John Nolan vill inget hellre än att bli polis, men det blir en tuff start då han i egenskap av kårens äldste rookie möts av skeptiska kollegor. Ett gisslandrama och en ny kärleksrelation gör inte vardagen enklare.
Det är inte lätt att börja om på nytt, särskilt inte för småstadskillen John Nolan som efter en livsomvälvande händelse väljer att följa sin dröm att bli polis vid LAPD. Som polisens äldsta nybörjare möts han av skepsis från vissa högre chefer som ser honom som en vandrande medelålderskris.
John Nolan vill inget hellre än att bli polis, men det blir en tuff start då han i egenskap av kårens äldste rookie möts av skeptiska kollegor. Ett gisslandrama och en ny kärleksrelation gör inte vardagen enklare.
Efter ett möte med ett kidnappningsoffer försöker Talia få Nolan att omvärdera sin moraliska kompass. Lucy får en ny mentor som testar hennes tålamod rejält. Samtidigt måste Jackson våga ta tag i sina egna misslyckanden.
Efter att Nolan och Talia tappat kontrollen över en brottsplats blir de oense om huruvida människor föds onda eller goda. Samtidigt börjar Lucy oroa sig allt mer för Tim.
Alla aspiranter paras ihop med nya handledare. Nolan och Lopez spårar upp en förrymd brottsling och upptäcker att vänlighet kan räcka långt. Jackson jobbar ihop med Bradford och tvingas konfrontera sina rädslor.
Nolan kämpar med att hantera uppbrottet från Lucy samtidigt som en traditionsenlig tävling går av stapeln på jobbet. Snart visar det sig att Tim Bradford verkar vara besatt av att vinna.
Nolan får reda på att hans före detta lärare Jeremy Hawke hamnat i knipa och bestämmer sig för att försöka hjälpa honom. Bradford ger Lucy en lektion i hur man förutspår en brottslings nästa drag.
Nolan och Bishop får sällskap av en filmregissör på jobbet. Bradford ställs på nytt inför en tuff prövning då Isabel blir gripen för narkotikainnehav.
Nolan och Bishop bevittnar ett misstänkt rån och Nolan bestämmer sig för att följa efter en av gärningsmännen. Jakten tvingar honom att ta ett drastiskt beslut. Samtidigt kolliderar arbete och privatliv rejält för Bradford.
Isabel hittas svårt skadad och Bradford är fast besluten att hitta den skyldige. Efter attacken gör Nolan allt i sin makt för att skydda sitt hem och hindra sanningen från att komma ut.
Andersen beordrar Nolan och Grey att jobba ihop samma dag som deras barn besöker dem på jobbet. Bradford uppmanar Chen att skydda Andersen till varje pris.
Det blir extra mycket att göra när vicepresidenten gör ett oplanerat besök. Säkerhetspolisen ger Nolan och Bishop uppdraget att undersöka ett potentiellt hot medan resten av teamet försöker säkra vicepresidentens resrutt.
Årets farligaste dag är här - Alla hjärtans dag - och teamet förbereder sig på det värsta. Samtidigt passar Nolan på att bjuda hela poliskåren på fest.
En stor summa pengar som hittats vid ett narkotikatillslag försvinner spårlöst och aspiranterna som vaktade blir huvudmisstänkta och måste försvara sin oskuld.
Polisaspiranterna sätts på prov när mentorerna gör dem sällskap på fältet, i civila kläder. Nolan försöker bevisa att han utvecklats mer än sina kollegor.
En fångtransport kör av vägen och hela poliskåren kopplas in för att ta hand om skadade interner och gripa de som flytt in i skogen. Nolan försöker imponera på en FBI-agent samtidigt som han spårar upp en förrymd fånge.
Efter ett misstag råkar Nolan i luven på en livsfarlig gängmedlem. Samtidigt får Chen och Bradford Mario Lopez och en farlig trafiksituation på halsen.
En jordbävning lämnar staden i kaos. Nolan och Bradford befinner sig i säkerhet efter skalvet, men en annan fara hinner ifatt dem.
En av teamets kollegor grips och anklagas för att ha ljugit under vittnesförhör. Till råga på allt släpps tre brottslingar fria och teamet får i uppdrag att hålla ett öga på dem. Samtidigt blir Nolan stämd för att ha brukat övervåld.
Med bara några dagar kvar till examen blir teamet varse om att de måste utföra en serie uppdrag på mindre än 48 timmar. Samtidigt rycker Nolan och Bishop ut på ett tyst larm.
Säsongsavslutning. Aspiranterna gör sig redo för examensdagen samtidigt som Nolan och Bishop rycker ut till en brottsplats och hamnar mitt i en mordutredning. Snart står det klar att offret kan vara del i en potentiell terrorattack mot Los Angeles.
Faran är ännu inte över när poliskåren brottas med konsekvenserna efter det avstyrda terrorattentatet som som lämnade Bradford kämpande för sitt liv. Nolan och Grey upptäcker också att någon stulit polisuniformer.
Nolan samarbetar med den nya detektiven Nick Armstrong i en mordutredning, vilket leder till en oväntad återförening. Bradford tar motvilligt hjälp av Chen inför sitt inspektörsprov, och West kämpar med sin självbild efter att inte längre vara den aspirant som presterar bäst.
Nolan försöker navigera sitt kärleksförhållande med Jessica samtidigt som de arbetar med ett känsligt fall som involverar en infiltratör. Chen lägger sig i Bradfords kärleksliv med en vadslagning, och Lopez möts av en överraskning när hon följer med till Wesleys mamma.
Nolan får en tuff start med sin nya handledare Nyla Harper som kommit tillbaka efter flera års arbete under täckmantel. Chen hjälper Bradford välja en present till Rachel medan Lopez utreder ett fall med en hemlös kvinna som triggar ett jobbigt minne.
Aspiranterna får i uppdrag att rekrytera sina första informatörer. Chens mamma komplicerar livet när hon bestämmer sig för att flytta in. Nolans son hälsar på med sin nyblivna fästmö och Nolan kämpar med om han ska ta del av polisens information om henne.
Nolan inställer sig för sitt första vittnesmål i rättegång, men ett VMA om en inkommande missilattack försätter staden i kaos. Poliserna kämpar med att få allmänheten att behålla lugnet samtidigt som deras egna problem hopar sig.
Grey ger aspiranterna uppdrag som fokuserar på trygghetsskapande och relationsbyggande arbete. Bradford och West möter ett ungdomslag i amerikansk fotboll där en mamma visar sig vara illa ute. Chen och Harper följer upp klagomål från ett möte med allmänheten, som leder till en oväntad upptäckt. Samtidigt kompliceras John och Jessicas relation rejält.
Nolan fyller år men får tillbringa dagen med att vakta en brottsplats tillsammans med brottsplatsstädaren. Bradford och West gör sig redo för att ta emot särskilda utmärkelser men råkar båda ut för olyckor som äventyrar mer än bara utmärkelsen.
Chen och Bradford hittar en pojke traumatiserad efter att hans mamma knivhuggits till döds, och ber Rachel om hjälp. Harper ska äntligen få ha sin dotter hemma över natten, men hennes förflutna som infiltratör gör sig påmint och äventyrar allt. West och Lopez hamnar på en inspelning för en polisserie.
Teamet hjälper till att eskortera en ökänd kvinnlig seriemördare när hon ska visa var tre av hennes ännu inte hittade offer ligger begravda. Väl på plats hittar de mer än de räknat med. Samtidigt träffar Chen en till synes perfekt man som inte skräms av att hon är polis, och Lopez oroar sig för Wesley när konsekvenserna av hans PTSD förvärras.
Hela teamet ansluter i det mer och mer desperata sökandet efter Chen. Alla tänkbara ledtrådar följs upp, och Nolan måste prata med Rosalind igen för att försöka få henne att avslöja något om hennes protegé.
Abigail ber att få följa med sin blivande svärfar Nolan på jobbet efter att hon insett att hon vill bli polis. Chen brottas med sitt trauma efter kidnappningen, och Wests offentliga relation börjar försvåra hans arbete.
Aspiranterna får i uppdrag att följa upp avstannade utredningar för att försöka hitta nya ledtrådar, medan Bradford väntar besked från inspektörsprovet. Nolan får nyheter som förändrar hans familjebild, och bjuder in Grace på mat i sitt nyrenoverade kök.
Nolan och Harper hittar en hemlös fd soldat som mördats efter att han hittat pengar i en lagerlokal, men utredningen blockeras av högre instans och tvingar teamet till drastiska åtgärder. Bradford konfronteras med sitt förflutna när en soldat han tjänstgjort med dyker upp, och Chen skaffar en hund.
Nolan jagar personen som stulit hans identitet och pengar, något som riskerar att få honom utkastad ur poliskåren. Inspektör Grey och Lopez återknyter med sitt förflutna när de vittnar inför bedömningen av villkorlig frigivning för han som mördade Greys partner.
Nearing the end of his training, Nolan now faces his biggest challenge as a police officer yet when he must come to terms with the choices he has made in pursuit of the truth.
Officer John Nolan and Officer Nyla Harper are assigned to a community policing center to help rebuild their station’s reputation in the community. Nolan is determined to make a positive impact but Nyla has her doubts.
Officer John Nolan's mom makes an unannounced visit that complicates his life, and Sergeant Grey considers retiring.
Officer Jackson West’s relationship with his new training officer, Stanton, has escalated and he begins to work with Sergeant Grey to find a solution.
Officer Nolan is taken hostage by a man with nothing to lose while the station goes on lockdown and races to identify the suspect before time runs out. Meanwhile, Officer Jackson and his training officer, Officer Doug Stanton, reach a tipping point in their relationship that could end Jackson’s career.
Officer Nolan’s decision to return to school in order to become a training officer is proving to be much harder than he expected. Meanwhile, Officer Chen considers going into undercover work after getting a taste of the job when Harper’s former colleague needs help.
The team gets the true crime docuseries treatment when they analyze a recent case featuring a former child actor whose adult life has garnered him a cult following.
Officer Nolan, Officer Harper and Detective Lopez are assigned to the kidnapping of the son of a criminal court judge who has a long list of enemies who could possibly be involved.
An Amber Alert sends the team on a race against time to find a newborn infant who was stolen from a local hospital. Meanwhile, Officers Jackson and Chen work their last shift as rookies as Officer Nolan continues on for 30 more days.
Harper and Nolan respond to a bank robbery in progress and realize the motives of the thief run much deeper than just needing money. Jackson and Chen’s first day riding without training officers isn’t what they thought it would be.
When professor Fiona Ryan’s car window is smashed following a series of mysterious notes, Nolan volunteers to guard her house overnight. Lucy notices that Tim is being much nicer to his new boot than he was with her and she does not like it.
After rushing his son, Henry, to the hospital following his collapse, Nolan is reunited with his ex-wife, Sarah, and they must come together to help their son. Meanwhile, Detective Lopez discovers “La Fiera” is in the same hospital and wants to find out exactly why.
Officers Nolan and Bradford hope they can de-escalate a drug war before any innocent lives are lost. Meanwhile, Officer Harper hopes she can get Officer Chen ready to go undercover.
Officer Nolan mildly injures himself while chasing down a shoplifter and the local DA wants to charge the suspect with assault despite Nolan's wishes. Meanwhile, Lucy goes undercover, Lopez' wedding venue is seized by the FBI and Nolan meets his new neighbor.
Officer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kidnapped on her wedding day, not only to save her life but her unborn child’s.
Officer Nolan and Officer Chen’s run-in with an infamous thief tips them off to a potentially big heist surrounding the Getty’s big gala event. Meanwhile, Nolan works up the courage to ask Bailey out on a date.
Officer Nolan and officer Chen report to a structure fire and suspect that there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Meanwhile, after witnessing a sniper shooting, the team searches for the shooter and discovers that the perpetrator has a connection to one of their own.
Officer Nolan and Officer Chen search for a missing person who may have international ties that puts everyone’s lives in danger. Meanwhile, Harper continues the search for a serial arsonist after responding to a report of an injured cyclist, and Wesley must overcome an impossible task.
When a new designer drug hits LA streets, it turns users into “zombies,” and Officer Nolan and the team have a Halloween they won’t soon forget. Back at home, Lucy questions whether her apartment building might be haunted.
Officer Nolan and team are on a hunt to retrieve a buried stash of gold before any treasure seekers get hurt. Meanwhile, Bradford is tasked with encouraging the oldest cop at the station to retire and invites him to ride with him.
In the aftermath of Fred’s house explosion, Officer Nolan and Bailey discover there’s more to Fred’s death than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Officer Chen and Officer Bradford demand a treasure hunt rematch and enlist Sgt. Grey to help set the terms to a new bet, all while they arrest a series of wealthy female criminals. Elsewhere, Wesley struggles to keep it together under the pressure of his debt to Elijah.
The team goes on a city-wide hunt for an individual who is threatening a mass casualty event. Meanwhile, Tim’s sister Genny shows up unannounced with some surprising news, and Lopez continues her inner struggle over Wesley’s deal with Elijah and tries to come up with a plan to get them out of it.
Desperate to break free from his connection to Elijah, Wesley tries to plant a listening device in his office to incriminate him; Officer Bradford and his sister, Genny, learn an unsettling truth about their father.
Now that John Nolan knows about Bailey’s past, he must decide if they still have a future. Meanwhile, when a plane crashes in the middle of the city the team races to find out why.
The team must rely on a criminal for his expertise to help take down an even bigger threat. Meanwhile, Officers Chen and Bradford investigate the murder of an unhoused teenager who used to be friends with Tamara.
The team responds to the report of a severed hand washing up on the beach and are on the hunt to find its owner. Meanwhile, Tim attempts to prove he isn’t a control freak to Lucy and invites her on a double date with him and Ashley.
Officers John Nolan and Lucy Chen must fulfill three quests if they want to get a stolen police helicopter back safely from a teenage thief. Meanwhile, Detective Nyla Harper and Officer Aaron Thorsen must guard a convicted cop killer in the hospital following a prison riot.
Officer Nolan and Detective Harper help Skip Tracer Randy on his first bounty hunter case. Meanwhile, Officer Chen and Sergeant Bradford are on the hunt for a perpetrator on a citywide crime spree.
Officer Harper puts Officer Aaron through “Plain Clothes Day,” but the exercise is interrupted by an unsuspected visitor. After two witnesses for an upcoming grand jury case are murdered, the team must track down the killers before it’s too late.
Desperate to reset the way the world sees him, Officer Thorsen reluctantly decides to be a part of a reality show to help rebrand his image, only to be thrust back into yet another deadly situation. With cameras rolling, the show’s producer is found murdered and the team must investigate before Aaron is made suspect number one.
Officer John Nolan and the team feel they must negotiate with a distraught man who is holding a hospital hostage to ensure his wife receives a lifesaving surgery.
After the robbery of a train filled with valuable auction items turns deadly, the team is called to investigate. Meanwhile, Officer Chen has doubts about being Sergeant Bradford’s aide and is upset when he doesn’t give her the recognition she deserves. Elsewhere, Officer Harper takes matters into her own hands and makes a life-changing decision about her personal life.
Officer Nolan and the LA division of the FBI enlist the help of FBI trainee Simone Clark when one of her former students is suspected of terrorism following an explosion at a local power station.
The team alongside the LA Division of the FBI are in a race to stop bombs that have been scattered throughout the city by a suspected terrorist. Meanwhile, the joint task force is suspicious of the CIA’s involvement in the situation.
Sergeant Grey supports Officer Nolan’s desire to become a training officer and offers to ride with him for the day to get him ready. Meanwhile, Tim and Lucy must manage expectations in their respective relationships as they decide on their plans for Mother’s Day and a romantic vacation.
Officer John Nolan is forced to spend a week in solitary confinement in a quiet border town with a young local officer who is in need of some training. Meanwhile, Sergeant Bradford and Officer Chen discover that looks are deceiving and go undercover together in a possible drug trafficking case.
Officer John Nolan is once again face-to-face with serial killer Rosalind, and she wants him to know she's not done with him yet. Meanwhile, officers Bradford and Chen work undercover with Detective Lopez and the Las Vegas Police Department to arrest leaders of a major criminal enterprise.
Officer John Nolan is moving closer to his new role as a training officer. In preparation, he is tasked with overseeing Officer Aaron Thorson and must uncover the truth about another officer’s suicide. Meanwhile, Lucy’s successful undercover assignment earns her an invitation for specialized training in Sacramento and she must decide if this is the path she wants to take.
Officer John Nolan is assigned his first rookie, Officer Celina Juarez, whose unconventional approach to police work poses a unique challenge for him.
Rosalind returns with a vengeance and Bailey’s life is left hanging in the balance. With a ticking clock, the LAPD and the FBI join forces, and Officer John Nolan is forced to make a deadly decision after a harrowing ultimatum. The crossover continues on The Rookie: Feds S01E04 To Die For (II).
Officer John Nolan and Officer Celina Juarez are on the hunt for a fugitive after a car incident goes awry. Meanwhile, a past injury comes to haunt Tim and Lucy comes through during his time in need in more ways than one.
Officer John Nolan and a sleep-deprived Celina investigate a cash deposit linked to an old DEA case. Meanwhile, Wesley grows increasingly concerned about his deposition and is shocked when he realizes Elijah’s attorney is a familiar face from his past.
Officer John Nolan and Celina witness a shooting, realize the victim was already dead, and investigate further. Back at home, Bailey has been feeling off-center ever since the proposal, leaving Nolan to wonder what he can do to make her feel more comfortable. Elsewhere, Lopez and Harper enlist Lucy’s help to investigate the gang-related murder of a local shopkeeper.
Officers John Nolan and Celina Juarez are in a race against time to stop the source of an explosive rampage.
Officer John Nolan and the team investigate the unexpected death of a suspect in police custody. Their search also uncovers a very delicate loose end that could jeopardize Officer Celina Juarez's career. Meanwhile, Sergeant Grey and his wife, Luna, go to New York to visit their daughter, Dominique, only to realize she never made it home from the night before.
Detective Nyla Harper and James find themselves in the middle of a bank robbery which leads the entire team on a citywide manhunt. Meanwhile, Tim and Lucy finally go on their first date, but it does have a few complications. The crossover continues on The Rookie: Feds S01E10 The Silent Prisoner (II).
The search for a missing boy leads the team into the middle of a dangerous drug war between two rival gangs.
Nolan and Celina must stand guard at a hospital after a dangerous prisoner needs surgery. Aaron, Lopez and Harper look into a string of robberies. Tim and Lucy consider how their secret relationship will affect their work. Lopez gets unexpected news.
In the midst of a heatwave and a citywide blackout, Officer John Nolan and Aaron follow increasingly large leads after they discover criminals hiding at the station. While on duty, Officer Chen makes an alarming discovery after being called to a scene where a pungent smell has wreaked havoc. Meanwhile, Lucy and Harper scheme to get Tim out of his new job and into a more exciting position.
Officer John Nolan and Bailey are on the hunt for a mystery gunman after a shooting hits a little too close to home. Meanwhile, Aaron struggles to live within his means and joins Lucy to help Tamara when the mother of a child she babysits goes missing. Elsewhere, Wesley suspects that a judge is taking bribes after he excludes valuable eyewitness testimony from a case.
With help from the FBI, Detective Lopez puts everything on the line to help Elijah Stone take down a gang leader in exchange for her safety. Meanwhile, Nolan and Bailey must deal with the secrets and shady dealings his late mother left behind.
The team must stop a militia from detonating a highly combustible truck in their possession. Meanwhile, Officers Nolan, Thorson, Juarez and Detective Harper search for three men who may have been exposed to Ebola and detain them for quarantine.
Now that Elijah and Abril have become allies, the team must rely on Monica, Elijah’s lawyer, to uncover their plans. Meanwhile, Officers Nolan and Juarez reopen her sister’s case and discover a discrepancy that leads them on a new trail. The crossover continues on The Rookie: Feds S01E17 Payback (II).
When Dim goes missing, Officer Chen and Sergeant Bradford, along with the CIA, set out to find him and enlist the help of Juicy.
The team investigates a pattern of kidnappings which leads them to a discovery that hits close to home with one of their own. Meanwhile, Lucy and Tim’s relationship is put to the test as they begin to feel the hard hours of their jobs.
Officer Tim Bradford’s ex-wife returns and asks the team to help her save someone from her undercover past. Isabel’s return also creates additional pressure in Lucy and Tim’s relationship as they assist in the search.
Officer Lucy Chen goes undercover to infiltrate an illegal firearm operation, and Detective Harper and Officer John Nolan work together to solve a mystery involving severed limbs found around the city. The crossover continues on The Rookie: Feds S01E21 Bloodline (II).
After one of their own is shot, the team suffers a series of close calls and realizes their division may be a target for a group of masked assailants.
In the aftermath of the assaults in the explosive season five finale, the team must now try to understand why they were targeted and if there is a bigger plan in place. Meanwhile, Nolan must survive his last shift before his wedding to Bailey.
The team comes together to celebrate John and Bailey’s wedding; meanwhile, Celina discovers a discrepancy in her case, leading to a new discovery. Elsewhere, Lucy and Tim’s relationship is put to the test.
Nolan and Bailey’s honeymoon is more of a nightmare than a dream when it turns into an active crime scene. Meanwhile, Tim and Celina partner up and must uncover the identity of John Doe.
It's Officer Aaron Thorsen's first day back since the assault, and he's tasked with a series of high-stress cases to determine whether he's ready to work. Elsewhere, the team investigates a homicide case with a potential tie to the pentagram killer.
When a toddler is found at the scene of a crime, John and Bailey must decide whether to let the child go to a shelter for the night or care for her themselves. Meanwhile, when someone from his past returns, Tim disappears and leaves Lucy in the dark.
Following their time as foster parents, Bailey has decided she wants to have a baby and forces John to reconsider their decision to not have children. Meanwhile, John and Celina discover a prison escapee whom they fear is out for revenge and race to find her before it is too late.
When two teenagers go missing, it is up to the entire team to find the girls and uncover the truth about their disappearance. Meanwhile, Lopez and Harper are on a different kind of investigation – the search for the perfect nanny.
After a mafia-related mass casualty, the team is tasked to keep the peace at the hospital. Lucy and Celina work together to investigate the suspects behind the attack. Meanwhile, Tim and Aaron embark on a metro ops mission.
Officer Nolan and Celina take on a special case; meanwhile, Monica enlists help to identify her attackers. Elsewhere, Lopez and Harper discover a connection to the trail of crimes.
Sgt. Grey helps the team prepare for their biggest mission yet. Meanwhile, Aaron, Lopez, Celina, Tim and Smitty discover a surprising connection in their case.
Now recovering from a gunshot wound and feeling the effects of his age, John and the team welcome two new rookies and continue the hunt for two dangerous inmates with very personal vendettas following their prison escape.
The team is tasked with community policing while hunting for a local vigilante. Meanwhile, Celina’s instincts are tested, and Tim and Lucy discover secrets about the two new rookies.
Ahead of Bailey's return home, John looks for clues to locate Jason Wyler. Then, Tim and Lucy swap rookies; a friendly face resurfaces at the station, and Wesley feels unsettled over Angela.
Following his stint at the LAPD, Wesley returns to the district attorney's office where his past connects him to the team's investigation. Meanwhile, Bailey and John have conflicting feelings over safety, while Lucy grows suspicious of Seth.
Release 2018-10-16