Stieg Larsson works as a journalist for a small newspaper in the early 1980s. In the night he spends time mapping out Nazi networks and right-wing extremist groups. His interest is unusual for his time and soon the dark powers are growing.
Svensk dokumentärserie i fyra delar om hur Stieg Larsson vigde sitt liv åt att kartlägga högerextremism och nazism i Sverige. Genom intervjuer och unikt arkivmaterial tecknar ”Stieg Larsson - Mannen som lekte med elden” ett närgånget porträtt av en eldsjäl som levde under konstant hot och som genom Millennium-böckerna lyckades nå en publik över hela världen.
Stieg Larsson works as a journalist for a small newspaper in the early 1980s. In the night he spends time mapping out Nazi networks and right-wing extremist groups. His interest is unusual for his time and soon the dark powers are growing.
The financial crisis and waves of refugees establish new forms of right-wing extremism during the early 1990s. During this time, Stieg Larsson finds the anti-rasist magazine Expo. The consequence is a death list, created by Larsson's enemies and containing his name.
Flashback: Stockholm, February 1986. The murder of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme shocks the entire nation. The suspicions are quickly targeted towards right-wing extremists and as one of the country's greatest experts on extremism, Stieg Larssons begins his own private investigation to find the murderer.
The Sweden Democrats are winning political ground in the early years of the new millennium. Stieg larssons realizes the development of thing early on and picks up speed in his own activities. He begins writing a crime novel about and old man who receives mysterious flowers.
Mannen som lekte med elden
Release 2019-03-07