Sé quién eres, serie 2017 - se via Stream och Play

Streama serien Sé quién eres (2017-). Juan Elías måste bevisa sin oskuld efter en trafikolycka som han inte kommer ihåg. Med Francesc Garrido, Blanca Portillo och Aida Folch.

Att döma av hans trasiga kläder och skadade ansikte verkar det som om han har varit med om en olycka, men han kommer inte ihåg vem han är eller hur han kom dit. Han har inget ID på sig, ingen mobiltelefon eller något som kan identifiera honom. Han har total minnesförlust. Han heter Juan Elías, en framgångsrik brottsadvokat med ambitioner att bli dekan på universitetet och lärare för den mest eftertraktade magisterkursen i etik i landet. Han har en 19-årig son som beundrar honom och en upprorisk 11-årig dotter, båda från sitt äktenskap med Alicia Castro. Deras relation är grundad på mer än endast kärlek; den är baserad på uppriktighet och fullständig delaktighet. Nu har läkarna rekommenderat Elías att åka hem, i hopp om att välbekanta omgivningar ska friska upp hans minne. Han återvänder hem för att upptäcka vilken typ av man och far han brukade vara och för att återuppbygga de känslomässiga band han en gång hade. Detta kommer inte att vara en lätt uppgift för Juan Elías. Det är inte heller den enda utmaningen han kommer att möta. När polisen hittar vraket av Elías bil hittar de också hans 23-åriga systerdotter Ana Sauras mobiltelefon. Hon var hans elev och försvann samma natt som olyckan. Alla bevis tyder på att Elías dödade henne. Nu måste han hitta ett sätt att bevisa sin oskuld, även om han själv tvivlar på om han är skyldig eller inte.


Sé quién eres trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

An injured and disorientated man arrives on foot at a petrol station, claiming to have no memory of who he is or how he got there. In hospital he is visited by his wife, who informs him that he is a prestigious lawyer, but far more ominously, that their 22-year-old niece Ana is missing and that her blood has been found in his car.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

Aware that their previous relationship will compromise her ability to prosecute the case brought against Juan Elias by his brother-in-law Ramon Saura, Eva retreats to her grandmother's rural home. No-one is completely convinced of Juan's amnesia, including his partner Ricardo Heredia.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

Juan Elias finds a phone number in his office and rings it. Giralt and Hess are shown a video of Elias at the eve-of-election party in which he appears to be under the influence of drugs. Alicia resigns from the bench temporarily until her niece has been found.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

Juan Elias continues to show the confusion associated with amnesia, but also continues to act suspiciously. A lead found at the scene of his accident takes him to a prison where he meets with his father-in-law Hector Castro who, as a price for his assistance in finding Ana, asks that Juan brings his grandson Pol to see him.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

Eleven days before she disappeared, Ana met with Alicia who informs her that she knows of her pregnancy, but Ana surprises Alicia by naming the father. Juan Elias is undergoing therapy to help him to regain his memory. Fulfilling his bargain, Juan takes Pol to visit his grandfather in prison where Pol learns a painful family secret. Marc Castro willingly undergoes a re-enactment of his last moments with Ana.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

We learn that Ana has indeed collected the 100,000 euros promised to her by Hector Castro. David is disappointed when Eva proves that she no longer trusts him and is determined to discover the identity of the mole. Alicia and Heredia attempt to convince Juan Elias that he should not take the amnesia test, but Juan is determined to get to the truth.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Three days before going missing, Ana Saura had recognised the man she had seen at Casa Castro, talking with Juan Elias on campus. Giralt learns that a colleague has interviewed the wife of a man who went missing on the same day as Ana and believes there to be a connection. Eva Duran keeps her promise to spend the day with Juan.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

Two days before Ana's disappearance she went with Charry to transfer the money given to her by Hector Castro to an address in Bangkok. Giralt discovers that Ezequiel Cortes has been staying in a hostel but has not been seen for days. Juan Elias is jailed for lying at his initial hearing.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

We learn that 13 minutes before going missing, Ana is devastated to hear that Juan Elias is about to break his promise to stand down in the election. Giralt is questioning Heredia, who is now heavily implicated in Ana's disappearance, when circumstantial evidence increases after a body is found dumped near his summer property.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

All is revealed as we learn what really happened on the night of Ana's disappearance.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11

Alicia has survived the murderous attack on her life, but is badly wounded and unconscious. Juan Elias, convinced that Santi Mur is the culprit, tells Inspector Giralt that the security cameras at the house will prove it. Sylvia sees the news of the attack on TV and rushes to the hospital, but not before she finds blood on Marc's clothing. Eva Duran arrives to give evidence to Giralt, but discovers that he has been removed from the case.

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Avsnitt 12

Pol is shown where Ana has been held in captivity. Juan explains his intention to persuade Ana not to testify against him and promises to release her if Alicia does't regain consciousness within a week. Heredia arranges to exact revenge on his partner for framing him and Ramon offers a reward for help in finding Ana.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13

Elias and Pol rush to Alicia's bedside at the news she has woken from her coma. Elias tells her that he knows that she had rung Judge Santos to inform on him, but that she can tell him she felt guilty about Charry's death. While Pol is alone with Alicia she tells him that he must get Ana away from his father. Marta Hess gets to work on finding or fabricating evidence against Santi Mur.

Sé quién eres säsong 1 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14

Pol takes Ana to the hideout that Juan had prepared before his arrest. Alicia, still in her hospital bed, receives a phone call. Julieta has been taken hostage and will be released only when Ana Saura has been found.

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Avsnitt 15

Inspector Barros attempts to interview the still traumatised Ana, but Ramon is keen to take her home despite his own antipathy to Juan Elias. Giralt knows that Elias is never going to volunteer any information and that it will be up to the police to make the case against him with or without Ana’s testimony.

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Avsnitt 16

Santi tells Eva that he is officially cleared of the attack on Alicia. Ana makes an impromptu announcement to the press at her father’s funeral much to her brother’s surprise. Ana attends court to face her grandfather and give her account of her abduction. Alicia attends the court representing her father Hector Castro and asks him to take responsibility for Ana’s kidnapping.


Release 2017-01-16


Sé quién eres är en serie som för närvarande inte streamas på någon tjänst.