Ett tåg från ett nöjesfält saknas och Catboy är tvungen att rädda sommaren.
Med kraften från sina djuramuletter förvandlas Jens till Gecko, Amanada till Ugglis och Oscar till Kattpojken! Deras kläder kanske ser ut som pyjamasar, men de är egentligen Pyjamashjältarna!
Ett tåg från ett nöjesfält saknas och Catboy är tvungen att rädda sommaren.
Owlette tar hjälp av Flossy Flash för att stoppa Romeo.
Night Ninja stjäl sportutrustningen som är menad för sportdagen.
Romeo och Night Ninja krymper PJ-maskerna.
Jens Gecko, Amanda Ugglis och Oscar Kattpojken åker ut på nya äventyr.
Ugglis staty blir stulen.
Gekko håller i en födelsedagsfest.
Nattninja gör om skolbussen.
Kattpojken ska på konsert, men han har bara två biljetter.
Kattpojken får en mystisk present från en okänd faster.
Romeo gör att alla blir klumpiga.
Night Ninja skapar ett fort och planerar att ta ner pyjamashjältarna.
Kattpojken, Gecko och Ugglis åker ut på nya äventyr och lär sig nya saker varje dag.
Kattpojken, Gecko och Ugglis åker ut på nya äventyr.
Skolans musikinstrument försvinner. Kattpojken och Gecko skapar en helt ny superhjälte.
Romeo upptäcker Pyjamashjältarnas högkvarter.
Romeo stjäl Ugglis krafter.
27b "Soccer Ninjalinos" Christian De Vita Tim Bain Christian Kuntz January 15, 2018 1.13[29] At day time, the kids are practicing their soccer skills until they noticed a toy store nearby has sticky splats all over it. At night, Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos are playing their own style of soccer and plan to splat the entire city. When Owlette's feet are stuck in a splat ball, she still wants to play despite her disabled feet but that only makes the mission harder.
28a "Lionel - Saurus" Christian De Vita Jonah Stroh Jean-François Galataud January 19, 2018 0.77[30] The kids are having a picnic in the park while Greg is playing with his pet Lionel until they noticed that Lionel has mysteriously disappeared. At night, it turns out Romeo was feeding Lionel some green pet treats that makes him big and calls him Lionel-Saurus though he also has some red treats that makes him shrink. He also mentions that making the treats took 365 nights which is odd. Unfortunately, Gekko keeps on being defensive on his favorite pet despite Lionel's big size which not only makes the mission harder, but nearly endangered both the PJ masks and the city. Vehicle: Owl-Glider Hero Revelation: What's best for your pet. Don't judge what they look like.
28b "Catboy's Cuddly" Christian De Vita Gerard Foster Eric Dragon January 19, 2018 0.77[30] At day time, the kids are going to school with their cuddly pets though Connor knows they're too old already to have those until they noticed that Cameron's sister is upset that she has a talking Romeo doll instead of her own cuddly which makes the kids suspicious. At night, Romeo and Robot were stealing all the cuddly dolls and plan to transform them into cuddly Romeo dolls. But Catboy wasn't the only who feels ashamed for hiding his cuddly from his teammates, even Owlette and Gekko are also ashamed because their cuddly dolls are stolen so they must stop Romeo at all costs despite being kids. Vehicle: Owl-Glider Hero Revelation: Don't feel ashamed for what you have.
Catboy hears of a way to increase his cat power and enlists Gekko and Owlette to help; Catboy falls prey to a Romeo remote that rewinds all action, making the night last forever.
The Wolfy Kids take Mystery Mountain from Night Ninja.
Romeo steals the Moon Crystal, but the PJ Masks are convinced Luna Girl is the culprit.
Romeo tricks Armadylan into thinking he's turned into a good guy.
Night Ninja convinces Armadylan that the PJ Masks stole all the new Flossy Flash comics.
Gekko's powers increase during an underwater mission.
While trying to stop Luna Girl, Owlette breaks an observatory's telescope lens and blames her nemesis.
The PJ Masks have to protect the trick-or-treaters and their goodie bags on Halloween.
The PJ Masks have to protect the trick-or-treaters and their goodie bags on Halloween.
The Wolfies get into HQ and transform it into their den.
While the Wolfies run amok, Gekko doubts he has what it takes to be good, and Kevin isn't sure he wants to be mean.
Rip tries to gather feathers from Owlette's wings to let the Wolfies fly.
After skeletons are stolen from the museum, the PJ Masks think the Wolfies are the culprits.
After stopping an asteroid from crashing into the city, Armadylan thinks he's one of the PJ Masks.
Romeo tries to use Armadylan's powers to improve his lab.
Luna Girl steals the moon crystal to power up her Luna Fortress' Mega-Magnet, which creates a portal that pulls stuff up from the city.
The PJ Masks go off to the moon to stop Luna Girl.
Armadylan and Robette fight with Romeo over whose sidekick is better.
After he loses his temper again, the PJ Masks take Armadylan on a Zen trip.
When the Wolfies steal a dog, the PJ Masks must try to get it back.
The PJ Masks team up with Night Ninja to stop the Wolfies from destroying Mystery Mountain.
PJ Robot persuades the PJ Masks to journey towards a comet, because he thinks it'll give HQ extra power.
Luna teases Romeo with her newly super-charged moths, and the PJ Masks have to stop her.
Night Ninja kidnaps the heroes' teacher.
After Robot gets damaged in battle, the PJs decide to fix him.
Lionel gets new powers, and Gekko trains him to be his super pet.
Owlette becomes best friends with Luna Girl and lets her enter HQ.
Night Ninja heads to Mystery Mountain to unleash the mountain's magic.
The heroes team up with Dragon Girl to stop Night Ninja.
Catboy is tempted to cheat when he must race to win back his stolen Catcar.
When Gekko and Owlette's overconfidence plays right into Ninja's plan, they must learn to work together.
While Catboy is too busy trying to impress An Yu, Night Ninja enters the pagoda.
An Yu tries to solve an ancient riddle to become a true Mountain Master.
Armadylan trains the Wolfies into becoming heroes.
The Wolfies steal Owlette's things and go on a rampage.
Teeny-Weeny Ninjalino turns into the Splat Monster and traps the PJ Masks on Mystery Mountain.
While the PJ Masks are trapped, Night Ninja uses the Splat Monster to take over the night!
A new villain is hatched from a strange crystal on the moon.
Gekko is forced to confiscate Luna Girl and Motsuki's powers.
Motsuki decides to become Owlette's sidekick after a quarrel with Luna Girl.
Motsuki traps Luna Girl and the PJ Masks on the moon.
Armadylan steals the PJ Masks' vehicles.
Kevin turns full wolfy on a trip to the moon.
Night Ninja tricks Armadylan into stealing An Yu's bo staff and takes control of the Mountain again.
An Yu tries to train Teeny Weeny to be the Mystery Mountain Guardian assistant.
The team gets locked in the Lab, so the PJ Robot attempts to rescue them.
Gekko uncovers the reason why animals disappear from the city.
After their powers are stolen and given to the Woflies, the PJ Masks team up with them to vanquish Romeo.
Night Ninja hypnotizes all of the school kids with his special ninja dance.
Ninja uses Armadylan's dream of becoming a kung fu movie star to break into a museum.
While Gekko and Armadylan guard the city, their watch turns into a contest of strength.
The PJ Masks have to team up with Santa to save Christmas!
Thief Steal stole Santa's sleigh. Christmas is in danger. Only with the help of Romeo can he be stopped.
The moths infiltrate HQ. Gekko won't admit that he let them in until it is too late. Catboy realizes that a true Cat Explorer puts his team before the discovery.
Catboy and Armadylan fight over a Master Fang comic, because there is a secret. Armadylan takes the PJ Jet, but then Night Ninja takes over.
The PJ Masks easily defeat the Ninjas and become over-confident in their powers; Night Ninja secretly plots to acquire PJ powers for himself.
Luna deviously persuades the PJ Masks into helping her with her plan to disempower Motsuki.
Romeo makes a hologram copy of Owly and sends the PJ Masks on a wild chase.
Newton turns bad due to a psychoactive asteroid.
Newton Star quits space after an incident.
Romeo invents robotic animal powers.
Newton leads the PJ Pets on a mission to rescue the PJ Masks.
Gekko is so anxious about facing a bully, that he stays home one night to avoid her.
Octobella creates a powerful octopus crystal that makes her a bigger threat than ever.
Night Ninja kidnaps An Yu.
Someone's causing mischief. The PJ Masks blame the villains; the villains blame each other - but it's actually Munki-Gu, who's stolen an invisibility ring.
Romeo attempts to make the most of a failed experiment to his advantage.
Gekko frantically tries to stop Orticia from sending his pumpkins back.
Gekko wants to play a pirate but is overshadowed by a pirate villain. Gekko wants to catch the villain but also wants to be the best pirate!
Owlette accidentally helps Pirate Robot.
Determined to perform a magic trick, Catboy finds a teleporting sarcophagus.
Gekko is forced to be a sneaky crocodile when Pharaoh Boy has taken his friends prisoner.
Greg is scared on a camping trip and thinks his nighttime powers will help him, but Orticia has something else in store.
Orticia is invited to Octobella's cave.
Gekko won't help Octobella when her shrimp rebels. In fact he makes it worse!
Amaya's friends, Marie & Jenny, get entranced and imperiled by Luna Girl.
An Yu won't show Munki-gu how to do the dragon dance, but Night Ninja will.
An Yu needs to find a magic stone in the city.
Gekko tries to get Pirate Robot to be a chef instead of a pirate.
Newton is desperate to study a rare asteroid, but Pirate Robot has seen it too and he is planning a hijack!
Catboy wants to outspeed new villains Carly and Cartoka.
The PJs are desperate to get their vehicles back, but are having trouble taming their Crystal Animals.
The PJs get caught up in a battle between Romeo and the Twins.
Night Ninja sets up a school for villains. Pirate Robot seeks help when Night Ninja steals his hat.
Romeo challenges Carly and Cartoka to a race, but it's all part of a sneaky plan to steal speed crystals.
The PJ Riders get jealous when the PJs plan to restore their vehicles.
Pirate Robot and Newton are captured after not heeding the warnings; Newton comes up with a Star Splat.
Orticia gets carried away by tricking, not treating, resulting in mild Halloween horror.
PJ Masks
Release 2015-09-18