Anatole Taubman - skådespelare

Vilka filmer och serier har Anatole Taubman medverkat / deltagit i?

Anatole Taubman, skådespelare, 53 år, född 1971-12-23 i Zurich, Schweiz.

Vi listar 14 filmer och tv-serier som han har medverkat/deltagit i - se via streaming och play.


2019Men in Black: InternationalFrench Salesman
2019-Charité i krigProf. Dr. Mitja Rapoport
2018UppenbarelsenAnton Meyer
2017Det var en gång i Tyskland...Fränkel
2015The Transporter RefueledStanislas Turgin
2013The Fifth EstateHolger Stark
2012Fünf FreundeAgent Peter Turner
2011Captain AmericaRoeder
2009Pope JoanAnastasius
2008Quantum of SolaceElvis
2008Speed RacerFuji Reporter
2007Blood and ChocolateBartender
2005Æon FluxSasha Prillo's Father



Anatole Taubman was born in Zurich, Switzerland and is of Russian-Polish-Slovakian-Austrian-and-former-East-Prussian blood. In 1991 he made his baccalauréat at the renowned Gymnasium of the Benedictine boarding school of the monastery Einsiedeln and in 1994 he graduated from the reputable drama-school 'Circle in the Square' in NYC. He's fluent in five languages (English, French, Swiss-German, German and Italian) and is also truly cosmopolitan in his work. Taubman has starred and co-starred in over 50 feature films and TV productions. Since 1998, he has been busy working and with international success in the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland and for the USA throughout Europe and beyond. Among other credits Anatole Taubman is best known for his impressive English-language TV work in Band of Brothers (HBO), Servants (BBC), POW (ITV), Spooks VI (BBC), Waking The Dead VII - Pièta (BBC) or The Tudors II (Showtime) and established himself as a fine character actor in feature films like Mein Name is Bach (CH/D), Luther (D), Marmorera (CH), Fay Grim (USA), Snipers Valley (D), Secret Défense (F), Taken / 96 Hours (F / USA) and in 2009 Pope Joan (D), Same Same But Different (D) or in Chanel & Stravinsky (F).