The Sheriffs Are Coming, serie 2012 - se via Stream och Play

Streama serien The Sheriffs Are Coming (2012-). A look at the work of high court enforcement officers, also known as sheriffs. Med Luke Peacock, Grant Bailey-Rodriguez och Ben Dirom.

A look at the work of high court enforcement officers, also known as sheriffs.


The Sheriffs Are Coming trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

A 26-year old office worker won her sexual harassment case but her ex-boss never gave her the money she was awarded. Can the sheriffs put that right? They try to track down the manager of a construction company which owes a former employee £8,000. And they pay a visit to a car dealership that sold a doctor a car which was a disaster from day one. The dealers refused to fix it or give him his money back so the sheriffs have had to step in and, when things get heated, the police race to the scene.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

The sheriffs go into battle on behalf of an 80-year-old pensioner who is owed over a thousand pounds by the owners of an auction house. They confront a plumber who charged a customer £2,000 for a bathroom fitting he never even wanted. And a 65-year-old pensioner won a personal injury claim after a fall left him in agony. He was awarded £4,000 but never got his cash - can a sheriff put that right?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

A builder asked an 86-year-old pensioner to fork out £4,000 for some work on her roof. And he left it in a worse state than when he started. The sheriffs pay the builder an early morning visit to try to get her money back - but things get rather heated. The sheriffs try to track down a landlord who did not pay his student tenants their deposits when they left. But he proves hard to find. And an office manager was unfairly dismissed. She was awarded compensation, but her ex-bosses did not pay up. Can the sheriffs help?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

A Bournemouth man bought a beach buggy to enjoy with his son - but he found out it was a stolen vehicle. When the sheriffs go to get his money back from the man who sold it to him, things turn nasty. The sheriffs brave a torrential rainstorm as they visit a pub on behalf of a former employee who had been unfairly dismissed. And a customer wants his money back from an art gallery which did not give him the print he paid for. But, before the sheriffs can get his cash, they need to get in.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

A company made an employee redundant after he wanted to return to work following a kidney transplant. He won an employment tribunal - but his former boss hasn't paid a penny. Can the sheriffs put that right? Barclays might be worth £31.4 billion in revenue, but no company is too big for the sheriffs to tackle on behalf of an unhappy customer. Also, the sheriffs go to the home of the former boss of an office manager who won her compensation claim for unfair dismissal but never got her cash. They want to take his car to pay the debt - but he's got different ideas.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

This episode features a plumber who paid for and fitted a full central heating system for a building company, but didn't get paid a penny. Can the sheriffs get him the cash he is owed? Plus a sheriff revisits a road services company that owes a former employee thousands. And when a member of the public sold valuable items through a local auctioneers, she expected a hefty cheque, but that didn't happen - so the sheriffs go in search of the cash she is owed.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

In this episode, the sheriffs go after a wedding photographer who refused to give a disappointed bride her money back. Meanwhile, a cleaner won an employment tribunal after being unfairly dismissed, but still hasn't been given any of the money he was awarded. When it comes to getting his money, can the sheriffs clean up? And a member of the public whose husband is away fighting in Afghanistan, had to find and buy a new family car on her own. But she was sold a faulty Ford and the company she bought it from wouldn't refund her. Can the sheriffs help?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

This episode features a former office manager who was sacked by text. She won a tribunal but never got the compensation. Can the sheriffs put that right? Meanwhile, a member of the public had always dreamed of buying a boat - but when he finally got one he says it was a nautical nightmare. He took the company which sold him the faulty vessel to court and got an out of court settlement - but still hasn't got his money. The sheriffs try to pay them a visit. And a garage sold a car for a customer but didn't give him the cash they got for it. The sheriffs go to the garage to get the customer what he's owed - but they get a frosty reception.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

This episode features a Lewisham resident whose employers were supposed to deduct money from her wages to go towards paying her rent. The money was deducted, but they didn't pass it all on to her landlord - so the employee and her family were threatened with eviction. The sheriffs pay her former employers a visit - will they get her cash? The sheriffs also go to the home of a businessman who failed to pay an employee her wages. They are told he has moved out - but is it the truth? And the Sheriffs revisit a garage which sold a customer's car but didn't give him the money. They remove property to settle the debt, but a piece of equipment worth £20,000 is missing.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 1 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

The sheriffs try to help a pharmacist who didn't get paid for twelve weeks' work. They also get given the cold shoulder when they chase up a debt in Derbyshire, and are back on the trail of the builder who received £4,000 from an 86-year-old for unsatisfactory work on her roof.

Säsong 2

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev visit an aeroplane manufacturer to get money back for a man whose factory job ruined his hearing. Can they convince the £26 billion company this is a debt that needs paying? Sheriff Pete takes on the case of the farmer who got fleeced after shearing 3,000 sheep, whilst Marc and Tony take on a Luton car yard.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

Sheriff Pete seizes a Lamborghini, a cafe owner proves to be a tricky customer for Lawrence and Kev, whilst sheriffs Marc and Tony visit a London clamping firm.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev go back to college as they try to recover the unpaid fees owed to a marketing consultant just starting out on her freelance career. All doesn't go to plan when sheriffs Marc and Tony go off-road looking for a 4x4.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

An elderly woman has paid thousands for a new driveway but was left with a pile of bricks. Can sheriffs Darryl and Mark get her money back for her? An internet expert carried out work for a leafleting company but never received the £3,500 of wages he was due. The sheriffs go in search of his money, and Lawrence and Kev get more than they bargained for at a north London car dealer.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

Sheriff Pete attempts to get thousands of pounds in unpaid wages for the former employee of a roofer. Marc and Tony try to bring a smile to the face of a man who invested his redundancy money in a tooth-whitening business and lost everything.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

Sheriffs Marc and Tony have an epic run-in with a car dealership that sold a car which proved to be dangerous. Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev pay a return visit to a college which owes a former consultant over £2,000. And sheriff Pete goes in pursuit of over £23,000 owed by a building company.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Sheriff Pete visits a jewellery shop that mis-sold an engagement ring to a young couple. Will the jeweller pay up, or will Pete have to seize some precious stones to clear the debt? Plus a removal company who damaged a retired couple's belongings receive a visit from the sheriffs.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

A car was sold for £4,500 through a car dealership, but the customer didn't receive a penny from the sale; can sheriffs Marc and Tony get the money back? Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev take on a window company on behalf of a former employee owed wages. Can they get him the £6,800 a court says he's owed? Darryl and Mark go on the hunt for over £40,000 of unpaid rent.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev go in search of money owed at an airport. Will they need to seize an aircraft to settle the debt? Sheriffs Pete and Dave go in search of a couple's money after they paid £3,600 for their dream kitchen but got anything but, and a customer paid £9,000 for a car but ended up taking the garage he bought it from to court. Can sheriffs Pete and Dave get him what he's owed?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev visit a builder who owes £20,000 for a project that barely got off the ground. A family spent their life savings on a horsebox that was unfit for the road, can sheriffs Darryl and Mark get their money back?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 11
Avsnitt 11

Squatters have taken over a London pub, can the Sheriffs get the uninvited guests out and the rightful owner back in? And sheriffs Lawrence and Kev go in search of hundreds of pounds of unpaid wages owed to the disgruntled employee of a holiday company.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 12
Avsnitt 12

A pub landlord paid £10,000 for wind turbines, which didn't work, can sheriffs Marc and Tony get him his money back? Lawrence and Kev go in search of a horse as they attempt to recover money owed to a horse breeder. And sheriff Pete's got bad news for an aircraft company that hasn't paid its debts.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 13
Avsnitt 13

A customer paid thousands for a second hand car but the car turned out to be faulty, can the sheriffs get the man his money back? And sheriffs Marc and Tony visit an estate agent in London who took a £1200 deposit for a flat, but never handed over the keys.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 14
Avsnitt 14

Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev visit a London guitar store which sold a customer's classic guitar but failed to pass on the money. A parking officer was dismissed on the spot and denied the money he was entitled to, can sheriffs Pete and Dave make his former employer pay up?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 2 avsnitt 15
Avsnitt 15

An employee who was unfairly dismissed by a pub she worked at, lost both her job and her home. Sheriffs Pete and Dave try to get the money that's rightfully hers. And Lawrence and Kev head to Savile Row in search of a tailor who hasn't paid a debt to a supplier.

Säsong 3

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

When a tattoo removal at a beauty salon left a woman scarred for life, she won an injury claim but was never paid. Enforcement officer Pete Spencer confronts the salon owner. When repairs to a dream car went wrong, it cost one man a fortune; sheriffs Lawrence and Kev pay the garage a visit. And a roofer whose poor work left a woman badly out of pocket is met by the sheriffs in unusual circumstances.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

A fitness instructor was plunged into debt when the company he worked for didn't pay him for months. Can sheriff Lawrence Grix get him what he is owed? Things become difficult when the sheriffs visit a tissue factory; will they be soft or strong as they battle to recover an unpaid debt? And sheriffs Lawrence and Kev visit a man with many identities.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

The sheriffs are evicting squatters from a barricaded building. But with tensions rising, can the eviction be completed peacefully? A customer's car broke down just a few days after she bought it, and the garage refused to refund her money. Can sheriffs Lawrence and Kev get her what she's owed? And sheriffs Darryl and Mark are in pursuit of an old adversary with a huge debt. But where is the elusive debtor?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

A couple whose wedding video was not what they expected went to court to get their money back, but still haven't been paid, and a ski instructor who didn't receive his wages is still out of pocket. Sheriffs Lawrence and Ken go in search of the business owners. Enforcement officers Craig and Tom find themselves on an unusual assignment.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

Sheriffs Darryl and Craig meet the former boss of a pregnant beauty therapist who was unfairly dismissed. Can they get the £26,000 she is owed? Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev attempt to remove an illegally moored boat. When the owner resists, the police get involved. And when sheriff Pete Spencer visits a Yorkshire garage, the owner is not happy.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

In east London, a building owned by a charity has been occupied by squatters. Can the sheriffs get the squatters out, and return the building to its owners? An animator who created some much-loved children's TV characters was shocked when someone used his designs without permission. Will the sheriffs get him the money he is owed? And Lawrence and Kev attempt to get a disgruntled motorist his money back from a garage that sold a faulty car.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

In central London, enforcement officer Lawrence Grix goes to college in pursuit of an unpaid court judgment - but will he persuade the management to part with the money? Elsewhere, an airline has not paid a holidaymaker the compensation the court says he is due for a 12-hour delay on his flight home. Sheriffs Chris and Steve check out the check-in, but can they get the airline to pay? And in Birmingham, the court says a Chinese education centre owes a former student £34,000. But when sheriffs Tom and Craig visit, they cannot identify the boss. The money is not paid, so the sheriffs start seizing computers.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

Enforcement officers Craig and Tom have a difficult confrontation in a convenience store, Lawrence and Kev are called back to a London pub to evict squatters who have returned to the premises since a previous eviction, and Mark and Kev go in search of money owed to small family garage.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

Sheriff Pete Spencer tries to help an electrician get the money a court says he is owed. But things turn nasty, and the police are called. And when the sheriffs visit a wedding photographer, what they find in his studio surprises them. But will they recover the debt that is owed?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 3 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

When a former army medic worked for a private ambulance company, they did not pay him for almost a year. Can the sheriffs get him the money he is owed? And when sheriffs Lawrence and Kev try to get some money for a wronged car buyer, they find themselves locked in the garage that sold the car. Can they get themselves out, along with the money the court says should have been paid?

Säsong 4

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 4 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Sheriffs Craig and Tommy have a tricky confrontation with a garage owner who denies he is responsible for the sale of a faulty car that left a recently married couple high and dry. One of Britain's largest credit card companies owes a customer more than £35,000. Can the Sheriffs make them pay up? Plus when a home rental went wrong, can the Sheriffs make the letting agent pay what the court says he owes?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 4 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

The sheriffs are called to reclaim a London pub from squatters, but one man is in no mood to move out. A man sold his motorhome through a company he trusted but didn't get all the money he was owed. Sheriff Tommy is out to get him what he is due, but the cameras are not welcome. After a doctor in Kent wasn't paid for months of work, the sheriffs scale walls to try to get her money back.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 4 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

Squatters have returned to a London pub and police are called as one man reacts violently during the eviction. Sheriff Chris has a confrontation with a used car dealer, and Lawrence and Kev have an unusual enforcement at a vintage clothing store.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 4 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

One proud Mini owner took his car to a garage for an engine refit, but when he got it back he was in for a surprise. Sheriff Tommy is on the case to get him his money back. The sheriffs take up the fight for a woman whose small business is on the verge of laying off staff due to unpaid debts. Lawrence and Kev go in search of the people a court says owe her the money. Sheriffs Mark and Tony visit a used car garage, but taking possession of cars proves tough when the owner locks them in.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 4 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

The sheriffs are needed to get squatters out of a London pub but heavy barricades block their way. When one Birmingham driver bought herself a new car, she thought she was in for some happy motoring. Instead, she ended up in court. Craig is at the garage to get her money back. Sheriff Tommy is down on the farm where he meets an unexpectedly helpful debtor.

Säsong 5

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Lawrence and Kev meet a dental hygienist who didn't get paid for the work she did for one of the UK's biggest security firms. Can they get through the company's own security system and retrieve her missing wages? Sheriff Ken Warby tries to recover a debt owed by a jeweller but has trouble getting his hands on the shop's assets, and a debt owed by a motor racing company gives Lawrence an unexpected glimpse of some classic cars.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

Lawrence and Kev face an unusual barricade on an eviction job and locksmith Andy needs all the tools he's got to get them inside. Sheriff Ken Warby has a tricky task retrieving a debt from a lettings agent who failed to pass on the rent owed to the landlord, leaving her struggling to pay the mortgage. Can he secure a payment when assets are thin on the ground? In the north west, sheriff Alan Pennington pays a visit to a company making shop displays, only to find the staff in shock at an unexpected turn of events.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

Things get heated when sheriff Ken Warby visits a car dealership in east London and asks them to pay their debts. An estate agent was left on the brink of financial ruin after a building project went wrong - can sheriffs Tommy and Craig track down the a man who owes her money? In Leeds, the owner of a house was left in the cold after an insulation job was abandoned - can sheriff Chris Pearson turn up the heat on the company that let him down? Lawrence and Kev visit a classic car restorers and the boss admits he has made a mistake in ignoring the court.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

The sheriffs may have to remove a Bentley belonging to the boss of a failed care home, and they try to recover money owed after precious possessions went missing in a house move. Plus the fishmonger who was left all at sea after trying to help a fledgling business - can the sheriffs find the man that the courts say owes him money?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

The sheriffs visit a lettings agent who didn't refund a tenant's deposit - and they take on the tricky job of going to a scrap yard to get money owed to a mechanic who was sold a faulty engine. Sheriffs Tommy and Craig visit the huge site of one of the UK's top engineering businesses, who owe money to a former employee, and sheriffs Lawrence and Kev turn detective to track down a company's assets.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev meet a customer who bought a second-hand car with a dangerous flaw. They visit the dealer, but he is not keen to pay what is due. Sheriff Alan Pennington enforces a High Court writ at a recruitment agency - with very unexpected results. A mobility scooter shop owes a customer a refund but cannot pay, so Lawrence and Kev have some difficult decisions to make. And in Burnley a visit to a van dealer becomes unexpectedly complicated.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Sheriffs Craig Wild and Tommy Coyle enforce a writ against a car dealer for a very unsatisfied customer. Sheriff Ken Warby takes on one of the biggest companies in the UK, but can he even find their offices? The air turns blue when sheriffs Lawrence and Kev turn up with a High Court writ at a car dealer in Wales - and a valuable work of art must be saved when a writ is served on squatters who have taken over an office block.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev visit a limousine hire firm - but can they get them to pay what a court says is due? Sheriff Chris Pearson visits a mattress company which owes compensation to a former worker, and Lawrence and Kev get very frustrated as they try to enforce their writ at a supplier of ethical products.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

A care provider owes thousands of pounds in unpaid wages. Can Tommy and Craig get them to pay? Lawrence and Kev are hoping to recover money owed to a grandfather who bought a car which turned out to have numerous faults. And the sheriffs are looking for a wedding photographer with an unpaid debt.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 5 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

Police are called when sheriff Ken Warby has an altercation in a dress shop while trying to get more than £1,000 owed to a customer denied a refund. A landlord owes money to a former tenant after hanging on to some of their goods. Lawrence and Kev go to collect but will they find him? And a Soho restaurant hasn't settled a cleaning bill for more than £5,000. But do they have the money to pay?

Säsong 6

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

A property developer's lost out after a squatters took over his building. But the Sheriffs get more than they've bargained for when they try to evict them.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

When the Sheriffs Are sent to a dealer who sold a potentially lethal second hand car, things turn nasty. Sheriff Lawrence discovers his claimant's not the only one owed money by a building company with problems, so he has to act fast.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

The sheriffs confront a man who hasn't pay the rent he owes to a single mum. The job gets tricky as he refuses to believe that Tommy and Craig can take his car.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

The sheriffs take on a a group of squatters in the heart of central London and are forced to physically remove some of them who are refusing to pack up. Lawrence and Kev turn detective as they try to recover money from a garage.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

Tommy and Craig attempt to recover more than £10,000 owed to come couple who bought a boat that turned out to be a wreck. When a debtor simply walks away from them, Lawrence and Kev track down the man's assets.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

A car went in for repair but the customer hasn't seen it since, and he's now owed thousands of pounds. Will the Sheriffs be able to get it? Plus, sheriff Lawrence puts the squeeze on a finance company which hasn't paid its rent.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

At an eviction of a group of squatters, sheriff Lawrence makes a suspicious discovery. Plus, a steel company owes money to a former employee, so sheriffs Tommy and Craig go looking for the boss.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

Lawrence and Kev visit a garage after a customer discovered the car he had bought from them had been in a crash. When the dealer responsible says he can't pay, Lawrence has other ideas.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

Lawrence and Kev seize equipment from a sports car specialist on behalf of a customer whose car was left dripping oil after a botched repair. Also, Tommy and Craig have a tricky assignment trying to recover money at a residential address.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 6 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

Lawrence confronts a company which fitted a wood-burning stove that was dangerous, while Tommy visits a football club which hasn't paid for work on its pitch. Also, a car dealer owes £12,000 after failing to refund a customer.

Säsong 7

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

A woman was unfairly dismissed from her job. Can Rob and Gerald get her money she's owed? Also, the fate of a £12,000 Range Rover hangs in the balance when the Sheriffs call a tow truck to a car dealership refusing to pay the debt it owes.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

Three women who worked for a skin care company were thousands of pounds out of pocket when thay lost their jobs. Rob and Gerald visit the company's head office and confront the boss on behalf of the three ex-employees.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

A family paid thousands of pounds to have an extension built onto their home. The work was never completed, which meant they had to pay someone eles to finish the job. Tracy and Adam track down the builder responsible but will he pay the family back?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

Mike and Billy confront a farmer who hasn't paid a local electrician who supplied special lighting equipment for his pheasant pens. Also, Lawrence visits the offices of one of Spain's biggest airlines, in pursuit of compensation owed to a family.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

A man who sold his precious collection of antiques ended up out of pocket, and Jess and Billy are determined to get him the money he's owed. Also, a dispute over rent leads to Tommy and Mike planning to remove a very special Mercedes sports car.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

Lawrence and Kev help a classic car enthusiast who spent £2,000 on parts that were never delivered, while Rob and Gerald call for police back-up at a restaurant with an unpaid debt.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

High Court enforcement officers Rob and Gerald confront a builder who was paid £7,000 to fit a bathroom, but did not do the job and would not return the cash.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

The sheriffs visit an insurance company that failed to pay-out to a young father, after his two-year-old son narrowly escaped serious injuries in a road accident.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

Mike and Billy take action when a grandmother is worried that her garden wall is about to collapse and calls in a local builder who takes her cash but then fails to do the work and an NHS care worker buys a faulty second hand car advertised on eBay.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 7 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

Tommy pursues a multi-million-pound debt and visits an art gallery with plans to seize a rare collection of Russian artwork. Meanwhile, a mother-of-two moves out of the house she has been renting but then does not get her deposit back.

Säsong 8

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Sheriffs Rob and Gerald brave the red carpet at a celebrity hot spot in London to try to recover the unpaid wages of a former worker. Tommy is on the Welsh coast to seize a large boat, leading to a difficult confrontation with the owner, and emotions run high when the Sheriffs visit an Italian mechanic.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

The Sheriffs are forced to call the police when they are confronted by a gang of threatening men as they try to recover a debt owed by a second-hand car dealer. Rob and Gerald visit a boutique publishing company in Piccadilly, but can the foreign directors come up with the money? And Billy’s in for a surprise during a call to a debtor’s house.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

Sheriffs Tommy and Adie have an unusual call out to a sheep farm in Wales, the debtor has blocked the entrance, but can they talk him round? A single mum is owed money for a car that broke down, but the garage refused to deal with her, so Aftab and John attempt to get her money back. And a motorbike instructor hasn’t been paid, can Tommy get him his missing wages?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

A man recovering from cancer was forced out of his job. Can the sheriffs get him the large sum of money he’s owed? A landlord is hit hard emotionally and financially when squatters take over his property, it’s now up to the sheriffs to get them out, and Andy and Adie visit a car dealer who’s on a hot line to the courts to try to stop the enforcement.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

A single mum was terrified when her car broke down on a busy road leaving her and her children stranded. The court said she should get her money back, but tempers flare when the sheriffs visit the garage responsible. A barman took his boss to court when his wages were not paid. Can Rob and Gerald get him his money? Billy and Michael have an early morning encounter with a particularly abusive debtor.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

There’s an angry confrontation in a London motorcycle shop when the sheriffs try to collect a debt owed to a customer. Rob and Gerald check in at a hotel that hasn’t paid a gardener hundreds of pounds, and they go in pursuit of a man who owes a substantial debt in a land dispute.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Sheriffs Dave Steele and Michael Perkins visit a man who owes his ex-wife several thousand pounds, leaving her on the verge of bankruptcy, and find some unusual items they think might help settle the debt. In Cornwall, sheriff Andy Joryeff is heading to the coast in pursuit of money owed by a boating company, and Rob and Gerald size up the assets at a second hand car dealer.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

The sheriffs visit a couple who owe £7000 to a former friend who lent them the money as a favour. Can Tommy and Mike get the cash? Rob and Gerald turn detective as they search for a pub landlord who hasn’t paid for his stock, and the owner of a garage risks losing valuable equipment if he doesn’t pay what he owes.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

A caterer hired to prepare a wedding feast hasn’t been paid, but when the sheriffs visit the debtor, he reveals a very surprising reason why he thinks he doesn’t owe a penny. A standoff at a restaurant in Manchester results in the customers being asked to leave as Rob and Gerald contemplate removing the furniture, and the owner of a garage is not happy when sheriffs Mike and Jon look to seize equipment to settle a debt.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 8 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

A man spent more than £7000 on an ex-police van, only to find out it was beset with problems. He was refused a refund, and so took the dealer to court. When Billy and Claire pay the company a visit, they get a frosty reception. Meanwhile, Tommy and Jon chase a debt owed by a man who bought a business but failed to pay the full price. The man is short of money, but could a car featured in a Hollywood film help raise some cash?

Säsong 9

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Sheriffs Ben and Myles have an explosive confrontation at a car dealership when they try to recover money owed to a young first-time car owner who was sold a defective vehicle.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

Luke and Grant have an unusual job to do at a pizza takeaway shop when they find an unexpected squatter inside.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

An 85-year-old man is owed thousands by a roofing company who failed to pay the money a court awarded him. Can sheriffs James and Mark persuade the company director to pay up?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

When an architect fails to pay a five-figure sum to a decorator, the sheriffs have a tricky job finding assets to cover the debt.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 5
Avsnitt 5

In an unusual pre-dawn operation, sheriffs attempt to round up six horses that have been abandoned on an unsuspecting family’s field.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 6
Avsnitt 6

Sheriffs Ben and Myles visit a cleaning company that owes money to a former employee. A woman who let her home to tenants tries to get back the money she had to spend on repairs.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 7
Avsnitt 7

Luke and Carl visit a classic car workshop in search of their biggest debt yet, and there’s a confrontation in south London as sheriffs try to move on some trespassers.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 8
Avsnitt 8

A small cleaning company hasn’t been paid for the work done at a pub more than two years ago. Can the sheriffs call time on the outstanding debt?

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 9
Avsnitt 9

Sheriffs are tasked with removing squatters from a shop in north London, and James and Mark are in Birmingham hoping to take away money owed by a kebab shop.

The Sheriffs Are Coming säsong 9 avsnitt 10
Avsnitt 10

Luke and Carl visit a north London bar in search of money owed to a company who repaired their equipment but didn’t get paid for the work.

Release 2012-03-19


The Sheriffs Are Coming är en serie som för närvarande inte streamas på någon tjänst.