After the birth of his son, Sam is torn between family and a career in the East German police force.
Miniserie baserad på den sanna historien om Sam Meffires uppgång och fall i Östtyskland. Baserad på den sanna historien om Sam Meffires uppgång och fall i Östtyskland, skildrar den här miniserien Sams desperata sökande efter en plats att kalla hem, medan han kämpar för erkännande och rättvisa. Sam går från att vara den första svarta polisen i DDR till mediakändis och till slut kriminell under de vilda åren efter Tysklands återförenande.
After the birth of his son, Sam is torn between family and a career in the East German police force.
Sam’s career creates increasing tensions within his family, coming to a head when the wall falls.
Sam finds an Afro-German community and love, but just as everything goes well, they are attacked.
Back at the police, Sam becomes a media celebrity and gets promoted to join a special unit.
Increasingly frustrated with the police, Sam hunts down a neo-Nazi leader on his own terms.
Under pressure, Sam bankrolls his company with criminal activities, until someone ends up dead.
Sam escapes to the Congo, seeking refuge with his uncle, but ends up in a Dresden court and prison.
Sam - Ein Sachse
Release 2023-04-26