Sonnys chans

Sonnys chans, serie 2009 - Streama med Disney+

Streama serien Sonnys chans (2009-). En tonårstjej väljs i en talangjakt efter en skådespelare till en TV-serie. Med Demi Lovato, Allisyn Ashley Arm och Tiffany Thornton. Streama med Disney+.

SONNY har vunnit en landsomfattande talangjakt för att spela huvudrollen i Så Flippat!, en populär TV-serie. Hon flyttar från Wisconsin med sin mamma, Connie, och förbereder sig för ett helt nytt kapitel i sitt liv. Sonnys chans följer hennes liv på och utanför jobbet och ger en inblick i hur hon anpassar sig till sitt nya liv. Hon stiftar snabbt bekantskap med sina medskådespelare NICO, GRADY och ZORA, medan showens stjärna, TAWNI, gör vänskapen svårare att uppnå än Sonny varit beredd på. Sonny måste även ta del i rollbesättningens fejd med dom snorkiga skådespelarna i tonårsdramat Mackenzie Klanen, samt showens snygga stjärna, CHAD DYLAN COOPER.


Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

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Avsnitt 1 Sketchy Beginnings

Sonny enters the set excited but doesn't know that she's off for a difficult time with Tawni. Other than that, she's all good and definitely ready.

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Avsnitt 2 West Coast Story

Sonny invites the cast from a rival show to a so-called peace picnic to promote goodwill between them, but the event doesn't go exactly as planned.

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Avsnitt 3 Sonny at the Falls

Sonny's idea for a sketch is rejected by her cast mates, but she is comforted by Chad and the "MacKenzie Falls" cast, who lavish her with expensive gifts.

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Avsnitt 4 You've Got Fan Mail

Sonny creates her own imaginary fan named Eric when she fails to receive any fan mail, but her creation gets her in trouble when Marshall wants to invite Eric to the set. Meanwhile, Nico and Grady intercept a package intended for Zora.

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Avsnitt 5 Cheater Girls

Sonny worries about an upcoming geometry exam that may decide the fate of her future on So Random. Meanwhile, a pretty new girl on set catches the eye of Nico and Grady, who go to extraordinary lengths to impress her.

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Avsnitt 6 Three's Not Company

Sonny feels left out when her best friend from Wisconsin comes to visit and instantly hits it off with Tawni. Tension reaches the boiling point when Tawni and Lucy go to Chad's birthday party... without inviting Sonny. Meanwhile, Nico and Grady plot revenge against a security guard who has been helping himself to their pizza.

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Avsnitt 7 Poll'd Apart

Sonny and Tawny's blossoming friendship turns sour when a popular gossip blogger posts the results of a poll, pitting the two teen stars against each other. Can their friendship survive when Tawny's ego takes a major blow?

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Avsnitt 8 Fast Friends

Sonny finds herself the victim of bad publicity when a televised dispute between her and Chad hits the airwaves. Can she rally and rise above it, or will poor public opinion mark the end of Sonny's flirtation with fame?

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Avsnitt 9 Sonny With A Chance Of Dating

Tensions rise on set when Sonny is asked out by Tawni's ex boyfriend, James, who is guest starring on Mackenzie Falls. And when James attempts to date both girls, Sonny decides to get revenge in the best way she can... by going on a date with Chad.

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Avsnitt 10 Sonny and the Studio Brat

When the demanding daughter of a studio executive wants a set visit, Sonny is the unlucky cast member chosen to play tour guide.

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Avsnitt 11 Promises, Prom-Misses

When Sonny realizes she is missing out on that most important of teen milestones - prom - she decides to throw a prom for the cast, right there on set. But Marshall says a firm no. Will Sonny and her friends have a night to remember? Or is prom nothing but a distant dream?

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Avsnitt 12 The Heartbreak Kid

Sonny has to find a way to break up a relationship she put together after her matchmaking goes awry.

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Avsnitt 13 Battle of the Networks' Stars

Chad is making a movie about his life and casts Selena Gomez as Sonny.

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Avsnitt 14 Prank'd

After Chad announces he is the host of a new celebrity prank show, the So Random cast becomes paranoid about who's going to be pranked first, and who might be in on the joke with Chad.

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Avsnitt 15 Tales from the Prop House

The "So Random!" cast attempt to prevent their prop house from being taken away and used as a meditation room for the "MacKenzie Falls" cast. The number one show gets any room in the building according to the contract. After remembering all the good memories about sketches they have done (like Dolphin Boy and the Check It Out Girls), they hand-cuff themselves to the prop house. After two hours of being hand-cuffed they decide to fight back. They chase away the cast of "MacKenzie Falls" by cutting a hole in the ceiling and annoying them by throwing objects on their heads. Chad says he won't be driven away, but he starts meditating in the photo booth, he runs away because of a rat. The So Random cast get their prop house back. Chad comes back and brings gifts to everyone in order to say he is sorry and didn't know how much the prop house meant to them. He gives Tawni a Bedazzled lipstick case, Zora a night light for the sarcophagus, lets Nico and Grady ride the forklift, and lastly gives an autograph picture of himself to Sonny that says "To my biggest fan, I'm sorry, TV's Chad Dylan Cooper." Then Sonny says she is touched. Then, Nico and Grady bursts in while riding the forklift.

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Avsnitt 16 Sonny in the Kitchen with Dinner

Sonny tries to help Tawni have a good date with an intern Hayden (Robert Adamson). Sonny begs Chad for his Lakers tickets. But when she and Hayden are shown on the kiss cam they are forced to kiss and Tawni sees them. Tawni gets mad and hides in her dressing room, locking the two doors. Meanwhile, Chad gets jealous because he sees the kiss on Tween Weekly Magazine. Sonny makes another date and tells Hayden that Tawni is going to cook for him. But when Sonny learns that Tawni can't cook, Sonny offers to have the date at her place and to cook the food. After Sonny ruins the food, she tries to call Nico and Grady to bring food but she drops her phone in the sink by mistake. Tawni tries to help her by turning on the light but she turned on the garbage disposal instead and it somehow calls Chad. Chad thinks that Sonny is in trouble and later breaks down her door. When everyone shows up at Sonny's apartment, the night turns awkward. Meanwhile, Grady and Nico try to put their influence on the name of a sandwich but whoever ate the sandwich ends up puking.

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Avsnitt 17 Guess Who's Coming To Guest Star

Chad is the new guest star on So Random, and he and Sonny have to do a sketch together where they will kiss, much to her dismay. Chad then says when Sonny looks into his eyes she will fall in love with him. Sonny takes this seriously, and, worried she will fall in love with Chad tries everything she can to get out of it. In the end, they do the sketch and just as their about to kiss a pig flies into Sonny's hands, so she let's the pig kiss Chad. Meanwhile, Nico and Grady get control of Marshall's office for the day, in exchange for Chad's So Random appearance.

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Avsnitt 18 Hart to Hart

Sonny convinces Tawni to fire her manager, not realizing it's her mom. Meanwhile, Nico and Grady try to get past the new security guards.

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Avsnitt 19 Sonny in the Middle

Sonny gives Nico and Grady a gift for their birthday but they start to fight over it. They then decide that they will no longer be friends and start hanging out with Sonny. Sonny gets annoyed and tries to find a way to make Nico and Grady friends again.

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Avsnitt 20 Cookie Monsters
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Avsnitt 21 Sonny: So Far

When Sonny and Tawni are guests on "Gotcha with Gilroy Smith," Gilroy tries to get Tawni and Sonny to confess some embarrassing moments on "So Random!". Sonny and Tawni make a pact backstage that they will have each others back but they realize that there is a hidden camera so Gilroy knows about their pact. Tawni breaks the pact and Sonny starts to think about Chad Dylan Cooper, but Gilroy knows that is a face of someone who has a boy crush. Gilroy brings Chad out (Chad thinks he's there because of a book he read) and shows a clip of him and Sonny sharing a rather romantic moment from Episode 2. They both go backstage and they don't realize there's another hidden camera and everyone is watching them. Sonny and Chad are about to tell each other what their feelings are for one another, but Tawni, feeling she owes Sonny, grabs the remote and turns off the camera so Gilroy and the studio audience can't see what happens. Gilroy turns the camera back on and sees Sonny saying "That was so much easier to say than I thought it would be," and then walking away with Chad. Gilroy becomes mad because he doesn't know what Sonny and Chad said to each other, although it is thought that they told each other that they like each other, based on what they were saying before and after Tawni turned the camera off.

Säsong 2

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Avsnitt 1 Walk a Mile in My Pants

Sonny hosts a "Walk-A-Thon For Books" for kids and gives each of them Tawni's Extreme Skinny Jeans. When Chad hears of this, he then hosts a "Walk-A-Thon Against Books" and also sells the skinny jeans. Then, all the kids end up suffering from SPS (Skinny Pants Syndrome).

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Avsnitt 2 Sonny Get Your Goat

Sonny and Tawni are invited on an exchange program to Glendovia because of the success of their Check-it-Out Girls sketch, but refuse to go together due to an unknown argument. When Tawni goes she is shocked to discover that it is a cultural wasteland and that the Glendovians think the characters are real check out girls. Meanwhile, an exchange student impresses a girl Nico and Grady like, and they both think it is because of his mustache. They then wear a mustache trying to impress her, but they get themselves stuck in their own mustaches because of the glue.

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Avsnitt 3 Gassie Passes

Feeling that Gassie doesn't get the affection that he deserves, Sonny takes it upon herself to show the dog love, love that it doesn't get from its trainer. Sonny then finds out that giving the dog affection effects Gassie's mood to flatulate on command when filming the "Gassie" sketches as well jeopardizing the feature film "Gassie & We". Sonny then gives Gassie too many dog treats that may have killed him. In the end it turns out Gassie was in shock from too many meatball treats and gets the love he deserves, also putting Chad into shock by pretending to be dead. Meanwhile, Nico and Grady borrow money from Dakota Condor to invest in fart noise lunch boxes for "Gassie & We".

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Avsnitt 4 Sonny With a Song

Sonny writes a song and plans to sing it during the next show. But when Tawni steals Sonny's song, Sonny uses Grady and Nico's magic act to her advantage.

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Avsnitt 5 High School Miserable

Sonny and her fellow cast members are forced to attend a public high school after they are all fired from the show because of their complaints about a new addition to the cast. Can Tawni, Nico, Grady, and Zora survive a normal high school, even though it's not the "musical" they thought it would be?

Sonnys chans säsong 2 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 The Legend of Candy Face

The casts of So Random! and Mackenzie Falls go camping together to end the rilvary between the two shows. On the camping trip, Ms. Bitterman, who is their chaperone, tells them the legend of a very dangerous creature called Candy Face, making everyone jittery.

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Avsnitt 7 Gummy With a Chance

After an accident, Tawni attempts to ban gum from the set. This complicates things for Sonny, who believes that chewing gum is what makes her funny.

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Avsnitt 8 Random Acts of Disrespect

When Grace, an elderly woman, wins the "Be So Random! for a Day" contest, the "So Random!" cast ends up planning an "old geezer" sketch that not only offends Grace and her entire retirement home, but all elderly people. Grace and her friends turn the tables and play a practical joke on the cast. Meanwhile, Chad attempts to help a group of kids with their fear of clowns and ends up looking like one himself.

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Avsnitt 9 Grady with a Chance of Sonny

When Grady's older brother teases Grady and makes him feel bad because he doesn't have a girlfriend, Sonny pretends to be his lady. But Grady's big bro visits, and the pair have to make things look more authentic.

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Avsnitt 10 Falling for the Falls: Part 1

After Sonny starts watching Mackenzie Falls, Chad ask Sonny out on a date, which she accepts. Then she begins to have second thoughts when she realizes how her castmates will react.

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Avsnitt 11 Falling for the Falls: Part 2

Chad and Sonny finally had their first date, but Chad was afraid of how people see him and Sonny was afraid of how her friends at So Random see her.

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Avsnitt 12 Sonny with a Secret

Someone on the set of So Random! and Mackenzie Falls starts to create rumors that Sonny is a thief when she temporarily leaves for her Homecoming in Wisconsin. This ruins her reputation, and she is asked to leave So Random!. Tawni supports Sonny as they drive back to Wisconsin, unable to clear her name. Meanwhile, Chad, Nico and Grady find out the truth back in Hollywood.

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Avsnitt 13 The Problem with Pauly

After going to a taping of her favorite childhood show, Pauly and Pals, Sonny gets an opportunity to be Pauly for a day, but this makes her woefully late to her date with Chad, making him worry that she's lost interest in him.

Sonnys chans säsong 2 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 That's So Sonny

When Chad's fan club president, Amber, says that Sonny is the cause of the drop in his popularity, Chad must choose between his lady and his fans.

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Avsnitt 15 Chad Without a Chance

When Sonny comes down with the flu, Chad decides to take over her to-do list so she can go home and recuperate, but finds it much more difficult than he expected.

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Avsnitt 16 My Two Chads

Sonny finds out that Chad's stunt double, Chaz, has been attending on some of there dates instead of Chad. Will Chad and Sonny's relationship survive?

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Avsnitt 17 A So Random! Halloween Special

Shaquille O'Neal hosts a fully produced So Random! Halloween Special.

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Avsnitt 18 Sonny With a 100 Percent Chance of Meddling

Sonny plays matchmaker when she finds out Zora has a crush on a MacKenzie Falls guest star named, Wesley.

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Avsnitt 19 Dakota's Revenge

When Tawni and Sonny accidentally destroy Dakota's new bike, they try to enlist the help of Izzy, the wacko prop master, to help them fix it.

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Avsnitt 20 Sonny with a Kiss

Sonny and Chad go through numerous difficult situations as they try to have their first kiss.

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Avsnitt 21 A So Random! Holiday Special

Chad Dylan Cooper hosts a fully-produced, jolly-filled So Random! episode.

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Avsnitt 22 Sonny with a Grant

When the cast of So Random! get a week off for vacation, Grant comes to visit Grady once more.

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Avsnitt 23 Marshall with a Chance

When the So Random! cast is caught mocking Marshall, he leaves to pursue his dream.

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Avsnitt 24 Sonny with a Choice

When So Random! and MacKenzie Falls are both nominated for the best TV show in the "Tween Choice Awards", additional friction is added between the two casts.

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Avsnitt 25 New Girl

Sonny starts writing a song unaware that it's a song about her break-up with Chad. After her new neighbor and the "Patio" waitress, Mel criticizes Sonny over her music, the two decide to place a bet in order to prove that the audience will love Sonny's song. She attempts to sing it in the new coffee shop "The Patio", but fails because she is unable to perform it while facing Chad. Shortly after, Sonny realizes that the song she's written is about Chad with the help of Mel and that she still has feelings for him.


Sonny with a Chance

Release 2009-02-08


Serien Sonnys chans med skådespelare Demi Lovato, Allisyn Ashley Arm och Tiffany Thornton streamas på Disney+. Se även .