Scams, serie 2019 - Streama med Netflix

Streama serien Scams (2019-). Med Ron Mizuma, Ryohei Otani och Maika Yamamoto. Streama med Netflix.

En ung välmenande man som drabbats hårt av Lehman-kollapsen deltar i en telefonbluff och blir allt djupare indragen i den kriminella undre världen.


Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

After losing his corporate job, Makoto is broke and increasingly in debt. With no prospects and nowhere to turn, he takes up a suspicious offer.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

Makoto begins a hellish training program for new-hires. Unlike the other trainees, he knows this work is illegal, but he’s determined to keep the job.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

The elderly are hoarding money, and they’re a cancer on Japan. Hearing this, Makoto throws himself into defrauding seniors, but he feels conflicted.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

Pressured into expanding his operation, Kanbe asks Makoto to lead the team. Despite the impossibly high monthly quota, Makoto relishes his new role.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

After a dangerous encounter with Yamada, Makoto realizes he's in too deep to quit. His increasingly suspicious mother confronts him.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

Harassed by the elderly in her job as a home care worker, a fed up Sachiko decides to support Makoto in his misdeeds and provides him with client data.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Makoto fears a teammate may be connected to the burglaries targeting Sachiko's client list. He decides to call it quits once he meets his quota.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

After finding out that Seimiya was involved in the burglaries, Dokugawa accuses Makoto of also being an accomplice.

Scams säsong 1 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

As the operation crumbles, the team works to destroy all their evidence. The police are closing in, but Makoto tries to act like everything's fine.



Release 2019-07-01


Serien Scams med skådespelare Ron Mizuma, Ryohei Otani och Maika Yamamoto streamas på Netflix. Se även .