
Smallville, serie 2001 - Streama med HBO Max

Streama serien Smallville (2001-). Med Tom Welling, Erica Durance och Cassidy Freeman. Streama med HBO Max.

Serien följer Clark Kent under hans tonårstid i den fiktiva staden Smallville, Kansas, innan han blir känd som Stålmannen. De första fyra säsongerna fokuserar på Clark och hans vänner i high school. Efter säsong fem bestämmer han sig för att fokusera på sin karriär på Daily Planet, där han bland annat möter andra DC-serietidningssuperhjältar och skurkar.



Smallville trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Pilot

Det första avsnittet berättar historien om meteorregnet som träffar byn Smallville och förändrar livet i Kansas-byn för alltid. Clark Kent upptäcker att han är en utomjording och träffar för första gången Lex Luthor och en rad människor som blivit mutanter av de gröna stenarna som föll ner i Smallville tillsammans med Clark Kent.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Metamorphosis

Greg Arkin har en passion för insekter och Lana Lang. När meteorinfekterade insekter svämmar över honom, får han en insekts karaktär. Clark vaknar upp av att han flyter ovanför sin säng. Lex försöker hjälpa Clark att få Lana genom att ge honom Lanas halsband. Clark upptäcker att han kan skydda sig från kryptoniten med bly.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Hothead

Eld, utmaning och familjedyrbarheter... Walt Arnold, skolans fotbollstränare, använder kryptonitstenar i sin bastu och får förmågan att få saker att börja brinna. Clarks önskan att vara "normal" leder till beslutet att gå med i skolans fotbollslag, mot sin fars önskan. Tränaren blir väldigt farlig när han använder sina krafter till sin egen fördel. Hans fusk blir avslöjat innan den första matchen och Clark måste fightas med honom för att rädda Jonathan och sin vän Chloe Sullivan, skoltidningens reporter.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 X-ray

I det här avsnittet utvecklar Clark en ny förmåga, sin röntgenblick, men han stöter på problem med att kontrollera sin nya förmåga. Efterhand använder han den för att hjälpa andra i fara. Samtidigt rånar Tina Greer, en meteorsmittad tonåring som kan förvandla sig till vem hon vill, Smallvilles bank samtidigt som hon låtsas vara Lex Luthor. Men av en olyckshändelse dödar hon sin mamma Rose. Hennes nästa mål är att döda Lana och ta över hennes liv, men Clark lyckas övervinna henne. En mörk sida hos Lex avslöjas som en utpressare konfronterar honom och Lana upptäcker mer om sin mamma.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Cool

Under en fest nära en frusen sjö med kryptonit på botten, råkar Sean Kelvin ut för en olycka och faller genom isen. Han överlever mystiskt nog, men har ett ovanligt behov av värme. Han använder andras kroppsvärme för sin egen överlevnad. Samtidigt har Clarks föräldrar ekonomiska problem och behöver ett lån för att kunna rädda farmen. Hjälpen kommer från en oanad källa. Sean fryser ner sin flickvän Jenna Barnum och bjuder in Chloe till en träff, för att absorbera hennes kroppsvärme. Clark lämnar Lana ensam på "Radiohead"-konserten. Sårad återvänder Lana till sin pojkvän Whitneys armar.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Hourglass

Clark, Lana och Pete jobbar som frivilliga på ett ålderdomshem. Harry, åldringen som Lana tar hand om, en före detta mördare, faller ner i en damm fylld med kryptonit, vilket konverterar åldringsprocessen och han blir ung igen. Den unga Harry söker hämnd på ättlingarna till dem som satt i juryn som dömde honom. En av dessa ättlingar är Jonathan Kent. Samtidigt, på samma ålderdomshem, ger en blind kvinna vid namn Cassandra, som har förmågan att förutse framtiden, Clark olika kryptiska varningar. När han listar ut att hans farfar var med i juryn, beger han sig för att rädda sin pappa. Lex uppmuntrar Cassandra, i hopp om att få veta mer om Clark, men hon har en vision som involverar Lex.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Craving

Trött på att ha problem med vikten, börjar Jodi Melville med en extrem bantningsmetod. Hon äter bara grönsaker odlade i hennes pappas växthus, men de är fulla med kryptonit. Resultatet är fantastiskt, hon får en avundsvärd form, men som bieffekt har hon en enorm och okontrollerbar aptit för människors kroppsfett. Hennes nästa möjliga offer är Pete, men Clark listar ut detta och räddar honom, och tar Jodi till sjukhus. Samtidigt hittar Lex Chloes "vägg av mysterier" och kommer ett steg närmare sanningen och Clark och de gröna meteorfragmenten.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Jitters

Luthors labb börjar undersöka meteorstenar. Som ett resultat av direkt kontakt med stenarna utvecklar Earl Jenkins, tidigare hantlangare på Kents farm, kraftiga skakningar. Han mördar en man av en olyckshändelse med sina krafter. Clark och Lex hjälps åt för att rädda Clarks klass, efter att desperat försökt att hitta ett botemedel till sjukdomen som får hans kropp att skaka våldsamt. Earl tar dem som gisslan inne på "Luthors Corp". Han hotar att döda dem allihop om de inte visar honom den hemliga våning 3 som Lionel Luthor förnekar att den någonsin existerat. Lionel har beslutat sig för att hålla experimentet hemligt. Men Clark hittar med hjälp av sin röntgenblick den gömda våningen.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Rogue

Clarks hemliga identitet är i fara. När han är med i en föreställning, sponsrad av Luthors labb i Metropolis, använder han sina krafter för att rädda en hemlös man från att bli påkörd av en buss. En fördärvad polis bevittnar händelsen och hotar familjen Kent. Han hotar med att avslöja Clarks hemlighet om han inte stjäl hans filer från "Internal Affairs". När Clark vägrar, tar polisen till fula tricks och anger Jonathan som mördare. Han tvingar också Clark att sno Alexander den stores bröstskydd från Luthors museum. Samtidigt får Lex Luthor besök av sin gamla älskarinna Victoria Hardwick och rektor Kwan sparkar Chloe från skoltidningen "The Torch".

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Shimmer

Amy Palmer, en tonårstjej som är förälskad i Lex Luthor, blir den första misstänkta när både Lex och Victoria blir attackerade av en osynlig varelse. Det avslöjas senare att det är Jeff, Amys bror, som har förmågan att göra sig osynlig. Han fick förmågan efter att han drack en osynlighetsdryck från kryptoniserade rosor. Jeff attackerar Lex igen, men Clark räddar honom och lyckas arrestera den osynliga Jeff. Samtidigt bestämmer sig Lana och Whitney att ta en paus i sin relation och Clark är överlycklig när Lana vänder sig till honom för vänskap.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Hug

Bob Rickman är en ond affärsman som använder sina nya krafter som han fått av de gröna meteorstenarna - han kan övertala vem han vill att göra vad han vill endast genom att skaka hand med personen ifråga - till att försöka bygga en stor fabrik i Smallville. Han ser familjen Kents farm och försöker få Jonathan att sälja den. Samtidigt hjälper den ensamma Kyle Tippet, som var Rickmans gamla affärsman, Clark och Lex att bekämpa den giriga affärsmannen.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Leech

Clark och Eric blir båda träffade av blixten medan Eric håller en bit kryptonit i handen. Blixtens kraft tar Clarks krafter och ger dem till Eric. Medan Eric vänjer sig vid sina nya krafter, vänjer sig Clark vid att vara en helt vanlig människa för första gången. När Erik använder sina krafter på fel sätt, måste Clark ta ett beslut. Att fortsätta vara normal eller att offra det för alla andras säkerhet...

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Kinetic

Chloe blir allvarligt skadad när tre mystiska tjuvar rånar Lexs ägor. Lex blir rasande när han upptäcker att tjuvarna stulit bevis till hans hemliga projekt. De tre tatuerade tjuvarna listade ut ett sätt att göra tatueringar av meteorstenar i flytande form, dessa tatueringar gör att personen som bär tatueringen kan gå igenom väggar till exempel. En deprimerad Whitney går med i gänget men inser turligt nog att deras livsstil inte är något för honom och vänder sig till Clark och Lana för hjälp.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Zero

För tre år sen träffade Lex Amanda på "Club Zero" medan Jude Royce inte var i stan. Jude bestämmer sig för att söka hämnd på Lex. Jude försökte knivhugga honom, men blev skjuten av en säkerhetsvakt. Lex hjälper Lana att ställa i ordning "The Talon" till ett kafé. Chloes nyfikenhet skapar spänning mellan henne och Clark när hon gräver i hans förflutna.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Nicodemus

Clark är den som måste lösa den mystiska gåtan med Nicodemusblomman, som hämtades tillbaka av Dr. Steven Hamilton på "Luthors Corp" Våning 3. Blommans pollen påverkar människors hämningar och Clark måste skydda Jonathan, Lana och Pete från dem själva, samtidigt som han hjälper Lex att hitta källan till blomman. Lex talar inte om för Clark att Dr. Steven Hamilton jobbar för honom. De hittar botemedlet i en gammal bok och Lex gömmer Hamilton där ingen kan hitta honom och fortsätter själv med forskningen.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Stray

Ryan James är en liten pojke som kan läsa andras tankar, hans styvföräldrar använde honom för att råna affärer. Han lyckas smita ifrån dem men blir av en olyckshändelse påkörd av Martha Kents bil. Hon tar honom till sjukhuset, men pojken hävdar att han har minnesförlust. Familjen Kent erbjuder Ryan tak över huvudet hemma hos dem på farmen, medan de väntar på socialen. Ryan avslöjar genast Jonathans, Marthas, Lanas och Lexs innersta tankar och inser att Clark är annorlunda eftersom han inte kan läsa hans tankar. Pojkens säkerhet hotas i och med pappans återkomst, men Clark räddar Ryan, som lovar att bevara hans hemlighet.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Reaper

Efter en underlig olycka får Tyler Randall kraften att omedelbart döda någon med sina händer. Han bestämmer sig för att hjälpa dödssjuka äldre människor att dö. Tylers nästa mål är Whitneys pappa, som är döende. Samtidigt skickar Lionel Luthor en av sina anställda, Dominuc Senatori, för att hålla ögonen på Lex. Mannen avslöjar Lexs hemliga utredning om Clark Kent och hans familj, vilket Jonathan inte blir alltför glad över.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Drone

I ett nytt försök att få ett "normalt" liv, ställer vår hjälte upp i skolans presidentval. En av hans motståndare är exponerad av kryptonit, vilket gör att hon kan kontrollera bisvärmar och hon använder dem för att sätta sina motståndare ur spel. Samtidigt är "The Talon", det tematiska kaféet, totaltomt och förlorar kunder. Clark vänder sig till Lex, för att be om hjälp, han vill hålla det öppet för Lanas skull.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Crush

Pojke som fått händerna förstörda vid en bilolycka lyckas göra vad han vill med sina tankar.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Obscura

Lana slår i huvudet i en meteorit och kan därefter se vad som händer genom någon annans ögon. En polis kidnappar Chloe för att lösa brottet och bli hjälte.

Smallville säsong 1 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Tempest

Whitney åker iväg till marinen. Lana hamnar mitt i en tornado. Chloes skolbal blir inte riktigt som hon hoppats. En reporter hittar rymdskeppet.

Säsong 2

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Vortex

Clark rescues Lana from the storm, but discovers that the spaceship is released, while Jonathan is buried alive with the unscrupulous reporter who discovered Clark's secret. Meanwhile, Lex is wracked with guilt over his critically injured father.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Heat

Clark gains a new power - heat-vision. As he struggles to control it, Lex gets married to the new Smallville High teacher, Desiree Atkins, little does he know that she not only has an alterior motive, but that she's coming on to Clark too.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Duplicity

Pete finds Clark's spaceship, forcing Clark to reveal his secret to his best friend. Dr. Hamilton is plagued by kryptonite-fueled illness and focuses on Pete. Meanwhile, Lana has to deal with Nell and her plans to remarry while Lex and Lionel adjust to life together.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Red

Clark has his first run-in with red kryptonite in this exploration of classic Superman mythology, turning immoral when he gets his high-school ring holding a piece of rock. Meanwhile, Lex and his father have some issues to resolve when Lionel starts taking over the manor.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Nocturne

Lana has a new stalker - a boy imprisoned in his basement by his parents who sneaks out at night to visit her. Meanwhile Lionel hires Clark's mother as his personal assistant.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Redux

Martha's father William comes to town after many years of estrangement due do his disapproval of Jonathan. Meanwhile Clark must deal with a series of old-age deaths at Smallville High, and the new principal puts his foot down.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Lineage

A strange woman shows up claiming to be Clark's biological mother...and that his father is Lionel. Meanwhile Lana decides to meet with the man who is her biological father.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Ryan

Ryan (from "Stray") returns and Clark has to save him from Dr. Garner of the Summerholt Research Facility. Meanwhile, Aunt Nell leaves Smallville, and Lex wants to expand the plant but runs afoul of the mayor.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Dichotic

A Smallville student, Ian, displays the ability to make clones of himself and uses his power to date both Chloe and Lana. Meanwhile Lex goes to anger management class and meets an attractive local doctor.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Skinwalker

Clark becomes involved with a Native American woman, Kyla, and becomes aware of ancient Indian prophecy that warns of a man of great powers who fell from the sky. Worse, a wolflike creature is attacking the local Lexcorp construction project, and Martha and Lionel may be the next victims.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Visage

Whitney returns to Smallville, eager to start back up where he left off with Lana. But everything isn't what it seems...

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Insurgence

Lex hires some thugs to bug Lionel's office but things get out of control when Lionel and Martha are taken hostage, and Clark must rescue them without revealing his secrets.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Suspect

Lionel is shot in the manor, and Jonathan is the prime suspect.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Rush

Students are engaging in wild, sometimes suicidal stunts, and Chloe and Pete are the next ones to become "infected."..and they use a piece of red meteor rock to get Clark to join them.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Prodigal

Lex recovers his long-lost brother Lucas and uses him in a ploy to buy out his father's share of the company. But it soon becomes clear that Lucas isn't to be trusted, and Lex soon finds himself ousted from his own company.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Fever

Martha catches a lungful of kryptonite-irradiated spores and a weakened Clark is her only hope for survival.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Rosetta

Clark travels to New York to meet Dr. Swann, a brilliant scientist who holds a message for Clark from his home planet. Meanwhile Lana decides to move out of Chloe's house after they get into an argument about Clark.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Visitor

After a schoolmate claims to be an alien and proves it by using heat vision, Clark investigates and believes the boy is from Krypton. Meanwhile, Helen confronts Lex over the locked room in the mansion that holds his investigation of Clark's secrets.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Precipice

After Lana is almost assaulted by a college student, Clark injures the boy while helping her. When the Kents are sued for damages that could cost them the farm, Clark tries to find a way out of the lawsuit. Meanwhile, Helen's obsessive ex-boyfriend comes to Smallville to win her back but when she turns him down, he stabs her, prompting Lex to take the law into his own hands.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Witness

Clark runs up against super-strong robbers who are apparently tied to LexCorp. And Chloe begins to ally with Lionel, while Lana and Henry Small bond.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Accelerate

Lana is haunted by the ghost of a dead friend, Emily, but the "spirit" has connections to Lionel Luthor, who is also scheming to get control of the Indian caves and "help" Lex with his wedding.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Calling

Dr. Walden comes out of a coma with super-powers and a desire to kill Clark, piquing the Luthors' interest. The spaceship starts talking to Clark, and Helen and Lex prepare for their wedding.

Smallville säsong 2 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Exodus

A sense of foreboding surrounds Smallville as Clark must choose between staying with Lana and his family or fulfilling his destiny to rule the Earth. Lex and Helen prepare for their marriage, and Chloe considers Lionel's offer to investigate Clark.

Säsong 3

Smallville säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Exile

Under the influence of red kryptonite, Clark is following a life of crime in Metropolis while his friends and parents desperately try to find him. Lex is forced to confront his personal demons on a desert island, while Lionel holds a funeral for his presumed-dead son. And Jonathan Kent must pay a high price for the power necessary to bring his son back home.

Smallville säsong 3 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Phoenix

Clark gives up the ring and its effects rather then kill his father, and both he and the rescued Lex return to Smallville. Clark must deal with crime lord Morgan Edge, who has followed him to Smallville, while Lex must determine who tried to have him killed - Lionel or Helen.

Smallville säsong 3 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Extinction

Clark discovers someone is hunting people affected by the kryptonite rocks and the killer's next target is Lex. Clark uses his powers to save Lex, but is caught off guard when the killer learns his weakness and shoots him with a kryptonite bullet.

Smallville säsong 3 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Slumber

Clark dreams he is being pursued by a frightened young girl who needs his help. However, after he discovers she is actually a comatose neighbor who should have woken up years ago, he enlists Lana's help to uncover the truth - which puts Lana in grave danger. Meanwhile, Lionel demands that Lex undergo a full psychological evaluation before he hires him.

Smallville säsong 3 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Perry

Perry White, a once promising journalist whose career was destroyed by Lionel Luthor, arrives in Smallville in search of alien stories for a tabloid news show. In spite of being constantly inebriated, Perry believes he has witnessed Clark using his extraordinary speed, so he devises a dangerous scheme to expose Clark's superpowers. Meanwhile, Lex learns that Perry has powerful incriminating evidence of Lionel's shady past.

Smallville säsong 3 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Relic

Clark discovers that Jor-El was on Earth forty years ago. Lana's great uncle, who was convicted of murdering his wife forty years ago, shows her a picture of the man he believes really killed her aunt, and she is shocked to discover the drifter looks just like Clark. Sure that the man is Jor-El, Clark's investigation leads him to a kryptonian medallion that allows him to see bits of the past - and the life that Jor-El started for him long before he arrived on Earth.

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Avsnitt 7 Magnetic

Clark is suspicious when Lana suddenly becomes attracted to a fellow student and begins to act rebelliously, which eventually lands her in jail. Clark's suspicions are confirmed when he discovers Lana's new boyfriend has magnetic powers that can move objects and alter human emotions, but when he tries to free Lana from the paranormal hold that is controlling her, she tries to kill him. Meanwhile, Lex discovers Chloe has been delving into Lionel's past and tries to get her to join forces against his dad.

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Avsnitt 8 Shattered

Lex locates Morgan Edge and gets him to admit to dirty dealings with Lionel, but before Lex can take it to the authorities, someone tries to kill him at the mansion. Barely surviving, Lex flees and asks Clark for help. However, when Clark returns to the mansion to investigate he finds nothing amiss, and begins to wonder if it really happened, especially after Lionel announces Lex has had a psychotic break and must be institutionalized.

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Avsnitt 9 Asylum

Three of Clark's former opponents approach Lex to enlist his help in luring Clark to the hospital after they hear that Lionel has requested Lex be given electroshock therapy to erase his memory. However, the plan goes awry when the villains double-cross Lex and use kryptonite to steal Clark's powers. Meanwhile, Lana meets a mysterious stranger in the hospital.

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Avsnitt 10 Whisper

Attempting to stop a robbery, Clark is temporarily blinded when he shoots off a burst of heat vision that is accidentally reflected back into his eyes by a piece of kryptonite and soon realizes his body has developed super-hearing to compensate for his lack of sight. However, as it was in the beginning with his other gifts, Clark doesn't quite have his new power under control.

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Avsnitt 11 Delete

Clark and Lana each make an attempt on Chloe's life for unknown reasons after they receive a mysterious e-mail from the Summerholt Institute. Clark must discover the source of these e-mails after Chloe reveals she has uncovered proof that they are doing mind-control research at the lab and realizes they must be trying to kill her in order to prevent her from writing an expose. Meanwhile, Lana decides to rent the apartment above the café to Adam even though she feels he is hiding something dangerous about his past.

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Avsnitt 12 Hereafter

Clark discovers that his schoolmate Jordan can foresee the future, but is horrified when Jordan tells him he "sees" Lana dying in a fire in the next few days. Meanwhile, suspicious of his behavior, Chloe investigates Adam's background and discovers some disturbing news.

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Avsnitt 13 Velocity

After Pete refuses to throw a street race, the thugs that run it threaten his life, so he asks Clark to use his powers to stop them. Furious that Pete would put himself in this position, Clark must figure out a way to save Pete and still protect his secret. Meanwhile, Jonathan begins to suffer the consequences of his deal with Jor-El.

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Avsnitt 14 Obsession

Clark is forced to use his powers in front of Alicia, a new girl at school, but he is surprised to find out she has powers of her own. The two develop a bond through their shared secret, but things turn ugly after Alicia becomes obsessive about sharing Clark with anyone else - especially Lana. Meanwhile, Lana asks Lex to investigate Adam.

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Avsnitt 15 Resurrection

While his father is awaiting surgery, Clark befriends a young boy, Garrett whose brother Vince just died from liver failure. However, everyone is shocked when Vince shows up alive and seemingly well - until his liver starts failing again. In a desperate attempt to keep his brother alive, Garrett straps a Kryptonite bomb to himself and demands that Vince be given Jonathan's liver or he will blow up the building.

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Avsnitt 16 Crisis

Clark receives a panicked call from Lana and hears a gunshot before the line goes dead, but when he arrives at the Talon he is stunned to discover she is alive and well. Clark realizes the phone call came from the next day and that Adam is the one who will shoot Lana.

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Avsnitt 17 Legacy

When Jonathan begins to act strangely, Clark believes Jor-El is sending Jonathan messages through the key and is the cause for his father's withdrawal from the family. Clark goes down to the caves to confront his biological father but Lionel catches him there and begins putting the pieces together, leading him straight to Dr. Swann. As the two billionaires face off, a deal is struck and Lionel's true motives are revealed.

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Avsnitt 18 Truth

When Chloe accidentally inhales a mysterious krypto-gas, she discovers it acts as a truth serum to anyone who comes in contact with her and decides to take advantage of her new power by going to the Kents to find out Clark's secret. However, her new power comes with fatal consequences and Clark must find an antidote before she discovers the truth about him or worse, dies.

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Avsnitt 19 Memoria

Believing that key information about his father's past was lost when his memory was erased, Lex decides to join an experimental program with Dr. Garner to regain the information so he can turn his father over to the FBI. Knowing that Lex will discover his secret if he regains his memory, Clark tries to stop him but is caught by Lionel and the doctor and exposed to the same radical treatment so that Lionel can solve the mystery of Clark's past.

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Avsnitt 20 Talisman

Jeremiah Holdsclaw, a young Kiwatche Indian, steals a mythic knife from the tribal caves and gets superpowers similar to Clark's. Jeremiah believes he is the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy of Naman, "the man who fell from the stars." He sets out to kill Lionel with the knife, and Clark must stop him without revealing his own secret.

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Avsnitt 21 Forsaken (1)

Clark decides to tell Lana his secret so they can finally be together. Meanwhile, an errant FBI agent kidnaps and tortures Pete to try and force him to reveal Clark's secret. Also, Lex panics after the FBI gives him 24 hours to turn over information on his father or face jail time, but help arrives from an unexpected source.

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Avsnitt 22 Covenant (2)

Kara, a beautiful superpowered girl from Krypton, entices Clark to join with his father and embrace his destiny. Clark is left without support after Pete's departure when Jonathan reveals the deal he made with Jor-El. At the same time, Clark's relationships with Lex and Lana take unexpected turns, leaving him with no one but Kara to turn to.

Säsong 4

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Crusade

Clark returns to Smallville as Kal-El - intent on fulfilling his destiny, he goes after a powerful kryptonian crystal that Lex has obtained in Egypt. Meanwhile, newcomer Lois Lane arrives in Smallville to look into the death of her cousin Chloe, and Lana returns from Paris with a new boyfriend. Jonathan lies in a coma after the events of last year's season finale and Lionel must deal with his new life in prison.

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Avsnitt 2 Gone

After discovering that Chloe's body isn't in her coffin, Clark and Lois Lane investigate but are stopped by Lois' father, General Sam Lane. They believe General Lane knows more then he's telling, and figure out he's been in contact with Lex. Meanwhile, after Lana's sudden departure Jason follows her to Smallville. And Lionel sends a mutant killer to determine if Chloe is alive and kill her for sure.

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Avsnitt 3 Facade

Abigail, an ugly high school girl, gets plastic surgery from her surgeon-mother to boost her popularity. However, her beauty hides a dark secret - when she kisses someone they're inflicted with life-threatening hallucinations. When Lana sees Abigail with one of her victims, she becomes the next target.

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Avsnitt 4 Devoted

Clark decides to join the football team over Jonathan's wishes and gets the starting quarterback position when his predecessor attacks Jason over a girl. Clark and Lois investigate and discover that the cheerleaders are using kryptontie in the team's water supply to turn them into obedient mindless boyfriends.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Run

Jonathan's wallet is stolen by a super-speed thief, Bart Allen, who is faster then Clark. Bart comes to the farm and becomes friends with Clark, but Bart returns to crime when he sees an ancient manuscript that Lex has. As Clark soon realizes, the manuscript holds a map to one of the kryptonian crystals and he must go up against Bart to recover it.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Transference

Clark is drawn to the state penitentery by one of the kryptonian crystals, which Lionel is using to switch bodies with Lex. Clark intervenes and Lionel enters his body instead. While Lionel uses his newfound super-powers to regain his lost fortune and alienate Clark's friend, Clark must convince his parents that he is the "real" Clark and reverse the processs, while avoiding murderous convicts.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Jinx

Mikail Mxyzptlk, a foreign exchange student and bookie, has the power to control others and uses it to sabotage football games, including the one Clark is quarterbacking. Clark and Chloe figure out his secret, but he threatens to kill Chloe unless Clark throws the next game. Mikail came to Smallville via LuthorCorp, and Lex will do almost anything to learn his secret.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Spell

Lana reads a spell book belonging to her 17th century ancestor, the witch Isabelle, and becomes possessed by her spirit. Isabelle resurrects her other two witches and together they seek out the kryptonian crystals, using their magic to render Clark powerless.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Bound

Lex is accused of killing a young woman and and Clark turns to Lionel for help. Meanwhile, Lana has a dream of her ancestor and a mysterious second woman - a dead ringer for Jason's mother Genevieve, who arrives to visit her son and his new girlfriend.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Scare

A Luthorcorp experiment is released into the atmosphere - a toxin that causes its victims to hallucinate their worst fear. Chloe, Clark, Lana, and Jason all fall fictim to the toxin, and Lex, desperate to find a cure, takes a dangerous antidote. Meanwhile, Lionel is released from prison and his conviction overturned thanks to a mysterious benefactor.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Unsafe

Alicia (from "Obsession") is supposedly cured and returns to Smallville to start things back up with Clark. When she pushes for more and he turns reluctant, Alicia expoess him to red kryptonite, and the two go off to Las Vegas to get married. Meanwhile, Lana questions whether sex may prove the key to winning Jason back.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Pariah

When a mysterious killer strikes at both Lana and Jason, Alicia is the leading suspect and even Clark comes to doubt her innocence. Feeling betrayed, she secretly tricks Clark into revealing his powers in front of one of his friends. And Genevieve returns to town with an offer for Lex, who in turn has an offer for Jason.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Recruit

Clark is approached by Met U for recruitment and meets Geoff, a former Smallville resident. It soon becomes apparent that he is using his powers to paralyze anybody who gets in his way...including Lois.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Krypto

Lois accidentally hits a dog and brings it back to the farm to heal, but Clark quickly realizes it has super-strength. He investigates and discovers it was part of an aborted LuthorCorp experiment...and that robbers are using the dogs to help them steal money. Meanwhile, Lana wonders what Jason is up to with his mother, and Jason is forced to ask Genevieve a few questions of his own.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Sacred

After Clark receives a message from the recently-deceased Dr. Swann, he and Lana follow Jason and Lex to China in search of one of the kryptonian crystals. Lana is tortured, causing Isabelle to emerge and wreck havoc in her search for the crystal.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Lucy

Lucy Lane, Lois' younger sister, comes to Smallville but Clark catches her stealing money from the Talon to pay off a European crime syndicate. Lex offers to help but everything is not what it seems. Meanwhile, a thief breaks into Lana's apartment and steals the crystal, and Jason suspects Lionel.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Onyx

A black kryptonite explosion splits Lex in two and his evil side - Alexander - is released. Alexander imprisons Lex in the mansion then gives full vent to his evil side - he threatens to evict Lana from the Talon unless she becomes his mate, jousts with Lionel, and tries to kill Clark and Chloe when they figure out his secret.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Spirit

On the eve of the Smallville High School Prom, stuck-up candidate for Prom Queen Dawn Stiles is pulled into a coma when she is involved in a car crash into a ravine filled with dozens of chunks of kryptonite. While her body lies in a coma, Dawn finds her spirit allowed to possess the bodies of others, where she can continue her quest to become Prom Queen. As a result, Martha, her body possessed by Dawn, flirts with Clark and asks him to the Prom, Lana attempts to electrocute the ex-boyfriend who dumped Dawn, Lois goes all-out to ensure she and Clark go to Prom together, and Chloe attempts to set fire to the school on Prom night.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Blank

When a boy who can make people lose their memories robs the Talon, Clark goes after him but gets total amnesia. Chloe finds out what happened and has to tutor Clark in the use of his superpowers and make sure he doesn't accidentally reveal his secret. While Clark, Chloe, and Lois try to track down Kevin, Clark takes advantage of his "new life" to ask Lana on a date. And Lex tries to turn Clark's memory loss to his advantage by getting him to reveal the secret of the caves.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Ageless

Checking out a crater in a cornfield, Clark and Lana discover a baby with no parents and take him back to the Kent farm. However, when the baby, Evan, ages from a newborn to a 7-year-old in less than a day, it becomes clear he is aging at a rapid rate and they turn to Lex for help. Meanwhile, Genevieve suspects Lex has the Chinese Kryptonian artifact and orders Lionel to either recover it...or risk putting Lex in danger of his life.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Forever

Clark must stop the school photographer after he sets up a fake high school and uses his ability to petrify people to kidnap students - including Chloe and Lana - to keep the glory days of high school going forever. Meanwhile, Lex and Lionel are kidnapped and tortured by the Teagues in an effort to find the Kryptonian artifact, revealing that...Lana has it.

Smallville säsong 4 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Commencement

After a nightmare, Clark goes to the cave to confront his father Jor-El. Jor-El warns that the crystals have fallen into human hands and have triggered a new meteor shower which will annihilate the Earth unless he reunites the three crystals. Meanwhile, Lex helps Lana, who has apparently commited murder, but then turns against her to get possession of her Kryptonian stone. As disaster looms, Chloe and Lois try to find Lana while Clark attempts to reassemble the stones, and Jason returns to make things unpleasant for the Kents.

Säsong 5

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Arrival

Having been transported to the Fortress of Solitude, Clark is confronted by Jor-El, who tells him he cannot return to Smallville, instead he must stay and prepare to save the planet. Also, transported to the Fortress, Chloe is unable to handle the sub-zero temperature and collapses, begging Clark to use his powers to save her. Jor-El forbids him to leave, but finally acquiesces, telling Clark he must return before sunset or there will be dire consequences. Meanwhile, Lana is horrified when she sees two Kryptonian aliens emerge from a spaceship discovered in the remnants of the meteor shower. The two aliens destroy what's left of the town searching for Kal-El.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Mortal

Jor-El strips Clark of his powers, making him human. Delighted to finally be normal, Clark pursues a relationship with Lana sans secrets. However, after Lana, Jonathan and Martha are taken hostage by three thugs, Clark must figure out how to save his family without his super powers.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Hidden

A krypto-mutant, Gabriel, hacks into missile codes and prepares to eliminate krypto-mutants in Smallville once and for all. A powerless Clark confronts him and is shot, and only Jor-El can save him.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Aqua

At a party at Crater Lake, Lois is saved from drowning by Arthur "A.C." Curry. Arthur has incredible swimming abilities, but also a secret agenda aimed at...Lex. Meanwhile, Professor Fine discussed Lex's weapons-manfucturing operations with Clark.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Thirst

Lana joins a sorority to get housing for her last-minute college registration, but the sisters have a deadly agenda which involves turning Lana into a vampire like themselves and sending her against Clark. Meanwhile, Chloe applies to become an intern at the Daily Planet and runs up against the editor-in-chief, Pauline Kahn.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Exposed

Jonathan's oldest friend, Senator Jack Jennings, comes to Smallville looking for support in his re-election campaign, but is framed for the murder of his mistress, requiring Lois to go undercover as a stripper.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Splinter

Clark gives into paranoid delusions brought on by exposure to new "silver" kryptonite, and Professor Fine is the only one who can save him... before he kills Lana.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Solitude

When Martha comes down with a strange disease, Professor Fine convinces Clark that Jor-El is responsible and that the Fortress must be trying to eliminate the father of Kal-El. But Professor Fine has an ulterior motive which comes to fruition when they arrive.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Lexmas

Lex is given an envelope with damaging information that will destroy Jonathan's life and must decide whether he will use it as it will also bring harm to Clark and Martha. Before he can decide what to do, Lex is shot and falls into a coma. He dreams that his mother visits him and shows him the life he could lead if he walks away from his father and LuthorCorp. In this alternate life, Lex is happily married to Lana with a baby on the way. Meanwhile, Chloe asks Clark to use his powers to deliver Christmas presents to needy kids.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Fanatic

The Senatorial race between Jonathan and Lex heats up when Jonathan receives an anonymous threat warning him to drop out of the election. When Clark finds Jonathan badly beaten he determines to find the attackers. Lois is thrown into the mix when she is captured and she is forced to assassinate Jonathan during his speech.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Lockdown

Lex and Lana are at the mercy of a deranged Smallville deputy who plans to keep them captive until Lex reveals the location of the Kryptonian spaceship. Meanwhile, the Kents can't see eye-to-eye on campaign financing.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Reckoning

Clark reveals his secret to Lana, Jonathan and Lex learn the results of the senatorial election, and there is a tragic car accident on the highway that takes the life of someone Clark loves, forcing Clark to appeal to Jor-El for help.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Vengeance

Clark discovers that the new assistant at the Daily Planet, a bespectacled, bumbling woman named Andrea, is actually a mysterious female vigilante who stalks Suicide Slum. Her path crosses Clark's as they both seek the same criminal. Meanwhile, Clark's bottled-up grief threatens to get the best of him and LuthorCorp experiences a shakeup.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Tomb

Chloe is possessed by the spirit of a young girl whose body is sealed in the Talon's walls, and goes searching for the girl's killer while Clark and Lois try to track her down.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Cyborg

Clark finds himself up against Lex when he befriends Victor Stone, a half-machine, half-human subject who escapes from LuthorCorp with the aid of a sympathetic doctor.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Hypnotic

Clark is hypnotized by a woman who uses a supposedly magical charm to control others - he reveals his super powers and is sent to kill Lex. Meanwhile, Lex has tracked down the missing Professor Fine and plans to confront him, unaware that Clark is coming to murder him.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Void

Distraught over her break-up with Clark, Lana goes to a rogue medical student who experiments with a dangerous kryptonite-based serum that allows people to flat-line but see their dead loved ones. Lana attempts to see her dead parents using the serum and when Clark returns from Honduras to help her, the doctor injects him with the serum and Clark speaks with his dead father...who warns him that Lionel knows his secret. Meanwhile, Lionel continues working to get closer to Martha, and Lex has a near-death vision of his mother.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Fragile

Clark befriends a little girl who has the ability to telekinetically shatter glass, then comes to her aid when it's believed she killed her mother in a brutal stabbing attack. Meanwhile Lex and Lana grow closer together and Chloe finds out about it.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Mercy

Lionel is taken hostage by a masked man who forces him to play elaborate games for the prize of staying alive. Martha goes to confront Lionel after Clark tells her Lionel knows his secret and becomes a part of the game herself, fighting for her life.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Fade

Clark saves a man who in gratitude decides to help Clark in using his ability to turn invisible and his skill as a hitman to kill Lex so Clark can reunite with Lana. And Clark and Lana finally square off about Lana's new relationship.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Oracle

Clark and Martha are both visited by Jonathan's ghost, who warns them about Lionel and claims that Clark must kill him to stop him. Meanwhile Fine will do whatever it takes to get the vaccine from Lex.

Smallville säsong 5 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Vessel

Professor Fine has unleashed a virus that will kill millions. Clark must put a stop to him, while Lex wonders what happens when he will tell Lana his newest secret.

Säsong 6

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Zod

A powerless Clark is trapped in the "Phantom Zone" surrounded by the criminals his father imprisoned there. However, an unexpected ally comes to his aid. Meanwhile, Zod in Lex's body advances his plan to transform Earth into a new Krypton, while using Lana to produce an heir.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Sneeze

In the aftermath of Zod's activities, Clark develops a new power. Lois gets a new job, Lana takes a new step in her relationship with Lex, and Lex has to deal with a new danger. Meanwhile, an old friend of Lex's arrives in Metropolis.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Wither

Clark and Chloe pursue a plant creature that uses male humans to recreate, one which has taken Jimmy Olsen as its next human breeding ground. Meanwhile, Oliver Queen asks a reluctant Lois to be his date at a charity ball held by Lex.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Arrow

The mysterious Green Arrow steals a necklace from Martha, and both Lois and Clark resolve to find out who the vigilante is. While Clark determines Green Arrow's true identity, Lex continues his investigation of the mysterious black box while Lionel warns Lana against him.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Reunion

Lex and Oliver Queen return to their old prep school for a reunion, but Oliver's old friends (and Lex's old enemies) start dying in mysterious accidents. Meanwhile, Clark learns that someone... or something may have left the Phantom Zone with him.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Fallout

After escaping from the Phantom Zone, Raya comes to Smallville to visit Clark. Raya and Clark grow close, and Raya reveals how to repair the Fortress of Solitude. Unfortunately, Baern, another escapee seeks out revenge on Clark and Raya for his time spent in the Zone.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Rage

After being shot while stopping a carjacking, the Green Arrow begins acting strangely. Chloe and Clark investigate and find Oliver is taking a super drug that while healing his wound, has some dangerous side effects.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Static

One of the escapees from the Phantom Zone has killed the crew of a ship in Seattle. Clark confronts the killer who feeds on the bones of his victim. In Smallville, a patient in LuthorCorp Labs escapes experimentation and seeks revenge on Lex by trapping him in a dimension where he can see and hear those around him, but they cannot see him.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Subterranean

An illegal immigrant comes to Clark for help, escaping from a nearby farm where he's working... a farm that houses a dark secret.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Hydro

A Daily Planet gossip columnist uses her special power to overhear a conversation between Lana and Chloe, and publishes the conversation... where Lana admits having doubts about marrying Lex. While Chloe investigates the reporter, Lois asks Clark to help her investigate the mysterious Green Arrow bandit when she suspects he may be Oliver Queen in disguise.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Justice

When Lex's Level 33.1 project comes to fruition, Oliver Queen must bring together several of Clark's "heroic" super-powered allies together: Arthur Curry, Bart Allen, and Victor Stone.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Labyrinth

Clark is in his barn one moment... and the next finds himself in a psychiatric hospital where he discovers he's been suffering from delusions that he came from another planet and has super-powers.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Crimson

Clark is once again exposed to red kryptonite, and his "other self" goes on a rampage of sorts on Valentine's Day, kissing the women he's most attracted to and expressing his uninhibited feelings for the various relationships around him.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Trespass

Lana has a stalker which leads her to an unexpected hideout. Also, Chloe has to reevaluate her feelings for Clark after she and Jimmy break up due to Jimmy's belief that she isn't really over Clark.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Freak

A boy named Tobias was blinded by the meteor shower but given the ability to identify other meteor freaks. Lex is using Tobias to locate other people with abilities so that he can perform experiments on them. Lana learns of Tobias and is fearful that he will name Clark as a freak, so she offers him a cornea transplant to keep him quiet. But Tobias has some surprising news.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Promise

Clark has second thoughts about Lana marrying Lex, and Lana has the same concerns. Meanwhile, the doctor involved in the secret behind Lana's pregnancy threatens Lex with his knowledge.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Combat

Clark and Chloe find an escaped Zoner named Titan who is the star of a secret fight club that puts its death battles on the internet. Lois can tell that there is a story and goes to investigate, where she is put in the ring to fight. Clark goes in as a super-powered fighter to take on Titan but ends up against a different opponent instead.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Progeny

Lex discovers that Chloe's mother has special abilities and forces her to help him in exchange for Chloe's life. However, she has a trick or two of her own to use to escape.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Nemesis

Lex and Clark get a chance to hash out their differences... when they're both trapped in a cave after an explosion, and Clark is unable to get them out without revealing his powers.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Noir

Lana and Lionel have a secret meeting, after which Lana is shot. While Jimmy is observing photos of the encounter, he is knocked unconscious. While unconscious Jimmy dreams about what life in Smallville would have been like in the 1940s. Clark is a reporter at the Daily Planet, Lana is a siren who planned the demise of her magnate husband Lex, and Lois is a singer at a bar that Lionel owns.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Prototype

Lex tries to turn a soldier that supposedly died in Afghanistan into a "super-soldier." A senator threatens to tell the world about Lex's labs, prompting Lex to send the "soldier" to kill the senator. Lois sees the attack and becomes the soldier's next victim.

Smallville säsong 6 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Phantom

Clark discovers the reason Lana married Lex then and sets out to kill Lionel. Lex tries to use DNA from the last phantom to power his super-soldiers. Lois goes to a dam to search for Lex's lab but is caught by a security guard and fatally injured. Chloe's power is discovered.

Säsong 7

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Bizarro

During Clark's battle with the last Phantom Zone wraith, Lex is rescued by a mysterious woman. She then goes to the Kent farm and reveals she is Clark's cousin, Kara, from Krypton.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Kara

Clark and Lois meet Smallville's newest arrival face-to-face, and she has some surprising news. Clark decides to leave Smallville and continue with his superhero training but Jor-el informs him that a new Kryptonian menace has arisen.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Fierce

Kara takes to life in Smallville by getting a job at the Talon, and entering the Miss Sweet Corn Pageant as a contestant, overruling Clark's objections. However, Lex takes an interest in her and three of the other contestants discover she has super-powers and decide to use her to steal a valuable time capsule.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Cure

Dr. Curtis Knox says he can "cure" someone from being a "meteor freak," changing their lives. Chloe takes an interest in this, but Dr. Knox may have another secret.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Action

When a movie is shot in Smallville, Clark is forced to secretly use his powers to save someone from a runaway car... but somebody is looking and becomes Clark's biggest fan. Meanwhile, Lionel's fate is revealed.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Lara

Kara goes to Washington to look for her missing crystal, but is captured after she breaks into the lab. She's sedated with a truth serum that has kryptonite in it, which makes her relive a trip to Earth from the past. In this past trip she followed Lara, Clark's biological mother, to the Kent's farm. Clark saves Kara, but also ends up being affected by the serum when he burns it with his heat vision.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Wrath

Lana absorbs Clark's powers during a lightning storm, which she uses to break into Lex's safe and steal some incriminating evidence. After being turned away by Grant at the Daily Planet, who won't accept her stolen evidence, Lana goes after Lex herself. Clark tries to rescue Lex, but must first battle the super-powered Lana.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Blue

Clark hears his mother's voice trapped in Kara's crystal, and releases her. She gives him Jor-El's ring made of Blue Kryptonite, which strips him of his powers.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Gemini

A mysterious man who claims to be a product of Lex's latest project plants a bomb on Chloe and uses her to force Lois to get the truth from Lex.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Persona

Chloe begins to notice that Clark's not acting like himself. Bizarro enlists the help of Brainiac.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Siren

When Green Arrow's band of heroes thwarts his efforts once too often, Lex employs a super-powered vigilante to take down the Emerald Archer.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Fracture

Lex tracks the amnesiac Kara to Detroit, where Lois follows him. An obsessive busboy infatuated with Kara shoots Lex, and Chloe has to determine whether to heal him or not.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Hero

Pete Ross returns to town and finds a number of surprising changes since his departure. Besides resolving his feelings toward Clark since he learned of his friend's secret, Pete has to deal with the acquisition of a superpower of his own.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Traveler

Lionel has Clark kidnapped, and when Chloe and Lana confront him, he makes them think Lex is the culprit. Chloe and Lana then beg Jor-El to restore Kara's memory because she's the only person who can rescue Clark.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Veritas

Clark must learn a new superpower as he and Kara join forces to take on Brainiac, putting the lives of their friends in danger.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Descent

No one is safe when Lex seeks the secret of Veritas, and Clark tries to stop him.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Sleeper

While Clark seeks out Brainiac to force him to fulfill his side of their bargain and restore Lana, Chloe and Jimmy go up against the government.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Apocalypse

When Clark wonders if the world would be better off if he never came to Smallville, Jor-El shows him what life would have been like if he had never existed.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Quest

After Lex is attacked by a mysterious stranger, he and Clark both discover the last surviving member of the Veritas group who holds the secret to controlling the Traveler.

Smallville säsong 7 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Arctic

Lex is taken to the Fortress to fulfill his destiny, while Lana awakens from her coma and Chloe is arrested by the government.

Säsong 8

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Odyssey

Green Arrow calls upon fellow heroes Black Canary and Aquaman to locate the missing Clark Kent, last seen in the Arctic. , The Martian Manhunter also joins in to help out.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Plastique

Chloe invites an injured 15-year-old to move in with her. Meanwhile, Clark experiences his first day of work with Lois.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Toxic

When Oliver is poisoned, he starts having flashbacks to the period when he gained his archery skills... and met Tess. Meanwhile, Chloe has to make a decision which surprises Clark.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Instinct

Tess and her team perform tests on the crystal she retrieved from the Arctic, causing it to send a beam of light into the universe; the beam of light triggers the arrival of Maxima, a queen from another planet looking for her soul mate.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Committed

A heartbroken psychotic wearing a watch jeweled with kryptonite abducts Chloe and Jimmy and subjects them to a polygraph; while searching for them, Clark and Lois pose as a couple.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Prey

Clark believes a recent attack in a theater may be the work of a serial killer; Davis fears that his blackouts could mean that he is the killer.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Identity

Jimmy catches a red and blue blur on film when he takes a picture of Clark saving Lois from a mugger; after Tess decides to run the picture on the front page of the Daily Planet, Clark fears his identity will be discovered.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Bloodline

Clark receives a package containing the crystal that Tess found in the Arctic; the crystal activates, sending Clark and Lois to the Phantom Zone, where they run into Kara (Laura Vandervoort); Zod's wife, Faora, takes over Lois' body.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Abyss

Clark takes Chloe to the Fortress of Solitude so Jor-El can heal her after Brainiac replaces her memories with Kryptonian code.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Bride

Unexpected guests crash Chloe and Jimmy's wedding; Oliver thinks he has found Lex and sets out to confront him, but he is shocked to find Lana instead; Lois and Clark grow closer.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Legion

The Persuader attacks Clark; Chloe, as Brainiac, tells Davis he is Doomsday and that he was created to destroy the "other Kryptonian" and the world.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Bulletproof

Clark learns that John Jones was shot while working as a police officer; Lana tells Tess that Lex isn't the man she thinks he is, forcing Tess to re-evaluate her position as head of Luthercorp.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Power

Clark discovers that Lana is missing; Tess reveals what really happened to Lana when she woke up from her Brainiac-induced coma; Tess is shocked by what she discovers in a secret LuthorCorp facility.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Requiem

An explosion at LutherCorp injures Oliver and kills all the board members.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Infamous

Linda Lake returns to Metropolis and threatens to expose Clark’s secret unless he promises to give her exclusive information on the red-blue blur so she can become a star reporter again. Refusing to be blackmailed, Clark tells Lois his secret and asks her to write his story for The Daily Planet.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Turbulence

Tess invites Clark to a press conference in New York but when an explosion rocks the private jet they are on, Clark must figure out how to save them without Tess learning his secret. Unbeknown to Clark, Tess orchestrated the explosion to get Clark to reveal his powers. Meanwhile, Davis discovers a surprising way to control the monster within.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Hex

At Chloe’s birthday party, a mysterious magician named Zatanna grants Chloe’s wish to be more like Lois and switches the two into each other’s bodies. Zatanna searches for her father’s book of spells so she can conjure up his spirit but not before also granting Clark his deepest wish.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Eternal

Tess tries to kill Davis by blowing up his truck. However, after he escapes, she realizes she needs help to destroy him and turns to Clark. Tess reveals Davis' secret childhood with the Luthors and hints that she knows Clark's true identity. Meanwhile, Davis runs to Chloe for help.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Stiletto

Lois believes that she needs a big story to secure her reputation as a star reporter but the red/blue blur continues to elude her. However, after Chloe is mugged, Lois steps in to fend off one of the attackers and uses the opportunity to pretend a new superhero, Stiletto, has come to town and is giving exclusives to Lois. Clark is concerned Lois will hurt herself pretending to be a superhero but after he is captured by thugs with kryptonite, Lois steps in to save the day.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Beast

Clark discovers that Davis is still alive and confronts Chloe about protecting him. Oliver discovers Jimmy breaking into Chloe’s apartment, but things get rapidly worse after Davis jumps from the shadows and attacks both of them.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Injustice

Chloe returns and begs Clark to kill Davis, claiming he can no longer keep the beast under control. Tess has assembled a team of meteor freaks, including Plastique, to track down Davis so Clark can kill him. However, things get out of hand once Tess’ team discovers she is double-crossing them.

Smallville säsong 8 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Doomsday

Oliver tells Clark he must kill Davis, as Doomsday is a serious threat and must be stopped at all costs. However, Clark struggles with taking a human life, so the Green Arrow and his team decide to take matters into their own hands. Lois takes on Tess, but the fight takes a shocking turn. Meanwhile, Chloe gets caught in the middle of Oliver and Clark’s battle over killing Davis.

Säsong 9

Smallville säsong 9 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Savior

Clark tells Jor-El he’s ready to start his training, but Jor-El sends him back to Metropolis to cut ties with Lois before he can begin. Chloe is shocked when Lois suddenly reappears after having been missing for weeks, but Lois has no recollection of vanishing into thin air with the Legion ring. Chloe begs Clark to use the Legion ring to go back in time to save Jimmy, but he refuses, driving a wedge into their friendship. Meanwhile, Zod arrives at the Luthor mansion...

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Avsnitt 2 Metallo

After being struck by a truck, John Corben wakes up alone in an abandoned apartment as a man-machine with a Kryptonite heart. Corben realizes he now has superhuman strength and sets out to exact revenge on the Red-Blue Blur, who he perceives to be an irresponsible vigilante. Against Clark's wishes, Lois involves herself in the Red-Blue Blur's investigation, and winds up getting kidnapped by Corben.

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Avsnitt 3 Rabid

Zod and his soldiers release a virus into the air that turns humans into zombies. The only way to stop it is to make an antidote from the blood of another Kryptonian. After Lois is infected, Chloe pleads with Clark to donate his blood to stop the epidemic, even though it risks outing him to Zod.

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Avsnitt 4 Echo

Tess forces Oliver to come to a Queen Industries gala to put the Board at ease, but things go awry when the Toyman shows up with a bomb and a plan to take revenge on Oliver. The Toyman tells Oliver he must confess to murdering Lex or he will blow the place up. Meanwhile, as part of his training, Jor-El gives Clark the ability to hear other people’s thoughts.

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Avsnitt 5 Roulette

Oliver is drugged and kidnapped by a woman named Victoria AKA Roulette, who tells Oliver that he’s involved in a dangerous game and must fight for his life. After Victoria shows up dead and Oliver is arrested by the police, he turns to Chloe for help. Meanwhile, Lois berates Clark for not telling her about Oliver's suicide attempt.

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Avsnitt 6 Crossfire

Oliver tries to help a young street girl, Mia AKA Speedy, get out of her dangerous life by offering to train her, but Mia double crosses him. Lois asks Clark to help her land a job as an on-air television host, but the two are shocked when the station wants to hire them as a team.

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Avsnitt 7 Kandor

Jor-El mysteriously arrives at the Kent farm searching for his son, Kal-El, but meets Chloe instead. Convinced the Blur is Jor-El, Zod enlists Tess’s help in finding him to force him to reveal the secret to his powers. Clark realizes Jor-El is alive and on Earth and races to find him before Zod does.

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Avsnitt 8 Idol

DC Comics’ “The Wonder Twins” Zan and Jayna show up in Metropolis to help The Blur fight crime but end up botching several rescues, landing Clark in hot water with the District Attorney’s office.

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Avsnitt 9 Pandora

Tess kidnaps Lois to find out where Lois went after she disappeared for weeks. Lois's memory of the future depicts a Metropolis under Zod's rule and Clark powerless under the red sun, while Chloe forms a resistance group with Oliver. After learning of these future events, Clark makes an important decision about Zod.

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Avsnitt 10 Disciple

Oliver's past comes back to haunt him in the form of The Dark Archer, Oliver's former teacher, who seeks revenge on his student by taking aim at Lois and Chloe. Oliver faces down The Dark Archer after his former mentor kidnaps Mia AKA "Speedy" but is pushed to his limit and Clark races to stop him from making another deadly mistake.

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Avsnitt 11 Absolute Justice

A man named Sylvester Pemberton tracks down Chloe and tells her he knows about her team of superheroes and needs their help. However, before he can explain who he is, he is attacked and killed by Icicle. Clark and Chloe's investigation leads Clark to the former headquarters of the Justice Society of America where he meets up with Nelson AKA Dr. Fate, Carter Hall AKA Hawkman and Courtney AKA Star Girl. Courtney pleads with Hawkman and Dr. Fate to help her catch the killer that is targeting their group but they are reluctant to resume their duties as superheroes. Clark, John Jones, Green Arrow and Chloe team up to help the JSA stop Icicle before he murders another member of the group. Meanwhile, Lois receives a package from a mysterious agency called Checkmate, run by Amanda Waller.

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Avsnitt 12 Warrior

Clark meets Zatanna at a comic book convention, where she tells him her father charmed a copy of the comic book "Warrior Angel" and it holds magical powers. A young man named Stephen steals the comic book and develops super powers, transforming himself into Warrior Angel and saving Chloe from a horrible accident.

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Avsnitt 13 Persuasion

It is Valentine’s Day and while Clark is out on a date with Lois, he unknowingly becomes infected by gemstone kryptonite, which has magical wish-fulfilling properties. Clark mentions to Lois that he wishes they had a more traditional relationship,so Lois quits the Daily Planet, moves in with Clark and starts planning their wedding. Still unaware of his new power, Clark also casually tells Chloe he wishes she would spend more time watching out for him, so an infected Chloe takes his wish to heart and sets her sights on a new target – Lois.

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Avsnitt 14 Conspiracy

Bernard Chisholm, a doctor who died and was brought back to life by the Kandorians so they can experiment on him, escapes and kidnaps some Kandorians in order to prove aliens have invaded Earth. Bernard tries to get Lois to write a story validating his claim, but when Lois refuses, he kidnaps her too. In an effort to save his people, Zod poses as a reporter from the Daily Planet and uncovers Bernard’s secret lab. Clark arrives at the lab just in time to see Zod get shot.

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Avsnitt 15 Escape

Clark and Lois head out of town for a quiet romantic getaway, but their plans are thwarted when they run into Chloe and Oliver at their Bed & Breakfast Inn. The couples' awkward moment is interrupted by the arrival of the Silver Banshee, who sets her sights on Clark and Oliver. Meanwhile, Tess faces off with Zod with a surprising result.

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Avsnitt 16 Checkmate

Tess creates an elaborate hoax in order to kidnap Green Arrow, and delivers him to Amanda Waller, who tells him that that the government is recruiting him to serve his country. However, Green Arrow escapes before they can reveal his identity. After Oliver brings Clark and Chloe up to speed, the three investigate and Clark is surprised to find John Jones investigating Oliver's kidnapping too. Clark senses that John is keeping information from him. Oliver and Clark are shocked when Tess reveals that Amanda is after something called "Watchtower." Waller threatens to kill Chloe unless Clark gives her the names and locations of the rest of the Justice League.

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Avsnitt 17 Upgrade

Zod continues to pose as "The Blur" and asks Lois to investigate one of Tess' secret labs. An explosion rocks the lab, and Lois is rescued by John Corben who was a subject of multiple experiments. While investigating the explosion, Clark is exposed to red kryptonite. And infected Clark takes Zod to the Fortress. Tess turns to Chloe for help and they send in Corben to stop Clark from revealing all his secrets.

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Avsnitt 18 Charade

Lois investigates the early prison release of ex-District Attorney Raymond Sacks but he threatens her with a gun when confronted. The Blur saves her, but is captured on film by a delivery guy who plans to sell the photo to Sacks. Lois and Clark each attempt to thwart the delivery of the photo and run into Maxwell Lord, a wealthy tycoon and Checkmate operative, who is trying to learn The Blur's identity to eliminate him. Meanwhile, Chloe discovers Zod's secret.

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Avsnitt 19 Sacrifice

Tess breaks into Watchtower, triggering an elaborate security system that Chloe installed, ultimately trapping the two women inside. Clark realizes Zod has given his soldiers super powers.

Smallville säsong 9 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Hostage

Much to Clark's surprise, Martha Kent returns to Smallville with her new boyfriend, Perry White in tow. Lois and Perry realize they are both working on the same story about the Red Queen, and decide to team up, which ultimately puts them in serious danger. Chloe helps Clark search for the Book of Rao, which they believe contains information on how to stop Zod and his army.

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Avsnitt 21 Salvation

When Zod and the Kandorians launch their brutal attack on Earth, Chloe calls in some old friends to join the fight against the aliens. Clark and Zod face off in an epic battle for the control of Earth.

Säsong 10

Smallville säsong 10 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Lazarus

Lois finds Clark's lifeless body and removes the blue kryptonite enabling him to heal himself. However, Lois sneaks away before Clark fully awakens in order to protect his secret. Meanwhile, Chloe is desperate to find Oliver, so she turns to an unlikely source for answers. Jonathan returns to the Kent Farm with a message for Clark, and Tess awakens in a LuthorCorp lab.

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Avsnitt 2 Shield

After Lois departs for Egypt, the Daily Planet hires a new reporter by the name of Cat Grant to take her place. An assassin named Deadshot takes aim at Cat but Clark learns the man has a dangerous hidden agenda that involves The Blur. Meanwhile, Carter Hall turns up in Egypt to keep an eye on Lois and he tells Lois about his wife Shayera.

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Avsnitt 3 Supergirl

Clark is stunned when Kara returns to Earth and tells him Jor El sent her to stop the dark force that is coming because he doesn’t believe Clark can handle it. Meanwhile, Lois confronts Gordon Godfrey, a shock jock radio DJ who has been crusading against heroes, after he threatens the Green Arrow. However, after Godfrey is possessed by the dark force, he takes Lois hostage and Clark and Kara have to come to her rescue.

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Avsnitt 4 Homecoming

In an attempt to cheer up Clark, Lois convinces him to attend their five-year high school reunion. A visit back to the home of the Crows has Clark remembering old times with Lana and Chloe, while Lois is furious that no one remembers her five days as a student. Brainiac 5.0 uses his Legion ring to visit from the future and takes Clark through his past, present and future. He shows Clark what really happened the night Jonathan died, Oliver’s current pain and Clark’s future at the Daily Planet with Lois and his role as Earth’s favorite red and blue superhero.

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Avsnitt 5 Isis

Lois decides to tell Clark she knows he’s The Blur, but she accidentally activates an ancient artifact that transforms her into the Goddess Isis, complete with superpowers of her own. Oliver and Clark reluctantly decide to ask Tess for help with Lois. Meanwhile, after Cat Grant witnesses Lois as Isis using her superpowers, she decides Lois is the Blur and sets out to prove it.

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Avsnitt 6 Harvest

Clark is concerned about Lois’ safety so he diverts her away from covering the Vigilante Registrations Act by suggesting she cover another story. After he comes clean with her, an angry Lois tells him that she can take care of herself, but when a flat tire strands their car in the middle of nowhere, their plans take a turn for the worse and Lois ends up in serious danger. Meanwhile, Tess searches for a cure for Alexander, who is rapidly aging.

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Avsnitt 7 Ambush

The General and Lucy Lane decide to drop in on Lois and Clark for a surprise Thanksgiving dinner. Clark and the General get off to a rocky start after Lois’ father bashes the superheroes and tells Clark he is trying to pass a vigilante registration law. Meanwhile, in an effort to stop the vigilante registration act from being passed, Rick Flagg lies to Lucy in order to lure Clark away from the farm long enough for him to assassinate the General. Lois is torn between making her father proud and her love for Clark.

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Avsnitt 8 Abandoned

Lois finds a video made for her by her mother, Ella Lane, before she died. After watching the tape, Lois makes a drastic decision about her relationship with Clark that takes her to the Fortress, where she comes face to face with Jor-El and Lara.

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Avsnitt 9 Patriot

In an effort to protect the rest of the team, Oliver decides to register for the Vigilante Registration Act to see what the government plans to do with the new law. As he suspected, it was a trap to lure superheroes to an undisclosed location where he is confined to a jail and subjected to a battery of brutal tests under the supervision of Col. Slade. Aquaman and his new wife Mera team up with Clark to free Oliver. Lois is frustrated when Clark continues to push aside her offers to help the team and sets out to prove she can play with the big boys.

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Avsnitt 10 Luthor

Tess acquires a Kryptonian box that once belonged to Lionel Luthor. When Clark accidentally activates the box, he’s transported to a parallel universe where Lionel found Clark in the cornfields instead of the Kents. In this universe, Clark Luthor is a murderer and Lois is engaged to Oliver and both of them hate Clark. Clark must be careful not to tip off Lionel that he’s not his son while trying to figure out how to get back to Earth where the monster Clark Luthor was transported in his place.

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Avsnitt 11 Icarus

The VRA is in full effect and things take an unfortunate turn of events after the Green Arrow tries to stop a mugging but is attacked by citizens for being a super hero. Clark discovers that the civilians who attacked Oliver were all marked with a darkness tattoo. Carter Hall and Star Girl return to help Clark deal with Slade’s re-emergence after he kidnaps Lois.

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Avsnitt 12 Collateral

Clark, Oliver, Lois and Dinah are released by the VRA after being captured at Hawkman's funeral, but each of them have flashbacks of Chloe holding them against their will. When Chloe returns, Dinah warns the others that Chloe may now be a traitor. Oliver dismisses her concerns, but Clark is unsure if he can trust Chloe after she disappeared without an explanation.

Smallville säsong 10 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Beacon

Clark is surprised to see Martha on the news speaking at a pro-vigilante rally. However, surprise quickly turns to horror when he and Lois watch as Martha gets shot on national television. Meanwhile, Lionel reveals himself to the world and reclaims LuthorCorp from Tess and Oliver. Lois and Chloe decide to cheer Clark up by showing him videos from thousands of vigilante supporters professing their support for The Blur.

Smallville säsong 10 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Masquerade

Chloe and Oliver are mistaken for FBI agents investigating Desaad's recent string of murders and the pair are kidnapped by Desaad's minions. Desaad tries to infect Chloe with the darkness. Meanwhile, Lois tells Clark he needs to be more careful with his identity and suggests a disguise.

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Avsnitt 15 Fortune

After Zatanna sends a magically spiked bottle of champagne to Clark and Lois for their bachelor/bachlorette parties, the gang blacks out after the toast, only to wake up the next morning and realize they can't remember anything about the night before.

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Avsnitt 16 Scion

Lionel and Tess go head to head in a battle for the Luthor name. Clark and Lois are stunned by Tess’ latest present to them.

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Avsnitt 17 Kent

Clark is shocked to find a mirror box in the barn. Clark Luthor surprises him and sends Clark Kent back to the alternate reality where Clark runs into a very angry Jonathan Kent. Meanwhile, back in our reality, Clark Luthor visits Tess and tells her that if she doesn’t side with him he’ll kill her. Lois asks Emil to help her bring Clark back.

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Avsnitt 18 Booster

After everything that happened with the VRA, Lois tells Clark it’s best to make “Clark Kent” forgettable and awkward so people don’t suspect he’s The Blur. However, the two are stunned when a fame-hungry superhero from the future, Booster Gold, sweeps into town and begins making saves and posing for press ops, completely winning over the city of Metropolis. Booster begins his campaign to take The Blur’s place as the “World’s Greatest Superhero” and tries to charm Lois into writing a story about him, but she’s not having his antics and begins her own campaign for The Blur. During one of Booster’s saves, an alien weapon in the form of a scarab falls from a truck and fuses itself to a boy named Jaime Reyes, turning him into the Blue Beetle. Unfortunately, Jaime is unable to control the suit and Blue Beetle starts attacking Metropolis.

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Avsnitt 19 Dominion

Tess learns that General Slade was found unconscious on a street corner, proof that someone has gained access to the Phantom Zone’s escape portal and sent him back. Clark decides to return to the exiled land to make sure other phantoms are not fleeing and is furious when Oliver tricks Clark into taking him along. With Clark’s powers gone, the two are immediately captured by the Zoners who take them to their new leader, Zod, who is thirsting for revenge on Clark for banishing him to this Kryptonian jail. Meanwhile, Lois learns Clark trusted Tess with a secret, but didn’t tell Lois.

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Avsnitt 20 Prophecy

Clark takes Lois to the Fortress to get Jor-El’s blessing for their marriage. Jor-El bestows a unique wedding gift on the couple – he gives Lois Clark’s super powers so she can see what it’s like to be him for a day. Unfortunately, the Toyman has returned to Metropolis, so Lois must go up against the notorious villain instead of Clark. Meanwhile, Oliver searches for the Bow of Orion, which he believes will remove the Omega symbol from his skull, and runs into Kara, who is also on a mission to stop Darkseid.

Smallville säsong 10 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Finale

The story of Clark Kent culminates in this epic two-hour series finale as Clark takes the last step to becoming the Man of Steel.


Release 2001-10-16


Serien Smallville med skådespelare Tom Welling, Erica Durance och Cassidy Freeman streamas på HBO Max. Se även .