Tutankhamun, serie 2016 - se via Stream och Play

Streama serien Tutankhamun (2016-). År 1905 hittar egyptologen Howard Carter bevis för Tutankhamuns oupptäckta grav. Med Max Irons, Amy Wren och Sam Neill.

År 1905 hittar egyptologen Howard Carter på lord Carnarvons uppdrag bevis för Tutankhamuns oupptäckta grav. Men hans drömmar om att göra århundradets arkeologiska fynd äventyras av globala händelser.


Tutankhamun trailer

Säsonger och avsnitt

Säsong 1

Tutankhamun säsong 1 avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 1

Archaeologist Howard Carter is recruited by amateur Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon to explore the Valley of the Kings. Carter discovers tantalising evidence of the final resting place of the boy-king but world events threaten to halt his work.

Tutankhamun säsong 1 avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 2

Carter returns to the Valley of the Kings as the First World War draws to a close, hoping to complete his search for the lost tomb. Maggie also arrives in Egypt hoping to resume their relationship, but Carter finds himself smitten with Lord Carnarvon's daughter Evelyn. The excavation is threatened by a tide of Anti-British sentiment sweeping across Egypt. Carnarvon is in financial difficulties, and cannot afford to fund Carter's seemingly hopeless search.

Tutankhamun säsong 1 avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 3

Carter finally discovers the Pharaoh's tomb in 1922, but is forced to wait for weeks before opening the sealed doorway, so local authorities can be present. The find is also overshadowed by local tension as the struggle for Egyptian independence intensifies. Carter's relationship with the press also causes problems for Carnarvon, driving a wedge between the two men in their hour of triumph.

Tutankhamun säsong 1 avsnitt 4
Avsnitt 4

In 1923, with the dig in limbo and its ownership in dispute, Carnarvon falls fatally ill from blood poisoning, forcing a reconciliation with both Carter and his daughter.


Release 2016-10-16


Tutankhamun är en serie som för närvarande inte streamas på någon tjänst.