With his mom away, seal pup Tabo fends for himself. Lion cub Kaya's spots help keep her hidden. Elephant calf Jasiri makes a dangerous crossing.
Följ med på äventyr tillsammans med nyfödda lejon, elefanter, pingviner, myrkottar och många andra djur när de lär sig överleva i vildmarken.
With his mom away, seal pup Tabo fends for himself. Lion cub Kaya's spots help keep her hidden. Elephant calf Jasiri makes a dangerous crossing.
While exploring the world beyond their den, Kaya and her brothers get lost. Baby pangolin Matengu and his mom look for a new home. Tabo finds a friend.
Baby orangutan Mina craves freedom — but her mama wants to keep her close. The little lions eat their first meat. A tiny turtle emerges from the sand.
In a big monkey family, little Chico must figure out where he belongs. Older elephants look out for Jasiri. Kaya and the cubs meet their father.
Baby mongoose Quito needs a mentor to show him the ropes. Sea otter pup Kesari loves being pampered. Wild dog pup Duma leads her siblings astray.
Orphaned macaque Amma seeks acceptance. Duma's sister Venus saves the day. A cuckoo who hatches in a warblers' nest keeps the adults feeding him busy.
Pico the penguin has two parents to keep him warm. Teen lion Minnie looks to her pride to fend off a threat. Arctic fox kit Silver learns how to hunt.
Grizzly bear yearling Spruce learns to dig for his own clams. Young dolphin Kai perfects his fishing skills. Minnie finally stands up for herself.
Release 2022-05-05