Chinchou as well.

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Avsnitt 4 A Corsola Caper!

Heading towards the next Island, Ash & Co. see a floating house thats about to be caught into a Whirlpool. Misty is eager to help and rescues the girl. They find out most of the town is made up with Corsola...Misty is eager to get one. Will She?

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Avsnitt 5 Mantine Overboard!

Our heroes narrowly miss the ferry to Redrock Isle, but are fortunate enough to bump into a Pokémon researcher and a deep-sea diver who offers to carry them across the strait in her boat. En route they learn of a longstanding goal she is just now attempting to reach—her great-grandfather had made a valuable discovery, but been discredited when the find was lost in a shipwreck, the location of which she has only recently discovered. Excited by her tale, the young Pokémon Trainers decide to accompany her in a dive down to the ruined ship and witness as she recovers the article that will restore her great-grandfather's honor in the scientific community. Their attempts to approach the sunken ship, however, are routed by an aggressive Mantine and a number of Remoraid. In order to take up her great-grandfather's legacy, this researcher, with the help of Ash and friends, must first explain the strange defensive behavior of these Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 6 Octillery the Outcast

After reaching the town where the preliminary round of the Whirl Cup is held, Ash and Misty enter and earn the two victories required to continue on to the finals. A friend they had met earlier is not as fortunate. When Misty tries to console him with promises of the next Whirl Cup to be held in three years, he remains depressed, saying that it was not lack of ability but the low spirits of his Octillery that had brought about his defeat. The Pokémon had been depressed ever since it evolved from a Remoraid and was subsequently spurned by its onetime Remoraid friends. If the boy cannot somehow mend these friendships between Pokémon that have now grown different in appearance, he doesn't see any hopes of victory even in three years time. Ash and friends willingly lend their knowledge and enthusiasm to this problem of Pokémon sociology.

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Avsnitt 7 Dueling Heroes

As the final round of the Whirl Cup begins, Ash and Misty must each face formidable opponents. Ash has his Kingler transferred from Oak's lab in preparation, but when he and his Totodile begin their first battle, they must face an opponent with a powerful Kingdra. Misty also faces a challenging duel with an experienced opponent and his Qwilfish. Meanwhile, Team Rocket sets about stealing an ancient jewel used in a reward ceremony to be performed for the tournament's victor.

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Avsnitt 8 The Perfect Match!

Ash and Misty each emerge victorious from arduous bouts only to be paired against one another in the next round. As these two square off, Team Rocket plots to steal the tournament's prize using reverse psychology: they leave an anonymous tip with the local police force that the prize is in danger. This tip, Jessie reasons, will lead to heightened security, which will in turn lead to overconfidence and carelessness, effectually making it easier for Jessie and James to sneak in and claim their prize. With Ash already in strong position, Misty accidentally deploys Psyduck to face his Kingler. In a surprise turn, however, Psyduck launches a Confuse attack that wins the match for Misty. Ash takes his place in the stands and cheers for Misty as she begins her next round. Meanwhile Team Rocket watches in shock as—contrary to Jessie's plan—not only is the police presence at the event fortified, but the police show no sign of growing overconfident.

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Avsnitt 9 Plant It Now... Diglett Later

With the Whirl Cup now behind them, Ash and co. focus on getting to Olivine City for his much anticpated battle with Jasmine. But while trying to get off Red Rock Isle, they encounter a village full of elders and two young girls named Rita and Sue. They explain that their village is attacked by Diglett thieves. Brock comes up with a plan to stop them, but will it work?

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Avsnitt 10 Hi Ho Silver... Away!

Ash, Misty, and Brock run into a local shopkeeper who introduces them to one of her friends, a jewelry maker who tells them the legend of the fourth Whirl Island. When they first encounter the jewelry maker they find that he and his Sandslash are very ill. After Ash, Misty, and Brock help them to recover, they learn that the jewelry maker is in love with the shopkeper and wants to propose. As usual Team Rocket isn't far behind and up to no good with a plan to try and steal all of the jewelry in the town.

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Avsnitt 11 The Mystery is History

While on their quest to locate a mysterious Pokemon, Ash, Misty, and Brock run into their old friends Richie, and his Pikachu, Sparky. They also meet a young boy and his Lanturn, who has made friends with a baby Lugia. Meanwhile, Butch and Cassidy of Team Rocket are hatching a plan to capture the baby Lugia in hopes of eventually catching its parent. Jessie and James also try to catch the adult Lugia, but are unsuccessful.

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Avsnitt 12 A Parent Trapped!

With the young Lugia in the possession of Butch and Cassidy, Ash and friends set about rescuing it while protecting its parent from itself. The parent Lugia fights desperately to free its child—playing right into Team Rocket's hands. If Ash fails to win the Lugia's trust and convince it not to oppose Team Rocket alone, it seems this Pokemon is fated to end up in captivity along with its child.

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Avsnitt 13 A Promise is a Promise

Ash and friends do their best to free the captured Lugia from Team Rocket, but are eventually overwhelmed by a new technology that emotionally manipulates Pokemon, amplifying their rage and enhancing the power of their attacks. This heightened power enables Butch and Cassidy to not only capture the parent Lugia, but to take captive Ash and friends as well. A Team Rocket researcher insists that true power lies in fury, but Ash hopes to prove that trust between man and Pokemon holds the key to a greater power still, and to free himself and his friends in the process.

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Avsnitt 14 Throwing in the Noctowl

After foiling Dr. Namba's evil scheme and saying goodbye to Ritchie, Oliver and Luka, Ash and co. set their sights on Olivine City once more. Heading back to Red Rock Isle (Transit Town to be more precise), they contact Janina who tells them Sparkle's felling a lot better. Unfortunately for them, they missed the ferry and the next one won't arrive until tomorrow. So they'll have to fly there courtesy of the legendary pilot Wings Alexander and his trusty sidekick Noctowl. After years of service will Wings be able to have one last great adventure, and what is the light shining in the distance?

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Avsnitt 15 Nerves of Steelix!

After a long time waiting, the time has finally come. Now that Sparkle is feeling 100% better, Jasmine is focused on her Gym Battle with Ash. Ash also prepares for his gym battle and he, Misty and Brock meet up with Janina. They find a giant Wobbuffet statue and he places Pikachu near it. Little do they know it's a trap set up by Team Rocket and the Wobbuffet is made of an indestructible material used to make the pencil cases that Jessie didn't get when she was a child. Just as it was trying to make it's escape, a giant Pokémon 10 yards tall appears out of nowhere and stops them. The Pokédex identifies it as a Steelix and it helps stop Team Rocket with the help of its trainer: Jasmine. Now that Ash has seen Jasmine in action he's even more fired up to battle her. Speaking of Fire, Ash is planning to use his Cyndaquil for the battle. How will Ash's Cyndaquil take down this 30 foot tall Pokémon?

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Avsnitt 16 Bulbasaur... the Ambassador!

Ash gets a surprise request from Professor Oak: it seems to Pokémon in the Professor's laboratory have taken to fighting amongst themselves, all of the Professor's attempts to stop them ending in failure. Knowing that Ash's Bulbasaur has much experience peacemaking between Pokémon, Professor Oak enlists this Pokémon's services. Sure enough it isn't long after Bulbasaur's arrival that peace returns to the laboratory, but will the same endure even after Bulbasaur leaves? If not, can Ash bear being separated at length from one of his oldest and best Pokémon friends?

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Avsnitt 17 Espeon, Not Included

Our heroes meet up with an old friend, Sakura, and her Pokemon—an Espeon that evolved from her Eevee. They lend a hand as Sakura and her sisters prepare for an upcoming dance competition, but meanwhile Team Rocket is hatching a plan to capture a Pokemon from Sakura and each of her sisters, collecting all of the evolved forms of Eevee to present to their boss. When Sakura alone is left to face Team Rocket, she hopes she can prove her mettle once and for all, and gain her sisters' permission to embark upon a journey of her own.

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Avsnitt 18 For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll!

When Ash, Misty, and Brock run to investigate a mysterious chorus of bells that spontaneously ring out, they chance to meet their old friend Morty and a Pokémon researcher of his acquaintance. Morty and the researcher discover that the sacred Crystal bells, which are said to ring when a legendary Ho-oh returns, are missing. Since the bells were also used to heal the Bug Pokémon living in that area, these Pokémon lash out against their human neighbors, covering the town with their webs. Ash and friends decide to get to the heart of things and, in the forest, find Team Rocket restrained by webs and hanging from a tree. Ash, Misty, Brock, Morty, and the researcher begin to battle with the Bug Pokémon. Just when it seems as if there is no hope an unsuspected ally appears.

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Avsnitt 19 Extreme Pokémon!

On their way to Mahogany City, Ash, Misty, and Brock run into Gary and his Arcanine practicing for a meet. Ash decides he wants to enter the meet but needs a sleigh, which he receives from a local Pokemon breeder. Team Rocket no sooner gets wind of the meet than do they begin sabotaging it, stealing Gary's Arcanine midway through the race and making off with some Pokemon eggs stored at the local breeding center. After a short battle with Team Rocket, Arcanine is returned to Gary and Ash goes on to win the race, a trophy, and an unexpected gift from the Pokemon breeder.

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Avsnitt 20 An EGG-sighting Adventure!

The egg—yet to hatch—that Ash had received from a grateful Pokemon breeder turns up missing. Ash and friends are fortunate, however, in that an Officer Jenny famous for her brilliant forensic work appears on the scene. As the investigation proceeds, however, the young Pokemon trainers begin to lose faith in this famous figure—it seems she is only able to correctly interpret clues after someone else (most often Ash, Misty, or Brock, in this case) have sorted things out for her. It seems that if the young trainers are to find the egg before it hatches, they will have to take over the investigation themselves.

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Avsnitt 21 Hatching a Plan

At long last Ash's egg hatches, a Phanpy emerging to finally put everyone's curiosity to rest. Ash and friends' excitement is matched only by that of Jessie and James of Team Rocket, who see in the newly hatched Pokemon a chance to redeem themselves with Giovanni. Full of youthful vigor, the Phanpy quickly escapes Ash and goes off on its own, now pursued by both Team Rocket and Ash's party. Ash and Pikachu finally set out together after this stray Pokémon and continue to be frustrated in attempt after attempt at its capture.

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Avsnitt 22 Dues and Don'ts

As Jessie, James, and Meowth track Ash and friends, they commiserate over past failures and discuss how they are paired unfairly against these younger trainers with such a superior array of Pokémon. They no sooner decide anew to catch as many Pokémon as possible and strengthen their own forces than a Delibird shows up. After finally capturing it, they are disappointed to learn that the Pokémon already has a trainer—a Team Rocket scout, no less, who is using the Delibird to test the abilities of promising new talent. Sensing their natural aptitudes toward crime, the scout offers Jessie and James positions within Team Rocket. These two assert that they are already members, to which the scout replies by accessing their Team Rocket personnel files and proving that they have been expelled from the organization. Shocked, Jessie and James set desperately to garnering some success that will earn them reentry into their beloved Team Rocket.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Just Waiting On a Friend

Our heroes are traveling over a mountain pass when inclement weather occasions a stay in a lodge located conveniently nearby. Brock is very taken with the hospitable caretaker of the lodge and her Ninetales, but his friends grow increasingly suspicious of her as they notice, and unsuccessfully try to point out to Brock, vague warning signs—her being distant and distracted, her preoccupation with the past, her not reflecting in mirrors—that she is not in fact his dream girl. Brock will have none of it, though, and eagerly accepts her proposal of marriage, even as the lodge itself grows increasingly sinister.

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Avsnitt 24 A Tyrogue Full of Trouble

Ash and friends chance into a Tyrogue, nearly falling victim to a ploy it lays out in an attempt to make off with all of their Pokémon food. Just as they tie things up with the Tyrogue, they learn that it is in fact not wild, but owned by a devoted student of Chuck, the Cianwood Gym leader. This student, who prides himself for his martial arts ability, explains that he is now taking his Tyrogue to an exhaustive tournament in which Fighting type Pokémon vie for the title. Meanwhile, though, he is having a terrible time disciplining his mischievous Pokémon. As if to accent this complaint, an angry local arrives, exclaiming that Tyrogue has wrought havoc in town for the last time.

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Avsnitt 25 Xatu the Future

Ash and friends meet a Xatu, a Pokémon said to have the ability to see into the future, and the young girl whose job it is to watch over an entire flock of the same and interpret their strange predictions. They meet her at a difficult time in her career, as the locals are just beginning to doubt the accuracy of these Pokémon's predictions, which have guided their community for centuries. The girl herself even finds her own faith waning, but when the Xatu forecast a cataclysm that would endanger all in the village, she must decide whether to trust in her Pokémon or to let age-old traditions fall by the wayside.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution

Ash and friends discover a red Gyarados, unknowingly uncovering a plot by Team Rocket to control the secrets of Pokémon evolution. To ensure their silence, Team Rocket attempts to capture the children, but is foiled by a member of an elite Pokémon defense organization, who releases the children with instructions to continue on their way and leave the dangerous job of ending this Team Rocket experiment to adults like himself. Ash and friends assent at first, but before long, unable to ignore the compassion he feels for the red Gyarados that seemed to be in such pain, Ash decides to return and lend a hand.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 Rage of Innocence

Before they can oppose Team Rocket's evil plan to gain control of the Pokémon of the world, Ash and friends must escape from a Team Rocket holding pen. With their Pokémon rendered unable to fight by a sinister Team Rocket technology, this would be an impossible task—impossible that is if Jessie and James had not been fortuitously chosen to watch over them. When, sure enough, Jessie and James slip up, Ash and friends jump on the opportunity to escape. Together with Lance and his Dragonite, they must not only stop Team Rocket from perfecting their Pokémon Evolution Inducement machine, but also somehow quell the rage of the red Gyarados, as it threatens to destroy a nearby town.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 As Cold as Pryce

Finally setting foot in Mahogany Town, Ash is anxious to set about winning his next badge. When he finally locates the town gym leader, Pryce, he is surprised to recognize the man, having previously exchanged differing opinions on the proper nature of relationships between Pokémon and trainer. The embittered gym leader maintains his position that Pokémon must be controlled rather than trusted, must remain servants and never friends. When a natural catastrophe sends Ash and Pryce hurtling deep into the depths of the earth—and equally deep into the recesses of this gym leader's mysterious past—the two confront the Piloswine that loyally served Pryce long ago. In this lost Pokémon Ash recognizes the seed that might bring about a change of heart in Pryce.

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Avsnitt 29 Nice Pryce, Baby!

Having earned Pryce's respect and permission to face the trainer in a gym battle, Ash makes the unlikely choice of sending out Cyndaquil, a Fire Pokémon, to face his opponent on an Ice battlefield. Fortunately, Ash's strategy pans out as he leads the gym leader to lower his defenses, allowing Ash to take the first victory in a two-on-two match. Next the gym leader sends out his trusty Piloswine, which immediately unleashes a Blizzard attack that completely alters the battlefield, allowing it to make quick work of Ash's defending Pokémon. With one victory each, the round enters sudden death with each trainer playing his oldest, most reliable Pokémon. A seasoned duo, Ash and Pikachu may match the teamwork of the gym leader and his Piloswine, but will this be enough in a slippery ice arena that is second nature to Piloswine, but whereon Pikachu struggles even to stand?

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Avsnitt 30 Whichever Way the Wind Blows

With his new Glacier Badge in tow, Ash now heads to Blackthorn City with Misty and Brock. Along the way, they meet three Oddish who look like they seen better days. Turns out a group of Vileplume and Bellossom fighting war style. After running away, they meet Steven who explains that the reason for this war is Branch Evolution and how Gloom can evolve into either Vileplume or Bellossom depending on which way the wind is blowing. Then a big storm hits. Can Ash and co. stop this war and the madness?

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Avsnitt 31 Some Like It Hot!

Ash, Misty, and Brock face many roadblocks on the path to success, some metaphoric and others in the form of gigantic Magcargo that refuse to step aside and let a traveler pass. When Misty's Water tactics fail to move the stubborn Fire Pokémon, a passing trainer taunts her, declaring that Fire Pokémon, his specialty, are far superior to Water. Their rivalry escalates into a full-on Pokémon battle, from which Misty emerges victorious. The Fire Pokémon trainer doesn't hold a grudge for too long, though, and in the end an unlikely collaboration between Fire and Water reopens the path to the Johto League.

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Avsnitt 32 Hocus Pokémon

Brock rarely meets a girl whom he doesn't find bewitching, but on encountering a particular young woman, even Ash and Misty can't deny that there is something magical about her. This is all explained when the young trainer explains that she is a practitioner of Pokémon magic. Excited to see the completion of a spell that promises to allow humans to understand the feelings and thoughts of Pokémon, Ash and friends embark on a quest to gather the hodgepodge of Pokémon-related ingredients required for the spell. Can anyone spare any Gloom nectar? What about iron shavings sorted by a Magnemite?

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Avsnitt 33 As Clear as Crystal

When a tangle with Team Rocket leaves Pikachu desperately exhausted, a young passerby offers to restore Pikachu's energy, but only if the humans present promise never to reveal to another soul what they are about to see. This trainer then proceeds to guide Ash and friends to a legendary lake that somehow seems to restore energy to the Electric Pokémon that live along its banks. Unfortunately, however, Team Rocket manages to tail the young trainers as they enter. Jessie and James are quick to make plans to lay waste to the serene lake, trading its pristine essence for personal gain.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 34
Avsnitt 34 Same Old Song and Dance

While on their way to Blackthorn City, Ash and co. have a lunch break but Togepi goes missing. It is found by a young girl named Brittany, who happens to be a celebrity, and her two Igglybuff. After finding her, they also find that sleep and scribble fiend Jigglypuff who also wants to get in on the act. Will this latest episode of "Brittany" be a smash hit and can ANYONE sit through Jigglypuff's song without sleeping?

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 Enlighten Up!

As Ash and friends approach the site where Ash will earn his eighth badge, they fall victim to an unexpected Team Rocket trap. As they prepare to fight, they are interrupted by a mystic and her Slowpoke. This woman explains to them that the Slowpoke's distant expression evidences that it is pondering the meaning of its existence. Ash and friends eagerly volunteer to strengthen their minds through training in this Slowpoke's shrine, and are surprised when Team Rocket does the same. Jessie, James, and Meowth show their true colors soon enough however, reviewing to all that their actual motive is not enlightenment, but rather the valuable gold statues that decorate the shrine.

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Avsnitt 36 Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?

While taking a break at a restaurant, Ash and Co. hear that Professor Oak and DJ Mary would be arriving in town. Team Rocket sees an opportunity in this and disguises themselves. With Jessie as DJ Mary, James as Professor Oak, and Meowth and Wobbuffet as their manager, things go very well for them until the real Professor Oak and Mary show up. Unable to tell which is which, Misty suggests a contest with things only the REAL Professor Oak would know. Which Oak is more knowledgeable?

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Avsnitt 37 Wish Upon a Star Shape

Ash, Misty, and Brock are traveling along when they notice a strange shape falling from the sky. They run in to investigate, but soon realized that they were not the only witnesses of this event. Two representatives of an organization devoted to uncovering secrets of the Pokémon world arrive just as our heroes discover that the mysterious falling object was a Cleffa. Though these two Pokémon buffs seem a bit eccentric, Ash and friends share their interest in discovering from whence this Pokémon had come, and so they join forces in investigating a mystery that may shed light even on the very origins of Pokémon life on their planet.

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Avsnitt 38 Outrageous Fortunes

On meeting up with a proud Pokémon trainer who dares all comers to face his Poliwrath, Misty and Ash quickly rise to the challenge. Misty, in particular, encourages her Poliwhirl to watch closely as it may someday evolve into a Poliwrath. As is often the case, the battle isn't long over before this challenger and Ash and Misty have become fast friends. Meanwhile, Team Rocket, having furtively observed this battle and been convinced that the Poliwrath is a match even for Pikachu, decide to first capture it and then use it to capture Pikachu. Unfortunately, this logic does not hold as they find capturing a Pokémon stronger than Pikachu even more difficult than simply capturing Pikachu. A surprise is in store for Misty, as her Poliwhirl evolves not into a Poliwrath, but into another Pokémon altogether.

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Avsnitt 39 One Trick Phony!

Seeing that Ash just can't get enough battling, a trainer who loses to him suggests as she leaves that he give a local Pokémon battle park a try. She explains that this facility is set up like an amusement park, but with all the attractions built around Pokémon battling. Ash and friends set off enthusiastically toward the park, but get there after Jessie, James, and Meowth, who find the park to be closed for repairs. Always prepared to make the worst of a bad situation, Team Rocket entrench themselves in the park and wait for Ash, plotting to use the park's Pokémon to battle and capture Ash's Pikachu. Ash will have to battle hard: his opponents include Blastoise, Venusaur, and Charizard.

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 I Politoed Ya So!

When Ash, Misty, and Brock pause for a quaint picnic by a lake, Politoed wanders off and is mistaken by another trainer for her own Politoed, the rhythm leader in her Pokémon cheerleading squad that had gone AWOL. When Ash and friends clear up the misunderstanding, the trainer still begs for them to loan her their Politoed for use in an upcoming cheerleading competition. Meanwhile, her own Politoed returns and, none too pleased to find another Pokémon in its place, immediately runs away again. Not wanting to break up a happy Pokémon cheer team, Misty allows the trainer to borrow her Pokémon for the competition, but promises in the meantime to track down the missing Politoed and convince it to return to active duty.

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Avsnitt 41 The Ice Cave!

Ash and friends enter an ice cave as it's a shortcut to Blackthorn City. After a watery run-in with Team Rocket, Brock catches a cold and the gang finds a Pokémon Center in the cave. While a Jynx working there is taking care of Brock, Nurse Joy tells Ash and Misty that the cave is cold because of a big building working there as a refrigerator. Team Rocket finds the building and they cause trouble by reversing the structure, heating the cave and cooling the jungle outside, and make their attempt to steal the Ice-type Pokémon as well.

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Avsnitt 42 Beauty is Skin Deep

Finally reaching the outskirts of Blackthorn City, Ash pushes to quickly seek out the gym where he hopes to earn his final Johto badge. Before he has the opportunity, he chances into a Dratini and learns that its eager trainer, Clair, is in fact the Blackthorn Gym leader. Ash's attempt to challenge her to a duel—and Brock's attempts at getting her phone number—are both cut short when Team Rocket arrives, intent on stealing the Gym Leader's Dratini right out from under her. After dispatching with these hapless villains, Ash secures Clair's promise to face him in her gym. Cheerfully Ash and friends march the last few miles into the city.

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Avsnitt 43 Fangs for Nothin'

No sooner has Ash begun what he hopes will be his final gym battle in the Johto League than Team Rocket once again throws a wrench into his plans, making off with the Dragon Fang, an invaluable heirloom long held by the Blackthorn Gym. Ash and friends, along with the gym leader, give chase, but in their flight, Team Rocket leads them deep into a secretive area rarely visited by anyone but the Dragon Pokémon that dwell there. Perhaps angered by these uninvited guests, a large beast flies directly at Ash and friends as soon as they enter this area. Uncertain whether this shape be friend or foe, our heroes raise their guard and wait as it grows closer... and looms larger still.

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Avsnitt 44 Great Bowls of Fire!

Immediately after entering an area considered sacrosanct by the Dragon Pokémon that dwell there, Team Rocket sets off a chain of events that enrages the area's Dragonite guardian. Unchecked, this Dragon's rage threatens to destroy the area entirely and all those who dwell within it—including not only Team Rocket, but also Clair, the gym leader, and Ash and party. Facing a Dragon of an opponent, the odds are stacked against Ash, but when an unexpected ally—Ash's own Charizard—makes an appearance, Ash sees a glimmer of hope.

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Avsnitt 45 Better Eight Than Never

Having finally seen stability restored to the Blackthorn Gym, Ash and Clair face off in a gym battle. Ash opens with a surprise entry, his Snorlax, and defeats Clair's Kingdra to take victory in the first round. Clair quickly comes back, wearing Snorlax down with her Gyarados. Ash sends in Pikachu, hoping its advantage as an Electric Pokémon will be enough to defeat Clair's Water Pokémon. It isn't until he puts Pikachu's speed to use, however, that he emerges victorious. At two to one, Ash is only one win away from earning his final badge, but this last round—against Clair's Dragonair—promises to be the hardest one yet.

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Avsnitt 46 Why? Wynaut!

Having defeated Clair and earned his eighth gym badge, Ash must now set out for the Johto League championship, which he learns is to be held on Mt Silver in three months time. As Ash heads toward New Bark Town, where he will register for entry in this competition, he is stopped by two reporters who ask for a shot of the trainer making his triumphant return. The reporters turn out to be none other than Jessie and James of Team Rocket. They trick Ash out of all eight of his badges, but the plan backfires when a passing Wynaut steals the badges from Wobbuffet. Remembering each of the eight victories that earned him these badges, Ash sets out after Team Rocket, determined to get back what is rightfully his.

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Avsnitt 47 Just Add Water

On the road back to New Bark Town, Ash and friends stop for a rest near the ocean. There they spot a sign advertising a synchronized Pokémon swimming event. They run toward the area where the event is being held, arriving just as it begins. Close behind is Team Rocket, who quickly hatch a plan to steal all of the Pokémon from the swimming show. After the first show, Misty, Ash, and Brock chance to meet the trainer in charge of this event. A rivalry quickly develops between Misty and this Water Pokémon trainer. Before these two trainers have a chance to battle however, Ash steps in and challenges her to a battle in one of her underwater arenas. Due in part perhaps to this trainer's home-court advantage Ash quickly loses. Misty then steps in and challenges the trainer to a three on three Pokémon battle. Misty is hard-pressed to defeat such an experienced trainer on her own field, but will her intimate knowledge of water Pokémon guide her to victory?

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Avsnitt 48 Lapras of Luxury

As Ash and co. head to New Bark Town to register for the Johto League/Silver Conference, Brock notices a girl heading to the bay. She is apparently researching Lapras nearby and one of the Lapras notices Ash and heads toward him. It turns out to be the very same Lapras Ash had during his adventures in the Orange Islands. The scientist, later revealed to be Naomi, also has a gift for Ash from Professor Elm. Apparently it is a Pokémon Egg that seems to have come out of nowhere. Can Ash help Naomi with the Egg and the Lapras?

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Avsnitt 49 Hatch Me if You Can

Questions as to what Pokémon waits inside the egg Ash and friends have been carrying for Professor Elm are finally answered when it hatches into a Larvitar. Our heroes hardly have time to celebrate, however, as they realize that this Larvitar is unwell, its body temperature much lower than normal for any non-Ice Pokémon. Even at the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy is unable to do anything to stop this Larvitar's body temperature from dropping even further. Just as she warns Ash that Larvitar's life may be in danger, problems are compounded by a sudden and unexplained blackout. Desperately, Ash and friends set out to restore power to the Pokémon Center in time to somehow treat their ailing Larvitar.

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Avsnitt 50 Entei at Your Own Risk

As the heroes continue on wards to Mt. Silver, they stop at some hot springs. However, Ash triggers a trap, meeting a boy named Nelson who's hoping to catch an Entei. Team Rocket comes and manages to trick Ash by using smoothies. However, Ash and his Pokémon escape the truck. Luckily, a Misdreavus manages to rescue Larvitar, which Ash accidentally dropped. Nelson arrives and offers Ash a battle, wanting to prove his strategy with Mean Look. Will Nelson capture Entei, and how will Team Rocket capture more Pokémon?

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Avsnitt 51 A Crowning Achievement

While en route to Mt. Silver, Ash and co. encounter even more Slowpoke and a King's Rock on a stalagmite. As they were about to investigate it, a young researcher named Alice stops them. She and her father explain that that rock is to crown the next Slowking, but the rock is guarded by Shellder. Will Alice's Slowpoke be the next king?

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Avsnitt 52 Here's Lookin' at You Elekid!

While heading to Mt. Silver, Ash and co. notice a wild Elekid who was eating Larvitar's lunch. They soon run into their old friend Casey, whose Bayleef evolved into a Meganium, who wants to catch the Elekid since it's the pre-evolved form of the mascot of her favorite baseball team the Electabuzz. Will Casey be able to make her dream a reality, and why does James have a Weepinbell instead of his Victreebel?

Pokémon säsong 5 avsnitt 53
Avsnitt 53 You're a Star, Larvitar!

Ash and friends report back to Professor Elm as they reach the base of Mount Silver, where they hope to return their Larvitar to its birthplace. On their way up the mountain, Ash faces a young trainer in Pokémon battle, pitting his Cyndaquil against the trainer's Magby. This Magby—the pre-evolved form of Magmar—is much stronger that Ash unexpected, and Ash suffers a defeat. Ash makes it up in a subsequent battle, when his Cyndaquil defeats a Quilava—the evolved form of Cyndaquil. Following a few steps behind, Jessie and James note all of the trainers and their rare and valuable Pokémon preparing to battle in the Johto Championship to be held on this mountain. Setting aside their usual plans for capturing Pikachu—and their usual hot-air mode of transport—they capture Larvitar and as many other Pokémon as they can muster and drive off with them in a specially made truck. Only Ash and friends stand a chance of rescuing the Pokémon they hold dear.

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Avsnitt 54 Address Unown!

With Mt. Silver a few yards away, Ash and co. soon spot an Unown, which quickly becomes friends with Larvitar. After which, it was attacked by Team Rocket and soon Ash and friends are swept into another dimension. Where are they now and where is Larvitar? And how did Pikachu and Togepi become giants?

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Avsnitt 55 Mother of All Battles

After finally arriving at Mt. Silver, Ash and co. find the Preserve where Larvitar was born. There they encounter Larvitar's mother, the same Tyranitar that was in Larvitar's visions. The reunion is not a happy one however, even after they get reunited. The three men from Larvitar's visions were also the ones responsible for stealing its Egg and they managed to capture the Tyranitar. Can they get mother and child reunited with the help of Ranger Mason?

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Avsnitt 56 Pop Goes the Sneasel

The running of the torch. One of the greatest moments to start a competition. However, this competition will be delayed for a while. As Ash and co head to the Silver Conference, where they find out that it can't start because a Sneasel has claimed the place where the Ho-Oh flame is used to light the torch and claimed it as its turf. Fortunately Ash and co. get help from Harrison, a trainer from Hoenn. How will they stop the Sneasel and light the torch?

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Avsnitt 57 A Claim to Flame!

It's been a long haul, but finally, Ash has finally arrived at the one and only Johto League Silver Conference. He also finds out that his rivals Gary Oak and Harrison have also arrived, but with Misty and Brock as his coaches, he is confident he will win. Later, they meet up with Charles Goodshow, their old friend from the Indigo League who also runs the Silver Conference. He explains that 200 trainers have entered and out of those 200 only 48 will make the cut. Will Ash prove he has what it takes? And what of the Lighting of the Ho-Oh flame ceremony?

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Avsnitt 58 Love, Pokémon Style

The Silver Conference is now underway, with Ash being among the 48 competitors who have made it so far. Now Ash is in a more complex part of the tournament: He and the other 47 competitors will be divided into 16 groups, three trainers for each group and whoever has the most points wins, and points would be distributed by how well a trainer does in the next round of preliminaries, with a win equaling 3 points, a tie equaling one point and a loss equaling no points. Soon Ash meets his first opponent, a girl named Macy who, after Ash saves, becomes smitten by him. Will he be able to beat his love-struck fan of his, and why would Misty be jealous of Macy?

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Avsnitt 59 Tie One On!

The battle between Ash and Macy is over and Ash wins, but the next battle will determine if he will or will not go to the victory tournament. He faces off against Jackson, a trainer from Twinleaf Town who has a Meganium like Casey. Will Ash be able to win this final battle of the elimination block?

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Avsnitt 60 The Ties That Bind

Ash is about to take on his long time rival, Gary Oak, in the next battle of the Johto League Silver Conference, and he's determined to do everything he can to win. He stays up all night researching strategies and trying to learn more about Gary's Pokémon. Gary has a lot of strong Pokémon, and he trains many different types, so Ash has to pick his team carefully. Gary starts out with Nidoqueen, and Ash uses Tauros. Gary wins the first round, but Ash takes the second. It's going to be a very close match! In round three, it's Ash's Heracross versus Gary's Blastoise. Who will win? (To be continued!)

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Avsnitt 61 Can't Beat the Heat!

The ultimate battle continues as Ash and Gary face off. Ash will have to come up with a new plan to beat Gary's Blastoise. Can he do it with the Pokémon he's got, and if Ash beats Gary, who will be his next opponent?

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Avsnitt 62 Playing with Fire!

Ash is battling Harrison from Hoenn at the Johto League Silver Conference. Pikachu is very excited to be battling, but Harrison's Kecleon knocks Pikachu out in Round 1. It's a close match the whole way through, but one by one Harrison knocks out Totodile, Snorlax, and Noctowl. Ash cleverly guides Bayleef through a rough battle with Harrison's Houndoom. Houndoom is a fire type Pokémon so it has the advantage, but Ash had Bayleef use its Vine Whip attack to close Houndoom's mouth. In the end, Bayleef is able to knock out Houndoom! But Bayleef is no match for Harrison's last Pokémon. Harrison's sixth Pokémon is one that Ash has never seen before—Blaziken. It's a fire type Pokémon and it's at a really high level. Ash has saved Charizard for last. With two strong fire types in the arena, it's hard to predict the outcome! (To be continued!)

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Avsnitt 63 Johto Photo Finish

It's been a long battle. Ash vs. Harrison. Both down to their last Pokémon. Neither of them giving in. Sadly, Ash's Charizard has lost all its stamina, making it unable to battle and making Harrison the winner. Afterwards, Harrison loses in the semi-finals. After hearing about Hoenn, Ash decides to go there. But what plans will Gary and Harrison have now that the Silver Conference is over?

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Avsnitt 64 Gotta Catch Ya Later!

With the Johto League Silver Conference behind them, Ash, Brock and Misty head back to Viridian City to relax. Their vacation is cut short when Misty receives an urgent call beckoning her back to Cerulean City to run the gym while her sisters cruise the world. Brock, too, realizes that has things he has to do. After a teary goodbye, Ash returns home to Pallet Town—but soon grows restless for adventure. When his former rival Gary takes off on a new journey, leaving behind all of his Pokémon except Blastoise, Ash starts thinking about his next journey. Maybe it's time to check out the Hoenn region after all.

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Avsnitt 65 Hoenn Alone!

Ash has left all of his Pokémon behind in Pallet Town—except Pikachu—and boarded a ship bound for Littleroot Town in Hoenn. Unfortunately, Team Rocket is on board as well, and they're cooking up a scheme to catch Pikachu once and for all. They nab Pikachu and hop off the boat just as it pulls into a port. Their plan quickly goes awry, and Meowth and Pikachu end up in a bad neighborhood. While Meowth and Pikachu team up to chase off a gang of territorial Haunter, Ash teams up with Officer Jenny to rescue Pikachu before the boat leaves.

Säsong 6

Pokémon säsong 6 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Get the Show on the Road!

Team Rocket's failed attempt to catch Pikachu has left the little yellow Pokémon dangerously ill. Littleroot Town has no Pokémon Center so Ash turns to Professor Birch for help. Professor Birch thinks that Pikachu can be cured—but first they'll have to catch it. Delirious with fever, Pikachu has run off into the forest. Meanwhile, a girl named May is also going to see Professor Birch in order to receive her first Pokémon. She arrives just in time to save the professor from a pack of mad Poochyena. Before he can explain why he's running around in woods, Professor Birch runs off in search of the missing Pikachu. Time is running out and Pikachu is in danger of exploding. In a twisted turn of events, Team Rocket's latest Pikachu-catching contraption ends up saving the day.

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Avsnitt 2 A Ruin with a View

Now that Pikachu is feeling better, Ash is ready to head to Oldale Town to sign up for the Hoenn League. May has offered to show Ash the way in exchange for his company to Oldale Town—which is only fair, seeing as Pikachu destroyed May's bike when it was sick! In Oldale Town, May visits her first Pokémon Center and is amazed with all of its services, and by the ancient ruins next door. Things quickly turn sour when Team Magma, a mysterious band of criminals, shut down the electricity at the Pokémon Center and kidnap Professor Alden in order to invade the ruins. With no electricity, all of the Pokémon are in danger—including May's Torchic. It's up to Ash and May to save the day—and in doing so they uncover mysterious, ancient Pokémon.

Pokémon säsong 6 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 There's No Place Like Hoenn

Ash and May have made it all the way to Petalburg City—the first city with a gym. Ash is very excited to take on the gym leader. May seems a little uneasy—perhaps it's because she hasn't yet told Ash that her father, Norman, is the gym leader in Petalburg! When Ash first gets to the gym, he meets May's little brother, Max, who is pretending to be the gym leader. Max knows a lot about Pokémon and can't wait until he's old enough to become a trainer. Once Ash finally meets Norman, he learns that he will need three Pokémon in order to battle at the gym. He only has Pikachu with him. When Norman agrees to an unofficial battle, Ash encounters his first Vigoroth. Ash realizes that he will have to train hard in order to win a badge in Petalburg City. After a quick scuffle with Team Rocket, Ash and May are ready to hit the road again. Max has decided to tag along, too!

Pokémon säsong 6 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 You Never Can Taillow!

Ash, May and May's little brother Max are now en route to Rustboro City—and they're hungry! No one remembered to pack lunch. As they fight over one remaining cookie, Ash remembers how nice it was to have Brock cooking for him and Misty. He's quickly brought back to reality when a Taillow takes off with the cookie. The gang follows Taillow to a grove filled with apple trees. Ash and May eagerly shake the trees, hoping to make the apples drop to the ground. Instead of apples, Ash and May shake loose an angry flock of territorial Taillow. There's too many for Ash, Max, and May to handle alone. Out of nowhere, Brock appears and saves the day with his Forretress—and his incredible soup! They manage to defeat and feed all of the Taillow except the one who took the cookie. Taillow are naturally resilient, but this particular one is especially tough. Ash can't seem to defeat it, so instead he decides to catch it

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Avsnitt 5 In the Knicker of Time!

With his old friend Brock back travelling with him, Ash finds things are returning to normal with all the successful battles. However Ash & Co. see a Zigzagoon and a guy chasing it to capture it. it turns out his name is Nicolai and he is training Pokémon to be able to beat Norman. May & Max dont like this so May challenges him to a battle. Will she win her first battle?

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Avsnitt 6 A Poached Ego!

Our heroes are headed for Rustboro City, where Ash hopes to have his first real gym battle in Hoenn. Team Rocket is making their way along the same path when they stumble upon a cage full of Ekans. Jessie is delighted that their work has been done for them and orders Arbok to attack. Arbok can't manage to attack the helpless Ekans, however, because it remembers when it used to be an Ekans. Jessie is sympathetic. James soon makes a similar concession when they find a cage of Koffing that Wheezing will not hurt. The cages belong to a poacher named Rico who uses his Fearrow and Pupitar to chase off Team Rocket. Team Rocket returns to the scene, now hoping to free the Ekans and Koffing. Things turn dangerous when Rico's Pupitar evolves into a Tyrannitar, and Team Rocket is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice for the Pokémon that they love.

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Avsnitt 7 Tree's a Crowd

Deep in the woods, Ash spies a Treecko. He's wanted to catch a Treecko since he first saw one at Professor Birch's laboratory. He follows the Treecko to an enormous tree that seems to be dying. There, Ash's Treecko has an argument with all of the other Treecko. It seems that Ash's Treecko is very attached to the tree and wants to stay with it, while the rest of the clan wants to move on to a new tree. Ash watches as the lone Treecko struggles to save the tree. He and Pikachu feel badly for the Treecko and try to help. In the end, however, the tree dies and falls. Now that its home is gone, Treecko is ready to make a new home with Ash. He and Pikachu battle, and Ash catches his Treecko!

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Avsnitt 8 A Tail with a Twist

Ash's newly caught Treecko may be a bit standoff-ish, but the little green Pokémon is quite a fighter. When Team Rocket sees Treecko knocked down and hurt by a Seviper, they decide that they must have that Seviper. Jessie is very impressed with its "sneaky, snakey ways." Meanwhile, Treecko escapes from the Pokémon Center where Ash brought it to recover. When the gang finds Treecko, it is practicing its attack moves. Again and again, Treecko jumps from the top of a waterfall and tries to break a rock at the bottom with its tail. Ash is very impressed with the rigor of its training. All of Treecko's hard work appears to have paid off—when Team Rocket attacks and catches Pikachu with the help of their new Seviper, Treecko is able to save the day.

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Avsnitt 9 Taming of the Shroomish

On the Way to the next gym, Ash & Co. discover a Shroomish, and it turns out none have come to the town for Ages. They appear to be hiding in a Mansion since humans are constantly cruel to them. However Team Rocket want to steal them. Will they?

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Avsnitt 10 You Said a Mouthful!

While Ash and Co. continue their journey, they meet Anthony and his Pelipper, which is said to be the world's most powerful Pokémon. The reason is that his Pelipper knows Fire, Grass and Electric-type moves instead of only Water and Flying-type moves. How is Ash going to defeat Pelipper, and what are Anthony's Bellsprout, Magby, and Magnemite doing in Pelipper's mouth?

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Avsnitt 11 A Bite to Remember

Whilst Ash and his friends are relaxing in a forest, three Mightyena and a Poochyena ambush them. While they are trying to protect themselves from the Pokémon, they are rescued by the Ranger of the Forest, Katrina. She wards off the wild Pokémon and takes the group to her house. Meanwhile, Team Rocket overhears that the forest is full of rare Pokémon. Back at Katrina's house, Max creates a bond with her Poochyena and tries to make it evolve, with minimal success. Is Poochyena going to evolve and is Max going to understand the importance of evolution?

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Avsnitt 12 The Lotad Lowdown

Ash and co. are having a good time swimming at a lake when a crew of Lotad appeared and threw them out of the pool. Later, they figure out that these Lotad are taken care of three sisters, Nicole, Natalie and Rita, which are holding a flower shop with many kinds of Berries. During this time, Natalie develops a crush on Brock, which leads her to do something risky. At the same time, Brock helps a Lotad that doesn't know how to use Water Gun properly. How will this friendship go and what will happen with Natalie's crush?

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Avsnitt 13 All Things Bright and Beautifly!

Rustboro City is on the horizon, but they're not there yet. Ash, Brock, Max and May have just arrived at a Contest Hall. Janet and Chaz, two experienced Pokémon Coordinators, teach the gang all about Contests. Pokémon Contests are different from battles in that it's not the strength of the attack that matters, but the beauty of its execution. Winners get ribbons instead of badges. The gang decides that they want to try entering today's contest, but they're too late. All is not lost, however, because Chaz offers to teach Pikachu the Iron Tail attack. And Janet lets May assist her with during the contest. During the contest, Chaz and Janet both perform really well and make it to the final round. In the end, Janet's Beautifly steals the show! May is really impressed and she's determined to one day enter a contest herself.

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Avsnitt 14 All in a Day's Wurmple

As the gang continues to make their way towards Rustboro City, May spots a Wurmple that she's dying to catch—but she's not the only one with her eye on the cute little bug Pokémon. Jessie wants it, too. May ventures off on her own to catch her Wurmple, but Team Rocket follows and gives her trouble. Luckily, she gets some help from a trainer named Franklin. Meanwhile, Ash and Pikachu are practicing Pikachu's Iron Tail attack. A trainer named Franklin sees them practicing and challenges them to a battle. Franklin teaches Ash about double battles, which are common in the Hoenn region. With help from her new friend Franklin, May catches the Wurmple she wanted. When she and Franklin go to meet up with the gang, everyone is really surprised. The Franklins are actually identical twins—Forrest and Forrester Franklin! All is not lost for Team Rocket, however. Jessie manages to snag a Wurmple of her own before Team Rocket blasts off at the end of the episode.

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Avsnitt 15 Gonna Rule the School!

Ash and friends arrive at Rustboro City where he gets silly with souvenirs. Max then notices a Poliwag hiding and soon the gang meets Roxanne, teacher of the Pokémon Training School and Rustboro Gym Leader. Will Ash get his first Gym Battle in Hoenn, and what of May? And how can Max fair against the school bully?

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Avsnitt 16 The Winner by a Nosepass!

Pikachu is getting pretty good at its Iron Tail attack and that's a good thing. Ash is finally about to take on Roxanne, the leader of the Rustboro City Gym. He's going to need all the help he can get to take down her Geodude. May, on the other hand, isn't really looking forward to the battle. In fact, she announces that she's not going to be a trainer anymore. She wants to become a Pokémon Coordinator and compete in contests instead. When the battle begins, it doesn't look like Ash has much of a chance. Roxanne's Geodude knocks out Treecko pretty quickly. It's all up to Pikachu. Electric attacks aren't going to help much against a strong Rock Type—but Ash is very clever and Pikachu not only brings down Geodude, but it wipes out Nosepass with its newly perfected Iron Tail Attack. Ash defeats Roxanne and receives his Stone Badge.

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Avsnitt 17 Stairway to Devon

After winning the Stone Badge from Roxanne, Ash and co. head out to the next gym, located on Dewford Island. However, Max spills a drink on his PokéNav and rather than suffer her wrath, Max tries to find a quick solution. He sees an old man demonstrating new inventions but before he can go further, a younger man picks him up in a limo. Who is this old man, and can he help Max fix the PokéNav before May finds out it's broken?

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Avsnitt 18 On a Wingull and a Prayer!

May may be the new Misty but she is not as smart as she was. And she proves this when she, Ash, Brock and Max head to a pasta restaurant that May read up on the internet. The thing was May forgot to check the date and found that the place was closed. The date was exactly the same day, exactly the same month, ten years ago. Things go from bad to worse when they find the pier on the other side of town. May tries to find help and finds a kind sailor by the name of Mr. Briney. But when she returned with her friends, his personality changed for the worse. Could May have goofed up again? Or is someone else pulling Mr. Briney's strings?

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Avsnitt 19 Sharpedo Attack!

After the incident with the Team Aqua agent and with Peeko safely returned to Mr. Briney, Ash and co set sail for Dewford Island. All is not calm on the way there however as a school of Sharpedo suddenly attack Mr. Briney's boat. Not to mention tear up a part of May's new swimsuit. Now how will Ash and co. get to Dewford with all the Sharpedo in the way? Is this going to be like "Jaws" all over again?

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Avsnitt 20 Brave the Wave

After a night at the Pokémon center, Ash is stoked to have another Gym Battle. He meets the Gym Leader Brawly, who would rather surf than battle, which infuriates Ash. Could there be more to this Gym Leader than meets the eye? And does May even have a shred of decency?

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Avsnitt 21 Which Wurmple's Which?

After being beaten by Brawly, Ash decides to stay at Dewford Island and do some serious training of one thing he lacks: patience. He does this by practicing the fine art of Fishing. He, along with May, Max and Brock, accidentally hook Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine and after a fierce battle, May notices something different about her Wurmple: it is actually Jessie's. Can the heroes find May's Wurmple before Team Rocket figures it out?

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Avsnitt 22 A Hole Lotta Trouble

While exploring Dewford Island, Ash and friends notice a large cave and Max states that it's Granite Cave. They all enter and soon they fall into a pit trap courtesy of Team Rocket. Unfortunately, they fall in as well and the two groups are mixed and separated. This time around, there are three groups: Males being Ash, Brock and James. Females being May and Jessie and the rest being Max, Pikachu and Meowth. Can these groups be brought back to order and who is in Granite Cave along with our heroes and villains?

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Avsnitt 23 Gone Corphishin'

A mysterious Pokémon is terrorizing Dewford Town's beach. Ash and friends set many traps for the terror and discover its identity, Corphish. Will Ash and his friends be able to capture the feisty Water-type Pokémon, or will it set them out to dry?

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Avsnitt 24 A Corphish Out of Water

With a new Pokémon in tow, Ash continues his training to prepare for his rematch with Brawly. However, Corphish is still a ruffian as it introduced itself by whacking all the other Pokémon on the head. Can it ever be more social with other Pokémon, and why is Jessie's Silcoon purple right after it evolved?

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Avsnitt 25 A Mudkip Mission

Get ready for a new episode of May's Expedition as she, Ash, Max and Brock stumble upon a swamp. There they find a swamp full on Mudkip and their caretaker, an elderly man named Old Man Swamp (or Mr. Swampy) who has the same whiskers as a Mudkip's fins. He explains that he gets Mudkip eggs from the Hoenn League and when they hatch they wait until they're old enough to give to Professor Birch. But Team Rocket also has plans for the Mudkip. What evil will they have in store for them, and will Brock get a new friend?

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Avsnitt 26 Turning Over a Nuzleaf

While Ash preps up for his rematch with Brawly, Corphish pinches the ears of a Loudred, causing it to scream. Corphish, along with Pikachu, Silcoon, Torchic, Lotad and Mudkip get lost and soon they encounter a tribe of Nuzleaf. Can Ash and co. find their Pokémon before it's too late?

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Avsnitt 27 A Three Team Scheme!

As Ash continues his training, he, May, Max and Brock encounter Prof. Birch. Meanwhile, a boy's Nincada was captured by Team Rocket and it digs a hole to a temple. There they encounter the commanders of the teams they encountered before: Team Magma's Harland and Team Aqua's Isabel. How will this clash of Aqua vs. Magma go down, and can Ash and co. help the boy save his Nincada?

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Avsnitt 28 Seeing is Believing!

After the ordeal in the last episode, Ash and co. continue training and are joined by Prof. Birch. May is so happy that her Silcoon will soon evolve. Elsewhere, Jessie is still in denial of the fact that her "Silcoon" is really a Cascoon. After a fierce battle, Silcoon evolves into Beautifly and blows away Team Rocket with a Gust attack. How will Jessie get her "Silcoon" to evolve and how will she take it if it doesn't evolve into what she wanted?

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Avsnitt 29 Ready, Willing, and Sableye

Corphish's bad attitude is showing no signs of improving so Ash plans to humble it a bit by putting a good scare into it deep inside an abandoned mine. Later on, Team Rocket discovers an abandoned gold mine and goes in. Can Ash and co. brave this mine in order to be well prepared for his rematch with Brawly?

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Avsnitt 30 A Meditite Fight!

As Ash prepares for his rematch with Brawly, he, May, Max and Brock meet a Battle Girl by the name of Shauna, whose reason for battling was to prove she was better than Ash. During their battle, Brock noticed that while Ash's training is paying off Shauna battled like Ash used to. Just as the match was about to be decided Brawly appears with some mondo bad news: A hurricane was approaching which could wipe out the beach. Can our heroes manage to weather the storm, and why is Shauna so nervous around Brawly?

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Avsnitt 31 Just One of the Geysers

It is time for Ash to have his rematch with Brawly. He decides to shake things up a little by using his new Corphish instead of Taillow on a new battlefield. With all the training Ash had to do up to this point, does he have what it takes to beat Brawly, or will he wipe out again and let it be all for nothing?

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Avsnitt 32 Abandon Ship!

On their way to May's first contest in Slateport City, Ash and gang travel across the sea on a motorboat. After Team Rocket fails in their latest attempt to steal Ash's Pikachu, the boat stops working. Drifting along, they spot a large, abandoned ship and decide to go inside upon seeing a smaller boat off to the side. Inside, they meet up with Tommy, a trainer who lost his Marshtomp on the ship long ago. He promises to give Ash and company a lift after he is done searching. Several Pokémon start to go missing and soon May, Max and Team Rocket are captured too. A Swampert and a Spinarak reveal themselves as the culprits. Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Tommy soon come across the Swampert and Tommy recognizes the Swampert as his Marshtomp, but it retreats further into the ship. After saving the others, Tommy reunites with his lost friend and apologizes for leaving it behind. After thwarting another of Team Rocket's schemes, Ash and company leave on Tommy's boat for Slateport.

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Avsnitt 33 Now That's Flower Power!

After arriving in Slateport City, May begins her training for the Contest. However, just as she and Beautifly have some good results, a boy named Drew appears and starts belittling May. May does not give up and has a battle with Ash. Despite losing, a man named Mr. Big appears and teaches May about Contests. He takes them to the shop, where he finds May's Torchic had eaten his Bluk Berry, which is to be used in tonight's firework event. In order to make amends, May goes with her friends in search for the berry.

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Avsnitt 34 Having a Wailord of a Time

May is eagerly preparing her Beautifly for the Pokémon Contest while Max watches her Torchic. He is debating which Pokémon he will begin with when he comes of age. May discovers a beached Wailord and contacts Nurse Joy at the Pokémon Center. Joy and Brock rush to help while Ash and Max are left to take care of the Pokémon Center. Team Rocket decides to try to steal the Wailord. At the Pokémon Center, Ash, Max and all the Pokémon are having a difficult time capturing a particularly troublesome Torchic. The Torchic evolves into a Combusken, which is an even bigger headache, especially because a new Trainer is coming to choose between a Torchic, Mudkip, or Treecko. Team Rocket tries to steal Wailord, but the newly evolved Combusken foils their plans and sends them blasting off again. The new Trainer chooses Mudkip and Combusken is invited to stay and guard the Pokémon Center.

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Avsnitt 35 Win, Lose or Drew!

May enters Beautifly in the beauty contest, but Team Rocket is too late to enter their Dustox. At the competitions, the person in line right before May is none other than her rival Drew. Drew's Roselia gives an excellent performance, netting him an extremely high score. May is more determined than ever to beat Drew. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is busy holding a "charity drive" scam for PokéBlocks. A little old man stops to talk to them about PokéBlocks. The contest is heating up with a Milotic stealing the show. May is up again in the contest and she and her Beautifly toss a disc back and forth, like they practiced before. In the next round, she has to battle Drew who defeats her. He then looses to the contestant with the Milotic. May and Drew part on good terms and the scene ends with the old man still intently talking to a slumbering Team Rocket about PokéBlocks.

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Avsnitt 36 The Spheal of Approval

While Brock and May go shopping, Ash and Max go to the museum, only to find it closed. Max attempts to go in, but is caught by a boy, who claims they are thieves. Just then, Captain Stern arrives and the confusion is settled. While Ash and Max visit the exhibition, the members of Team Magma try to infiltrate the museum to steal Captain Stern's stone he recently acquired.

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Avsnitt 37 Jump for Joy!

Oh no! Brock's worst fear has come to pass: A Pokemon Center without a Nurse Joy! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! (Well, not really.) But Ash and co. did find that strange. Who or what could be behind such a heinous deed, and why?

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Avsnitt 38 A Different Kind of Misty!

Continuing their journey to Mauville City, Ash and co. are starting to get lost by heavy fog. After Team Rocket got taken care of, they notice a lighthouse in the distance by two people and how does it work?

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Avsnitt 39 A Poké-BLOCK Party

As Ash and co. are a mere stone throw away from Mauville City, they soon notice a poster for the House of Tricks. Anyone who navigates this wacky maze will receive a grand prize of a year's supply of Pokéblock. Along the way, May meets a cute Jigglypuff, but Ash and Brock remember it all too well. Can anyone listen to its song all the way through?

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Avsnitt 40 Watt's with Wattson

The time has come, once again. Ash was super psyched to have another Gym Battle. This time, it was with the elderly, yet hilarious, Wattson. The battle was short as Ash's Pikachu took out Wattson's entire team with just one hit each. Devastated, Wattson gave Ash the Dynamo Badge. Will Wattson recover from this, and what has happened to Pikachu?

Säsong 7

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 What You Seed is What You Get

After earning the Dynamo Badge from Wattson, Ash and co. continue their journey. May insists to go to Fallarbor Town while Ash suggests they go to Lavaridge Town. Max suggests they go to both and Brock decides the order. During the trip, they notice some watermelons float down by the river and have some lunch. Ash then comes up with an idea: Teach Treecko to use Bullet Seed like the Shiftry that attacked them a while back, and as practice, they try it by spitting watermelon seeds. Can Treecko learn to master this move, and who do the watermelons belong too?

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Avsnitt 2 Love at First Flight

The heroes spot a pair of Pokémon bowing to one another, as dance partners would, and begin flying around one another in a wide circle. Brock identifies them for what they are (Volbeat and Illumise), prompting May and Ash to pull out their Pokédexes: May's identifies Illumise, and Ash's Volbeat. The two Firefly Pokémon are still dancing about. While watching, a Nurse Joy greets the group, asking of they are here for the May Festival, for the dance performance of Illumise and Volbeat. She notes that it is almost time for the practice runs, and indicated two people standing out on the lake's pier, saying they are Volbeat and Illumise's Trainers, Romeo and Juliet.

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Avsnitt 3 Let Bagons Be Bagons

On the way to Fallarbor Town and May's next contest, Ash and co encounter a rare Bagon and its trainer, a girl named Michelle, who is trying hard to make Bagon's dream of flying high come true. So Ash challenges her to a battle to get it to evolve faster. Will his plan work? And what could Team Rocket do with a Bagon anyway?

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Avsnitt 4 The Princess and the Togepi

Ash and co. reunite with their old friend Misty, who is happy to meet May and Max for the first time. Soon, they enter a kingdom dedicated to Togepi and soon meet Sara, princess of the Togepi Kingdom. Team Rocket also teams up with Colonel Hansen, who wants to rule the kingdom with an iron fist. What will happen to Togepi now, and has Max learned a way how to keep Brock from flirting with pretty girls?

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Avsnitt 5 A Togepi Mirage!

During the reunion with their old friend Misty, Ash and co. discover Hansen wants to rule the Togepi Kingdom and the Mirage Kingdom. Will they be able to stop him, and will Misty say good-bye to the Pokémon she cared for so long?

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Avsnitt 6 Candid Camerupt!

Being exhausted and tired, the heroes collapse in a desert. Soon, they wake up in a lodge, being rescued by the Winstrate family. The heroes ask what could they repay for the family's kindness. The family decides to battle Ash, May, Max and Brock, in honor of their eldest son, Vito, who is watching the battle and wondering what to do, since he gave up on his dream to become the Champion of Hoenn League.

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Avsnitt 7 I Feel Skitty!

While doing her training with Beautifly, May's frisbee flies off. Torchic goes to retrieve the frisbee, but also finds a Skitty, who seems to be ill. May is amused by Skitty's cuteness and goes with her friends to a laboratory, where Skitty would recover through aromatherapy. Team Rocket plans on stealing the fragrances, but Meowth finds Skitty and falls in love with her. The heroes try to get the fragrances back, while Meowth starts wondering what he'll do with Skitty.

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Avsnitt 8 ZigZag Zangoose!

Traveling on the road, the heroes encounter Nicholai, who had caught a Zangoose. While having a battle with Ash, Nicholai notices Zangoose is acting strange. Just then, Team Rocket appears, whose Seviper starts battling Zangoose and injures it. Due to Zangoose being Seviper's natural enemy, Ash decides to help Nicholai in training, to aid Zangoose in defeating Seviper.

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Avsnitt 9 Maxxed Out!

Heading to Fallarbor City, the gang meet up with a trainer called Max who looks identical to Max. He is having trouble with his Surskit. However Max doesn't like or trust Max. Team Rocket have their eyes set on Max's Surskit. Can Max & Max protect the Surskit and overcome their differences?

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Avsnitt 10 Pros and Con Artists

After arriving in Fallarbor Town, May starts doubting herself, seeing a lot of Coordinators that will participate, including Drew. However, the heroes meet Grace, a Coordinator, who gives May advice on the performances. May starts wondering what to do and tries to find an answer.

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Avsnitt 11 Come What May!

May reaches the second round of the Contest and defeats Jessica (who is Jessie, in disguise). Seeing Grace had managed to defeat her rival, Drew, May wonders if she could defeat Grace. During the battle, however, May displays new tricks she learned from Grace.

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Avsnitt 12 Cheer Pressure

The heroes encounter Thatcher, the boy they helped at the lighthouse, who joined a band of cheerleaders, named Pep Squad. Team Rocket decides to ally themselves with the Pep Squad's leader, Sheridan, who gives them an advantage during their battle with Ash and Brock. However, Max starts having suspicions and goes to check out what is coming from the drums the squad is playing.

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Avsnitt 13 Game Winning Assist

After running away from some Slugma, the heroes find themselves on a ranch, owned by a girl named Julie. The heroes decide to spend some time at the ranch, while Julie offers a battle with May's Skitty, who got them in the trouble with the Slugma. Team Rocket attempts to steal the ranch's Numel and ends up capturing May and Skitty. To get out, May has to awaken Numel and has an idea with Skitty's Assist attack.

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Avsnitt 14 Fight for the Meteorite

The heroes (and Team Rocket, who hope to catch their enemy, Pikachu) take a cable cart to Mount Chimney. However, the cart suddenly stops and without any technical help, Ash climbs to Mount Chimney to find some help. Instead, he finds Professor Cozmo, who tries to hide the meteorite from Team Magma, who want to use it for ill purposes. Ash and Professor Cozmo make a plan to stop Team Magma's plan and set it into action.

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Avsnitt 15 Poetry Commotion!

After Ash and Co. reach Lavaridge Town, they meet Flannery, the Gym Leader. Having just inherited the Gym from her grandfather and determined to prove her abilities, she is just as eager as Ash to battle, but the Gym's battlefield is full of holes and therefore cannot be used. Deciding to help, the gang are hard at work filling the holes. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are standing by ready to snatch one of Flannery's Pokémon, a Torkoal that they can give to their boss.

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Avsnitt 16 Going, Going, Yawn!

Ash challenges Flannery to a Gym match. Ash hopes to have an easy fight by using Corphish. Flannery, despite sometimes acting a bit nervous, manages to display some clever moves to thwart Ash's tactics and sends Torkoal, who switches offense and defense, pushing Ash to his limits.

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Avsnitt 17 Going for a Spinda

Ash decides to head to Petalburg City for his next Gym battle. On the road, the gang runs into a group of Spinda. A pretty girl named Claire approaches, and Brock's reaction to her scares all the Spinda away. She is looking for her lucky Spinda, which has a heart-shaped mark on its face. Ash and friends offer to help her. Team Rocket tries to steal the Spinda using a vacuum, but the lucky Spinda fights back using Hypnosis and all of the Spinda escape. They also try disguising a Teddiursa (and later Meowth) as a Spinda to lure the real Spinda in, but fail. The kids track the lucky Spinda down to a flower garden, where they are met by the Spinda's owner—Claire's fiancée, Kain. Brock's heart is broken. Team Rocket shows up in a giant Spinda robot capable of repelling all the attacks of the Spinda. Brock sends out all of his Pokémon, and his Forretress destroys the robot using Explosion. Ash and friends wish Claire and Cain the best, and depart for Petalburg.

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Avsnitt 18 All Torkoal, No Play

On their way back to Mauville City, Ash and friends travel through the Valley of Steel, home of many different kinds of Steel Pokémon and a potential shortcut to Mauville City and then Petalburg City. On their way through, they come across a Torkoal being attacked by several Steel Pokémon. After using Pikachu to scare the Pokémon away, the Fire-type hears a noise, also scaring it off. Later, having reunited with Torkoal, Ash and friends become determined to help Torkoal defeat the Steelix that lords over the valley. Will they succeed in cutting through the valley unharmed or will the angry Steel-type block their way?

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Avsnitt 19 Manectric Charge

Ash and friends return to Mauville City, where they encounter a carnival run by Team Rocket. They let all their Pokémon out to enjoy the festivities, and Team Rocket tries to steal them. Wattson and Watt arrive to help fight off the thieves, and after the battle Wattson's Electrike evolves into a Manectric. Everyone heads to the Mauville Gym for two practice battles. First up, May's Skitty faces off against Watt's Ampharos. Skitty is victorious with Assist, using Quick Attack and Double Slap in quick succession. Meanwhile, Team Rocket falls into Wattson's new improved Gym traps, eventually encountering a group of robotic Raikou that they mistake for the real thing. The second battle is Ash's Torkoal versus Wattson's Manectric. Torkoal uses Overheat too many times, and Manectric takes out the Fire-type with a Charge/Thunder Wave combo. Watt tells May about a Pokémon Contest taking place in Verdanturf Town, so the kids make that their next destination.

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Avsnitt 20 Delcatty Got Your Tongue

After a battle with Team Rocket, May's Skitty accidentally inhales Torkoal's smoke. To cure her, the heroes go to a Pokémon Clinic, run by Dr. Abby. Abby, who manages to cure Skitty, is recognized by May as the Top Coordinator. Abby confirms this and even gives May some tips for Skitty before the Verdanturf Town's Contest. Team Rocket, however, plans on stealing Jonny, Dr. Abby's Delcatty.

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Avsnitt 21 Disaster of Disguise

As the heroes arrive in Verdanturf Town, they meet up with Drew, who cannot participate in the upcoming Contest, since his Roselia has been defeated by the Phantom and his Dusclops. May is surprised and decides to train for the Contest. Just then, the Phantom appears, so Ash challenges him to a battle. However, a woman arrives and starts chasing the Phantom, but fails. In order to find more about the Phantom, the woman requests the heroes to unmask his identity.

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Avsnitt 22 Disguise Da Limit

With Timmy participating in the Contest, May hopes to win her second ribbon. However, with May's Skitty's Blizzard not working properly, May starts worrying. Timmy, however, gets visited by his own mother, who watches her son's successes.

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Avsnitt 23 Take the Lombre Home

The heroes, who are thirsty, wander the land. Brock shows them a spring, but it ran out of water. They go to the village, but find it deserted. Just as Lotad falls in a well and gets risen up, it evolves into a Lombre. Much to the heroes' surprise, the villagers start coming out of their houses and pray to Lombre and start cursing a Solrock, believing it is the reason for the local drought. In order to prove them wrong, the heroes decide to investigate.

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Avsnitt 24 True Blue Swablu

The heroes, who got lost in a forest, encounter a Swablu, who has its wing injured. Along with the help of a local ranger, Morita, May spends time with Swablu, who recovers and heals its wing. However, due to its trauma, Swablu cannot fly, so the heroes try certain ways to teach Swablu how to fly once more.

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Avsnitt 25 Gulpin it Down!

During a break, the heroes get their lunch eaten by a Gulpin. They soon find out a group of Gulpin is eating away the food supplies in the city. They contact Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, who receive help from Professor Jacuzzi, who decides to stop the Gulpin. After driving off the Gulpin, the professor uses a machine to launch Gulpin away. However, the machine malfunctions and oversizes Gulpin and Ash's Treecko, who battled the former.

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Avsnitt 26 Exploud and Clear

Ash and friends are eating lunch in the woods when they notice that Treecko has wandered off. After failing to convince the Grass-type to come down from a tree, lunch is disrupted by a rampaging Loudred. Its Trainer, Guy finally catches up with his Pokémon and makes it stop. Ash and Guy decide that both troublesome Pokémon need exercise, so they battle. While battling, both Pokémon evolve at the same time, into Exploud and Grovyle. The battle continues, but Exploud won't listen to Guy. It hits Grovyle hard and runs off. Grovyle catches up with Exploud at a waterfall, and the two begin to battle again. Exploud still won't listen to Guy. Team Rocket interrupts, trying to capture Exploud, but Guy protects his Pokémon. Pikachu and Exploud send Team Rocket blasting off. Guy and Exploud reconcile, and Ash and Guy decide to finish the battle.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 Go Go Ludicolo!

While having sandwiches for lunch, the heroes are visited by a man named Poncho and his Ludicolo. They challenge Ash to a battle, who bets his sandwiches with Poncho, who is to buy cheeseburgers if Poncho loses. Corphish volunteers for the battle, but it seems distracted and eventually loses. This infuriates Corphish even more, who runs off while the heroes try to find out why Corphish is angry.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 A Double Dilemma

As the heroes arrive to Petalburg City, May and Max are visited by the crowd, who like Norman, Caroline and their children. While Max and May are dealing with the crowd and Ash battles a lot of trainers to prove he is worthy to challenge Norman, Team Rocket decides to disguise themselves to take profit from the situation.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 Love, Petalburg Style!

Just as the heroes return to Petalburg City, Ash goes to the Pokémon Center to get ready for his Gym match, where he encounters Norman talking with Nurse Joy. Back home, May and Max, along with Brock, meet up with Kenny, who reports trouble. Caroline, Norman's wife, greets them as well, but something troubles her as well. Deciding enough is enough, Caroline goes with her children, as well as Kenny and Brock, to face Norman, who is hiding something. Ash, however, is at the greenhouse with Norman's Pokémon and faces Team Rocket, who want to steal them.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 30
Avsnitt 30 Balance of Power

Ash faces Norman in a Gym battle. Norman switches offense and defense to baffle Ash, who tries to overcome this trial, having his Pokémon use abilities in the battle. After the battle, however, Max becomes upset over something.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 A Six Pack Attack!

The heroes decide to stop at Professor Birch's lab. Hearing Professor Oak will come to the lab as well, Ash and Brock decide to accompany Birch to escort Oak to the lab. However, Professor Oak arrives by a cart and greets May and Max, the latter being a big fan of his. Once Team Rocket steals Birch and Oak's Pokémon, May, Max and Professor Oak decide to go after them and rescue the Pokémon on their own.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32 The Bicker the Better

Due to May being late, Ash is outraged, since he wants to go to Fortree City as quickly as possible. May becomes angry as well and soon, Ash and May are challenged by a couple named Oscar and Andi. Even during the battle, Ash and May bicker at each other, causing them to lose. Team Rocket gets challenged as well, causing Jessie and James to annoy each other. Just as they meet up with the twerps, James sides with Ash and Jessie with May to have another Tag Battle, which displeases Brock, Max, Pikachu and Meowth who just want the feud to end.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 33
Avsnitt 33 Grass Hysteria!

The heroes get lost in a forest. Just then, May gets taken away by a Skarmory. As Ash, Brock and Max try to get May out of the forbidden area, May befriends a Bulbasaur, but the other Grass-type Pokémon start attacking her.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 34
Avsnitt 34 Hokey Poké Balls!

With Bulbasaur being in May's team, Ash decides to call his own Bulbasaur to meet up. However, Team Rocket has modified the transporting machine, causing them to obtain the Poké Balls that are being transported. While Team Rocket blasts off during the battle, they manage to steal the Poké Balls. Fortunately, Ash's Bulbasaur returns and teams up with May's Bulbasaur to find Team Rocket.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 Whiscash and Ash

While resting by a lake with his friends, Ash polishes his Badge Case and remembers all the Gym Battles he's won so far. Suddenly, a wild Whiscash jumps out and eats the case. Ash dives in to go after it to get his badges back, but nearly drowns. He is saved by a Fishing Master named Sullivan who has spent years trying to catch the giant Whiscash. Determined to retrieve the badges, Ash and the others start fishing. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are also trying to get a hold of the same Whiscash.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Me, Myself and Time

While separated from his friends, Ash encounters a girl and her Baltoy. He learns they were called to meet someone at a set of ruins, and her Baltoy is a key.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 37
Avsnitt 37 A Fan with a Plan!

Arriving in Rubello Town, May finds Drew, who is going to participate in the Contest. She also meets Savannah, a wife, who is going to participate in the Contest. However, Savannah becomes nervous and asks for help from May, who has decided to use Bulbasaur, even if she didn't train it much. Since she can't compete without a ribbon, Jessie plans on stealing some.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 38
Avsnitt 38 Cruisin' for a Losin'

May, confident in her Pokémon, enters the Rubello Contest with Drew and Savannah. While all three manage to pass the first round, May's Bulbasaur becomes nervous, which shakes May's victory. May tries to get Bulbasaur to battle, but this does not impress the judges or her friends when she takes her wins for granted instead of showing concern for her Pokémon's health.

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Avsnitt 39 Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend

Continuing their journey to Fortree City, Ash and friends come across a Spoink, who is upset after losing the Pearl it keeps on the top of its head. After Spoink tries to put on a couple of round Pokémon on its head, the Pearl is found. However, during a Team Rocket encounter, they steal the Pearl. After coming across a fair, James is approached by the same Magikarp Salesman who has made his life miserable in the past and offers to trade a Feebas for the Pearl. After discovering Feebas evolves into Milotic, Team Rocket agrees. However, when they let their new Feebas out to have a swim in a nearby river, they discover the Feebas is just a Magikarp painted with a Feebas' colors, meaning they have been swindled yet again. After Ash and the others find out what happened, they have to get Spoink's Pearl back by finding the Magikarp Salesman before Team Rocket do.

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Avsnitt 40 That's Just Swellow

As they arrive to Crossgate Town, the heroes learn there is a tournament involving Flying-type Pokémon. May, Ash and, surprisingly, James, enter the competition. Just as James and Ash advance to next rounds, Jessie and Meowth decide to make another attempt at stealing Pokémon.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 41
Avsnitt 41 Take This House and Shuppet

The heroes and Team Rocket, after another clash, have gone to the mansion. There, May argues with Max, who runs off and meets a Shuppet. Due to his fight with his sister, Max decides to play a prank on her, Ash and Brock with Shuppet. However, Team Rocket arrives and stirs trouble.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 42
Avsnitt 42 A Shroomish Skirmish

As the heroes have a meal, Torchic and Corphish start fighting. As Ash and May try to calm them down, Team Rocket arrives, and so do some Breloom, from whom they stole some apples from. The Breloom attack and blast everyone away, causing everyone to get separated. Max, Meowth, Torchic and Corphish try to find others and come to dead end, where they face the Breloom once more. Corphish decides to protect Torchic, who gathers all of its bravery to attack.

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Avsnitt 43 Unfair Weather Friends

The heroes spend a day at the Weather Research Institute. Just then, Team Aqua, with Shelly as the commander, arrive to gather information about Legendary Pokémon. The heroes make a plan to protect the data, but an unexpected betrayal is among the scientists.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 44
Avsnitt 44 Who's Flying Now?

After the events that transpired at the Weather Institute, Ash and co. finally arrive at Fortree City. Ash couldn't wait to challenge the Gym Leader, sadly the Gym Leader is helping with the Feather Carnival. Later they meet the Gym Leader, Winona, who scheduled in Ash's request for a Gym Battle, but in the meantime they should have some fun. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has plans of their own. What sinister plot are they up to this time, and why does the carnival bring back such bad memories for James?

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Avsnitt 45 Sky High Gym Battle!

The time has come once more. Ash is ready to have his Gym Battle with Winona. Before the battle starts she evokes a prayer to all Flying Pokémon to give her strength. And now the battle begins. Will Ash fly high in the sky or will he crash and burn?

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Avsnitt 46 Lights, Camerupt, Action!

As the heroes continue onwards, they encounter a man pushing his Camerupt. After helping the man, the heroes are told the man, named Elijah, goes around villages and shows movies. The heroes decide to accompany them, while Team Rocket plans on stealing his equipment.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 47
Avsnitt 47 Crazy as a Lunatone

The heroes arrive in a deserted town and get rejected by Nurse Joy to stay in her Pokémon Center. They soon find out the PMC, Ken and Mary, whom Ash and Brock encountered in Johto, are here after a mysterious Pokémon. Arriving in the Pokémon Center, the heroes encounter Team Rocket, as well as the mysterious Pokémon, Lunatone. They soon find out Lunatone is weak and can be restored if it sees moonlight beams. While the heroes go to the place to heal Lunatone, they encounter the PMC guys again

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 48
Avsnitt 48 The Garden of Eatin'

The heroes come into the Banana Slakoth Garden, a famous tourist spot. However, they find it empty, save for a Snorlax, who is eating away the bananas. Marcel asks for their help and the heroes accept it. However, when they face Snorlax, it uses Yawn, putting everyone to sleep. To battle against such a foe, the heroes speak with Professor Oak, who shares some tips.

Pokémon säsong 7 avsnitt 49
Avsnitt 49 A Scare to Remember!

After another encounter with Team Rocket, Ash loses Pikachu. Pikachu, however, has hit his head and suffers from amnesia and is found by Meowth. Meowth takes the opportunity and states Pikachu was one of Team Rocket members. Pikachu starts believing and once Ash comes to him, Pikachu turns his back on him. Ash, however, does not give up on Pikachu and tries to find a way to bring his memories back.

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Avsnitt 50 Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry

As they arrive in Lilycove City, the heroes meet Kelly, a fellow Coordinator, who knows how to make good Pokéblocks. As Max stays with Ash, who wants to teach Swellow Aerial Ace, Brock goes with May, who wants to learn more about Pokéblocks from Kelly.

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Avsnitt 51 Lessons in Lilycove

May's Combusken manages to control the Fire Spin attack it launched. Through luck, May enters the next round with Kelly and fights Josaphine. In the final round, Kelly battles May, who has a tactic to overcome Grumpig's psychic powers. Just as Grumpig and Combusken are to fall down, May makes an honorable gesture. Meanwhile, Ash misses the contest to help his Swellow learn Aerial Ace.

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Avsnitt 52 Judgment Day

Due to a mistake, the heroes sail away to an island, with their actual destination being Mossdeep City. On the island, they find Jimmy, who trains to become a judge. With teacher Serena's help, Jimmy tries to be the referee of a Double Battle of Ash vs. Brock. After the battle, Jimmy recalls his past before he has to rescue his Pokémon, who were stolen by Team Rocket.

Säsong 8

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Clamperl of Wisdom

The kids are heading to Maisie Island on a ferry when they spot a Spoink floating on a log. They quickly realize it's the same Spoink they helped before. When they save it and bring it aboard, it trips, dropping its pearl overboard. Ash's Pokémon go looking for the pearl with no luck. When they arrive on the island, they meet a scientist named Isaiah who is doing research on Clamperl and their pearls—which end up as Spoink pearls. The jewel of his collection is a rare blue pearl. Team Rocket sneaks in and tries to steal the blue pearl, only to be beaten out by Spoink stealing it first. Everyone goes looking for the little Psychic-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, the blue pearl accidentally gets switched with the pink pearl from a wild Clamperl. When this fact is discovered, everyone goes looking for the Clamperl and Team Rocket steals it away.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Relicanth Really Can

The heroes encounter a man named Adam who's searching for treasure. They decide to accompany him to find an old ship, which is told to have lots of treasure on it. Just as they take the submarine down, they also encounter Team Rocket, who is also determined to take the treasure, which is connected to the Relicanth Adam saw earlier.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Evolutionary War

The heroes come to the A-B-C Islands, where they meet up with Professor Birch. The Professor wants to study more about Clamperl's evolutions, Huntail and Gorebyss. They also accompany two children, who are angry at each other, for they want to evolve Clamperl that goes against their principles. Birch, however, finds something that can settle the trouble, and give Team Rocket a new opportunity at stealing Pokémon.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Training Wrecks

Since they have to wait for the boat to Mossdeep City, the heroes spend some time with other trainers, who want to get physically fit for the battles. While Brock, May, Max, even Team Rocket exercise, Ash has a Double Battle with the coach, Rocky, who shows how much his Pokémon can be in sync.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Gaining Groudon

Due to a twist of fate, the heroes get captured by Team Magma and face their leader, Maxie. After Maxie explained his goals, Team Aqua's Shelly frees Kyogre and reports to her leader. In a moment of confusion, Pikachu takes the Blue Orb, which gets absorbed into him. Just as the heroes try to escape, Ash gets captured, while Team Aqua's leader starts controlling Kyogre. However, an unexpected help arrives, a man whom Ash and Brock have met before.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 The Scuffle of Legends

Team Aqua has gained control over Kyogre and prepares to unleash its powers over the world's water levels. A Blue Orb-possessed Pikachu releases Groudon from its entrapment and the two prepare to take on Kyogre in a battle to end all battles. Will Groudon and Kyogre destroy the world with their legendary battle or will Lance, Ash and his friends be able to stop the world's imminent destruction?

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!

The heroes arrive in Mossdeep City, but learn the Gym Leader Ash wants to battle is at the Mossdeep Research Center. Once they arrive there, the heroes meet up with Tate and Liza, who just had a battle. Learning these two are duo of Gym Leaders, Ash is surprised he has to fight them in a Double Battle. While spending some more time at the space center, Max and Tate go to a space shuttle, only to encounter Team Rocket, who wants to steal the space shuttle.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Solid as a Solrock

Once again, the time has come. Ash will have a double battle against the terrific twins, Tate and Liza. As the battle begins, he sees they don't get along very well and the battle could be an easy win for him. That is, until Team Rocket interferes and snatches Lunatone and Solrock. After thwarting their latest plot, Rachel suggest that Ash and Liza and Tate continue their battle, even though the Gym is destroyed they could have it on the cliff. As the rematch begins, Liza and Tate are more in-sync than ever. Will Ash be able to beat them this time? The answer might shock you.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Vanity Affair

After battling a trainer, Ash, as well as his friends, meet Drake of the Elite Four. Drake is impressed by Ash's skills and invites the heroes to his boat, where Ash will have a battle with him. Just as everyone sees Drake doesn't do much, the latter makes his counterattack and shows Ash where he went wrong.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Where's Armaldo?

Arriving on an island, Max encounters a Cradily, an ancient Pokémon that is supposed to be extinct. His friends do not believe him, so Max goes to search for it and finds a building. Ash, May and Brock eventually find a woman and are surprised to see the Cradily Max spoke about. They go to the lab, where they also find an Anorith, which evolves into an Armaldo. Team Rocket barges in and after failing to catch Armaldo, who goes on a rampage.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 A Cacturne for the Worse

As the heroes sail to May's next Contest, May finds a boy named Harley. She speaks to him a bit and meets his Cacturne and eats his cookies. Harley is annoyed at the girl, who becomes his rival that he wants to crush. During the Contest, Harley gives May some false advice, which May accepts, only to find out Harley tricked her. Just as she faces Harley, he uses another trick up his sleeve to deceive May even more, wanting her to be defeated.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Claydol Big and Tall

Continuing their journey across Izabe Island, Ash and friends run into an old man who tells them the legend of the giant Claydol. When Team Rocket hears the legend, they unleash the Claydol that's going on a rampage.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Once in a Mawile

While on their journey across Izabe Island, Ash and his friends meet a girl named Samantha, who performs her ribbon dance in various towns, and her Mawile, who develops a crush on Brock's Lombre. In the next town, Team Rocket takes Mawile, but ends up taking Lombre by mistake. Now Ash and his friends must save Lombre and Samantha's show.

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Avsnitt 14 Beg, Burrow and Steal

While traveling on Izabe Island, Ash and his friends end up above a Trapinch Labyrinth. They meet up with two people named Elisa and Hal, two of the reserve rangers. After a Team Rocket encounter, they all end up inside of the labyrinth. Will they find a way to get out of this situation?

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Absol-ute Disaster!

Still traveling towards Sootopolis City, Ash and friends arrive in a town where the people hate Absol. They blame Absol for all of the troubles that have in their small town. Ash and friends decide to help a kid named Nicky find his missing brother Gordon, who went to solve the mystery of the appearing Absol, as well as try to solve the mystery of the Pokémon themselves.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt!

Still heading for Cerosi Town and the ferry to Sootopolis City, Ash and his friends stop at a Pokémon Center to stay warm as a blizzard approaches. At the Center, a wild Snorunt steals all 7 of Ash’s Badges. Will he be able to get them back or will he have to train all over again?

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Do I Hear a Ralts?

Continuing across Izabe Island, Max finds a sick Ralts. Brock is unable to fully cure it and they must bring it to the Pokémon Center. However, Team Rocket wants to capture the Ralts. Ash, May, and Brock battle Team Rocket while Max rushes to the Pokémon Center as quick as can. However, he must get there before it is too late, and has to deal with Team Rocket again and also Kirlia and Gardevoir.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 The Great Eight Fate!

The final battle is approaching, Gym Battle that is. Ash and co. arrive in Sootopolis City, home of Ash's final Gym Battle. There they meet Juan, who is not only the Gym Leader but a Grand Festival winner as well. Does Ash have what it takes to beat an accomplished trainer like Juan?

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Eight Ain't Enough

The final battle for Ash's final badge continues as he has managed to beat Juan's Sealeo and Seaking. Now he must contend with the rest of his Pokémon, like Luvdisc who used Sweet Kiss to confuse Grovyle. With three Pokémon left against Juan's three, will Ash be able to win his final badge or will he be washed away with the tide?

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Showdown at Linoone

While waiting to eat lunch in the woods, a Linoone comes by and steals two of May's Poké Balls. They find out that the Linoone belongs to a boy named Kimmy. Kimmy helps the heroes get the Poké Balls back before Team Rocket gets a hold of them and Linoone.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?

On the way to Pacifidlog Town, Ash and his friends run into Drew. May challenges him to a practice battle, but they get interrupted by Team Rocket. However, Team Rocket's sub gets sucked into a whirlpool and everybody winds up getting separated on the mysterious Mirage Island. Now, Ash, Max, and Brock must find Drew and May.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Date Expectations

On their way to Pacifidlog Town, the boat Ash and his friends are riding breaks down, forcing them to make a pit stop on Donto Island. It is currently the Donphan mating season, which they end up being separated from each other. May now has to make the ultimate decision: stay to find Max and miss the final contest before the Grand Festival, or leave alone for Pacifidlog Island trusting that Ash will find Max and come to the Contest for the next morning.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Mean with Envy

After showing up in Pacifidlog Town, May prepares for the upcoming Contest, the one that she's determine to get her final Ribbon to qualify into the Grand Festival. When Skitty chases after an Aipom, May runs into two Coordinators named Joshua and Erika, who are entering the Contest as well. May and Erika don't get along to a good start. At the contest, May, Joshua, Erika, and the Jester (Jessie in another disguise) all make it to the next round.

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Avsnitt 24 Pacifidlog Jam

With qualification for the Grand Festival hanging on the line, May is more determined then ever to win the contest to win her final Ribbon. First, Erika faces Jessie and Meowth and the latte somehow uses Transform. When the judges find out the truth, they get disqualified. Then May faces off against Joshua and after some battles, she pulls off a win. Erika finally apologizes to May and together the two have a great battle. After a lucky Fire Spin from Assist, May and Skitty won and the former qualifies for the Grand Festival.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Berry, Berry Interesting

On their way to the Grand Festival, the gang stops on an island filled with Berries. May decides to make Pokéblocks, but no one except a wild Munchlax likes it. When Munchlax is blamed of eating everyone's Pokéblocks, May decides to prove them wrong and capture Munchlax.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 Less is Morrison

As Ash is training, he faces a new rival, Morrison, who tries to challenge Ash in any way possible. After having a number of challenges, Ash's Pikachu and Morrison's Beldum get captured. In order to rescue them, Morrison and Ash team up to battle Team Rocket by themselves.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 The Ribbon Cup Caper!

While taking a boat to Slateport City, the heroes encounter Officer Jenny, who warns them of Brodie, an ex-Team Magma member, who came to steal an object of great importance.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 Satoshi and Haruka! Heated Battles in Hoenn!!

This is a clipshow Unaired outside of Japan of Satoshi's (Ash's) gym battles and Haruka's (May's) contest battles. The heroes are still on the boat looking towards the Grand Festival. Ash remembers all of his Hoenn Gym Battles with Roxanne, Norman, Brawly, Juan, Tate and Lisa, while May remembers her Contests with Drew, Grace, Kelly, Harley, Erica and Savannah.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 Hi Ho Silver Wind!

May has arrived in Slateport City for the Grand Festival. Her mother, Caroline, has come to cheer her on, and her friends sent notes to wish her luck. With 247 competitors in the preliminary matches and only 64 slots in the main competition round, May will need more than just luck—especially when Drew and Harley are among the competitors, too! Harley is friendly towards May, but her friends are suspicious of the advice he gives her. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has dressed James up as Norman and offers free counseling sessions. When Trainers show up, their Pokémon are stolen! Harley sees this and drags May off to see "Norman." When she and her friends see the false Norman, Team Rocket's number is up. With Team Rocket's plan foiled, it's back to the competition. May uses Silver Wind just as Harley suggested, and it works great. She advances to the next round along with Harley and Drew. But Drew is still skeptical of Harley's motives as they prepare for the main competition.

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Avsnitt 30 Deceit and Assist

May continues to take Harley's advice as she advances in the tournament. Drew, however, has his suspicions about Harley and continues to monitor him. Meanwhile, Ash and Max join forces with Officer Jenny to help a Coordinator, Anthony, whose ribbons and contest pass have been stolen.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Rhapsody in Drew

May faces Harley, her dreadful rival, who aims to take revenge on her. However, May has collected a lot of experience from his previous battles, and uses her tactics to counter Harley. As she wins this battle, she ends up facing her other rival, Drew, in the quarterfinals. Much to her surprise, he sends out a Pokémon he trained just for the Grand Festival.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32 Island Time

Tricked into another of Team Rocket's schemes, the heroes are stranded on an island. They encounter Robin, a former salesman, who was saved by a Wailmer. Like the heroes, Robin, too, wishes to get off the island, but due to the constant whirlpools, he is barred from doing so. With the inevitable teamwork between the heroes and the villains, Team Rocket plan on another sabotage attempt to take the ship everyone is building and snatch the Pokémon at it.

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Avsnitt 33 Like a Meowth to a Flame

The heroes arrive at Ever Grande City, the site of the Hoenn League. On May's request, they go around town for a noodle shop, but end up getting assaulted by a group of Murkrow. In that moment, a Meowth, wearing a hat and boots, attacks the Murkrow and disperses them. Its trainer, Tyson, greets the group, and adds that he is also a participant of the League. Moreover, he is also a torchbearer of the Moltres flame, which Team Rocket intends on stealing.

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Avsnitt 34 Saved by the Beldum

Ash's new friend and rival arrives just in time to register for the Championships. Although, Tyson's Meowth has a strong showing as it displays uncharacteristic rage, even attacking its opponent after the battle.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 From Brags to Riches

The preliminaries are over and now the Hoenn League Championships begin in earnest. The qualifying round is all double battles and Ash goes to watch Morrison's match against muscleman Gavin.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Shocks and Bonds

Ash begins his third battle in the qualifying round of the Hoenn League Championships and knows he's up for a challenge. After getting three victorious in the qualifying round, Ash and his new friends ascend to the victory tournament. In his first victory tournament match, Ash goes up against a trainer famous for her keen strategy.

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Avsnitt 37 A Judgment Brawl

Ash struggles against an opponent whose strategy is a marked contrast to his straightforward style and tries to throw her off with Corphish, one of his spunkiest Pokémon.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 38
Avsnitt 38 Choose It or Lose It!

Ash faces his off against newfound friend and rival, Morrison. However, Ash knows how to put friendship aside in battle while Morrison does not and the less experienced trainer is hesitating to battle against him. Will Morrison pull himself together and gives his all against Ash or will the match end in his favor.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 39
Avsnitt 39 At the End of the Fray

With the Hoenn League still underway, Ash and Tyson battle it out to decide which one of them will move on to the final four. Since Glalie and Sceptile are already knocked out of the competition, who will get the upper hand?

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 The Scheme Team

On his way home to Pallet Town after saying goodbye to his friends, Ash meets Scott, Leader of the Battle Frontier. After losing to Elite Four member Agatha, Scott tells Ash about the Battle Frontier. The latter agrees to take the challenge but first he must deal with Team Rocket and return to Pallet Town. After coming home, Ash meets up with his old traveling friend Misty.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 41
Avsnitt 41 The Right Place and the Right Mime

Ash and May prepare for the challenge ahead of them in the Kanto region. May left two of her Pokémon with her parents at Petalburg City in Hoenn. However, before their new adventure, Team Rocket shows up to steal all of Ash's Pokémon and the group must fight to stop their dastardly plan. After stopping Team Rocket plans, May leaves one of her Pokémon with Professor Oak but a Squirtle chooses her as its Trainer and accepts it to her team. Ash also leaves two of his Pokémon he caught in Hoenn with Professor Oak as well but one of his from the lab decides to accompany him on his new journey.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 42
Avsnitt 42 A Real Cleffa-Hanger

Ash and his friends set out for Mt. Moon, home to the Cleffa family of Pokémon. However, the young Trainers are surprised when they spot a lone, distraught Cleffa.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 43
Avsnitt 43 Numero Uno Articuno

The Battle Factory is Ash's next destination—if he can find it, that is. He and his friends have become lost, but they see snow and an Articuno flying overhead, followed by a plane in distress. The group winds up at a Pokémon Center, where Scott gives them a ride to the Battle Factory. There they meet Noland, who's not just the Factory Head but also a bit of a mechanical mastermind, and the pilot of the plane they saw last night. Ash can pick which of Noland's Pokémon he wants to battle. Noland has befriended an Articuno whom he helped once, and he takes Max and Pikachu up in his plane to fly with the Legendary Pokémon. Team Rocket wants Articuno for themselves, and they show up in their own plane to steal it. It's no match for Articuno, who quickly sends them on their way. Impressed, Ash decides he wants to battle Articuno. What's more, he wants to battle it with Charizard! It looks like this is shaping up to be quite a match...

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 44
Avsnitt 44 The Symbol Life

After surprising everyone by choosing to face the Legendary Pokémon Articuno in his first Battle Frontier battle, Ash calls upon an old friend to battle it as he plans to use fire against ice. Will Ash be victorious in his first Battle Frontier battle.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 45
Avsnitt 45 Hooked on Onix

On their way to the Battle Arena, Ash and his friends take a break to rest. When they run out of water, Ash, May, and Brock go to look for some while Max stays and feeds the Pokémon. When Munchlax eats everyone's food, a battle ensures which angers some nearby Geodude who in return, attack the Pokémon and Pikachu, Corphish, Phanpy, Squirtle and Munchlax got separated from the group. Meanwhile, Team Rocket convinces an Onix, who is the king of the Rock Pokémon, that Ash and the others are evil and Onix sends its Rock-type army to capture them. Unknown to the Rock-types, Team Rocket wanted to use them to help steal Pikachu and the other Pokémon.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 46
Avsnitt 46 Rough, Tough Jigglypuff

Ash and his friends meet a man that is trying to catch a Jigglypuff for his daughter's birthday. However, this Jigglypuff has proven to be the toughest one in the universe.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 47
Avsnitt 47 On Cloud Arcanine

On their way to the Battle Arena, Ash and friends stop by a cake shop, but the line for it is long. They see an Arcanine come running by, and May decides to catch it. However, Drew returns and he also wants to capture it.

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Avsnitt 48 Sitting Psyduck

Ash and friends save a morose Psyduck from a group of fighting-type Pokémon, Machoke, Machamp and Machop, that are pursuing it. Meanwhile, Team Rocket decides that the Psyduck would make a perfect gift for their boss.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 49
Avsnitt 49 Hail to the Chef!

Ash and friends visit a restaurant that has been split in two by feuding sisters. The gang tries to get the two sisters to reconcile and work together as a team.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 50
Avsnitt 50 Caterpie's Big Dilemma

Team Rocket attacks an inventor's laboratory, startling his Caterpie into eating an experimental substance that enlarges it to dreadful proportions. However, the situation gets worse when Caterpie evolves into Metapod and then again into Butterfree.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 51
Avsnitt 51 The Saffron Con

Prior to her first Pokémon Contest in the Kanto region, May learns of several new rules designed to make contests and battles more strategically challenging. Also, Max and May are dubious from a warm greeting they receive from Harley.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 52
Avsnitt 52 A Hurdle for Squirtle

The Saffron City Pokémon Contest begins and with May eager to win her first ever Kanto ribbon, she chooses to enter with her Squirtle. However, May's enemy and rival Harley is determined to make sure that she does not triumph.

Pokémon säsong 8 avsnitt 53
Avsnitt 53 Pasta La Vista!

Ash and his friends meet the owner of a Pokémon Dojo but they discover he's in a feud with his son. Can Ash and his friends help end the feud between them.

Säsong 9

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Fear Factor Phony

On the way to the next Battle Frontier facility, Ash and co. are lost. They soon come across a ghost town which is haunted by Ghost Pokémon. They are soon befriended by some friendly Psychic Pokémon who dance the night away. Will Ash and co. stop the ghosts from ruining the town, and does Ash and the rest of the crew sound different to anyone?

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Sweet Baby James

When May's Munchlax and James' Chimecho both have fallen ill, they seek the Pokémon healing skills of an elderly couple named Nanny and Pop-Pop, who happens to be James grandparents. Team Rocket and the gang call a temporary truce until their Pokémon get better. Meanwhile, James tries to impress Nanny and Pop-Pop by pretending to be a business owner while also hiding his status as a member of Team Rocket.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 A Chip Off the Old Brock

During a training battle against Ash's Grovyle, Brock's Mudkip evolves into a Marshtomp. However, Brock's new evolved Pokémon accidentally hits a girls Flaaffy but is able to heal her Pokémon through a drug store. While there, Brock and Marshtomp both want to date the girl alongside her Flaaffy. However, little do Brock and Marshtomp know, the girl and her Flaaffy have feelings for someone else.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Wheel of Frontier

Ash finally arrives at the second Battle Frontier venue where he challenges the Battle Arena Brain Greta to a match. Will Ash be able to defeat Greta and get his second Battle Frontier symbol.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 May's Egg-Cellent Adventure!

After winning the Guts Symbol at the Battle Arena, Ash's next challenge is the Battle Dome. However, before the continue their journey to their next destination, Ash and his friends come across a Pokémon Egg Shop. During their stay, May offers advice to the owner's daughter about Pokémon contest and how to be a coordinator.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Weekend Warrior

May enters the Silver Town Pokémon Contest and battles Jeremy, an unusual contestant. However, Jeremy shocks May when he appears playing electric guitar and wearing leather.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 On Olden Pond

On the way to the Battle Dome, Ash and the others decide to stop at a famous fishing spot but the lake is deserted. Tiffany, the owner of a fishing house tells them that a company wants to buy the lake and turn the land into a resort. In order to scare people away from the land so Tiffany and her Grandma get no business, the head of the company uses his Crawdaunt to terrorise the lake. Can Ash and his friends help them stop the company from getting the land or will he succeeded.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Tactics Theatrics!!

Ash finally arrives at the third Battle Frontier location where he challenges the Battle Dome Brain Tucker to a match. The battle begins with Ash using his Swellow and Corphish against Tucker's Arcanine and Swampert. During the battle, Ash learns how to combine his Pokémon's attacks and uses their power to defeat Tucker.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Reversing the Charges

After Ash wins his third Battle Frontier Symbol, the Tactics Symbol, he and his go to their next Battle Frontier location, the Battle Pike. However, during an encounter with a wild Elekid, May's egg becomes stuck in the Electric Pokémon antenna and runs off. Now Ash and the others must find Elekid and get May's egg back.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 The Green Guardian

On their way to the Battle Pike, Ash and his friends decide to ride along the Cycling Road. However, it is closed and they must go through the forest. After hearing a noise, Pikachu wanders off and finds an wild injured Celebi under some thick vines. Ash and the others then meet a Pokémon Ranger named Solana who agrees to help them find Pikachu. When they finally find Pikachu and Celebi, the reunion is cut short as Team Rocket shows up to steal Celebi.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 From Cradle to Save!

Ash and friends arrive at a Ninja School. There they meet a wild Bonsly who cries a lot and does not get along with the other Pokémon at the school. However, Team Rocket appear and decide to capture all of the Pokémon in the school, including Ash and his friends.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Time Warp Heals All Wounds

After May's Squirtle runs away, May goes searching for her Pokémon. Once she finds Squirtle, May finds an elderly woman, Edna, waiting for a train. After hearing the sad story about Edna's past, Meowth and May go back in time in order to change history.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Queen of the Serpentine!

Ash finally arrives at the location of the Battle Pike, ready to battle. Team Rocket tricks him into coming into their own fake Battle Pike where they capture Pikachu. With the help of the real Frontier Brain—Pike Queen Lucy—they save Pikachu. Ash challenges Lucy to a battle, and even though it is her day off, she accepts as she has a crush on Brock. As the two begin their battle, Ash realizes Lucy is no pushover. Can Ash win? And who will Brock cheer for?

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Off the Unbeaten Path!

On their way to the Battle Palace, Ash and friends stop at Potpourri Island where they learn about the Pokémon Orienteering Contest. The contest is a race around the island where a trainer and one Pokémon must go to five different locations and get the special stamps at those locations. The winner will receive a special medal along with a ton of fruit. As the contest begins, Ash goes with Pikachu, May goes with her new Eevee, Brock goes with Bonsly, Max goes with Munchlax (lent to him by May), James with Mime Jr, and Jessie with Meowth. Who will win the contest and win all that fruit? That is if Jessie and Meowth don't succeed in stealing it along with Ash, May and Brock's Pokémon!

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Harley Rides Again

Ash and friends finally arrive in Wisteria Town where May prepares for her next contest. However, Harley shows up and this time he is not so friendly with everyone. Harley declares that he will win this contest and his Fourth Ribbon against May. Meanwhile, Team Rocket try to convince Harley to work with them as they'll help him beat May while he helps them get Ash's Pikachu. Will Harley accept Team Rocket's offer for their help or decides to beat May fair and square.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Odd Pokémon Out!

While on the way to May's next Pokémon Contest, Ash and friends must stop at a nearby island to switch to ferry to the next island. They let their Pokémon out to play and Donphan, still as playful as ever, tries to play with some Rhyhorn, only to be chased by their parents. After being saved by Nurse Joy and her Meganium, Grovyle gets into a conflict with a wild Tropius and is beaten badly. Meganium heals Grovyle and Grovyle falls in love with the Herb Pokémon. However, it is later revealed that Tropius also has feelings for Meganium. Grovyle decides to have a rematch against Tropius to see who will come out on top.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Spontaneous Combusken!

After losing a ribbon to Harley, May arrives on Chrysanthemum Island, ready to win her third ribbon. Ash is also working hard trying to help Sceptile regain its ability to use Grass-type attacks after breaking its heart. When Drew shows up, May finds out he didn't send her the letter. Later, while training on the beach, she meets a girl named Brianna who reveals that she sent the letter and rose to May. When Brianna finds out May knows Drew, she grows embarrassed as she has a crush on Drew and intended the letter and Rose to be sent to him. When she finally meets Drew, Brianna claims that she will beat May in the contest and win Drew's respect and love! Meanwhile, Jessie also enters the contest with James' Mime Jr.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Cutting the Ties that Bind!

Ash & co have arrived on the island of the Battle Palace which happens to be a massive Jungle. Ash, eager to make his upcoming battle with the Brain as good as it can be, decides to put extra emphasis on helping his recently evolved Sceptile to be able to use it's attacks. However in the process, Ash & Sceptile get seperated from the group and meet with the Frontier Brain, Spenser. Will Ash & Spenser get Sceptile to be able to use attacks again?

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Avsnitt 19 Ka Boom with a View!

Ash finally arrives at the Battle Palace, ready to take on Spenser for the Spirit Symbol. As they head out to the battlefield, Ash learns that he has the entire surrounding jungle to battle in! As the battle begins, May, Brock and Max head up in a balloon with Scott to watch the battle. As the battle begins, Ash pits his newly "revived" Sceptile against Spenser's Shiftry and the battle quickly takes into the forest. Will Ash be able to beat Spenser while battling in a forest? And does he have a secret weapon waiting in the wings?

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Avsnitt 20 King and Queen for a Day!

After a battle with Team Rocket, Pikachu, Meowth, Bonsly & Manene are seperated from their respective trainers. Lost in a town, the four Pokémon decide to team up to find their trainers...however three strange men have their eyes set on Bonsly & Manene. Will the Pokémon get back to their trainers?

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Curbing the Crimson Tide!

There's big trouble in the big city when Ash and his friends pay a visit—a mysterious talking Pokémon in a crimson cloak known as Red Lighting has been battling all the Trainers in town, and it acts like a real supervillain when it wins! May's plans for a nice day out are ruined when Red Lightning humiliates her and her Squirtle, so now the heroes are out to uncover who or what is behind its activities.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 What I Did for Love!

May finally arrives in Gardenia Town ready to win her fourth ribbon. She gains a nice surprise when she finds out that her Eevee has learned Dig. While May prepares for the contest, Brock meets another Pokémon Breeder named Yuma. After seeing his Pokémon skills, she convinces him to enter the Gardenia Contest. After amazing appeals by Squirtle and Bonsly, both May and Brock make it to the battle rounds. Will May be able to beat her friend to win her fourth Kanto Ribbon?

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Avsnitt 23 Three Jynx and a Baby!

On their way to the Battle Tower, May finds a Smoochum behind a bush. She tries to pick it up, only to be attacked by three Jynx, Smoochum's sisters. After a short battle, Ash and the others leave and head for town. Soon after, Team Rocket take Smoochum and plan to make her a star. The Jynx then begin to attack the town and Ash and May hold them back before luring them to where Smoochum is. However, when they get there, Jessie has no intentions to give Smoochum back to her sisters!

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Avsnitt 24 Talking a Good Game!

As Ash and the others finally arrive at the Battle Tower, Ash does some last minute training with Pikachu. He is suddenly attacked by a Beedrill and a girl comes to his rescue. After sending Beedrill away, they are attacked by a Gyarados and she once again talks to it and helps it calm down. Soon, Team Rocket attacks wanting Pikachu and this human who can talk to Pokémon. After fending Team Rocket off, she introduces herself as Anabel. Before Anabel can properly introduce herself, Ash runs off to the Battle Tower only to find out Anabel is the Frontier Brain. As the battle begins, Ash quickly falls behind as Anabel can speak with Pokémon through telepathy. Can Ash manage to get past her special ability and win his sixth Frontier Symbol?

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Second Time's the Charm!

After a devastating defeat at the hands of Anabel, Ash is eager to challenge her again, except this time he plans to think with his Pokémon like Anabel instead of rushing in. While training for the rematch, Ash is once again attacked by Beedrill and then Team Rocket after eating their lunch. After sending Team Rocket away, Ash and May try to learn how to talk to their Pokémon just like Anabel, however Corphish and Combusken just look on with blank looks. After finishing his little "lesson", Ash begins his battle with Anabel. Just like the last time, Anabel uses her telepathy ability to fight. Even though Ash is at disadvantage, he surprisingly does better than last time, even managing to win in the first round! Will Anabel prove to be too powerful with her telepathy or will Ash overcome it to win his sixth Frontier Symbol?

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 All That Glitters is Not Golden!

Ash and May spot an amazing golden Sudowoodo at the edge of a lake, but it knocks Ash's Poké Ball away when he tries to catch it. Brock and the others don't believe it, until they reach the next town and find a saloon full of locals looking for the golden Sudowoodo. They also meet Keenan, the golden Sudowoodo's Trainer, who can't explain why it's golden or why it ran away from him. Our heroes happily decide to help Keenan find Sudowoodo, yet Keenan doesn't seem to want the help.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 New Plot, Odd Lot!

May is feeling the pressure at the Mulberry City Pokémon Contest, her last chance to get a fifth ribbon before the Grand Festival. To make things worse, Harley shows up! He has his ribbons already so he doesn't have to compete. But Jessie plans to enter in her Jessebella disguise, so when Harley spots Team Rocket, he offers to loan them his Cacturne and Banette to use against May in the Contest.

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Avsnitt 28 Going for Choke!

The competition is underway at the Mulberry Town Pokémon Contest, where Harley has teamed up with Team Rocket to plot May's downfall. While May is getting ready for her first opponent, Team Rocket lures her friends into a sealed transport container and sends them up, up and away with a Meowth balloon! But they didn't count on Drew being there to save the day. He frees Ash and the others, only for all them to then fall into one of Team Rocket's old-fashioned pit traps. While James and Meowth gloat, our heroes realize Team Rocket is working with Harley, and they have to get back to the Contest to help May.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 The Ole' Berate and Switch!

Team Rocket decides to go their separate ways after yet another foiled Pikachu kidnap attempt. Elsewhere, our heroes come across a one-day Pokémon Battle Tournament secretly run by Butch and Cassidy, who are having their own problems getting along. Ash signs up, unaware that while he's battling, Cassidy is preparing to swipe the competitors' Pokémon! Cassidy runs into Jessie and James, and decides to make James her new team. As for Jessie, she fast-talks her way into a partnership with Butch.

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Avsnitt 30 Grating Spaces!

Our heroes have finally made it back to Pewter City, where Brock once again comes home to find the Pewter Gym looking stranger than ever. When he gets in the door, he discovers that his mom and dad are headed off on a free prize vacation, leaving the Gym in the care of three suspicious Gym remodelers who promised to make the Pewter Gym fashionable. His parents even took his Ludicolo to carry suitcases! Of course, it's all another Team Rocket scheme in disguise.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Battling the Enemy Within!

Ash is really excited to get to the Battle Pyramid, but he falls down a hole into a strange ruin. When Team Rocket goes to check it out, they end up falling in as well. As Ash and his friends explore, they set off a trap! They're saved by a man and his Regirock—the man's name is Brandon, and he tells Ash off for messing with the ruins. The ruins, he explains, are where the King of Pokelantis sealed a Ho-Oh. But instead of being careful, Ash gets excited and runs off in search of Ho-Oh. He finds something much more sinister when he awakens the spirit of the King, who possesses him and demands everyone's Pokémon as part of plan to rule the world!

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32 Slaking Kong!

On the way to the Grand Festival, our heroes are swarmed by a group of Aipom who swipe Ash's hat and May's ribbon case! That's not all—the Aipom also cleaned out an orchard belonging to a farmer, Taylor. He says the local Pokémon have started acting strangely, and it might have something to do with a strange monster recently seen in the mountains. Everyone sets out to investigate and get May's ribbons back.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 33
Avsnitt 33 May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!

May has arrived at the Indigo Plateau Grand Festival, where there are many familiar faces in town. Team Rocket is turning over a new leaf as Contest commentators. And Aipom has followed Ash all the way there, but its latest hat-snatching spree is halted by Drew and another Coordinator, Solidad. Solidad is an experienced Coordinator and an old acquaintance of Drew, so it's no wonder that with all this competition, May is feeling a few butterflies.

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Avsnitt 34 Thinning the Hoard!

May, Drew, Harley, and Solidad are all competing in the Grand Festival, and it's time for their Pokémon to show off their best moves. Only 16 Coordinators will advance to the next round, so the pressure is on! Although Drew and Absol do a great job, he's not at all happy with Absol's performance. May is shocked to see him angry at his Pokémon, and she's even more hurt when he takes some of his frustration out on her. Drew later calms down, but his tension showed how seriously he's taking his rivalry with May.

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Avsnitt 35 Channeling the Battle Zone!

May and Drew are in a battle to reach the final four of the Grand Festival, and both Coordinators have some powerful combinations up their sleeve. May even picked up a few tricks from watching Ash's Battle Dome match against Tucker! Her Combusken and Squirtle give it their all against Drew's Flygon and Absol, and nobody in the arena can even predict which way things are going to go.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Aipom and Circumstance!

When Ash's new Aipom plays another prank on him, it leads them both to a village that's preparing to select this year's King. Whoever manages to hang onto the ritual crown until sunset will be King of the village for a year! Ash and Brock meet Hank, who wants to be King, and Brock wants to be King too—King of the village's lovely girls. But as Brock and the villagers race for the crown, Aipom runs away with it and tries it on for size. Once it puts on the crown, it can't get it off again!

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 37
Avsnitt 37 Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!

On the way to Fennel Valley and Ash's rematch with Brandon, our heroes meet Chatot, a Pokémon that can imitate anything it hears. However, this Chatot keeps running away from its Trainer, Audrey! After Ash and his friends help Audrey get Chatot back, Audrey explains that she and Chatot are a stand-up comedy duo. The only problem is that Audrey can't travel to perform her act because Chatot keeps flying away.

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Avsnitt 38 Duels of the Jungle!

On the way to Fennel Valley, Ash's Aipom scampers away and runs into a Weavile with an attitude. Aipom's up for a battle, but Weavile deals it a harsh defeat! Luckily, Ash and his friends meet a passing wilderness guardian named Kerrigan, who lets Aipom rest at his home. Kerrigan explains that the Weavile belonged to a local group of Weavile and Sneasel, but now it's alone and challenges any Trainer's Pokémon it sees. Ash resolves to help Kerrigan find the stray Weavile before anyone else is hurt.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 39
Avsnitt 39 Overjoyed!

Ash has reached Fennel Valley at last, where he plans to challenge Brandon to an official battle—but Brandon won't be back until tomorrow! Instead, our hero is welcomed by an enthusiastic Nurse Joy. This Nurse Joy loves Pokémon battles and Contests, and she even offers to help Ash train. Her Chansey may look sweet, but once its nurse's hat comes off, so do the gloves! Chansey quickly outpowers Ash's Corphish, teaching Ash a lesson about battle strategy that doesn't make him too happy.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!

Ash is still recovering from his defeat at the Battle Pyramid, while May is also melancholy about her own defeat at the Grand Festival. Professor Oak shows up at the Pokémon Center in Fennel Valley, with a special care package meant to cheer Ash up. It contains a poster with the prints of his Pokémon, a fishing lure from Misty, and food from his mother. There's even a postcard from Gary in Sinnoh, which gets Ash thinking about their rivalry and actually pulls him out of his funk.

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Avsnitt 41 Pinch Healing!

At the Fennel Valley Pokémon Center, Ash is practicing attacks with his Pokémon while Brock is excited to be cooking with Nurse Joy. His excitement quickly disappears when he finds Nurse Joy unconscious on the floor. They put her in bed, and Professor Oak says she needs rest. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is incredibly lost from when Harley sent them blasting off, and to choose their path, Jessie throws a stick that hits several Pokémon and damages a small bus passing on the road below.

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Avsnitt 42 Gathering the Gang of Four!

At the Fennel Valley Pokémon Center, Ash gets a special delivery from Oak's Lab—his Bulbasaur. Officer Jenny soon arrives with his Squirtle, and his Charizard flies in too. Ash is going on a retreat with these three Pokémon and Pikachu to train for his upcoming rematch with Brandon. Out in the forest, the four Pokémon work together to build a bed to sleep on, but Charizard hogs it at first and starts a fight. Eventually they calm down and rebuild the bed, get some food, and even practice their moves. That night Charizard lights a campfire, and Ash remembers how he met Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur.

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Avsnitt 43 Pace - The Final Frontier!

With Charizard out of the battle for his rematch against Pyramid King Brandon, Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops performs Mean Look again, while Bulbasaur wraps the Ghost-type with Leech Seed. The two Pokémon are evenly matched, but Bulbasaur takes a beating from the Fire-type move Will-O-Wisp and is affected by Confuse Ray, which causes it to use Vine Whip on itself. Because Leech Seed is taking energy from Dusclops and giving it to Bulbasaur, the Grass-type manages to stay in the fight, using SolarBeam to knock Dusclops out.

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Avsnitt 44 Once More With Reeling!

The kids are at Terracotta Town, where May and Max will catch a boat back home to Hoenn. The town happens to be hosting a festival, complete with its very own Pokémon Contest. Ash figures it's unofficial, so he wants to compete. Both Ash and May sign up, with Ash using Pikachu and Sceptile, and May using her Eevee and Combusken. Nurse Joy is the MC, doing her best Lillian impersonation. May goes first, impressing the crowd by having Eevee use Dig and Shadow Ball to create a fireworks display. Ash is equally impressive when Pikachu uses Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, and Iron Tail to create electric rings that buzz around the arena. At the end of the first round, May is in first place with Ash a close second, both of them advancing to the finals against each other.

Pokémon säsong 9 avsnitt 45
Avsnitt 45 Home is Where the Start Is!

The smoke finally clears at the Terracotta Town Pokémon Contest, and the winner is revealed—it is a tie between May and Ash! Both are declared the winner with only one prize medal between the two, so Sceptile cuts it neatly in half. That night, during dinner, May announces her intention to go to Johto and compete in Pokémon Contests. She doesn't want Max to come, though, because she'd depend on her brother too much. Max is sad, but Ash cheers him up by promising to battle some day.

Säsong 10

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Following A Maiden's Voyage!

It's always exciting when new Pokémon Trainers receives their first Pokémon, but for a girl named Dawn, things will be far more exciting than she'd ever imagined! Here in the Sinnoh region, Trainers receive their Pokémon from Professor Rowan, whose lab is near Sandgem Town—but soon after Dawn leaves her home in Twinleaf Town and heads for the lab, she's hopelessly lost. Fortunately, she runs into Professor Rowan on the street and follows him to the lab. But while the Professor was out, his assistants accidentally let two of the starter Pokémon, Chimchar and Pilplup, break out of the lab.

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Two Degrees of Separation!

Dawn and Piplup begin their journey, and enter their first attempts to catch some Pokémon. Although, during those attempts, Dawn and Piplup run into Ash's Pikachu, and Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Ash continues looking for Pikachu and meets back up with Brock, and together they go catch up with Dawn.

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 When Pokémon Worlds Collide!

While searching for Pikachu, Ash and Brock run into a new rival named Paul, who challenges Ash to a battle, but Ash can't compete without Pikachu; Dawn and Piplup meet Ash and Brock, and together they try to rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket.

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Dawn of a New Era!

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." This cannot be more true for Dawn as she now has Ash, a Trainer with many victories, 28 badges and a winner's trophy under his belt and Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader traveling with her now. As she is about to capture a Buneary, she makes mistakes which Ash points out and suddenly she smacks Ash with her Poké Ball. Soon they get into a big fight about it (Doesn't this sound familiar) and (as usual) Brock is in the middle of it. They soon notice the sun being extremely bright and find the cause: A Budew that belongs to a wandering minstrel named Nando, who just started his own journey. As a token of good will he offers Dawn a chance to battle him. How will she fair for her first battle and will she ever get along with Ash?

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Gettin' Twiggy with It!

While heading to the first stop on their journey, Pikachu is captured by Team Rocket and Ash and co. are not far behind. After their balloon popped Team Rocket found Pikachu protected by a Turtwig. When Ash and co. find Pikachu with Turtwig its caretaker, a kindly old lady by the name of Clara, invited them over for lunch. Turns out she's a Pokémon Caretaker and Turtwig (like Bulbasaur before it) is her bodyguard but it really likes Ash. Will Ash accept Turtwig?

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Different Strokes for Different Blokes!

While en route to Jubilife City, Ash and co. encounter Paul again. He declares a Battle with Ash to see if Ash has gotten stronger since their last battle. Will this battle end differently for Ash, or will Paul have the advantage the second time around?

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Like it or Lup It!

The roar of the crowd and the excitement in the air as Dawn prepares to start off her contest debut. Just kidding: it's just Dawn practicing (and failing) her appeals training. Elsewhere, Team Rocket stole some berries that belonged to a Golduck, Wooper, Quagsire and Poliwag. Soon after this group finds Piplup and it agrees to solve the problem. Can this plucky Pokémon settle this dispute diplomatically?

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Gymbaliar!

Still en route to Jubilife City, Ash and co. meet a girl named Minnie who tells the gang about a Gym called the Powerzone Gym. As usual Ash wants in on the Gym Battles so he, Dawn, Brock and Minnie check it out. What kind of Gym is this, and is it authorized by the Sinnoh League?

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Setting the World on its Buneary!

Early one morning, Ash is awoken by Dawn who is having a "Bad Hair Morning". And anyone who dares see her with bedhead will never see another sunrise again! After a Bubble Beam attack Dawn comes out with her hair silky smooth. Later Dawn spots a Buneary, a Pokémon she has tried so hard to capture, but this one seems to be infatuated by Ash's Pikachu. So she freezes everyone but Pikachu with an Ice Beam attack, but Pikachu did not like this and told her off, which broke her little heart. Can Pikachu be able to mend it, and will this Buneary be a part of Dawn's small Pokémon family?

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Not on MY Watch Ya Don't!

Ash and co. finally arrive at Jubilife City, the first stop in Dawn's quest to be a great coordinator. It is there that she learns of a new fad. It's hip, it's hot, it's happenin' it's the Pokétch and, like all girls, Dawn has to have one. She gets one from three clowns only to find out from a smart little boy named Landis that it is a fake. Will she be able to get a real Pokétch, or will she be a trend loser?

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Avsnitt 11 Mounting a Coordinator Assault!

The first of anything can be quite stressful. Dawn has made it to the Jubilife Contest hoping to win her very first ribbon. She meets a girl by the name of Zoey, who has a Glameow just like her mom. She also meet the fabulous Jessilina (Who unbeknownst to her is really Jessie). All eyes focus on newcomer Dawn. Will she have what it takes to make it to the top?

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Avsnitt 12 Arrival of a Rival!

As the Jubilife contest continues, Ash, Dawn, Zoey and Jessilina (aka Jessie) pass with flying colors. But the tension mounds and pressure is really put on Dawn. Will she manage to win her very first contest, or will Zoey manage to win it all?

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Avsnitt 13 A Staravia Is Born!

Ash and the gang find a Pokémon bird-watcher named Rosebay who wonders why the bird Pokémon have been recently disappearing. They decide to investigate at a nearby canyon where they spot Team Rocket capturing multiple bird Pokémon, including Ash's Starly. The gang works together to try and free the bird Pokémon, but will they be able to successfully save Starly from Team Rocket?

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Avsnitt 14 Leave it to Brocko!

When Ash and his friends discover an injured and displaced Nuzleaf in a forest. Seeing that Nuzleaf is lost, they decided to return it to its home. Unfortunately, Team Rocket captures Nuzleaf and takes Brock along with he tries to stop them. However, Brock's quick thinking and culinary skills thwart their plans and helps Nuzleaf get home safe to its friends.

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Avsnitt 15 Shapes of Things to Come!

Ash, Dawn and Brock arrive at Oreburgh City, where Ash is stoked about getting his first Gym Badge. However, not only did Paul get there first but the Gym Leader isn't there. Apparently Roark, the Gym Leader, went to the mines to dig for coal. When they run to meet him he said that he totally forgot his duties as a Gym Leader. When they go back, Roark decides to challenge Paul first. Will Paul be able to beat Roark?

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Avsnitt 16 A Gruff Act to Follow!

After Paul dominated the Oreburgh Gym, Ash had to think about what Pokémon he could use. Naturally he chose Turtwig, Aipom and Pikachu to go up against Roark's Rock-type Pokémon. Will this strategy work, or will history for Ash repeat itself?

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Avsnitt 17 Wild in the Streets!

After Ash suffered a defeat last time, he doesn't let it bother him as he trains with his Pokémon for his rematch with Roark. Meanwhile, Team Rocket resurrects an Aerodactyl that goes nuts and nearly destroys the city. Can Ash be able to face this ancient Pokémon again? And will Dawn be ready for her next contest?

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Avsnitt 18 O'er the Rampardos We Watched!

Ash returns to Oreburgh Gym, ready to challenge Roark again. As the battle starts, Ash quickly surprises everyone when Pikachu manages to take down Onix. As the second battle begins, Ash pits Aipom against Geodude. After a long struggle, Ash manages to beat Geodude, and loses Pikachu and Aipom before the real test begins, defeating Roark's newly evolved Rampardos.

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Avsnitt 19 Twice Smitten, Once Shy!

Dawn catches a Pachirisu but quickly discovers the cute Pokémon may be too feisty to control. Seeing this, Dawn questions her competence as a trainer. Meanwhile, Team Rocket also wants Pachirisu as they try to lure it with food in order to capture it.

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Avsnitt 20 Mutiny in the Bounty!

On the way to Floaroma Town, Ash and the others hear some screaming nearby. At a house, a Pokémon hunter named J has just captured a girl named Melodi and kidnapped her Gardevoir and she quickly flees the scene. Ash gives chase to her, and tries to battle her, only to have Pikachu frozen in stone and stolen just like Gardevoir. They decide to help Officer Jenny and try to help capture J, but eventually she also gets Meowth as well! Before she can take off, Ash, Jessie, and James sneak under her vehicle and follow her to her secret flying base. Now, the reluctant allies must work together to get back their Pokémon from J's clutches.

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Ya See We Want an Evolution!

While they were walking tiredly, Team Rocket once again encounter the Magikarp salesman, not having forgotten how he tricked James into buy several Magikarp. James tries to take his money back until Magikarp salesman convinces Team Rocket to buy an Evolution Machine. Meanwhile, Ash and co. visit Oralie and Haley, two coordinators that claim to have the strongest Magikarp and Feebas ever. After both Ash and Dawn's defeat by Oralie's Magikarp, Team Rocket steals Magikarp, Feebas and Pikachu and tries to evolve them. Will they succeed?

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Avsnitt 22 Borrowing on Bad Faith!

Aipom takes Ash's hat and playfully runs away, but then finds itself in trouble. However, Aipom is saved by Jessie and then convinces Ash to let her use his Pokémon in an upcoming contest. Although, Ash worries that he may lose his Aipom to Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 23 Faced with Steelix Determination!

When Team Rocket was planning their next pitfall trap, their shovels suddenly got stuck in the ground. When they try to pull them out, a Steelix pops out of the ground with the shovels stuck in its head. It grows angry and begins to chase them. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends discover an injured Bidoof. After healing its injuries, they decide to help it go back to its village. However, Team Rocket and the rampaging Steelix come by, forcing them to run into Bidoof's Village. Lucky for them, the Bidoof Village is surrounded by a huge rock wall, but Steelix will be able to break through. Now Ash and the others must find a way to stop Steelix before it destroys the Bidoof Village.

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Avsnitt 24 Cooking Up a Sweet Story!

When a girl named Theresa asks Ash to let Pikachu stand in for her aunt Abigail's lost Pikachu, Sugar, to help her win a baking competition, the ruse seems to work, until Abigail challenges Ash to a Pokémon battle against Pikachu. Will Ash be able to battle his own partner and best friend.

Pokémon säsong 10 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan!

Arriving in Floaroma Town, Dawn drags Ash and Brock to a cooking class to learn how to make a special Pokémon snack food called poffins. Meanwhile, Team Rocket hatches a scheme to get rich selling their own poffins, but a shy Roserade upends their plans.

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Avsnitt 26 Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!

While practicing for the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn reunites with her childhood friend, Kenny, who plans to compete against her. Meanwhile, Jessie sends James and Meowth on a mission to steal a strong Pokémon for her contest appearance.

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Avsnitt 27 Settling a Not-So-Old Score!

The day of the Floaroma Pokémon Contest has arrived as Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and a disguised Jessie are among the Coordinators vying for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon.

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Avsnitt 28 Drifloon on the Wind!

Ash, Dawn and Brock stop at a Pokémon Center run by a Nurse Joy with two young daughters. When Nurse Joy's younger daughter takes off on a Drifloon to find her sister, Ash sets out to save them before a brewing storm causes tragedy.

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Avsnitt 29 The Champ Twins!

Ash and Dawn suffer defeat in a tag battle against two gifted Pokémon trainers dubbed "The Champ Twins". However, Team Rocket steals the twins' Croconaw and Quilava before they can get a rematch.

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Avsnitt 30 Some Enchanted Sweetening!

On their way through Eterna Forest, Ash & Co. meet up with a trainer called Cheryl. She is looking for Sweet Honey so she can get some really rare Pokémon. Having found some Burmy, she learned that it has many different evolved forms. Having obtained three of them, Cheryl is trying to evolve her final Burmy to see what it will become. Team Rocket however have their eyes set on this Worm Family. Will they be stopped?

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Avsnitt 31 The Grass-Type is Always Greener!

After Burmy evolved into Mothim, Ash and co continue through the Eterna Forest where, along the way, they meet Gardenia, an overenthusiastic fan of Grass-type Pokémon. Ash declares a battle with her and she accepts. Will Ash win against this Grass Geek, and could she be the only one?

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Avsnitt 32 An Angry Combeenation!

The quest for the Enchanted Honey concludes when the gang arrives at Amber Castle, which is the home to a hive of Combee and their leader, Queen Vespiquen.

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Avsnitt 33 All Dressed Up with Somewhere to Go!

Ash, Dawn, Brock and Team Rocket enter one of the most popular contest events in the Sinnoh region, the annual Pokémon Dress-Up Contest, a costume competition. The winner of the Dress-Up contest gets a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize.

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Avsnitt 34 Buizel Your Way Out of This!

After hearing about a powerful Buizel thwarting trainers' attempts at capture, Ash, Dawn and Brock decides to do a round of fishing in hopes of finding it. During their fishing round, Ash and friends are joined by Dawn's contest rival, Zoey.

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Avsnitt 35 An Elite Meet and Greet!

As our Heroes continue to Eterna City and Ash's second Sinnoh Gym battle challenge, they meet up with Lucian, a member of the Sinnoh Elite 4, who helps Dawn develop her training relationship with her newly caught Buizel.

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Avsnitt 36 A Secret Sphere of Influence!

Ash and co. finally arrive in Eterna City, where Ash hopes to earn his second badge. However, they are delayed by a trip to the museum where Ash meets not only the Eterna city Officer Jenny, but is reacquainted with the Viridian City Jenny. They also run into Nando and Gardenia, who is Eterna's Gym Leader. They learn that Team Rocket plans to steal the Adamant Orb. Can our heroes stop them, and who is really behind this theft?

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Avsnitt 37 The Grass Menagerie!

The time has come again. Ash is now ready for his Gym Battle with Gardenia, and this time, it's official. Knowing what to expect from her after their last battle, will Ash be able to prune Gardenia's team, or will his team be pushing up daisies?

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Avsnitt 38 One Big Happiny Family!

Enroute from Eterna City, Brock's egg starts to glow. Finding a nearby Nurse Joy and await the egg to hatch. Happiny hatches from the egg and immediately takes a shine to Brock. Lacking a White Rock however, Brock goes out to find one. However, Team Rocket have their eyes set on Brock's new Pink Pokémon. Can the new Pokémon be protected?

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Avsnitt 39 Steamboat Willies!

On their way to Hearthome City for Dawn's next Pokémon Contest and Ash's next Gym battle, they let their Pokémon play in a steamboat while they go shopping. However, the steamboat ends up running away with only Ash, Brock and Dawn's Pokémon still on board, which presents everyone with a real crisis.

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Avsnitt 40 Top-Down Training!

While Ash and co. are at a Pokémon Center and watch a battle between Cynthia the Sinnoh League Champion and Lucian, member of the Sinnoh's Elite Four, they hear that Cynthia is nearby. When they finally meet her, Paul appears and challenges her to a six-on-six full battle. Cynthia agrees and the battle starts. Will Paul be able to win against Cynthia and her strongest Pokémon, Garchomp?

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Avsnitt 41 A Stand-Up Sit-Down!

The gang comes to the aid of Dawn's friend and rival, Zoey, who injured her leg while training. After hearing that the next contest in Hearthome city is gonna be a double performance, where the coordinators must perform with two Pokémon at the same time, Zoey helps Dawn train for the Pokémon Contest.

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Avsnitt 42 The Electrike Company!

When the gang comes across a breeder having difficulty training a struggling but gifted Electrike, Brock decides to teach him how to handle electric-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, Jessie wants to steal Electrike, but faces unusual resistance from James and Meowth.

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Avsnitt 43 Malice in Wonderland!

What appears to be a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate to a world where the gang's dreams all come true. However, they begin to realize that a Pokémon has them in a hypnotic trance.

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Avsnitt 44 Mass Hip-po-sis!

Ash, Dawn and Brock discover a lost Hippopotas and set off to return it to its herd. However, they have to fend off Team Rocket's attacks and the Hippopotas' sleep-inducing ability to succeed in their quest.

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Avsnitt 45 Ill-Will Hunting!

As our Heroes continue towards Hearthome City, Ash reunites with his old friend and rival, Gary Oak. However, they have to work together in order to save a rare Shieldon from the evil clutches of Pokémon Hunter J.

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Avsnitt 46 A Maze-ing Race!

Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, Ash and his friends take a side trip to get an upgrade for Dawn's Poketch. Unfortunately, they ended up getting trapped in a dangerous maze, courtesy of Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 47 Sandshrew's Locker!

A girl named Mira offers to use her Abra to teleport Ash, Dawn and Brock to Hearthome City, but it takes them to a lake instead. Mira explains that she needs their help to retrieve her submerged Sandshrew, which an ornery Gyarados fiercely guards.

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Avsnitt 48 Satoshi and Hikari! Head for a New Adventure!!

A clip show unaired outside of Japan summarizing the important events of the first 47 Diamond and Pearl episodes, including Satoshi's (Ash's) victories over Hyouta (Roark) and Natane (Gardenia) and the introductions of new rivals Shinji (Paul) and Nozomi (Zoey). On their way to Hearthome City, Ash, Dawn and Brock recall their adventures together so far.

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Avsnitt 49 Dawn's Early Night!

Arriving in Hearthome City, Ash and Brock enter a tag battle, after the latter finds out that the Gym Leader isn't there to challenge Trainers to a battle. Meanwhile, Dawn competes against Nando, Zoey and Jessilina in the Hearthome City Pokémon Contest. However, Dawn finds herself in a discouraging situation.

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Avsnitt 50 Tag! We're It...!

Through a suggestion from Zoey in order to help her recover from her early exist at the Hearthome contest, Dawn participate in the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition with Ash and Brock. During opening day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition, Ash, Dawn and Brock learn who they will partner with. However, Ash discovers his teammate is his rival Paul.

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Avsnitt 51 Glory Blaze!

Paul's abuse on Chimchar becomes dangerous to its health and causes it to collapse from exhausted during training. However, despite everyone's protest and waring to let Chimchar rest, Pauls enters it into the second day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle anyway. The harrowing battle leads to a fateful decision for Chimchar.

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Avsnitt 52 Smells Like Team Spirit!

After Paul abandoned Chimchar, Ash offers it a new chance, join his team. Chimchar accepts Ash's invitation to join his team. Ash battles alongside Paul in the tournament semifinals against Brock and Holly. They make it to the finals, where they are matched up against Dawn and Conway.

Säsong 11

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Tears for Fears!

After a practice battle between Ash's Chimchar and Dawn's Piplup, Chimchar begins to cry because Ash was nice to it even though it lost, and Paul wasn't. Things get worse when a trio of Zangoose attack and Chimchar has to face its fear and eventually defeats them and overcomes its fear of Zangoose. Chimchar also receives some unexpected advice from Meowth about the future.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Once There Were Greenfields

Gardenia reappears in a town, organizing a special exhibition battle for the town's children. She teams herself with James of Team Rocket in a match against Ash and Dawn. She proposes that James should leave his Cacnea with her to train when he is unable to use it to its full potential. He eventually decides to accept the offer.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Throwing the Track Switch

Buizel is more interested in Ash's gym training, and Aipom is more interested in Dawn's contest training. Thus, Zoey suggests that Ash and Dawn do a trade.

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Avsnitt 4 The Keystone Pops!

After Ash's Buizel destroys the Hallowed Tower, a Spiritomb is unleashed and attacks Ash, Dawn, Brock and a nearby village. Then Jessie tells it that Ash is a descendant of the Aura Guardian that coincidentally has a Pikachu, that sealed it away. So Ash sets out to stop the Spiritomb and with Pikachu's help, they seal it away in the Hallowed Tower.

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Avsnitt 5 Bibarel Gnaws Best!

Ash's group encounters a Pokémon Breeder working on the construction of a stone bridge. The woman is arguing with the bridge's designer because of their Pokémon assistant Bibarel's refusal to work. After the stone cutter returns, Bibarel begins to construct the bridge, with help from the gang.

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Avsnitt 6 Nosing 'Round the Mountain!

Ash battles Alan, a trainer that wants his Nosepass to evolve into a Probopass, but it can only evolve if it levels up in Mt. Coronet. When it does, Team Rocket brainwashes it and now Ash & Co. have to get it back.

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Avsnitt 7 Luxray Vision!

Ash encounter a young Officer Jenny named Marble and her Luxray. Luxray is unable to use its electric moves, so Ash & Co. set out to help it.

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Avsnitt 8 Journey to the Unown!

In Solaceon Town, Ash's group meets up with Dawn's old friend and rival Kenny and his new Pokémon, Breloom. Kenny tells them he is going to the Solaceon Ruins, a place of worship for the legendary Dialga and Palkia, so they tag along, only to get more than they bargained for when the Unown that live in the ruins become furious along with the appearance of the sinister Team Galactic. Among the chaos, Aipom evolves into Ambipom

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Avsnitt 9 Team Shocker!

Dawn competes against Kenny in the Solaceon Town Contest, looking for redemption after her crushing loss in Hearthome City. Jessie of course enters. Dawn loses once again and Kenny and Jessie face-off in the finals. Jessie defeats Kenny and wins her first ribbon. Zoey tells Dawn that the overuse of Swift caused Ambipom to be no longer seen and the point of an Appeal is to show off the Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 10 Tanks for the Memories!

On their way to Veilstone City, Ash and his friends stop off at the Mountain Hut Maid Café for a nice drink of Miltank's Milk. However, when they arrive, they learn of the troubles the Café is having, being under-staffed. Ash and his friends offer their services and soon become Maids in the Café. Brock helps Autumn, the youngest of three sisters bond with her Miltank, Ilta. All the while Dawn is trying deal with her feelings of losing a contest for a second time.

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Avsnitt 11 Hot Springing a Leak!

Ash and his friends stop at a Hot Spring managed by Dawn's childhood friend, Leona. Both girls are happy to meet again, but when Dawn and her friends want to go to the hot springs, they find out that there isn't any water. Because no water is coming from the spring, the group want to investigate, along with Leona and her Swinub.

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Avsnitt 12 Riding the Winds of Change!

Ash and company visit a town where it is plagued with a group of Gligar led by a Gliscor. Ash and friends help Officer Jenny try to remove the flying Pokémon, while Ash's rival Paul sets his eyes on capturing Gliscor. In the end, Paul captures the Gliscor on his team, and Ash captures one of the Gligar that keeps showing up.

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Avsnitt 13 Sleight of Sand!

When our heroes' Pokémon are having a fun time in a sandpit, a Hippowdon appears from within. However, the over-curious Pachirisu can't help peeping into the Hippowdon's mouth and accidentally falls into it. The situation gets worse when Hippowdon becomes the target of the Team Rocket duo Butch and Cassidy.

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Avsnitt 14 Lost Leader Strategy!

In the forest just outside Veilstone City, the group witness a young female martial-artist and a Lucario in a fierce battle. The girl is revealed to be Maylene, the city's Gym Leader, at which point Ash immediately asks for a Gym Battle. However, she recently lost to Ash's rival Paul, and is depressed over her defeat. Further insight into the matter is revealed by Reggie, Paul's older brother. Reggie also helps Ash's Staravia learn Brave Bird.

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Avsnitt 15 Crossing the Battle Line!

Dawn challenges the gym leader of Veilstone City, Maylene, in hopes of helping Maylene get over her defeat. Maylene defeats Dawn and she and her Lucario regain their confidence.

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Avsnitt 16 A Triple Fighting Chance!

Maylene finally accepts Ash's challenge. Ash uses Staravia, Chimchar, and Buizel against Machoke, Meditite, and Lucario. The battle between Buizel and Lucario ends up in a tie but Maylene still gives Ash the Cobble Badge.

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Avsnitt 17 Enter Galactic!

With Ash acquiring the Cobble Badge, our heroes decide to spend the night in Veilstone City before heading out. Reggie takes the group to a park with several meteoric stones lie. However, Team Galactic appears and try to steal them for their world domination plans.

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Avsnitt 18 The Bells Are Singing!

While training Gligar, Ash hears singing. When they look to see who is singing, they meet a magician named Francesca and her three Chingling. Francesca is trying to get her spoiled Chingling to have a better attitude.

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Avsnitt 19 Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1

On their travels, Ash and his friends meet up with another Pokémon Ranger—Kellyn—and a Riolu. It turns out that Hunter J is after Riolu, due to its ability to use Aura Sphere before evolving. Ash and Riolu start to bond with their shared Aura, but J is insistent on getting it. This episode relates to the secret mission in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, from which the player can transfer a Riolu that knows Aura Sphere to their copy of Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.

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Avsnitt 20 Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2

Hunter J has managed to kidnap Riolu. But despite that, Riolu, reveals his whereabouts to Ash, using its Aura. With Rangers Kellyn and Solana joining them, Ash and his friends go to hunt down Hunter J and get Riolu back. However, J is far more formidable than anyone could have anticipated. Will Ash and friends be able to return Riolu back to its kingdom?

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Avsnitt 21 Crossing Paths

Ash and Co. arrive at a lakeside Pokémon Center. Jessie's Dustox sees a shiny Dustox, and follows it to the lake. Jessie releases her Dustox, allowing it to mate. This is related to the Season 1 episode 21, "Bye Bye Butterfree" where Ash releases his Butterfree so it can mate with a pink Butterfree.

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Avsnitt 22 Pika and Goliath!

Ash and his friends meet Sho, a boy who has a Pichu and a Raichu. He mistakes Ash's Pikachu for a wild Pokémon. Just like at the Vermillion City Gym, Ash and Pikachu have the option again to evolve Pikachu to Raichu, after a loss to a stronger opponent. Paul witnesses this defeat and scolds Ash for losing to such an opponent, but manages to redeem himself of that defeat in a rematch.

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Avsnitt 23 Our Cup Runneth Over!

Ash, Brock and Dawn meet the Champion of the Hoenn Region, Wallace. He says he will be holding a Pokémon Contest and the winner receives a ribbon that can be used anywhere. The group spends the day with him, resulting in advice from Wallace for Dawn to play with her Pokémon more and for Ash to enter Buizel in the contest. At the end of the episode, Ash receives a phone call from his friend, May.

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Avsnitt 24 A Full Course Tag Battle!

Ash and Brock's old friend May, still training to become a Top Coordinator, visits Sinnoh for the Wallace Cup. Upon arrival at the Seven Stars Restaurant, they find out that only those who win a tag-battle against the restaurant's owners can eat there. Ash partners with Brock and win the double combat with a single move. Before Dawn and May's combat, Team Rockets steals all food from the restaurant. May and Dawn partner up and defeat both the Team Rocket and the restaurant's owners, the later by using Blaziken and Piplup together to create a fantastic fire/water combination. There is a cameo from Drew, Harley, and Max.

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Avsnitt 25 Staging a Heroes' Welcome!

Ash and his friends have arrived at the Lake Resort where the Wallace Cup will take place. Zoey also arrives, and competes, too. Right when the contest began, Dawn becomes nervous and has trouble keeping her composure. Meanwhile, May decides to enter with Wartortle, and Ash enters with Buizel. There are cameos of Drew, Harley, Max, Norman, Caroline, and Solidad.

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Avsnitt 26 Pruning a Passel of Pals!

At night, Ash takes a walk near the Lake Valor with Pikachu when suddenly, something in the center of the lake begins to glow, and it turns out that Azelf appears. When Ash tries to approach it, the shadow disappears again. The next day, the second round of the Wallace Cup begins. May's Venusaur is then revealed, and there is a cameo appearance of May's Skitty battling in the second round. Dawn, May and Zoey make it to the semi finals but Ash loses to a tough coordinator called Kyle. After it is Dawn's turn to battle Kyle in the semi-final, she uses Piplup against his Crawdaunt. There are cameos of Norman, Caroline, Max, Kenny and Paul.

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Avsnitt 27 Strategy with a Smile!

Dawn beats Kyle and May beats Zoey in the semi finals and both have to battle in the finals. In the finals, Dawn faces-off against May in the Wallace Cup. Dawn uses Piplup and May uses her Glaceon. Dawn manages to narrowly defeat May's Glaceon by a fraction. After the contest ends, Dawn earns her second Ribbon! Now that the contest is over, May departs from Ash, Dawn, and Brock once again and goes back to Johto.

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Avsnitt 28 The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!

When on their way to Pastoria City, Ash and friends meet a trainer named Tyler that wants to catch a Yanma. But Team Rocket ends up catching it after he weakened it. After Jessie captures the Yanma and sends it to Giovanni, who rejects it, she decides to train it herself and it quickly evolves into Yanmega.

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Avsnitt 29 Chim-Charred!

Ash and co. are running after Gligar who has been blown away by a gust, and promptly run into Paul. After a huge argument about their different ways of treating Pokémon, Ash challenges Paul to a battle. But when Chimchar is battling Paul's Ursaring, it activates an overpowering blaze. Chimchar also gets confused and starts randomly attacking anyone in its path.

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Avsnitt 30 Cream of the Croagunk Crop!

After Ash & Co. arrive in Pastoria City, Crasher Wake refuses Ash's request for a battle because he has to take care of something. They tag along and find out there is a Croagunk Festival in the Pastoria Great Marsh.

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Avsnitt 31 A Crasher Course in Power!

At the Pastoria Gym Ash challenges Crasher Wake to a 3-on-3 Gym Battle using Pikachu, Turtwig and Buizel, while Wake uses Gyarados, Quagsire, and Floatzel. However, Pikachu accidentally shocks Buizel and this causes them to argue which makes a difficulty in helping Ash defeat Wake. Suddenly, thanks to that Buizel had rescued Pikachu from the attack; their argument concludes. Ash manages to defeat Wake and he earns the Fen Badge.

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Avsnitt 32 Hungry for the Good Life!

A Swinub shows up at Mr. Backlot's mansion and starts to eat all the Poffins. Dawn tries to stop it by making her own Poffins for Swinub. Dawn ends up capturing Swinub at the end of the episode.

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Avsnitt 33 Fighting Fear with Fear!

Ash continues his training with Gligar, but finds out it has become fearful of battles since the battle against Paul's Gliscor. The group meets Gary again, and Ash asks Gary to help him solve the problem with Gligar, and Gary gives Ash a Razor Fang, which makes Gligar evolve into Gliscor.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 34
Avsnitt 34 Arriving in Style!

Ash and friends return to Hearthome City to challenge the Gym Leader who was gone during their last visit. However, they hear that the Gym Leader is still gone, making Ash unable to have his fifth Gym Battle. The group meets Paris, a Pokémon Stylist, and her Lopunny. She suggests that Dawn should enter the Hearthome Collection, a famous fashion show.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 The Psyduck Stops Here!

While traveling through a deep valley, Ash and friends encounter a swarm of Psyduck in the middle of a road. Upon trying to pass them, the Psyduck suddenly start attacking them, and to make things worse, when ash and team try to battle them there are too many to battle so ash sneaks behind them with the help of gliscor only to know that psyduck is trying to protect their families who are waiting to hatch their eggs and doesn't want people to interrupt. when team rocket tries to steal the pokemon with the help of psyduck they manage to blow them away and saves the day. Ash and team goes to check psyduck's home lake they find mug has taken the lake, ash and team fights the group of mug and takes back the lake for psyduck

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Camping it Up!

When Ash & Co. are invited to attend a Pokémon Academy, they decide to enter it. For their first task, they choose a PokéBall that contains a Pokémon inside. The trainer then has to train the Pokémon and be able to use it in battle. The gang then meets Angie, and meets Conway again.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 37
Avsnitt 37 Up Close and Personable!

While at a Pokémon Academy, Ash, Dawn, Brock, Angie, and Conway find that their Pokémon are becoming hypnotized when they go near a lake. So they decide to go and investigate what's going on.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 38
Avsnitt 38 Ghoul Daze!

While Ash and friends are training at the Summer Academy, they are taught how to deal with Ghost-Type Pokémon, should they ever run into them. They are then paired up to find a hidden treasure. While searching, Conway has a run-in with a Dusknoir.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 39
Avsnitt 39 One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!

After the Trainers are finished with the training, they must use a Pokémon to bring them across a rigorous track to the finish line. Finally after a tough competition Ash and Pikachu came first, and Angie and Shinx came second which led to the victory of the red team. Everyone is given a certificate. They said good bye, and the team continued their journey.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!

On their way to Celestic Town, Ash and his friends have to take Piplup to the Pokémon Center after it collapsed from over-excessive training. Meanwhile, Team Rocket, who were following the group on a slope, decide to have lunch in a luxury restaurant. But then Jessie notices that Meowth's golden charm is buried under rolls of flab. The trio now realizes that, due to them having led a rich and luxurious life ever since they had earned the money at the summer school, they have become lazy and grown a lot in flesh. Wanting to return to their former "sharp and cool" shapes, they start a harsh training session.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 41
Avsnitt 41 Playing the Leveling Field!

Zoey is facing a critical situation against a very tough coordinator. With her Glameow confused, the battle ends quickly. Ash and co. cheer for Zoey who was defeated by the mysterious trainer. This mysterious trainer is none other than Fantina, who like Hoenn's Juan is a coordinator and the Hearthome Gym Leader. Ash requests that he battle her and she accepts. How will this battle turn out? And can it prepare Ash for his actual Gym Battle?

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 42
Avsnitt 42 Doc Brock!

Brock is away on an errand. When they can't handle it, they send Gliscor to bring Brock back. Brock finds he can't carry Gliscor back, as it can't glide in the wind going the opposite direction, and leaves it, promising to return for it. At the end of the episode, the gang comically realizes that they left Gliscor behind, and scene shows a frustrated Gliscor with a long way to go.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 43
Avsnitt 43 Battling the Generation Gap!

Dawn has entered the latest contest held in Celestic Town. Dawn meets her mother's old rival Yuri, that wants to win this contest. When she and her mom's rival "Lila" (Yuri in Japanese version) come face to face in the Finals of the contest Dawn has to give it all she has to win. Dawn wins the Celestic Town ribbon and her third contest ribbon.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 44
Avsnitt 44 Losing Its Lustrous!

Commander Mars and Cyrus (not known yet by Ash and co. that he is a part of Team Galactic) debuted in the anime along with Commander Saturn and the other Galactic grunts . In this episode, they steal the Lustrous Orb and the Adamant Orb from the Celestic Town museum for the power to awake Dialga and Palkia in their future plans.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 45
Avsnitt 45 Double Team Turnover!

In this episode Commander Jupiter is introduced. Ash and the gang are helped by Cynthia to stop Team Galactic from stealing the Lustrous Orb and the Adamant Orb, but they fail because they had no idea how large Team Galactic was.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 46
Avsnitt 46 If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!

Arriving back in Solaceon Town, the gang meet up with Angie at her Parent's Daycare. She tells them her parents are gone for a while, so she leaves the daycare to her for a while. Ash and the gang tell her about the strange monster terrorizing Solaceon Town. She later reveals that the monster is a Lickilicky that she evolved from a Lickitung which she taught it Rollout. So the gang goes out and helps her find the Lickilicky and bring it back. At the end of the episode, it is revealed the Angie may have a crush on Ash.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 47
Avsnitt 47 A Trainer and Child Reunion!

As Ash and the gang are heading back to Hearthome City, they encounter Aaron, a member of the Elite Four. They see that he's training his bug Pokémon, but also himself. He explains to the gang that he's trying to look for a Wurmple he released as a child as he felt it could become stronger on its own, but he wants him back. The gang offers to help Aaron look for his released Wurmple. They find Aaron's Wurmple, but since then it has evolved into Beautifly. The two become a team again. In the end, Aaron happily says thank you and a farewell, and Ash and his friends head on to Hearthome City.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 48
Avsnitt 48 Aiding the Enemy!

Ash has a battle with Paul. Choosing a one-on-one battle, Paul chooses Honchkrow, and Ash chooses Turtwig. Honchkrow manages to drive Turtwig into a corner, but at the last moment, Turtwig evolves into Grotle. However, Grotle loses all its agility and loses to Honchkrow anyway. Paul then reveals to Ash that he has already obtained the Hearthome City gym badge. Afterwards, Brock confronts Paul that he met his older brother Reggie over a missing Frontier Brain symbol, which in turn, partially reveals Paul's captious nature of becoming strong. Grotle gets up late that night and unsuccessfully tries to regain its agility. Paul's Torterra shows up and comforts Grotle by showing it that speed isn't everything about battles. Torterra tells Grotle that it can also rely on defense. Torterra shows an example with Ash's Gliscor using a Steel Wing straight to the head. Torterra emerges unscathed, and Grotle resumes to its normal behavior.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 49
Avsnitt 49 Barry's Busting Out All Over!

Upon arriving at the Hearthome Gym, Ash and his friends run into Barry, a trainer from Twinleaf Town. Barry turns out to be an admirer of Paul, whom he saw when watching the Double Battle Tournament. Ash challenges Barry to a Pokémon battle. Ash chooses Chimchar, Gliscor, and Pikachu, against Barry's Staraptor, Roserade, and Empoleon. Ash manages to narrowly defeat Barry, finishing off Empoleon with Pikachu's Volt Tackle.

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 50
Avsnitt 50 Shield with a Twist!

The Gym battle between Ash and the Hearthome Gym Leader Fantina has begun. Ash chooses Buizel to battle Gengar, Chimchar to battle Mismagius, and Pikachu to battle Driftblim. Using his new counter-shield strategy Buizel defeats Gengar, Chimchar defeats Mismagius but Pikachu gets defeated by Driftblim when Fantina uses her own strategy against him, Buizel also gets defeated by Driftblim, but Chimchar finally defeats Driftblim, and Ash wins the Relic Badge. Barry, having seen Ash defeat a Gym Leader he lost to, declares that Ash is a rival if Ash can beat the leader of the Canalave Gym. Meanwhile, Jessie, as her alter ego, Jessilina, wins her second ribbon using her Yanmega in the Majolica Town Contest!

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 51
Avsnitt 51 Jumping Rocket Ship!

Ash and company, along with Barry, take a ride in a blimp to Canalave City. When they arrive, Team Rocket, disguised as photographers, trick them into taking a picture of all of their Pokémon, which actually turns out to be a net to kidnap them. The Pokémon fight back to attempt to escape, and everyone's Pokémon (including Team Rocket's) gets blown away into the sky in the process and they all get separated. A chase ensues when Team Rocket declares that whomever should find the Pokémon first, gets to keep them all. When Meowth is grouped with Pikachu, Pachirisu, and Mime Jr. after the explosion, he considers leaving Team Rocket for good. Can all of the Pokémon find their trainers?

Pokémon säsong 11 avsnitt 52
Avsnitt 52 Sleepless in Pre-Battle

The group heads to the Canalave Gym, but they are told that the Gym Leader isn't there right now. At a police station, the group is told by Officer Jenny that all the people in the town are having nightmares, and that the cause of the nightmares seems to be the Pokémon Darkrai. Also, Dawn's Swinub evolves into Piloswine in order to stop Team Rocket from stealing Cresselia.

Säsong 12

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Get Your Rotom Running!

Ash and company arrive at the gym, but the gym leader is out training on Iron Island. In the meantime, the town is suffering from nightmares and no one is getting any sleep.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 A Breed Stampede!

As Ash continues training for his gym battle. Dawn tries to train with her newly evolved Piloswine, and learns that her Pokemon isn't as receptive as its non-evolved form.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Ancient Family Matters!

Ash gets word that the gym leader has returned. Roark, the gym leader from Oreburg City has come to challenge his father, Byron the Canalave City gym leader. With Roark using Rampardos and Byron using Bastiodon, who will win the battle?

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Dealing With Defensive Types!

With Oreburgh Gym Leader Roark as referee, Ash starts his 3-on-3 Gym battle against Byron, Canalave's fossil-loving Gym Leader. Byron's first Pokémon is the Steel-and-Psychic Bronzor, so Ash sends out Chimchar, a Fire-type Pokémon. But Bronzor's Ability, Heatproof, helps protect it against Chimchar's Fire attacks, and then it uses Rain Dance to rain on Chimchar's parade! Chimchar refuses to give up, and uses Flame Wheel in a head-on charge against Bronzor's Gyro Ball—the hit knocks out Bronzor, but Chimchar barely manages to stay on its feet!

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Leading a Stray!

A Wailord blockage has trapped the boats in Canalave's harbor, and that means Dawn can't take a ferry to her next Contest. There's nothing to do but sit down for lunch, but a wild Luxio and its Pokémon accomplices steal the food! Pikachu and Piplup give chase, but run straight into Team Rocket. As always, Team Rocket tries to grab Pikachu, but Ash catches up with them and escapes into the sewer with his buddy. Piplup uses Whirlpool to toss Team Rocket, and now it's up to Ash to find his way back to his friends. As he wanders the sewers, he comes across the Luxio and its pals. They stole the food to feed a stranded Wailmer that somehow ended up in the sewer!

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Steeling Peace of Mind!

On Iron Island, Ash's rival Barry is training with his Empoleon and Heracross when Empoleon suddenly turns on its Trainer. Barry calls Ash and Dawn, who are still in Canalave Town, to tell them what happened—other Pokémon on Iron Island are acting strangely, too! Ash and his friends catch the next ferry to Iron Island, with Team Rocket following them in secret, but Barry has already gone out to explore the island. Whatever is happening, only Steel-type Pokémon are affected, but why?

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Saving the World from Ruins!

Ash and company continue their struggle to stop Team Galactic's latest scheme, which is somehow affecting steel type Pokemon. They learn this is just part of Team Galactic's overall plan.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Cheers on Castaways Isle!

Pikachu and Piplup get themselves stranded on an island where they discover a Corphish and several Mantykes taking care to a mysterious egg.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Hold the Phione!

As Dawn prepares for the next contest, the adventurers try to spot a rare Phione. One Phione becomes attracted to one of Dawn's Pokemon.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Another One Gabites the Dust!

Dawn enters the Chocovine town Pokemon contest and meets a tough trainer named Ursula. Will she win her 4th ribbon?

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Stealing the Conversation!

Team Rocket steals Officer Jenny's Chatot.

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Avsnitt 12 The Drifting Snorunt!

A Froslass holds Meowth and Piplup captive and will only release them when her friend, a Snowrunt is returned.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Noodles! Roamin' Off!

Meowth decides to leave Team Rocket to become a Noodle Chef, which prompts the other members to pursue their own goals.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Pursuing a Lofty Goal!

Ash enters a Poke Ringer contest with Staravia. Paul also enters the competition.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Trials and Adulations!

Dawn encounters an Agron and become separated from Ash and Brock. When one of her Pokemon is injured fighting the Agron, she must use everything she's learned to heal her Pokemon

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 The Mysterious Creatures, Pokémon!

The friends travel toward Snowpoint City.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 The Lonely Snover!

Ash and company encounter a Snover who longs for companionship.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Stopped in the Name of Love!

Piplup seems to be worn out lately. They notice Piplup starts to glow. Everyone is excited by the prospect of Piplup evolving, except for Piplup.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Old Rivals, New Tricks!

Dawn enters the Sandlestraw contest.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!

Ash and Dawn enter a Pokemon Ping Pong Contest. After the contest, a trainer approaches Dawn and asks if he can train Ambipom for Ping Pong Contests.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Battling a Cute Drama!

The group encounters a Pokemon Trainer who doesn't appear to realize what Pokemon battles are about, and try to teach her what's really important.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Classroom Training!

Ash and company meet up with Zoey in Snowpoint City. The Gym Leader convinces Ash to teach a Pokemon class before their battle.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Sliding Into Seventh!

Ash finally arrives at Snowpoint Gym for his battle with Candice. This gym will be different from his previous gym challenges, with each trainer using 4 Pokémon each. Can Ash defeat Candice and win his seventh badge?

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 A Pyramiding Rage!

Following Ash's victory at the Snowpoint City Gym against the Gym Leader Candice, who should appear out of nowhere but Ash's rival Paul! Asking for a Battle with Candice as well, Paul is told he'll have to wait until the following day. But suddenly Paul's brother Reggie appears, and also - none other than the Kanto Frontier Brain from the Battle Pyramid, Brandon! Knowing that the only challenge Reggie ever made in his career as a Trainer that wasn't successful was when he challenged Brandon, Paul immediately challenges Brandon on the spot, vowing to beat him and ...

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Pillars of Friendship!

Some Pokemon hunters attack a Temple and awaken a legendary Pokemon. The Pokemon goes on a rampage. Ash helps Brandon effort to calm the enraged Pokemon.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 Frozen on Their Tracks!

The group takes a train to their next destination. The train takes an unexpected stop. Team Rocket tries to take advantage of the situation.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 27
Avsnitt 27 Pedal to the Mettle!

Ash and friends arrive at Lake Acuity, the site where Ash and Paul will have their full 6-vs-6 battle. After healing his Pokémon, Ash meets up with Paul and the two begin their long awaited battle. Who will ultimately be victorious?

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 28
Avsnitt 28 Evolving Strategies!

Ash and Paul continue their 6-on-6 battle. With both teams fighting extremely hard it could be anyone's match, so Paul calls out his newly evolved Magmortar, hoping it will secure him victory.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 29
Avsnitt 29 Uncrushing Defeat!

With all of his Pokémon weak and injured from the battle with Paul, Ash rushes to the Pokémon Center in order to get them healed. Nurse Joy does not, however, have the berry needed to properly heal Monferno. Brock decides to help and heads to Lake Acuity to find it. While at the lake, something strange happens.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 30
Avsnitt 30 Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!

Dawn decides to start training for the next Pokemon Contest with Mamoswine. However, despite overcoming its disobedience, Mamoswine still won't battle. Things turn bad when Mamoswine runs into a forest and Dawn chases after it.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Beating the Bustle and Hustle!

Dawn's favorite television program Pokémon Hustle was employing actors near the group's location, and, naturally, Dawn was eager for the chance to take part and therefore she, Ash and Brock decided to check the program out.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 32
Avsnitt 32 Gateway to Ruin!

While returning a wild Shellos to its herd, the adventurers encounter Team Galactic as they're trying to unearth some ruins.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 33
Avsnitt 33 Three Sides to Every Story

Piplup and a wild Elekid compete over the affections of a Maril.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 34
Avsnitt 34 Strategy Begins at Home!

The adventurers stay with Dawn's mother as Dawn prepares for the next Pokemon contest. Dawn challenges her mother to a battle.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 35
Avsnitt 35 A Faux Oak Finish!

Professor Oak arrives in Twin Leaf Town to give a lecture. But he gets distracted by some Pokemon, who need his assistance. Team Rocket attempts to take advantage of the situation.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 36
Avsnitt 36 Historical Mystery Tour

As the Twin Leaf festival draws to a close, Ash, Dawn and Barry encounter a Xatu and wind up miniaturized and trying to find a way to return to normal.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 37
Avsnitt 37 Challenging a Towering Figure

The Twin Leaf Town festival draws to a close. Only one person can challenge Palmer, Barry's father, and one of the Battle Frontier Brains from Sinou.

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Avsnitt 38 Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!

The young adventurers and Team Rocket encounter a mischievous Togepi.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 39
Avsnitt 39 An Egg Scramble!

While they are traveling, Ash and friends meet Lyra and Khoury, who are from the Johto region. Dawn and Lyra have a battle in which Dawn wins and gets an egg, which hatches into a Cyndaquil.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 40
Avsnitt 40 Gone With the Windworks!

Lyra and Khoury have joined Ash, Dawn and Brock on their journey across the Sinnoh region. However, while Dawn trains for the Lilypad Town Pokémon contest with her Cyndaquil battling Ash's Grotle (with Piplup stealing Cyndaquil's poffin and getting into a fight), Lyra loses her Marill, which seems to have gone to the Valley Windworks. The group make for the Windworks immediately, but Magnemite appears out of nowhere and attacks. Then, they find Marill in the basement storage room only to get locked in. After a few unsuccessful attempts to open the locked door, Ash and his friends are finally free after Pikachu cancels the lockdown by using Thunderbolt on Team Rocket and restoring power to the Windworks. Having found Lyra's Marill, Ash and his friends are confronted by Team Rocket and their giant Magcargo Cannon, but Pikachu saves the day by using Thunderbolt. (Piplup pushes Cyndaquil to the side an gets into another fight)

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 41
Avsnitt 41 A Rivalry to Gible On!

Ash and Khoury compete for a wild Gible, who likes to play tricks on everyone, so Ash with his Buizel and Khoury with Totodile, try to compete to capture the wild Gible. At the end, Khoury catches the Gible as his first Sinnoh Pokémon.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 42
Avsnitt 42 Dressed for Jess Success!

As the Lilypad Town Contest begins, Jessie gets sick and James takes her place in the contest. Dawn uses Piplup in the first round and James uses Meowth. Dawn and James both make it to the Semi-Final Round and compete for the Suiren Ribbon. Dawn uses Mamoswine for the battle round and James uses Carnivine. Dawn's Mamoswine uses a new strategy with Ice Shard as Grotle swallows energy ball a few episodes ago '(Episode 609)', but still she loses to James. In the final round, James wins the contest and gives the ribbon to Jessie.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 43
Avsnitt 43 Bagged Then Tagged!

Ash and Dawn have a tag battle against Lyra and Khoury. Ash sends out Monferno and Dawn sends out Cyndaquil. Lyra sends out Chikorita and Khoury sends out Totodile. During the battle, Totodile evolves into Croconaw. Ash's Monferno finishes up with Mach Punch and defeats Croconaw and Monferno teams up with Cyndaquil using Flamethrower and Flame Wheel. Ash and Dawn eventually win the battle, and Lyra and Khoury leave the group and go back to Johto, but not before Khoury's father gives Brock the Pokégear as a thanking present to them by showing Lyra and Khoury a little bit of Sinnoh.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 44
Avsnitt 44 Try for the Family Stone!

A young boy with a Murkrow and a young girl with a Misdreavus compete for a Dusk Stone to evolve their respective Pokémon into either Honchkrow or Mismagius.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 45
Avsnitt 45 Sticking with Who You Know!

A Pokémon scientist creates a love machine which will create a friendship between his water and electric Pokémon (Quagasire and Magnemite) but a flaw in it creates the friendship between the water and electric Pokémon all over that area. Unfortunately, Ash's Pikachu and Dawn's Piplup also comes under this area, thus becoming literally inseparable. The team somehow finds about this machine and helps the scientist to achieve his goal without the machine, thus helping their Pokémon to be free from their trance becoming normal again.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 46
Avsnitt 46 Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!

Team Galactic reappears to begin their Red Chain project to achieve Cyrus's goal in capturing the legendary Pokémon of Time and Space, Dialga and Palkia. Their plan was intervened by Looker of the International Police and Team Rocket, thus capturing them. But Meowth of Team Rocket blasts off alone and was saved by Ash, Dawn and Brock. Through Meowth, they came to know about Team Galactic's theme and rescues Looker, James and Jessie, but Team Galactic completes their final plan.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 47
Avsnitt 47 The Needs of the Three!

Team Galactic's plans at capturing the Lake Trio triumph with the help of Pokémon Hunter J and upon being transported to Team Galactic's HQ, Ash, Brock and Dawn find themselves in a tense stand-off with members of Team Galactic while learning that Cyrus, the businessman they met in the past is the leader and founder of Team Galactic. Meanwhile, Hunter J falls to her demise as her ship crashes in Lake Valor when she fails to realise that Future Sight was targeted on her.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 48
Avsnitt 48 The Battle Finale of Legend!

As Team Galactic's plan reaches its final stages, Ash, Brock and Dawn along with Cynthia, the Sinnoh Champion race against time to stop Cyrus from carrying out his plan of creating a new world. Will they succeed or will the Sinnoh region as well as the entire Pokémon world fall victim to Cyrus's mad plans?

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 49
Avsnitt 49 The Treasure Is All Mine!

Ash and his friends continue their way to Asatsuki Town for Dawn's next contest when Ash happens to find a treasure chest. However its contents prove surprising to James as he is forced to face his privileged past, his faithful childhood companion and his fiancée!

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 50
Avsnitt 50 Mastering Current Events!

While on the way to Sunyshore City, Ash and his friends meet a gentleman who claims to be the master of air battles. Hoping to improve his Gliscor's flying, Ash decides to have a battle with him and his Scizor, and the results may be more than he expected... In the end, Gliscor learns Giga Impact, but Ash decides to leave it with the air battle master to train.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 51
Avsnitt 51 Double-Time Battle Training!

Ash, Dawn and Brock meet Zoey and Candice after Zoey's contest win and Dawn is trying to make new sequence and Zoey asks Dawn to battle her in a double battle and Zoey choose her newly captured Kirlia and Leafeon and Dawn chooses Cyndaquil and Mamoswine and makes her new move called 'Flame Ice'. On TV, Paul is revealed to have obtained the Mine Badge, also meaning he had obtained all the 8 badges necessary in order to compete in the Sinnoh League.

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 52
Avsnitt 52 A Meteoric Rise to Excellence!

As our heroes continue toward Daybreak Town and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, they lose their sense of direction in a large forest. Peering into the sky, all of a sudden they see what turns out to be a move called Draco Meteor. The move comes from an Altaria, a Pokémon under the tutelage of an elderly woman who calls herself Grandma Wilma. The team asks if they can watch Grandma Wilma's coaching session with Altaria. Then the whole group is approached by a feisty Gible, which Grandma Wilma says lives in the forest. Gible wants to be able to use Draco Meteor, too, but can't seem to pull it off!

Pokémon säsong 12 avsnitt 53
Avsnitt 53 Gotta Get a Gible!

Ash and friends continue on their way to the next town when they notice that the Gible they helped has been following them. Ash decides to try and catch it, but Barry shows up and wants to catch it too.

Säsong 13

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Regaining the Home Advantage!

The adventurers come across two wild Pokemon, Magnezone and Metagross. The rampaging Pokemon wreak havoc on a nearby town.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Short and to the Punch!

Ash and company encounter a martial arts Pokemon trainer. He helps Ash and Weezil learn a new attack.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 A Marathon Rivalry!

The adventurers encounter Daniel, a scientific Pokemon trainer. Daniel and Ash compete in a Pokemon Marathon.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn!

Dawn enters the Daybreak Town Pokemon contest. A rival's Pokemon reminds Dawn of a painful childhood experience.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Playing the Performance Encore!

Dawn competes in the finals at the Daybreak Town Contest for her fifth ribbon.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Fighting Ire with Fire!

Ash and company encounter Barry and Paul. Barry and Ash have a battle that's interrupted by Team Rocket with a new plan to take their Pokemon.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Piplup, Up and Away!

Piplup after getting hit by Drago Meteor one too many times by Ash's Gible, Piplup gets frustrated when the adventurers try to boost Gible's confidence, and decides to run away.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Flint Sparks the Fire!

Ash and company arrive at the Sunny Shore Gym. Where they find Voltner, the Gym Leader, has given up on battling.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!

Ash's gym battle with Volkner is interrupted when Team Rocket steals Sunnyshore Tower.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Teaching the Student Teacher!

Dawn's mother is supposed to teach a beginner's Pokemon Coordinator class, but gets called away to judge a nearby contest. The young adventurers teach her class.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Keeping in Top Forme!

As our heroes prepare for Dawn's entry into the Grand Festival and Ash's rematch with Gym Leader Volkner, they meet a mysterious girl with a sick Shaymin who needs help!

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!

As our heroes continue their Sinnoh region journey, they come across a determined, upbeat Pokémon Ranger on a mission to capture a rare Heatran!

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 An Elite Coverup!

The adventurers meet Roland a young trainer who falls victim to Team Rocket's latest ploy. They also meet Bertha, one of the Elite Four.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Dawn of a Royal Day!

A princess asks Dawn to trade places for a day, so that the princess may compete in a Pokemon contest.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 With the Easiest of Grace!

Dawn begins training her new acquired Togekiss.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama!

The adventurers meet Narissa. A trainer who has a lot to learn about Pokemon.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Last Call, First Round!

Contestants arrive for the Grand Festival. Rivals and friends gather for the competition. One competitor makes an unexpected early exit.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Opposites Interact!

Day 2 of the Grand Festival. Dawn faces off against Ursala.

Pokémon säsong 13 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Coming Full Festival Circle!

Semi-final battles at the Grand Festival. With Nando vs Zoey. Then Dawn vs Jessilina.

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Avsnitt 20 A Grand Fight for Winning!

The Grand Festival finals. Dawn vs Zooey in the for title of Top Coordinator.

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Avsnitt 21 For the Love of Meowth!

Meowth meets and falls for a Glameowth. He ready to quit Team Rocket to be with her.

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Avsnitt 22 The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!

Ash battles Voltner for his eighth and final badge.

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Avsnitt 23 Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port!

The adventurers miss their ship and have to wait a day before continuing their journey. They meet up with old friends. Dawn receives and unexpected invitation, and all of them start to contemplate the next part of their journey.

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Avsnitt 24 Bucking the Treasure Trend!

The adventurers meet Buck, a treasure hunter, and help him on his latest venture.

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Avsnitt 25 An Old Family Blend!

Ash asks Professor Oak to send him some of his old Pokemon for the upcoming competition. Team Rocket intercepts the Pokemon, now Ash must find and recover his Pokemon.

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Avsnitt 26 League Unleashed!

Round one of the Sinnoh League Championship. Ash vs Nando.

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Avsnitt 27 Casting a Paul on Barry!

Paul vs Barry in round 3.

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Avsnitt 28 Working on a Right Move!

Ash vs Conway in Round 4.

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Avsnitt 29 Familiarity Breeds Strategy!

Quarter finals begin. Ash vs Paul, part 1.

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Avsnitt 30 A Real Rival Rouser!

After Ash's early lead, Paul begins his counter attack.

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Avsnitt 31 Battling a Thaw in Relations!

Ash vs Paul part 3. The battle of these arch-rivals concludes with the winner advancing to the semi-finals.

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Avsnitt 32 The Semi-Final Frontier!

Ash battles Tobias in the semi-finals. Tobia has only used his Darkrai in all his previous matches. Can Ash find a way to defeat Darkrai and what of the rest of Tobias's Pokemon?

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Avsnitt 33 The Brockster Is In!

On the way back to Twin Leaf Town, several Pokemon are injured. With no Pokemon Doctor on board, Brock does everything he can to help the Pokemon until support arrives.

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Avsnitt 34 Memories are Made of Bliss!

Ash and Brock spend the night at Dawn's house as they prepare for their return to their respective homes. It's a time of farewell. Brock makes a surprise announcement. The three friends part to pursue their own individual dreams.

Säsong 14

Pokémon säsong 14 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 In the Shadow of Zekrom!

Ash and his mother take a vacation with Professor Oak to the Unova region. A dark cloud reveals a mysterious Pokemon which affects Pikachu.

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Avsnitt 2 Enter Iris and Axew!

After being struck by lightning, Pikachu is having trouble using its Electric-type attacks...but a second strange thunderstorm heals the Pokémon just as quickly! Attributing the ordeal to the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom, Professors Oak and Juniper agree that further research is needed.

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Avsnitt 3 A Sandile Gusher of Change!

Ash and Iris try to help the owners of a Hot Sand Resort who are being plagued by Sandile.

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Avsnitt 4 The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice!

Ash and Iris stop at a Battle Club for some training. Ash's battle is interrupted by Team Rocket and a mysterious Pokemon.

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Avsnitt 5 Triple Leaders, Team Threats!

Ash arrives at the Striaton Gym for his first battle. The three gym leaders offer Ash a choice for the battle. Ash requests a battle with all three leaders.

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Avsnitt 6 Dreams by the Yard Full!

Ash's battle concludes. Cilan, impressed with Ash's victory, decides to journey with Ash to become a better connoisseur. Part of Team Rocket's plan is revealed.

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Avsnitt 7 Snivy Plays Hard to Catch!

Ash and company encounter a wild Snivy with some really powerful attacks. They suspect it left its previous trainer. Ash is determined to catch the Snivy.

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Avsnitt 8 Saving Darmanitan From the Bell!

Ash and company encounter a pair of Darumakas who steals food. They soon find they're bringing it to their friend who is psychically supporting a bell. Team Rocket's plans continue.

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Avsnitt 9 The Bloom Is on Axew!

Iris has a training battle with Cilan, and her past is explored.

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Avsnitt 10 A Rival Battle for Club Champ!

Ash challenges Trip to a full Pokemon battle.

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Avsnitt 11 A Home for Dwebble!

Ash and company encounter a Dweeble who has his shell stolen from him by other Dweeble. They aide him reclaiming his home.

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Avsnitt 12 Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!

Ash and company encounter a Dweeble who has his shell stolen from him by other Dweeble. They aide him reclaiming his home.

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Avsnitt 13 Minccino-Neat and Tidy!

Ash and company meet Bianca, Professor Juniper's helper. She gives Ash a badge case, which is promptly stolen by a Minccino. Now the group tries to catch the Pokemon

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Avsnitt 14 A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!

Arriving in Nacrene City, our Heroes discover the Gym has a most unusual location and situation!

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Avsnitt 15 The Battle According to Lenora!

The day for Ash's Nacrene City Gym Battle challenge is here, and Lenora isn't about to go easy on our Hero!

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Avsnitt 16 Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!

After some special training, Ash challenges Lenora to re-match.

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Avsnitt 17 Scraggy-Hatched to Be Wild!

Ash's Pokemon egg finally hatches revealing a Scraggy.

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Avsnitt 18 Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!

Ash and company get lost in Pinwheel Forest and encounter a wild Swaddle and Burgh, the next gym leader Ash wants to challenge.

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Avsnitt 19 A Connoisseur's Revenge!

The adventurers encounter a Pokemon Connisuser who insists that Ash replace all his Pokémon. They soon discover she has a past with Cilan. And a Pokemon battle ensues.

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Avsnitt 20 Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!

A previously encountered Sandile wants to battle Ash's Pikachu. But their battle is interrupted by some wild Duckletts.

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Avsnitt 21 The Lost World of Gothitelle!

The adventurers cross a foggy bridge and seemingly into the past where they meet a young girl and her Gotitelle.

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Avsnitt 22 A Venipede Stampede!

The adventurers arrive in Castilla City and find that it's overrun with Venipede.

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Avsnitt 23 Battling for the Love of Bug-Types!

Ash battles Burgh for his third badge.

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Avsnitt 24 Emolga the Irresistible!

The adventurers try to help Bianca capture an Emolga.

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Avsnitt 25 Emolga and the New Volt Switch!

Iris attempts a training battle with her newly-acquired Emolga. But Emolga has other ideas.

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Avsnitt 26 Scare at the Litwick Mansion!

While taking cover from the rain, the adventurers encounter Team Rocket and some seemingly helpful Litwick.

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Avsnitt 27 The Dragon Master's Path!

The adventurers meet Emmy, a trainer who has yet to start her journey. Iris reveals her dream to be a Dragon Master.

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Avsnitt 28 Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!

During a battle with another trainer, Oshawott loses his scalchop, causing Oshawott to run off to search for it mid-battle.

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Avsnitt 29 Cottonee in Love!

The adventurers try to help a wild Cottonee who's having during its mating season.

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Avsnitt 30 A UFO for Elgyem!

The adventurers spot a UFO and encounter Professor Icarus, an expert on the subject.

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Avsnitt 31 Ash and Trip's Third Battle!

Ash and Trip have a 3-on-3 battle.

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Avsnitt 32 Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!

Having learned why Oshuwott is having difficulty with Aquajet, Ash helps Oshuwott through special training.

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Avsnitt 33 Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster!

Iris is challenged by Georgia - a Dragon Buster. Iris's past with Excadrill is revealed.

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Avsnitt 34 Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!

Ash attempts to capture a Roggenrola, but the battle is interrupted as they investigate Roggenrola's home and find Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 35 Where Did You Go, Audino?

The adventurers encounter an Audino wandering aimlessly through a patch of fog. They soon find out the local town has been losing their Audinos. They offer to help find the missing Pokemon

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Avsnitt 36 Archeops in the Modern World!

The adventurers meet up with Doctors Juniper and Fennel as they work to bring back an ancient Pokemon from a fossil.

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Avsnitt 37 A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!

The adventurers enter a fishing competition unaware that the competition is being run by Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 38 Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"!

The adventurers make a movie.

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Avsnitt 39 Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!

Day one at the Nimbasa Battle Tournament, a time to meet up with old friends and rivals.

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Avsnitt 40 Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!

Day two of the battle tournament.

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Avsnitt 41 The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!

Round 2 of the competition continues.

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Avsnitt 42 The Club Battle Finale: A Heroes Outcome!

The final round of the tournament: Ash vs Iris.

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Avsnitt 43 Meowth's Scrafty Tactics!

Axew is kidnapped by a wild Scrafty who demands the adventurers train him for a battle. The get some unexpected help from Meowth who has just been fired from Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 44 Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky?

The adventurers encounter a Purrloin who claims it needs their help.

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Avsnitt 45 Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!

The adventurers meet Beheeyem, a Pokemon that can make dreams come true. They soon become trapped in a dream world and must find a way to escape.

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Avsnitt 46 The Beartic Mountain Feud!

The adventurers rescue a Cubchew that got separated from its pack. They soon get in the middle of a feud between two groups of Beartic.

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Avsnitt 47 Crisis from the Underground Up! (1)

Team Rocket executes their plan. They manage to steal several Pokemon, and use their "Ghost Train" to make their escape.

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Avsnitt 48 Battle For The Underground! (2)

The adventurers try to find Team Rocket's Ghost Train, and all the stolen Pokemon. Meanwhile Pikachu and Axchew try to free themselves and the other Pokemon.

Säsong 15

Pokémon säsong 15 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader!

After meeting the Nimbasa City Gym Leader, Elesa, our heroes encounter an old friend with a surprise guest!

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Avsnitt 2 Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!

The stakes are high for Ash winning his fourth Unova Gym Badge at the Nimbasa Gym, and our hero's taking no chances!

Pokémon säsong 15 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Lost at the Stamp Rally!

Spending the day in Nimbasa City after Ash's fourth Unova Gym Badge win, Cilan has a special challenge in mind, while our heroes discover a fellow Trainer in need!

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Avsnitt 4 Ash Versus the Champion!

As our heroes prepare to leave Nimbasa City, they bump into Ash's rival Trip, who introduces them to someone they had only dreamed of meeting!

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Avsnitt 5 A Maractus Musical!

On their way to Driftveil City, our heroes meet an enterprising young man with three dedicated friends and a dream!

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Avsnitt 6 The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!

Stopping at a Pokémon Center on their way to Driftveil City, out heroes meet a young Pokémon photographer on the mission of a lifetime!

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Avsnitt 7 Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!

On their way to Driftveil City and Ash's next Gym Battle, our heroes meet a demanding Gothita with a crush on Scraggy!

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Avsnitt 8 The Lonely Deino!

On their way to Driftveil City and Ash's next Gym Battle, our heroes come across some very special Pokémon in a very special place!

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Avsnitt 9 The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!

Arriving in Driftveil City, our heroes meet a fascinating hometown resident with a secret!

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Avsnitt 10 A Call for Brotherly Love!

While Ash prepares for his upcoming Gym Battle with Clay, a surprise visitor with a dilemma offers both Ash and Cilan the opportunity to help!

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Avsnitt 11 Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 1)

What started as a trip to Milos Island to find Revival Herbs has turned into a cataclysmic battle of legendary proportions!

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Avsnitt 12 Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 2)

In search of scarce Revival Herbs, our heroes are now faced with the potential destruction of Milos Island!

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Avsnitt 13 Battling the King of the Mines!

With a bag full of revival herbs, our heroes have returned to Driftveil City and Ash is raring to battle Gym Leader Clay!

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Avsnitt 14 Crisis at Chargestone Cave!

Continuing their journey to Mistralton City, our heroes encounter Chargestone Cave and a dilemma for its occupants!

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Avsnitt 15 Evolution Exchange Excitement!

After witnessing a dramatic Pokémon trade and evolution, Ash and his friends' excitement has just begun!

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Avsnitt 16 Explorers of the Hero's Ruin!

The elder Professor Juniper has invited our heroes to join him in what he promises will be an exciting adventure...and he keeps his promise!

Pokémon säsong 15 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Battling the Bully!

An encounter with Pikachu's rival from the past puts our heroes in the middle of a bullying confrontation!

Pokémon säsong 15 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Baffling the Bouffalant!

Ash and friends continue their journey to Mistralton City as they head through a forest. They stop for a lunch break when suddenly they get attacked by a Bouffalant. After running away, the gang gets separated.

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Avsnitt 19 Cilan Takes Flight!

Ash is surprised to see a long line of Trainers waiting to challenge Skyla, the Mistralton City Gym Leader, and is even more surprised when he’s told he has to make an appointment for their battle!

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Avsnitt 20 An Amazing Aerial Battle!

After some convincing by a group of young challengers and Skyla’s grandfather, Skyla takes Ash up on his Gym Battle challenge.

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Avsnitt 21 Climbing the Tower of Success!

After winning his sixth badge, Ash and friends bump into Stephan. He is in town to compete in the Bell of Wishes Festival that is being held that day. Ash, Iris, and Cilan, after finding out that the winner gets to ring the bell atop Mistralton Tower and get a wish granted, decide to compete in the festival.

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Avsnitt 22 The Clubsplosion Begins!

At Ambiga Town, the local Don George holds a tournament called "Clubsplosion" to showcase Fighting-Type Pokémon, but all are welcome. Ash, Stephan, Bianca, Trip, and Georgia all enter the tournament, with Ash using his Scraggy. Ash and Scraggy's first opponent is Angus and his Simisage.

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Avsnitt 23 Search for the Clubultimate!

The Clubsplosion tournament continues. Iris and Excadrill face off against Burgundy and Dewott. Bianca and Emboar face off against Trip and Conkeldurr. And Dragon Buster Georgia and Bisharp face off against newcomer Gale and her Druddigon.

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Avsnitt 24 A Clubsplosion of Excitement!

The first round of the Clubsplosion tournament ends with Bianca's and Trip's battle. As the second round gets underway, the remaining contestants battle for the chance to enter the Top 4 in the Clubsplosion semi-finals.

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Avsnitt 25 Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!

The Clubsplosion semifinals rage on. Bianca and Emboar battle Stephan and Sawk, while Ash and Scraggy battle Montgomery and his Throh. In the finals, Stephan and Sawk face Montgomery and Throh. Who will win the Clubsplosion Tournament?

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Avsnitt 26 Battling the Leaf Thieves!

During a practice match against Iris' Emolga, Ash's Swadloon evolves into Leavanny. Leavanny's leaf-sewing process causes it to make costumes for the other Pokémon, but this causes Axew to be accidentally kidnapped by a pair of Durant who are building a den. They stop to think about how they are going to enter the Durant's den, and to be able to rescue Axew.

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Avsnitt 27 A Restoration Confrontation! (Part 1)

Ash, Cilan, and Iris make their way to Twist Mountain where they come across a fossil dig that has discovered a fossil Tirtouga. However, Team Rocket arrives and steals the fossil.

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Avsnitt 28 A Restoration Confrontation! (Part 2)

The adventure with Mount Twist, Tirtouga, and Carracosta continues.

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Avsnitt 29 Evolution by Fire!

Stopping at Abtilbe Town's Battle Club, Ash meets his Tepig's former trainer Shamus who abandoned Tepig because he felt he was too weak. Angry, Ash challenges Shamus to a double battle with Snivy and Tepig going up against Shamus's Emboar and Heatmor.

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Avsnitt 30 Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!

Ash, Iris, and Cilan finally arrive in Icirus City. But before Ash can challenge movie star Brycen and his Beartic for his next Gym Badge, they must help Brycen save Volcarona from the Pokémon Hunter Rizzo and his two Jellicent.

Pokémon säsong 15 avsnitt 31
Avsnitt 31 Caution: Icy Battle Conditions!

Ash challenges Brycen for the Icicle Badge, putting Scraggy, Krokorok, and Pignite up against Vanillish, Cryogonal, and Beartic.

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Avsnitt 32 Clash of the Connoisseurs!

With only one more badge left, the group heads to Opelucid City so Ash can challenge the Gym Leader. Unfortunately for Ash, the Gym in Opelucid City is closed. When the group stops in Stonesthrow Town, Cilan meets little Marigold who is picking out her first Pokémon today. Cilan offers his skills as a Pokémon Connoisseur, but another A-Class Connoisseur named Ricard Nouveau offers up his services instead of Cilan's, and they have a battle to determine who is the better Connoisseur. All while the S-Class Connoisseur Fauxgundy watches, but they believe they have seen her somewhere before.

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Avsnitt 33 Crisis at Ferroseed Research!

The group meets up with Dragon Buster Georgia who has a Vanilluxe now. They travel to the Ferroseed Institute to see the Moss Pokémon Ferroseed being studied, but when an accident forces an evacuation, Iris, her Axew, Ash's Oshawott, and Georgia's Vanilluxe are trapped inside. Iris has not yet overcome her crippling phobia of Ice-Types, and she must figure out a way out with Vanilluxe at her side.

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Avsnitt 34 An Epic Defense Force!

After Ash and the gang arrive in Virbank City and Cilan gives them a rundown of the area’s history, they run into their filmmaking friend Luke and his Zorua! Thanks to winning a film festival with the movie our heroes helped him make (The Legend of the Pokémon Knight), Luke is there to attend a preview event for Pokéstar Studios, a theme park opening soon within the film studio lots.

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Avsnitt 35 Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 1)

Ash heads to Virbank City to face off against its Gym Leader, punk rocker Roxie from the band Koffing and the Toxics, in order to obtain his eighth Unova League Gym Badge.

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Avsnitt 36 Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 2)

Ash's battle against Roxie for the Toxic Badge continues.

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Avsnitt 37 All for the Love of Meloetta!

After learning the Unova League conference will not be held for three more months, Ash, Iris, and Clian meet up with Cynthia, the Sinnoh Region Champion. She says she has come to Unova to participate in an exhibition match at the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup, held in Lacunosa Town, and Ash learns that the prize of the tournament is a battle with Alder, Unova's reigning Champion. As the four head out of Virbank City for Undella Town, they come across the legendary Melody Pokémon, Meloetta who seems to have fallen ill.

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Avsnitt 38 Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!

Upon arriving in Undella Town, Cynthia leads the gang to her villa where Dawn and Piplup are waiting for them. Dawn has come to Unova to perfect her Coordinator skills, and Cilan decides to have a Tasting Battle to see exactly what she can do.

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Avsnitt 39 Expedition to Onix Island!

While Cynthia is preparing for the Junior Cup, Ash, Cilan, Iris, and Dawn take a trip to an uninhabited island for some relaxation. However, they soon discover the island is home to several Onix that begin to attack them.

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Avsnitt 40 The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo!

While in Undella Town, Cilan helps a boy named Chris track down his missing Cubchoo. However, they instead find a roaming Beartic that might have once been Chris's Cubchoo.

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Avsnitt 41 Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!

When the power goes out in Undella Town, the gang tries to help out when they discover a rampaging Dragonite may be to blame. When Iris discovers the Dragonite, she believes it is truly not bad but she is soon trapped in the room with the Dragonite along with Ash's Oshawott and Dawn's Piplup.

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Avsnitt 42 Jostling for the Junior Cup!

The Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup begins, with rivals such as Trip, Georgia, and Burgundy showing up to take part in the tournament. After an exhibition match between Sinnoh Champion Cynthia's Garchomp and Unova Elite Four member Caitlin's Gothitelle ends in a no official winner, the first round begins. Iris is up first against Georgia, with Iris's newly captured Dragonite being pitted up against Georgia's Beartic.

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Avsnitt 43 Battling Authority, Once Again!!

The quarter-final matches of the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup take place, and Iris must go up against Dawn, pitting Dragonite against Mammoswine. In another match, Cilan and Crustle take on Trip and Serperior.

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Avsnitt 44 Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three!!

With the semi-finals of the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup underway, and with the grand prize of having a battle with Alder on the line, Ash, Iris, and Trip go all out.

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Avsnitt 45 Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello Adventure!

After Trip's match against Alder, the Junior Cup draws to a close and the contestants bid each other farewell. Ash, Iris, and Cilan meet Cameron, a young naive trainer who wants to travel with them. Dawn bids farewell as well, but not before having a practice match against Ash.

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Avsnitt 46 The Road to Humilau

Ash, Iris, and Cilan help Cameron get to Humilau City where he wants to challenge Marlon for his own eighth Unova League Gym Badge. On the way, Ash and Cameron are separated from the group. Ash almost falls off a cliff, but then Cameron saves his life. Cameron has a "great idea" and he gets out what seems to be a "map", which was a table cloth. As they continue heading down a road, it starts to rain and then they take shelter in a nearby cave. Realizing that they didn't have any food, Ash, Cameron and their Pokémon are hungry as Meloetta leaves only to come back with an apple. Meloetta leads them to an apple tree where they harvest the apples to bring them back to the cave to munch on them. After they ate the apples (and Cameron's Riolu hiccups adorably), they decide to stay the night in the cave until the rain stops. Ash and Cameron exchange their goals in life. Ash wanting to a Pokémon Master while Cameron wanting to be the best Pokémon Champion in the world.

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Avsnitt 47 Unrest at the Nursery

While still staying at Cynthia's villa and training for the Unova League conference, Ash and the gang come across a fighting pair of Rufflet and Vullaby. It turns out they have both escaped the inexperienced Day Care Nurse, Layla. Whilst the manager is away, Ash, Iris and Cilan help Layla in the Nursery, but the ongoing conflict between the two Pokémon both craving Layla's attention continues.

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Avsnitt 48 Meloetta and the Undersea Temple

Ash continues to train at Cynthia's villa until Ridley (a member of an ancient civilisation dedicated to protecting Meloetta) and his Golurk hear Meloetta's song and come to take Meloetta back. At first, Ridley assumes Ash is associated with the thieves, but this turns out not to be the case. Before Ridley can take Meloetta home, Team Rocket assaults the group and capture Meloetta and summon up the ancient Abyssal Temple through its power and song. The heroes try to fend off Team Rocket, but with Giovanni himself present they are too strong.

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Avsnitt 49 Unova's Survival Crisis

With Meloetta in their possession, Team Rocket's Giovanni controls Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus in their more powerful Therian Formes though use of the reveal glass unlocked by Meloetta's presence and Meloetta's song. Ash, Cilan, Iris, Cynthia, and Ridley do their best to free Meloetta and save the world from Team Rocket. But forces stronger than Team Rocket are present, and Giovanni soon finds himself not able to control himself and sets Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus on a path to destroy Unova rather than take it over for Team Rocket.

Säsong 16

Pokémon säsong 16 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!

Learning that the Unova League will be held at Vertress City, Ash and his friends prepare for the tournament, but not before making a detour towards Iris' hometown, the Village of Dragons. But along the way, Iris drags the boys and their Pokémon into competing against a group of women who believe that their Pokémon are not only powerful but more beautiful than anyone else's.

Pokémon säsong 16 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!

On the way to the Unova League, Ash and Cilan get challenged to a Tag Battle against the brothers Soren and Rocko who have trained their Braviary (Soldier of the skies) and Drilbur (Warrior of the land) to perform amazing combination attacks.

Pokémon säsong 16 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 A Village Homecoming!

On the way to Vertress City, Ash, Cilan, and Iris find their way to Iris's hometown: the Village of Dragons. While there, Iris shows Axew to her elder and helps her childhood friend Shannon when one of her Zweilous suddenly evolves into Hydreigon and goes out of control.

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Avsnitt 4 Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future!

The gang arrives in Opelucid City for Iris' scheduled rematch against the Dragon Master and Gym Leader Drayden, who handed her and Excadrill their first-ever defeat years ago. Upon arrival, Iris remembers her difficult time in going to school there and trying to adjust to urban life. She and the others then travel to the Opelucid Gym for her rematch with Drayden, where she puts her Excadrill and Dragonite to the test, respectively, against Drayden's Haxorus and Druddigon in order for him to evaluate her training and skills.

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Avsnitt 5 Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!

Near Vertress City, the gang meets the Pokémon Rescue Squad's Virgil - trainer of Team Eevee - and his brother Davey, whom they decide to assist in helping a group of troubled Cryoganal.

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Avsnitt 6 Curtain Up, Unova League!

The Unova League begins, and as the preliminary round matches get underway, Ash finds himself up against Trip.

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Avsnitt 7 Mission: Defeat Your Rival!

Ash's battle against Trip continues, with Pikachu facing Serperior. As the preliminaries end and the first round begins, Bianca pits her Escavalier and Emboar against Cameron's Samurott and Riolu.

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Avsnitt 8 Lost at the League!

During a break in the competition, Iris's Axew follows a balloon and gets lost in Vertress City. Pikachu manages to track him down, but they are cornered by a group of Trubbish and their Garbodor leader.

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Avsnitt 9 Strong Strategy Steals the Show!

The third round of battles at the Unova League begins and Ash finds himself up against Stephan, putting Krookodile, Palpitoad, and Leavanny up against Stephan's Liepard, Zebstrika, and Sawk.

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Avsnitt 10 Cameron's Secret Weapon!

In the fourth round of matches, Ash battles against Cameron - who begins the match by revealing his secret weapon, Hydreigon.

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Avsnitt 11 A Unova League Evolution!

Ash's Snivy and Pikachu must face off against Cameron and his newly evolved Lucario.

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Avsnitt 12 New Places... Familiar Faces!

With the Unova League tournament over, Ash and company return to Nuvema Town to meet up with Professor Juniper and to tell Professor Oak about his results. Along the way, they meet Nanette who is going to see Juniper for her first Pokémon, and eventually chooses Tepig and asks to have her first battle with Ash. However, during the battle, a robot appears and it is piloted by a very familiar trio. Later, Professor Juniper gets a call from her father, who invites Ash and friends to visit him at the White Ruins, located north of Icirrus City.

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Avsnitt 13 The Name's N!

On a boat heading to see ruins dedicated to Reshiram, Ash, Iris, and Cilan meet the mysterious boy calling himself N, who quickly befriends their Pokémon. However, when Team Rocket attacks the group once more and James's Amoonguss paralyzes Pikachu with Stun Spore, N's timely intervention helps turn the tide of the fight.

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Avsnitt 14 There's a New Gym Leader in Town!

The group's boat arrives in Aspertia City, and they arrange to meet Cheren, Professor Juniper's acquaintance and the city's new Gym Leader. A teacher at the local Pokémon School, Cheren is lacking in confidence regarding his worth for the title, something Cilan - as a former Gym Leader himself - connects with him over. After misadventures in the Pokémon House on the school grounds - including a series of mishaps between Cilan, Pansage, and a flock of Ducklett - Ash has an unofficial Gym match against Cheren, Oshawott facing off against Herdier.

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Avsnitt 15 Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot!

When Team Plasma scientist Colress uses his machine to draw out Pokémon strength, the controlled wild Pokémon attack the residents of nearby Floccesy Town. Ash, Iris, and Cilan get caught in the middle of the mayhem when Pikachu and Axew also fall under his control, but when they are saved by Looker, they agree to aid him in his investigation of Team Plasma and Colress's scheme.

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Avsnitt 16 The Light of Floccesy Ranch!

While stopped at Floccesy Ranch, Iris's Dragonite helps rancher Elly's Ampharos get into the fighting spirit.

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Avsnitt 17 Saving Braviary

Ash and friends once again run into N, who has freed a Braviary held captive by Team Plasma. They help him bring it to a Pokémon Center, but when Braviary is tracked by a pair of Team Plasma Grunts - Nero and Bianco, who respectively use a Seviper and Zangoose in battle - N puts his life on the line. Successfully freeing Braviary, N joins the group on their journey to the White Ruins.

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Avsnitt 18 The Pokémon Harbor Patrol!

Upon returning to Virbank City, Ash and friends meet Halsey who runs a rescue team consisting of his two Frillish, his Dewott, and his Watchog. Making his personal feelings on the idea of Pokémon putting themselves at risk for the sake of humans known, N's belief that Watchog (who seems ill-suited for the Team's risky endeavours) is being used as a tool causes an ideological clash between Halsey and N, but the two young men must put their enmities aside when a fire breaks out in Virbank City's Industrial Complex.

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Avsnitt 19 The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion!

Ash and his friends come across the Kanto Fair, and seeing a Charmander perform on stage reminds him of his old friend Charizard. He tells Iris, Cilan and N about his and Charizard's history, with Misty and Brock making cameos during the tale. Professor Oak sends Charizard over, and after he meets Iris' Dragonite, the two trainers agree to have a friendly match. Ash's offer to let Charizard rejoin his team is met with approval from all parties involved.

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Avsnitt 20 Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation!

Colress appears and tests his newly-advanced machine on Dragon-type Pokémon - first taking over a young trainer's Haxorus, and later Iris's Dragonite. As Ash and Charizard try to stop them, N puts himself in the crossfire, knowing the Pokémon should be friends and not fight.

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Avsnitt 21 Secrets From Out of the Fog!

After N is hurt by Colress's machine, two young women, Anthea and Concordia, come to save him. It is from these two girls that Ash and the others learn the truth about N's life, including his link to the evil Ghetsis.

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Avsnitt 22 Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!

Team Plasma's Colress convinces Team Rocket's Jessie and James to use his technology on Meowth to make him stronger, but it is all part of Colress's plans to test his Pokémon controlling device.

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Avsnitt 23 Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals!

At the ruins dedicated to the Pokémon Reshiram, N steals the Light Stone from Cedric Juniper, and Ash's attempt to stop him ends with them separated from the others. Team Plasma move to attack the White Ruins while Team Rocket watch on in anticipation, and Iris, Cilan and Looker attempt to fight off the enemy forces.

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Avsnitt 24 Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony!

Ash and N prepare to save Iris, Cilan, and Professor Juniper's father from the clutches of Team Plasma before Ghetsis can revive Reshiram, but their attempts to fight back are hampered by Colress's Pokémon controlling machine, forcing them all to call back their Pokémon. Pikachu gets hit by the machine's beam, which sways N into surrendering the Light Stone in exchange for its freedom just as Ghetsis arrives, ready to begin the ritual.

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Avsnitt 25 What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!

As the revived Reshiram quickly falls under Ghetsis' control, Ash and friends try to develop a strategy to stop Team Plasma. Looker convinces Team Rocket to help in the fight against the villains, while Ash and Pikachu aim to destroy the controlling machine, and N hopes to pacify the enraged Reshiram before it destroys the world in a righteous fury - akin to when it burned down Team Plasma's castle in the past.

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Avsnitt 26 Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!

With Team Plasma defeated once and for all, Ash decides it is time to go back to Kanto. Iris and Cilan decide to go with him to further their skills, and Professor Juniper charters all of them a cruise through the Decolore Islands on a boat with a mysterious crew. Once settled in their cabins, however, Ash finds that they are locked in and their Pokémon are not with them.

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Avsnitt 27 Danger, Sweet as Honey!

The cruise makes a stop on Honey Island, known for its colonies of the Honeycomb Pokémon Combee, Pupa Pokémon Kakuna, Stinger Pokémon Beedrill, and its honey-flavored cuisine.

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Avsnitt 28 Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!

As Ash and his friends prepare for the upcoming Marine Cup Tournament on board their new cruise ship, the group learns that Mrs. Ripple, a jewel collector, will display her collection after the tournament, but upon the tournament's conclusion she discovers that her rare Eye of Liepard has been stolen. She suspects Mr. Shaw - a businessman and jewel collector who has been asking to buy the Eye of Liepard from her - even though it was watched over by her Watchog all night. Cilan takes on his detective role once more to discover the thief of the Eye of Liepard.

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Avsnitt 29 Crowning the Scalchop King!

On Scalchop Island, Ash's Oshawott goes up against the Dewott named Caesar to see who will win the battle at the Scalchop King Competition.

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Avsnitt 30 The Island of Illusions!

On the way to Mahora Island, the gang's boat passes through fog and they believe they see a familiar shape in it. After avoiding a giant Heatmor when Pikachu's attacks do not work against it, Axew gets poisoned by a Foongus's Mushroom Spore attack, forcing the gang to take him to an old Pokémon Center which they soon discover is operating illegally.

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Avsnitt 31 To Catch a Rotom!

Ash, Iris, and Cilan catch up with Professor Oak who has come to one of the Decolore Islands to investigate the Plasma Pokémon Rotom and its Forme Change capabilities. However, the Rotom native to the island are more interested in Pikachu, Emolga, and Stunfisk.

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Avsnitt 32 The Pirates of Decolore!

When Team Rocket tries to ransack the group's cruise ship's food store, they are thwarted by a group of self-styled pirate Pokémon group made up of a Croconaw, an Octillery, an Azumarill, and a Ducklett, leaving Ash to try to get the food back.

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Avsnitt 33 Butterfree and Me!

On Wayfarer Island, Ash and his friends see the native Metapod and Butterfree, and when they find a Caterpie who has not yet evolved, Ash takes it upon himself to help the very lazy Pokémon join the rest of its friends, remembering the times he had raising his own Butterfree years ago.

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Avsnitt 34 The Path That Leads to Goodbye!

On Capacia Island, after a Dunsparce Ash fails to capture and hurts Axew, Iris gets so mad at him that she says she will no longer be Ash's friend and leaves.

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Avsnitt 35 Searching for a Wish!

Ash, Iris, and Cilan take a break on Capacia Island only to discover they have arrived on the one week once every 1000 years when Jirachi awakens and grants a wish. Gemma, a young girl who lives on the island, wants to ask Jirachi to bring prosperity back to the island, but Team Rocket has other plans.

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Avsnitt 36 Capacia Island UFO!

Ash must find a way to stop Beheeyem from taking over a town on Capacia Island after the townspeople, Iris, Cilan, and even Pikachu are placed under the strange Pokémons' control.

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Avsnitt 37 The Journalist from Another Region!

While on Harvest Island, Ash and his friends meet the Pokémon Reporter Alexa, who has come all the way from the Kalos Region with her Gogoat and Helioptile. She has come to investigate Harvest Island's fruit harvest festival, which the others realize has a Pokémon Sumo tournament. Ash, Iris, and Cilan enter Pignite, Pansage, and Dragonite in the tournament to win the grand prize Focus Band.

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Avsnitt 38 Mystery on a Deserted Island!

Alexa tells Ash, Iris, and Cilan about Yashi Island, a desert island where a pirate ship crashed years ago, and the ship's treasure has never been found. The group decides to investigate, and Team Rocket follows to get the treasure for themselves.

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Avsnitt 39 A Pokémon of a Different Color!

On Cave Island, Ash and his friends meet up with Clair, Gym Leader of Johto's Blackthorn City, who has come to the island to capture a different-colored Druddigon, but her Dragonite left without her. When they find her Dragonite, Iris's Dragonite takes an instant dislike to it and the two fight, hampering Clair's plans to find the different-colored Druddigon on the other side of the island from the port.

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Avsnitt 40 Celebrating the Hero's Comet!

The appearance of Woodate Comet approaches, so Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Alexa go stake out the ruins where the legendary hero it is named after first spotted it. However, they must deal with several Ghost Pokémon and Team Rocket who are once again trying to capture Pikachu.

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Avsnitt 41 Go, Go Gogoat!

On another island, Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Alexa meet a boy named Tony who touches Alexa's Gogoat's horns, causing it to temporarily bond with him. They all help Tony meet his father on the other side of the island.

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Avsnitt 42 Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit!

After being scolded by Iris, an ambush by Team Rocket starts to make Emolga wish she did not have to be with such strict trainers and fights on Team Rocket's side.

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Avsnitt 43 Survival of the Striaton Gym!

Chili and Cress meet up with Cilan on Paladin Island as they have both been beaten by a challenger at the Striaton Gym named Morana who exclusively uses Ice-type Pokémon such as Mamoswine and Glalie. It is up to Cilan and Pansage to face off against Morana and her Abomasnow for the honor of the Striaton City Gym.

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Avsnitt 44 Best Wishes! Until We Meet Again!

The group finally reaches the waters off of Kanto, just as Team Rocket once again tries to do their best to take Ash's Pikachu.

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Avsnitt 45 The Dream Continues!

With Iris and Cilan heading off on their own adventures in Johto, Ash is restless and still wishes to become a Pokémon Master. To that end, Alexa suggests that he travel with her back to her home in the Kalos region just as Team Rocket hatches another plan to steal Pikachu.

Säsong 17

Pokémon säsong 17 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Ash and Pikachu have arrived in the Kalos region, and they waste no time building excitement and adventure to a fever pitch!

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Avsnitt 2 Lumiose City Pursuit!

After helping an ailing Pokémon, Ash puts everything he’s got on the line, while an entire city bears witness!

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Avsnitt 3 A Battle of Aerial Mobility!

Ash is eager to catch some Kalos Pokémon, and he’s definitely not alone!

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Avsnitt 4 A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship!

As our heroes continue their Kalos region journey, exciting new Pokémon friendships are the order of the day!

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Avsnitt 5 A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle!

Ash charges into his first Kalos region Gym battle against a tough and talented opponent. Is he ready to nab his first Gym badge?

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Avsnitt 6 Battling on Thin Ice!

Never one to give up, Ash sets his sights on a rematch with Gym Leader Viola in order to win his first Kalos region Gym badge!

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Avsnitt 7 Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!

There’s an opportunity to be part of an exciting Rhyhorn race, and Ash can’t wait to give it a try!

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Avsnitt 8 Grooming Furfrou!

After seeing a superstar Pokémon groomer in their guidebook, our heroes are excited to meet him and his assistant in person!

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Avsnitt 9 Clemont's Got a Secret!

As our heroes arrive back in Lumiose City, Clemont and Bonnie reveal a secret that has everyone else in shock!

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Avsnitt 10 Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!

During a visit with Professor Sycamore while in Lumiose City, our heroes encounter a surprising foe of mega-mega proportions!

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Avsnitt 11 The Bamboozling Forest!

As our heroes continue their journey to Cyllage City and Ash’s next Gym battle, they must confront a most unsavory character in a most unsavory line of work!

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Avsnitt 12 To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

As our heroes continue their journey to Cyllage City and Ash’s next Gym battle, they must confront a most unsavory character in a most unsavory line of work!

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Avsnitt 13 Kindergarten Chaos!

What starts out as a typical battle challenge between two Trainers in the middle of the forest leads to a life-changing experience for one young boy!

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Avsnitt 14 Seeking Shelter from the Storm!

A powerful rainstorm brings our heroes to a scary mansion seeking shelter, with an unexpected outcome!

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Avsnitt 15 An Appetite for Battle!

A misunderstanding while camping out for the night turns out to be the perfect opportunity for some serious Pokémon-and-Trainer bonding!

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Avsnitt 16 A Jolting Switcheroo!

A Pokémon mix-up sends our heroes in a mad dash around town!

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Avsnitt 17 A Rush of Ninja Wisdom!

A ninja and his Frogadier agree to help Froakie work on its speed. But will it be enough to slow down Team Rocket?

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Avsnitt 18 Awakening the Sleeping Giant!

Arriving in Camphrier Town, our heroes find themselves in the middle of a dilemma of epic proportions!

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Avsnitt 19 A Conspiracy to Conquer!

Team Rocket may still be after Pikachu, but for now, everyone’s got another powerful Pokémon on their minds!

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Avsnitt 20 Breaking Titles at the Chateau!

A visit to an incredible Kalos region battling institution presents our heroes with lasting memories and a surprising revelation!

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Avsnitt 21 A PokéVision of Things to Come!

Ash and friends are exploring the world of Pokévision, and it’s chock-full of epic productions and cinematic surprises!

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Avsnitt 22 Going for the Gold!

A visit by our heroes to an amazing aquarium turns out to reveal the stuff of legends!

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Avsnitt 23 Coming Back into the Cold!

Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie meet up with Alexa again, who is covering the new fossil exhibit at the Ambrette Town Museum, meeting the revived fossil Pokémon Amaura and Aurorus in the museum's cold storage. However, Team Rocket arrives to steal Amaura, leaving Ash and his friends on a rescue mission.

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Avsnitt 24 Climbing the Walls!

Ash and his friends make it to Cyllage City, where Ash plans on challenging the Gym Leader Grant. Having already seen his strategy with Onix at the Battle Chateau, Ash plans on having Froakie face the Rock Pokémon in battle, and later Pikachu against Tyrunt.

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Avsnitt 25 A Battle by Any Other Name!

While on the road, Serena makes some Poké Puffs for Pikachu and Fennekin, but her cooking skills are attacked by Miette, who has the Meringue Pokémon Slurpuff. The two decide to head to the next town and hold a Poké Puffs Contest to see who is the better pastry chef.

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Avsnitt 26 To Find a Fairy Flower!

While brushing out her hair, Bonnie tries a new flower accessory, only to discover that a Flabébé is latching onto it because she has lost her Fairy Flower. The gang tries to help Flabébé get a new Fairy Flower, but it appears the season is over.

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Avsnitt 27 The Bonds of Evolution!

Upon arriving in the next town, Ash learns that the Kalos Region Champion Diantha will be holding an exhibition match, but he misses out on the sign up deadline. He heads to Professor Sycamore's lab, being tasked to help in his research on Mega Evolution, when he meets Diantha there by chance. She allows him a friendly match, Pikachu against her Gardevoir, and she shows she knows what Mega Evolution is.

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Avsnitt 28 Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike!

Ash, Serena, and Bonnie must find out who has been impersonating them in the town they have just arrived in.

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Avsnitt 29 Mega Revelations!

Ash and friends meet up with Korrina and her Lucario, and soon discover that she is the Shalour City Gym Leader, and she seems to possess a Mega Stone.

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Avsnitt 30 The Cave of Trials!

Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie help Korrina and her Lucario find the Mega Stone Lucarionite in Geosenge Town's caves, only to come face to face with a Blaziken protecting the caves.

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Avsnitt 31 The Aura Storm!

Korrina finally finds the Lucarionite, but after using it, she loses control of Mega Lucario, who is much too strong for Pikachu to defeat. Her grandfather Gurkinn must step in and take care of matters, with his own Mega Lucario.

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Avsnitt 32 Calling from Beyond the Aura!

Korrina's grandfather Gurkinn tasks her with more training to rein in Mega Lucario, and Ash and company accompany her as they travel to Pomace Mountain only to fall into a trap laid by Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 33 The Bonds of Mega Evolution!

The group heads into the mountains around Pomace Mountain and meet with Mabel, a flower arranger who has mastered the art of Mega Evolution herself with her Mawile, prompting Korrina to have a friendly match.

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Avsnitt 34 The Forest Champion!

Continuing on their journey to Shalour City, Ash and his friends come across the Wrestling Pokémon Hawlucha who is protecting a group of Pokémon in the forest from stronger Pokémon like Machamp, Conkeldurr and a Ursaring.

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Avsnitt 35 Battles in the Sky!

At Kalos Canyon, Ash learns of the Sky Battle trend and tries it out with Fletchling and Hawlucha against Sky Trainer Moria and her Talonflame.

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Avsnitt 36 The Cave of Mirrors!

While travelling in the Reflection Cave, Ash's reflection takes Pikachu away from him, prompting him to follow into a world within the reflection, leaving Clemont, Serena, and Bonnie to find a way to bring him back. After Ash arrives in the Mirror Dimension, he discovers that his mirror self needs help finding his Pikachu.

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Avsnitt 37 Forging Forest Friendships!

While practicing for his upcoming Gym battle against Korrina with Hawlucha, Froakie, and Clemont, Ash is kidnapped by the Elder Tree Pokémon Trevenant, leaving Froakie and Hawlucha to trust each other in saving Ash, as Trevenant keeps the others at bay with its power over the forest.

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Avsnitt 38 Summer of Discovery!

Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie make it to Professor Sycamore's Pokémon Summer Camp, where they meet Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno, who have received Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle from Professor Sycamore for their first Pokémon, and want to test their skills against Ash and his friends.

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Avsnitt 39 Day Three Blockbusters!

Serena and Shauna decide to have a little PokéVision contest, but while Serena was looking for locations with her friends, she and Ash become trapped at the bottom of a cliff.

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Avsnitt 40 Foggy Pokémon Orienteering!

The summer campers participate in a Pokémon Orienteering stamp rally where they must use their Pokémon to navigate through a course to get stamps at various stations. However, Bonnie and Pikachu get lost in the foggy woods and come across a mysterious Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 41 Battling Into the Hall of Fame!

After all of the activities at the Pokémon Summer Camp, Ash's team and Tierno's team have the same amount of points. To settle the tie, all six will participate in a tag team match. But first, they have to save Tierno, Shauna, and Trevor's Pokémon from Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 42 Origins of Mega Evolution!

Before they have their Gym Battle, Ash and Korrina must stop Team Rocket after they have stolen a scroll on Mega Evolution from the Tower of Mastery.

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Avsnitt 43 Showdown at the Shalour Gym!

Ash challenges Korrina for the Shalour Gym's Rumble Badge, with his Hawlucha, Fletchinder, and Pikachu facing off against her Mienfoo, Machoke, and Mega Lucario.

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Avsnitt 44 Splitting Heirs!

Bonnie and Clemont get into a fight after Bonnie wondered off to look for Chespin and when they encounter two brothers and their Meowstic having a rivalry, it gives Clemont a chance to teach Bonnie a lesson.

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Avsnitt 45 The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos!

On their way to Coumarine City, the group goes to a Pokémon Center where Nurse Joy is assisted by a Wigglytuff with bad luck. However, they all soon find themselves having to deal with a Salamence that has gone out of control, and Wigglytuff is the only one who can save Joy.

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Avsnitt 46 Dreaming a Performer's Dream!

After a Pancham disrupts a Pokémon Showcase and steals Ash's hat and Clemonts's glasses, Serena battles it with her Fennekin in an attempt to capture it and teach it some manners.

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Avsnitt 47 A Campus Reunion!

Clemont returns to his old school where he relives his younger years and reminisces about a Shinx he had befriended, but was forced to leave it behind after his graduation celebration. When he reunites with it, it has evolved into Luxio ever since and Clemont tries to heal the rift that was caused a few years ago.

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Avsnitt 48 Bonnie for the Defense!

While walking by herself, Bonnie comes across a group of children who are protecting an injured Lapras from intruders while it rests up before returning to the sea. Bonnie soon joins them in protecting Lapras from Team Rocket.

Säsong 18

Pokémon säsong 18 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Pathways to Performance Partnering!

After Pancham and Chespin get into a fight, Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie meet Nini, a Pokémon Performer preparing for the Pokémon Showcase. Serena becomes inspired to add performances to her battle style as well and has to use it quickly when Team Rocket kidnaps Chespin, Fennekin, Pancham, and Nini's Pokémon: Smoochum and Farfetch'd.

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Avsnitt 2 An Undersea Place to Call Home!

The episode begins with Ash and his friends taking an excursion to the Muraille Coast before heading out to the Cyllage City for Ash's Gym battle with Grant. After lunch, Ash decides that they should work on their strategy for countering Grant's Rock Tomb, and Pikachu, Froakie, and Fletchling are all ready to train. However, Serena decides that they should do some fishing since they're at the beach and doing too much training will stress Ash out.

Pokémon säsong 18 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 When Light and Dark Collide!

Ash with the intention of helping a Snubbull disrupts a play rehearsal. This sends its star Gallade out of commission. Ash's Hawlucha and the Pokemon Theatre Director Carl's shiny Hawlucha must work together to get the play back on track while trying to deal with Team Rocket.

Pokémon säsong 18 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 A Stealthy Challenge!

Ash and his friends meet up with Sanpei and his Greninja who comes to them for help in dealing with another Ninja Trainer. They help Sanpei out, but something happens to Ash's Froakie.

Pokémon säsong 18 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 A Race for Home!

When Serena's mother Grace visits the group on their journey and learns of her daughter's new goal of becoming a Pokémon Performer, Grace wonders if her daughter is truly dedicated to her goals and challenges her to a Skiddo race to prove her determination.

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Avsnitt 6 Facing the Grand Design!

Clemont and James must work together to save their friends from the evil Malamar that they last encountered when it controlled Officer Jenny and made her assume the role of "Madame X."

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Avsnitt 7 A Slippery Encounter!

Ash and his friends encounter an extremely timid but friendly Goomy, which finds itself in a slippery situation when Team Rocket sets their eyes on Pikachu.

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Avsnitt 8 One for the Goomy!

Team Rocket kidnaps Goomy, but Dedenne manages to track them down to save its new friend.

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Avsnitt 9 Thawing an Icy Panic!

Ash and his friends team up with the Coumarine City's Gym Leader to stop Team Rocket from stealing a Vanillite, which incurred the anger of its fellow Pokémon, Vanillish and Vanilluxe.

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Avsnitt 10 Green, Green Grass Types of Home!

Ash challenges Ramos for the Plant Badge and gets backed into a corner by his powerful Grass-type Pokémon.

Pokémon säsong 18 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Under the Pledging Tree!

Coumarine City holds an annual festival to celebrate the bond between trainer and Pokémon. However, when Ash has trouble deciding on a present for his Pokémon, Serena helps inspire him on their shopping trip.

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Avsnitt 12 A Showcase Debut!

The day of the Coumarine City Showcase arrives, and the group reunites with Shauna. Serena makes a step towards her dream but quickly learns that first times can be tough.

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Avsnitt 13 An Oasis of Hope!

The gang encounters a Grumpig in the badlands, which uses its superior strength to dominate the Spoink in the area's oasis. When they end up getting captured by Team Rocket, Goomy steps up to the plate to defend its friends.

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Avsnitt 14 The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination!

Clemont and the others arrive at the Kalos Power Plant and discover Team Rocket is manipulating the Electric Pokémon in the area.

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Avsnitt 15 A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways!

Jessie and Wobbuffet are separated from James and Meowth after being sent flying by Pikachu's Thunderbolt. A doctor named White then saves Jessie from drowning in a river, and she seems to fall in love with him.

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Avsnitt 16 Battling with Elegance And a Big Smile!

Pancham and Fennekin start fighting while training with Serena for their next Pokémon Showcase, and she inadvertently yells at them. However, a person calling herself Ariana offers to teach Serena a thing or two about performance battling.

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Avsnitt 17 Good Friends, Great Training!

Ash reunites with Tierno and decides to prepare for his Lumiose Gym match by challenging his friend to a double battle. When Team Rocket attacks with their new mecha, Sliggoo summons a new power.

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Avsnitt 18 Confronting the Darkness!

Ash and the others arrive in Lumiose City and reunite with Clemont and discover that a mad scientist, Belmondo, had invented a Dark Clembot robot, which he had been using to commit crimes all over the city. Teaming up with Officer Jenny, the gang try to get to the bottom of the occurrence and clear Clembot's name.

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Avsnitt 19 The Moment of Lumiose Truth!

Ash and Clemont finally begin their promised Gym battle at the Prism Tower and show off their strategies for countering the other's unique battle style.

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Avsnitt 20 Garchomp's Mega Bond!

Ash and the others visit Professor Sycamore to observe his experiment with a Key Stone and a Mega Stone. However, when Team Rocket crashes the experiment and gets away with the Mega Stone and Garchomp.

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Avsnitt 21 Defending the Homeland!

Ash and his friends meet a man named Keanan while on their way to Laverre City and they learn about Goodra's history. At the same time, they encounter a Florges and its army of Bug-type Pokémon who had once terrorized Goodra's home in the wetlands.

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Avsnitt 22 Beyond the Rainbow!

Team Rocket deceives Florges into an alliance and then double crosses it when they attempt to drain all of the Spring water of the wetlands.

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Avsnitt 23 So You're Having a Bad Day!

After an ambush by Team Rocket and a group of Pangoro, the gang gets separated from each other and Bonnie finds herself lost in the forest with Meowth.

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Avsnitt 24 Scary Hospitality!

Ash and his friends find themselves lost in the forest and happen upon a creepy house of folklore. They are invited in by its host Lon and despite his warm welcome, something else lurking in the house intends to give them the scare of their lives.

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Avsnitt 25 A Fashionable Battle!

Ash and his friends finally arrive in Laverre City and immediately head over to the Gym only to find that it's closed due to its seasonal Fashion Show. They instead meet Sawyer, who had a Gym battle with Clemont recently and gets to challenge the Gym Leader Valerie during the show.

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Avsnitt 26 Fairy-Type Trickery!

Ash challenges Valerie to a battle for the Fairy Badge and finds that appearances aren't everything when he faces her Fairy-type Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 27 Rivals: Today and Tomorrow!

Before parting ways, Ash and Sawyer decide to have a three on three battle where the former helps give the novice trainer gain useful experience.

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Avsnitt 28 A Not-So-Flying-Start!

The gang helps a newly hatched Noibat learn how to fly, but Team Rocket tries to take it for themselves, leaving Hawlucha to keep Noibat safe.

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Avsnitt 29 A Relay in the Sky!

While training Noibat to fly, Ash and the gang learn about a competition called the Pokémon Sky Relay. Ash decides to compete in it with his three Flying-types in hopes for Noibat to fly properly. Team Rocket has other plans up their sleeve when they enter as well.

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Avsnitt 30 Lights! Camera! Pika!

Ash and his friends arrive at a village, where they meet a group of Pikachu and their owners, Frank and Jean. Impressed with Ash's Pikachu, Frank wants to cast him in a movie with the Cosplay Pikachu.

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Avsnitt 31 A Frenzied Factory Fiasco!

When Ash and his friends arrive at a factory where workers make Poké Balls, Team Rocket appears in another plot to steal all the Poké Balls made in the Poké Ball Factory as well as the gang's Pokémon, including Pikachu.

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Avsnitt 32 Performing with Fiery Charm!

The time has come for Serena's second Pokémon Showcase. Only this time, she faces a tougher competition when a familiar face also appears entering the Showcase to back Serena into a corner.

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Avsnitt 33 Rotom's Wish!

Ash and the others spend the night at a run-down hotel and find it under the control of a gang of thugs who wager Pokémon as prizes for battles. However, when they meet a timid Rotom, they learn that the hotel was not always so dark.

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Avsnitt 34 A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?

Ash, his friends, and Team Rocket arrive at a costume festival to have fun. During the festivities, Jessie witnesses a Pumpkaboo falling in love with her Pumpkaboo and decides to do something to help it.

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Avsnitt 35 Over the Mountain of Snow!

While continuing on their next adventure, Ash and his friends ride on Mamoswine through the hills as it has heavy snow and come across an Abomasnow, who asked for their help to help his sick Snover.

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Avsnitt 36 Adventures in Running Errands!

When a Pokémon Center suddenly loses power, Clemont sends Chespin and Bunnelby on an errand to pick up a part so he can fix the generator.

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Avsnitt 37 Mending a Broken Spirit!

When Braixen accidentally breaks her branch while practicing for the next Pokémon Showcase, Serena seeks help after seeing that the branch meant so much to her Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 38 A Legendary Photo Op!

Ash and the gang reunite with Trevor. He explains his interest in snapping a picture of the legendary Moltres rumored to have been spotted nearby on Mt. Molteau.

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Avsnitt 39 The Tiny Caretaker!

When Team Rocket tries and fails to capture a Tyrunt, Ash and the gang help to protect it.

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Avsnitt 40 A Trip Down Memory Train!

After defeating Team Rocket, Clemont and Bonnie tell Ash and Serena a story of how they first met Bunnelby.

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Avsnitt 41 A Frolicking Find in the Flowers!

Serena finds an Eevee who loves dancing and performing, but it turns out to be shy and afraid of people. Serena sets out to bond with it.

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Avsnitt 42 Tag Team Battle Inspiration!

While Serena helps her newly captured Eevee, Tierno and Shauna, along with their newly evolved Blastoise and Ivysaur, appear and help her to attempt to address Eevee's shyness.

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Avsnitt 43 A Performance Pop Quiz!

The time has come for Serena's third Pokémon Showcase. Serena gets ready to begin her next performance hoping to obtain her second key in the Showcase.

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Avsnitt 44 Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!

With the Showcase a success for Serena, Ash and his friends continue their visit to Anistar City for Ash's next gym battle with Olympia. After meeting her and learning about Frogadier's past, the Anistar sundial seems to be in trouble.

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Avsnitt 45 All Eyes on the Future!

The time for Ash's Gym Battle has finally arrived. He gets prepared to win his next Gym Badge.

Säsong 19

Pokémon säsong 19 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 From A to Z!

While travelling through the woods, Ash and friends discover a small green Pokémon in Bonnie's bag that the Pokédex cannot identify. Bonnie decides to name the Pokémon "Squishy", but they are soon interrupted by a mysterious team with strange eyewear, who seem interested in taking Squishy for themselves.

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Avsnitt 2 Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!

As the gang continue their travel with their new Pokémon friend, "Squishy", a Quilladin appears and falls head over heels for Eevee.

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Avsnitt 3 A Giga Battle With Mega Results!

Ash and his friends run across Nurse Joy, who is stuck in a crevice. After helping Nurse Joy get back to the Pokémon Center they find out that Nurse Joy and her Audino don't always get along, and that Nurse Joy hopes that the Mega Stone that she found will help create a deeper bond between the two.

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Avsnitt 4 A Fiery Rite of Passage!

The gang come across a Litleo arguing with a Pyroar. When they learn it is time for Litleo to become independent, they decide to watch it from afar. Team Rocket has other plans however.

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Avsnitt 5 Dream a Little Dream from Me!

As the heroes and Team Rocket go to sleep, a Darkrai appears and casts dream spells on them, placing Pikachu and Meowth in Squishy's dreams. The two begin to see the past and future of Squishy as well as the gang's Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 6 The Legend of the Ninja Hero!

The gang meet up with their ninja friend Sanpei, who invites them to his village for a festival, but they soon get interrupted when an army attacks and kidnaps the head of the town.

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Avsnitt 7 A Festival of Decisions!

As the gang fight off against the evil ninjas, help soon starts to rise when Ash's Greninja retrieves a power.

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Avsnitt 8 A Dancing Debut!

Serena gets ready for her next Pokémon Showcase performance and hopes to get her third and final Princess Key along with her Eevee.

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Avsnitt 9 Meeting at Terminus Cave!

Ash and the gang arrive at Terminus Cave, but Team Flare appears and attacks the gang in an attempt to retrieve the Zygarde Core.

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Avsnitt 10 A Cellular Connection!

After Squishy runs off during the battle in Terminus Cave against Team Flare, Bonnie is worried about it. Ash and the gang cheer her up by searching for it.

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Avsnitt 11 A Windswept Encounter!

Noibat meets a Breloom and accidentally messes with its flowers, which causes Breloom to be mad at Noibat. Noibat also meets a Floette, which it becomes friends with quickly. However, Breloom is angrier at Noibat, and they both get into a fight.

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Avsnitt 12 Party Dancecapades!

Serena, Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont go to a dance party, where they meet up with Kalos Queen Aria and Miette for a magical ball.

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Avsnitt 13 A Meeting of Two Journeys!

Ash battles Sawyer again. Another trainer named Alain, accompanied by his Mega Charizard, sees the unique power of Ash's Greninja and challenges him to a battle.

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Avsnitt 14 An Explosive Operation!

Team Flare chase another Zygarde Core, who has a more powerful part. However, Team Rocket is also pursuing the other Zygarde Core. To capture the other Zygarde Core, Team Flare gets assistance from Alain the Mega Evolution Trainer.

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Avsnitt 15 A Watershed Moment!

While traveling in the wilderness of a valley, the gang are confronted by a boy named Henny and a Chesnaught.

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Avsnitt 16 Master Class Choices!

Serena gets ready for her next Pokémon Showcase. She hopes to win her third and final Princess Key required for the Master Class. However, a new Performer appears and poses to be the greatest test of Serena's performance skills. Meanwhile, Palermo watches Serena in the Pokémon Showcase.

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Avsnitt 17 An Electrifying Rage!

The gang travels to the mountains, where an encounter with the Legendary Pokémon Zapdos led to Noibat evolving into Noivern in order to prove himself by saving Hawlucha from Zapdos.

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Avsnitt 18 Unlocking Some Respect!

The gang come across a jewelry store manager and a thief who share the same Pokémon known as Binacle.

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Avsnitt 19 Master Class is in Session!

Serena and her Pokémon are ready to perform in the Master Class for first place. She faces a tougher challenge when her rivals, Miette, Shauna, Jessie, and Nini are also competing in the Master Class for first place.

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Avsnitt 20 Performing a Pathway to the Future!

After making it through the Master Class past her rivals, Serena finds out that she has to challenge Aria in order to become the future Kalos Queen.

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Avsnitt 21 A Keeper for Keeps?!

A new friend who gets along well with Clemont makes Bonnie feeling left out and jealous.

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Avsnitt 22 Battling at Full Volume!

Ash comes down with a fever. Serena decides to stand in for him when Jimmy the guitarist challenges Ash to a Pikachu vs Pikachu battle.

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Avsnitt 23 The Synchronicity Test!

Alain encounters the gang at the Pokémon Center. Ash and Alain once again have a battle.

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Avsnitt 24 Making Friends and Influencing Villains!

The gang helps an alternately-colored Phantump find its way back home after Team Rocket had separated it from the other Phantump.

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Avsnitt 25 Championing a Research Battle!

Champion Diantha visits Ash and his friends in order to discuss the prophecy foretold by Olympia. Diantha's Mega Gardevoir pushes Ash and Greninja to their limit.

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Avsnitt 26 A Full-Strength Battle Surprise!

Ash battles against Sawyer once again, who has earned all eight Gym Badges.

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Avsnitt 27 All Hail the Ice Battlefield!

Ash battles against the Gym Leader Wulfric of Snowbelle City. Ash uses Hawlucha, Talonflame, and Greninja. Wulfric uses Abomasnow and Avalugg. However, the battle ends in a disastrous loss for Ash, who heads off by himself to answer the doubts in his heart.

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Avsnitt 28 Seeing the Forest for the Trees!

Ash feels very bad after losing to Wulfric. While his friends search for him, an encounter with a certain Pokémon sparks a memory from Ash's past that reignites his passion.

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Avsnitt 29 A Real Icebreaker!

Ash issues a rematch battle against Wulfric to obtain his eighth Kalos Gym Badge. He has a big challenge in front of him as he has to battle against Mega Abomasnow. With the help of Ash-Greninja, Ash defeats Wulfric and receives his eighth and final Kalos Gym Badge.

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Avsnitt 30 A Diamond in the Rough!

Our heroes are visiting the wetland where Ash's friend Goodra now lives when they run into a group of Carbink with a problem-one of their Carbink friends is playing a trick on them, hiding and refusing to come out! Everyone joins the search, but the Carbink are lured into a trap and used as part of a Team Rocket robot! Feeling bad about the trouble it's caused, the mischievous Carbink teams up with Goodra to free its friends and send the villains blasting off again. Meanwhile, Alain has just defeated Gym Leader Korrina for his eighth badge, and he hopes to face a ...

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Avsnitt 31 A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness!

Ash, Serena, and Bonnie are having a tough time keeping up with Clemont! Where is he going in such a hurry? It's the Gadget Festival, where playful inventors exhibit their mechanical creations-and where Clemont is truly in his element! Team Rocket is celebrating with some gadgets of their own, but as usual, their goal is to steal Poke Balls from unsuspecting Trainers. When Ash and friends hear about this scheme, they confront the villains, who attempt to fight back using a Meowth-enhancing gadget that Clemont finds impressive! But when Team Rocket's invention falls a ...

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Avsnitt 32 A League of His Own!

After meeting up with old friends, Ash starts battling in the Lumiose Conference and he faces Alan as first his first opponent..

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Avsnitt 33 Valuable Experience for All!

At the Kalos League, Sawyer and Tierno battle against each other. The winner will battle at the semifinals against Ash or Allan.

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Avsnitt 34 Analysis Versus Passion!

Ash battles Sawyer in the semi-finals of the Kalos League.

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Avsnitt 35 A Riveting Rivalry!

Ash competes with Sawyer in the semi-finals of the Kalos League.

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Avsnitt 36 Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare!

The day before the Kalos League finals between Ash and Alain, our heroes meet Alain's young friend Mairin when she rescues Clemont's wayward Chespin! Team Flare is also in Lumiose City, preparing for a secret operation while all eyes are on the League-and Lysandre has plans for Ash once the League is over. Meanwhile, Professor Sycamore, who has been researching Ash-Greninja, shows our heroes an old manuscript describing the mysterious Bond Phenomenon, which requires Trainer and Pokemon to have a particularly close connection. Afterward, Ash rallies his Pokemon for the...

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Avsnitt 37 Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!

The Kalos League Final continues and it is getting tense. With Alain just having Bisharp and Charizard left, Ash has the upper hand with Goodra, Pikachu and Greninja still in reserve. With Pikachu already worn out after taking out Tyranitar and Metagross, it may not last long. Who will emerge triumphant in this battle and become the Kalos League Champion?

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Avsnitt 38 Down to the Fiery Finish!

Alan beats Satoshi and wins the Kalos League. Meanwhile, Flare-Dan prepares to move ahead with their plan of controlling Zygarde.

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Avsnitt 39 A Towering Takeover!

Fuladari and the Flare-Dan's plan for a beautiful new world has finally begun. Everyone from Satoshi to Alan is caught in the crossfire and soon Satoshi gets captured by Fuladari. Meanwhile Puni-Chan prepares to fight Z-2 in order to snap him out of the Flare-Dan's control.

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Avsnitt 40 Coming Apart at the Dreams!

Team Flare continues on changing the world and ruining Luminous city. Ash and his friends are in trouble.

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Avsnitt 41 The Right Hero for the Right Job!

As Ash and the gang are separated each one is trying to help others in different ways.

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Avsnitt 42 Rocking Kalos Defenses!

Ash and Alain continue their battle against Lysandre. They were successful in defeating Lysandre. Meanwhile, Chespie was absorbed by the Megalith Crystal in Lysandre Labs, which transforms into a giant Megalith Zygarde. The Megalith Zygarde was headed towards Anistar City to absorb the power from the Anistar sundial. This will result in a planetary apocalypse. Ash, Clemont, Alain, Malva, Steven Stone, the Kalos Gym Leaders, and the Kalos League Champion join forces to defeat the Megalith Zygarde.

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Avsnitt 43 Forming a More Perfect Union!

As the Kalos Gym Leaders are trying to stop the crystal, Ash and Alan are successful in saving Harimaron. The Crystal Zygarde is still able to function without Harimaron. They realize that Fleur-De-Lis is taking control of the crystal. With no other option, Puni-chan and Z-2 join forms with every Zygarde Cell in the world to transform into the 100% Zygarde Complete Form. The Zygarde Complete Form is able to destroy the Crystal Zygarde and kill Fleur-De-Lis in a devastating Core Enforcer move. The Zygarde Complete Form repairs the damage caused by the battle. Puni-chan shares a tearful goodbye with Eureka before returning to the planet with Z-2.

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Avsnitt 44 Battling With a Clean Slate!

Citron successfully repaired Citroid. Due to Citroid's memory core being destroyed, it has no memory of its past and consequently no experience. Meanwhile, a returning Pokémon trainer asks for a rematch with Citroid.

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Avsnitt 45 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!

After Lumiose City is getting rebuilt, Serena organizes a special Showcase performance in order to cheer up the residents that are feeling down because of what happened. And even though Serena is torn on what to do next, the eyes of the people she is making smile through her performance sends her thoughts in a specific direction. And after an unexpected turn of events leads to her having a battle with Ash, she makes a choice.

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Avsnitt 46 Facing the Needs of the Many!

Ash and the others came back at the wetlands and after saying goodbye to Goodra, they run into the plants that were raging wildly during the Team Flare incident, but manage to drive them back with help from Ash-Greninja. But then Team Flare scientist Xerosic returns and abducts Clemont. After officially winning, they reunite with Squishy and Zygarde, who needs Greninja's powers, leaving Ash to choose for Greninja's destiny.

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Avsnitt 47 Till We Compete Again!

With their journey in Kalos finally over, Ash and his friends decide to part ways in order to walk their own respective paths. At the airport, the group promises to meet each other again someday, but when it is almost time to board the plane, Dedenne runs away as he doesn't want to part ways with everyone. Meanwhile, what is Team Rocket up to?

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Avsnitt 48 The Legend of X, Y, and Z!

Professor Sycamore and Alexa explore some ruins, where they discover a stone statue of a woman named Aila, and a legend emerges. A collection of Kalos records reveals that Aila’s true love, Jan, attempted to vanquish the Destruction Pokémon Yveltal. When he failed, the land was drained of all life as Yveltal became a cocoon and turned Aila to stone.

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Avsnitt 49 The Strongest Duo! Clemont and Cilan!

Cilan visits Kalos to sight-see and enters a fishing competition. Clemont uses a fishing machine. Cilan calls it deplorable and dismisses him as ignorant. Although unimpressed with his company, Cilan agrees to being shown around Lumiose.

Säsong 20

Pokémon säsong 20 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Alola to New Adventure!

What begins as a vacation for our hero on Melemele Island in the Alola region turns into the promise of many, many exciting adventures to come!

Pokémon säsong 20 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Guardian's Challenge!

Ash and Pikachu are adjusting to life in the Alola region-and it's about to give them a powerful push in a new direction!

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Avsnitt 3 Loading the Dex!

Ash's journey in the Alola region is just getting under way, and our hero has a new partner to share it with!

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Avsnitt 4 First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-style!

Ash is after his first Pokémon in the Alola region, and the adventure that ensues is typical Ash!

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Avsnitt 5 Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio!

Ash's Pokémon class is off to the sea for some fishing, but Team Rocket has a completely different kind of fishing in mind!

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Avsnitt 6 A Shocking Grocery Run!

Ash's first day off from Pokémon School was supposed to be a relaxing break, but things don't go quite as expected!

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Avsnitt 7 That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!

A feisty Litten is determined to steal food from others, and Ash and Pikachu are determined to find out why!

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Avsnitt 8 Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge!

Lillie has a Pokémon Egg to care for until it hatches, but will fear get in her way?

Pokémon säsong 20 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 To Top a Totem!

Ash wants a new Z-Crystal, but he must face some formidable tasks first!

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Avsnitt 10 Trial and Tribulation!

The Melemele Island grand trial is imminent, and Ash must square off against the power and wisdom of Kahuna Hala!

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Avsnitt 11 Young Kiawe Had a Farm!

Ash has time off from school for training, but a fellow student's activities away from school have our hero wanting to find out all about it!

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Avsnitt 12 The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair!

Professor Kukui takes Ash and the other students for a special lesson at the beach, where they come across a bunch of Mareanie. One Mareanie causes trouble for Ash and his Pokémon when it decides to help Team Rocket (and especially James), who are under pressure from their boss to catch new Pokémon in the Alola region.

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Avsnitt 13 Racing to a Big Event!

Mallow tells Ash about the Great Alola Pancake Race and suggests that he join in. Ash agrees and finds his main rival to be the Pancake shop owner, who has an Alolan Raichu. During the race, Team Rocket, who want the grand prize of a year's supply of free pancakes, enter both Mimikyu and a mechanical Bewear powered by Meowth and Wobbuffet; Mimikyu is disqualified for using a Pokémon attack against Pikachu and the mechanical Bewear later self-destructs, and Team Rocket is carried off once again by the real Bewear. The Principal's Komala wins the race at the last second. Later at the Pokémon School, Lillie's egg begins to hatch!

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Avsnitt 14 Getting to Know You!

Lillie's egg hatches into an Alolan Vulpix, which she had named "Snowy" in the previous episode, and their principal's egg into a normal Vulpix. The fire-type Vulpix starts playing with Pikachu, Togedemaru, Popplio and the others, while Snowy (an ice-type) ignores the others. Finally, it decides to accept Lillie as its trainer and gets caught in Lillie's Pokéball by itself. Lillie decides to spend some time alone with her newfound partner and takes a walk with Snowy. Team Rocket starts following them and soon corners Lillie and Snowy. Though Lillie tries to put up a fight when Snowy uses Powder Snow, Team Rocket dominates her in battle. She and Snowy are saved by Ash and Mallow. Lillie finally learns to touch a Pokémon for the first time, even though this is exclusively for Snowy at this moment.

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Avsnitt 15 Rocking Clawmark Hill!

Ash and Professor Kukui notice that the Rockruff that lives with Professor Kukui is disappearing at night and returning the next morning badly injured. Following it, they find out that Rockruff is participating in a secret Pokémon training ground. Ash decides to help Rockruff train. Rockruff learns to use Rock Throw. After Rockruff defeats a Magmar that previously defeated it, Professor Kukui decides to leave Rockruff in Ash's care and Ash catches Rockruff.

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Avsnitt 16 They Might Not Be Giants!

While training on a beach, Lana's Popplio and Ash's Rowlet are caught inside one of Popplio's balloons, which is blown away by a strong wind. Rowlet bursts the balloon open, and they both crash into Team Rocket's secret base. Meowth and Mareanie chase after them, but they are rescued by Litten. While Ash, Lana, and Mallow search for the missing pair, Litten takes them to where it has been staying with the old Stoutland. Stoutland asks Litten to help them find their trainers; however, Team Rocket is also hunting them. Who will find Litten and the lost Pokémon pair first?

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Avsnitt 17 Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!

Ash's Electrium Z-crystal is missing. Rotom, who is a big fan of an Alolan detective TV show, is prompted to try and find it with Pikachu as his assistant. In the meantime, Ash and the other students are all desperate to keep Kiawe, the only other Z-ring wearer, from finding out about the missing Z-crystal out of fear of his anger. However, the solution to the case may be even more surprising than anyone thinks. Rotom gets a new video camera function.

Pokémon säsong 20 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 A Seasoned Search!

Mallow invites her classmates to her restaurant to taste her version of Alola's legendary stew; unfortunately, her use of Pikachu's electric shock to cook it doesn't go over so well. It turns out that she is missing an important ingredient: the rare Saffron honey, so Ash and Pikachu decide to help Mallow gather some honey. Their plan is to use an Oricorio to find it, but finding one is not so easy. Meanwhile, Ash's Rowlet seems to have developed feelings for Mallow's Bounsweet, but the feelings are not reciprocated. Team Rocket turns up once again, but this time instead of stealing Pikachu they plan to steal the Saffron honey. However, their interference causes Bounsweet to evolve into a Steenee with a devastating slap attack.

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Avsnitt 19 A Guardian Rematch!

Ash needs to begin training for a possible rematch against Tapu Koko. Sophocles helps out with scientific methods that yields surprising results. Naturally, this arouses Tapu Koko's interest. Tapu Koko challenges Ash and Pikachu with the whole Pokémon school looking on. Are Ash and Pikachu strong enough with the Electrium Z-Crystal power to withstand the Island Guardian's powerful attacks?

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Avsnitt 20 Partner Promises!

On the advice of a local shopkeeper, Ash and Pikachi (partly to escape being dragged along on the girls' shopping spree) kayak to nearby Treasure Island, where there are lots of wild Pokémon. After watching a group of Crabrawler, following an Cutiefly to a meadow full of friendly bug Pokémon and having fun with a group of Alolan Exeggutor, they are overrun by a school of Wimpod who try to steal their snacks. Preparing to return home, they find a Wimpod trapped inside a blocked cave. With the help of one of the Exeggutor from earlier, they manage to reach and free Wimpod, who thanks Ash before returning to its school. Ash and Pikachu see another Island Guardian, Tapu Lele, who heals Ash's bruised hands.

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Avsnitt 21 One Journey Ends, Another Begins...

Ash and Pikachu run into Litten again, but this time something's very wrong with its friend the old Stoutland. Ash carries Stoutland to the Pokémon Center, where Ash, Pikachu, and Rotom-Dex learn that Stoutland is dying. Litten and Stoutland escape from the Pokémon Center and return to the riverside, where Stoutland passes away in the night. After realizing what has happened, Litten is heart-broken and refuses to be comforted by anyone. After Litten finally comes to terms with the loss of its friend, Ash asks Litten to join him. Litten decides to test him by battling against Pikachu. When the battle ends in a draw, Litten chooses to become one of Ash's Pokémon. Team Rocket's Meowth, who for reasons of his own has been secretly watching everything, seems pleased by the outcome.

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Avsnitt 22 A Shivering Shovel Search!

While training Litten, who is having trouble mastering Fire Fang, Ash accidentally incurs the wrath of an unfriendly Sandygast when Rockruff's Rock Throw knocks the shovel off its head. Ash's attempt to temporarily replace it with Rotom-Dex only makes things worse. In a rage, Sandygast evolves into Palossand and swallows up Ash and also Litten when it tries to rescue him. With both Litten and Rotom-Dex affected by Palossand's energy drain, it is now up to the rest of Ash's classmates to save them. While Kiawe and the others keep Palossand busy, can Pikachu and Popplio find the lost shovel in time?

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Avsnitt 23 Getting the Band Back Together!

Ash and his classmates are excited to see DJ Leo, who is a popular local musician that plays music with his Alolan Dugtrio. After an Alolan Diglett that dances joins the group, the Dugtrio start quarreling among themselves as to which of them should take center stage. Amidst the threat of a split-up, Team Rocket steps in to steal Dugtrio.

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Avsnitt 24 Alolan Open House!

When the Pokémon School announces a special Visitors Day, Ash's mother and Mr. Mime come for a visit. Delia charms everyone, including all of Ash's Alolan Pokémon. Meanwhile, Ash faces one of his toughest challenges ever... giving a report in front of his classmates, the school visitors and now his own mother! When the Team Skull grunts crash the festivities on Tauros and start causing mayhem, Delia insists on standing up to them. Can Ash and his Pokémon save the day?

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Avsnitt 25 A Team-on-Team Tussle!

When Team Rocket see Ash and Kiawe demonstrating Z-moves, they plot to find Z-crystals for themselves. While searching, Team Rocket run into Team Skull. Both gangs spot a Darkinium Z-crystal embedded in a large rock. Will they be able to work together to get through the infestation of Rattata and Raticate from earlier that are between them and the Z-crystal? If they can, how long will this alliance last? If they can't, who will get the Z-crystal first and will they be able to use it?

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Avsnitt 26 So Long, Sophocles!

Sophocles and his family may be moving away, so Sophocles will have to leave the Pokémon school and all his friends. Even though he tries to keep the news from his classmates, they can see that both he and Togedemaru are very upset. Ash and his friends work together to cheer up Sophocles with a farewell party. However, when Sophocles finds out he's made a mistake, he finds it very hard to tell his friends.

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Avsnitt 27 A Glaring Rivalry!

A trainer named Gladion, dressed in black, battling with a powerful fiery-eyed Lycanroc and wearing a Z-ring, has appeared on Melemele Island. After seeing them in action, Ash naturally wants to battle Gladion; however, he's totally shocked when Lillie appears and calls Gladion her brother. Gladion seems cold towards Lillie and at first refuses Ash's challenge, but then learns that Ash got his Z-ring from Tapu Koko and had actually battled the Island Guardian. That night, Gladion's Umbreon delivers a note to Ash agreeing to battle. It's Ash's Rockruff versus Gladion's Lycanroc! However, Team Rocket, who saw Gladion defeat the Team Skull grunts earlier, can't resist getting involved. Ash and Gladion must work together to rescue Pikachu and Lycanroc.

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Avsnitt 28 Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!

Grab your bats and mitts: Pokémon Base season is upon us! Ash and friends can’t get enough of the popular sport, especially after watching the final Pro League game, and they’re delighted when Professor Kukui invites a star athlete to visit the Pokémon School for a special lesson. The competition gets fierce when Team Rocket arrives for a game! Get ready for some intense sports action—and the rare sight of Kiawe wearing a shirt!

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Avsnitt 29 Lulled to La-La Land!

Students and Pokémon take a camping trip together. After they wake up feeling mysteriously drained, they realize there's something in the forest.

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Avsnitt 30 The Ol' Raise and Switch!

Ash and his friends switch Pokémon for two days for a class assignment. Ash takes Snowy to his house while Pikachu goes home with Lillie.

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Avsnitt 31 The Island Whisperer!

The Akala Island Kahuna, Olivia, comes to the Pokémon School. Ash and the rest of the class head to Akala for a practical class under her supervision.

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Avsnitt 32 Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!

For the first class on Akala, Ash and his friends are paired with Stoutlands for a treasure hunt. Lillie and Lana struggle with their partners.

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Avsnitt 33 Big Sky, Small Fry!

With no class today, Ash and Lana go fishing, but they may end up catching more than they bargained for since the lagoon they're fishing in may contain a water-type Totem Pokémon. If there is, then Lana is determined to battle it. Meanwhile, Kiawe takes the rest of the gang to visit his family's dairy farm, and Team Rocket doesn't seem to be having much luck with their own fishing.

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Avsnitt 34 A Crowning Moment of Truth!

The Wela Fire Festival is just starting to heat up, but someone seems determined to put it out!

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Avsnitt 35 Currying Favor and Flavor!

Our heroes are embarking on a mission filled with good taste...and a surprising finish!

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Avsnitt 36 Trials and Determinations!

The time for Ash's grand trial with Olivia is finally here, and it's no ordinary battle!

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Avsnitt 37 Rising from the Ruins!

As if Ash's victory at his grand trial wasn't monumental enough, an unexpected transformation makes a memorable field trip even more momentous!

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Avsnitt 38 Mimikyu Unmasked!

When Mimikyu faces a fashion problem, Jessie sees a bonding opportunity!

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Avsnitt 39 Mallow and the Forest Teacher!

It's a challenging day for Mallow and her family restaurant, and emotions are running high!

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Avsnitt 40 Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence!

Lana and Popplio are working hard to master their Z-Move, but their progress is soon to grow by leaps and bounds!

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Avsnitt 41 Mounting an Electrifying Charge!

Three of our heroes are teaming up for the annual Charjabug race, an electrifying event with shocking results!

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Avsnitt 42 Alola, Kanto!

A celebratory Pokémon School class trip turns out to be a reunion no one will ever forget!

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Avsnitt 43 When Regions Collide!

The Cerulean Gym is the setting for old and new friends, battling old and new skills!

Säsong 21

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Avsnitt 1 A Dream Encounter!

After dreaming that he made a promise to the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala, Ash has a hard time waking up. On his way to school, he’s sidetracked by Tapu Koko, who guides him to a strange little Pokémon that looks like a cloud of stars. Lillie nicknames it Nebby, and Ash remembers his dream: he promised to take care of it! This attracts the attention of Lillie’s mother, Lusamine, the head of the Aether Foundation. She and her colleagues come to meet Nebby and offer to take care of (and research) this unknown Pokémon. But Ash is resolute in his promise, so Nebby’s identity is a mystery for now!

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Avsnitt 2 Now You See Them, Now You Don't!

The Pokémon School class is sculpting with clay today! But while our heroes muse about various Pokémon and places, they disappear one by one—first appearing at the scenes of their musings, then reappearing back at school! They soon realize Nebby had used Teleport to take them to the places and Pokémon they were thinking about. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is determined to catch Nebby. They succeed, but thanks to Teleport, Bewear carries the trio off...and Nebby makes its way back to Ash—all by itself! After Ash and Pikachu visit the places the rest of the class saw earlier, one thing becomes obvious: Nebby is growing up!

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Avsnitt 3 Deceiving Appearances!

Our heroes visit Aether Paradise, part of the Aether Foundation run by Lillie’s mother, Lusamine. An impressive variety of Pokémon live in the conservation area, including a group of Ditto who need their shots! Professor Burnet recruits Ash and friends to help with the vaccinations while Lusamine is busy on the phone, but one of the Ditto escapes and leads our heroes on a merry chase as it keeps transforming. They eventually catch it when it disguises itself as Snowy—and Lillie realizes she can’t touch it! Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio has scored jobs at Aether Paradise, and they’re hot on Nebby’s trail when they stumble into Faba’s mysterious laboratory…

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Avsnitt 4 A Masked Warning!

When Ash gives Lycanroc a bath, an accidental splash of dirty water unleashes Lycanroc’s surprisingly red-hot temper! Then, when our hero wonders aloud what Gladion is up to, Nebby teleports Ash and Pikachu to him. They meet Silvally, a Pokémon created to defeat Ultra Beasts—and Gladion is convinced that Nebby is one! Suspicious, Gladion wants to know what Ash is up to, and our hero suggests a battle so he can find out! Ash’s Dusk Form Lycanroc faces off against Gladion’s Silvally. Lycanroc battles magnificently, but another temper tantrum betrays its inexperience, and Silvally wins. But Gladion decides Ash is trustworthy, and their friendship starts to grow…

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Avsnitt 5 Night of A Thousand Poses!

Our heroes are having a sleepover at Professor Kukui’s house, and Professor Burnet agrees to join them! Everyone has a good time, but there are a couple of hiccups: during a game of Z-Move poses, Kiawe accidentally unleashes Turtonator’s Inferno Overdrive in the living room, and then Professor Burnet’s Munchlax eats everything she cooked for dinner! That night, when Lillie has trouble sleeping, she talks with Professor Burnet, who offers some advice about her family. The next day, Nebby unexpectedly whisks her away to visit her brother—and his partner, the mysterious Silvally, who leaves her terrified and apparently unable to touch Pokémon again!

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Avsnitt 6 Mission: Total Recall!

After accidentally seeing Gladion and coming face-to-face with Silvally, Lillie is once again unable to touch Pokémon—but she’s determined to change that! With Nebby’s help, she embarks on a journey to recall the memories behind her fear. But Faba wants none of it, having been responsible for Silvally’s creation in the first place. Vowing to make sure Lillie never remembers her past, Faba captures her, and she’s again filled with fear. But Silvally rescues Lillie, and when she remembers that it was the one who saved her in the past, her fear of touching Pokémon finally vanishes!

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Avsnitt 7 Faba's Revenge!

Lillie can touch Pokémon again! While our heroes celebrate, a disgraced Faba is determined to prove himself to Lusamine by summoning an Ultra Beast—the same one that threatened Lillie years before. He kidnaps Nebby and convinces it to teleport him into his research lab at Aether Paradise. Ash, Gladion, Lillie, and Lusamine go after Faba, arriving just as a panicked Nebby transforms into a chrysalis and the Ultra Wormhole begins to open! The Ultra Beast known as UB-01 Symbiont emerges and attacks Lillie—but Lusamine throws herself in front of her daughter, and the Ultra Beast engulfs her instead and takes her back through the wormhole!

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Avsnitt 8 Family Determination!

Our heroes are in shock after Lusamine’s disappearance through an Ultra Wormhole, and they want to help get her back. But Gladion insists it’s a family matter, and he and Lillie set out on their own rescue mission. The Pokémon School class still wants to help, though, so Kahuna Hala directs them to the Altar of the Sunne on Poni Island. Meanwhile, nearing the altar, Gladion and Lillie encounter a Totem Kommo-o! With Snowy and Silvally, they defeat the Dragon-type Pokémon. Then, when the siblings rejoin the rest of our heroes, Ash again tries to convince Gladion to let everyone help. And when Lillie agrees, Gladion finally understands…

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Avsnitt 9 Revealing the Stuff of Legend!

Our heroes are all gathered at the Altar of the Sunne, along with all four of Alola’s Island Guardians. Lillie and Gladion ask the Island Guardians for help to rescue their mother, Lusamine, who has been taken through an Ultra Wormhole by a mysterious Ultra Beast. After Tapu Koko and the others perform a ritual, little Nebby evolves into the mighty Solgaleo—one of the Legendary Pokémon of Alola! At Solgaleo’s invitation, the Pokémon School students climb onto its back. With the help of a new Z-Move, Solgaleo opens an Ultra Wormhole and carries them through, off to rescue Lusamine from the Ultra Beast!

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Avsnitt 10 Rescuing the Unwilling!

Our heroes have made it through the Ultra Wormhole, but when they find the captured Lusamine, they’re shocked to find she wants nothing to do with them! With an Ultra Beast controlling her mind, it’s up to Lillie, Ash, and friends to rescue her. Their Pokémon spring into action—but so do Lusamine’s Pokémon, who are also under the Ultra Beast’s control. Lillie gathers her courage and reaches out to Clefable, recounting the fun they had together in years past. Her reassuring persistence pays off, and Clefable breaks free of the Ultra Beast’s control. Meanwhile, riding on Solgaleo’s back, Ash presses on to find Lusamine—and the Ultra Beast.

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Avsnitt 11 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!

Our heroes are battling hard against a group of mind-controlled Pokémon, and Lusamine is still resisting rescue. When Gladion realizes their attacks won’t stop until the Ultra Beast is defeated, Ash suggests the two of them use Z-Moves. Instead, Gladion and his Pokémon provide a distraction while Ash and Pikachu use a powerful new Z-Move: 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt! This finally defeats the Ultra Beast, and after Lillie pleads with her mother to wake up, Lusamine is finally herself again. Returning through the Ultra Wormhole, our heroes and Lusamine are reunited with Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, and Lusamine gratefully gives credit to our heroes for saving her.

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Avsnitt 12 The Professors' New Adventure!

Following their journey through the Ultra Wormhole, our heroes return to the Pokémon School, where Lillie thanks everyone for their help saving her mother. Later, during a walk on the beach, Professor Kukui asks Professor Burnet to marry him! They aren’t planning a wedding ceremony, but our heroes have other ideas...a surprise ceremony awaits! Then, Lusamine asks the Pokémon School class to join the Ultra Guardians—a group that protects Alola from Ultra Beasts. And just after the bouquet toss, Solgaleo appears! Ash gets his wish and thanks the Legendary Pokémon for all its help, and he looks forward to seeing it again someday.

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Avsnitt 13 Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie!

Our heroes are curious about the origins (and sleep habits) of Principal Samson Oak’s partner Komala. After telling the students how they met, Samson shows off Komala’s impressive skill at battling in its sleep! They get another lesson in sleep when Jigglypuff shows up at the Pokémon School! As always, its song makes everyone sleep, and they wake with angry scribbles on their faces…everyone except Komala. That gives Samson an idea… When Jigglypuff returns, Komala joins it in song. This makes Jigglypuff fall asleep, and Komala doodles on its face! Rather than being grumpy when it wakes up, Jigglypuff seems to think this is hilarious. Komala has a new friend!

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Avsnitt 14 The Dex Can't Help It!

Rotom Dex is excited to house-sit while Ash and the professors go shopping. But chaos ensues when a washing machine is mistakenly delivered—and there’s a Wash Rotom inside! Somehow, the Wash Rotom ends up inside Ash’s Pokédex, and Rotom Dex takes its place in the washing machine. After a series of accidental form changes, and even some time spent inside a TV, Rotom Dex yearns to be back inside the comfort of the Pokédex. It finally succeeds, but not for long—after a big shock from Pikachu, Rotom Dex accidentally inhabits the entire Pokémon Center!

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Avsnitt 15 Fighting Back The Tears!

After a day of shopping, Team Rocket encounters Mareanie’s first love and mentor, a Mareanie that still has feelings for its former protégé. Filled with jealousy, it evolves into a Toxapex and poisons James! In his poisoned stupor, James decides Mareanie should be with Toxapex instead of with him. When Mareanie overhears this, its sadness causes it to run away. But Toxapex can’t bear to see Mareanie cry, and it challenges James to a duel to win Mareanie back. After what turns out to be an underwhelming battle, James is victorious, and Mareanie joyously reunites with him and the rest of Team Rocket!

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Avsnitt 16 Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet!

When Harper and Sarah tell Lana that a Pokémon saved them after they got lost in the woods, Mallow remembers the same thing happened to her and Lana when they were younger! The two friends decide it’s time to find this Pokémon, nicknamed Grandpa Forest, and offer it their thanks. Always up for an adventure, Ash and Pikachu tag along, too! Our heroes soon learn that Grandpa Forest must be a Drampa, and when they find its favorite bittersweet Haban Berry trees, they realize they’re on the right track. Then, after a brief scuffle with Team Rocket, Lana and Mallow joyfully reunite with their old friend!

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Avsnitt 17 Getting a Jump on the Competition!

The Pokémon School students, Professor Kukui, and Kahuna Hala are visiting Mount Lanakila on Ula’ula Island, where they meet Cerah, a star of the Pokémon Sled Jump event. With the help of her Alolan Ninetales, Cerah introduces our heroes to the sport, and Lillie and Snowy are excited to try it together—even regaining their confidence after crashing during a practice run. The two of them fly high in the competition, and Snowy shows off a new move: Aurora Veil! Although Kahuna Hala and his newly evolved Crabominable are the winners, everyone agrees that Lillie’s jump was excellent, and she’s excited to keep working with Snowy as a team!

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Avsnitt 18 A Mission of Ultra Urgency!

Lusamine gives our heroes their first assignment as members of the Ultra Guardians: catch an Ultra Beast named Buzzwole, who emerged from an Ultra Wormhole on Melemele Island. Equipped with the latest technology, the Ultra Guardians locate the Pokémon, whose aggressive behavior seems to reflect its anxiety about being in a strange world. Ash and Kiawe notice Buzzwole has a habit of striking heroic poses—so they join right in! With Buzzwole’s guard down, Ash catches it in a Beast Ball, and it’s soon returned to its own world through the reopened Ultra Wormhole. Though our heroes will miss Buzzwole, their first mission as Ultra Guardians is a rousing success!

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Avsnitt 19 Acting True to Form!

When Team Rocket encounters an Alolan Meowth, Jessie and James admire its clever demeanor—but our Meowth knows from experience that this lookalike is only looking out for number one! To Meowth’s chagrin, Jessie and James want Alolan Meowth to join Team Rocket, and it even comes up with a plan to catch Pikachu once and for all. But when the plan’s set into motion, Alolan Meowth is nowhere to be found! When it reappears at Team Rocket Headquarters with the Boss, Jessie and James realize they’ve been had. Meowth is filled with jealousy, but he can also breathe a sigh of relief, as things are back to normal again!

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Avsnitt 20 Pushing the Fiery Envelope!

The mysterious Masked Royal and his partner Incineroar star in the Battle Royal, an Alolan tradition in which four Pokémon battle until the last one standing is the winner. Ash, watching on TV, can’t wait to get in on the action—and the next day, he gets his chance! At the Battle Royal Dome, Ash’s Litten charges right into the ring, determined to take on the impressive Incineroar. The Masked Royal accepts Litten’s challenge and invites Sophocles and Kiawe to round out the four. He defeats them all, but Litten is fired up—and during an unexpected rematch the next day, it evolves into Torracat!

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Avsnitt 21 Ash and Passimian! Touchdown of Friendship!

Ash takes a trip to the marketplace and meets the local group of Passimians, who have a rivalry with the Akala Island Passimians. (exists only in Japanese) Original title: Satoshi and Nagetukesaru! Touchdown of Friendship!!

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Avsnitt 22 Turning Heads and Training Hard!

There’s plenty of excitement at the Pokémon School when Ilima, one of its most skilled graduates, returns for a visit. The students have heard plenty of stories of Ilima’s adventures with Eevee, and after sharing those stories with Ash and Lillie, they want to learn if the legends are true. Despite that popularity, though, Ilima’s reappearance has attracted the unwanted attention of Team Skull’s Tupp and his crew of Grunts.

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Avsnitt 23 Smashing with Sketch!

Our heroes are learning all about Pokémon Ping-Pong, with Pokémon School graduate Ilima showing them the ins and outs of the game! Ilima plans to compete in an upcoming Pokémon Ping-Pong tournament, where he hopes to settle an old score and defeat Ikari, the winner in previous years. But while Ilima believes that consideration for his Pokémon partner is key to success, Ikari takes a more aggressive strategy. After Ikari berates his partner Mienshao during the heat of the tournament’s final game, the two lose coordination, and Ilima and his partner Smeargle emerge victorious!

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Avsnitt 24 Love at First Twirl!

One day during class at the school, an unrecognizable creature comes to Ash and the others. When they notice it, the creature disappears, but for some reason they can no longer see Pikachu around either. It appears Pikachu was taken away by the earlier creature. An agitated Ash starts searching for Pikachu, but suddenly runs into Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 25 Real Life...Inquire Within!

Ash is on his way to the Pokémon Center with Pikachu, Rotom and Poipole for the school's work experience program when he is stopped by the Team Skull grunts, who challenge him to a battle. The 3-on-1 battle backfires when something goes wrong with Zipp's Garbodor's Venom Shock and Team Skull is forced to retreat. At the Center, the Nurse Joy that works there has a bad cold, so Ash and the others decide to do her duties for her. With some minor hiccups (such as a mix-up about Pokémon Center uniforms and an unexpected delivery to Team Rocket's food truck), things go well, but Zipp keeps showing up, apparently seeking treatment for his Garbodor, who is suffering from Poison Clog. The gang aren't sure how to help Garbodor, but Nurse Joy appears and takes change of treating Garbodor with their help. By evening, Garbodor has been cured, but the Nurse Joy who treated Garbodor turns out to be a sister of the now-recovered Nurse Joy.

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Avsnitt 26 Rise and Shine, Starship!

Sophocles is out camping with his parents and Pokémon at Bamboo Hill when he finds a strange metallic object buried in the ground. Remembering a folktale, he believes it to be the legendary spaceship Celestial Starship. The next day, after he tells his classmates about it, they go there and see it for themselves. After an unsuccessful attempt to dig it up, they return to school, where they are contacted by Lusamine about an Ultra Beast having been detected. Sophocles is surprised to discover that the Pokémon he discovered is a Celesteela, and they determine to return it home. Attempts to catch it in a Beast Ball prove unsuccessful as it is firmly rooted down. Team Rocket attempts to catch Celesteela as the Ultra Guardians try to protect it, and Team Rocket is almost incinerated as Celesteela begins to launch itself. After the Ultra Guardians create a safe launch area, they watch Celesteela fly home.

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Avsnitt 27 The Young Flame Strikes Back!

In Kiawe's farm, a man named Viren appears who comes up with an idea to make a resort hotel by purchasing the farm.

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Avsnitt 28 Dewpider Ascending!

On Melemele Island, a wild Dewpider leaves its nest in search of its own pond to call home. Along the way, it gets caught up in confrontations with various Pokémon who don’t take kindly to intruders. Dewpider wears a water bubble on its head that lets it breathe on land, so when it sees Lana wearing one of Popplio’s balloons on her head, it thinks she’s a Dewpider, too! The Pokémon School class observes and encourages Dewpider as it searches for a new home, battling opponents in the process. When it finally succeeds, it happily begins building its nest, inspired by its new friend Lana.

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Avsnitt 29 Sours for the Sweet!

The annual Alola Bread Festival is coming up, and Mallow’s brother Ulu has unexpectedly returned home to enter! When Nina from the pancake restaurant stops by to wish Ulu good luck, he vows to win for her sake. But all his sweet Grepa Berries disappear, so our heroes jump in to help save his entry. Mallow suggests making jelly from sour Grepa Berries, sweetening it, and spreading it on Ulu’s bread. And it works! Ulu’s bread wins first prize…but when he discovers Nina’s already engaged to someone else, he suddenly takes off again on his cooking journey!

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Avsnitt 30 Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?

After James’s Mareanie masters a Dark-type move, Team Rocket realizes that they can finally take advantage of their Dark-type Z-Crystal. To this end, the Boss sends them to Ula’ula Island to get a Z-Ring from the kahuna—but they accidentally unleash a greedy Gengar who steals their Z-Crystal and kidnaps a girl named Acerola! Team Rocket sets off in pursuit, but can they defeat the ghostly thief? And just what are Gengar’s true intentions?

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Avsnitt 31 Tough Guy Trials!

Ash can’t contain his excitement as he arrives on Ula’ula Island for his next grand trial. But Nanu, the island kahuna, has other ideas and leads Ash to believe someone else is the kahuna. To Nanu’s dismay, Acerola blows his cover and convinces him to grant Ash a “pre-trial” battle. Nanu is convinced Ash isn’t ready, and after his Krookodile soundly defeats Ash’s Lycanroc, he seems to prove his point. But Ash never gives up, and he vows to stay on the island and train hard for a rematch!

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Avsnitt 32 Some Kind of Laziness!

Thanks to Acerola’s help, Ash arrives at the Ruins of Abundance, home of the Ula’ula Island Guardian Tapu Bulu. Ash wants to train with Tapu Bulu to prepare for his rematch against the Island Kahuna Nanu, and after our hero demonstrates his friendship with his Pokémon, Tapu Bulu springs into action! Showing immense power, the Island Guardian engages Ash and Lycanroc in battle. Lycanroc learns how to use Stone Edge! As the bond between Ash and Lycanroc grows, Tapu Bulu returns to its nap, satisfied that the training session was a success!

Pokémon säsong 21 avsnitt 33
Avsnitt 33 A Battle Hand-Off!

Ash has been training hard, preparing for his rematch against Nanu on Ula’ula Island. But when he tells the kahuna he’s ready, Nanu has another idea. Team Rocket has just come looking for the Twerp so Mimikyu can try out its new Z-Move against Pikachu, so Nanu sends him out to battle them instead! Mimikyu proves to be a powerful opponent, but Pikachu overwhelms the opposition with a new move, Electroweb, and the Z-Move 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. Ash wins, setting the stage for his Ula’ula Island grand trial!

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Avsnitt 34 Guiding an Awakening!

With his pre-trial successfully behind him, Ash is finally ready to take the Ula’ula Island grand trial against Kahuna Nanu. Our hero is taken aback when Nanu reveals the terms of the challenge, though—Ash must defeat three of Nanu’s Pokémon with only one of his own! Ash decides that Lycanroc is up to the task, but the temperamental Pokémon might have trouble keeping its anger under control...especially when Nanu unleashes a barrage of taunts questioning Ash and Lycanroc’s teamwork.

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Avsnitt 35 Twirling With a Bang!

Ash is back on Melemele Island, watching a fireworks display with his Pokémon School classmates. Toward the end of the show, a strange creature starts creating even more fireworks ... by making its own head explode! The next day, Lusamine summons the Ultra Guardians to deal with this Ultra Beast! When our heroes go after it, they discover a second Ultra Beast, and the two creatures face off, flinging fireworks and sparks around so no one can get close. At Ash’s suggestion, the Ultra Guardians stage their own fireworks show, combining their Pokémon’s moves into a gorgeous display that distracts the Ultra Beasts long enough to catch them!

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Avsnitt 36 Showering the World With Love!

Ash and his Pokémon School friends visit Hokulani Observatory to view a meteor shower. But these aren’t normal meteors. They’re the space-dwelling Pokémon Minior, crashing to the ground in vast numbers! Guided by Sophocles’s cousin, Molayne, our heroes settle in for a night of making wishes on falling “stars”. When Minior land, they typically burst out of their protective rock shells, filling the evening sky with color and light. This amazing display creates a festive mood, but the celebration seems to bring back sad memories for Sophocles...

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Avsnitt 37 Not Caving Under Pressure!

On their way to the ferry back to Melemele Island, our heroes take a shortcut through a cave. They find an area filled with luminescent moss, and Kiawe’s overexcited Marowak starts a commotion that separates everyone into groups. While the others try to find their way out, Lillie, Sophocles, and Mallow discover a group of Alolan Sandshrew in training. The Sandshrew are threatened by a Tyranitar, but Lillie intervenes. She challenges Tyranitar to a Double Battle—and wins with the help of Snowy and the Sandshrew Boss! To show their gratitude, the Sandshrew present Lillie with her very own Icium Z!

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Avsnitt 38 A Young Royal Flame Ignites!

Another exciting Battle Royal is under way! It’s the Masked Royal versus the Revengers, a battle team known for their blatant rule-breaking. When they’re about to unleash a sneak attack on Incineroar, Ash’s Torracat charges into the ring with a sneak attack of its own—and "Ash Royal" joins the Masked Royal for a tag-team match against the Revengers’ Electivire and Magmortar! The Revengers’ boss is Viren, the ruthless developer who once threatened Kiawe’s family farm—which means the Battle Royal Dome itself is on the line! But Torracat and Incineroar prove to be a great team, and despite their opponents’ unsavory tactics, the Double Royals win the day!

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Avsnitt 39 All They Want to Do Is Dance, Dance!

Professor Kukui has a new assignment for his class: teaching their Pokémon to dance! The students have lots of ideas—and varying degrees of success. While Mallow and Steenee are learning the traditional Alola Hula from Anela in the market, Team Rocket spies on them and makes a plan to crash the performance. Sure enough, the villains strike, trapping everyone else in a pair of cages. But Steenee eludes capture and springs into action, leaping to the top of one cage and stomping with all its might—until it evolves into Tsareena, whose stronger legs make quick work of Team Rocket’s gadgets!

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Avsnitt 40 Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!

The Pokémon School has a visiting teacher: Faba! When he shows off his invention that can reduce the size of objects for easy storage, it malfunctions, and Ash, Lillie, and Sophocles are shrunk into tiny heroes! Faba recruits Rotom Dex to help him repair the machine, and meanwhile, our heroes are thrown into a world where everything is gigantic. They eventually reunite with Pikachu, who sneezes on them—causing them to return to normal size. But just when Faba thinks he’s fixed his invention, it misfires again…and the result is a towering Togedemaru!

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Avsnitt 41 The Shape of Love to Come!

While out shopping, Ash meets a talented artist named Mina, whose partner Ribombee has an amazing power: it can tell what people and Pokémon are feeling! Poipole is fascinated, too, and shows off its own drawing skills to the rest of the Pokémon School class. It’s thrilled to draw symbols representing its love for its “Alolan family,” but after a mysterious dream, its artwork takes on a different, darker tone. Although Poipole’s motivations remain unclear, our heroes reassure it that they’re behind it no matter what! In the meantime, though, the mystery continues to deepen...

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Avsnitt 42 The Long Vault Home!

While practicing their vaulting skills during gym class, Ash and friends compete to see who can jump the highest. The next day, an Ultra Beast named Stakataka appears in Alola—and our heroes initially mistake it for a giant vaulting challenge! But they soon realize its true identity, and they spring into action as the Ultra Guardians. After multiple failed attempts to get Stakataka into a Beast Ball, the Ultra Beast finally recognizes that our heroes are trying to help, and it agrees to be caught so it can be returned to its home world. It’s another success for the Ultra Guardians!

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Avsnitt 43 I Choose Paradise!

The Ultra Guardians are beside themselves with excitement, as Lusamine has booked them a day at the Pokémon Paradise Resort—and the hardworking Ride Pokémon are tagging along, too! Everyone enjoys the spa’s relaxing amenities, but Team Rocket shows up in disguise with other plans: stealing all the Pokémon they can! Fortunately, the Ride Pokémon have none of it, and they make sure to dash the troublemakers’ ambitions. Our heroes finish their spa day in total luxury, while Team Rocket ends up stuck in the mud with Bewear...

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Avsnitt 44 Filling the Light with Darkness!

Professors Kukui and Burnet have a hard time getting up in the morning, and when Ash gets to school, he discovers that the adults in his friends’ lives are in the same boat! The Aether Foundation team has a theory, but they’re exhausted too, so Ash takes charge of the Ultra Guardians (now including Gladion) to investigate. The culprit seems to be something on the other side of an Ultra Wormhole, draining all the energy from the Ultra Auras. Our heroes track down the wormhole, and they’re excited to see the Legendary Pokémon Lunala emerge—but a mysterious and frightening creature is right on its tail!

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Avsnitt 45 Full Moon and Many Arms!

The Ultra Guardians spring into action to protect Lunala from the mysterious creature who has chased it through the Ultra Wormhole! UB Black (as Lusamine later calls it) drains the power from Lunala’s Ultra Aura, then fastens itself onto the Legendary Pokémon to absorb it! Our heroes manage to fight it off with the help of Solgaleo, but the creature turns a similar attack on Solgaleo, absorbing it and escaping through an Ultra Wormhole. As Lunala recovers its strength, the Ultra Guardians promise to do everything they can to rescue Solgaleo—and the kahunas prepare for a festival celebrating a solar eclipse!

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Avsnitt 46 The Prism Between Light and Darkness!

After the mysterious creature known as UB Black absorbs Solgaleo and retreats into an Ultra Wormhole. Ash and his friends give chase and find themselves in Poipole’s original home. There, they meet a giant Pokémon named Naganadel, who tells our heroes of the threat to its world—and how UB Black may be the only hope of saving it!

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Avsnitt 47 Securing the Future!

The Ultra Guardians, along with Faba and Professor Kukui, are attempting to return The Blinding One to its original form! As Necrozma in its “UB Black” form, it’s holding Solgaleo captive and threatening Poipole’s home world. Our heroes have been attempting to “feed” Necrozma with Z-Power to restore its light, but it’s not enough. That’s when the people of Alola band together to send their own power to Necrozma—and it works! The Blinding One is restored, and Solgaleo is released. Poipole’s world is renewed, too, and Poipole decides to stay behind to protect it. As a goodbye present, it draws a loving portrait of Ash and Pikachu!

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Avsnitt 48 A Plethora of Pikachu!

Ash, Kiawe, and Mimo discover an amazing place called Pikachu Valley, home to the biggest group of Pikachu they’ve ever seen! Their Trainer is a major pika-fan named Pikala, who gives everyone a set of Pikachu ears and a tail, and insists that they all talk in Pikaspeak by adding “pika” to every sentence. At first, Ash’s Pikachu seems to be a big hit with the ladies—but Pikala clarifies that they’re just offering their usual pika-greetings. Annoyed by this behavior, the boss Pikachu challenges our buddy to a battle, but Ash’s Pikachu wins—and then thwarts an attempt by Team Rocket to grab the whole group!

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Avsnitt 49 Turning the Other Mask!

Everyone is excited when the Masked Royal announces a meet and greet at the mall! But things get complicated when Professor Burnet and Ash want to take Professor Kukui to the event… Kukui enlists Molayne’s help to switch places and keep his secret. But James and Faba, who are both big fans, catch Molayne “stealing” the royal mask and tie him up. Unfortunately, a rival shows up for a revenge match, forcing Faba to don the mask and take to the ring! It all works out in the end—Molayne escapes and helps Kukui get his mask back, the rival is defeated, and the Masked Royal’s secret identity is safe!

Säsong 22

Pokémon säsong 22 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Lillier and the Staff!

Today is the sole performance of the Pokémon School play, and everyone’s so excited! Lillie stars as Lillier, a brave adventurer who is charged with restoring Alola’s lost energy using a staff imbued with the power of Legendary Pokémon. But Act Two takes an unexpected turn, as Jessie, in disguise as Jessa Bergère, crashes the performance to steal the spotlight for herself! After some confusion, Rotom Dex writes a magnificent new script on the fly, bringing the crowd (including Ash’s mom) to applause for a job well done!

Pokémon säsong 22 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 A Haunted House for Everyone!

Harper and Sarah are determined to visit a haunted house, but when our heroes are stumped as to where to find one, Acerola suggests they create their own! At first, Shuppet and Mimikins provide ghostly entertainment for the twins, but then several other Ghost-type Pokémon join in on the fun. Everyone gets caught up in what looks like a scary dream, but when Komala strikes the Pokémon School bell, they all wake up and breathe a sigh of relief! Still, Lana is not amused with her sisters’ rambunctious behavior…

Pokémon säsong 22 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Sparking Confusion!

The Ultra Guardians have been summoned to investigate unusual magnetic activity around Wela Volcano, where they discover a group of Alolan Geodude and Alolan Graveler munching on Spark Stones. But our heroes also find a group of rock hunters who are after the Spark Stones for themselves. The Ultra Guardians spring into action…but so does an enraged Alolan Golem, who sends the rock hunters packing! Thanks to the efforts of Sophocles’s friend Metang, the Golem eventually calms down—and it happily joins a group of Hikers who promise to keep watch over the volcano!

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Avsnitt 4 Don't Ignore the Small Stufful!

Ash heads to Aether Paradise to deliver the lunches Professor Burnet and Munchlax forgot at home, and he and Lillie enjoy seeing the Pokémon there. But Team Rocket is there, too, plotting to steal Pokémon while in disguise as Aether Paradise employees. When one of the Pokémon from the conservation area, an adorable Stufful, goes missing, everyone suspects Team Rocket of foul play. But Stufful refuses to leave Team Rocket’s side, and when Bewear appears to whisk them away, everyone learns that Bewear and Stufful are family! This time, Team Rocket’s exit includes a new member of the group: Stufful!

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Avsnitt 5 No Stone Unturned!

Hau and his partner Dartrix are training hard for the island challenge when they have a run-in with Ash and Rowlet. When Ash learns that Hau’s grandfather is Kahuna Hala, he challenges his new friend to a battle! Dartrix wins easily, but Rowlet is fired up, and at a suggestion from Professor Burnet, Ash decides to teach it a new move. Returning to the woods where they first met, they encounter Trumbeak and Toucannon, who try to teach Rowlet to use Bullet Seed. That isn’t a move Rowlet can learn, but with determination, it does master Seed Bomb (after swallowing an Everstone)—and in the rematch, Rowlet emerges victorious!

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Avsnitt 6 Bright Lights, Big Changes!

When Rotom Dex catches a continuity error during the filming of Alolan Detective Laki, the cast and crew are so impressed that they invite it to join the show and help Laki solve cases! Ash is thrilled, until he realizes the international shooting schedule means Rotom will have to leave… While our hero sadly considers this option, a serious conversation with Laki reminds Rotom that its real dream is to be the best Pokédex in the world—and when Ash tries to be strong and send his friend off to pursue an acting career, it decides to stay and study rare Pokémon with him instead!

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Avsnitt 7 We Know Where You're Going, Eevee!

A familiar Eevee has been making its way across the ocean toward Alola, and its journey has been filled with adventure. A series of harrowing encounters—including a brush with Team Skull—has tested its determination, but when it finally finds our heroes, it’s as happy as can be! After forming a bond with Popplio, Eevee’s ready to join Lana’s team…but not before Lana gives it a name: Sandy! Lana and her family are thrilled to get to know her new partner—and Sandy’s excited to get to know them, too!

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Avsnitt 8 Battling the Beast Within!

While battling Tapu Koko, Ash and Pikachu suddenly find themselves in an unfamiliar place inhabited by a menacing Ultra Beast known as Guzzlord! Guzzlord’s power is fearsome, but a mysterious man named Dia—accompanied by the Mythical Pokémon Zeraora—comes to our heroes’ aid. Ash wants to help Dia reclaim his home from Guzzlord’s destructive wrath, but after Dia defeats Ash in a test battle, our hero relents. He and Pikachu must return to their own home, but how? Dia offers them shelter for the night, but on the way, they discover an abandoned Pokémon School! What could all of this mean?

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Avsnitt 9 Parallel Friendships!

After traveling to an unfamiliar place, Ash encounters the Pokémon School in ruins. The mysterious Dia explains that Ash must be from a parallel world, where the Alola region hasn’t been destroyed. After convincing Zeraora to help Pikachu train, Ash teams up with Dia to force Guzzlord back to its own world through an Ultra Wormhole. Zeraora and Pikachu use powerful attacks against Guzzlord’s weak spot, but it isn’t enough. Then, the parallel world’s Tapu Koko appears and enables them to use their Z-Moves again, and it works! Guzzlord is banished, and for the first time, Dia sees hope for his world as Ash returns to his own.

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Avsnitt 10 Alola, Alola!

As our heroes prepare for a break from Pokémon School, Lana makes a surprise announcement: they have visitors! Who? None other than Misty and Brock! Everyone’s excited to show Ash’s longtime friends around Alola, and when Ash tells them about Treasure Island—a place he and Pikachu previously visited—they’re off! They meet up with a group of Mantine who love to surf, but Team Rocket is determined to make a splash—by catching the Mantine and Pikachu! But they’re no match for our heroes, who shower the trio with a series of attacks that send them blasting off again…just like old times!

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Avsnitt 11 Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone!

Brock and Misty are having quite a busy vacation in Alola! Ash and the Pokémon School gang admire Brock’s culinary skills, boosted by delicious ingredients from Kiawe’s family farm. They decide to visit the farm on Akala Island—mostly because Brock has been determined to meet the beautiful Kahuna Olivia! Like many of Brock’s crushes, Olivia is taken aback…but the two are soon bonding over their shared love of Rock types, and when Team Rocket attacks, they respond with a paired-up Z-Move! Brock and Misty’s visit ends with a beautiful fireworks display and promises to return to Alola for more vacation fun!

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Avsnitt 12 That's Some Spicy Island Research!

The Pokémon School class is visiting Poni Island, and everyone is excited about their upcoming research projects. Ash wants to compete in his fourth grand trial, but because the island currently has no kahuna, he plans to challenge Tapu Fini instead! While searching for the Island Guardian, he meets a Trainer named Hapu, who impresses our hero with her tenacity and battling skills. Although Hapu doesn’t share Ash’s enthusiasm, she respects his determination. And when Team Skull tries to capture a group of Oricorio, she jumps into the fray and defeats the hapless trio with just one hit!

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Avsnitt 13 Showdown on Poni Island!

When Hapu learns that Ash wants to battle Tapu Fini for his Poni Island grand trial, she lectures him about the true meaning of a grand trial, and Mudsdale backs it up with a tremendous kick! Ash goes flying and lands near Gladion, who’s also come to challenge the Island Guardian. The two rivals decide to battle each other instead, in a Lycanroc showdown: Gladion’s Midnight Form versus Ash’s Dusk Form! Hapu reluctantly agrees to be the referee, and as the battle continues, she begins to understand Ash’s determination. After Gladion wins, Tapu Fini makes an appearance, and our heroes wonder if it will listen to their request…

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Avsnitt 14 Evolving Research!

As our heroes continue their research projects, Sophocles wants to help Charjabug evolve. The pair set off to Vast Poni Canyon and encounter Horacio, who wants his own Charjabug to evolve first. But when Horacio ends up in danger, Sophocles’s Charjabug springs into rescue mode and evolves into Vikavolt! Meanwhile, Lana has her heart set on training, but she’s disappointed because her mentor, Ida, is about to depart Poni Island. Still, Popplio and Sandy have fun playing with Ida’s Primarina, and when Lana decides to show Ida what she’s capable of, Popplio evolves into Brionne! As congratulations, Ida gives Lana her own Primarium Z and encourages her to continue training.

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Avsnitt 15 Run, Heroes, Run!

Ash and Kiawe set off to challenge Tapu Fini to a grand trial, but when they get no response, they decide to battle each other to attract its attention. When the battle gets out of hand and starts to damage the surrounding ruins, Ash finds himself trapped in an energy field as punishment, and a mysterious old man tells Kiawe he must return with a scale from Tapu Lele to rescue his friend. Kiawe completes his quest just in time—and when Tapu Fini appears and gives him a Z-Crystal, it becomes clear that this was Kiawe’s grand trial! Meanwhile, Mallow has been working with Hapu to develop new recipes using Poni Radishes. Two more research projects completed!

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Avsnitt 16 Memories in the Mist!

Get your tissues ready, because this episode of Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Legends is a real tearjerker. On Poni Island, Hapu tells Ash and friends about a strange mist created by Tapu Fini. When people and Pokémon venture into the fog, they can be temporarily reunited with loved ones who have passed on. Ash, Mallow, and Hapu herself all encounter the mist, and when Lillie and Gladion emerge from it, a shocking revelation sets the stage for an exciting mystery!

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Avsnitt 17 A Grand Debut!

Following her standing up to Tapu Fini, Hapu has finally become the Island Kahuna of Poni Island, and Ash challenges her to her Grand Trial. Her trial requires Ash to battle her with just one Pokémon. With Hapu using her Mudsale, Ash and Pikachi face a tough battle. Will they be able to win the Grand Trial and finish Ash's research project?

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Avsnitt 18 Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball!

After their visit to Poni Island, Ash and the gang meet legendary Poké-golfer Kahili, who has been on a losing streak lately, and her partner Touckey (Toucannon). It's the first time that the gang has seen Poké-Golf, a sport that's popular in Alola, and are fascinated, so they ask Kahili to teach them how to play. In this version of Golf, both trainer and Pokémon must work together...will they do well and who is this self-proclaimed "Caddie Expert" who keeps butting in?

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Avsnitt 19 Show Me the Metal!

Some mysterious and unknown Pokémon have arrived on Melemele Island, and they eat metal! They start wreaking havoc across the island, including eating the tools at the Pokémon School, the equipment in the Ultra Guardians' headquarters and even James's precious bottle cap collection. James is enraged and decides to chase down the Pokémon to get his revenge. Just who and what are they and why is one of them hanging around Ash's Rowlet?

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Avsnitt 20 Got Meltan?

Professor Oak has finished his research on the mysterious new Pokémon Ash reported and names the new Pokémon Meltan, a Steel-type. One of the Meltan has grown attached to Ash's Rowlet and stows away in Ash's backpack with Rowlet to join them all at the Pokémon School, but after an incident with a Murkrow, it loses its Hex-Nut. Rowlet tries to replace it but nothing he tries seems to work, so he and Meltan head out to find its Hex-Nut. However, they run into Team Rocket, who have found Meltan's Hex-Nut and are still after all the Meltan. Will Rowlet be able to protect Meltan?

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Avsnitt 21 This Magik Moment!

Sophocles is on a TV quiz show, so Ash and the gang come to the station to cheer him on. While there, they see the filming of a series starring a Magikarp; however, the Magikarp seems to have something wrong with it. On another TV show, the regular actresses don't show up in time, which leads to Lana, Mallow and Lillie being cast as replacements.

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Avsnitt 22 Beauty is Only Crystal Deep!

A new Ultra Beast, Pheromosa, has appeared and started attacking trainers and stealing their Z-Crystals. The Ultra Guardians are tasked with stopping Pheromosa. Pheromosa steals Team Rocket's Z-Crystals, but while trying to stop it Meowth falls in love with Pheromosa. Will anybody be able to stop it before it's too late?

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Avsnitt 23 The Dealer of Destruction!

After much planning, Professor Kukui has finally announced the formation of a Pokémon League in Alola. However, while the rest of Alola (including Team Rocket) celebrates and gets ready, Team Skull's leader Guzma is enraged and decides that he will destroy the new Pokémon League, and heads over to the Pokémon School to confront Kukui. Before things can get ugly, Ash challenges Guzma to a battle. It's Pikachu vs. Guzma's Golisopod; who will win, and why does Guzma hate Kukui so much?

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Avsnitt 24 The Secret Princess!

Since their Poni Island experience made them realize that their father Mohn is still alive, Lillie and Gladion return to Aether Paradise and go through their father's papers, hoping to find some clues. Back at the family mansion, Lusamine shows them Mohn's old office, where Lillie discovers her father's old Z-Ring and the inoperative Mythical Pokémon Magearna. Lillie goes to Kahuna Hala and asks for permission to use her father's Z-Ring, and they have a battle to see if Lillie can master Z-Moves. Will Lillie and Gladion learn anything new about their father's whereabouts, and what is Magearna's connection to Mohn and Lillie?

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Avsnitt 25 Drawn with the Wind!

Ash and the gang travel to picturesque Malie City on Ula'ula Island. When a strong wind blows Mallow's hair ornament away, Shaymin chases after it, followed by Sandy and Meltan. Unfortunately, Team Rocket, who are also in Malie City, spots the trio and goes after them to catch them, but our three adventurers aren't going to let themselves be taken without a fight!

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Avsnitt 26 Aiming for the Top Floor!

Having learned about the Kantonian Gym in Malie City from their new friend Charlie Charma, Ash and the gang decide to visit it, but while the gym is supposed to be like a Kanto Gym, the rules are not quite the same: a challenger has to face one of the three Gym Trainers AND Charlie on each floor in a "game" in order to reach the top floor. After only Ash and Kiawe make it to the top floor they find that the "Gym Leader", Dragon-type Trainer Ryuki, has a "rock star" battle style which quickly defeats Kiawe's Marowak. Rowlet starts off for Ash, but when Meltan jumps in to help its friend, it becomes a double-battle!

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Avsnitt 27 A High-Speed Awakening!

Sophocles and Vikavolt are entering a Vikavolt race! When they arrive, Sophocles learns that his rival Horacio is also competing with his newly evolved Vikavolt. The entrants get off to a rousing start, but when Sophocles enters the cave route, his fear of the dark leaves him petrified. Vikavolt offers him support, leading him to realize that if his Pokémon is determined to press on, he can be courageous as well. After an interruption by Team Rocket, the race is back on, and Sophocles wins by a nose! He receives a Buginium Z as a prize, and Hapu follows up by giving him a Z-Ring!

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Avsnitt 28 The One That Didn't Get Away!

The students of the Pokémon School are on a relaxing fishing excursion, but Ash and Lana want to add a little more adventure to their day. The two travel a bit farther out to sea, where they have an unexpected encounter with a very powerful Pokémon! Unfortunately, this Pokémon is also in the sights of some nefarious Pokémon hunters who have no qualms about poisoning Pokémon to make them easier to catch. It’s up to Ash, Lana, and their Pokémon partners to save the day!

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Avsnitt 29 A Recipe for Success!

When the Family Restaurant runs out of Big Mushrooms, Mallow visits Oranguru’s place in the forest to ask for more. When she arrives, she finds Meowth looking for some peace and quiet, but the place quickly becomes busy with Pokémon customers. Mallow decides to stay and help Oranguru, and she prepares scrumptious food and drinks for all kinds of Pokémon. When Tapu Koko turns out to be one of those customers, she prepares a special dish for the Island Guardian. Thrilled with its meal, Tapu Koko presents Mallow with a Grassium Z, and Oranguru gives her a Z-Ring! Now all our heroes have Z-Rings of their own!

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Avsnitt 30 Spying for the Big Guy!

When Team Rocket receives a call from Headquarters, they come to regret their previous claim to have caught Bewear, as Matori tells them to send the Pokémon to Giovanni right away. But, of course, they haven’t actually caught Bewear—if anything, Bewear has caught them. Panic ensues when Matori arrives in Alola, but Jessie, James, and Meowth convince her that they need Bewear’s help to catch an even more impressive Pokémon. Eventually, Matori changes plans and tries to steal Stufful instead, but a disguised Meowth thwarts her plan by taking the little Pokémon’s place. Then, just in the nick of time, Bewear swoops in to take Meowth back home!

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Avsnitt 31 A Fiery Training Camp Trick!

Excitement is building for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, and the Pokémon School class is ready to train! Ash, Kiawe, and Sophocles decide to camp out at Kiawe’s family farm, but Sophocles is having a hard time working up the confidence to pull off a Z-Move. To help Sophocles train, Kiawe secretly enlists the help of a wild Crawdaunt who previously clashed with Turtonator. Crawdaunt launches a surprise attack on Sophocles, but Sophocles manages to overcome his fear and launch a powerful Z-Move with Vikavolt! The circumstances of the battle may have been unusual, but Sophocles is feeling more confident with a Z-Move at his command!

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Avsnitt 32 Living on the Cutting Edge!

Someone’s been slicing and dicing objects all over Melemele Island: a cabbage at Mallow’s Family Restaurant gets chopped up, a golden Viren statue is cut in half, and the trees in Lillie’s yard are shaped into perfect topiaries! These occurrences (and more) are the work of an Ultra Beast named Kartana, who can cut anything with its bladelike body. When the Ultra Guardians ask Kartana to stop its cutting spree, it ignores them—but later it saves the day by demolishing a meteor that’s barreling straight for the Pokémon School! Grateful for Kartana’s help, our heroes bid it farewell as it returns home through an Ultra Wormhole.

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Avsnitt 33 A Timeless Encounter!

While Ash and his Pokémon train for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, they accidentally startle a nearby Celebi. The Mythical Pokémon flees back in time—and brings Ash and Torracat with it! Unaware that he’s in the past, Ash meets a young boy who, unbeknownst to him, is actually a younger Professor Kukui. The boy wants to learn about Pokémon moves, and Ash and Torracat demonstrate some of their skills, even receiving a Firium Z from a Totem Trevenant. But the fun suddenly ends when Celebi transports our hero back to the present day. Ash wonders where the boy went, but he’s also happy to see all his Pokémon again!

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Avsnitt 34 Pikachu's Exciting Adventure!

After returning to the present day, Ash and Torracat reunite with Pikachu, Lycanroc, Rowlet, and Meltan—who are all covered in dirt! It turns out the four Pokémon had been searching for Ash and Torracat after the pair’s sudden disappearance. They’re excited to recap their journey, but Ash doesn’t understand what they’re saying! He has no idea what they went through in order to find him—they even took on the role of Ultra Guardians and got some help from Clefable and Garchomp! Even though he can’t figure out how they got so filthy, our hero is just happy to be back in the company of his Pokémon friends!

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Avsnitt 35 Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams!

Professor Kukui has finally realized his dream of establishing the Alola Pokémon League, and he’s excited to welcome everyone to the dedication of the brand-new Manalo Stadium. Much to the excitement of our heroes, he announces that the Champion of the Alola Pokémon League will be granted an exhibition battle with the Masked Royal. Ash and friends are fired up and eager to participate—and Lillie even pulls off her first Z-Move! Meanwhile, Gladion sets out on a search…and eventually reunites with his father’s long-lost Zoroark! After learning that its partner is still alive, Zoroark agrees to join Gladion on his quest to find Professor Mohn!

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Avsnitt 36 League Offenders and Defenders!

Professor Kukui’s dream of creating an Alola Pokémon League is finally reality! Our heroes are as excited as can be, and everybody wants to participate—even Team Rocket! But there’s someone set on destroying the League and everything it stands for…Guzma, the leader of Team Skull. Full of resentment for Professor Kukui and the teachings of Kahuna Hala, he’s determined to get the last laugh by winning the League, then shutting it down for good! But Ash is having none of that, and he vows to never lose to Guzma. His friends agree—and with that, the League is off to a rousing start!

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Avsnitt 37 Battle Royale 151!

The Alola Pokémon League is underway, and it promises to be full of action, drama, and surprises! The qualifying round is a Battle Royal competition among 151 different Trainers, and only the top 16 will make it to the next stage! A free-for-all ensues, with our heroes battling against and alongside friendly rivals like Pikala and Hiroki as well as returning foes like Viren’s cronies and Plumeria from Team Skull. When the dizzying action finally winds down, the entire Pokémon School class, Hau, Gladion, and even a disguised Team Rocket are among those left standing! Now, the question is: who will make it all the way to the top?

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Avsnitt 38 Battling Besties!

Now that the Alola Pokémon League’s qualifying round is over, it’s time for the real matches to begin! Ash faces off against the scheming Faba, and crowd favorite Ilima takes on Team Skull’s Boss, the foul-tempered Guzma. But perhaps the most exciting match of the day occurs when Lana and Primarina battle against Mallow and Tsareena. The two may be best friends outside the arena, but that won’t stop them from giving their all during this battle!

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Avsnitt 39 The Battlefield of Truth and Love!

As the Alola Pokémon League continues, it’s time to decide on four more competitors to move to the next round! First up is Sophocles and Vikavolt against Mina and Ribombee, and while Ribombee is powerful, it’s no match for Vikavolt’s Signal Beam! Then, it’s a Team Rocket showdown as James and Mareanie take on Jessie and Wobbuffet. The match is close, but James decides to give it his all—and wins! After that, Kiawe and Marowak defeat Acerola and Rapooh in a ghostly clash, and Lillie and Snowy face off against Gladion and Umbreon. Lillie’s skills are impressive, but Gladion still pulls off the win. On to the next round!

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Avsnitt 40 Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Strategy!

Rowlet is determined to battle Decidueye in Ash’s Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals match against Hau, but first it needs some additional training. And just in the nick of time, Toucannon and its flock arrive to teach Rowlet a new move! Meanwhile, at Manalo Stadium, Gladion and his Lycanroc defeat James and Mareanie…and then Ash is up next! Rowlet enters the battlefield dressed in a Decidueye costume, which ends up becoming a decoy against the real Decidueye’s Sinister Arrow Raid attack! With Rowlet still standing, how will the rest of the match play out?

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Avsnitt 41 Battling on the Wing!

The Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals continue at a lightning pace, and Ash and Rowlet are in the midst of their battle with Hau and Decidueye. The attacks fly furiously—just like the competitors themselves—until it appears that Rowlet is unable to battle. But Hala notices that Rowlet hasn’t lost yet…it’s actually just sleeping! The battle restarts, and after mastering a new move, Rowlet ends up victorious! Then, Kiawe and Charizard face off against Sophocles and Vikavolt, and the latter two successfully pull off a Z-Move—will Charizard be able to escape the devastating attack?

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Avsnitt 42 The Road to the Semifinals!

As the Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals rage on, Kiawe and Charizard face off against Sophocles and Vikavolt in the third battle. Both sides show impressive offense and defense, making it clear they’ve trained hard. But Vikavolt’s Wild Charge attack isn’t enough to stop Charizard’s Supersonic Skystrike Z-Move, and Kiawe and Charizard end up on top! In the fourth match, Lana and Primarina battle Guzma and Golisopod, but Guzma’s intense battling style takes Lana and Primarina by surprise. Despite a valiant effort, Primarina takes significant damage and loses the battle, but everyone agrees Guzma won fair and square. Next up are the semifinals: Kiawe versus Gladion and Ash versus Guzma!

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Avsnitt 43 The Final Four!

We’ve reached the Alola Pokémon League semifinals! Ash is lined up to challenge Team Skull’s Guzma, but first, Kiawe will take on Gladion. Their battle allows each competitor to use two Pokémon, and given the skills possessed by both Trainers, this is going to be an exciting match. Gladion has chosen Lycanroc and Silvally to go up against Kiawe’s Alolan Marowak and Turtonator—four powerful Pokémon that have been trained to win. Lycanroc faces Marowak first, but there’s no way we’re going to spoil the outcome. We will say this, though: it’s an extremely heated battle with a cliffhanger that will leave you eagerly anticipating the next episode!

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Avsnitt 44 Getting Down to the Ire!

The Kaki/Gladio battle continues, with Bakugames now facing Glazio's Silvally, but will Kaki's Z-move be enough to win the battle? With Satoshi inspiring both of them, who knows? Then comes the match everyone's on the edge of their seats for ... another 2-on-2, and it's Satoshi vs. Guzma! But Guzma's supposedly never been defeated! First out for Guzma is Hassam, and Satoshi chooses Nyaheat. Just as the battle gets started, Guzma switches out and brings in Gusokumusha, but when Nyaheat begins to get the upper hand, Gusokumusha uses Crisis Prevention to forcibly switch-out with Hassam, who takes major damage, shocking everyone including Guzma! What's with Gusokumusha? And just how long can Rocket-Dan's robot-Yareyuutan keep Kiteruguma and Nuikoguma in that hot spring?

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Avsnitt 45 The Wisdom Not to Run

Ash and Guzma’s battle continues in the second half of the Alola Pokémon League semifinals! After the surprising defeat of Guzma’s Scizor, his Golisopod is left to take on Ash’s Torracat. Unfortunately, the exhausted Torracat is quickly defeated, leaving it up to Pikachu to face the powerful Golisopod. During the fierce battle, new details come to light, revealing why Guzma is so determined to bring down Professor Kukui and the Alola Pokémon League. Can Ash and Pikachu overcome this determined adversary?

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Avsnitt 46 Final Rivals!

On the night before the Finals, Hanako, Barri-chan and Professor Okibo arrive at Manolo to cheer for Satoshi. The wild Meltan also arrive, and with their help, to everyone's surprise, Meltan evolves into Melmetal! The next day is the ultimate showdown between two strong rivals ... Satoshi vs. Gladio! This time, it's a 3-on-3 match. For their first Pokemon, Gladio chooses Silvally and for Satoshi Melmetal makes its battle debut! Unfortunately, Silvally is too strong and Melmetal is defeated. Satoshi sends in Pikachu, who defeats Silvally. Gladio sends in Lugarugan ... but there's something not quite right about Lugarugan.

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Avsnitt 47 Enter the Champion!

As the Alola Pokémon League races toward the finish line, Gladion and Zoroark unleash the Z-Move Never-Ending Nightmare against Pikachu. But Pikachu stops in its tracks to meet the threat head-on with Breakneck Blitz: a strategy that’s pure Ash! The clash of Z-Moves leaves both Pokémon unable to battle, and Ash and Gladion both respond by sending out their Lycanroc for the final stretch of the match. The two Lycanroc battle to new levels of intensity, ending with a Counter-versus-Counter showdown—and a momentous, hard-earned win for Ash! At long last, our hero is crowned the Champion of the first-ever Alola Pokémon League!

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Avsnitt 48 Z-Move Showdown!

Just as Ash is crowned Champion of the Alola Pokémon League, an Ultra Wormhole opens above the stadium, and an angry Guzzlord appears! Ash had battled it previously in a parallel world, so he tells Alola’s island kahunas about the Ultra Beast’s weak spot. But before they know it, two more Guzzlord appear! The kahunas and Pokémon School class leap into Z-Move action to defeat the first two, while Ash, Pikachu, and the Masked Royal reunite with Naganadel—formerly Poipole—and use Gigavolt Havoc to send the third one packing. The resulting explosion blows off the Masked Royal’s mask, revealing his true identity: Professor Kukui!

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Avsnitt 49 Exhibition Unmasked!

The Masked Royal is finally unmasked—he’s Professor Kukui! It’s time for the Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match, and Ash is more excited than ever to battle his mentor in a six-versus-six Full Battle. First up are Torracat and Incineroar, and when Incineroar’s Blast Burn attack pelts Torracat with overwhelming flames, Torracat surprises everyone by absorbing the fire into its own body! But the heat becomes too much for Torracat, and it retreats from battle for the time being. Ash then sends out Lycanroc, who uses a shard from its Stone Edge attack to land a blow on Incineroar. Professor Kukui responds by sending out Braviary—what will happen next?

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Avsnitt 50 A Full Battle Bounty!

The Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match continues with a dizzying array of Pokémon! Braviary manages to defeat Ash’s Lycanroc, and then Rowlet takes down Braviary with a powerful Brave Bird attack. Professor Kukui then calls on Venusaur, who traps Rowlet in its flower! Thanks to Feather Dance, Rowlet escapes unscathed—but then falls to Venusaur’s Sludge Bomb attack. Next up is Torracat’s fiery return to defeat Venusaur, followed by Pikachu versus Empoleon. After a dizzying Whirlpool, Ash switches in Melmetal, who takes down Empoleon but can’t withstand Incineroar’s flames. Each Trainer has three Pokémon still standing as Professor Kukui sends out Lucario, Ash responds with Naganadel, and the battle continues!

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Avsnitt 51 Fiery Surprises!

With three Pokémon left on each side during the Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match, Ash’s Naganadel is up against Professor Kukui’s Lucario. A strategic Dragon Pulse lands another win for Ash—and the first-ever battle victory for Naganadel! Then, it’s Torracat’s rematch with Incineroar. The flames burn hotter than ever, and when the smoke clears, Torracat is on top! Triumphant, it suddenly evolves and becomes an Incineroar itself! But all the excitement leaves it too exhausted to continue. Just as Professor Kukui is about to send out his final Pokémon, Tapu Koko appears—and decides that it wants to battle Ash instead! Just how will Ash approach this history-making matchup?

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Avsnitt 52 From Z to Shining Z!

As the Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match nears its conclusion, Tapu Koko appears—it wants to team up with Professor Kukui and battle Ash! Our hero responds by sending out Naganadel, and the clash of Island Guardian and Ultra Beast powers is an amazing sight. But Tapu Koko manages to overpower Naganadel, so Ash turns to Pikachu, his last Pokémon standing! Tapu Koko raises the stakes as it and Professor Kukui unleash a legendary Z-Move reserved for Island Guardians, but Ash and Pikachu rise to the challenge with their own Z-Move: 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt! Once the dust clears, Tapu Koko falls, and Ash and Pikachu are victorious!

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Avsnitt 53 Dreams of the Sun and Moon!

With the Alola Pokémon League behind them, our heroes are deciding how to spend their upcoming vacation! Kiawe is determined to finally have an all-out battle against Ash, while Sophocles is going to take the first steps toward his dream of becoming an astronaut. Lana plans to help her dad with his ocean research, and Mallow wants to create a menu for Pokémon at the Family Restaurant. Meanwhile, Lillie continues her efforts to awaken Magearna…and succeeds! But what about Ash? After receiving some wise advice from Olivia, he decides to explore the world—first stop, Pallet Town!

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Avsnitt 54 Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!

As their vacation approaches, our heroes’ plans move closer to reality! Kiawe has decided to assist Olivia with her kahuna duties, while Lana, Mallow, and Sophocles continue to work toward their own goals. Now that Magearna is awake, Lillie and her family are setting out to find Mohn, and Ash is embarking on a new adventure of his own—he wants to see new places and meet new Pokémon! The Pokémon School class, Professor Kukui, and Professor Burnet are sad to see him leave Alola, but they wish him all the best for the future. And with Team Rocket also departing Alola, just what might that future hold?

Säsong 23

Pokémon säsong 23 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Enter Pikachu!

Though he's excited to attend Professor Oak's Pokémon camp, Ash oversleeps when the day arrives. Newcomer Goh is just as excited — and on time.

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Avsnitt 2 Legend? Go! Friends? Go!

Professor Oak invites Ash to the opening ceremony for Professor Cerise's new lab in Vermilion City. Goh sets out to catch a legendary Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 3 Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower!

Professor Cerise asks Ash and Goh to investigate the sudden appearance of Ivysaur in Vermilion City, but the two researchers disagree on their methods.

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Avsnitt 4 Settling the Scorebunny!

Ash and Goh head to the Galar region on assignment. During their stopover, some Pokémon steal Ash's backpack — with Ash and Goh's train tickets inside!

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Avsnitt 5 Mind-Boggling Dynamax!

Once they get off the train, Ash and Goh set out on the hunt for Dynamax Pokémon. Meanwhile, a Scorbunny is hot on their trail.

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Avsnitt 6 Working My Way Back to Mew!

After learning more about the Pokédex functions on their Rotom Phones from Professor Cerise, Ash and Goh head out to catch some local Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 7 Serving Up the Flute Cup!

Ash and Goh travel to the Hoenn region, where Ash has entered Goh into the Battle Frontier Flute Cup. Their first opponents are Hodge and his Hariyama.

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Avsnitt 8 The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!

The internet is full of reports that legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh has been seen in the Johto region. The researchers head to Ecruteak City to check it out.

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Avsnitt 9 Finding a Legend!

The internet is full of reports that legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh has been seen in the Johto region. The researchers head to Ecruteak City to check it out.

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Avsnitt 10 A Test in Paradise!

After a ship's captain reports being saved by a Dragonite, Goh and Ash set out in search of the Dragonite island that they believe exists ... somewhere.

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Avsnitt 11 Best Friend... Worst Nightmare!

While the laboratory staff deal with a mysterious power outage, Chloe contemplates her future and her relationship with Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 12 Flash of the Titans!

Professor Cerise gives Ash and Goh tickets to the World Coronation Series finals in the Galar region, where the strongest trainers battle for glory!

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Avsnitt 13 The Climb to Be the Very Best!

When a Gigantamax Drednaw interrupts the World Coronation finals in pursuit of Team Rocket, Ash, Goh and their Pokémon spring into action!

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Avsnitt 14 Raid Battle in the Ruins!

Ash and Goh travel to the Unova region, where they head to the newly discovered Ruins of the Titan site at Desert Resort to search for Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 15 A Snow Day for Searching!

After snow in Vermilion City forces Professor Cerise to shut down the lab for system maintenance, Goh heads home for a few days to visit his family.

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Avsnitt 16 A Chilling Curse!

Gengar's hauntings at the lab resume. Ash and Goh vow to capture the poltergeist Pokémon, and Professor Cerise explains the lab's paranormal history.

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Avsnitt 17 Kicking It From Here Into Tomorrow!

After Darmanitan taunts Scorbunny in a practice battle, Scorbunny is determined to learn the Ember attack, but getting Goh's attention is a challenge.

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Avsnitt 18 Destination: Coronation!

Ash and Goh head to the Vermilion Gym, where Ash challenges the substitute Gym Leader as his first World Coronation Series opponent.

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Avsnitt 19 A Talent for Imitation!

Goh and Ash visit a film set, where the star, a Ditto, flees after a fight with the director. They search for her, but she's fallen in with Team Rocket!

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Avsnitt 20 Dreams Are Made of These!

Pokémon Orienteering day dawns bright and early, with Ash, Goh and Professor Cerise each leading a group of kids on a trek through Vermilion City.

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Avsnitt 21 Caring for a Mystery!

After learning about Pokémon Eggs, Goh wants to find one. Ash's latest World Coronation Series match ends with him feeling like someone is calling him.

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Avsnitt 22 Goodbye, Friend!

Ash and Goh head to the Hoenn region to witness the annual migration of Beautifly, but first they have to find them. Goh's Raboot starts acting out.

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Avsnitt 23 Panic in the Park!

Someone seems to be stealing the food that the researchers leave out for Pokémon in Cerise Park. To catch the culprit, Ash and Goh camp out.

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Avsnitt 24 A Little Rocket R & R!

Team Rocket are sent to the Sinnoh region for a vacation, but their break is interrupted by the arrival of Ash and Goh looking for a special Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 25 A Festival Reunion!

Ash and Goh head to the Kalos region, where Goh wants to catch Kalos Pokémon and Ash sets his sights on a World Coronation Series Battle Festival.

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Avsnitt 26 Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown! / Slowking's Crowning!

Goh enters his giant Magikarp in the tenth annual Magikarp High Jump Tournament. Then he and Ash head to Slowpoke Island, hoping to catch a Slowpoke.

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Avsnitt 27 Toughing It Out!

Professor Cerise gives Ash and Goh tickets to a World Coronation Series Master Class battle in Galar, with challenger Raihan battling champion Leon.

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Avsnitt 28 Sobbing Sobble!

A Sobble sneaks up on Ash and Goh while they're eating at the Wyndon Pokémon Center. To catch it, they have to follow a trail of crying people.

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Avsnitt 29 There's a New Kid in Town!

Yamper brings home an injured Pidove, so Professor Cerise and his family decide to nurse it back to health. Chloe has her hands full keeping the peace!

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Avsnitt 30 Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered!

Ash and Riolu are on a roll after the latest World Coronation Series battle, and Pikachu is jealous! When Ash's mom visits, Pikachu follows her home.

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Avsnitt 31 The Cuteness Quotient!

Chloe asks Ash and Goh to step in at her younger brother Parker's school: His friend Nami is upset that other kids say her Feebas isn't cute.

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Avsnitt 32 Time After Time!

Goh joins his parents for a family vacation in the Johto region. Walking through the woods, he recalls meeting another trainer there three years ago.

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Avsnitt 33 Trade, Borrow, and Steal!

The local Pokémon Center is hosting a Pokémon trading event. When Ash and Goh head over to check it out, they meet a trainer who's a Bug-type enthusiast.

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Avsnitt 34 Solitary and Menacing!

Ash travels to Saffron City to battle his next opponent, but when he learns that the Karate Master has been defeated, he challenges the victor instead.

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Avsnitt 35 Gotta Catch a What?!

Goh decides to catch a Pikachu, and Professor Cerise informs him about a mass outbreak of Pikachu in the mountains. But Team Rocket is on the hunt too!

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Avsnitt 36 Making Battles in the Sand!

After Ash battles new opponents in the World Coronation Series, the Cerise Laboratory researchers head to the Hoenn region to investigate a sandstorm.

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Avsnitt 37 That New Old Gang of Mine!

Ash and Goh head to the Alola region and reunite with Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet and Ash's human and Pokémon friends at the Pokémon School.

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Avsnitt 38 Restore and Renew!

With Chloe in tow, Ash and Goh visit the Pewter Museum of Science. Goh heads to a public dig site to find a Fossil Pokémon, but Team Rocket is there!

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Avsnitt 39 Octo-Gridlock at the Gym!

Goh and Ash travel to the Cianwood Gym in the Johto region so Ash can take on Bea in a World Coronation Series rematch.

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Avsnitt 40 A Crackling Raid Battle!

When a hot day in Vermilion City turns thunderous, Ash, Goh and Professor Cerise suspect that the Legendary bird Pokémon Zapdos is somewhere nearby.

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Avsnitt 41 Pikachu Translation Check! / Up To Your Neck!

While Meowth battles a cold, Jessie and James review a video of Ash's Pikachu. On a forest walk, Ash and Goh try to help a wild Marshtomp.

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Avsnitt 42 Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

Ash and Goh set out for the Galar region to investigate the Dynamax phenomenon. During a train delay, they meet strange Pokémon in a mysterious forest.

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Avsnitt 43 Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

While Goh and Sonia investigate the Darkest Day in Turffield, Team Rocket infiltrates the Galar Energy Plant, with Ash and Leon heading there too.

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Avsnitt 44 Sword and Shield: From Here to Eternatus!

Ash heads to Stow-on-Side to meet Sonia and Goh, who conclude that the Darkest Day is a Pokémon. At the Energy Plant, Leon encounters it directly.

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Avsnitt 45 Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

At the stadium, Leon and Team Rocket are no match for Eternatus. Ash takes on Chairman Rose while Goh battles Oleana to break through and end the chaos.

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Avsnitt 46 Getting More Than You Battled For!

When Psychic energy is detected on Cero Island, Ash and Goh head out in hopes of finding Mew. When they get there, they meet an old foe: Mewtwo!

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Avsnitt 47 Crowning the Chow Crusher!

The Vermilion City Pokémon Eating Contest is on, and Ash, Goh and their Pokémon are competing for a trip to Unova. Team Rocket wants to win too.

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Avsnitt 48 A Close Call... Practically!

Setting out on Goh's prize trip, Ash and Goh arrive in Castelia City. Unbeknownst to them, Team Rocket is lying in wait to kidnap Pikachu!

Säsong 24

Pokémon säsong 24 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 To Train, or Not to Train!

A mysterious Eevee runs away from the Eevee Evolution Laboratory and meets Chloe. Meanwhile, Team Rocket makes a plan to steal some students' Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 2 A Pinch of This, A Pinch of That!

Ash, Goh and Chloe head to the Galar region to investigate some of its unusual fossils. The on-site researchers want to reconstruct the ancient Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 3 Trials of a Budding Master!

Investigating an outbreak of Geodude in Rock Tunnel, Ash and Goh meet a trainer who accepts Ash's challenge to a World Coronation battle with Gurdurr!

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Avsnitt 4 How Are Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Off of the Farm?

When Professor Cerise's former student asks for help with some Diglett and Dugtrio wreaking havoc on his farm, Goh, Ash and Chloe go check it out.

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Avsnitt 5 Healing the Healer!

Hearing rumors that the legendary Suicune has been spotted at a lake, Ash and Goh travel to the Johto region, where they find a human polluting plot.

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Avsnitt 6 Sobble Spies a Stealthy Strategy!

Goh and Ash visit the set of a popular spy movie. When the film's Inteleon star cinematically foils a Team Rocket attack, Goh's Sobble is inspired.

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Avsnitt 7 The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!

Chloe, Ash and Goh head to Glimwood Tangle to learn more about Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash. Separated in the forest, they have storybook adventures.

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Avsnitt 8 Searching for Chivalry!

After hearing about Wikstrom of the Kalos Elite Four, Ash and Goh travel to his castle to take his test alongside their Farfetch'd and Scyther.

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Avsnitt 9 Memories of a Warming Kindness

While Ash and Goh take advantage of a cold snap to search for Ice Pokémon, Chloe enjoys some girls' time with lab assistant Chrysa at her apartment.

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Avsnitt 10 A Rollicking Roll…Eyes on the Goal!

When Team Rocket's Pelipper dispenses too many Gulpin from the Prize Master, trouble rolls through Vermilion City. Then, the race is on with Chewtle!

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Avsnitt 11 When a House Is Not a Home!

Goh finds a Grookey in the lab and tries to capture it, only to learn it belongs to someone else. To locate its owner, he and Ash set out on a search.

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Avsnitt 12 Beyond Chivalry…Aiming to Be a Leek Master!

Ash runs into Rinto, who's also in the World Coronation Series, at the Pokémon Center. He and Farfetch'd challenge Rinto and Gallade to a rematch!

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Avsnitt 13 Searching for Service With a Smile!

Goh and Ash offer to help handyperson Multa after her partner is injured. Out on the job, they cross paths with Team Rocket and their latest plot.

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Avsnitt 14 Not Too Close for Comfort!

Goh's Sobble evolves into a Drizzile. But for some reason, it withdraws to a cave in Cerise Park, much to Goh's consternation.

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Avsnitt 15 On Land, in the Sea, and to the Future!

Chloe, Ash and Goh head to Hoenn to meet race champion trainer Kiley and his Vaporeon. At his suggestion, they enter the Kids Marine Athletic Race.

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Avsnitt 16 Absol Absolved

Goh and Ash travel to Lavaridge Town to help their old friend Hodge, whose uncle's hot springs have gone dry — perhaps due to an Absol spotted nearby.

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Avsnitt 17 Thrash of the Titans!

Ash receives a letter from an old friend in Unova: Iris! He and Goh head to Opelucid City so Ash can face her in a World Coronation Series battle.

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Avsnitt 18 Under Color of Darkness!

Goh and Ash travel to Kalos to find a new flower for one of Goh's Flabébé. After a few days, they visit a plant researcher for some expert insights.

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Avsnitt 19 Sleuths for Truth!

Officer Jenny and an Inspector Decker visit the lab, searching for the culprit in a series of electricity thefts. Decker decides Pikachu is responsible!

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Avsnitt 20 Advice to Goh!

Ash and Goh travel to Pallet to visit Professor Oak, who offers Goh a job on the Project Mew research team. They also run into Ash's old frenemy, Gary.

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Avsnitt 21 Errand Endurance!

Goh and Chloe dispatch their Grookey and Eevee on an errand together but secretly follow them to supervise. Team Rocket do the same with Pelipper.

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Avsnitt 22 Take My Thief! Please!

After trying and failing to get rid of their Morpeko, Team Rocket hatch a plan to get Goh to capture it so they don't have to feed it anymore.

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Avsnitt 23 Leaping Toward the Dream!

Goh travels to the Sinnoh region for his first mission with Project Mew, accompanied by Ash. It turns out, becoming a full team member is quite a trial!

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Avsnitt 24 Everybody's Doing the Underground Shuffle!

Ash, Goh and Chloe travel to Driftveil City after hearing about a Klink. Surprised in a cave by Team Rocket, the two groups' members get mixed up!

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Avsnitt 25 Grabbing the Brass Ring!

After learning about Falinks from Professor Cerise, Ash and Goh go to Galar to see one. Meanwhile, an Eiscue adrift on an ice floe washes up in Galar.

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Avsnitt 26 Nightfall? Nightmares!

Goh and Ash head to Sinnoh after reports of nightmares, suspecting the mythical Pokémon Darkrai is responsible. Chloe and Eevee travel to Sinnoh too.

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Avsnitt 27 A Midsummer Night's Light!

Dawn and Chloe find an injured Cresselia and are able to give it first aid. Ash and Goh are still on Darkrai's trail, and so is Team Rocket.

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Avsnitt 28 All Out, All of the Time!

Ash and Goh race through the mountains on a deserted island in the Alola region — where they meet the lively All-Out brothers, Phil and Mayshure.

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Avsnitt 29 Excitement from the Ultra-Shocking Start!

Ash has leveled up to the Ultra Class! Now, he must face gym leader Volkner in a blazing battle in solar-powered Sunyshore City.

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Avsnitt 30 Detective Drizzile!

Something has caused the Cerise Lab's data to suddenly vanish. Drizzile helps the team track down the mysterious culprit.

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Avsnitt 31 Night and Day, You Are the Ones!

Adam, Goh and Chloe arrive at Eclipse Castle to meet Espeon and Umbreon and see their special Pokémon powers firsthand.

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Avsnitt 32 Trial on a Golden Scale!

In search of Volcarona, the Sun Pokémon, Ash and Goh head to the Colossus Ruins in the Unova region for Goh's first trial mission from Project Mew.

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Avsnitt 33 Mad About Blue!

The crew spies the rare and spherical Voltorb and bumps into Gorman, a blue Pokémon fanatic. But Team Rocket plots to ruin the fun with this new friend.

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Avsnitt 34 The Sweet Taste of Battle!

The tasty Alcremie, a Pokémon made of cream, floats toward Goh and pals. Later, gym leader Opal arranges a special challenge with Leon.

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Avsnitt 35 Star Night, Star Flight!

Ash and Goh run into champion Cynthia while investigating strange phenomena in the Johto region, where daytime has plunged into total darkness.

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Avsnitt 36 An Adventure of Mega Proportions!

Ash receives a mega glove from cheerleader Korrina in Shalour City. Later, the gang searches for a mega stone to help Lucario mega evolve.

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Avsnitt 37 Battle Three with Bea!

Ash and Bea have already faced off twice. Will Ash have better luck during their third showdown at Stow-on-Side Stadium with Korrina in the stands?

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Avsnitt 38 A Battle of Mega Versus Max!

With a contentious back-and-forth battle with Bea, Ash brings out Sirfetch'd, Pikachu and Lucario to bolster his attacks and defensive strength.

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Avsnitt 39 Breaking the Ice!

Goh brings Ash along to school for a presentation. Later, transfer student Regina and her Glaceon Pokémon cause a freeze over the entire class.

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Avsnitt 40 Looking Out for Number Two!

Ash and Goh dive into the deep waters of the Hoenn region for Goh's trial mission. This time, he's off to catch a wild Kingdra, a Dragon Pokémon.

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Avsnitt 41 The Gates of Warp! (1)

Team Rocket shows up while Ash, Goh and Chloe travel to the Sinnoh region to investigate multiple missing Pokémon reports — including Dawn's Piplup.

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Avsnitt 42 Showdown at the Gates of Warp! (2)

Time's running out and flowing backwards as Ash, Goh and friends enter a strange world and battle alongside different versions of themselves.

Säsong 25

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Avsnitt 1 The Spectral Express!

On their way to catch a ride to Stow-on-Side, Ash and Goh take a wild trip aboard a mysterious and eerie ghost train.

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Avsnitt 2 The Winding Path to Greatness!

Hoping to get his Pokémon Gengar to Gigantamax, Ash and Goh look for help from the Ghost-type gym leader, Allister.

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Avsnitt 3 It's All in the Name!

After unusual magnetic waves affect his Magnemite, Francois, Ren works together with Ash, Goh, Chrysa and Professor Cerise to solve the mystery.

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Avsnitt 4 Suffering the Flings and Arrows!

When Lilligant draws the romantic interest of its beloved Heracross, Pinsir is devastated. Could a Pokémon flower arrangement class save the day?

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Avsnitt 5 The Good, the Bad and the Lucky!

Tired of their missions always coming up short, Team Rocket decides to follow Pelipper to find out who's in charge of the Prize Master.

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Avsnitt 6 Lighting the Way Home!

The Space Center plans to use Ampharos' light to guide a satellite back home. But after Ampharos loses confidence, it's up to Sophocles to save the day.

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Avsnitt 7 An Evolution in Taste!

Hoping to add to his collection, Goh brings Ash along with him to Slowpoke Island. After meeting different Slowpokes, they try the local cuisine.

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Avsnitt 8 Out of Their Elements!

Ash, Goh and Chloe visit a Pokémon Circus, where the closing performers run into a problem after the evolutions of their Eevees don't go as planned.

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Avsnitt 9 Battling Turned Up to Eleven!

As the Pokémon World Coronation Series continues, Ash looks to challenge a rising star from the Galar region — but gets wrong directions from Team Yell.

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Avsnitt 10 Meeting Up with the Monarch!

While Goh goes to look for Pokémon in the Galar region, Ash ends up training with one of the world's greatest trainers, Leon.

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Avsnitt 11 A One-Stick Wonder!

Traveling out to the Wild Area, Ash and Goh encounter a Thwackey with a problem: It only seems to have one stick when it needs two.

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Avsnitt 12 Battling in the Freezing Raid!

As he takes on his latest Project Mew trial mission, Goh and a few allies challenge the legendary Pokémon Articuno to a raid battle.

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Avsnitt 13 The Future is Now, Thanks to Strategy!

To master a new attack, Sirfetch'd gets unexpected help from Dracovish. But will the move be enough for Ash to survive his upcoming battles?

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Avsnitt 14 Taking Two for the Team!

In a battle against Drasna, Ash realizes a strong bond between Pokémon is the most important skill of all.

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Avsnitt 15 Reuniting for the First Time!

While on a visit to Lilycove City to meet a Sylveon, Chloe gets recognized by Lisia, who encourages her to compete in a Pokémon Contest.

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Avsnitt 16 Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!

To drum up more support for Team Rocket, Jessie and James take over a radio broadcast and win over some unexpected fans.

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Avsnitt 17 Big Brother to the Rescue!

When the Pokémon in Cerise Park get out of sorts, it's up to a helpful Yamper to set things right again.

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Avsnitt 18 Catching the Aura of Fate!

Hoping to help his Lucario grow stronger, Ash heads to the Kalos region to reconnect with Greninja, who teaches its protégé a thing or two.

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Avsnitt 19 Aim for the Eight!

Ash must survive an entrance battle with a popular trainer to earn a spot in the top eight. But in the arena, all eyes are on the underdog from Kanto.

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Avsnitt 20 Narrowing the Chaser Chase!

On his next trial mission for Project Mew, Goh must win a survival contest in Sea Mauville or he won't qualify as one of the chosen three Chasers.

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Avsnitt 21 The Homecoming Crown!

In a frozen land, Ash, Goh and Chloe search for a rare Pokémon while Lillie and her family hope to reunite with their missing father.

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Avsnitt 22 Helping the Hometown Hero!

Back in the Alola region, Ash joins a Battle Royal with three other trainers. But when any team can attack any Pokémon, who will survive?

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Avsnitt 23 Chasing to the Finish!

Goh competes in his final trial mission for Project Mew: capturing a Regieleki and Regidrago. Will he receive enough tokens to earn the title of Chaser?

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Avsnitt 24 Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!

To prepare for the Masters Eight Tournament, Ash reunites with his many Pokémon partners to battle an old rival and get as strong as possible.

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Avsnitt 25 Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!

The Pokémon World Coronation Series Masters Eight Tournament is underway! Ash arrives at Wyndon Stadium just in time for a battle between Leon and Alain.

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Avsnitt 26 Pride of a Champion!

At the Masters Eight Tournament, Ash, Goh and their new friend Hop watch as Lance goes head to head with Diantha on the stage of dreams.

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Avsnitt 27 The Fiery Road to Mastership!

Ash and his friends cheer on Cynthia and Iris in the third battle of the Masters Eight Tournament. With only one match left, will Ash's training pay off?

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Avsnitt 28 Battling as Hard as Stone!
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Avsnitt 29 Chloe and Eevee, the Miracle of Evolution!
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Avsnitt 30 Infinite Possibilities!
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Avsnitt 31 The Climax Begins: Ash's Masters Tournament Experience!
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Avsnitt 32 It's... Champion Time!

On the day of the Masters Tournament semifinals, Satoshi starts preparing for his upcoming match against Shirona. Satoshi and Go cross paths with Shirona, who tells them how she first met her partner Gaburias. Meanwhile, the match between Carnet and Dande has gotten underway. Ultimately, the Galar champion takes a commanding 6–2 victory to move on to the finals.

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Avsnitt 33 Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder!
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Avsnitt 34 Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling!
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Avsnitt 35 Whittle While You Work!
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Avsnitt 36 Go's Challenge! The Road to Mew!!
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Avsnitt 37 Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
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Avsnitt 38 Climax! The Night Before the Decisive Battle! Ash VS Leon!!
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Avsnitt 39 A Flood of Torrential Gains!
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Avsnitt 40 Toying With Your Motions!
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Avsnitt 41 Paring Pokémon While Parrying!
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Avsnitt 42 Partners in Time!
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Avsnitt 43 The Mew from Here!
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Avsnitt 44 Seize the Future!
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Avsnitt 45 Pokémon! I'm Glad I Got to Meet You!!
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Avsnitt 46 Ash and Goh! Embark on a New Journey!!
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Avsnitt 47 Winds of Beginning! The Endless Road!!

Satoshi and Pikachu continue their adventure, going wherever the wind blows, interacting with wild Pokémon they meet along the way, while the Rocket Gang plots to steal Pikachu... And that's how the days go on this neverending adventure. But one day while traveling through a forest, they encounter the legendary Pokémon Latias, injured...!

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Avsnitt 48 Satoshi VS Kasumi! Seaside One-on-One!!
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Avsnitt 49 Takeshi and Dent and the Forest Witch!
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Avsnitt 50 Tunbear's Sigh!
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Avsnitt 51 Burn! The Zenigame Fire Brigade!!
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Avsnitt 52 And We're Looking at the Same Moon!
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Avsnitt 53 Riding on Laplace ♪
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Avsnitt 54 Jupetta's Search!
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Avsnitt 55 Rocket-dan Strikes Back!
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Avsnitt 56 Satoshi and Latios!
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Avsnitt 57 The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!


ポケットモンスターPokémon Journeys: The Series

Release 1997-04-01


Serien Pokémon med skådespelare Rica Matsumoto och Ikue Otani samt regisserad av 湯山邦彦 streamas på Viaplay och Netflix. Se även .