
Skins, serie 2007 - Streama med Netflix

Streama serien Skins (2007-). Med Nicholas Hoult, Dev Patel och Jack O'Connell. Streama med Netflix.

Denna skarpa serie kretsar kring en grupp tonåringars stressiga liv när vännerna och blivande kärleksparen tar sig igenom de två sista skolåren.



Skins trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Skins säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Tony

The first episode of Skins introduces viewers to a gang of friends through their leader, Tony. Tony is good looking, intelligent and ambitious, and he plans to help his best mate, Sid, lose his virginity at posh Abigail's party, with the help of some illegal drugs. However, things don't go quite as planned...

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Avsnitt 2 Cassie

Cassie's family and friends are too wrapped up in their own worlds to notice she is not eating and that her health is at risk. Will this change when Cassie gets to know Sid?

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Avsnitt 3 Jal

Jal has reached the finals of 'Young Musician of the Year', but do her family want her to succeed? Her untalented brothers won't let her practise, and her father, who resents Jal's resemblance of her mother, seems more concerned about his younger pretty blonde girlfriend. Meanwhile, it looks like Sid is not out of trouble yet.

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Avsnitt 4 Chris

Pill-popping Chris wakes up to discover his mother has left home, but given him £1,000 to cover bills - so he blows all the money on drugs and partying, before facing up to the fact that she may never return.

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Avsnitt 5 Sid

Sid is in trouble, deep trouble. His coursework hasn't made the grade, he's as sexually frustrated as ever, and he can't get his best mate's girlfriend, Michelle, out of his head!

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Avsnitt 6 Maxxie and Anwar

A school trip to Russia provides plenty of opportunity for the testing of friendships, as Anwar's religion and Maxxie's sexuality collide.

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Avsnitt 7 Michelle

A distraught Michelle breaks-up with Tony after he fails to own-up to cheating on her with Maxxie in Russia. Michelle also faces conflict at home, with her latest young step-dad. However, things start to look-up when Michelle meets Josh, Abigail's brother. A jealous Tony is determined to sabotage the new relationship though, but will Michelle take him back?

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Avsnitt 8 Effy

Things get dark this week as Tony's silent little sister, Effy, goes missing. Desperate to find Effy, can Tony rely on any of his old mates, or have they all shunned him forever?

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Avsnitt 9 Everyone

The last episode in the series involves Sid attempting to pull himself together and tell Cassie how he feels about her, but with tragic consequences. Meanwhile, nobody is in the mood to celebrate Anwar's birthday, and Tony is out of luck when he tries to make amends.

Säsong 2

Skins säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Tony and Maxxie

Tony is recovering from the massive head injury he sustained at the end of series one. Sid and Michelle are nowhere to be seen, caring for an invalid friend has just been too much for them. So Maxxie is looking after Tony for the day. But Maxxie has his own problems. He desperately wants to leave college and follow his dream to become a dancer, but his Dad Walter is giving him hell about it. Tony wants to go back to college, but his parents won’t agree to that either. Their world has been rocked to its foundations and they just don’t know what to do with their son. So Maxxie wants out and Tony wants in and they’re going to have to help each other. That’s if the gay hating, ASBO boys on Maxxie’s estate don’t get them first. And all the while Maxxie has a strange feeling that someone else nearby is on his case too.

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Avsnitt 2 Sketch

Maxxie has a creepy feeling that someone is watching him. Someone close by. A hot boy maybe? No such luck. Sketch is Maxxie’s stalker. A weird loner, who spends most days shut up in a poky flat looking after their disabled Mum. So their attentions turn to the fit blonde boy who lives on the estate. Soon everything in their life is about Maxxie – If only he would even notice them. Meanwhile, the sixth form college production of ‘Osama: The Musical’ is teetering towards disaster under the heavy-handed guidance of lecherous drama teacher Bruce. But Sketch is prepared to do anything to get leading man Maxxie, and if they can’t have him, they’re going to make sure nobody can - and especially not his current leading lady Michelle.

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Avsnitt 3 Sid

Sid hasn’t coped at all well with the fact that his best friend Tony is a shadow of the man he was. And his ‘girlfriend’ Cassie moving away to Scotland hasn’t helped either, particularly when he catches her looking like she’s having the time of her life with a pair of tartan-clad boys. So his mood is not improved much when his Grandad, a notorious Glaswegian hard bastard arrives, dying of cancer, to say his final goodbyes. He has never liked his son and he likes his Grandson Sid even less. So his arrival makes Sid’s Dad’s life a misery too. Especially as he’s brought Sid’s Uncle Sandy and his two weird cousins along for good measure too. Multiply all this by ten when Sid’s estranged Mum joins in to play happy families. So it’s Jenkins family meltdown. And when Sid comes down for breakfast he ends up making a discovery that nothing could have prepared him for. Sometimes life is just too sudden, just too cruel. So Sid’s life crisis deepens into a chasm of despair, what he really needs now is his best mate, he needs Tony.

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Avsnitt 4 Michelle

So Michelle’s Mum Anna has gone and done it again. Married another new husband. And worse, Michelle has to move in with them into their new house. But even worse, this time Michelle has to contend with a new big-titted, emotionally-manipulative step sister called Scarlett. Before she knows what’s happening, Scarlett is invading her life, co-opting her friends and offering unwanted advice about what to do about her still incapacitated ex-boyfriend Tony. So when Scarlett inveigles herself onto Michelle’s birthday camping trip to the Gower and starts to move in on the emotionally fragile Sid, Michelle’s got to do something. Sid needs Michelle, he’s her friend, so she does the only thing she knows. But who’s that arriving back from Scotland and full of hope for Sid? Now that is bad timing.step in. Sid needs a friend, Michelle. But Sid has always had a thing for her so she does the only thing she knows. Now they have to live with the consequences. Are they going to tell Tony? And who's that arriving back from Scotland and full of hope for Sid? Now that is bad timing.

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Avsnitt 5 Chris

Chris’ college career has been a long road full of tribulations; drugs, petty theft, non attendance and resounding failure. So when the CCTV cameras catch him shagging Buck Tooth in the Science corridor, the College Director calls time. Chris is out. And out of his college accommodation as well. Homeless, family-less, Chris is going down hill fast, until Jal steps in with a challenge. She’ll try to unwind a little so long as he gets his act together and gets some focus. So Chris gets a job, several jobs, in fact every time he’s fired he gets another one, and he moves into the smallest bed-sit in Bristol. So Jal’s got to chill out, and wow when she does she’s pretty gorgeous, and talented, and cool, and...Could Chris have had his eyes opened wider than any drug could do?

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Avsnitt 6 Tony

Tony’s world is a strange one. Isolated, alone, he is desperate to find the way back to himself. Since the accident he lives in a world of half understood dreams. He tries to act normal, but bumping into Sid and Michelle at a club sends him spiralling again. Nobody understands how the world looks to him, nobody except the strange beautiful girl he meets when trying to escape from his so-called best friend and ex-girlfriend. The next day Tony heads off to a University open day and runs into her again. Who is she? His head tells him that she is an angel. But can he ever trust his head again?

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Avsnitt 7 Effy

What is it about Effy? The mysterious one had a lot to deal with. The Stonem family home is in disarray, while Dad Jim is working abroad, Mum Anthea is also away, with the fairies; and Tony is moping after Michelle. On top of this, Effy has her GCSE art coursework deadline looming. So solving all her family’s problems, planning her academic future, as well as sorting out the ‘Tony and Michelle’, ‘Sid and Cassie’ dilemma is all she needs right now. And then on top of this, whilst also trying to maintain her reputation for being the wildest kid on the block, she’s lumbered with the new girl, spoddy Pandora. So how weird when suddenly Pandora turns out to be best friend material. Maybe the future’s bright after all, Effy and Pandora’s future at least.

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Avsnitt 8 Jal

Jal’s got a secret so big she can’t tell anyone until she works out what the hell she’s going to do about it. But Spanish A-level revision, music school auditions, and needy best friends are pressing down on her, all while the ‘secret’ is starting to leak out. What’s more, Chris has asked her to move in with him into his pokey love nest. Jal needs someone, but will a visit from her estranged Mum make everything better? What Jal doesn’t know is that Chris has been hiding a secret all of his own.

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Avsnitt 9 Cassie

What's the matter with Cassie? She's back together with Sid, Chris is on the mend, Michelle and Tony are back with each other and A-level exams are finally over. So to celebrate, Sid has organised a dinner party where everyone can try to get along. But how can they? Jal is lying to Chris, Chris is lying to everyone, including himself. And when it finally gets too much, Cassie runs. She runs and runs and keeps on going - until she arrives at a totally magical place, where the people are friendly and she can get along. But can she be happy?

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Avsnitt 10 Final Goodbyes

It's A-Level results day for the gang but not all of them are present. Decisions are made as they all prepare for the next chapter of their lives.

Säsong 3

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Avsnitt 1 Everyone

It’s the first day of term at Roundview College and a new gang is forming. Best friends Freddie (Luke Pasqualino), JJ (Ollie Barbieri), and Cook (Jack O’Connell) are en-route to college. Their world collides with Effy’s (Kaya Scodelario), and Cook is intrigued – this trouble maker has met his match. However, both Freddie and JJ are equally smitten. Identical twin sisters, Katie (Megan Prescott) and Emily (Kathryn Prescott), prepare for their first day; as per usual, Katie walks all over her sister Emily. Once at college, Effy and Katie clock one another immediately, whilst Effy’s best mate Pandora (Lisa Backwell) tells Effy she wants to lose her virginity "asap". At college, Cook tries to charm the girl sitting next to him but instead winds her up. Naomi (Lily Loveless) doesn’t suffer fools gladly and grasses Cook up. Effy issues smitten Freddie, JJ and Cook with a challenge to be completed by the end of the day. The winner will get to ‘know her’ better. And so the first day at college begins...

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Avsnitt 2 Cook

It’s Cook’s (Jack O’Connell) 17th birthday, and half the college have been invited to his uncle’s pub to witness a night Cook believes will go down in history. The girls get are about to leave when Freddie (Luke Pasqualino) gets a phone call from his sister Karen (Klariza Clayton). She’s at her best friend Kayleigh’s (Amy Burnett) engagement party and they want to get the party started. The gang head off uninvited. Cook attracts the attention of Kayleigh’s dad, notorious local gangster Johnny White (Mackenzie Crook). The party is a timid affair, so - ignoring Freddie’s warnings about Johnny White - Cook decides to do as the Cookie monster does and up the tempo, and the evening takes a turn for the worst. The gang manage to escape, but split up afterwards after Cook tries to come onto the girls. Freddie tells him he is tired of looking after him and leaves Cook and JJ to go to a local stripclub/prostitute agency, where JJ refuses to go further than kissing and Cook overhears Johnny White in the next room. He plans to blackmail him, and the gangster antagonises him until JJ has to forcibly restrain Cook from beating him. Cook realises what he's done when Johhny tells him: "The next time I see're dead." He leaves and ends up outside Freddie's house at six in the morning, and the two share an intense heart-to-heart about their friendship, while Freddie agrees to look after him again.

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Avsnitt 3 Thomas

In this episode, Thomas (Merveille Lukeba) arrives alone in the UK from the Congo. His family are due to join him in a few days, and he has to find somewhere for them to live. He finds an abandoned flat on an estate, but little does he know that local gangster Johnny White (Mackenzie Crook) is his new landlord, and there’s no way Johnny’s going to let him live there for free. Thomas has to fend for himself, but a chance encounter at a bus stop, and a mutual love of doughnuts brings him together with Pandora (Lisa Backwell) and Effy (Kaya Scodelario). They head to Effy’s house, where they find Effy’s mum, Anthea Stonem (Morwenna Banks), has a surprise visitor, her husband’s boss, Steve (David Baddiel). It’s fate for Pandora and Thomas, who hit it off immediately: she takes him to see her Aunt Elizabeth (Maureen Lipman), who just might have the answer to Thomas’s insolvency, with a rather unconventional money-making scheme. This episode was written by Daniel Kaluuya, the former Posh Kenneth in the two first series of Skins and Bryan Elsley.

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Avsnitt 4 Pandora

"Pandora" is the fourth episode of the third series of the British teen drama Skins, which first aired on 12 February 2009 on E4 in both Ireland and the United Kingdom. The episode was written by Bryan Elsley and Georgia Lester, and was directed by Simon Massey. The episode focuses on the character of Pandora Moon, who is miserable after her boyfriend, Thomas Tomone, recently returned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She holds a small pyjama party for her friends, but it descends into chaos when uninvited guests arrive and the food is spiked with drugs. Pandora and Effy get into an argument after both girls have sex with James Cook, but the argument is interrupted when Thomas unexpectedly returns. "Pandora" was filmed in September 2008. It featured guest appearances by Sally Phillips and Harry Enfield, as well as real-life partners Morwenna Banks and David Baddiel, who played on-screen lovers. The episode brought in 701,000 viewers and was E4's highest-rated programme of the week. It received generally positive reviews from critics. Harry Enfield and James Fleet who both appear in this episode previously starred together as father and son in the 2000 film Kevin & Perry Go Large.

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Avsnitt 5 Freddie

Freddie’s the black sheep of his family, and seen as a waste of space. His big sister Karen (Klariza Clayton) has ambitions - she’s reached the final of a TV talent show to find a new member of girl group Da Sexxbombz. Freddie despises her lust for celebrity but is emotionally blackmailed into sticking to the story she and their Dad, Leo (Simon Day), are spinning about their dead mother, all to look good in front of the cameras, and thereby increase her chances of success. He cringes at the whole thing. If this wasn’t bad enough, living in the shadow of the increasingly reckless Cook is becoming too much to bear. When Effy turns up at his shed, Freddie doesn’t know what to do with himself. There’s a connection between them, there always has been, but this is shattered when Cook and JJ arrive. He feels torn between his family,his friends, and his heart, and the isolation is overwhelming. Will Freddie start to put himself first, or will he retreat to his shed, and beloved skateboard, as he always has before? Featuring a special guest performance from DJ Scott Mills.

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Avsnitt 6 Naomi

Naomi (Lily Loveless) thinks she has the world worked out, and puts people in their appropriate boxes. There's her hippy mum (Olivia Colman); the adoration from Emily (Kathryn Prescott); Cook's (Jack O'Connell) insulting misogyny; and her politics teacher, Kieran's (Ardal O'Hanlon), flattery. She thinks she has them all sussed, and that it's only her who can see the truth. However, the upcoming student elections leave her at a loss, and her insecurities get the better of her. The trust and confidence inspired by a friend encourages her to stand up to her arch rival, the antithesis of everything she stands for, as her and Cook go head to head; but Naomi learns that nothing is black and white anymore.

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Avsnitt 7 JJ

JJ’s (Ollie Barbieri ) feeling lost and confused. The upset within the gang has taken its toll on him, and his fine balancing act has come unstuck. When he visits his psychiatric clinic, he just gets given more drugs. At home, his mother (Juliet Cowan) is worn out with it all, and away from the home, JJ can see his friends coming apart at the seams. With Effy (Kaya Scodelario) at such a low ebb, and the chance discovery of Cook (Jack O’Connell), Freddie (Luke Pasqualino) and Pandora’s (Lisa Backwell) secrets, he feels the burden to be overwhelming. But an unlikely member of the gang - Emily (Kathryn Prescott ) - proves to be the true friend at his time of need.

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Avsnitt 8 Effy

Effy (Kaya Scodelario) is at the lowest point, but this time there’s no older brother at home to notice; and home life has deteriorated so much that it’s even harder than ever for her to communicate. Katie (Megan Prescott), having usurped Effy as Queen Bee, takes every opportunity to rub in her superiority and highlight the fact that Freddie (Luke Pasqualino) is her man, and Effy is to keep her hands off. She invites Effy to a party in the woods, but there are stipulations - Effy has to drive, and Cook is not welcome. As they all head off, the car strains with tension - as secrets and rivalries build. Their paranoid state increases when they have a frightening run in with some poachers. Freddie manages to lighten the mood, and as they arrive at the campsite, they recover themselves and start to have fun. Effy finds some magic mushrooms, and they experiment. Katie’s jealousy of Effy returns, as Effy becomes the centre of the action. The fun and excitement intensify, that is until it becomes clear someone has been tampering with their stuff. Hearing gun shots, they realise someone is charging towards them. The atmosphere darkens and any fun they were having disappears in an instant. Later, Effy gets the opportunity to follow her heart, but a decision she makes may be difficult to ever recover from.

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Avsnitt 9 Katie and Emily

What a difference a party makes. Since their disaster in the forest, the twins’ lives have descended into chaos. Katie is refusing to leave the house and must face her lack of control, while Emily is struggling with her feelings for Naomi. With the college ball approaching, a showdown is imminent.

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Avsnitt 10 Finale

When Freddie and JJ fall out over Cook, the confusion surrounding the gangs' love lives reaches a dramatic conclusion as the series' infamous love triangle is potentially brought to an end.

Säsong 4

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Avsnitt 1 Thomas

There's a party at one of Thomas' club nights and all the gang are there; Cook is still up to no good, Freddie is learning increasingly more about love and the girls are busy dancing. An accident during the evening, however, leaves Thomas feeling guilty and alienated from the rest of the group. Will their friendship survive?

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Avsnitt 2 Emily

The episode focuses on the character of Emily Fitch, her continuing romantic relationship with girlfriend Naomi Campbell as well as family problems with her mother Jenna Fitch. Emily decides to investigate the suicide of Sophia Morton, the girl who killed herself in the first episode, suspecting Naomi cheated on her with Sophia.

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Avsnitt 3 Cook

Cook is up on a charge of GBH. Despite multiple witnesses, he insists on pleading not guilty, to the frustration of his brief, Duncan. He’s granted bail but given an electronic tagging order and curfew to the house of his Mum. Mum is Ruth Byatt, a famous contemporary artist. Returning for the first time in a while, Cook is reunited with his younger half-brother Paddy, who idolizes him.

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Avsnitt 4 Katie

Katie Fitch has a problem. Katie’s family’s bankrupt, and they’ve got nowhere to live. And under the strain of it all, Jenna and Rob seem to be headed for splitsville and James Fitch is scared.

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Avsnitt 5 Freddie

Freddie is loved up. Completely. He and Effy are enjoying their time together and carrying on their hedonistic ways with no thought of tomorrow. His father and sister never see him and neither do the rest of the gang. At College, he’s been threatened with expulsion if he doesn’t get his work in. He’s given a final warning by new teacher Mr T Love and the pressure’s on to fix things. Only thing is, Effy’s not on the same page and it’s Freddie she takes it out on. Freddie’s left to work out whether Effy’s worth fighting for this time. As everything starts to unravel, he’s in a race against time to fix what’s most important to him.

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Avsnitt 6 JJ

JJ is in love. Lara Lloyd is sweet perfection and he’s smitten. But JJ thinks she’s way out of his league and lacks the courage to ask her out. Thomas tells him he should make a move, and if he doesn’t, he will. So JJ plucks up the courage…

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Avsnitt 7 Effy

Effy has been in a psychiatric hospital recovering since she tried to take her own life. After lots of sessions with her counsellor John Foster, he tells her she is ready to go back home. Effy is worried she could slip back into her previous state, but John assures her that as long as she is disciplined she will be ok, and she will still visit him for sessions.

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Avsnitt 8 Everyone

With their A-level results in for most of the gang, thoughts about the past and the future are on their minds.

Säsong 5

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Avsnitt 1 Franky

The award-winning drama is back for a fifth series following the lives of eight teenagers in Bristol. There are eight new friends, four boys: Nick, Rich, Alo, Matty and four girls: Franky, Liv, Mini and Grace. Franky starts at Roundview and is determined not to be a loner and things seem to be going well until she accidentally challenges Mini's position as queen bee and when she doesn't conform to Mini's expectations, she's spat out. Franky then meets Matty who understands and empowers her giving her the strength to stand up to Mini. Grace admires Franky, and a new gang is formed with Alo, Rich and Grace. Franky has finally found friends, but in doing so has started a war with Mini.

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Avsnitt 2 Rich

Rich - or metal Rich to give him his proper name - uses his taste in properly extreme music to keep the world, especially girls, at bay. But when bromantic buddy Alo finds Rich's perfect woman, he is forced to harden the eff up and face his fears. To help him get there, he turns to Grace. Grace has to learn the ways of metal in order to impersonate a metal chick, but Rich doesn't make it easy, refusing to believe a lame-streamer could understand him. Will she crack his hard metal exterior?

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Avsnitt 3 Mini

Mini is the Queen Bee at Roundview, right? But she’s feeling under threat when Grace brings her new bf Franky to the charity fashion show meeting. What to do, hmmmm? She ends up sacking them both, she hasn’t time for 'friends' like Grace.

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Avsnitt 4 Liv

Mini knows how to get revenge. She befriends Franky, Rich, Alo et al. so she can totally isolate Liv who's is still having a scene with Nick. Throw a free house, a load of weed and an impromptu house party into the mix and it all gets a bit much for our Liv.

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Avsnitt 5 Nick

Nick is the star of the school but following Matty's reappearance he becomes unsettled and as he sees Matty slip effortlessly into new friendships, old wounds come back to the surface. After realising that everything he thought he wanted is crushing him, Nick leaves it all behind and puts his faith in Matty.

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Avsnitt 6 Alo

Alo is bored with his life on Creevey Farm and he ends up going to the city so that he can party and try and get laid. His parents decide to take him out of college in an attempt to force him to buckle down on the farm. Alo ends up throwing a party at the farm which ends up ruining the place. After his dad is hospitalised he finally realises that it's time for him to grow up.

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Avsnitt 7 Grace

Grace believes in fairytales but she finds herself forced to face reality when Rich meets her father and he threatens to send her back to Mayberry's College for Young Ladies if her grades suffer. Grace's father ends up going back on his word, sending her to Mayberry's anyway even though her grades haven't dropped. Rich ends up asking her to marry her.

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Avsnitt 8 Everyone

The gang are pulling together for the happy couple and putting their various differences and total messed-up situations aside for the day. But with lovely-but-shambolic Alo as best man, it's hardly a surprise that they run into trouble and become separated in the wilds of Somerset.

Säsong 6

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Avsnitt 1 Everyone

The gang go for a holiday in Morroco together to break the ice from the summer but, by the time they arrive back to Bristol everything has changed forever. Friendships fall apart while complicated and toxic relationships begin. And there are strangers in the mix who could either save or destroy them.

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Avsnitt 2 Rich

Professor David Blood has banned Rich from visiting Grace in hospital and it's killing him. Alo tries to keep Rich out of trouble with band practice, but Rich is committed to his love. He stands outside the hospital, waiting. Then one day his phone rings - it's Grace. She's woken up and needs to see him. Rich finds a way past security and breaks into Grace's room. The lovers are reunited, but they have a problem - Blood is moving Grace to another hospital in Zurich. Grace doesn't want to be separated from Rich ever again. Rich promises he won't let that happen. Then Blood discovers Rich and has him thrown out. The next day, Rich goes to Grace's house to appeal to Professor Blood. When he gets there, he discovers that the Bloods have already gone. Rich moves into the house, sleeping in Grace's bed and sifting through old home movies of her growing up. Days later, Alo tracks Rich down and pledges to help his best mate. But Alo has other things on his mind. Soon, cracks begin to develop in the boys' friendship and it falls to Liv to bring the fractured group together and bring Grace back where she belongs.

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Avsnitt 3 Alex

It's Alex Henley's first day at college, but he's not worried about fitting in or making new friends. He catches the eye of a fellow student and they hit it off immediately. Alex sees something special in Liv and draws her into his strange and wonderful world. But it can't last. Alex isn't used to having friends, and Liv invests a little bit too heavily in the distraction he provides.

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Avsnitt 4 Franky

Franky is in a bad place - it's the week of her mock exams and she's unable to concentrate on her studies. Her friends are avoiding her, parental support makes her feel smothered and in her isolation she feels propelled towards Luke. He's bad news, but she feels as if he's the only person who understands her and she's intoxicated by him. Drawn into Luke's dangerous world, she finds an outlet for her anger and frustration. Burning bridges with family and friends, Franky is in more trouble than ever before. But help comes in unlikely forms, and out of the darkness a new friendship is born.

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Avsnitt 5 Mini

Mini's mum has a pervy new live-in boyfriend who Mini hates with a passion. To make matters worse, Alo has broken the rules of their 'no strings attached' secret relationship and declared his love for her. Mini is trapped; she's lost control of her life and needs to get away. Ignoring advice from her mum and best friend Liv, Mini seeks refuge in the arms of her dad. Gregory's never been around that much, but promises it'll be different this time. He sweeps Mini into his glamorous and grown-up world where she feels a million miles away from her problems, withdrawing even further from her friends. But Mini has a bigger problem that she can't run away from and will ultimately have to face on her own.

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Avsnitt 6 Nick

Nick is under pressure when Matty tables a risky scenario to get him home. Nick tries to tackle his feelings for Franky but decides to overcome them instead when he sees a girl that catches his eye. Meanwhile, the gang plans to attend a rave that lasts two days.

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Avsnitt 7 Alo

Alo still has no clue that Mini is pregnant with his baby. He attempts to get over her by going out with a new girl called Poppy Champion. Mini is soon a distant memory as things progress between the two of them. As Franky's efforts to convince him to see sense fall on deaf ears, Alo's days of refusing to grow up appear to be running out.

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Avsnitt 8 Liv

Liv has been partying non-stop since her new best friend Alex came to Bristol, but after he goes away during the weekend she needs him the most, Liv seeks comfort in all her other friends, only to find out they have excluded her from their lives. Without anyone to rely on, Liv is forced to face school alone, and discovers she might not be as strong as she think she is.

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Avsnitt 9 Mini and Franky

Mini and Franky are still held up in Mini's bedroom, but with Matty back in Bristol and Mini's ever-growing baby bump, time is quickly running out for the girls. Things come to a head when Mini's health takes a turn for the worse leaving them isolated and under pressure from family and friends. Grace appears through a phone call in this episode.

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Avsnitt 10 Finale

The End of an era. Exam are coming up and the gang are still all hung up about Grace's death. Franky has to face her past, and all will be revealed at Alex's mother of all house parties.

Säsong 7

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Avsnitt 1 Fire (1)

Effy has a dead end job as a receptionist for a leading London Hedge Fund. But as she stumbles across crucial financial information relating to a troubled deal and embarks on an affair with her wealthy boss, she finds out that she has bitten off more than she can chew. Her flatmate Naomi tries to stop Effy from ruining her life, but Effy cannot be reached; until tragedy strikes, Which causes Emily to fly back from her job in New York.

Skins säsong 7 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Fire (2)

Effy has a dead end job as a receptionist for a leading London Hedge Fund. But as she stumbles across crucial financial information relating to a troubled deal and embarks on an affair with her wealthy boss, she finds out that she has bitten off more than she can chew. Her flatmate Naomi tries to stop Effy from ruining her life, but Effy cannot be reached; until tragedy strikes, Which causes Emily to fly back from her job in New York.

Skins säsong 7 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Pure (1)

Cassie Now aged 23 is adrift, alone and invisible in London, trying to make sense of her life. Slowly she realises that someone is following her. Cassie turns towards the unknown. A strange and poignant friendship is carved out of mutual loneliness, but can it survive exposure to the real world?

Skins säsong 7 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Pure (2)

Cassie, now aged 23 is adrift, alone and invisible in London, trying to make sense of her life. Slowly she realises that someone is following her. Cassie turns towards the unknown. A strange and poignant friendship is carved out of mutual loneliness, but can it survive exposure to the real world?

Skins säsong 7 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Rise (1)

Cook Now aged 21 has a job delivering drugs to Manchester revellers. When he is asked to help his employer's girlfriend find a house and finds that he is irresistibly attracted to her, he sets off a chain of events which will lead him into a world of savage revenge and a confrontation with his own violent past, And the truth to what happened to John Foster Is revealed.

Skins säsong 7 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Rise (2)

Cook Now aged 21 has a job delivering drugs to Manchester revellers. When he is asked to help his employer's girlfriend find a house and finds that he is irresistibly attracted to her, he sets off a chain of events which will lead him into a world of savage revenge and a confrontation with his own violent past, And the truth to what happened to John Foster Is revealed.


Release 2007-01-25


Serien Skins med skådespelare Nicholas Hoult, Dev Patel och Jack O'Connell streamas på Netflix. Se även .