Star Wars: Ewoks

Star Wars: Ewoks, serie 1985 - Streama med Disney+

Streama serien Star Wars: Ewoks (1985-). Följ med era lurviga favorithjältar från Star Wars i denna animerade serie! Med Alyson Court, Jim Henshaw och Don Francks. Streama med Disney+.

Bege er till skogsmånen Endor och följ med era lurviga favorithjältar från Star Wars - de små men tuffa ewokerna - i denna actionpackade, animerade serien! Njut av 26 avsnitt med den unga Wicket, hans vänner, framtida hövdinnan Kneesaa; trollkarlslärlingen Teebo; den tuffa musikern Latara; och hela deras stamm när de upplever fantastiska äventyr i Bright Tree-byn. Oavsett om de möter otroliga varelser, slåss mot träskfolket dulokerna, försvarar byn från magiker eller slåss mot imperiet, är ewokerna alltid redo!


Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Cries of the Trees

It hasn't rained in the forest in a while, and the tribe is afraid of a forest fire. Wicket, Kneesaa, Teebo, and Latara, while running an errand, meet the Firefolk, a peaceful group of firefly elves. A witch named Morag tries to catch the elves. They escape, but she manages to capture one. Meanwhile, Logray and Chief Chirpa are trying to develop some alternative methods to prevent a forest fire. The young Ewoks get back the next morning, and Paploo (Kneesaa's cousin) takes them to play a game away in the forest, while they are supposed to be working. Wicket's aunt catches them in the act, and sentences them back to work. In the meantime, at Morag's cave, Morag's spider helpers bring in the Dulok shaman (wizard/medicine man). Together with him, Morag plans revenge on her archrival Logray, and uses the magical firefly that she captured, along with some magic, to bring. She turns the fly into a possessed firespreading beast, and each other firefly that it touches, becomes evil… The flie

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Haunted Village

Wicket and Kneesaa slide down a chute/slide in the village. When they get down, Kneesaa and Wicket, along with two sunberry trees, are grabbed up in the claws of a giant velociraptor. Kneesaa and Wicket escape, but the two trees are lost. Later, they hear the growl of the evil bird again. Wicket and Kneesaa are arguing They go to Logray's hut, to find out what that was all about. They find out that Morag is behind it, as she is trying to capture all the sunberry trees (which the Ewoks pretty much live off of). The next day, Logray demonstrates to the village a new formula he developed (in the shape of a bar of soap), that can make everything invisible. By pouring water over the invisible object, in turn, will make it visible again. They will apply the soap to the trees, so Morag won't see them. After the demonstration, several young Ewoks go swimming in a nearby pond. Little do they know, that at the other side of the pond, two Duloks are on the lookout. The Dulok shaman captures

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Rampage of the Phlogs

Kneesaa and Latara are sailing on a float on the river. They are discussing how much Latara likes Teebo, and in the meantime two giant Phlogs accidentally knock them in the water. Kneesaa and Latara immediately return to the village, where Logray tells them about the Phlogs. They are peaceful creatures travelling through the forest, and the Ewoks must stay out of their way and mustn't make them mad, otherwise they will become dangerous. The smallest member of the Phlogs, a baby Phlog, is kidnapped by the evil Morag. The Phlogs go off looking for him, but aren't successful. In the meantime, Morag brings the baby Phlog to the Duloks, and asks them to take care of it. In the Ewok village, Malani, a little Ewok, is lost, and Wicket and the gang go off searching for her. They run into the Phlogs, who in turn are looking for their baby Phlog. The Phlogs throw the Ewoks into the river, and dissappear down the stream. At the Duloks' hideout, King Gorneesh has to change baby Phlog's diape

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4 To Save Deej

While browsing through the forest, Wicket's father Deej falls over a treetrunk, and falls into a tree covered with a strange mushroom-type growth. Deej comes in contact with it, and becomes very ill. A strange creature called a Gupin, who happened to be in the neighborhood, caused the whole ordeal, and was blamed for it. The Ewoks go to Logray's hut, where Logray tells Wicket about several ingredients that he has to gather, that will serve as a cure for Logray's illness. Wicket and his brother goofy brother Willy, along with their oldest brother Weechee, split up and go look for the ingredients. Willy finds his ingredient, a feather in an enormous bird's nest, first, but gets caught in the bird's nest. While Wicket is searching for the star urchin (the ingredient he has to look for), he finds the Gupin tied to a tree, captured by several odd-looking creatures. Wicket frees the Gupin, and the two escape together. Coincidentally, Wicket finds the star urchin at the same time. After

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Avsnitt 5 The Travelling Jindas

Latara wants to play music on her flute all day, but her parents make her clean the house all day, and baby-sit they're little children. Wicket and the gang come by, and ask her to come and play, but she can't, because she has chores to do. Latara goes out into the woods with her two little siblings, and plays music for them. The Duloks, who have small children of their own, and could use a baby-sitter, too, overhear it, and observe how well she can keep the children under control. Meanwhile, a circus-type group called ‘The Traveling Jindas' come into town. They travel from town to town and village to village, and bring entertainment for everyone. Latara begs Chief Chirpa to let the Jindas stay in the village, and Chirpa lets them stay for one day. The Jindas entertain all the Ewoks with music, dance, and many other acts. When the Jindas leave the next day, Latara decides to go with them, because nobody appreciates her music in the village. She tells nobody except for Wicket, Teebo,

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Avsnitt 6 The Tree of Light

A big storm hits the forest, and the Ewoks must travel to the Tree of Lights, because the winds are almost fading it. Logray gives the warrior a magic lantern that leads them to the Tree. Weechee (Wicket and Willy's older brother) is the Ewok who is leading the quest. However, the Dulok shaman also realizes that the Tree of Lights is fading. If it were to fade out, the Ewoks wouldn't have their power anymore, and King Gorneesh would become ruler of the forest. So the Duloks are racing the Ewoks to cut the tree down. Wicket, Latara, and Kneesaa have to stay behind, but Wicket secretly follows the Ewok warriors. Along the way, Willy, who holds the lantern, drops it, and Wicket, who is only a little behind them, catches it before it drops into a river. So they let Wicket come with them. Even farther behind the warrior Ewoks, Kneesaa and Latara are trying to follow, too. Meanwhile, the Dulok shaman and his nephew are trying to find the tree, too. The whole gang (the warriors, the girls

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 The Curse of the Jindas

Wicket, Kneesaa, Latara, Paploo, Weechee, and Widdle travel to Moot the traders for their winter's supplements. Wicket, having earned special vonvon stones, trades them in - much to his brothers' constant mockery - for a supposedly lucky stone and gives it to Kneesaa as a gift. On their way back to the village they are attacked and consequently captured by small blue critters known as the ""Scandets"". Luckily for the Ewoks, the Jindas arrive in the village and help them escape. But as they all return to the Ewoks village, large hovering rocks chase after the Jindas. Assiting the entertainers in reaching higher ground, the Ewoks enquire about these strange boulders which the Jindas refer to as ""the curse of the Jindas"". Years ago, the Jindas were not entertainers but farmers, living a happy life in the presence of a powerful Rock Wizard. On day they displeased the Wizard and he banished them from their home, casting a spell that if they ever stayed in the one place too long, the curse wo

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8 The Land of the Gupins

Wicket and his gang, while running through the forest, finds his good Gupin friend, and the Gupin does some magic tricks to amuse the Ewoks. However, the Gupin changes into a bird, and flies off, but gets caught in a spider web. The Ewoks follow him, and get caught, too. They get flinged away out of the web, and then come across the Gupin's brother. The Gupin finds out that his energy is decreasing, and that he has to attend an energy renewal ceremony in their Gupin land. The Gupin brother tells the Gupin that there might not be a renewal ceremony, because a group of evil monsters called grass trekkers have taken the key that is needed for the renewal process. Since the Gupin had saved Deej life a few episodes ago, the elders let the young Ewoks go out and try to recapture the key. The Ewoks traveled the river using their canoes, and went to the Gupin's land. However, at one point, the river ended. But thanks to the Gupins' magical powers, the Gupins were able to fly the canoes to dry

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Avsnitt 9 Sunstar vs. Shadowstone

The Ewoks are gathered in front of Chief Chirpa's hut, where Chirpa tells about the Sunstar, and tells how it has a power that the Ewoks never use, because it is too overwhelming. He tells that one Ewok once tried to use the power, combined it with Morag's Shadowstone (which is just as powerful), and used those combined powers to defeat the witch Morag (explaining why Morag wanted 'revenge' on Logray in the first episode). He pointed out that the Ewok was Logray. Teebo, who is Master Logray's apprentice, is intimidated by the power of the Sunstar. Teebo makes an enormous mess in Logray's hut, and uses magic to clean it up. Logray doesn't like the idea, and points out to Teebo that he has to do it without magic. Later that day, Wicket, Teebo, Kneesaa, and Latara go out to play. Teebo brings with him a little bag with some magic, and plays around with it. Morag, the witch, leads the Ewoks into a cave, where she is disguised as a beautiful woman. She breaks Teebo's magic staff, and lets t

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10 Wicket's Wagon

Wicket, Willy, and Weechee are walking through the rainy forest, when they come across an old battle wagon that once belonged to their great-grandfather, Erpham Warrick. The battle wagon was used long ago to win a war between the Ewoks and the Duloks. Wicket wants to rebuild the battle wagon, but Willy and Weechee aren't interested in helping him. So he gets Malani and Baga (Wicket's pet Bordok, which is a horse-like creature) to help him. The Duloks find out about the rebuilding of the ancient battle wagon, so King Gorneesh sends Umwak, the Dulok shaman, to steal it from them, because the wagon has many great powers, that would aid them in conquering the forest. However, they decide to wait until Wicket finishes rebuilding it. Wicket just about finished fixing up the battle wagon, when the Duloks attack and steal the wagon. Wicket tells Chief Chirpa and Logray. They get mad at Wicket for trying to rebuild it without the help of his brothers, so the disappointed Wicket goes out for

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 1 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11 The Three Lessons

The young Ewoks are all outside playing, while Kneesaa has to study. She goes outside anyway, and accidentally drops a bottle containing a magical potion. The potion drops on a small plant, and Kneesaa doesn't notice it, and goes outside to play with the other Ewoks. The plant grows to be a giant Venus flytrap stranglethorn plant, and almost destroys the village. Logray tells Kneesaa about an anecdote potion, which she must find. She brings Wicket along with her. They look for their first ingredient, a pearl-like substance that large insects carry around. To get one of those pearls, they go to the palace of the insects. They barely escape the palace with one pearl. They fall into a pool of sticky goo that surrounds the palace, but they manage to get out of it anyway. Meanwhile, at the Ewok village, the plant vines are really causing a stir by attacking all the Ewoks. They need the potion very quickly before anything bad happens. Wicket and Kneesaa find their second ingredient, althoug

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Avsnitt 12 Blue Harvest

The Ewoks (well most of them anyway) are busy at work preparing for the Harvest when a Vorshack enters the village and begins munching on the trees. Fearful that the creature may destroy the village, Logray unleashes a powerful blue potion which basically puts the creature under a 'love spell'. Meanwhile, the king of the Duloks, Gorneesh - who was the one responsible for capturing the Vorshack and unleashing it into the Ewoks' village - has brought his army into the village during this distraction in the hope of stealing their rivals' harvest. As Logray informs both Teebo and Wicket of the potions - the blue is for love, but the red is dangerous cause it instills hatred - Gorneesh overhears this and sets out to steal the hate potion so that he may give it to a Phlog - a friendly, but nevertheless giant creature - who will then destroy the village. The Dulok Shamen however, steals the wrong potion and upon giving it to a Phlog named Hoona, realises his mistake. Hoona proceeds to chase a

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Avsnitt 13 Asha

The Ewoks are relaxing in the quiet deep forest, when they suddenly hear the Duloks, which are chasing a mountain goat. They chase the goat quite a bit, but then a 'red ghost' appears, and scares them away. The Ewoks go to the goat, still tied up in ropes, and get her loose. But the 'red ghost' thinks that they are trying to hurt the goat. She gives out some battle cries, and the Ewoks flee. The Ewoks return to the village, and Wicket tells Kneesaa about the 'red ghost'. It was actually an Ewok with red fur. Kneesaa runs to her hut, crying, and tells Wicket what happened. Kneesaa (just a little baby) and her mother and her red-furred sister called Asha, were out walking through the forest. A monster attacks the family, and Kneesaa's mother died trying to fight off the monster, while Asha disappeared. That night, Kneesaa, Wicket, and Baga (Wicket's pet Bordok) go off to find Asha. They travel through snow, and find another Ewok, who wants to guide them back to the village. A group of

Säsong 2

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1 The Crystal Cloak

Wicket is awarded the 'belt of honour' meaning he is ready to begin the path of becoming a warrior - a task he believes will take only a week. His self-confidence however could get him in more trouble than it's worth when Latara asks his help to retrieve 'the crystal cloak' from the terrible Groca of the Floating Mountain, a winged creature who stole the cloak from the Ewok's village many years ago....

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 2 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2 The Wish Plant

Kneesaa is proving not to be the greatest gardener when all the plants she's been looking after have died. Despite this she is approached by the 'Leaf Queen' who asks her to look after a pretty plant for three days. The 'Leaf Queen' says the key the maintaining it is by loving it but nevertheless Kneesaa is worried the plant will die in her hands. Problems get worse when the Woklings discover the plant to be a wish plant and Latara and Wicket, in particular, get a little greedy on the wishes. For every wish the plant looses a leaf and by the time Kneesaa gets her hands on it again, it ain't looking too good. The 'leaf Queen' returns and Kneesaa claims the plant to be sleeping and that she'll have to visit later. Skeptical, the Queen threatens that if there is something afoul here she will turn the perpetrators into leaves. Kneesaa, Wicket, Teebo, and Latara hurry in their quest to repair the plant....

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 2 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3 Home Is Where The Shrieks Are

When Wicket continually gets nagged by his mother to tidy up, he decides its time to leave home, and together with Teebo, moves into an abandoned treehouse apparently haunted by the shrieks.

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Avsnitt 4 Princess Latara

Queen Sluga is looking for a bride for her son Prince Vork and sends her guards to find an Ewok Princess. Coincidentally, Latara wishes she were a princess so Neesa allows her to play the part for a day and cons Wicket and Teebo to act as loyal servants. But Latara takes her power trip a little too far and Wicket and Teebo quit, leaving Latara by herself. Sluga's guards, witnessing the charade before and believing her to be a real princess, seize the perfect opportunity to capture Latara and take her back with them to be wed to the vile, Prince Vork, It's up to Wicket, Neesa and Teebo to stop the proceedings before it's too late.

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 2 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5 The Raich

The Shadow Night Festival is approaching and Wicket and Latara are in search of costumes. Coming across a golden cap at the top of an oddly-shaped tree, Wicket - despite warnings from Teebo - declares it must be his. But upon taking the cap, the tree transforms into a gigantic monster known as 'The Raich' a creature which has the power to control the animals in the forest. When Baga, Kneesaa's pet, is beckoned by 'The Raich', our four favourite woklings rush to find Logray and ask his help. The other Ewoks, already alerted that the Raich has been released, mock the fool that took the cap, unaware - and thankfully on his part - that Wicket was responsible. Logray informs them that this giant beast once roamed the forest, luring animals to it's dwellings where it would feast on them. Thankfully a person named ""the Two-headed"" Gunster made a magic cap which, when placed on a small opening on the Raich's head, turned it into a lifeless tree. With this knowledge, Wicket, Teebo, Latara, and

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 2 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6 The Totem Master

While picking dangleberry juice the four Woklings come across a strange visitor who asks for a refreshment and offers them a totem in exchange. Despite Kneesaa's warning that you shouldn't aceept gifts from strange creatures, the visitor (referred to as the Totem Master) feeds on Wicket's ego claiming an warrior should have a totem. Wicket accepts and takes it to the village. However, that evening , while the Ewoks sleep, the totem comes alive with the statues turning into creatures and ransacking the village. The 'Totem Master', who controls the totem with a special ring, appears and leads his troops away with their fortune but not before Teebo, who witnesses this event, is turned into part of the totem himself. The following morning the Ewoks awake to learn that many of their possessions are gone - particularly Latara. Wicket, who actually witnessed the event last night but thought it was a dream, heads off with Latara and Kneesaa to find the 'Totem Master'. Upon finding him howev

Star Wars: Ewoks säsong 2 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7 A Gift for Shodu

Wicket and Teebo are working in Logray's hut on finding a birthday gift for Shodu (Wicket's Mother) but Teebo's magic ain't exactly up to speed yet. Wicket however, comes across an old map to a lost temple which apparently contains treasure, which instantly makes Latara part of the team. Kneesaa reads further and says that Ewoks must never enter the temple, but who listens to Kneesaa?? The Wickets head off to the temple and upon activating a booby trap they fortunately miss the perils of the trap and find themselves in a room full of gems. The room however is not without its problems too - namely a large dragon. The Woklings escape with but two gems. On their way home however, the Duloks (King Gorneesh has dispatched his troops to find a gift for his wife) learn of these gems and plan to take them for themselves. To make matters worse, we learn that the gems ain't exactly what they appear to be.....

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Avsnitt 8 Night of the Stranger

On a mysterious night, two moons surrounding Endor eclipse one another and a wormhole opens from which a comet appears and consequently plummets to the forest moon. In the Ewok vllage, Logray informs Wicket and Teebo that he senses evil afoot and ventures off to find it's source. Wicket and Teebo, disappointed that they cannot join the Ewok magician on his quest, find a new task when they witness the comet falling to the forest. Interupting a warrior ceremony, Wicket and Teebo inform Chief Chirpa of the fireball but when the leader of the Ewoks searches for a bright light in his telescope he only sees a Lantern bird and angrily orders the two Woklings away. Not giving up, Wicket and Teebo - along with Kneesaa and Latara - decide to search for what they strongly believe was a comet. Upon finding the fallen rock however, they are surprised to learn that something was actually contained within the comet and has since broken free, unaware that this ""something"" is actually the evil ""Nigh

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Avsnitt 9 Gone With The Mimphs

When the Ewok warriors head off to hunt for the Heradak - a giant beast - Wicket wants to join in, but both Chief Chirpa and Latara claim he is too young, labelling him as a Wokling. His ego crushed, Wicket sets out by himself to capture the beast, but upon encountering the Heradak, the little warrior winds up unconscious down stream and wakes to find himself tied up by small creatures called the Mimphs. While Teebo, Kneesaa and Latara set out to look for their friend, afraid he may be dead, Wicket and the Mimphs find themselves in trouble when the Heradak finds the village.

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Avsnitt 10 The First Apprentice

An evil Ewok magician named Zorak, who years ago was exiled from the village, seeks a new apprentice in the form of Teebo. Teebo, who has slowly been learning magic under the watchful eye of Logray, has been a little impatient wanting to learn the more powerful tricks. Logray has declined to teach him at this early stage and so when Zorak offers him his chance, Teebo follows the dangerous magician. But when Logray learns of this he and Teebo's little friends - Wicket, Kneesaa, and Latara - all set out to rescue the young apprentice only to find themselves captured by Zorak. It's up to Teebo to save the day....

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Avsnitt 11 Hard Sell

Wicket, Teebo, Latara, and Kneesaa find themselves pitted against each other when they join a sales competition after visiting Moof and becoming envious of acquiring Eordor tusks. Moof , who's got the flu, offers the tusks as a prize to the Ewok who can trade the most of his/her products. It's boys vs girls but neither has too much success so they resort to confronting the Bowbog - the meanest creature in the forest.

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Avsnitt 12 A Warrior and A Lurdo

Wicket wants to prove he can make any Ewok a warrior within a day and bets on it with Latara. If he wins she had to sweep his hut. If she wins he has to babysit her younger brother and sister. The odds begin to point towards Latara's favour however when she nominates Teebo to be Wicket's trainee and the task of taking on a large beast - that has created a dam to keep the water for itself - seems even more daunting....

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Avsnitt 13 The Season Scepter

Latara and Kneesaa are enjoying the summer season by sunbaking when an adventurous Wicket decides to do a bit of surfing, resulting in saturating Latara as he comes to shore. Teebo, attempting to help his favourite Ewok, uses a little magic to create a small breeze in the hope of drying Latara but to his surprise - as well as all the other creatures on the forest moon of Endor - strong winds and winter snow prevail and cover the entire moon. Fearing Teebo is responsible, he and his friends head to Logray's hut to get help but the Ewok wizard is no where to be seen. Glancing at the blazing sunstar, the four woklings notice a message inside from the Leaf Queen asking for Logray's assistance. With Logray missing, Wicket urges his friends to head off to the Sun palace to assist the Leaf Queen and her sister, the Flower Queen, and brother - the Sun King. Upon arrival they learn that the change in the weather was not in fact caused by Teebo but a result of the season scepter being stolen by

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Avsnitt 14 Prow Beaten

The Duloks end up with the sacred fish carving that is the center of the Ewok fishing festival. Wicket and company go on a rampage, destroying King Gorneesh's new boat in an attempt to get it back.

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Avsnitt 15 Baga's Rival

Baga, the Ewok's light hearted beast of burden, is shown up by a magical unicorn named Silky. Sinister Silky is actually attempting to win the Ewoks over and steal the Sunstar.

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Avsnitt 16 Horville's Hut of Horrors

The carnival has come to the Ewok Village. Wicket and his friends are told to take the Woklings to see the Tumble Bunnies Show, but the young Ewoks are drawn towards the Hut of Horrors instead. With Malani, Wily, Nippet and Winda scared out of their wits, the older Ewok children have their work cut out trying to stop their parents from finding out about their disobedience.

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Avsnitt 17 The Tragic Flute

Kneesaa is resting by a lake when her ankle bracelet falls into the water. Her fears of having lost it forever rest on a sea creature who emerges from the water. She tells him that she has lost an ankle bracelet and he presents a golden band with jewels asking if this is the one. She admits its beauty but says it isn't hers. The creature presents another ankle bracelet, also made of gold and once again asks the question. Kneesaa again tells the truth by saying it isn't it. He then presents her bracelet and she acknowledges it to belong to her. The creature, impressed with her honesty, presents her with all three bracelets much to her delight. Kneesaa tells the story when she returns to the village and Latara is determined to replace her flute (one which Wicket and Teebo worked hard at making for her) with a more startling one. She heads of to the lake and drops her flute into the water. When the creature emerges he presents her with a magnificent gold flute asking her the question i

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Avsnitt 18 Just My Luck

Malani is busy attempting to paint a portrait of Baga but things don't exactly go well for the little wokling and she's ready to give up. Wicket reassures her not to give up on her dreams and relates the story about how he almost gave up on wanting to become a warrior.... Teebo has just past his test to become a Wizard's apprentice, Kneesaa passes her test to rule the village one day, and Latara has shown her ability in making ""designer"" hoods. Now the weight rests on Wicket successfully passing his warrior test but he is so nervous that his friends assist with Teebo asking the help of a lucksprite. Problem is, this creature is a bad-lucksprite and with his help, Wicket fails the test miserably. Given a new career choice of being a Bordock stable sweeper, Wicket gives up on becoming a warrior but his friends are determined to make things right.

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Avsnitt 19 Bringing Up Norky

Wicket is annoyed that his mother has agreed to look after a marsupial-type creature named Norky for the day. Wicket expresses to Teebo that everyone he stays over he gets Wicket into trouble and sure enough, Teebo is quick to find out - as is Kneesaa and Latara - exactly what the Ewok warrior means. Of course, to the elder Ewoks, Norky appears to be a well-behaved, polite little creature but the Woklings know better. Planning a trick, they send Norky off to the 'Vacant Valley' having him believe there is treasure but the Woklings soon learn that the place they sent him is in a state of dangerous adjustment......

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Avsnitt 20 Battle for the Sunstar

The evil Dr Raygar, working for the Emperor, advises Imperial Admiral Kaaz that he plans to steal the sunstar from furry little creatures called Ewoks. Below, on the forest moon of Endor, Wicket, Latara, Kneesaa, and Teebo are talking Gin-Jang berries to the nest of baby Gubas when they come across a helpless creature in a peculiar trap. When Latara accidentally - well rather as a result of a clumsy Teebo - gets caught in the trap herself, Teebo unleashes a magic pouch which frees her and the creature but soon the four Ewoks all find themselves captive when giant robots, controlled by Raygar, attack. Imprisoning them on his ship, Raygar heads off to the Ewok village where he steals the Sunstar. Meanwhile, the trapped woklinfs come across a mistreated droid (PD-28) who helps them escape into a ""flying canoe"" pod. When the four Ewoks arrive back at their village, they realise they are too late but nevertheless are soon on their way into space, tracking Raygar as he returns to an Imperi

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Avsnitt 21 Party Ewok

Kneesaa isn't exactly the best host for a party. Basically she'll do something like show her acorn collection and her guests would fall asleep. So when Chief Chirpa informs his daughter that she is to hold a party for the arrival of Prince Delvy not even Kneesaa believes she'll be able to entertain but Latara has different ideas. Their party doesn't go exactly to plan however when a group of bandits - known as the Pugs - rudely interupt and worse yet, the Ewoks mistake the Pug leader as Prince Delvy.

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Avsnitt 22 Malani the Warrior

The classic tale of you loving someone but them loving someone else is brought up in this episode as the Ewok Games begin and Wicket falls for the female warrior, Chirita. Meanwhile, Teebo's younger sister, Malani, has grown quite fond of Wicket and attempts to win his heart by proving she's a warrior. But when she is convined to steal the Sunstar under the advise of two slug-type creatures, she fails to see that the two are not assisting her in getting Wicket's affections but rather using the Sunstar to turn the forest moon of Endor into their own paradise - full of mud!


Release 1985-09-07

Kanada USA

Serien Star Wars: Ewoks med skådespelare Alyson Court, Jim Henshaw och Don Francks streamas på Disney+. Se även .