Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation, serie 1987 - Streama med Netflix

Streama serien Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-). Med Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes och Brent Spiner. Streama med Netflix.

Många år efter den första besättningens äventyr leder kapten Jean-Luc Picard det nya Enterprise på uppdrag för att utforska okända världar.



Star Trek: The Next Generation trailer
Star Trek: The Next Generation trailer
Star Trek: The Next Generation trailer
Star Trek: The Next Generation trailer
Star Trek: The Next Generation trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Encounter at Farpoint

Kommendör Jean-Luc Picard har just tagit befälet ombord på ett nytt rymdskepp med benämningen Enterprise-D och har utsett officerare till de viktigare posterna ombord. Besättningens första uppdrag är att undersöka mysterierna kring Farpoint station, en rymdbas som drivs på planeten Deneb IV av ett folk som kallar sig bandi. Federationen förhandlar med bandi om att använda rymdbasen men har inte fått tillfredsställande information om hur basen konstruerats. På väg till Farpoint station spärras rymdskeppets väg plötsligt av ett enormt stängsel som skeppet inte kan passera. En övermänsklig varelse som presenterar sig som Q uppenbarar sig ombord och anklagar mänskligheten för att vara barbarisk och förbjuder dem att resa längre ut i rymden. När Picard vägrar ge vika ställs besättningen inför rätta och hotas av dödsstraff om de inte kan bevisa att Q har fel i sin uppfattning om mänskligheten.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Naked Now

Ett mystiskt smittämne orsakar att besättningen upplever symptom liknande alkoholberusning.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Code of Honor

Natasha "Tasha" Yar kidnappas av ledaren för ett folk med en mycket strikt hederskodex.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 The Last Outpost

En okänd kraft tömmer Enterprise på all energi samtidigt som besättningen hotas av en ny utomjordisk ras.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Where No One Has Gone Before

En mystisk utomjordisk besökare tar Enterprise på en vild och spännande färd utanför galaxens gränser.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Lonely Among Us

Ett vilset väsen tar Picards sinne i besittning.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Justice

Wesley Crusher bryter ovetandes mot en grundläggande lag på en främmande planet och döms till döden.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 The Battle

Picard återförenas med sitt gamla skepp Stargazer, och luras i en fälla av en hämndlysten Ferengi.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Hide and Q

Q återvänder för att fresta Riker att ansluta sig till Q-kontinuet, genom att ge denne gud-lika krafter.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Haven

Deanna Troi får besök av sin mor, Lwaxana Troi, som meddelar att hon har arrangerat Deannas giftermål.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 The Big Goodbye

Ett tekniskt fel gör att Picard, Data, och Beverly fångas i ett holodäckprogram med gangstrar i 1940-talsmiljö.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Datalore

Data hittar och aktiverar sin storebror, Lore. Men det visar sig snart att den återfunne brodern är så vänlig som de tror.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Angel One

Besättningen på Enterprise besöker en värld som domineras av kvinnor.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 11001001

Små underliga varelser kapar Enterprise från rymddockan. Det är upp till Picard och Riker att stoppa tjuvarna.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Too Short a Season

En legendarisk förhandlare transporteras till Enterprise och snart genomgår han en mirakulös föryngringsprocess.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 When the Bough Breaks

En döende ras kidnappar barn från Enterprise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Home Soil

Besättningen på Enterprise upptäcker en kristallin livsform med mordisk intelligens.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Coming of Age

Wesley försöker klara inträdesprovet till Starfleet Academy.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Heart of Glory

Klingoner på flykt försöker förstöra Enterprise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 The Arsenal of Freedom

En demonstration av en avancerad planets försvarssystem blir till en dödlig fälla.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Symbiosis

Picard försöker nå en uppgörelse, i en konflikt om en underlig medicin, mellan två kulturer.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Skin of Evil

En underlig varelse dödar en besättningsmedlem på Enterprise samtidigt som den håller Deanna Troi fängslad.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 We'll Always Have Paris

Picard möter en gammal flamma, vars man genomfört ett dimensionsexperiment som gått fel.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 Conspiracy

Ett underligt beteende hos en högt rankad officer leder till att Picard kan avslöja en utomjordisk konspiration inom Stjärnflottan.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 1 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 The Neutral Zone

När Enterprise undersöker förstörelsen av en avlägsen utpost möts de av tillbakadragna Romulaner.

Säsong 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Child

Stardate: 42073.1. Troi undergoes a mysterious pregnancy when the Enterprise tries to escape from a system that has recently fallen victim to a deadly plague.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Where Silence Has Lease

Stardate: 42193.6. A mysterious life form known as the 'Nagilum' threatens the life of the crew in his attempt to understand humanity.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Elementary, Dear Data

Stardate: 42286.3. Data and Geordi become involved with a holodeck program about Sherlock Holmes and his investigations, when they create Sherlock's arch nemesis, Moriarty; however, modifications to the Moriarty character include the capability of out-smarting Data, which leads to some unexpected consequences.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 The Outrageous Okona

Stardate: 42402.7. The Enterprise is placed in a compromising situation when the captain of a disabled starship places the crew in the middle of a love triangle.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Loud as a Whisper

Stardate: 42477.2. A deaf-mute mediator meets with disaster while being escorted by the Enterprise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 The Schizoid Man

Stardate: 42437.5. Data is possessed by the consciousness of a brilliant scientist. However, it has a disturbing impact on Data's personality.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Unnatural Selection

Stardate: 42494.8. A mysterious hyper-ageing sickness kills the crew of a Federation cargo ship, and Dr. Pulaski must race against time to find a cure.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 A Matter of Honor

Commander Riker participates in an officer's exchange program which lands him an assignment on a Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Meanwhile, a Bezite ensign has trouble assimilating to the routines of the Enterprise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 The Measure of a Man

Stardate: 42523.7. When Data's rights as a sentient individual are placed under trial, Starfleet forces Riker into a position where he must prove that Data is only an Android.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 The Dauphin

Stardate: 42568.8. Wesley falls in love with a passenger the Enterprise is escorting, who has the secret ability to shape-shift.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Contagion

Stardate: 42609.1. A strange power source disables the Enterprise's computer systems, damages Data's programming and leaves the ship and crew vulnerable to a Romulan attack.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 The Royale

Stardate: 42625.4. An away team is trapped in an alien environment based around a novel entitled 'The Hotel Royale.'

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Time Squared

Stardate: 42679.2. Picard encounters his double from six hours in the future, whose Enterprise had been destroyed.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 The Icarus Factor

Stardate: 42686.4. Riker is promoted to Captain of another Federation ship. Worf must confront his past and his Klingon heritage.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Pen Pals

Stardate: 42695.3. Wesley must investigate the causes of strange tectonic activity on the planet where Data's pen pal lives.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Q Who

Stardate: 42761.3. Q hurls the Enterprise into the Delta Quadrant and introduces the Federation to a powerful new enemy that may destroy the Alpha Quadrant: The Borg.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Samaritan Snare

Stardate: 42779.1. A race known as the Pakleds kidnap Geordi La Forge. Picard must face surgery when he is left in a near-dead state.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Up the Long Ladder

Stardate: 42823.2. Picard must convince two dying civilizations that they must co-exist on the same planet to survive, however, they have other plans to ensure their survival: in the form of clones of the Enterprise crew.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Manhunt

Stardate: 42859.2. While being escorted to a Federation conference by the Enterprise, Lwaxana hunts for a man to satisfy her needs when her sex-drive is quadrupled during a natural mid-life cycle.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 The Emissary

Stardate: 42901.3. Worf is re-united with his former lover, K'Ehleyr, while the Enterprise is ordered to intercept a Klingon ship whose crew has been in stasis for a century.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Peak Performance

Stardate: 42923.4. Trouble begins when a Ferengi warship stumbles over a war simulation between Riker and Picard, each on different ships, and begins attacking them.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 2 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Shades of Gray

Stardate: 42976.1. Riker is infected with an alien organism that takes over his mind. Dr. Pulaski must force Riker's mind back to a state where it can access primitive survival skills.

Säsong 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Evolution

Stardate: 43125.8. A system-wide computer malfunction places the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise in grave danger while they are escorting a scientist to a star in the process of exploding.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Ensigns of Command

Stardate: 43133.3. A human colony is forced to evacuate a planet when the original inhabitants return and threaten the colonists with annihilation if they do not leave within four days.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 The Survivors

Stardate: 43152.4. The Enterprise discovers a planet that has had all life eradicated, except for two mysterious residents and their home, which has been left in perfect condition.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Who Watches the Watchers

Stardate: 43173.5. An away team inadvertently breaks the Prime Directive and reveal themselves to a primitive culture on Mintaka III, causing the inhabitants believe that Captain Picard is a God.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 The Bonding

Worf and Wesley must help a 12 year old boy cope with the death of his mother; an archaeologist killed during an away mission to a deserted planet.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Booby Trap

Stardate: 43205.6. While investigating an ancient ship left adrift in space, the Enterprise accidentally trips the ancient booby trap that disabled the old vessel over 1000 years ago.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 The Enemy

Stardate:43349.2. A blind Geordie is trapped on a hazardous planet with a paranoid and severely injured Romulan. In orbit, a Romulan Warbird is preventing the Enterprise from attempting a rescue mission.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 The Price

Stardate: 43385.6. The Enterprise hosts the negotiations for the rights to a newly discovered, stable wormhole to the Delta Quadrant. One of the negotiators, Devinoni Ral, becomes attracted to Deanna Troi, but he holds a dubious secret.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 The Vengeance Factor

Stardate: 43421.9. The Enterprise crew tries to mend the relationship between a race known as the Acamarians and a faction known as the Gatherers.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 The Defector

Stardate: 43462.5. A defecting Romulan warns the Federation about an impending attack by the Romulans, who are secretly establishing bases within the Neutral Zone.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 The Hunted

Stardate: 43489.2. A potentially new member of the Federation enlists the help of the Enterprise to track down a wanted criminal who has a reputation for his excessive violence. However, the fugitive's actions may not be of his own will.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 The High Ground

Stardate: 43510.7. Dr. Crusher is abducted by a group of terrorists while delivering crucial medical supplies to a planet ravaged by civil war.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Déjà Q

Stardate: 43539.1. A Calamarian starts attacking the Enterprise while seeking revenge on a powerless Q.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 A Matter of Perspective

Stardate: 43610.4. Riker is accused of murder when a scientist is killed in an explosion. Picard must recreate the recent events in the holodeck to prove his commander's innocence.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 Yesterday's Enterprise

Stardate: 43625.2. A rift in the space/time continuum brings the U.S.S. Enterprise - C forward into the 24th Century, and alters the timeline. In this future, the Federation is at war with the Klingons, Tasha Yar is on the bridge, Worf did not join the Federation, and only Guinan's unique perception of reality may restore the timeline.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 The Offspring

Stardate: 43657.0. Data becomes a father when he creates a Soong-type android in the form of a daughter named Lal. Issues are complicated when Lal starts showing signs of a more evolved consciousness, including the ability to feel emotions, which attracts the attention of Starfleet scientists who want to take her away from Data and examine her advanced systems.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Sins of the Father

Stardate: 43685.2. Worf is reunited with his long-lost brother when their father is charged with treason for helping the Romulans. Together they make an appeal to the Klingon High Council to challenge the charges, and have them revoked.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Allegiance

Stardate: 43714.1. Picard is secretly abducted and switched with an alien double. The crews' suspicions are raised when he starts exhibiting unusual behaviour, and is relieved of command.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 Captain's Holiday

Stardate: 43745.2. While on vacation on Risa, Captain Picard encounters two Vorgons from the 27th Century who claim they are searching for a powerful weapon hidden somewhere on the planet.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Tin Man

Stardate: 43779.3. The Enterprise encounters a 'living' ship in the Neutral Zone, and risks breaking the Romulan Federation alliance in order to bring it into contact with a Betazoid emissary.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 Hollow Pursuits

Stardate: 43807.4. A nervous and insecure officer, Lt. Reginald Barclay, places the Enterprise in great danger when he neglects his duties in Engineering, and instead spends his time acting out his fantasies on the holodeck.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 The Most Toys

Stardate: 43872.2. The crew are shattered by the apparent death of Data in a shuttle explosion, and are prevented from carrying out a detailed investigation when Starfleet gives them orders for a new mission elsewhere. However, the crew don't realize that he was actually abducted and placed on display as part of a collection of rare and valuable items held by a disreputable character.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 Sarek

Stardate: 43917.4. Spock's Vulcan father, Sarek, boards the Enterprise to negotiate political relations with the Legaran. However, Sarek has contract Bendii syndrome, which causes a Vulcan to gradually lose control, and become overpowered with emotions.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 Ménage à Troi

Stardate: 43930.7. Riker and Deanna, both on shoreleave, are unexpectedly joined by Deanna's mother, Lwaxana, on Betazed. Shortly, all three are kidnapped by the Ferengi who want to study Lwaxana's telepathic abilities.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 Transfigurations

Stardate: 43957.2. Dr. Crusher becomes attracted to an injured alien with mysterious powers, who is being tracked down by his government like a wanted criminal.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 3 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 The Best of Both Worlds (1)

Stardate: 43989.1 An Starfleet expert on the Borg, Lt. Cmdr. Shelby, is assigned to the Enterprise to investigate the disappearance of a Federation colony. Picard is abducted by the Borg and assimilated into the Collective, which forces Riker to attempt a rescue mission.

Säsong 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Best of Both Worlds (2)

Stardate: 44001.4. Riker must pull out all the stops in order to save Earth from a Borg invasion being lead by none other than Locutus - otherwise known as Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Family

Stardate 44012.3. Picard meets with his older brother in France, and contemplates resigning his Starfleet commission after his ordeal with the Borg. Worf's adoptive parents spend time with their son on the Enterprise, and succeed in embarrassing him in front of his crewmates.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Brothers

Stardate: 44085.7 While escorting a seriously ill boy to the closest Federation Starbase for treatment, Data mysteriously takes control of the Enterprise and takes it to a distant planet. He learns that his creator has summoned him for an important meeting that could change his life. However, Dr. Soong unknowingly summoned Data's twin brother Lore, into the bargain.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Suddenly Human

Stardate: 44143.7. A custody battle between Picard and a child's adoptive father arises when a boy showing evidence of abuse is discovered.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Remember Me

Stardate: 44161.2. Dr. Crusher begins to question her sanity when members of the crew start disappearing one by one, and all evidence of their existence is erased.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 Legacy

Stardate: 44215.2. The Enterprise is caught in the middle of a civil war when they encounter Tasha Yar's long-lost younger sister, Ishara.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Reunion

Stardate: 44246.3. Picard is asked to choose between two candidates to succeed the current Chancellor of the Klingon High Council as the new ruler of the Empire. Worf is disturbed by unexpected news when he is paid a visit by his former lover.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Future Imperfect

Stardate: 44286.5. Riker awakens one morning to discover he is suddenly 16 years in the future as the captain of the Enterprise, and negotiating a peace treaty with the Romulans with no recollection of how he arrived at that point in time, or of any recent events.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 Final Mission

Stardate: 44307.3. Wesley must keep Captain Picard alive on the eve of his entrance exam to Starfleet Academy when their shuttle crashes on a barren moon.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 The Loss

Stardate: 44356.9. Troi loses her empathic abilities when the Enterprise is caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Data's Day

Stardate: 44356.9. A Vulcan Ambassador being escorted by the Enterprise starts exhibiting suspicious behavior. Miles O'Brien marries his fiancée, Keiko Ishikawa in Ten-Forward.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 The Wounded

Stardate: 44429.6. When the Cardassians start re-arming themselves, a Federation Captain takes it upon himself to remove a potential threat before it escalated. Now, Picard must fight for the Cardassians and stop the renegade from slaughtering innocents.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 Devil's Due

Stardate: 44474.5. The crew of the Enterprise must defend the planet Ventax from a mythological Devil who re-appears when a 1000 year long era of peace comes to an end.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14 Clues

Stardate: 44502.7. Picard orders a secret investigation when the crew suspects Data of lying about the discovery of a wormhole.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15 First Contact

Riker is abducted by a xenophobic race of aliens during a first contact mission. They believe the Enterprise is a scout for an invasion.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 16
Avsnitt 16 Galaxy's Child

Stardate: 44614.6. Geordi must work with the real Leah Brahms when she arrives on the Enterprise when a space-borne alien life form thinks the ship is its mother. Tensions rise when she learns that Geordi created a holographic version of her several months before in order to save the ship from danger.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 17
Avsnitt 17 Night Terrors

Stardate: 44631.2. Troi faces a recurring nightmare when the Enterprise is caught in a rift in space. Soon, the crew begins to slip into insanity through dream deprivation.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Identity Crisis

Stardate: 44664.5. Geordi and a former crew mate begin evolving into bizarre creatures when they return to a planet both of them were on during an Away Mission five years earlier.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 19
Avsnitt 19 The Nth Degree

Stardate: 44704.2. An alien probe transforms Barclay from a shy, awkward character into an arrogant super-genius who is able to interface with the Enterprise's computer through the holodeck.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 20
Avsnitt 20 Qpid

Stardate:44741.9. Q places Vash and the senior Enterprise crew in a recreation of Robin Hood and his merry men.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 21
Avsnitt 21 The Drumhead

Stardate: 44769.2. Picard is accused of treason when an explosion aboard the Enterprise is investigated by a ruthless and paranoid Starfleet Admiral.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 22
Avsnitt 22 Half a Life

Stardate: 44805.3. Lwaxana Troi falls in love with a man who must return home to commit suicide, as is customary for their race when they reach a certain age.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 23
Avsnitt 23 The Host

Startdate: 44821.3. Dr. Crusher falls in love with a Trill Ambassador, until she discovers the Trill's symbiotic relationship.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 24
Avsnitt 24 The Mind's Eye

Stardate: 44885.5. While en route to Risa for shore leave, Geordi is abducted by the Romulans and brainwashed into becoming an assassin.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 25
Avsnitt 25 In Theory

Stardate: 44932.3. Data experiences the complexities of love when a fellow crewmate becomes attracted to him.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 4 avsnitt 26
Avsnitt 26 Redemption (1)

Stardate: 44995.3. Worf must choose between his people and the Federation when a civil war threatens to destroy the Klingon Empire.

Säsong 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 Redemption (2)

Stardate: 45020.4. Picard suspects a Romulan influence in the recent Klingon civil war, and must force the Federation to intervene before the Empire collapses.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 Darmok

Stardate: 45047.2. Picard must find a way to communicate with the newly discovered Tamarians, who speak entirely in metaphors, when a Tamarian Captain is brutally killed.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Ensign Ro

Stardate: 45076.3. Picard exposes a planned genocidal attack on the Bajorans with the help of a new officer, Ensign Ro Laren.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 Silicon Avatar

Stardate: 45122.3. Picard attempts communications with the Crystalline Entity - a life form responsible for hundreds of deaths throughout the Alpha Quadrant. However, a scientist on board the Enterprise has plans of revenge over the death of her only son at the hands of the Entity.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 Disaster

Stardate: 45156.1. A natural disaster leaves Troi in command of the Enterprise, Picard stuck in a turbo lift with three small children and Keiko O'Brien stuck in Ten-Forward giving birth with an anxious Worf.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 The Game

Stardate: 45208.2. An addictive game is distributed among the crew of the Enterprise, however, it appears that this game interferes with a person's logic and reason, which leaves the crew open to manipulation. Only a young Ensign and a vacationing Wesley Crusher are able to think for themselves, and must find a way to reverse the damage before the ship falls into the wrong hands.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 Unification (1)

Stardate: 45233.1. Ambassador Spock has disappeared and intelligence finds him on Romulus. Captain Picard is sent to Romulus to find Spock. Meanwhile Riker and the rest of the crew investigate the fragments of a Vulcan ship discovered in the wreck of a Ferengi vessel.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 Unification (2)

Stardate: 45245.8. Picard and Data find Spock and discover the reason behind the secret meetings. However, a darker scheme planned by the Romulans is also uncovered in the process.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9 A Matter of Time

Stardate: 45349.1. While on a mission to help a planet recently struck by an asteroid, the Enterprise is payed a visit by a man who claims to be from the future.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 New Ground

Stardate: 45376.3. Worf's son, Alexander, unexpectedly arrives on the Enterprise to stay with his father. However, Alexander wants to stay permanently.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 Hero Worship

Stardate: 45397.3. The Enterprise investigates the cause of an explosion which destroyed a small ship and its entire crew, except for a small boy.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12 Violations

Stardate: 45429.3. While escorting a group of telepaths, crew members on board the Enterprise suddenly start to slip into comas.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 5 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13 The Masterpiece Society

Stardate: 45470.1. A natural disaster in the core of a system's sun threatens to destroy a colony of genetically engineered people on an otherwise desolate planet. However, the crew's intervention may cause more harm than good.

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Avsnitt 14 Conundrum

Stardate: 45494.2. The Enterprise crew unknowingly receives a new first officer who claims that the Federation is at war with another species.

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Avsnitt 15 Power Play

Stardate: 45571.2. While en route to the source of a subspace distress signal coming from a desolate moon, Data, Troi and O'Brien take over the bridge and force the ship to change course.

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Avsnitt 16 Ethics

Stardate: 45587.3. When Worf is paralysed in an accident he must undergo drastic back surgery. However, this experimental technique may cost him his life.

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Avsnitt 17 The Outcast

Stardate: 45614.6. While investigating the disappearance of a J'naii shuttlecraft, the crew finds reason to believe the missing ship is stranded in an abnormal pocket called "null space." Riker and Soren, a member of the J'naii race, begin preparing to rescue the craft, and the two strike up a friendship. Their relationship develops quickly as the pair question each other about mating habits, since the J'naii are androgynous and do not identify themselves as either male or female. Despite this difference, sparks begin to fly between them.

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Avsnitt 18 Cause and Effect

Stardate: 45652.1. While exploring the Typhon Expanse, the Enterprise is caught in a time warp in which they are repeatedly destroyed while colliding with another starship.

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Avsnitt 19 The First Duty

Stardate: 45703.9. Wesley is involved in a cover-up at Starfleet Academy when a cadet is killed and five shuttles are destroyed during a forbidden maneuver performed by Starfleet Academy's best cadets.

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Avsnitt 20 Cost of Living

Stardate: 45733.6. Deanna's mother pays a surprise visit to the Enterprise with even more surprising news: she plans to marry a man she has never met. After destroying an asteroid, the ship becomes infected with parasites that eat away at the ship's hull.

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Avsnitt 21 The Perfect Mate

Stardate: 45761.3. The Ferengi try to abduct an empathic Metamorph who could bring peace between two warring worlds.

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Avsnitt 22 Imaginary Friend

Stardate: 45832.1. While exploring a strange form of energy in a region of space, a little girl's imaginary friend becomes real and places the Enterprise in great danger.

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Avsnitt 23 I, Borg

Stardate: 45854.2. An injured Borg is discovered and brought back to the Enterprise where he is 'repaired' by Dr. Crusher and befriended by Geordi, who names him 'Hugh.' Soon, Hugh starts showing signs of individuality while Picard must choose between destroying him or returning him to the collective.

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Avsnitt 24 The Next Phase

Stardate: 45092.4. While the Enterprise helps a Romulan science vessel, an accident occurs which forces Geordi LaForge and Ro Laren slightly out of 'phase', causing them to become undetectable to everyone but each other. As a result, the crew thinks they are dead and make arrangements for their funerals, even though they are closer than the crew realise.

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Avsnitt 25 The Inner Light

Stardate: 45944.1. Picard is struck by an energy beam from an alien probe, which renders him unconscious and places him in the life of a citizen on the planet Kataan, with his memory of the Enterprise intact. Although he searches for a way to return, he finally decides to live his life with his Kataan wife, have children & grandchildren, learning to play a flute and completely immersing in the Kataan culture. He finds the planet is dying due to an imbalance of its sun. With no way to evacuate the planet's people, the government builds a probe which will tell others how they lived. The same probe that Picard met. Picard wakes to find himself back on the Enterprise having lived an entire lifetime in just minutes. The probe, having disgorged its memories, gives one last gift: the flute (which shows up in later episodes.)

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Avsnitt 26 Time's Arrow (1)

Stardate: 45959.1. Data's head is uncovered in an archaeological dig on Earth, where evidence is also found that aliens may have been on Earth as early as the 19th Century. Using modified technology, an away team follows Data into the late 1890s to investigate.

Säsong 6

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Avsnitt 1 Time's Arrow (2)

Stardate: 46001.3. The away team's investigations are hampered by a nosy Samuel Clemens. Picard discovers that he originally met Guinan in the 1890s on Earth.

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Avsnitt 2 Realm of Fear

Stardate: 46041.4. Lt. Barclay's fear of using transporters is eerily justified when he sees bizarre aliens within the transporter beam.

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Avsnitt 3 Man of the People

Stardate: 46071.6. Deanna becomes attracted to an alien ambassador. Shortly thereafter, she starts ageing rapidly and starts becoming violent.

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Avsnitt 4 Relics

Stardate: 46125.3. Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott is discovered suspended in a transporter beam 75 years after he disappeared. After the Enterprise crew re-materialise him, he has a hard time adjusting to the new society.

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Avsnitt 5 Schisms

Stardate: 46154.2. Members of the crew are secretly abducted from the Enterprise to be used in bizarre experiments where they are dismembered and re-assembled without anyone's knowledge - including their own. The only signs that anything is wrong is a strange form of tiredness and no recollection of having slept well the night before.

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Avsnitt 6 True Q

Stardate: 46192.3. A young intern visiting the Enterprise captures the interest of Q when she starts displaying Q-like powers.

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Avsnitt 7 Rascals

Stardate: 46235.7. A transporter accident transforms Picard, Ro Laren, Guinan and Keiko O'Brien into small children who appear to be about 12 years old. Matters are complicated when the Ferengi seize the Enterprise.

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Avsnitt 8 A Fistful of Datas

Stardate: 46271.5. Worf and his son, Alexander, become trapped in the holodeck when their Wild West program malfunctions. However, they must find a way to defeat the holographic bandits who have Data's appearance and abilities.

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Avsnitt 9 The Quality of Life

Stardate: 46315.2. Data discovers that the maintenance robots built by Dr. Farallon may have become sentient.

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Avsnitt 10 Chain of Command (1)

Stardate: 46357.4. Picard resigns as Captain of the Enterprise to lead a top-secret espionage mission into Cardassia with Worf and Dr. Crusher.

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Avsnitt 11 Chain of Command (2)

Stardate: 46360.8. Picard is captured and tortured by the Cardassians, while Riker tries to prevent a Federation attack on Cardassia.

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Avsnitt 12 Ship in a Bottle

Stardate: 46424.1. While performing holodeck maintenance, Barclay accesses the stored hologram of Professor Moriarty, who wreaks havoc on board the Enterprise.

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Avsnitt 13 Aquiel

Stardate: 46461.3. Geordie falls in love with a lieutenant who is the prime suspect in a murder case.

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Avsnitt 14 Face of the Enemy

Stardate: 46519.1. Troi is abducted and surgically altered by the Romulans as part of a ploy to smuggle intelligence operatives into the Federation.

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Avsnitt 15 Tapestry

Stardate: Unknown. A mortally wounded Picard is forced into re-living a time of his life when he was back in Starfleet Academy, with the intervention of Q.

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Avsnitt 16 Birthright (1)

Stardate: 46578.4. While visiting Deep Space Nine, Worf learns that his father is still alive and being held captive in a secret Romulan prison camp.

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Avsnitt 17 Birthright (2)

Stardate: 46759.2. Worf is captured by the Romulans where he learns why the other captives did not attempt an escape years before.

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Avsnitt 18 Starship Mine

Stardate: 46682.4. The crew evacuates the Enterprise when the ship needs to be cleaned of particles that have built up over the ship's hull. However, Picard accidentally stumbles over a terrorist group who plan on destroying the ship. He only has a short time to stop their attempts before the ship is swept by a beam of radiation to remove the particles that is lethal to all forms of life.

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Avsnitt 19 Lessons

Stardate: 46693.1. Picard must choose between love and command when he must make a decision that could place the woman he loves in a potentially deadly and high-risk mission.

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Avsnitt 20 The Chase

Stardate: 46731.5. Picard's old archaeology professor is found murdered, the crew try to complete his research. Soon, the crew must compete with Romulans and Klingons and Cardassians to uncover the truth behind his discoveries.

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Avsnitt 21 Frame of Mind

Stardate: 46778.1. Riker questions his sanity when his reality seems to shift between an alien psychiatric hospital and a play he is performing with other members of the crew.

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Avsnitt 22 Suspicions

Stardate: 46830.1. Dr. Crusher puts her career on the line when she tries to clear the name of a murdered scientist whose invention could allow starships to pass through a sun's corona.

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Avsnitt 23 Rightful Heir

Stardate: 46852.2. While on a quest to summon a vision of Kahless, Worf questions his faith when the real Kahless rises from the dead to lead the Empire.

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Avsnitt 24 Second Chances

Stardate: 46915.2. Riker discovers that eight years ago, an exact clone of him was created when he beamed through a planet's surface while returning to his starship. This clone, named Thomas Riker, has secretly remained on the planet for the past eight years, and still has romantic feelings for Troi.

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Avsnitt 25 Timescape

Stardate: 46944.2. Picard, Geordi, Troi and Data return from a Federation conference to find the Enterprise frozen in time and under attack from a frozen Romulan Warbird.

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Avsnitt 26 Descent (1)

Stardate: 46982.1. The Borg return to threaten the Federation under the new leadership of Lore. Data experiences a disturbing facet of human emotions - he feels pleasure after killing a Borg drone.

Säsong 7

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Avsnitt 1 Descent (2)

Stardate: 47025.4. Data abducts Picard, Troi and Geordi and holds them prisoners of the Borg, while he derives pleasure from being evil. Dr. Crusher is left in command of the Enterprise as it comes under attack from a Borg vessel.

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Avsnitt 2 Liaisons

Stardate: Unknown. During an exchange program, Picard's shuttle crashes on an unknown planet where he is rescued by the sole survivor of another crash.

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Avsnitt 3 Interface

Stardate: 47215.5. Geordi defies direct orders from Captain Picard in an attempt to rescue his mother who had recently been reported as missing.

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Avsnitt 4 Gambit (1)

Stardate: 47135.2. An away team investigates the apparent death of Jean-Luc Picard who was supposedly killed in a bar fight. When Riker is abducted by a band of criminals who loot archaeological digs, he is shocked to find Picard alive and well, and undercover as a renegade archaeologist.

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Avsnitt 5 Gambit (2)

Stardate: 47160.1. Picard and Riker covertly work together in an attempt to find out why the criminals are looting archaeological digs.

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Avsnitt 6 Phantasms

Stardate: 47225.7. Data's new dream subroutine causes him to experience nightmares which provide a unique insight into strange events that are occurring on board the Enterprise.

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Avsnitt 7 Dark Page

Stardate: 47254.1. Lwaxana Troi collapses with a repressed memory related illness. Her only chance for survival is if Deanna can probe her subconscious and find out what is killing her. However, the secret Lwaxana holds is deeper than Deanna imagined.

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Avsnitt 8 Attached

Stardate: 47304.2. While on a a diplomatic mission, Dr. Crusher and Picard are captured and imprisoned. As a result, they are linked together via a telepathic device.

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Avsnitt 9 Force of Nature

Stardate: 47310.2. The Enterprise is drawn to a region of space where many starships have been mysteriously disabled. They soon learn that a brother and sister team has been working together to bring attention to the fact that frequent high-warp travel is damaging the very fabric of space/time.

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Avsnitt 10 Inheritance

Stardate: 47410.2. Data is disturbed by the claims of a woman who says she is Noonien Soong's ex-wife.

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Avsnitt 11 Parallels

Stardate: 47391.2. Worf returns from a Klingon competition to find that he is shifting through different realities.

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Avsnitt 12 The Pegasus

Stardate: 47457.1. Riker is placed on a covert mission to find the missing starship he was once a member aboard, but the mission holds a secret that could destroy the peace treaty between the Federation and the Romulans.

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Avsnitt 13 Homeward

Stardate: 47423.9. Worf's adoptive brother violates the Prime Directive to save an alien society whose planet is dying.

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Avsnitt 14 Sub Rosa

Stardate: Unknown. Dr. Crusher attends her grandmother's funeral, to find that she had been in romantic encounters with a mysterious man who had been haunting the Howard family women for generations.

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Avsnitt 15 Lower Decks

Stardate: 47566.7. Four young ensigns compete for a promotion that only one of them will receive. However, they are soon placed on a top secret mission that places some of their lives in danger.

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Avsnitt 16 Thine Own Self

Stardate: 47611.2. Data find himself mysteriously stranded on a planet with no recollection of who he is or how he arrived there. Soon he is accused of spreading a plague among the inhabitants. Troi takes the bridge officer's test in an attempt to gain the rank of Commander.

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Avsnitt 17 Masks

Stardate: 47615.2. The Enterprise is slowly transformed into an ancient alien temple when Data discovers an alien archive full of information about an ancient culture. Shortly after opening the archive, Data becomes possessed with several different personalities.

Star Trek: The Next Generation säsong 7 avsnitt 18
Avsnitt 18 Eye of the Beholder

Stardate: 47622.1. While investigating the mysterious suicide of a crew member, Troi and Worf begin to show romantic feeling towards one another.

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Avsnitt 19 Genesis

Stardate: 47653.2. Upon returning from an away mission, Picard and Data find the ship drifting in space, and the crew de-evolving into their animal ancestors.

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Avsnitt 20 Journey's End

Stardate: 47751.2. Under the terms of the new Federation/Cardassian alliance, Picard is ordered to evacuate a colony of native Americans, but protests from Wesley hamper the process. Wesley's destiny is finally revealed to him when the Traveler returns.

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Avsnitt 21 Firstborn

Stardate: 47779.4. A disinterested Alexander must face his first Right of Ascension passage, but a mysterious warrior by the name of K'Mtar brings with him a disturbing request.

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Avsnitt 22 Bloodlines

Stardate: 47829.1. Picard tries to save his newly-discovered son from the retaliation of a vengeful Ferengi whose only son was killed by Picard buring the Battle of Maxia many years before.

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Avsnitt 23 Emergence

Stardate: 47869.2. The Enterprise's computer systems starts having repeated malfunctions, leading the crew to believe that it may be evolving into a new life form.

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Avsnitt 24 Preemptive Strike

Stardate: 47941.7. Fresh from Starfleet's Advanced Tactical Training course, Ro Laren is assigned to infiltrate the Maquis. However, over time she begins to sympathize with them, which forces her to choose between her loyalty to the Federation, and her new friends in the Maquis.

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Avsnitt 25 All Good Things... (1)

Stardate: 47988.0. Shortly after Picard is diagnosed with a long-term, potentially debilitating brain disorder, he starts experiencing bizarre shifts into three main time periods: 25 years into the future, a few days before the Enterprise-D is sent on its mission to Farpoint station, and the present. Picard realizes that Q is behind these shifts through time. Q finally reveals himself that humanity is still on trial, and that Picard must stop an event in the future that will halt the formation of life on Earth four billion years ago.

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Avsnitt 26 All Good Things... (2)

Stardate: 47988.1. After his encounter with Q, Picard assembles the senior staff, and wonders if Q is actually giving him a chance to save humanity by showing him that the spatial anomaly also exists in the past. As they talk, the ship reaches the Neutral Zone, then Picard returns to the future, where Beverly's ship is also on the edge of the Neutral Zone. He convinces a reluctant Worf to accompany the group into Klingon territory, and then travels to the past, where he orders the crew into the Devron system. Finally, he returns to the present, where he is able to get Tomalak, the Romulan Commander on the other side of the border, to agree to entering the Neutral Zone together. Now heading for the anomaly in all three time periods, Picard learns that it exists in the present, and is larger in the past, but does not exist in the future.


Release 1987-09-28


Serien Star Trek: The Next Generation med skådespelare Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes och Brent Spiner streamas på Netflix. Se även .