Alice invested thousands in Robbie’s dodgy property scam before he disappeared. When she sees him again for the first time in 15 years, she’s determined to get to the truth.
Den högst egensinniga och hyllade brittiska thrillerserien The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies kretsar kring två kvinnors liv: Cheryl (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), en författare av fantasyböcker, och Alice (Rebekah Staton) som vill bli designer. De har bara en sak gemensamt: De har råkat ut för bedragaren Rob, vars mer eller mindre mörka uppsåt kastar en lång skugga över deras liv.
Alice invested thousands in Robbie’s dodgy property scam before he disappeared. When she sees him again for the first time in 15 years, she’s determined to get to the truth.
Alice befriends Cheryl as a way to get close to Rob. Rob continues to charm Cheryl and, as she begins to fall for him, he cleverly aligns himself with her charitable trust.
Alice discovers new evidence in her case against Rob, which unbeknownst to her forces Rob’s hand. Cheryl is driven into a rash decision that will have life-long implications.
Alice hopes she’s found a way to get justice, but the system is rigged against her. Cheryl’s scholarship suffers a loss that she struggles to put right.
Cheryl and Alice discover that in order to challenge Rob, they have to stop playing by the rules. But will they be forced to give away too much of their own humanity to stop him?
Release 2023-08-29